G A D V I [W' Eli R r' .. , .. . .tAl I i~ · sir," stie slli~. 'J'ho Government 9f BriU"h Col UIll...

Post on 28-Aug-2019

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Transcript of G A D V I [W' Eli R r' .. , .. . .tAl I i~ · sir," stie slli~. 'J'ho Government 9f BriU"h Col UIll...

Use on'o '1)0~11ld of formalin to every forty gRllims or wllter. Wet the seed thorough Iy wit h· the ~olut\on, ",ilo, nhd eO'l"er with cal1\"as 'or slIckiug. I"ea\'e the grain ill Uie Ilile for' ut leust two hours. " ' " '


" "' ~

......•................ ,.~'. ~ , ~ ~ ~ , ~ No. l2, for the East. 1M" .... at ; No. 11, for thtl W.,.t, roan", at 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 •

• • • ~ I"" • 9 r," • .. o. _ Drr. yeti. • • ... ...... .... ... • ... • ... .tAl ~ •

No. I:H de, .. r'" .. " .... , .. ". ,,111.10 • No. 124 arriT''S" •• "." •• ". " .•. 18.35 : No. l:!3 departs .•••• " .• " •••• 18.00 • . .... ..

•••••••••••••••••••••••••• "

Local and General

::tIcs. C. Angle has returned from au extended Slay ill Winnipeg,'

nrrived' in town I.n 'l'uesday, LlI u "isit to her parelitlJ•


:Mrs. ~rurrtly, who hilS been visitiug friends in Winnipeg, re­turned hOUle on 'l'uesdny. . .

E. H. WilSall left yesterda}' all

1\ Irill to 13attlerord audolhW"' teru puints. Be l1Iay go thruugh to the co~st before rllturuing.,.

" W nere nre you going to, Illy pretty Ulaid'?"

.. '1'0 stay lit the Starkey House, sir," stie slli~.

'J'ho Government 9f BriU"h Col UIll bill ,reCuse to Lurd's Duy Act, and tire expected. .

euforce the Ih'ely times

Wes. Curl. i:. going in fur chicken rtIisillg 011 II large sCllle. FTlIm n

:letting of 120 eggs he ~htailled ~5

MAY 2, 1007 • SO. 18

. Rilv. Ur. COptllUlld, of Sl. Johu's ..... ~ ...... ~.++ ...... ++. + •• ~f".""""4~"~· •• +4·.4~ ••• · •• " ••••• • • CClllegl', \\"illllip"g, hils Iwell' III" .' , " :

poilltud to the chllTge of the Eu- :. G R A ~i D V I [W' Eli glil.h Church duriug IhelHllUIIll!T : 1 ' . • 1110111 hI!. Tinws uf lIon"ices, otc., : ' : will btlllnn.JIIncml Inler. • •

FOR SA! E.-A IlIllUlI ity uf 1I0W : ' i~ CIlTlliture, illcitlllillg iron hedsloml, : 'rho most up.to.dRte hotel in Abnitoh.

WoollllRttre8s, spriug, pllir fenlher : Recontly remodelled and refurnished throughout I pillows, washstalld, dressi ng luble, : tuilet sd, rucker, kitdlllll lohle, • Light, lIiry ruums 1111(1 six kitchell e1l1lirs: .Tu be First-t'llIss accollllllodution for trnvellers nmI the geneml' .lOld at II sRcrilice. Euquire III ]lublic this office. ' CliLI~.\RY DEPAl~TMbNT UNSURPASSED

,Yo H. ~ohnslun retnrnetl Crom Whilechurch, Ollt., on Thursday h.st, whilre he hlld bElen 011 u visit to i!is }lIther. ,Owing to fltmil)' rensulis, Iiolluntetnpllll es rei um iug there' tu reside Ileflltlltleutly, aud is udvertising his·twu {lIfltlS for .8810.' ~. " -'

T., J: Ashley-Bunner, furlllPrly of WinlliJ,tlg, hus IIl'quircd 1111 illtertlst in I\IId a8SUllltld the

uf thtl 'DutYerin

The bar stockel\ wit,h 'the choicest wines, liquors, alld cigarS "-

~'irst -clnss I h'ory ill cOllnection

-.-----.,- --~- ----- ---....,- -----.--~---.---- - -- -, ,

. ' . , ,.

.1\ ugle. vice" president; :Mr.' Hu'rry WildOll, seoretary; llr. J. D .. .Prudol·, trulI­Sllrerj Mr. Will. Muse, IlIl1nll';l rj l\lessrs. Uod. McKee, ]10rt Juhu­ston; and ~'. HUlIIl;hries, mlll'llgti"

ment cOllllllitte~. ~;=;~;t=;;5~~t~=~~~~:!~~=~!~~~ As 1\ Sl)eciul illl'onli\"c,Mr. '\V. C. : ". ,,' Soole has killdly utfered II silver cup, to' he' plllyed for yearly by tenllls ill the :Mullicipnlily uf Grey.

It is to Ul! hvped thllt lilt' IIIl1l1sgemellt will uot experiellce nny diffieu!ly in forming II leagltl·. liS it will lIlean much tu the spurt. illg element uf Ihe district.

Fatalit,. at Barn.le,.

Ohllrles Hugu,. IIgml IIhoul 401

wa, killed ill II rUlIllway UII Jusel'h U usseJl's fUl'IlI, lit Burusll'y, . 011

'l'llurd<iay lIlurnillg Illst.

(Jut of tim £11 till I' you . To mlll(l, fllrtl1nc~ . J U S1 0 UJ ' i::~\l:~'~,~~~~'~t~. ing . . . •

-- . .

BRITISH COLUMBIA, ILLUSTRATED Containing' ol'('r 1(10 Vh'W8 in ,·,· .. rything. Post ,'nid, 2.")C. 8UUnll!!.

• Richnt Provine. In th.· B,ltl ... EmilI,.

Nothing Hislu·d, ~o~hing Gllined. Nothing Ventured, Notbing Won.

SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR·INVESTMENl . . 'l'hu Rich"st ~I"n in tho Worlel lire invI'sting in n.o. COI,per.Gold nnd

, Silver ~1i""8. W}[\" CAN"l' \"OU BEGIN NOW?

The Greateat G:.ld .CoPP.' Dlacov." of tile, A.e I. I .... c. Big Foul' Consolidated Gold Mi~~s, Ltd. Capital,.$625,OOO·

Every 00110. Su!:sc.lb.d Ueed in D.v.lo_ment ef .·1 .....

Special One Week Offer, 200. per Sha ..

strong, helll~hy. chicks.

110 WIIS sittillg UIlIt wagon, lind IIllOther lIlatl wtlsdriving' the telllll, which gut frighluned III the m.ise nllille by I he WllgOII un the fruzell gn.IUml, IItHl mil IIWU)', thruwillg Hugu uul ou his lamd IIml bl'eak" ing .Ids sk nil. lle lived ullly abuUI fiftuen lIlinutes, nut rugtlitting , ,

Cuuncillor .JIIS. Smith returned cUlIsciUl1sttuss. liu IClwes II wife

Min ... dir .. oll~· 1'0"";1. of till' Lt· n .. i. wlI""o slum's lUll now RIKlUt Ill. ' I.e Roi No.2 s!Jarl'8 ,m, "b .. ut ';~5, IInci w"nt UI' to i\HlO. Cocsolid"Wd Mininl/ and SnH.lting Co. f)C C\Lnada, Lt.d, 8hllrl'8 ~1:18 ,·acb.' . 'fhe l .. rICI'IIt golet" ('I'pl"r lIlin..,; In 11 U, paiel lar!{,' ,hvidend8. A>I"ay~ frolll ~5 to eM in gold,

UII lSlIlurday flOlIl II thrce lIlonllis' alld two childrell ill Witttti)Jc~. visit t~ Scul";lul. He repurls II Dllcellse,) CtlllltJ fWIIl JJllltll'tuu \'ery elljoYllblo trip. 'urt, IIOllr Loudon, Ellglaud, ill

Selltelllbllr Itll;t, nlll! \\'/18 ultlilluyed in the Uniun hunk, Wiuuilleg. till ubuut u Ulunth ngo, Whllll I",

Jas. Young, the freight clerk at this point, is all tho'sick'-list, 811d left 011 ~'rid8y for bis hOllle at

~Illinllev '1llllBnt T,\les-

e uut tu Ham .. ley tu 11l1I1'

flifUifug \\ illt .Mr. Itu;;::'IlIL

~herifI Coplelltlyer, uf N lI,\h "illt; Ills., Uali tt}Jl'uiutllli 111::. \\111l u"

clllllf ueputy. 'i'ltu udlllr lilly, dUring hllr hu,;bullll'S uiJl>ellcc,::'IJ<J .... ,,' calied Ull lu ,"uke 1111 IIrre::.t. 'I'll" imii\'idlluL \\"ultlllll \\11::. UIII!

of the .. bad mall" tYllo uud WIIS

huldiug up II sll1uOII I.ur wllh thu aid' uf II. revul\'er. Ut;liighllld

cUPlu'r, :;il\'f'r, ,,,·ill.i :r.! ''''r ('pnt. in 'rrf>utiury.· ) l{os"land iIlin">I r,·cd'·I·t! Iliglwst Awaru>! for ric'ht'llt "old,coN",r ore sl'nt

to St. ",lIiIl; r·)XI'0><l\.Hm. .1 u: i·'Olll{ 11 ... /) Ug::;'l' DJI:il'LA \" .. t J)ominion l·'airt N,'\\' \\T"Httuiusll'r H.C. •

No !I'os thau )(1() >!harl'll 60H. SllIm'S can b" had on inMtllltn .. nt .. I .. n, or \'earll' c.,ntract, Iii ,,<"1' c'"nt. cash: .. "lance 1lI0nthh·. " VOIllI,auy I.as no ::chl" .. r liuiJilitic>I. Sull,t! for illu'str .. t.:d l'rOllr",cluM.


p.o. nox 174. Vanco.a •• r.

bt.i!lg g~eeted 0.1' u prlllty YUUI'Kil·."Vl

wOlllall, he lIcarly had It lit, wit she told him he was uuder unr .. ,,!'

aud shuwed him her badge uthori Be ared he

of Ii lemnll lIut . Indy

. -.. ~.

""in'a'" Cat.rrl. '

obeener aD T!ie old ;~r,,:=~~~.,C:uri3Q11 lOm by ..-tid·

. balDllllliJI aJmOe! ::: now

1-* efta .ZDOD: lato .. who made l~"~:~~:' !Th,;~~=~ f -.- ... , all knew the Yirtues men 0 - - .yerace -- for akin Injuries and They

,.'ou Id emerw:e t rom .. c:ombat sore, plaJet I kM1I' weU-1 mast ad:, bleedln ... and 'c:o.-ered ..-tth wounds.

_. a1ao bellend In ·UtroIoU- They would appl)" at nleht their a.e<:ret · amalutel,. ref-S to pia,. carda durin;: herbal balm .. and .1.'1 a rew dns would

, ' apIn be nady tor c:ombat. Their .ptdal., moGUa Ira I!8cl1 ,.ear. be- Ideal of a.balm or a.l\·e was the cor­

,'--- be 1uId reamD to _lIeye that reel one--a preparation which muat moGUa, .... 1IDl~ to blJo. . Yet combine power with purlt)"; and tbat

'L_.'· _____ of tJae.-c leyel beaded Ideal Is reoll1ed In Zam·Bu\t. - OrdinarY ointment!!. ..alves and em-

plaiers I bay. kDo1I'tl and In or- bmeatlo". are eenerally composed of .GJUlllirT. matterS. mao ot peat common rancid .n~aI tau and mIneraI pol-._ so .... '\ I ..... t OM' U- lraUmatel,..c- Zrun·Bult on tbe contrar)'. is a l"ualoted ... Ith • club where the .t:lkes beallne balm. composed oC blghly re-.. ftned aapa and juices got trom certain plaTed for were comparatiyel,. bl;b rich medicinal berbs. and en,ry house· and wbere the pla,.!!rs were. with bold rna)" rei)' on It.!! beallng aid. bardl,. .9 escepUon. bard beaded meo W'hen the nWe one runs In from wbo were keen about .. lnnln .. w .nd wbo his play with a smarting. dlrt'llIIed

• crap" on hlH hand or knee. sImply ; .. ere at the same time • aln~larl,. 110- wash the pert. and smear wIth Zam­· clal. ltlodl1 aod Uber&! minded bod,. Buk. bandaging It nece!lSBr)·.

f "'hen father returns from wor"

10 men. with a Cllt hsnd. tho hand)' box oC

Among the members 11'1\11 a "erT Zam.Buk again meets the emergency. : pleaAanl. quiet old eeotieman ,wbMe, and the housewife or mother cantin· : onl,. occupation "1\11 to spend bIa dA)'a uany ftn"" It a real friend In need for : at bla club •• nd etII*lall,. In ItII carrl .. rulses of general household dutles_ I room. . For eczema. ulcers.' Itch. fistulas. ab·

I di::::',~, llcalp !IOrell.. and all skin 'I At the period ... beo 1 IIrst \tIIew blm I' It acls like a charm. It euel • be bad ceaM!d pl.TlDe cards blplself. the n and stops the bleeding of : but '11'1\11 estremelJ fODd of watcblnOf pllell and CUrell thlll painful aliment

, 'otber """'ple pia,.. Be .... the most quickly and lIurely- All druggist" and .-- otorell lIell at SOc a bos. or trom Zam·

Iooffensl"e of allCCtators, neYer m.de Buk Co .. Toronto, for price. six boxes comments or crttlclama .nd 'slmply for S2.50. amu.d b\maelf lD watehln. Uae f.U -------:-::--of the canIL " Ottests Expl.lned.

GraduaU,. bo .. ner, apen.nce abow· Telepa\h)" gb:MIta. and otber OC!eUlt eel or '11''' Im.glned to aho .. tbat .n,. pbenomena were esplained on • nft­pIa,.er' woo. carda'be oYerlooked held tural buia by Dr. Bernard Hollander bad bands .. Ith. .. It .... aaserted, ao at \he London Lyceum Club recently. utraordlu.rT NlrUlarll)'. It ia by brain enel'll', wbetber elee-

t~ri~:~~~~~~~;~'f~~v~~'r~.~m. N, BrOIU1WB)·. wlrlt.,a:· .. ,"Laat .prlnt( I

which developed l'8tarrh •. I felt

could neither eat

'Be tDvartably Uke4 permlaloo be- tncal or not we do not know, Baid tbe leetuNr, that men .equire inftu·

fON .Ittlng don _Ide a plaTer, .nd. enee oyer o\hera. That aucb energy tbe momeut Uae pla,.er held bad cards emta baa been prom by esperimenta be offered. wlUaoat .-lq, •• ked. to Oil bypnotised penooa, wbo ~ a per" 1I!tI\Ioe tbe table •• n olrer wblcb; l.m fectly darkened room. eaD _ a glow .. b.med to ~,. ...... binrtably a~pt- a' the fin.cer.pointa of \he bypnotiler;

' .. -

Perfo"",.,nce .t •

~'ri~~I'~~,~ .. Itbout the . cause" mo,.

Inatrameuta rntber tb.n "" At lea.t 110 lliJys tbe

'il;~:::I:;t~o~rsa::n~I&IItlon •. II of tbe or·

of the

. three. or' four, .• t· lea.t 111 tbe

cau iaffonI to ba,. Tbla III ell­

tbe~eUe of the strlnp. b.ppen. and to be pre­

tbem Itrlng players bo ve two or tbree YlollnHOO for

ordinary work. like teaching.' danclnlC and rebearslng. and'. luperlor vlollo for 101011 aod coocerta. . .

