Genu Recurvatum Syndrom

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Transcript of Genu Recurvatum Syndrom

  • L I T E R A T U R E R E V I E W

    Genu Recurvatum Svndrome )anice K. loudon, PhD, PT, SCS, ATC ' Heather 1. Goist, MS, PT2 Karen L. Loudon, MOMT, PT, A T C ~

    he purpose of this paper is to review the anatomy and biomechanics of the knee and to present clin- ical signs/symptoms and

    rehabilitation techniques associated with genu recurvatum. Genu recurva- tum is a position of the tibiofemoral joint in which the range of motion occurs beyond neutral or 0" of exten- sion (2). Genu recurvatum clinically appears to be more common in fe- males than males and may exist due to postural habit, increased joint lax- ity, or knee injury. Physical therapist5 may only be called upon to address this condition following injury or postcerebral vascular accident when poor muscle control of the knee ex- ists. However, the question may arise: does genu recurvatum predispose an individual to knee injury?

    Anatomy The posterior structures of the

    knee are likely to be stressed in an individual who displays genu recurva- tum. The following anatomical review is designed to assist readers in under- standing the effects of genu recurva- tum on the knee joint complex.

    The stability of the posterolateral compartment of the knee is provided by both capsular and noncapsular soft tissue structures, including the arcuate complex, posterior capsule, lateral meniscus, fabellofibular liga- ment, and biceps femoris muscle.

    The arcuate complex is com- posed of the arcuate ligament, lateral collateral ligament, popliteus muscle/ tendon, and the lateral head of the

    Genu recurvatum is a common entity found in the clinic that may have negativr! consequence to knee structures. The purpose of this article is to review the anatomy, biomechanics, and clinical effects associated with genu recurvatum. Genu recurvatum is operationally defined as knee extension greater than 5'. Individuals who exhibit genu recurvatum may experience knee pain, display an extension gait pattern, and have poor proprioceptive control of terminal knee extension. An evaluative process and treatment program are discussed that include muscle imbalance correction, proprioceptive practice, gait, and functional training. Taping or knee bracing may be used initially to facilitate knee control. This article is intended to draw attention to patients with genu recurvatum and presents a suggested treatment progression. Individuals who are involved in athletic endeavors should be aware of knee position during activities to help protect joint structures. Key Words: knee, genu recurvatum, anterior cruciate ligament, rehabilitation ' Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Therapy Education, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS. Address for correspondence: 9848 Outlook, Overland Park, KS 66207.

    Director of Physical Therapy, Sports Medicine Institute, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS ' Staff Physical Therapist, Watkins Health Center, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS

    gastrocnemius. These structures are pictured in Figure 1. The arcuate ligament consists of a Y-shaped sys- tem of capsular fibers (14,28) that supports the posterior capsule. The lateral collateral ligament originates from the lateral epicondyle of the femur and runs postero-inferiorly to insert on the head of the fibula. It offers the majority of the varus re- straint at 25" of knee flexion (4,20).

    The popliteus has several attach- ments, including the lateral aspect of the lateral femoral condyle, the pos- teromedial aspect of the head of the fibula, and the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus (29). The larger base of this triangular muscle inserts obliquely into the posteriosuperior part of the tibia above the soleal line. This muscle has several important functions, including reinforcement of the posterior third of the lateral c a p sular ligament (28), unlocking of the knee during flexion and extension by

    externally rotating the femur on the tibia, preventing impingement of the posterior horn of the lateral menis- cus by drawing it posteriorly, and, with the posterior cruciate ligament, preventing posterior glide of the tibia (2,17,23). Attached to the popliteus tendon is the popliteofibular liga- ment which forms a strong attach- ment between the popliteal tendon and the fibula. This ligament adds to posterolateral stability (19.30-32). The fourth structure of the arcuate complex is the lateral head of the gastrocnemius which originates on the posterior a..pect of the lateral femoral condyle and inserts into the posterior surface of the calcaneus. The gastrocnemius checks knee ex- tension when the foot is fixed. Ken- dall et a1 advocates that weakness of the gastrocnemius causes knee hyper- extension (1 5).

    Further support of the posterior knee is given by the posterior joint

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  • L I T E R A T U R E R E V I E W

    Plantaris m. Femur7C n / \ I' '/ " Lat. Collateral lig.

    Gastrocnemius m.

    mimembranosus m.

    lique Popliteal lg.

