Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014 Digital Object Architecture-based Product Quality Safety...

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Transcript of Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014 Digital Object Architecture-based Product Quality Safety...

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014

Digital Object Architecture-based Product Quality Safety Information

Traceability System in Infant Formula Industry: Architecture, Advantages

and Impacts

Dr. Jian Zhou,Director of Informatization Research and Promotion Center, ETIRI, MIIT,


Combating Counterfeit and Substandard ICT Devices

(Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014)

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014



Background and MotivationTechnology

DOA and the Handle System

Traceability SystemDesign IdeasArchitectureWorkflow and Standardization

Advantages and ImpactsConclusions and Recommendations

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014



Background and MotivationTechnology

DOA and the Handle System

Traceability SystemDesign IdeasArchitectureWorkflow and Standardization

Advantages and ImpactsConclusions and Recommendations

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014


Background and Motivation

ICT technologies should and would play important roles in boosting competitiveness for traditional industries and enterprisesCollaboration of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies and traditional industries has the potential to satisfy practical requirements and bring benefits for those industries

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014


Background and Motivation

Key Problem for Food IndustryQuality Safety

Many food quality safety accidents result in serious consequences

BSE (also known as mad cow disease) in EuropeSudan red and melamine in ChinaClostridium botulinum in New Zealand

Lack of management mechanism and necessary technical support





Hard to participate

Hard to recall

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014


Background and Motivation

Building the proper traceability systems that consist of technology applications, management improvements and legal supports is an important task for all countries.The development of traceability system rely on the top-level design, government guidance, capability on informatization and management of enterprises, and public participation

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014


Background and Motivation

Building a public food quality safety traceability platform is an urgent and essential task on hand


Public Platform

Front End System

Front End System

Front End System

Front End System

Front End System

Front End System

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014



Background and MotivationTechnology

DOA and the Handle System

Traceability SystemDesign IdeasArchitectureWorkflow and Standardization

Advantages and ImpactsConclusions and Recommendations

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014



The Handle System, including its namespace and architecture, is a general-purpose global name serviceThe Handle System was proposed by Dr. Robert E. Kahn in early 90’sIt is one of the key components of the Digital Object Architecture (DOA), which is a basic information infrastructure that can facilitate interoperability between systems

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014



The Handle System manages handles, which are unique names for digital objects and network resourcesMultiple Advantages of HandleExample: Every handle consists of two parts: Handle Naming Authority / Local Name

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014



Under the regulation and support of ITU, Digital Object Numbering Authority (DONA) is established and is responsible for Global Handle Registry (GHR), and authorizes a group of Multi-Primary Administrators (MPAs)

Each MPA will run a global root service separately, known as the Global Handle Service (GHS)

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014



MPA China was established as one of the top-level management organization of the Handle System, with the headquarter located in the coalition of Electronic Technology Information Research Institute (ETIRI of MIIT), CDI and CHC, and is responsible for global root services operation and management

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014



The Handle System has been selected by China as the core technique major national projects

''National Food Quality Safety Traceability Platform''''National Public Service Platform for IoT Identifier Management''

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014



Background and MotivationTechnology

DOA and the Handle System

Traceability SystemDesign IdeasArchitectureWorkflow and Standardization

Advantages and ImpactsConclusions and Recommendations

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014


Traceability System

AimUse a practical and valid scheme in building the system on which the food industry and the state-of-the-art IoT technologies collaborateProvide a convenient and authentic manner for the public to participate, saving cost for and bringing benefits to enterprises, and aiding governments in supervision and enforcement

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014


Traceability System

Design IdeasTo build the public traceability system in an effective way, the following design ideas are introduced as the principles for implementation and promotion

1) Conform to the national strategies and basic requirements of the construction of the Internet of Things2) Possess good openness and compatibility

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014


Traceability System

Design Ideas3) Public platform construction with low cost, short period and notable effects

4) Legal and convenient tracing of information, meet the requirements of consumers, enterprises and the government

5) Secure and manageable system operation

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014


Traceability System

ArchitectureThe architecture of the ''National Public Food Quality Safety Traceability Platform'' consists of five systems, provides services to multiple categories of users, and serves enterprises along the food industry chain.

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014


Traceability System

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014


Traceability System

Food Industry ChainEnterprise Data Exchange SystemPublic Identifier Service SystemClient Terminal Query SystemTraceability Service WebsiteSecurity Authentication System

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014


Traceability System

Food Industry ChainAll enterprises along the industry chain can serve as the data source by two kinds of operation: making the product coding conform to the Handle namespace, integrating the traceability data and make them ready to be exchanged

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014


Traceability System

Food Industry Chain – Product CodingSupport all types of two-dimension code, including QR, DM, GM/CM, etc.Support RFID

YiLi’s Product(DM) Yashili’s Product(QR)

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014


Traceability System

Enterprise Data Exchange SystemServes as the front end of the Handle System. It consists of two functions, data exchange and local storage.We have developed the integrated equipment “the Handle System all-in-one server”, providing complete handle front-end functions.

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014


Traceability System

Public Identifier Service SystemBased on the Handle System services provided by National Public Service Platform for IoT Identifier Management.Serves as the data transfer bridge between applications and data sources.Implemented as a group of distributed high-performance servers.