"Now, It bappened that on tbe·e\·eo· log' of tbe concert· In question the .. eatber wu atroclotlll. It wa. anow· lag and sleetlllg aud nlnlng b,. tuml!. A eeuulne violluillt tblnkll about a. mucb of his best IIddle .. be does of

)'oungest cblld, .nd 10 00 tbe, con· cert nlgbt tbe atrln. pla,er thougbt to blwaelt that be ,"OIIldn't take out hi. pod IIddle.' It mlgbt eet damp or be might rail off tbe atreet car with It

..... - I .nd smub It to epllnters, 110 he resolved

Sanllooro, e',b •• · h.. nQt. ad"anced 'l1<e oth.r. Cub'lI oille. since iudenen. ".nce. II i, \'P'Y much cleaner than :It uo'l<l to be. bllt there are 110 con· ""'~lIOU8 improY't)ments. .,"fr .... ~,.'.t:1'~ " '" .. _ ~.

CQrn.· nau .. · Intolerable' l1aln. j'1"WJ\Y'1 Corn Cllre removel the trouhle. ,:Try it.' and see what .mount of' pain "Ia 8ned. . . " .

Il!tIve It at .bome and take bill every· day fiddle, thlnltlng tb.t In tbe ensem· ble: nobody but blmlelt would notlee tbe dlffereoce.

"But eYer)' ot_r Itrlng pl,),er tbougbt' the lIame tblng. 10 most of them lert tbelr belt ,violins at bome .nd brougbt their 'practlco Instruments. Tho public dldn't notice Uae dllrerence. but' the playel'll and the leader did. and 10 .n audleuce tbere are olway. people with almOllt miraculous ears for varia· tlons of tone. and IIOme of tbeN did tha complaining."

" ...... to It. . Bet Btlllbiaad-If a m.n steal_DO matter .. b.t It ls-be .. Ill live to reo eret It Bla WIf_Durlng our court. ablp yoa used to ateal IdII8es from me. Ber Buaband-Well. ,.OU be.rd wbat I

and . metallic objeete rubbed by the latter acquire a luminoaity Btrung enougb to make their .urrouudinp vbible. . ,

8up\""ing a t"'1'IICID to be tbe victim , fOUl pia)" hia miJlll.eDergy will be esened 'to 'he utmoa\;- and ill proj~ ed wi\h eaeb a force thai it will cling to the room or place In wbicb be 100t bia ute. n, then; lOale person' of ,a _itift Dalure, 'ami" not p-.­cupilld, pull tbrouch \hat room, hia brain ma)" raceiye aueb a atimuiUl. aa to prodace some mON or 1_ defined imap, which will ~r re&I to him, and the 'viaion 01 a "poat" will be tbe·nnl\:. ~,

The ume theory, saiel Dr. Holland· er; makes it pouible \hat sensitift aubjeeta wben in tbe hypnotic atate, 'and boldinl,an objeet beloncinl'to tbe dead or tbe Uvinl, or being in a room once inhabited by . \hem, . may bave villioDB of and be able to dI­leri be tbttm, , .. ... . ___ . ~rf.,


, '

B.niahsd by tho Rioh, Rad Blood Dr. Willi.m.' Pillk Pill. Ao·

> tu.lI), M.ka Tho health and happlneslI of grow­

Ing girls and women ,of mature years depends UpOIl the blood sUllply. ,There Is a crisis In the lite ot every woman when there are distressing headaches and backaches; when life seems \ _a burden and when some women seem threatened with e\'en the loss oC their reason, It Is nt this period that Dr. \Vllilams' Pink Pills prove a blessing

women. Every dose Increases the rlchnes" an" the redness of the blood aUPJI!')'. alld this new blood strength· p.ns the organs, enables them to throw off disease and banishes the headaches and. backaches and dlzzlnen and secret pains that have made life a burden, There are thousnnd. and thou sando of growlne girls and women In Canada who owe their health alld hopplnes. to Dr. WIl· IIams' Pink Pili., Mrs, James Mc. Donald. of Sugar Camp. Ont., Is one oC these. She say.: "1 wall badly run down, felt ~ vcr)" weak, and I",,} no appetite. 1 suffered Crom headaches and backache" and a feeling of weak· lIess. 1 cuu Id scarcely dmg myselC about and telt that my condition was grO\v Ing worse, 1 decided to try Dr. "'llIIams' l'lnk Pills and got a dozen boxell. ,bul before they were al\ used 1 had full)' regained m)' health. and wos able to do my housework without the leost tatigue .. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ha\'e been /J. great bleSl!lng to me."

You can eet Dr. WlIllams'Plnk Pills for Pale Poople from any medicine dealer or by mall trom tho Dr. WII. IIams MedicIne Co., Brockvllle. Ont .. at 50 cents a bos or six boxes for 12.50. .If you are weak or alllnK elve these pills a fair trial-they will lI:1t dlpappolnt you,

Wh .. lod C.,rl .... ne Am wbeel .. l carrlalM ....

Mod .. FraDce In lliW.

lalt I" tha ... If • box alS feet deep .... IIlIed wl~

_ water .. whle:b .... Uaen allowed to • ".porate. UaeN woold be two lDcbl!tl 9f NIt left In the bottom of Uae bos. Takllllr the aYe'rn.ce dpptb of the oeeau to be Uaree miles. tbere would be •

. _"~. of IIIllt .. -10 feet· tblck co.erlng bottom In cue all the WIlter lboald

-:-...,...:-'--:---- "

~:"'" '

tb .. aD4_ .. -bIe ellmatM I at..e the Palm to 1M 8traIt of » •. ~Ilao. Tbere ...... ,OIl .D .nt' 1I.ce .:;0 days In. the, par. TIle W'1DtII blo.... • burricaDe ~ January to December. Tbe tJIenDometer neYer n- mucb aboye the ~. polnt­..: year rollDll 0: raw, bitter ciaTA of rain and liDO". , M~ext comes Siena Leone. on tbe

ACrkaD .. est coot. Tllat low Iyln; IImn<by rej,-1on bas •• a_.ce temper· ature of 81 deer-, aDd the anDual rainfall Is lS9 lDcbell-eDormou8! There are. too. the 'mDokes.· Thefle nre mists, smellln. like o)'1lter mud, tbat rll'4! contlnuallT from the mllnobes. Jrll'lng marsh feyer to DIne out oC ten oC the white men that breathe them­II yenr round of hot .nd sticky day .. wltb "lIe smelling clouds of mist and whirring clouds of mosquitoes.

MLnst coUle the bleb tablelands of ....utral Asll1. where the Inck of mois­ture In the nlr wakes tbe day. Saba· rnn nnd the nights .rctic-day. like a I'eIlhot fnrnace. nlgbts like a Jannary bllZznrd. seCore tlllll range of tern· Iler'.Iture no hum.D constitutioo c.o ~taod up."


Lelt ........

, With the li'-~f in healthful. aeli,,,.! fail b~ause the" act prompth' and dl.

oondition there Is no trouble from COli' r~tly on 'the U"er. take the' work olf. sUpation, and tbis account: for the Ih'. kidney." and .then by Ihelr In.-i,o­lucceas of Dr. Chase'. Kidne\,-Lhef r.ting action. on' the' kidney. restore Pill. al a po.ith'., cure for .fuggbh Ihem to health and ·vlgor.· , action of the boweb, I Becau.e of the intlm.te '. and nmpa·

Mrs. R. Lockley Jones, )fount Tol, Ihetic relation of the \i\oir;and kIdney. ml~ B,C .• write., It is useless to treat. them 'ude:>~n·

"1 h."e used Dr. Cha..,·s Kidlley· dentiy of one another: ;,' This faot wu ti\'er Pill. for .ome years and a,'UYI in the mind of Dr. Chas. ,,'hen he baYe them in the hottse. They are Ihe prepared the formula of his celebrated only pills that reliel'e me from cOII.ti, Kidne\,JLh'er Pill., and the "he nome· pation and Ih'er trouble., and 1 say ual !.icce •• of this .... t medicine has this after having tried lIearly all kinds pro,'en hi. wisdom •. ",} wlthe'lt benefit. 1 wou,d not bc with· Dr. Chale·. Kidney.~h'er I'iIIs'''po.I,' out them. -aod h"'e recolI\memled ih'eh' cure 1i6'er I'Ompla Lot, biho\l~' them to m\' frieud., man~ of wholll ness; constlp.tion, back.che and kl<l· can bear teollnlollY 10 their'lIreat "alue Ilev di.ease. One pl11 a do.e. ll5 COllI! in Ii"er and kidney coml,la!!lt.. 1 ,am'. 'box, at .,all dealers, or Edman.on. oaliafted Ihat Dr. Cha.e'. Kldlley,Lwer. Bates &: Co •• Toronto. To protl'Ct you PiIIl are unequalled a. a family IIIcdl" a~ah\S1 imltatiool, 'the~ portr.1t alld cine." : signature of Dr . .\, .W. Chase, Ihe fatll·

Dr. Cha.e·1 Klduey,Lh'er Pills, ~uc' 'O.UI receipt book author,' are on every coed ,.'here mere kidney mediCines liD" of hlo medlcin ... ·. '

," '~ , U.I.w ... •• ""cl.nt L..w. r;-~ FIRED OIL'- JOKES.

lpeei.1 Knowlecl •• Required to RUIl. .. WII)' ....... ' 'ft Ihlr Dodged • Wild Animala' Hot.l. ChaI ..... te a Dw ..

Delnware's nnclellt lit\\" reqlllring • lIrldegrooql 'to ",h'e the\Rtnte an '!to \(mmlty boOtl tie"er e:il'sc:a tiny !IIlr!·

"To ruu 0 ,,-lid animal.' botel-for liD: ... lD .... ODII&reulonal U-,,'b:.t Is n zoo but than-require. a lot '1!n17 'at WuIIl...roa ·lItow that when of BIJt,'Clol knowled.ce." IIIIld nu aolmal ...... blIMmet· ell Uae mint WU keel)!!r. "How .ould )'ou. for lu, t-.ler dlstv kill Ira' WuIalu;ton'a time stanl'C.' know h01\' to provide. for a 1· ... w_ ... ·: ..... 0. debate. In I'hlnocerO!l or a tapir' If you don't ••• _ De d I tbe <':Iter rl.-ht for "our animal '"'ests. It I' I' • -,,- " eea .., .. - .... Iboald 1tIR. '. '!laIN Ia OIle ac-you dou't gh'e tbem wbot they 8111Dt of' a' 8Q1I" ........... the 'dealp they pa<'k up Ilnd quit the botel. you for the IIInr tIaIIIIr •. know-that is to 1liiY. tltey die. It It ..... ra tIIat. a' .... tIer . of tba .Imounts to tlte same tbln;. IIoaIe fIam"a au.m atate bltterlJ "Ye~ It tnkes slll!CllIl knowledge to eM.~ the eboIee ot Uae ea.le 011 ac­

fl'Ctl 0 zoo, ·You wouldu't kuow. would 8111Dt of lu IIt!lq the "k1111r of bl." you, thnt au elepbant requires 1:;0 .... bIIIee Delther IDltabie Dor 'Pru(lel' !Iuuuda dally - no more. no lesll- or' .. :repr.ent a utlo. ..bOle lnatlttt­I·ice. bay, straw. roots. bread ond bl., 1 ..... ·aDd ·lnter.bi were .. boll, In-cult? I IIKiaarcb I f of

"A blppo wantl more •. GI\'e him : ,to: .. Iea, onu , conna· roots. bny and ;mu. 200 pounds ot 1,,JadIe '11Iaeber In repl, bad pla)'ruu, tbem. and' he won't .regI.ter a .llIgle Fawt.e4 that ~, pa • .- mJPt kick. , , l.ait tba .. tieman, .. It .... rather ..

".'- &lroffe wltb It. daInty appetite. i~b" UId repabllcao bIrd .nd wonW luk. onl, for 11ft)' pounds a dill' uf I..., .,. -neeable lD other ' ...... D. ~baff. IIIllad. gralll .nd clo\'er. I. the JOIl\op woald anrtrer to place . "But don't offer "egetables to 1I0ni '.;on the :dlm... .' . . . nud tiger •. Eight poundll apiece uf ro\\' I TIIla rt!PIT created,eooalderable mer. Itorsellesh. "'Ith plenty of boue and rlment,.nd tho'irato aouthernet', eon. :;rlstle •. I. tbelr rotlon, year In and 'llderilllr Uae bumorous rejoinder an 10' ~'ear out. :1Dlt, .eat a ebailenge to Judge 'l'baeb.

'.'We bR\'e our farmll, too. to lIupply _, .. ho proadl,. declined It. TIle bear. our ta ble, ,ust all lotll of other Itotelll 'er, rather utDnlabed; asked; "Will ,Oil do. Only our farm. are qlleer ones, :be branded u • cowanIr One Is 0 mouse farm. lu It wIt!> the J "CertaInl,., If be plea-'7 repUe4 belp of traps. wo rnlse a trememlouM !l'bacber, "I .Iwa, ..... one, UId be nnnual crop. Aoother Is • worm fnrm. :be .. .It. or be would nner Aft rIAeII where we IlrOOUce yellow meal worms '. eb.Ueaze." by the tbollllllnd for our' blrdl."-Ex· I 'lb.' alr.lr· cauaed mueb· mirth, but cbanp.. :_ flo.ll)' adJtlllted,' cOrdIal relatlou,

belog ftIItored, 'the Irritable _them· II' COIIcllidlDl that there ... notblD.

. ' . , . M.rla A"tolnette'. Boeke.

be pined 10 IIgbUIIIr olle who llred aotbl .. but jokes. t ., ~,-----! THE BRITISH BREAKFAST.

· 'lIe trouble, and If; the, IMlnalty wnll ,>- ..... ...

'nfol'l)ed It muat. bave.lbPeti a long · ':blle alOo The man I':olllg on tbe Jridl.'groom·a bond enplea ·that Ule .·hlldren that milT come of the pr~ '!IllCtI\'e unlnn ahall uot become a .·harge upon the .tate: t.·' ~-~

,f ''i . .,....,....- ,- '..... ~,.;".:~

. HI.h Liv.r.. .,., ...... !lupabu, a district 011 the north Ilope

I)f tbe Rlmalay... 15.000 feet abon !lea level and IlIrrounded by mOUD talna from 3.000 to ~.OOO feet hl&lter •. bRI a permanent IlOpulation ot IlOO per­sona ... ho lIye In .oat balr'teDb.

---------~ .. ;J., . M •• "stlo CU ..... · J.

Magnetic cures aDtedate apothcea. rlea. In 500 A. D. oue Actu. "ylI, "We· are auured that, tbOllO, who' aN troubled wltb tbe' gout 'In 'tbelr hand. or their feet or with con"tilaloo. IInll relief wbt!n they bold a magnet 11\ their baDdL"

. , l " ''))1-1,.

Ths . Ihl~'a . Lot. , , • TIle "Iotr," tbe Instrument'ti,. .. bleb the apeed of eblp!! Ia lftacertalDed, .. al InYented In tbe alsteentb .century. It .... ' .dopted b; Eiigll.b' ,,_Ia .bou, um. ,n

. . Advertl.i". r ,,, ",,.no ·JCarope·III'beg!nDlng to follow lD."