    Fabellof ibular ~op~iteus m.

    7 Poptiteus bursa

    FIGURE 1. Anatomy of the posterolateral comer of the knee.

    capsule. The capsule forms two pouches that extend over the articu- lar surface of the femoral condyle and tibial plateaus (29). The capsule is thin over the posterior aspect of the femoral condyles but is s u p ported by the two heads of the gas- trocnemius and reinforced by the oblique popliteal ligament. The c a p sule is also reinforced by the arcuate ligament laterally.

    Stability is further enhanced in- ternally by the lateral meniscus, which forms a concave articular sur- face for articulation with the convex lateral femoral condyle (13). The periphery of the lateral meniscus at- taches to the tibia, the capsule, and coronary ligament but not the lateral collateral ligament. Posteriorly, the lateral meniscus is separated from the joint by the popliteus tendon (Figure 2). The mensicofemoral liga- ments of Humphrey and Wrisberg also attach to the lateral meniscus (13) (Figure 2). The Ligament of Humphrey runs anteriorly from the lateral meniscus to the posterior cru- ciate ligament. The Ligament of Wrisberg extends from the medial femoral condyle and attaches to the

    posterior horn of the lateral menis- cus, posterior to the posterior cruci- ate ligament (33). Gray describes these structures as giving support to the capsule during rotational move- ment of the tibia and stabilization of the meniscus (6).

    A fabella is an accessory sesamoid bone located in the posterolateral corner of the knee. It may be osseous or cartilagenous in makeup and is


    absent in 15-20% of the population (26). When the fabella is present, there is a fabellofibular ligament which courses superiorly and obliquely from the latelal head of the gastrocnemius to the fibular styloid (14). The fabelle fibular ligament helps prevent exces- sive internal rotation of the tibia and adds further ligamentous support on the lateral and posterolateral aspects of the knee (34). Seebacher et al found through dissection that the arcuate ligament was quite large in the absence of a fabella (26).

    The biceps femoris muscle has two heads that originate from the inferomedial facet of the ischial tu- berosity (long head) and from the lateral lip of the linea aspera of the femur (short head). The muscle in- serts on the lateral condyle of the tibia and the head of the fibula. The superficial layer of the common ten- don has been identified as the major force creating external tibial rotation (5). The biceps' pull on the tibia re- tracts the joint capsule and pulls the iliotibial tract posteriorly, keeping it taut throughout flexion. The tendon is also important in controlling inter- nal rotation of the femur.

    The stability of the posteromedial portion of the knee is provided by the oblique popliteal ligament, semi- membranosus tendon, and medial

    FIGURE 2. Anatomy of the posterior knee.

    / Post. Cruciate lig. Ant. Cruciate lig.

    Lig. of Humphrey and Wrisberg

    Lat. Meniscal Attachment

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  • L I T E R A T U R E R E V I E W

    collateral ligament. The oblique p o p liteal ligament is a dense thickening in the posterior capsule made up of a continuation of the popliteal tendon and part of the insertion of the semi- membranosus (7). It arises posterior to the medial condyle of the tibia and extends superiomedially to at- tach to the posterior fibrous capsule. The oblique popliteal ligament pro- vides reinforcement to the lateral capsule and limits anteromedial rota- tion of the tibia.

    The semimembranosus muscle stems from the lateral facet of the ischial tuberosity and receives slips from the ischial ramus. This muscle inserts on the posterior medial aspect of the medial condyle of the tibia and has an important expansion that reinforces the posteromedial comer of the knee capsule. The semimem- branosus pulls the meniscus posteri- orly and internally rotates the tibia on the femur during knee flexion.

    The medial collateral ligament is divided into a superficial and a deep layer. The deep layer (medial capsu- lar ligament) is a continuation of the capsule and blends with the medial meniscus and consists of the upper meniscofemoral portion and a lower meniscotibial portion. The superficial band is a thick, flat band. It has an arc-like attachment proximally on the medial femoral condyle just distal to the adductor tubercle and extends to the medial surface of the tibia a p proximately 6 cm below the joint line where it covers the medial inferior genicular artery and nerve (6). The supeficial band blends with the pos- terior capsule and is separated from the deep medial collateral ligament by a bursa. Most of the posterior ob- lique fibers of the superficial medial collateral ligament blend with the posteromedial comer of the capsule and, when combined, are referred to as the posterior oblique ligament (9).

