
Post on 08-May-2015

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In the Grand Story of God, we are brought from a garden to a garden surrounded by a city by our great Gardener, Jesus Himself.

Transcript of Gardens

Before We Get Started

The Story at Large

Genesis 1:26-28

Up to Now

Naked gardening is the plan here.

Be fruitful & multiply.

Make babies. Make things.

Genesis 2:4-17

God tills the ground, & new life bursts forth.

God plants a garden.

The story of humanity begins with a

garden & God walking with two humans.

The mission of man is to bring forth a city that glorifies Jesus around this garden.

In this garden are two trees.

Genesis 3

Eve adds to the commands of God.

Adam not only is a bad Bible teacher,

he’s a coward.

God comes and will eventually judge

the two dying humans He once walked with.

Where are you?

God casting us out of Eden is

mercy, not wrath.

Revelation 21-22

In Heaven, we see a Garden, now

surrounded by a city.

It’s as if sin had never happened.

Except for one thing.

There’s one tree.

What happened to the other one?

How did we get from Eden to here?

John 19

It is finished.

Jesus is then wrapped in clothes and buried.

But verse 41.

The work of redemption involves Jesus pruning the tree of good & evil

out of the Garden.

He dies on it.

The road from Eden to Heaven was

paved at Calvary.

The Cross of Christ is the removal of sin on Man’s behalf.

Jesus is the new & better Adam, who steps in to protect His wife by pruning the tree &

killing the snake.

John 20

Jesus tills ground, and new life bursts forth.

Jesus isn’t only our Adam, He’s our God.

Jesus is God who comes to Earth, not to cast us out

in judgment, but to die with us in order that He may walk with us again.

He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree, that we might die to sin & live to righteousness.


1 Peter 2:24

Question & Answer