Itepa of Japan u an ad9l!rtl8w,'and :Uae BurSae Klqdom' COt'lu"blUbaard ideaa: from America. Wonblpelll . at · Baddhlat templel Iliftil.blT 'ftib tIMIIr bands In • fountain .t tbe eDtrUe. ... fore· 81aldlllr' theIr "npp\leaUODI: ... ... merl,. the' pilata ha .. tow_ ...... ' . No .. tbe' mercbanl •. ofi"',o 94 .­... eltla ·ramllb· tho templa wttb.fIw towela, ft!I.e& "118 the prtvllep of prtat. lne their adYertI"emenu 00 ........... BaNId BokIi lD'A~';'" t

Tbe unhappy Queen l\larle Antoi­nette possessed an Important library of 4.712 \'olumes, consisting of plllYs and romances. little books a la lIIode. tbe works of raAcol. 8ossuet. I~euelou. 8ourlloloue. MU8slllon.· Boileau. Cous· sellll. Cornellle, Mullere. Voltaire end IIInny others. She loved music pallslou· n tely nnd hna a large collectioo of operu" In elghty·olne numbers. Tbe bindings were by Blalzot aod were uniform In red morocco, with tbe arms of 1··nlDce and Auatrla stumped upou tbem. The executlou of tbe work \VaH poor and the decodence In the art of bllllllng p."ldent. Tbe glories of tbe art of I'odeloup and tbe. Deromes bad passed awoy. and tbe rel'olutlon efrec· tuully killed whate\'er kuowledge re­mnilled of the ancleut skill of the IJookblu<lers. Holf a century later saw Its re,'lral In ~'rance •• nd tbe urt baa since 1I0urlsbed botb there and un EngUsb BOII.-London Spectator.

· Trylll, I" Ita MOllOtOIl),. Thoa.h the ' ~ I FIIOCI la lubltallti.1. • <J

How B •• tI .. P.f.ncI T ... ", •• lv .. , Booties ba,-e other defenses tilan

their culross. sucb as nnuseou8 or cau .. , tic liquids. wblcb they espel ou prov~ cation. and, strunge to 8ay. certain !>eo­ties .ctually esude their blood. charged .. Ith noslous producta. Tbe praeti~ .. Ia conflned to the chry80melldoe, Bome or tile tlmarchoe and adamoola. the

. eoecJDelldae aud the meloldae, The hlood of tbe cocclnelldae ba8 a atrone. dlsngreeable odor like that of the wbole Insect. . '!'bat of tbe tlmarebae la odor· I .. but baa lID a.trlnllent !lavor, and 10 the ease of the Tlmarebae prlmell· odl!tl'la venomon. -- - • .-

I A diatlnguillbed author once dlllCrlb- A Curio.ity ~ bout Eolip_ · eel an unrlpo perslmmou all a line In· The avcrngo nUl.lber of totf.l and eelltive to generoBll)', alnco we .. ould partial ecllpsea In BUY one )'ear ~ four, ntber glyo it to .nother than eat It tho maslmum seye •• and tbe mlDlmum ourselves. And perboplI tho Engllih two. There la notlJng really picullar breakf .. t ma), be likened to Uae early In this eseept tbe fact tbat where oaly persimmon. . two occur tbey ore alwaya botb'(of Uae

Monotony 111 the keiDote of the earl, IUo. Tbere are more IOlar tbaIl;t\lllllr · meol In a Brltlsb bOUlll!bold-aot but ecllpsea, but the' lun being ao~mueb that the rood II good and aubatanUal, larger tban the earth . or mooD the but tbere III • IIImenl!llll year In and Iblldow termln.tes In • point iud, II lear out .bout the dlsbes that 111 trylnl YMbio 001), alollg a narrow :~cli, Indeed to an American. Bere la a list wblle the lunar ob!lcaratlon, Ia fre­of eatables .nd drlnk.bles made up Cluentl,. vllible o\'er half a cootl~ot'. from the breakfaat menu of teo mIddle 'r ellUlll English hOl1lleboidll and teD pare- W ...... ·. a.c..... Rid... J. 11 Engllab botel8: . "If Wlllbes 'were horse. JJenars

• rorr1d;e, sened with npr aod would rtdc," lillY' tbe old IIIlW. Bnt In milk; bam and egp, egp and bacoD, Persl. beggan actually do .ridll, al· Irllled bam, boiled and ponched egp. tllOUgb tbey patronize tbe bumbl. don· fried 1IIl1lllllge&, dried lIab (berrlnga or ke,. Instead of hili more arla~tie b.ddoclta), dry tout, white or brown brother. Bow. they manage to ~talu brood aDd butter, marmalade or jam, these Ulll!ful animals or even to,lesiat tat or colree. 'themaelvea pUBeS European COIIlpre­, 'l'be man or .. oman .. bo lin been ae· benslon. but the fact remaloa that the, eustomed.to break the fut with .. bea' do both.-Wldo World )Ia;aslne;~ aka and maple almp, followed 111 .. ~ Irmed blaeflab .nd a jale,- porter. E"forcin. tha Law, .. bo!J88 or pork tenderloin. belped oat b, "'What are they ~Iovlng Uae .~ ""-hI, croood coffee, _n~ ,ell,. torT' " ·'·Iralol.n bonl!J' .nd a dIole:e of a ban. "Well, slraDger, I'm m.,or of;a.­tred or more delllhta In the .... 11., of dlJ:KlD'1, 00' I'm fer law enfOlu. L bn!ad UId tre.bl,. baked cakes,. Ilts We've cot' an ·ordln.nee wutl";' ao down to breallfut In England with. IIOi00n aball be nearer than aoo teat to· 11gb,' • church. I gave .'em,,'" ,.,. to

1II0"e the eburcb. H ",'. ,\ 4 . K_ HI. Pl.ce.

'!'be "map carpenter had clven 10 CC lerotlllly of bill aenlcea and sound • c. ;Ice toward rebulldlog the little me­

_IDJrtal dlapel that wbeu It w .. com· pk.ted .11 the aummer people agreed thot he abould be IUIked to apealt after tbe'lunch_ wllleb .... to folloW dedication uerclles.· TIle da, and the en ~W. turD eame dul,..

u ....... and ;enUemen. dear friend .... lie becaD. hili good brown face very nd Indeed, "I .m a pod deal better IItted for the scaffold thaD for public lP~aking."

':'ben be realized .. hat be bad 8!llrt anJ lat dow~ amid ronra of I.ugbter •

• ' .!' I' ..

'The 'P;"",.. . TIle modern drama had Its origIn In

tll<', 'early' rellgluus .. orablps of .the· 1:~k.8. "

-----":':"'. - :t. c .... "...tloa .. I., ;. ~ • .n, McSOIb-\"ol brutel., Ja !t,..

.1 e that you are drunlqlp.'~ Ill . M.-.ic!ab-I think> I muala be; rd,.." If I waabn't, 1 woaldn't h ... til' .... to come boine 't' ~ 10 Will t " Il: erIIMtJUcili' d ' ·to;;w.;.t1~ ,'.1. " .. ~

~:t:~:Z:::riue '1It1lI C'Olz>Ir ~. the p"emmeut and John n*smoll4. chaIrman 'Of tbe lrisb par­lJama)tarY partT In tbe bo...., 'Of com­mOu; ~1lC tM !rlab bill. ,..blch

,wiU be laUOdIlce4 In tht' bouH lla7 ;. That lbefl:- an ;':Id .. dllfert'ocn 'Of or;>­ldon ~we<!n tbe CO"emment Dlfldab and'tbe lribb" XaUonaJltu 'on tbe teJ'Ud 'Of Ibe'm_re Is not dMded. bIIt they haTe acrHd that Uwr lltu shall be In­troddC.ed on tbe date d"termln~ upon II,. ~"'tary for Ireland B,""II. and what the X.UonalbU .re unabko to .et bom the lovemmerrt Ihey will en­.sQ\'or n obtain b,. .mendm .. nt.8 which will be p~ed ·durin. tbe debate upon the bill. 80m .. 'Of the members of the ('ablnet ... ·he !a\'or bome role ..:ere wmlnc t'O conc~e many of the dLnands of Ibe huh party. but the .Ja'Ority)a~!,~F.~;,&~ iri .... ure far short ot what lIr. l\..:1mond and ~II follow­en uked. 'l';,lere h.\,e been man)' (.~nference. on' lhe lubJect. some of Whlcb ... ·ere stormY •• nd for a Ume It was feared th.llt the Introductbn of the bill would ba\'e to be pO.tponed. but notlotlatloll. bayo now reached a stage

wblcb It Is to pre lent the 10

roing :,tl~Mie P~".,~J!r~~:~~~~Mt~b~em were ;, of thlt


i;;~~~~~~~~~~~ the Im-

d,.v.>ted to dls-with the

The rellOlu-tbe"creatlon. of a

e~~I~~'!~I'f,;J:\:'.:;;:.;emplre. which was I. 'acaln, broucht up

a few \'erbal

Frie"d. ,the elltreme cor-

h:";j~~~;:~r~;~;~ rung UI' betwe~n Premier Botha. , formerl)' not owing British crown. nnd citizens ot their re-

, ., ' ......... ' ToftIi,. Ctw",. .'.. '

8L J>rtuwbllrc--ln the »WU boUM of pa.t1.\ameDt, x: P~llt, Q, ... u­Ultlonal Dtmocrat. ..... d 1bc rt1>OfU of ~ Intnl'dlatlon committee npnS­I.,.: cbs,.... tbat prUoD<el'll bad be<:n lDrturo:d In onSu w obtain come .. 1onL Ddalla of IIOme ;0 ~ .... ere p"en.. Tbe>' we .. ., beaten 'On HJ\.dU .... parts ot tbe bod,. ..-lth Co ... elI: "'hlps and r.:abbeT ro<b. and tbelr linKer naila and ball' "'ere puUed ooL •

.TIM! t'Ortur'" In maD)' ~ we'" prolo.,.:ed for elcht to t"n ·da)'L 0 .... man. _bo ,..... only!! yean. old. look­ed 11k •• n old man, after ba"lnc b<-c!r. tortured. .

TIM! report.B add~ that It ........ dlm­cult to det .. rrnlne eDeUy tbe number of vlcUms. bUl It rould pte\)' be IUI­.um~ that all who were ~nlenc"d by drum be ... l court martial. or who o .... rpow .. red the l,r"'on otrlcen at RIP, April 13. "used throuch the torture ("ilamber.

The vlre-mlnlster of the Interlor.!oI. !oIakaroff. and the \,Ice-mlntater of Justice. )t. Luwl. replll'll on beha\( of the ~"emment and were accorded a re.""",ful hearing.

)t. '!oIakarol'l detailed Ihe. reault.8 of the official In'· .... t1gatlon Into the cbarg..,. hroui::ht a~aln.t the "rI ..... n ol'llclal. at Riga In !llareh last. which were shown to be w,,11 founded The prll!Oners were clubbed hy the pollee at the time of theIr arr""t. and In the rou .... e of theIr examination. In al­tempts to force confe •• lons from them. Ihe complete \IIegallt)· of which waa admitted b)' the ,,;o"emment an­thorltles. resulting In Premier Stoh'I,ln orderlnl( that proceedln.,;s be com­menced a.;aln_t the guilty ,,"nom ••

Continuing. )1. llakarol'l auured the hou"" thllt Ihe go\'emment had no In­tention of o\'erlooklnK crime. com­mitted b)' .. ttlclab. and added that the pro.coutlon of the gulll)' persona bad alread)' begun.

111_ LuWI defended the prIson guards ror killing prisoners who attemp~ed 10 escape from custod)·.

Lo"do,,'e U"employed . London.-The "cry of the unemploy­

ed" WaJ! ral.ed In London again. when .,,\·eral thoulOllnd skllled workmen. who had been discharged from "'001-wlch ar •• "'ol as an oulcome of War Secretary Haldane's scheme of reduc-11IJ military expenses. marched with bannero the long dlMlance rrom "'001-'A'lch to the hOllse of commons to Im­preso their j{rle\'ances upon the KO"­(ommen!. The romillaints or the men r~prewent not anI), 108s or employment. but the wiping out of their SIl\'lngs In­vested In little properties In "·oolwlcl1'.

Some of the dl.charged men hn.1 bf('n employed In the araenal at 'Vool­wl('h not le8s than thirty years. The "1'oce",,lon was augmented by a 'alr9ng hody rtf workers rrom the arm)' cl6th­bur factory at Plmll.'O. The line of march was thlckl,. lined with .pecto­tou. A ""',ula\1o" proceeded to the house of common. to la)' the worker.' I'rle,·ance. before· Premier Campbell­Bann-.r ..... "'1.

TJie vremler recel"ed the deputation In a private room. "'ar Sccretar)' Halda"e lind Baron Tweedmouth. nrat lord of' the admiralty. belnl' prellent. The' premier made a Ilympathetlc repl)·. ani ..... ur~ the' men of the lovemment's anxlet)· that these In­evitable .1I"oharlre. should entail· as little hardship as poaslble. Secretary Haldane explained the neceulty a! bringing Ih"'gs down from the' In­Ilated position whleb olitalned durlnlr tho late war. He said that 'there mllst be e\'en further reduction •• but that every seraI' of work p~lble waul;, be given to ·Woolwlch. Lor.1 Twee'lmollth proml.ed whate"er was possible on hehalf of the na\,v depart­ment. and the deputatIon wlthdrCM·.

LONGBOA"I;. GIVEN RECEPTION Toronto - Thousand. o{ )1eople

cro. .. ·ded the street. to .... elcome Tom Longboat, the Marathon race' .... inner. There ..... a torchlight par.de of halt • mile .... ith three military bandl and an athletic clubl .trongly ropreaented. At the city h.1l 'tbe winner 11'&1 given • ch'io addre_Il, a gold medal and the promise of a Ifrant of f500 t",,·ard. hi. educ.tion. Ch.rles Patcb of .. ho fini.hed alllth, .hared honor. and ..... given • med.l.

}:!!~:!:~~ been !IO Imor ..... ' .... 1 Sir WUfr1d La.urler'. IR!SH COUNClJ, BILL

1~1)1.,~~'atl'" appertalnlng nir colon)', that be hu London-The spirit of compromise il

p,~~'ln~~i.:l~n.'~·ill~t.:Uon to "Islt tho ·.-"lIn,,- hnlng elfect on the prospects of the "aal. that the spectacle of Irish Council bill. and it. ,upporters thefbrlltlant and accoml,llshod "tateo- are more hopeful of reconciling the

'. mall". of foreign 'deflcent. yet an wh'o- dilfereucet r.gardin~ the terms of the eate o('tho blgheRt traditions qf the proposed measure. The outlook has .0

~B!1tl.llh empire. ~"III ha\'e a splendid far impr!,'ved that lIr. Birrell, chief . elfeot on the POOI,I. of the Tra~",·aal. Iccretary for Ireland, ..... a. able to Rn·

Ih}a& noted, ,all!O •. that, bOlh U'UlCI",r I noun.,., in the hou.e of commonl that . &rid, ~l3Qtha: ! \nvarlabl~' ngreo Ule he Jloped to be able to introduce the ,dillCuMIoM of I tbe l.'Onference. biIJ lIay 7.

Opi"lo" of Premiere --------Durlne the dlscuaslon Geneml ENTERT.\INL'\G THE VISI'IORS

Botha aald that In the Tran8'"IUll the London-Lady Glencoab held a ellhotlne defence arrangement.8 were brilliant re~eption for the premier •. .• .-tl..-ai:tOl')'.( The position he Se"eral Canadi"ns, includinl; Edith thoucht bazariJoua It tho Imperi .. 1 Killer. of OUa .... a ..... ere entertained as

from South gue.ts. The Xarqui. and lIfarebione •• at an)' rate fod- of Lar.ado ... ·no in\'ited a distingui.hed

matter of defence. parh to Lan.downe hou.e to meet Bol'len' referred 'to 'the Sir Wilfrid .nd Lady Laurier.