    Stability of the knee is also pro- vided by the cruciate ligaments shown in Figure 3. The posterior cru- ciate ligament is attached to the pos- terior part of the posterior intercon-


    FIGURE 3. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACl) and pos- terior cruciate ligament (PC[).

    dylar fossa of the tibia, overlapping the posterior rim of the upper sur- face of the tibia, attaching posteriorly to the insertion of the posterior horns of the lateral and medial me- nisci on the tibia (22). The posterior cruciate ligament travels obliquely medially, anteriorly and superiorly, attaching to the lateral surface of the medial femoral condyle. The majority of the ligament is taut in flexion and prevents anterior displacement of the femur on the tibia.

    The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is attached to the anterior in- tercondylar fossa of the tibia along the edge of the medial condyle and between the insertion of the anterior horn of the medial meniscus anteri- orly and the lateral meniscus posteri- orly (3). The ACL travels obliquely superiorly and laterally and attaches to the posterior medial side of the lateral condyle of the femur. Distinct portions of the ACL are taut throughout the range of knee motion (3). The ACL guides the anterior gliding movements of the femoral condyles on the menisci and tibial plateaus and prevents ante- rior tibial displacement. During inter- nal rotation of the tibia, the cn~ciates tighten around themselves and provide stability (23).

    Biomechanics Movement at either the hip or

    ankle joint will influence knee joint mechanics. Normal arthrokinematics

    of the weight-bearing knee, moving from flexion to extension, consist of the femur rolling anteriorly and glid- ing posteriorly on the fixed tibia (12). A relative internal rotation of the femur on the tibia occurs near terminal extension due to the contin- ued anterior rolling of the lateral femoral condyle. With knee hyperex- tension, the femur does not continue to roll anteriorly but tilts forward, creating anterior compression be- tween the femur and tibia (1 5). Two radiographs are shown in Figure 4, displaying normal knee alignment and a hyperextended position. A hy- perextended position in conjunction with the normal femoral internal ro- tation results in tension on the ACL and posterior structures of the knee (2), which is shown in Figure 5.

    In the normal knee, bony contact does not limit hyperextension as it does at the elbow. Rather, hyperex- tension is checked by the soft tissue structures. In the relaxed standing position with the knee straight or slightly flexed, the vector force is be- hind the knee so there is a tendency for further knee flexion unless the quadriceps contracts (13). When the knee hyperextends, the axis of the thigh runs obliquely inferiorly and posteriorly, which tends to place the ground reaction force anterior to the knee. In this position, the posterior structures are placed in tension, which helps to stabilize the knee joint, and no quadriceps muscle activ- ity is necessary. This can be seen in individuals following a cerebral vascu- lar accident who lose motor control of the quadriceps and are still able to stand.

    Gait can also be affected by genu recurvatum. During the loading re- sponse in gait, an individual with genu recurvatum transfers body weight directly from the femur to the tibia without the usual muscle energy absorption and cushioning a flexed knee provides. This may lead to pain in the medial tibiofemoral joint (compression) and posterolateral lig- amentous structures (tensile). In indi-

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  • L I T E R A T U R E R E V I E W

    FIGURE 4. A) Radiograph ofpatient with normal knee alignment. BJ Radiograph ofpatient with genu recurvatum. Notice the tilt o i the femur on the tibia.

    viduals with quadriceps weakness, compensation may occur by hyperex- tending the knee to provide greater knee stability.

    Clinical Implications According to Kendall et al, "pos-

    tural faults that persist can give rise to discomfort, pain, or disability" (15). If a patient presents with a for- ward head posture and cervical pain, part of the physical therapist's treat- ment will be to focus on improving the patient's posture. The same should apply to the hyperextended knee. The therapist should not only strengthen muscles about the knee if weak but also address knee posture. Loudon et al found a positive corre- lation between genu recumtum and ACL injury in female athletes (16). Hutchison and Ireland contributed the recurvatum posture and laxity in the posterior capsule to habitual pos- ture that may lead to injury (1 1).

    From the anatomical and biome- chanical review, it appears that the pos-

    sible consequence of genu recunatum in the active individual may be stress placed on the ACL, anterior joint, or posterolateral comer of the knee.