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014


Traceability System

Client Terminal Query SystemWill provide multiple kinds of users convenient and various means to access the traceability data of the products, including Smart phone, social media tools, dedicated machine in retail stores, hand-hold query machine, etc.

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014


Traceability System

Traceability Service WebsiteServes as another entrance for users to access the traceability service

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014


Traceability System

Security Authentication SystemCarries out verification on the traceability data and user requirements.Verifies the validity and uniqueness on the enterprises.Prevents vicious queries and calculated attacks by authentication on the traceability request and user identity.

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014


Traceability System

Work Flow of the SystemSimple and efficientThe users initiate traceability requests, and the requests containing handles are transmitted to the public identifier service system for resolutionThe enterprise data exchange system will get the requests, find the corresponding data that match the handles, and send them back to the users

Enterprise Data

Exchange System

Public Identifier Service System

Allocation Resolution Query

Client Website

Enterprise Level

Information System

Product Info

Consumption Info


Data Upload


Public Food Quality Safety Traceability Platform


Enterprise Data

Exchange System

(Different Enterprise)

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014


Traceability System

Standardization Issues“Specification on product quality safety traceability system for infant formula industry” will be published in early 2015 as industrial standard in ChinaStandardization is necessary for directing enterprises to acquire the system’s service

The traceability information, technologies (product identifier, exchange interfaces, two-dimension codes, RFID, security, etc.)

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014



Background and MotivationTechnology

DOA and the Handle System

Traceability SystemDesign IdeasArchitectureWorkflow and Standardization

Advantages and ImpactsConclusions and Recommendations

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014


Advantages and Impacts

Impacts: ImplementationThe public traceability platform has been built by a technical group consisting of third-party research institutes and IT companies, led by ETIRI of MIIT, under the guidance of MIIT in 2013 and are put into practical use since June 14th 2014.

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014


Advantages and Impacts

Impacts: Participation of enterprisesSix large infant formula enterprises have established connection with this public system, including Yili, the largest dairy manufacturer in China.Until Oct 31th 2014, the number of registered handles for this application is over 80 million, and the number of traceability information items is 31.

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014


Advantages and Impacts

Advantages: OverviewThe public platform poses several positive social impacts on subjects participating in its establishment and application.These subjects’ participation and contribution will indeed boost the system’s effectiveness, and potentially they can all benefit from the platform’s operation from different perspectives.

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014


Advantages and Impacts

Advantages: Consumers/ the PublicIt provides a convenient and authentic manner to participate in the supervision of and being informed about the productPotentially boost consumer confidenceIt has higher credibility on both the provided information and the joined enterprises/product than enterprise-level traceability system

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014


Advantages and Impacts

Advantages: EnterprisesDuplicate construction will be avoidedIt supports information integration along the industry chain, avoiding major inputs for enterprisesMoreover, the system is able to assist combating counterfeit, anti-fleeing, and brand promotion(aided by dynamic info)Helpful to promote the informatizational integrated management level, develop-ment manner and competitiveness

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014


Advantages and Impacts

Advantages: GovernmentInformation classification and regulation of food quality could be achievedAids the government in supervision and enforcement on the enterprisesEmergency measures concerning foodborne disease or recalling due to quality defects could be aided, acquiring integrated information and diagnosing the problematic segment on the industry chain in an effective way

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014



Background and MotivationTechnology

DOA and the Handle System

Traceability SystemDesign IdeasArchitectureWorkflow and Standardization

Advantages and ImpactsConclusions and Recommendations

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014


Conclusions and Recommendations

A DOA-based product quality safety traceability system supporting traceability along the industry chain is introducedThe system has high credibility, can aid combating counterfeit and the government's supervisionSimilar architectures could be applied in different industries and scenariosCollaboration of ICT technologies and traditional industries could result in competitiveness improvements

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014



[1] H. LeHong and J. Fenn, “Hype cycle for emerging technologies, 2013,” Gartner Tech Report, Aug 2013.[2] D. Harris, Mad cow disease and related spongiform encephalopathies. New York:Springer- verlag Berlin Heidelberg press, 2004.[3] E. Domingo, A. Tirelli, C. Nunes, M. Guerreiro and S. Pinto, “Melamine detection in milk using vibrational spectroscopy and chemometrics analysis: A review,” Food Research International, vol. 60, pp. 131-139, June 2014.[4] “Fonterra relieved about ‘all clear’ from clostridium botulinum”, media release by Fonterra Communications, Aug 2013.[5] S.Sun, L. Lannom and B. Boesch, “Handle System Overview”,, Nov 2003.[6] S.Sun, S. Reily and L. Lannom, “Handle System Namespace and Service Definition”,, Nov 2003.[7] S.Sun, S. Reily, L. Lannom and J. Petrone, “Handle System Protocol (ver 2.1) Specification”,, Nov 2003.[8][9]

Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014

Thanks for your attention!Dr. Jian Zhou,

Director of Informatization Research and Promotion Center, ETIRI, MIIT,

ChinaEmail: zhoujian@cspiii.comWebsite:

WeChat Public Service Account:

Combating Counterfeit and Substandard ICT Devices

(Geneva, Switzerland, 17-18 November 2014)