;~?t};.:;:~~~~~~~~ at tho conference of 1902. i'1 he ellPreto-' the opinion Iha.t no set of men ShDUId be \a.belled for II.,,' ,pa.rtJCuhlr: '_rvlce. ;but: that the Canad1an militia "hOuld be made a.b­.llOolutelY el'leeth·e.· 80 :tbat w~ neces­• Ity am"ed. ......lstanCe muld be ren­dered ,the Imperial arm)·.

,YolunlBr)' enlistment., Jame.oon perhaps an ad\'julcOO

i~~±~~;j;~~C~O~wdd~~e;ra~u~o~n~a~t~the next

~i Co"f'''"ce '

~~hEi~~~~~~~~1f~ to' reliable Intor-the uuJtuu" of Italian compro­

mauer of dls-peace confer­

limitation of the Internal Prince' "on

DE~'b.'·l' LANC.\STER'S BILL Oltaw. - By • vote of 37 to 14.' the

en.te finan, rejected L.ncaster's bill limiting the apeed of trains in citie_, town. and incorporated \'iIIages to wn milel .n hour. Davi. and lIacDonald (Vietori.) voted .... ith the minority, .nd Watson, Roy. Riley. Young, Per· ley .nd Bostock ... ·itb the majority.

TIlIE8 VIEW OF PREFERENCE London-The Time. h.. a long di.·

p.tcb 'from Ott.... putting Can.di.n fcellOg on the qne.tloa of preference veJ)' .tron,ly, Tbe Times, referring to Premier Laurier'. reported negotia· tlon. .nth foreign countries, s.y. th.t .. b.t i. no.. offered ua m.y go to others unle .... e .re wise enou,h to .. ile the opportunity .... hen it comes.

ENGLISH RIFLE TEAll COKING Otta ... -It il definitely sel1led that

Ibe Earli.h rlfte tum "iIJ \'isit Can· this ' . They ... ill conlest

tropb~·. .nd th,!n ro ~Y <r.D~'IIi.,~ route to AUltr.lta. It IS

friendly m.teltes will be ll.nitobe _ .nd Brittah Co·

'--ty.F_ "- 0lIl T,.... ..... PIa.CIM .. Oil"" Life.

.... ant lIelzOn of Port Anbar bad a queer +,,. c' 7 ai tbe polio. aia&ioD I'eOenU,. So .. a ncWar Rip Van Winkle of 1M ~ type. The man'. ~ '- ."'151\ Hende-. · aDd be hails fnD • kIw1I near EdiD­harsh. Scotland s. ...... thai be._ ._ T. ,.e.ara of .... : Wbea be .... _ b7 a embe in · tIM polioe "a'je= be cor1aiDl1 1'_ • _ted an odd, an '&Doe. Ria feet t _'" .. ound up iD MDV. hap. to ·take the place 01, ...... For e10thilll .be had two pUrl of oftnlls and an . old _to Hia hat. ... a home-made atrair. beina an old W& hai with large ear ftape .... ed oa.

Quit Wort! V .. ", Ap. HeDdel'8On staled t.bai be quit doin,

hard labor four ,.eua &10: aDd since tha& time baa dooe nothin& but tramp around tile coun\ry. He hu been hall UlroUCh the S ..... aDd he ia no .. tak­ing a walk lrom 1I000treal to Vanc:ou-Yer.

". left North RaJ 011 Ne .. · Year'. D.,.. and llinco t.bai time I have been on tile tramp 1Iet_ Ulai place and

.Port Arthur. I ~. a ride on the can, and I have .. alked every atep 01 the way • .u niP' I usuall,. make m,. quartel'll in IblCh along tile line."

"Wh.t do JOG do lor lood~" .. ked the ICribe. "I lift principall, on the siufl th.t is thro1l'D out of the dining

· can, and somet.imel I t,.,. a meal by : the 1I'a), • Tba.. lood arreea with me ,better than an~ else. Owin, 10 ·tbe faet thai I have no teetll I cannot 'e.t meat or other hard foods. there­·Iore I do n~ appreciate &bat kind 01 lood. II I should take lteak I would have \0 s .. a1lo .. it 1I'bole. and it is juat like a piece 01 lea&ber to me."

"Do .. lCong il i. BiD_ Joa have .. ork-ed," BIlked the em .. .

Would ...... r Tr.vel. "I did a little work over lour vears

ngo. Work doell noi cree with me. I cannot stand the confinement. It .... ould kill me. When I used to work the people who hired me thought that .... hen I took a job I 11'" a1wa\'s look­ing nfter my own intereste and noi after my employer'I, and, therefore. 1 did not lut lona. I wonld 800ner travel. however •• I alwa),s leel nil right out.eide."

When the se~t. an,gested that be go on the bill lor a few weeks un· Iil the weather moderated Ibe old fel· low stated thai it .. oald kill him. He could not stand the eonfinement. "I mn~t (10 on." he remarked.

His hair is lonl and his whiskel"\ "re matted. and boin appearances it is not likely the man hu used a comb for l18yerlll yean. He lliates that he hu no destination in view, but thai he ia merel), on biB .. aJ.


Oeneral Booth'l ""'pnal to Purcha .. Land' In Ontarl ...

In connection 'with the recent ~18ii 01 General Boo&b 01 the Salvation Army it transpi,. tha .. the ,reat or­Ionization of wblcb he is ~he head laid before. the Ontario Government lOme months ago a coloniution Bcheme of considerable magnitude. In advancing ihe tentative plan. the Army pledge on their pan the utmost care and effon to .. ard success. Briefly the plan contemplateB the setting l18ide by the Government of ten to .... n· ships suitable for agriculture in the northern Ontario "clay belt." and preferably townships that ... ·ould be tapped by the Tranllcontinental Rail­way. The area .. ould aggregate some 230.000 or 250 .• 000 &ere8 01 land. It is not uked by the Arm), thnt this shall be given free. Tbe)' a'" reported. how­ever. to have auaested Go,'ernment aid in this conneation to the extent of obtainfng the land ai somewhat less than the fifty cony per acre uBually charged settlei'll in Ul_ districts. and also that paymeni be extended o\'er a period 01 years, probably ten, without interest. The prico they offer. it has

. boon estimated in GoverrJDent circles. would pay for tbe COB' of the neees· sary surveys of the toownsbips.

If the plan goes through the Arm\' will undertake to .. We on the usuril sized locations-ISO .cres-immigrants . of the \'ery best selected class. In this regard the Government would C(H)per· ate very closely by selecting a num­ber of experienced men who would BIlsist members of the Army stsff in locating the setUe",. building suitable homes. clearing the land. and teach­ing the rudimenY 01 agriculture.

The settlemeni would be gradual; there is DO idea of bringing in thous­ands of people tocether and ha\'ing them live in tenw or rough sbanties. As a funher aid to the settlei'll ihere will be the new experimental fann

Ne ... Ontario, the aite for .... hich ... ·118 selected some \Une ago. and which will be a eon 01 agricultural beadquarters. For a considerable time after location began the settlers would. it is belieVed. be able to make enougb mone)' lrom Ule pulpwood on the lands and in rail1l'a), cocstruction work to help them considerably t,O. .... ard becominK pel'lDllDent citizens of the country. At no time .. ould tbey be left. to their oms re8Our0e8. but would al ... ys haft the experienced usiatanco menwODed at. band.

THE SUIDAY SCHOOll Leason V,-Seco.ld Quarter, For

May 5, 1907,


Tat of the LInin, ... ali, .... M-w" V ....... to Qo!4eft Tnt. ,,_ '·5 C __ ta.." p ..... .,.. 'y It .... D. M •• ue ....

(CIopfrIpt. ll1r.. 1>1 ~ __ ~"'1 ODe of the Iffttest I-'M for tbe

ftdeemed of the Lord to \earn ta th.t God baa a !!let time for enrythlng and does enrytblnc at the appointed time_ That whlcb _ma to us like delay or enn denial la simply Dta waiting time for 011 while De ta snrely won.lng ont Dta pnrpoee. De .Iway. waltll to be cracloOll and merclfnl beyond our asll· Ing and la too wl8e and kind to he el· ther too BOOn or too late In DIA deal· Inp wltb nlA own. BlePed nn! all they that w.lt for Dim (1M. us. 18). Dnppy are all wbo lean .11 tbelr nf· fal", wltb Dim. with the utmOllt conn· dence In DIm, .nd MY cladly. ")ly times are In Thy !a.nd" (Ps. sui. l1i).

The full tlme had now comp for J()o Ilepb'lI delh·erance. and It dellgbt" the trnattnl cblld to w.tcb blA Father nt work. That the bntler may remember blA f.ultll and thlnll upon hb, prl!OOn friend 'Of two yea", before, Pbamoh I~ gI\'en two dreams In one nlgbt. ",blcll trouble him. but wblcb none of till' ... 18e men of Ecpt can Interpret (ve",e 8). It w .. Julll 80 wltb tbe of Babylon and blA wl8e men long n ... ard (DaD. II and Iv). for IPII tbe \\'I~· dOI& at tbls world cannot Interpret th., things ot God. Tbe nDtural mun I'('­

celveth tbem not. In Pharaoh's tronble beeau!!le of hl~

unlnterpreted dreams tbe cblef butler recoils hili l>fi!lOn esperlence nnd tell~ the king how he and tbe chlet baker. having dreams whlcb tronbled them wblle In prison. bad them Interprete:1 by. a fellow prl!lOner, a )'oung Hebrew. and eacb Interpretation was IIteral1~' fulnlled. On bearlne this Pharnr,h brought Joaepb hastll, out ot the dnn· II!On (the marcln "),1 "made blm rnn"). J~pb, belnl eummDned tn meet the "Inc •• baved blmself. chnng:!d bla ra'.ment and wa. BOOn In the p!'el!. ence of tbe kinK. On bearing why thc kine llent for blm be replied: "It III not In me. God aball Clve Pbaraob an nn· .... er of peace" (venIN 1" Ul). Davlng beard tbe dretlma, be readily Interpretlo them, prefaclne bls Interpreta lion by tbe remark, "Wbat God Is about to do De lheweth' unto Pbaraob." and add· Ing that tbe doubUne ot the drenm In· dlcated that tbe thinK was etltabllsbed b, God. and De would abortly bring' It to pau (vel'lll!s 28; 82). Tben he sug· cesta that Pharaoh appoint a proper peraon to la)' up corn durlne tbe yeat'!l of plenty.

Tbe time of J~pb's dellvernnce baR come. From thla on It Is rise and progreu, and the dreams of bill youth have a literal fulllllment. If from be­Ing tbe oveneer of Potlpbnr'B bouse to a dungeon was a creat fall and a seem· Ing calamity. wbat shall we IIftY of this change from the dungeon to tbe tbrone or nest to It? For Pbaraob'B word was ''Only In tbe tbrone will I be greater than thou" (verae 40). Wben God's appointed time comell, bow suddenly De works! Tbe .. me d.y tbat I.ot went out of Sodom tbe clUetI of the plain ceaaed to eslat on eartb (Luke svll. 29).


r::-_ too _ bu:~ II:=:: ...,. aDd made too MIiIIc­lelia. siven -'I7II' ... ~ -'k!etions18 ~!~~:~~ kDew the ... The lire '~;,;!::d·":if·t th:be same nieM &bai witDeued in PenMylvani. the burning of John Wannamaker'B hand­.ome eountry Mal. In the I.Uer the lamoa destroyed over • million dol­Ian' .. orth of proputy. rare tapestr, aDd paintinp and uitique lurniture in fifty roomB. On the other hand Deer Lodp w. onl1 valued at 110.-000. bnt with iY paaainr .. ent one 01 tile Ie.. historical buildincs of ou, JOUDI WeA,

Built by a F", Maanate. It .... built in 1.8118 by lohn Ro ..

an. son of tbe Chie! Factor ..bo built the Ii",' Bic Houae within the .. alls of Fol'\ Edmonton in early part of I.. oentury. &8 Chief Factor Hardisty built. the.seeond Bil House ou\8ide the Ion. )lr. Harrison Young. Irom .. bam this information w.. obtained. ...... Ulat this J obn Ro .. an "u lor manJ 1ears employed witb the Hudson RaJ 00. in Edmon­toon district. He ... lor several yearw in cbarce of Fol'\ Pitt.. Mr. Rowan I.ter .. ent down to the Red River district. and ... ·u noted &8 being one 01 tbe 'Old brirade 01 Hudaon Bay fao­toors, .. ho WBll larcel, iDlltrumental in the carryin, throqb 01 tbe negoti .. iiom which finall, resulted in the amalgamation of the Hudson Bay Co. and Norlhwest Tradinl Co. TheM (lreat rivals had repeatedly come \0 blows in their effort. \0 secure the fur trade of the Wea\, and their rivalry bad resulted in a practical cessation of all attempts to settle the count". Tradei'll and seWers .. ere in\'ol\'ed m the diapute. whicb result.!d in civil ..... r. mll8sacre and murder.

R .. ldence 0' lpeaker McK.y. Deer l.oo,e .... rendered nDtable ..

being the residenco 01 the latc Han. J ames McKay. who .... as Speaker of the Legislature under the Gerrard­Davis Administr.tion, and afterwards a member 01 the Davis Government, .... ho resided there lrom 1860 to 1878. Mr. McKav WIUI the hllsband of Mar­f.uet ROlA·an. Mr. )lcK"y made the

r.lnce famous • a atook farm. and n many of the records 01 the time.

and up to 1819. hia t.horotlghbreda are mentioned.

The lodee was' coDlltrocted of he~ logs. chinked wiib the outside being covered with It 10'01 a storey and a hall in Burround-ed on thre.a sides and upper balcony, and each peak of the rool by a frDm which ii took

'rrounds . surround inK . wooded. lind laid out Inl~~~~dls~a~e flower beds and rarden- p

Of recont ),eal'll ii hu a hostelry. and wbile Ad<Ut14lnS boon made to creased

Ullineo a ,Interet!ting woodlands about one .. ho h88 had the ple,asl1re tng the bir bear to 'pop will not eas­ily lorret t~e inci~ent.. The "rden' .. ay In which Bnun seized the bot.­tle Irom \'our handll and held it to his mouth'-tiliing Ii to drait~ the luI. drop-was exceedingly amusm~. And big. clumsy, clever Bruin almos' seem­ed a .. are 01 yonr amusement.

DOS. TRAil OF FURS. It 1.11 flUlClnatlng to read of Josel,h'B promotion and Pbaraob's words to blm: "See, I have set thee over all the Indian and HI. Dop Broulht Them land of Egypt. A~ordlng unto thy _ Mil ... word shall all my people be nlled. The appe&ranco 01 a .dog-train 01 WIthout thee sball no man 11ft up hill lurs on Edmonton·l. mam thoroulI.b­band or toot In all the land of ElO'Pt." lare the other mo~g was a PIC­Tben see the royal raiment. the ring. turesque sigM. remuuscent 01 the the IIOld cb.ln, the cbarlot and all the lrontier days. and one only to be people bowing before him and lIftylng. seen at rare intervall now • "Tender father." Tben note bill mnr- Tbe lour burly h~ea in the trni;n rlage to ABenath. daughter ot~ the showed signs 01 faUg~e after tbe~r

long journey of 300 milea from Peh-prince of On (vel'lll!s 38-&5). can Rapids. on the Ath~basca. acco.m-

Let me remll\d e\'ery true belEver In plillhed in five eonsecuwve days, With Chmt. bowever poor or amlcted or mtervals of reat. dlacouraged, that If JesU8 ebould come Their driver and o .. ner. a square­(an event alwaY8 polIBlble) we wonld In jawed capable-looking Indian named a moment change our mortal for 1m· AlexaiJdre Dezzerlais, pre~erred to mortal bodIes. our present weaknellS bring his furs and dogs, dJre~t1y to for eternal youtb and perfect healtb. Edmonton instead of leavmg hiS dogs and Instead 'Of our present clrcum- at Athaba'sea Landin" BIl the aver­.tanCet! reign wltb Cbmt on Dill age trapper does.