    Evaluation Individuals with genu recumtum

    may present with one of a variety of lower extremity diagnoses. It is doubtful, however, that their primary diagnosis is genu recurvatum. Syrnp toms attributable to genu recumtum include anteromedial joint pain or posterolateral knee pain. The antero- medial pain is due to the compressive forces at the medial tibiofemoral compartment and is accentuated if a varus alignment is present. The pos- terior pain is due to the tension placed on the posterior structures and is aggravated by stepping or forceful knee extension in weight bearing (IS). The patient may also complain of knee instability during activities of daily living.

    Patients may have a history of an injury that forced them into hyperex-

    tension. Examples include landing from a jump on an extended knee, a blow to the anteromedial aspect of the proximal tibia forcing the knee into hyperextension, or a noncontact external rotation hyperextension in- jury. Noyes et al have described pos- terolateral syndrome as an injury to the posterolateral structures in con- junction with a tom ACL (21). The unsuspecting individual with postero- lateral syndrome may have no history of injury but has developed knee pain over a period of time. A thor- ough subjective examination will guide the clinician to suspect genu recurvatum as a contributing factor.

    Objectively, individuals with genu recumtum will be easily spotted in static standing. The sagittal view best demonstrates this posture and is demonstrated by the subject in Fig- ure 6. Individuals may also present with excessive femoral internal rota- tion, genu varum or valgum, tibia1 varum, or excessive subtalar joint pro- nation, which is more noticeable in the frontal plane. Figure 7 depicts the same individual in Figure 6 in the frontal view.

    During gait, there may be an ob- vious varus-extension thrust that, ac- cording to Noyes et al, is characteris- tic of chronic injuries to the

    FIGURE 5. Hyperextension and anterior cmciate liga- ment (ACL) stress.

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  • L I T E R A T U R E R E V I E W

    FIGURE 8. Varus-extension thrust gait (right leg).

    FIGURE 6. Genu recurvaturn in standing.

    posterolateral structures of the knee (21). An example of a varus thrust in gait is depicted in Figure 8. As in standing, excessive femoral internal rotation past the midstance of gait will accentuate genu recurvatum as seen in Figure 9.

    Individuals with genu recurvatum may have a functional strength deficit in the quadriceps muscle or gastroc- nemius that allows knee hyperexten-

    sion (27). When performing activities such as step-ups, patients will use m e mentum to straighten the lower ex- tremity and they will be unable to control weight-bearing terminal knee extension. Kendall et al report that the hyperextension posture of the knee is caused from weakness in the gastrocnemius (1 5). The gamocne- mius controls knee extension in weight bearing.

    Proprioception in individuals with genu recurvatum may be defi-

    FIGURE 7. Excessive iernoral internal rotation in standing.

    FIGURE 9. Excessive internal rotation of the left leg during stance.

    cient near the end range of exten- sion. A pilot study done by the au- thors demonstrated that individuals who stood in hyperextension and without knee injury were unable to reproduce knee joint angles in the last 15" of extension compared with other knee angles of 45 and 60" on a leg press machine. Individuals may perceive the hyperextended knee po- sition as "normal" and, when intro- duced to more vigorous activity, they may have a tendency to stay in hyper- extension, putting their knee at risk for injury (11.16).

    Special tests that should be per- formed during the knee examination should focus on identifjmg postero- lateral instability. The external rota- tion recurvatum test provides a tool to assess posterolateral instability. There will be an external rotatory subluxation in which the tibia rotates around an axis in the intact posterior cn~ciate ligament. Posterior subluxa- tion of the lateral tibial plateau is first reduced as the knee extends but then, as the knee hyperextends, sub- luxation recurs and the tibia again rotates externally. As the subluxation occurs, the tibia can be seen to rotate externally and the lateral tibial pla- teau can be felt to become promi- nent posteriorly (1). Other tests that may be clinically significant are the posterolateral drawer and the varus stress test at 30".

    Treatment Progression Rehabilitation of the individual

    with knee problems and genu recur- vatum should focus on biomechanical correction, proprioception training, muscle control, gait training, and functional activities (24). The treat- ment progression is displayed in the Table. The rehabilitation process log- ically builds on the results found in the evaluation. The following section illustrates a progressive treatment plan for the individual with genu re- curvatum.

    A thorough biomechanical evalu- ation of the lower extremity chain

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  • L I T E R A T U R E R E V I E W - - - - - - - - .-.... - . - . .-- - - - . - .

