Genre Questionnaire

Post on 07-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Genre Questionnaire

Genre Questionnaire

In your opinion, what makes

a music video memorable

and why?


Mise En Scene



In your opinion, what makes

a music video memorable

and why? 64% of the answers were answered with things such as

props, women, cars, clothes, locations etc. I have collectively put these under the heading of mise en scene. They said that these things allow them to escape and have a sense of empathy to the rich and famous lifestyle.

25% of people answered with “storyline” they concluded that they like a music video with a meaning or a storyline such as a love story for example.

16% answered with a form of special effects, they said it makes the video unique and makes for “good viewing” creating something that is not applicable to real life. For example the Chris Brown song “Transform Ya” of which the artists turn into transformers.

What is your favorite genre

of music?







Favorite Genre


What is your favorite music


Here I simply asked friends and peers at my school what their favorite genre was. As you can

see, my chosen genre, R&B, was the most

popular in the demographic of Greenshaw High

School. This may not reflect and act as a I

microcosm and generalize the thoughts of all teenagers. Other popular genres were indie, pop

and other genres such as Dubstep.

What would you expect to

see in an R&B video?

This question was asked after the previous question to the people that prefer the R&B


We had many answers including

women, money, cars, expensive brands, chains, alchol, drugs etc.

This was surprising as these are the conventions

they expect to see, things such as alcohol and

drugs are often taboo ideologies so its strange

that they would expect to see this. This may link

to the viewer wanting to escape and getting an

insight to the rich and famous lifestyle.


From these questions we concluded that we are going to try an facilitate a narrative storyline

within our music video anchoring the lyrics to the


We are going to challenge typical conventions

of R&B by excluding materialistic objects and

keep it ordinary so that it is more applicable to

the lifestyle of the viewer.

In terms of lighting and shots we are going to

experiment and try and use different types to

give our music video a unique appearance.