I III Furs Are Quite V.lu.ble. tbrone (I Cor. S\'. 51: Pbl. • 20. 21; I ThetlB. Iv. 11' .. 18; Rev. III. 2L) . His fnl'll include snen coyote skim,

Tblnk alao of the new name and all ais crOll8-foll. eigMeen red. fOil. two Its Blcnillcance! (Yerwe 45; Rev. II. 17.) otter, seventeen lyns. ten mink, seven J~pb. b" the bletlBlli .. ant! guIdance marten. three .. eUel. one la!ge black

J • bearskin, and five m_ sklWl. . of God. wrought wl8ely and dlllgentl)' Some idea of the value of Deuel'-durlng all tbe seven plentennll yea", lais' cargo may be bad Irom the lad and laid up an abundance for tbe com- that marten skins an worth Irom 110 Inc yea",. Our bleaed Lord at the to ns each: mink UId I,ns. 18 to 19; ume age, tblrty (\'CI'III! 46; Luke·lII. otter. $16 to $26: _los and co,-23). entered upon DIA public mlnlatry otes.,3 to iii: red los. iii to 17. aDd the special pbase of preparing With moose skina and bear skina, bread and life for tbe pembine mll- Dauerlais' flll'11 will ~. ab!Jut $500. IIoDII . of eartb. Tblnk of too. In the A great part 01 thia be Will excbange famine da". In E .... pt and other landa lor stlpplies, and will IIOOn wend hia

J"" way home .. ard wiUl hiP dogs to the Penli.". For Ihthe.... who knew that corn could be bad from mlent places 01 the north.

In an interesWic article on old-age l<*lpb .Dd never telling It! It la uil- F~ Pe_ Rlwr C,...lna. peoaiOllll in the clln'ell' number I)f tblnkable. But what .bout thoae wbo AnoUler escollelit. «MJSigDIllent. at The Empire Revie ... )lr. A. C. BroWII- kIIow tbat lite la'in Chmt and not any- fura... thai brOfCbI.· down direetly Jo.. declares thai the eJua of the where else (Actll Iv. 12; I Jobn T. 12) from Peace River .cr-in,. 500 miles community .. hich ~e pensions and are not BtItft!d to make It known? north. ' mOB' are the wiYes of working m*'D- In Joaepb's day the corn h~(l to I~ It belongs to a young Enl!liahman the women .. bo. on a 11'8111 of some- bou-bt b .. -'\'In'" mane" and 'nOll,. III . named H. Pope. 01 the Crossin& ... ho \Unes leaR than 301. a week. ha\'e • J "'.. J d' th .. llrougM un a luge family eschanp for It, but our Btor.'· Is thnt I di.d a liiUe trapping unng e paa


Thomp ..... Local

""e .: CD'e "_rt ., a"" Werld'e Markets April 25, 1107

"'beat: In our la~t week'" "",'1""" we had to record a elackenlllC In the­",h .. at ma:kel!O of the pre"lous more actl\'e conditIon •• and an easing' of[ In rrlce.. but the "ery da~' after WC'

wrote brought sharp ad\, .. nce and a return '10 bulll~b senllment. so that Ihere has' bc.-.>n a ",,,,y large and ac­th'e trarie In Ihl' I'llrcululh'" market .. e'+(o'ry da~'Pl''" ~ be J'Utlt week. In ~cw \'erk )la}':" i>ht.:.t .... 3 .cents hIgher Ihan a . . nJlV;'Jtand Julr. ~1 up. 1:1 We~ter llI<;rl,,· .. n markets the ad-'-ante on tt&~ ,h.'t"k Is lSc to ~~i eX­C"I,t In Wlnn1"eg where !\lay I. only Hc hIgher. July lie. I111l1 October lle higher. The l,rlnclpal cause or th .. SlrNll(th I. Ihe .Iamage done to the wlnler wheat In the .oulhwest of the Unlte.1 Slale •• by green bllgs and dry cold wealher. The lIama .. e rel,orta bad fallen ol'l In som" moosurs last week. but this week Ihe)' hn\'e been ...,\,h·e.1 again In fllll force. lind re­ports of serious damAge are. v~ry' num~rous. Som.... of the n\ost etll­photic damage rcports COme fron .. well known and cXl,erlenccd ('ro~ <'x­.'prts. some of whom have been tm\"­e\llng ror Ihe pasl month or more o,'er Texas, Oklahomn. KlInsus anlt ~11 •• ollrl. retraclnll' their ot"p' nt IIt­len'als of a wel'k or a rortnlgllt. thuS' being able to ob.er,·e the de"elol'­mt.'llt of green bug m,"ages. llnd by comparl.on with other distrIct. where dnllljlge I. not so nl,pnrent. to forc­cn.t furlheq dnmage. Ile\,,,lopnumls_ It Is now nllowed b)' e"errone that: \'crr "xtensl"e damag" hn! been .Ione­In Texns. anel Oklahom.. to hatll. w!!eat nnd oat •• bul Ihere Is ns ret SOllle conflict or report. regllrdlng thL' e"tent of damage to the KanNns crol'_ Tho green hUg IN .tlll working lind' sprendlng In Kansas and the crop In. IJllrts I. 8ul'lerlnt; by drout;ht. Es-. IImates of Ihe probable ~'Ield In Kan­"". are I'llt nt rrom a half to two­Ihlrd. of a full crop. In the stat" ... surroudlng Knnsas there Is al.o much , dnmljge by the green bug llnel b)" drought. and In sollle .nut" .. there hilS been con.lderable winter kill, and th .. extent of all the damnge w1ll not bo knuwn until later on In Ihe season. The weather conllnueR col.1 and Uns<'a­NOna ble halh 8011th nnd north and tho seeding of tho aprlnl' wheat crop I. 81111 delayed and a general start can­not be made In North Dakota one' "'estern Canada before lila)' 1. or fou&:' week. laler than an average date>.. Last year and In 1905 wheat seedln., In Manitoba anll Western Canada wall' finlahed just around the pre.ent date-. and weather conditions were \'ery fav­ornble. and the ulthnate yleltl In both yearo moot latl.factory.1 "'hlle auch condition. as obtain In AmerIca are causlnl' a doubtful pro""ect a. regard this year's crops. we regret ha"lng tl> record that the crop prospect In.80m& I,arto of Europe also lea\'es much ,to. be dealred. This I. e""eclall)' tho caso· In Germany and Cenlral Eurone and,' to some elltent In Bouth ltuH.la_ Drought threatened the Spanish crop' but good r.lnll have 'relieved the situ­ation there. In' the United Kingdon. and In France the crop pro.pect I. good. Taken altogethor. however. all the worltl's last three crops ha\'e been unusually large, la.t year's be­Ing the largest on record, It f .. reason­able, to expect some reaction In the general abundance of yield. Tho ad­\'ance and strength In Amerl.can mar­kels ha\'e thIs week be!!n accompanied, by firm mnrkets In Europe. nnd a sub-, stnnllal a!l\'ance In prices there. atld' In the last two day" large aales tor­export lire rel,orte.l from the Atlantic" seaboard. .

Our 'Vinnlpeg market has been finn, hut has a,l\'anced >corcel)' as much aa:­Unlte!1 Stntes markets. an!1 ""- 'fay' whpat hns heen almost wenk owing fo._ the liquidation of the Jlfa)' option. Thl., woul<l ha\'e heen otherwise Ir lake naV!l_ gatlon had been open, ns then the ""_ mand for cash wheat for honts wonld" have heltl the prIce up better. 'J..slkn na\'lgatlon will probnhly be open hy' May 1. depending on tho wellther let­tIng the haat. get through the Ice. Last:· "ear nn"lgatlon opene.1 on Anrll ]Ii. I!'o<lny'" price. nre: 1 hard. 791c: 1-nor., ?7!1e; 2 nor .. 7file: 3 nor., 72,c;.: nnd No.4 whent 70c: spot or en route.,. On our future delh'crv mnrkpt. cl"Rlng­prlcM w_: Aprlf. ''IIc: lIIay. ;8Ic: luly. IItc: alld «)dotlei'. ~n.c. A \I ... _ aN to ... at_ Port William nnd IiDrt Arttl •••

.. ,_ lIP Itrelt It .... r. 'PtIrough the generosity of a eel'

tnin woman and mun, Charles Ansen~ 50 yenrs old. who was charged at Wil­lesden. England, IL few weeks ago wiU" singing in the street for alms. took first-class pnssage with his wife and three children on the steamship Pom­eraniun for Munitoba, where there i£1 a furm waitinr lor him to take pas­se~Bion.

When Ansell 11'88 brought before, Ald. Wright hiM appearance layorably, impressed the magistrate, and Robert.· Marshall, the court missionary ..... 11& asked to investigate the case .

lt was asccrtained that Ansell ""s, a steady. industrious man and har) served under Lord Roberts in India Bnd elsewhere. His wile and three. children were stnrving.

A well.to-do woman took an inter­est in the unfortunate lamily, and her husband presented them .... ith II farm of nboul 200 acres near the tOWD of M innedosi. Canada.

In·,.lid Avert. Eviction. Exciting eviction scenes were .... it­

nessed near Dublin when the houso of n ,,;do .... named Maher was raided by bailffs and t"'enty policemen.

Barricades plae<:d in front of tl house were broken, down. and tj. J

police then effected an entrance by breaking the windows and the door_ They' removed the lurniture. but. af­terward a doctor certified that. on& of the inmates of the house. a .. oman 95 years old. ..as an invalid. and' that her life .. ould be imperiled b" the eviction.

"Withou'i t.be ~r wbere would eternal life la the free gift of God '!lnter .. a profitable. lorm 01 nerea. the nation be?" be &ab. "Ye. whai' wllbout money or pod ... ork~ (Rom. tion. A pile 01 crosr.-fos •. re;d los. IJDs, ia the S~ doiD& ai present for \be W. 2-1; Epb. II. 8). and r~ aites~ too ~ un1D~u:'nr,· .. mothers 01. RocJand' Burely 'Ul_ The namell wblcb Jowpb g:l\'e hill ~ 'wiD': ~the nort.b with ~f

· •. ·~:;:~~i~llvela, hue women ~ve all .... rs 'Bb01l;1d be two cblldren wbo· ... ere bom In ElD'Jlt m_ n ... n!,m~e~n:e&I'::,-=t.be=-= .. :'::Ulemen: ia. , exam in.· able too look lonrud eo a penod 01 becauae God made'blm forcet bla toU, .

'i~l~~'.!~': one month'. ',. .. ~'fich&inl ..... ~e 'Of life. aDd made blm fruitful in the land of A "atunl Inquiry.

The High Sheriff .... appealed to. and he ordered the furniiure to be taken baCk. This W&8 done, and the barricades were aeain erected.

U'~,~n!11lC y.l'Is: Forty . "WtUl a 8\ate .,.....rm how mue!! bJa amlctlon (nraetl ~l. ~") are Rg

l!l~~:~~E~~~;tu::n::d:e:r;thr~e licbler 1I'_d tbe budena of the ....... Wi1.-,..Whai d8 Joa Uaink of 'IIIJ A Colliery Record. , . 1I'CIftinc man'l wile boooaie? Whai =e b.Of 1: tos!, 16; JD~o!". 8. .. bai,; dear, B --. u What ia claimed to be a record an ia4uenco lor' rood 1I'oald lIle be 0 • 11'0 eYery ODe. unto B.henl Pille. - -- .... d l' . di f aI f lli

I ill her-old ace too tIM J'GaIIC'moUlera I 10Rpb; what he .. Ith untD 10u. do" .. ~, \ . i: ~eWlUni~ a .rl:,do;;: a~!.. cu m!Z '.'!;:~=~.'" a riaiq ~ u.t.e.d'ol • ai I (- 55) •. mUM ns think of Mary'e ,A M "w .. I I oS llUi .. eek a .. Ule Bargoed colliery.'" ..• . SW-. a cnr. oatIM ... 01 her ,_. to tile _"anD at' the m.rrIa;:e r . .' tile Pow.ll DJfIryn Compan),. . •. ~JjJf. :V::b~~ri:" iIftapriDI. J~.r: .-~ CIQIhI." r-t (Jobn U. 5). ~'-"er De _ •. IIor'I tIUI .. !> c:: .... ' Tho qU&lltitJ af coal r&iIK ~nc ; be::':.c ... tJt;iz, ::: .. - ... i ~. anto 10D. do It.- Mq 11 sam. hf"D"t;.....,. V tIM... 1M.., ........... • -- . K!.:cu. .... oa~ ~_._ _US, . _. , '


~Mr.!re8t. · .' ',$1 p~ A_III io a~ullce: .- 1,:' so that· Hie. ~ $1.50 if IIDt paid lII2llYav.e. may not becolDe·iDfeelioll.carryinp.

.. : '~." .': ..... .:.... .. " . .... . • Ilglmtli; Rnd (3) provision. mad,· r_lB~ f!TffY ~uu,.".....,. .... l)C'1Sl0g a.' .' • -

""' oilier. Elm ~k, lbciwba.. . so Ihllt tbelll(echonof IlnsexctelR (IDRy not fuul any ~atcr supply •.

. -'D'V.BTI!I~O atTY.!\ I. 'fhe first method of protect ioe .. _ ,_ """"""", ... 1 of' , ... a,li!l« ad....nl..,. I' is entirely l){!Tl;onnl. nud sillil,h

.......... "..".,1iJ!o"T'*"IIi CIO .f~Snt:JI"" • U ......... "'h ..... I __ S ... '..". u ..... e ... th,,,,,r·[C,llls fur t'.arcfulllcs ... tilld denllli.

d ...... t~ ...... ",: ~. 'tuf"-:lOrl'l\ U) ..... ~~ t$ oew.; \ . .... 1 .. "_ ", <I ... iJ>r.!~ i lIC'sS oa lhe pllrl of I h.: perstlil &<

S~1f'P'+ q( ....... '1 wuUotJ. ~U u~ lc. •• ". i f ... "". ,,"'_ W ~t. /...- f1t-<. ito ... ," ...... I",,,, e:t}losNl. The 5l ... ·0IHi IInci thill! fn~. 1'~ t • .,." ~SHna,. 1"

X, .......... ,1 ... ·OT ..... Ioo. Sh"..,L !",. ""!~. - .. i poilllS uf illfl!dk'lI lire Iwl "" 1,,0 ~"P1 t;AiI't h~h ~ J_~_ J!.fI' fqr n...,t !fl-I'!.il,:~ ; ...... .. • ~~r''''I.1~t .. lr"ri ... 'I'''-ld ...... t\,..,..,ttit.c.. i Ultlf'"h \\"lth:11 lnlh\"lliun.! puwer h

.\ i .. I'I'tr1J~t. tn :,....r-... I r • ..tu~1in. I'J nnU. p"""; .

;:.:,.~CH':1_~CH£S \' I'P.F.sBYTERl ,\ 'S

l'rl'3chillj; po;en.' S.'l?batb, llll.m. alld I i p.nl.

Sabb:lth School, u:; p.m. .

RE\". G, C. GRAXT. 1"lI."tor.


1'1'('3,,11;01:. 3 I':m., "III'rn"t", Sund",.,.. Rv.,·. E. A. i).\ \'IS, fncuml ... ot.