    Treahnent Area Goal Treatment Examples Biomechanical To improve biomechanical faults In-shoe orthotics

    evaluation to alleviate tissue stress Correct muscle imbalances Proprioception To teach the patient how to

    identify good knee alignment in static and dynamic postures

    Muscle control Improve absolute quadriceps strength; improve synchrony of lower extremity muscles

    Gait To teach the patient of knee awareness during gait

    Functional activities To carry over good knee alignment to function

    Terminal extension holds Posterior knee taping

    Theraband terminal knee extension Single leg balance Mini-dips Squats Step-ups (front, lateral, back) Lunges (forward, side, backward) Jump landings Minor walking with bent knee Heel lift Stair climbing lump landing Sports-specific skills

    TABLE. Treatment considerations ior individuals with genu recurvatum.

    should be performed first. If the pa- tient presents with unilateral hyperex- tension, assess the lumbar spine and pelvis for obliquity or muscle imbal- ance. The hip should be evaluated for excessive internal rotation which contributes to genu recurvatum in stance. At the foot, the subtalar and midfoot joints should be checked for excessive pronation, which allows ex- cessive internal rotation of the tibia. Prefabricated shells, such as AliMed's BFO, can be used initially to improve foot position.

    Next, proprioceptive awareness of knee terminal extension should be mastered. Patients need to learn that 0" of knee extension is normal knee

    position. Verbal cueing is helpful but other strategies, such as the use of posterior knee taping, can give the patient direct sensory feedback. Fig- ure 10 presents the proper taping technique to prevent hyperextension. These devices need to be used only temporarily until the patient recog- nizes neutral knee position. This neu- tral position should then be carried over to dynamic strengthening exer- cises.

    Muscle strengthening exercises are performed with good knee posi- tion, and muscle balance is stressed rather than absolute strength. Muscle sequencing is the key with the ham- strings and firing in coniunction with the quadriceps to

    'I"T guide the knee into extension rather than using the passive force of gravity 4 (10). The knee is kept in the same

    plane as the foot and never allowed to hyperextend as demonstrated in

    b , Figure 1 1. Patients should progress through weight-bearing exercises. such as resistive terminal extension, single leg balance, minidips, squats,

    L forward and backward step-ups. lung- es, and jump landings. These exer-

    n cises require sequential use of eccen- tric and concentric control of the lower extremity. Knee control during gait can be .. ..

    FIGURE 10. Posteriorkneeshapping toprevent hyper- taught in conjunction with the previ- extension. ouslv mentioned exercises. Noyes et

    FIGURE 11. Subject performing mini-dip with good knee alignment. The towel under the medial border of the foot is used to limit subtalar joint pronation.

    al recommend that the patient main- tain knee flexion of 5" throughout the stance phase of gait (21). Initial- ly, walking speed will be very slow and deliberate. A mirror can be used to give visual feedback to the patient to maintain the flexed knee posture. The use of a 1- to 2-inch elevated heel may be used in the initial train- ing to create a flexion moment at the knee. The trunk should be rnain- tained in an upright position vs. a forward lean or flexed hip during midstance to avoid an anterior shift of body weight (21.25). Excessive in- ternal femoral rotation should also be controlled during this phase of gait (21).

    Continued training of the patient with genu recurvatum should focus on more functional tasks such as stair climbing. During the pull-up phase of stair climbing, patients should be trained to refrain from thrusting into knee extension. Individuals may have a tendency to hyperextend their knees with other daily activities, such as bending forward to brush their teeth. Individuals should be trained to avoid this knee position during trunk forward bending.

    The last phase of rehabilitation focuses on more complex activities

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  • and sports-specific skills. For athletes involved in jumping and cutting sports, it is important that they mas- ter a bent knee position. Henning et al suggested that extreme loads are placed on the ACL when the knee is straight or near straight during plant- ing and cutting, landing from jumps, and sudden stops while running (8). Emphasis should be placed on bend- ing the knee during these sports ac- tivities to prevent injuries to the ante- rior cruciate ligament.

    SUMMARY This paper discusses a common

    finding in athletes with knee pathol- ogy. Genu recurvatum or knee joint hyperextension is a malposition be- tween the femur and tibia and should be considered a postural fault. Treatment of this fault will take time and involves repetitive training of the athlete to reestablish a more ideal femorotibial alignment. JOSPT

    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Lisa Stehno-Rittel for

    the graphic art work used in this manuscript.

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