1I .. ~( ... w~t:"n .... J""4 ' • 'colllhnllw within the puwero£ til< \11 Nj.IbC~ • .f • .rll' .. .f"(i-I'!~V Q:>'Q:.: ~r.h l~.i .. :. . ~1 FTIIOD 1ST omr~ ...... 16'"'I' .. "Tn_I~'_ .. I,,rl".,"t ..... 'C(lflllJllllllt\·. and ,1I'pend cllldl\ • ~ . I

in the- ('1lrftCl "'~~. "" i~...afl.. I ". .....-: t1pVIl falllty scwn;!;!.'. £'1"'3cl,ml: """r~' Sahlh"\tb. ,"It , p.m. . 1 - tl' f t ·C· I I' I f I S"hhath &h,w.l. !! p.tn. I

C. H. l[Mh!O~I, Editor. ~ t IS liS Ii(" () I Ie (Isp,.sn 0 i E. T,., Friday, S p. III. "nd choir !'mc· \

Enmil1!ltioo of the eyes is a hobby ,.;,b us:

\\'e C::D!l:ln .. fr::e and only m:u;;e m":!tst c!or.'ges \\beo Slas!..."S"rc r:G,urnl.

St,.Z-~n mountings 11.11' us to gil'e !>:ltisiaclioo,

PPPPP ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• · ' . . . '. ~ Bring Along Your Harriess l • • • • : And Have It. Aepalred : • • : -.\T TIIE- : · ' . : ~Im Creek Harness Shop ; • • • • : A Fille ~tll('k o( 1 (nrllt-.s.'!, COI\Hn!. nlltl Swent Pnlls : • .-\)wn.\·s 011 IInlld. • • • : J05. RINN, Prop. W .• OSE, .... : .. .. . • • .. ~ .................................•••..........•..

===,~._._~ .... _~._.~ .. ____ ._._. ____ ._~ __ ! st!wn~t! thnt d2tJlnllfl~ the aHl!uticu: tir~. i " ,._. _. " ,,- ._.-'- -.----: f '1'1 .. I 1 I' ] t .! :':cllf'rtnHt Sch",,1. ,.r!'llchin!: 111\.111. I 1-:[,:'1 CHr:I-:I\:. !>lAY 2.1007 j" II 11\\111\1'11111 )0' It·S. H! . l\arn,I,·y &·b' ..... I. !,,,·nchin!!. :t:l0l'.llI., .------------­

,their n'''IJ01I8i\,ilily to scc. Ihllt Ihl'! 5.'\hhath School, :!.:~ ".111 .• ,,11.t'ro:ttl· J. H. COCHRAN

".e: Hus::ll1("C'r.; n who 'I uy uf h.\\·iuj; l":;tleul

j h,. l~l'crlJ. 1~('li",iu3f}' r ceo. I

tShe Maple Leaf <="=,,:,,,._, ! .. -'-'~-. - .......... " ." ..... "'-:, i public hl'alth is proll'dml ill th,': S'j~~k~~~ 8<-11001. "I"'al'hinl!. 11 n.lII.

1 l,,,sl pnssihll' wny. nnd in Ihi,; n··1 CuI"""" Seho,,\. p .. · .. chiDg. :11'."" ill I II I I' t I . t Snbbnth ScI".,I, :! p. tn., ,,11l'rolltl' Suo' I ~lIn I) t U H! II I1IUl) III 11'11' I dnys. ' . -.. I

Ca rmBn i l1l(Jft("lat~. Our In\ ellenr'. A,h'l$rr !"('nt uJlun .~ • -._iII __ .. ____ ~--~ 'I quut. )l!1.rion oS:. ~hdNt. 1tC'J,::"tI.. ~C'w ,",'r\: l.ifc I • I ntoll:. lloutrc .. l: nll.1 W,,~hlnJ:t"u. H.C •• \O.!i.4-\' 1



'1'):jlh<li,1 fen"r has l>e('ollle olll'll)()wcr Itl make il ensy for 'thl' j 1lK\'. A. K COOl{. Pastor.

of tlt!l IJII),;t mClIllcillg disNI!H!3 of II LJIII,lil~ to k\·cp dCIIII. Hlld lu 1'11'\ our pr.J,·illf;e. ~illco the ellrly (or,'e clelllllille~s 011 thllse who nn' \

.• lay!! uC seltlclIHmt it 'hlls' been cn.lllcgligenlly i J1(Jitfen'lI t. . IW~I.\!,\ C.\ 'I'll OLlG

Marriage . 1~U1'{.AT__ . I L~un~r'"


Cllrlllnll l;tenm LI\\l.:I~ry Co. . t1ellli~~ ill Willllipl·g. 111111 liS our I, WI;ile it ill il!lp<lssit.le 10 ellrr) M'l.. .... ut 10 a.l1I.

)Jrllirh~ t"WIII> W/1rlr IIny II~gwc of ollt lilly eluborute syslelll of sewllge E\'O'nill!'t Pra}".r. de. at ;.:;0 I'm .• on · I' , . ' . th.· la~t. SUlld,,,' m e"ch llIonth. 817.0, 1I11t1 }laBS throug I II few yearl' If! (~\lr 811lllHer pTllirie tow liS. nlld •

f I t J I I Ih;,·. J. Y. JOUBI':lfl" Prit tlt.

'.0 . soH ellHlII , llc)" II S(I emne 1111· whilc lIu\.urnll rninogo ill so ofteu' tier tho SWIIY of the Sillhe Olldelllh' defedh'c, yet very IJIIII·h con Ill'

. .',:isit1l;U't., or 11I11l ytmrs till" ilOilO to il:ll'rO\'o wlllli iI; 1I0W, in ., ''Ver)''lnlJ~lI villllgris lIIuny cases, II IiCe-,II!stroyillg neg-

nUllunllY" fc~~'u( snnilnry. cOII~li·ti()lJs. , ,,\ ny gO\'oruillg hudy I)f 'Illen shoultl regnrd t1wllIsel,'os as l,eillJ,tlllornlly respollsiblo fur lilly lo,;ll of jl\,ult I, wl;ich lII'ny al"iso frolll' illfected

Serdcc nt All11:1 ""~ry SlIlIdn~·'l1 n.lIl. Sunday School at F,lUuysu·llc e\'cry

Sundnr at :1 ".111. &'r\'ic(' lI,t Fl1nllrS ... ·!l~ ut 7 p.m. l..n<iies' Aid, "1'h ursday lit 2.:lO.

R. S. r.O~GLEr, l'a~lnr.

wells in pluces where Ihe dellth, ----------- ... --.-

ses is the breetiillg cesspool 1111\1 Wilier c10sel \ '.' I

~ hllclllIse of t Ie grellier lire Illlowoo to, bll ('ullbll"uelell Oil '.

of this sox to illfeclion, Iho viciously illliolelll plllll of re- .......,-. SIIICO IIInny of them work in caidng the refuse illto II roughly.l

.gnngs nnd Ulld~r' eltcepliolllllly: dug pitinthe grolllHI;lInproloclecl ,ljl!d. hygienic. cOllditions. '. 'l'l~lIs, lin lilly wny frulli IIHowing wnler 'tYIl.b,?,!(L.' is. ~nl1l1l1l1j; .resJ.1onsl~Jle 10 How illt.o if nwl from it. IIcl'()rd~ I , for II g~~( n\ll1l ~e~ of den~~~s 1IU1011.~ iug to the Ynry~ng IlJYc\s of t.he \

lho milks o[ Oll~, slrollg, .clIergehc \grOllnl.1 wllter, WI th 110 .s):5101l.1 of ',',' yOllllg mop.' . clell,uslIIg except by drullllllg 1II1u , '., ,'l'Yilhoid Cover is n filth disensl!; nnother silllilllr pit-·lho ollly

'. isprcveiit1bl~:' .~l'hllrofore in ditTerenco·belng·l!.JIIt it. is'dCl'per O\'t~'r 'V epidCl/lie PHl brenkillg q£ 'nnd cnlled a well.

Inry,.lll\\, tII'usi bo hold 'j'here is no eXCUSO for' this . .. "'ieions Iloglel!t or ~ystelll . .' NUIII)

Engineer and . ~ .. , ,:,;,-r,iachinist .is., n deti n5 to, spel'itic ill feclion, ',,;o\lIJ be ,. olferl!l,l except nlll t of

. ' , bllcci!l\ls." typhosus-: oxpellse, which ,should" IIcwer. 1m b\~t!f)rbDi;lii::i}ros',.i··I\ t iii' :ullt~scis::' No 1I1l00"~d to llli~-o linywoigilt., A 11 ELM CREEK

(II';. fqul":snielli'ng,' how cesspools, shOllld . IJ~ IIbolislic(J'

.~ -. . .:,

MAN. > -:

,coloreit \~nf~~ ,illny, ho, or nllllllll closets Ii'Ued with IInlellk~ :~;.: . . , ~ ~ '. r" , • • l

, Yory,)"opllgnnilt. lo.tho· tnstr, IIblo boxes. '1II11llheso lIt\ulIlled hi 'EII~ille, BoileruJ1(l Mllchine Work :": unles!! t.hi8s1~ecj{icgorlll is p;'o~ent by 1111 Cireclive 1II0lhod of Srn\:ellg: of o\,erj; descriptioll. '

". typhoid (o\,or CIIII 110(. ho coutmclcl\ ·iug. If, ill IIddiliOlI t.o this, 1111 i"7':'i::,)·:"" ,£r,om it .. l\lorno\'er. I ho gorlll . CIIII . hOllsc rerllse' wns IIOt. 1I110WCII to I

, . Iy: como (1'0111 sO!lIe pre\'ious be IhrowlI ont 011 the ground, 111111 1IORSE.§HOEING · criso of typhoid fo\'or. Bufore ill, stllblll rofllso rellllJ\'et! lit OIwe to'

(oclioll hikes pillco \lio.Lte.rlll IJIllst !lOIllC distllllee 'IIml t1ustroj'l!Il, II .(inlor tho bOlh'. '1'ltis IllltrnJII:e is villnge CUllhl espel't to hc liS illl­.olroctod 'prllclicnlly nlwllj's by Ihe IIllllle fl'OIll Iho I'II,'/Iget; of Iyphoid

(A. BLACtt in charge)

nl~p"lHS A ~pg0lAUI'Y 1I10n I h, tho \'0 h ido bei IIg f(Joti or 'I feyer liS II well t;()wered' d I y. I ,wutor. '1'1 [ . t' I I 1 \ · '. . ' 10 .lrl'J.:lllllg III' IC 0 IllS l()\~ I : '. 1>'ood IS 1I0t I ho COlli III 011 \'eillch', .... \

I, 1 . I 1 ill" tl IIJlllltled II) 115 for pllhlwalJoll hy 11\ All \York Glli"fIlllteed

Licenses , :



The Mail ORlce


We ·d·c


I 1IY.~:\"t:

11. II. Slal'l •••. &"1 .

Wn,d I Wltrd '2 W.rd 3

. Wurd 6

• A. IhtllUJI ., · ~ .. II. 11"11.,, ... • J, II. Smith . • B •• \ ute"hlll • •

• Flllhl1)· .. tollit • Jo:hn Creek · ":h" ert"").: • t;;t. CI.ud.

S~:CIllIT'\ II \" -TUEASIJ IIKI! W. C. Soul. , . t:lm C_~

J. II. 11"."00

n .• T. Wit-on .A. 8UDIIO((I)'

SOI.ICITon Carma ..


Tho'uest m~8tlhl:"r tho ('onnell \\"111')8 huld ull Tllo.'klu),. )1n), JUh, at lOu.lI1.

'-: ELm: CREEK:-

Butcher Shop

PRINTING All' kinds .of curell and fresh

MeRts to hll h"d nt our' shop.

• Cash IJllid for (Ill cat! 10 nlld

and Ii,e pOllltry.

!'ropriato", <

Carman • ~ .aD.

noon WO(U{



« '/

I.qw I'IUCE8 , m~IJ\ \'En" .


A hAnlMumel, IItnet,..ecI ... ,.,., , ..... ..... cul.Utln tl' an1 ",*'IItll., ton ...... ' < ...... ". la':': fOllr. month., ,I.. Auld ...... """ .... 1' ...

.mUIN & Co .11 .... i I,; III 'cd II,an.h Ollll"f ..... I ................ II·· ,

".nn" •• eUe Ho •• l· Under N.,w Mana.em .. ': .

Good TahIo Dollrd lind Roome.' ... stoolw!1 with tho .!lIl"!t·,Wi.ioI;':>LI~ .. , and elgart!. BI_IIlI,attention ,1,.'. '

. the trR Yllllin. ,I,ublie: , .', : > ••

G. cOU'rUUK·.I,::~;.P~ri.~I"'" "' .. "" . . \ . " ,~ .,', ~ ,', "

• i-

Thekindthat attracts

We nlso keep ,.Fillh Bnd .'owl in LUMBER, LA'I'n, RHINGL •• lIenson .

attention 81iildillg Mllterinls of 8\·erl' ... ,criplinIJ lire "Iwnys to be bad ..

my YRrdll. ' ' \Jou't fnll to Io(ct the IIpl!('ial 0 .... 1 Rill prepRred to Give ')11 l'er.lo1 ••

1\1 y Ilrirllll are t he beat til be Il ... .& on y JIHlIg SUC I l'1 II Y III Ie , . . H F I

r II . I I gelltlelllllli IJlIllIlClllh' Illlnlthml.lu. =-..,..,.-,-,..,...".,.,,.,..,....,.-..,.,...,.,...,,.,......,.."'"'~...,....,...----.,..,....,...-.,...,.....,-.,-,,...-,,.,, .'

CIISCSO IOllurscIIIIICIIII"\\·Olllllllll.1 ,'tl II· ·I:,·t ,I'" a coner I ( t I

. II . I II U1 "I I· IU 811 lJet , 111.1 \\ ( i I ,\~ Icrc, rUin une Ull(r le S1(. \:. I ••••••• " •••••••••••••••• -.. I

. ,., <'olllllleJlll 1(. 10 the Ullruest l'llll.;· t' I' A. R. STEVENS. }l,mwn or the hmJ.IlIIg ClllIlll!Ctcd .\ I' f II I • om. - '''If.~' • • • till erll ,11111'" II 0111' Tl'1Il en, bnt \ ,,-<,> r~' .. ,~.!).-) wlt.h sllch. ,Ihl' hlllld,; hu\'o he~'ouH! USIJccilll1,' to (ho lI1elllhl'rs IJ'f til" ., ••••••••••••. : ~. S-j..1." .. ::&,"~.,m,~~~.}i.~J.:\;7 ••••••• ••••• ... ··1.· ..... ---- --- --.---- .- nh. ___ --.-- .-=. illrl'clcd. nllli I hOIl. Cmlll II lIeglet'I' J .' ; • t'~ ye. '~< - .) ,

of thortlugh c1eIlUt;illg, hll\'u eOIl. IlItJllil'ipnl·eulIlIeil.-EIl. \; ~ •• ::::':~~'~:~:: •••• J ~;!! T. he Internation~1 ·Harv. ester· Co. \"c)'eiU.ho infee\ iOIl, with (OUlI III ; : y'

thclJlonlh. Fliesnre IIIS0Ilg I'IIISI

WIIE!'\ I".\'l'lllm lWng'fIlEGO,\'l':: ;! ()~' AMEHIC.-\. •

ill CIIUSlIIg fue illfec'l ioil of foctl i 'rl I . I II r . : : M ,.1 hy'CIITTyiugiu'CC<'iI!,i IIIl1terinl fro III \ :~'n:t~~·~::r~~ll':~r;'~::~;·:I. :i . a~n~ltoba' Lands ;\ McCORMICK "",o"--"'-~':;cCORIIICK DRILLS, tho dischnrges uf tho skk, to. W.J <111 Illlt .Jan··to rUII "hont I • i BINDERS,

! ' + which luo uflen thoy 11111)' 11I1\'l', Or Ilmk., tI", Nlit,:hf<ost sountl, I t I COCKSHUTT DRILLS, KENTUCKY nBILLI.

\ICCCsS." . I \y(1 I~a\'«' tb" !IiI( I'iallo shut ttl G E


' '. tl I l' I I' II And .1" Ilut strik., II 1101.,.1 '". i •• , I" HOOSIER DRILLS, PLOWS, WAGONS, BUG I I. Iller IS JC ligen w II(' Il' Ill) \'! 1'1 I t.u' I 1 • t' ' , •• .... \ It' t tW r:; )t'i~11 ll.re St'\"(-U tllll'S ' • TWINE Ere

cnrrles 1J0n!ugJOII. It IIIl1y be 111· Siuco father rod" till! goat. ' : • . ' • Ceeled whilo ill tho well or ri\'I'I", : i rl"'lll~ Pl'o\"illcll uf ?lflllliluhll hns, lI}lprlJXilllnlely, ! I INTERNATIONAL GASOLINE ENGINES .. b' . I I 11,' juined the Iud!;"" wm.k·"go-- i 1,000,000 IIl'res of '11111d fur Bllio Ibrullghullt Ihe 41

or IIIlIy ecolllo conilltnlllnlill lY Got in at four 11.111., ; 1" I . I I It' r' I' 1'\ J. I. CASE THRESHIvG OUT"'IT3 rUBllel1, 10 W W' I I 10 II elltlUlI 0 lulelll IJIg D ~ the tii(ly cOlltlliuer in which i~ is ;\nd siJCi<~'11 hrt>lh .. ·o hrollghl, hilll hOlllt·; 1 seiller:; /I III I OUIOI'S it; d,,;;ired. These IUlIlls lire tho

· kept. ',or:' CI)II,·eYI~tl. Tho water Though h~ says he uroughl them. ' • chollpest 1I0W 011 tltl: IIIl1rket, II JIll IIIl1y he plI)'(:haseti direct I stlpplj'. in' woll" or ri\"l'!r is JII,\'cr l1i:l "Ti~t was sprnilll'.J IIlId Ollt; hi!; rip' : fro~i1 the GOVCrlllllent ull .t he very easy lenni; uf len yellrly i "G.' BURNETT in[lictc'ltby 1IIe typhoid hncillus '.1'l~:.~:\::::t~:~,~I;I:~~;;',~·~:~I.h. timo : i iuslllllllellis. with iulc.ret;1 III Ii I'llI' ('elllo: !llm'ing Ihe ," 1l ~.'CCllt. (rolll"C'lIIll"nll'OII WI'III III" I " " • J. )luwer 10 jlllfC'hasH well wil hhlll:B J'l'1I(,"11 or 1111 1)1)1111 tide ,I _.=.,.,..,.=.".,.",..=".,."==,.",""",,..,.,==""""""....,==""'===""""""' ............. """'_ • . , ,,,, ~ Whell Iat,n'r rod" th" goat. ,. homo seokors, irrespceljye of thcir fiulli,eilll slnl.ldillL!. • i.' " ---. ;.-... ,,, ... -,,,, .. -- . , ,!i'schllrge,; of II person sulIl'rillg :. .J ............................ - •••••••••••••••• _ •••. _ ••• _ ... -.

f . 1 l' ]" Hl"s rl'sting on lht· couch to·d,1\' : • H AY .111 di~lricls where Ilrlll·I'III".,e I'S rncJIII'rcll, ,i • l· t l B 'ARY

· rO.I:iltlC (\.Sl;'llsc .. ,I\"l'r WilIer Andl'r:\cti~illghi~~i;;ns ... ,' :+ ~ b ~ ,~i% INSURAl'lCE: ; I R Ilnd also the.wnter ill SOIllO 1'1 b T . b k' . I: · the (Jo\'Cl'lllIlellt of l\)lIl1iluiJll hll;-e alremly .\.. • H! lU 1I1g ~lgn, t .., wor lug grlPt ; • d' I" . .. •• • ••• •• ..... •• .. • •• • ....... ...

- - Elm Creek

What is your tim~ worth · l~ssl.\.: protected wells liIH" be(~()lI1e . AmI olh"r monk .. ,. shine>!. ! • llU uru III'W JlllIUgufII IIIg .,·ery cxtenSIVo ·1 '

J '. .' , + dmiungo syslellls, whemJiy Illuds Ihllt uru low or nllt IIro •• . £ectad b,- Ihis \!I'rm rrom direl'i n" llIutwrs l",,;sworll>l 'nellth his brl'ath,;. I I I \ •• ,' \+': J ~ , And'otherthin!,,,,b,"ll'luot"'- . + rec lIillle< nllc IIUH e lit fur euitivl1lioll. Whell ollee Ihis

. ' '~\'a.slliilgs by'~'nin or 1II1!11- .'. It Illud is rueluillu·d it is IJspl'I'inlly ridl IIml prmluetive.' .. :,i.ll~(SIlOIW .• ' \\"aIL, bC(,'()lIItduferited :lun-Iy hn? I~n.c,·ellillg·:! work !, Whell 1I0t elllird" drnill\JcI il \'ietdH 1111 ahUIIlIIIIIl'e of wild t t

'., •. "c .. ,,' .... ,. '. howe\,eri . hy .. w·nter~ flow. W111.'~ !{ltiler. rod.e till: gont. , ( ; lIuy' of the !Jcst. ,i II ali ty. riml 'is, COusc1lucn lly, i 1Il'lIlunlJle : I : '1'lo bake your oWII bl Plld ~ . cases from it disill UCll Tllis. gont h." l<.>:lds wh:,t "Tl'ddy" call:; i : for i;toek. raisi ng pllr jlORes: .: * per duy t se\'1' II lOll \'es) fur

,S(IU!O A :,"Cl'Y stn'ouous iiI", I. Up·to.dllto mill's of ·the Provinee aro kept on hnnel, ., ' :>,71ilCi~Ollllillg for such rondidai(-8 !\~ : UpOII which uro IIlRrkpr\ in red nil llillds (or snJe. This : •• ' i .t:I. ."/:' ~::;;:::::.,. will he sent free, with )lril'c lIud Cull' pllrticulars, upon i yer Week U..:;.1C· Per Week ~pplicntion. J "' ... ' . 'f' .

:'. i'i Deduct the cost of thu IJIl1teriul~ tor iili .. .:ju:l~~i~:7'of 1~11"": For nli iuformlltion n!1d business to 'I~e transacted; .• ;'frul;1 H5e. nut! IIsk yourself if'it JlIIYS you to bnke e\-t!Ji·ollee·,:., ,

npply io-' : ' '; week. Use tbe best hreaa-the killd you get at .' ... "'. '

. L~ J.QOWE.. ··i .~. G.E Boardmarsl'S: Deputy Pro;mcial Lands. Cotll}n;5si~ner ;1 it",·· . . . .

. ., , '., ',' . r, ........ , ......

. . . "WIN~IP~,~,.MAN~·, \1 ICE CREAM i' .~ ............................ ;.~ ..... ~<~ ... ~; ... ~~ .. ~~~ .. ~~ .. ~~ .. ~~~ .. ~~ .. ~~). d'~J~II~

"-0 will stlppl)' you .. itll one

LDllC1IrOoila bad :,wt· _ted OI~laIa irtwratlGa of ,.~

,LdJIII(fOIL'·1rbea M ... KadJJJde ,rUaiJ oat'lIIIIt ther .ere then and 1IOt

. ..., pl •• to u" .lD' the .. me towII ':'w\tIi' benelt. bat as cae IIelPbon. .. 1Iqaa. to baIItJe a~t a_ make

: .... I .. ble· prepandDu' for recetvIDC CIaem ID ber 0W11 bI8e. ' . Twatr ran aao. .ben Hathllde W.ue, ... a pi ID her teeaa, lbe, tGO. with· her 1I!tOIher. f.ther. ...ten

. ,'l1li4 brodIer. bad' Uftt! la LexIDgtOD, aad the Loapooda aad Weltley. were Ub twla femJlles. But ODe by OIIe the Parenm aDd JIlBten IIad pUled a •• y. ... vlnc M_ Mathilde aad ber brother

,' .. nn1yorI. Afler. ,few years of , '."..". Ilnprlnc ID 'M Old· lIome they

IB!4 : drifted' to Glftldale. .bere' Jake <Wau., bad balIt upa flour!lOblD, lit·

~""''''''... lie' _aUIe bIIIIlDeM. ~' , ,. A IIttJa .. ter bad come alao the Pen­

.' ItOd7e 'and pltcbed their tent jolt IC1'OU

. 'tbe atreet from the, Wntle,..' prettJ'. ._ IObNtbed 'cottqe. 'Bot tor thl. clr-"_ .. ~ ill. 'IIathllde mllbt ba .. "baea 'cootented, eYftI falrl,. beppy. lIer

Ufe "u fall of coacenJal. health, tun wblcb aIie performed" with a. mucb dMertUl_· as .. did ·lboroucbueu.

,,_'_ da, .m1ldJq f~ u lu·OWI. bnabtmoaameatorrewa~

... If, oal" theN· b84 ".Yer, betili' a Rus' " ,. lID Peabody I EYerr da, for fourteen

, :, ,,.a .. aM bed' a-a forced.'to _ blm u.- tl_. tou. aometlmee live. os be

iPl .... 1d ID 'aad, of the ,pte ,acl'OU ,u4:f~ to.1I11

MWWa ....... ' LMk' wlit. ',"'" .dIe fu.lJ7.~ 'U .... R_ .. Orpnlalfta ....... · ... ,_tlt -. t ..... ,..... t.: laoi In WlIictI loots CIiI II TIle LoolIaIi' CbroiiidecooiiIM"WII KadllJle. .... It ...... _, , ..... with ... ~ .... _ .....

• .~- ...,;..... - .... -d I eI -- wtre. ..., '_' 111 It ... ' .. &be approaehiDc .......... '-V" st'.PLE' " •• -IFIEA. ,'~ =;';;'';."ki - al_ '·r - ..... Icmial CoIlfereace • ..,.:" ;__ . . . ..ter IDttJ.... ... lID-. .... .., • - • -.L" . Amoq ,the ReDta 01 ~ .hidl ., Ud R...eJ1 .... bod' aaId die .... ' ,'" ' ' , :. Ill., happen in.1be Emp!",.' i\ .ouId. All .......... WidIo Ii' ...... f W ...

.... ,~_~', ;lIIto ~ die .... ~ ,ltD..... MI ..."... • • • ... ~ HOW IT IS TO' IE MADE. be ctifticiult to im'lliM one mo", im-I' I ... a."st ': wIIIdI .. Iaa4 dIMiiJiMnd., and a be ...... dMI',.'''' u.. eI It 111' lIIat ,,' ~.l. or of beUer UllUry .• tbaD \b. '-~. _'--, ~ 111 .bIeb tile ...... radIaIIt ,!lope a •• e ID bI8 ..,.-1 ~' , " ~rial Conferea~!y Su qharle!l ~"part~;-'II_t.' the ald. _ r- _ --'--- L_ ... - -a.-t MI aI .. - bad. ' .... - be COIlllll-- ..... ".IUG ." ..... AN 81_ WhieII e well aamed 1\ III PUh.ODeU' L 1 • ~,- '-, ~- ........... -- ,- ,,- d:\' a _, de"_·_- ,.bich ,nil ud, boIdID .. I .... U. etem, Inc IDe .. ,--..II _aA 4--.... 0 .. bl'-" --I ......... ~""'na, MIl ,,~, and If' F ....... · CeNf.I'" Will ........ -- • "I -- . - on&.-. -." - ' , '1 --. _ Ie \his mOllth. ,.hen \be Priao'J ._--" .. _ .- ~ ... ~- -, •

It -- ':' • .0 t ..... .L__ 1IatIda- too.' u4, _ ,oC the maIdII ....... ::.. y;o... .""', ... ..0- • .:..... ... _ -_...."...... .-- -.... .~.~ -- - ~ .-t,.....,...., 1I'U 110 ,,- ....... -, _ ... ' --, -,- rW JliDiatert! of Ibe I-' H1f-roYernin, little .. Iet' IDto I. _ that tile wa ...

..--lIIIIt abe waated bIm apln u be ... everr Werr 'aJ' •• bIle the other ... • _ .... r eaipel.ea. S .... ' .hieb aft! , ''The. Brjtaias l1e- ' .. _ th'--

... '" ~t her lIIde; that abe c:am.. wu fJw oa 'I1aandaJa. But wben I JOftd'the·_.'" will be Ibe ruHle,of wU1 eoUed ID."'" - .... ID. at.-• I"fftl u be bad, more &lid more throup IIfcu '" thlDk It OYer It _med to me' MWbat Illall .e do with - boaUr the· Britiah. nation in Loadoa. No ot the IObJet lIIIIt .. DOt8bapi.'d out. all the lonely ,ear'll that bed dh1ded lIIat lIIII wit. liner ." .., dIa~ sot _alMally beromee a q .... fII at- _ aVikiD« example eould. in fad. ~o.. If ,00 wW bold the gla .... tbem! Wu lIbe c1or1DC the road tor • da, eaUre., '" 1IeneIL- _t tracle Impor1an~ In a "rge t.m- be IiTen of the cenius of \be race for elIoWil la the IUatNtloIl aDd look a. bim ,at Jut. the road tor 1I'hIch he "Wbat did ,oa dar I.,. and eYeD the 0_ of bacbeJor fC!UDding free and flourishing o:om- the tabledoCb tJarIIWIIl the drop ..

MWe talked It 0Ye!' "'pther tlnt. n.onities. and maintaining, through 1oDaed. bot ladled the courage to tak.~1 thea the wlte coualted the mald8. aDd ir,dependea~, \hai fraternity whicb

Aftl'!' awblle be cloeed the door .nd alone can save a ...... t Empire Irom as .oon as tIM7 cruped the Id .. they ... -.eDt badl Into bIJI Imdy. WIth tren.· were as Mea a mlUtard to do .bat diSruption.' bllag b&udA lie gathered up all bll The British race has reason to think treuures aDd locked them back la th' they coold to belp. .nth pride of the development of ,the cabinet-aU but the faded knot of rib- "FlaaUy we decldecl that every Toea- Imperial Conference. whose third bon. This be 1iT8pped carefullr·lu. da, the .e"aatl, the cblldren and I meeting will be held within a few

_'" to be lett entirely to our own days. Everyone knows that 1:004-pIece ot paper and wrote acrostJ the devlcee. The wlte mlcht .m, ID bed ,.iII will be the dominant note of the back of It: all day It llbe IU:ed. 10 a1l'ay, abop, Katbering, The most delicate subjeLta

"Will you 1I'ear It th .. evening for ... It, look ID at. picture pllery or, In may be and will be broul:ht lip I:>r 'Auld Lan~ SJlle1'" fact, do aaythJD, that .he liked. Sbe debate; but the discussion will lake

Afterward be 1I'ent out In the IItreet .as to bave abmlulel, ao rMpouelbll. plaoo in an atmosphere of j:enial lm-and .topped a boy wbo '11'88 comIng 117 tor meat. or aurt!llDc oa that one perial patriotism which "'i11 keep " along with IIOme paper.. He I:DTe'hlm clear of acrimony, FrNdom and Ira-

th belt d II I da, every 1I'eeL" lemity have pro"ed such good guid~ the pllt'l;n/.-e, nat a 0 ar nto "ADd b01l' doee the thin, work?" that there is no anxious imposition of bIll hoOll nnd poInted the way to Mlsl "Spleadldl,.1 1ibe maida n.e to the limiiB to the scope of the ogend" ~ Mathllde's cottage. , ~n. aad •• de .Ith oae aDOther • 80S N8 .. 0.. per. Problems not onl~' vital but com.' ftJIllAGtihlMI GLdIL I

The day bunc Ilea,.,. oa nu~sell Pea· In tryln, to keep oyorrtblDa ruanln!; eltabUllbment8. be the, mala or te- pIes "'ill be roi~ed-the constitution water ,.ou .111' ftD4 lila' ,.ou mo,. e_ bod,.'. bond.. Would lIbe wenr the amootbl, aDd are .. ple.-1 a. poul· 'male. eometlmee lIad their footwear, cf the C()mmittee of Imperial Def~n~. 1I,. coant the threada, f. the droll at pink ribbon_ or ;"as her overture of ble wben .e caa manlge to 8pead lesa too mueb with tbem. and the question of the representation water tAkes the t_ of a double ~ the mornIng .Impl,. an act of nelgb· thaa.e' an .llowwd lor tbe cater1Dg Bere II a auggestlon for the, maklal of the Britains O\'erseas upon It. the vex len., .. Mow. la the .mtlll flgor.

klndnetl8' \\"lIen nJgbt came. be cte"'--at -nd ,et · .... w ........ re- or. bow In -bleb boo'- _n -a "ea· naval &«reement with Australia, Rlld • d th t -- I b t .-..... -., - -.- ." ... ~- ~~ the difll~ult questioll8 of joint Ii,,,·at - an a.,oo ... 0.. I W R -dreued himBeIt more careful I,. than be lalta." leaU, be kept and In wblcb the, w1ll policy arising out of it; the orJani .. - called a mRgnlf')1Dc Cle.. or slnc" bed done for a IICON of yenl'lJ. He "Aad the wlte~, , be, preae"ed far, better than ID the tioo of loea1 forces for war in cannee- mlcrotlCOpe. Tb1a' ..... drop of ",nt_ dl_nted tbe usoal black tIe for, one "Iaa't like the .. a .oman. 1 a,1I dark. nearl,. Intlccaslble cupboard bot· tion with a scheme of Imperial de- will enable ,Ou to esamlne In detae of 188110ber bue aacfllldled'lmaglnary ber, .be _ma "" ban d1IIcovered the tom. wbleb III their ulual n!IItIallllace. fellC!l!; and. even more controvenial the dlrrereot part. of • plant or of a .. jpecII. ot 4uat trom bI. broodclotb ~t of perpetual ,oatil, .nd abe a· sap~ that alII pal", ot boom bave than th_ diffieuU matters, tbe great lnaect, part. that ,. would bantly "-lapell at leaat a dOleD tImet!. 'ne 'IIOrea me'that It olll, .Yer, womaa 10 be provided for. 'Thea the Ialkle qUelltion of preferent.ial trading. , able to _ wlUi the aaalded eye. looked et' blm_1t a 'blt'uocertalnly II! the ,world bad • ~ba_ of tryla, tbe ,m_arement ot tile back ot the boll Another iNue almoet ovenhadowl \ Look throu.b the 'part ot'tbe goblel the Cl ... ;' but" after all. fom·three ame piau theN woald be mo", bapp, .taoald be t.eo17-lIeyi!a Incbell b,t.ea· tR":ebn:d. eThe

Il Cocon::n~~~nooanofd 8:ee es~::' tbat .. Ibapi.'d oUt.' nat, 10u wlIIIIDdo.

wa. aot' eo" yerr' old, aad time bad humes .round.' . "_yea IuchCII. aad Itllboald be .boat .. COOCllve on tile' IDa1de anil concay. 'tra~ ao aDfl.tterlDc IlDes oa bll "Atler all. I doa't _ bow .ar oae 1lI0e laebes deep. lillhment by ibe Rome Minilltry of tbe altic on the outatde. 'It" therefore _ k.n:pod Jooklat faN. ." 'CIUI espec! • WOIIWl to keep BeUlee the boll ltaelt ,00 ,will re- ~=fuu~!n~* :Jh~b~W~'toobe~~~~ double coacan Ie .... a lIbown In U. ',A' 8 o'clock be 'Ieft the boUlH! and aDd bapp, It lbe BeYer baa aD, qal", , flft,-toar locbee 01 woodeD rod a", mattei'll ,.bich raiae the qUllltion .mall IIpre B. . ' "alkeet npldlY •• IUloot looklnc ap, till time to amu .. benalt. do ,0a1" tIIJoee.lourthi ot, aa IDeb eqaare. twea· 01. the adequate protection ,of· the The thread. ot the tablecloth. look" be came" to MI'" MathIlde'. lIte. The "I . th'lak' JOa·y. probebl, bIt on aa .,·Ioar thla wire aalll ODe lach 100, daughter Statell by the diplomacy of "'' tbrougb tbla water lens, are _ bllb fen~ ... , "qled In clematIs. Ide. that beapa 01 people woald be onl, aDd. few oae Ineb .cre_ the Molber, Country, There is no' much (llmlnillbed la alae tbat YOI1 CII. and be did 'aot'_, her .t all till bls. tOo alad "', put' lato practice It tbe, 'TIM! equre woodea rod aboal4 be la .lUlotber Governmen' in the .orld bllrdly _ them. wblcb -demonstratee band reated ',00 the lateb. ,She ",a. olll, lmew of It,~ I aaId. ADd 80 I tweat;r'· .. yen Ineb leacthl ,to flt th. whicb .ould dare to dillCUlIS sucb. that. dOUble COIIcaft lens makes a. 4reaeed all over la wblte. Wlth'a It oa'lO _ Naden ma, be IDter' 1NId;0fthebos. 'point,811 this freely. in the preaenee objeetappearsmallerthanlt,really.

--.... 0 f th bola 1--" I 'of thO!e whO!e duty it mUllt be to Th ' b...... I 01 .blte ~ ,,,aeatllq a. ber. th~t- --. ". ae coraer 0 e w ......... 0 crit.icize the aetions of ita .mbullll- at explaIns w , ...., e,lIl{ RIItIl'II above a faded IuIot ot plDk ribbon. ' ,tbIa ~rod mllllt be .lIl1btl, :1OUDded. 80 d ""'._.1 t t d f' dl lon, IIllbted pel'llOU, Ire (!ouble ~

"Mathilde!" AvlvI4l1lbt leaped to ' Hllh 'Ceil';' 'IIi V .. ue. lila. 'Ill leetIoa I. like tha. _own In Ort! ace""'l ..... 0 grea an rlea, yes. wltb 'tbla 'bOrden,' 1I'blle .... til"~faee.l1IamlDla. It.' 'With lier 0Iaa1 penenltr. Fabloa PIc: 1., . po;:e~. impouible before tbe IIla_ of Denrsl.btlld penMins lire d_ "'1IIIe aa_end'", .'qalclr .... b of ber baa decNed'lIIat coIJan::lKftII .. la .·Wbea'thl. ba.·a- d-. the rod ball ble concaye. with tllleir bordeno . .;.QaIo ' ...... -~Abe'. -.Ala- loye·. Iin-a-e belcbt.Dd hi'comfort, toO;atrallP ..... t be mea.ured·olf lato foar aDd ealONewL' -,--. ..... , ....... .-.. that ma,' _m. ,'It .. bowYer. '_II- ' , I la'them. beld oat bll'arII1L' ' -"

&be weat to blm with • little eome- =~ I!=~~~:IY;'~~~ .t.:....,r" -':"::.,.'1 ," .ii, • • I " THE CAREFUL KING. j w. betw_:.,aob aDd • ,Iaach ... nll, ... __ • , • I , _'- _.0_..... ID - '17,lapPon'ba •• lor lOme, . , '. .' , . . ' " f be'kl.-ed'ber _.WI .........- ..... ' .. " reacbal",'f,.lrl- ap'to'tbe,~...... • ... .., at,. P.Nla .. M ...... h 'ftIII. kllq Ncn'.mher'...... . ' . " Pita' a M. al ' " ". ,', " ' . eouIcI becOmellO'blcblr; butthe DMWIJIO .. 0_ BOW,.. DIY..... ' e .. , ,r -, "

, ' t. ID lIIII.',tralllpanGt,'.coYerIDc wblch IWI_ Oa~ upoa •. tlme , •. ~rtaln :klbg ,et-

la • -rta""-'ID' ,~~~~ .. ~~b one Bun .... made of ,80" Iaee oaUN" or.1D com· ooe-balf length .. , leti'vl.· .. O and oae,I>e",", .• eat',out baatlair ,~Itb ,all ..... " ~s uoou._ .,.. .. n .blDatloawltll'8Oliaefllm,'matertal:,:.la. 'fciarO.-1Ddl teltbereod B I tbe' coart."TbechalMl that1da,. beppe .... . ;br\pt·aew balfdollar"wu'_ :1lea4 cit'beID.r'roanW,oat,·,a It·;o;. tour' ._.0 eII,ab " •• .:... I:":'~·· Ith to be loae. aud the klDe became veil!' , lD"tbe .1 ... '", • womaa ID 00. ' , ' " ..... Oil&- a ',auo:u ..... .-' W ' thl",-, ,But DO foaa"la or river co""1 , ' ,merl- .. ,wa. ',tbe.,collar,'",'IIOW ,made ,-ar' pe .... 1 'aad 'at' • dI~··"';"ol o'a~ ~,

O"t''''··pew •. -e .a'wonder1D" bow " , ,"- ';'.'\ ..... ~- ~ be f d th tho = . ..... DOl, ," atraIcbt; be_ It moat be • little 100.' bait laeb, eacb aide, of' tta.e peaell : oua Dear e IJIOt oa. P ,

'I!be'd set 1l.'aDd ID claDclac around to ,er. eo,tbat It'.liapel and alyes'properl, IIIUIIa drlve,.·nall 80 that III abarp wbe""tbe, reatl!d for. abort late II bei dt.coyerr bad been noticed .Ith the ileck:"tberelD 1I.'the comfort eBd protrudee a tourtb of aa lach lrom T RP 'S 'At laat oae of the courtie",.pled a, uw a womaa dlrectl,. beblnd ber ,-wblle. tbe toP. wbleb: .. aaltlrreaed tbe top of the rod, a aboWil ID PIc, 1. DICK U IIOAI. large,prdea DOt far oil. It ,was fl .... ~ , '

looklne at tbe coin. Tbe IIl'1Jt womnn for .bout bait .a locb, turn oYer la a ,oa lave treated. botb ,our wIth treea bearlDlleDlODI, ol'llDlee alIA 1 ' , the aecoDd would "beat ber to Pret17 carel ... 11De. thu', .ddlac '" ,thl. mauaer. the, will Ncb lcen. ,'of Many Exp'olm by Fameue Cl'lpel. n.. followen, benaI" 0.' , 110 abe, 'put, ber, baad over ~er the 80ft becomlDcaea alit pair of ,alia .ad will loOk ' HI.h.ay Man. mouercb to partak. of tile ,DOd thlDla'

moutb aad wblJlpered: , ,'Be canfal Dot to let It be • decree IlU .,., 2., The rOda malt nOw, be ' A mOB\ ,interelltiag living link with la the prd... " , J '''How, _ban 1 pt, that baIt dollar I Iooaer tJiaa II aa-Iatel, aeeeaury lor KNWed oa, to· the back of the' OOS tba' old ,put. wben tbe high.a)'1l1BD "Heavea . forbid IIlat I abould .,..: .Jut droppt!4r . ' .. , IbaplD, ItBelt aad ,.ttempt It la"DOne loar.ad Oll&-balt IDebca from the tOp IUld the' footpad were the terror of aa,thlDl tbereof"~ .. Id me kiDI. Mfor

,,"You dldn~t. drop, that. I dropped bilt the 8ott.t, thlaaeat material" or the aDd the.oUler tea .DiI,oae-balf.... tbe tr.veler. is 8till to be found at It I permitted m, .. II to pther but .. It,- lied the tber ' It III be th t IIIOIt beco ID I" FiDcble),. Thi. is "Turpin's Oall." a onnp 'rom It m,' oace", .ad' COIIJ't.

rep 0., . _. a , un m, 0 frOm the bottom. , , ,.turdf. curiously forked ~pecimen of Ie Id le ID raa "The womea were botb woaderlna alrtbtap,. thlct neck. " Now ataad the bos ap .ad plac.. tbe .Britain's' own pecaliar tree. ,tbat '" woa ,oot .... a ele f

,bow to get, tbe ball ,dollar wbeu a, man beeIa of the boom Joa w .. b ,to I"'''' Btauds at the corner of a narrow lano In the,eatire .. rde ... • ',' I cnme alona with the coatrlbatlon boll. ....1111 ......... 1..,.' oyer the naU& You will flad IIlat tbe, leading into the Great Nortb road. TIle bl,her la lite • penNia 18 .... ,A. he orrered, ber the bos a womaa To laau", beau" jewel. mnat be baq quite MICa reI, aad an' eull, When FiDchley. now BO cultivated more careful be .boald be, for all II» aero-, tho ,aIale from, the otber two wora wltta reeard to color. T.ke. for pat la .-Itloa or remond 'aDd buil' upon. WIUI mOBtl1 a Ireai faulm a'" copied b, tIIoIIe be_a.., uld to him: Inata!,~. blcbl, coloNd pma lacb a. ':A, cOoo IInllli .. "yea If the boll;" common. it 11'811 a favorite haunt of blm.-ChatterboL ;1 " "I Juat,dropped • bait dollar oa the rab_ .ad aappblree. TIley coald not palated IDlIde .ac! out with eome' thieves and hi&bwa)'1l1en desirous of \'1

OI"avaPlllal CWD IIITO lID F.CS lloor, Would ,oa be _ klDd lIB to be wora Wltb aay lbatle 01 red. 80ft leeable eo lor plunderiag the horsemen, coaebes. M1at.rl. at Planting.. 1/

"""'."""".",&10.",01',.. .. 11>, hsnd It to mer colo",' .boald al .. a,1 be, .. lected la and eart.la and wqoDII always'moving bact, The devlcea adopted,b,. uatun r. aDd Bnnell'Peabod, .. ttled down DB The men picked It up aDd pve It to ncb c ___ tarQao ..... pearla or d .. • rlnpd to .lIde Q!CurlDl the plantiDtr .Dd d1atrlbutJoa

. la,old bachelor alm_ betore be wu a ber. Tbe other "0 women. althoulb 1DI'nda. , • oa • rod ,bunll ot -.Ja are ,verr IDtIftIItlJ1I. 80.-. "luaa.' TIIu. the , ... drifted. the, are aelpbon, beYen" lpokea to' TIle woman wltb dall e,ea maat ne,,· In froat (FIc, 3) BL'Cda bave wlop, 80 that, they mll,J .. " 'I1a1.' , momla, lDaI Mathilde 11''' ncb other .1D~.-DeaYer PCWI. e: WNr dlamoad e.rrlDp, for tbelM! sbo.a It thOl carried a.aJ a. tar a .-.Ible ID taJ16

.... , wltb ber duat eJotb, taterrupUn, atoDel 1I'1il mate them .ppelr daller. . completed. But 101 from the pareil. plut.: Otbera, UW llenelt everr little wbile la tbe clean- ..... ena ....... w_ •••• _ Tbe pearl eofte ... the taee mON thaD It ,oar. akl11 at tbolll! ot the milkweed' aDd daDdello~ IDC to mil back to the ,kltcben and In the Weet ladlca la found n apecl" .a, other Jewel ' carpeall')' .111 ma, be uld to be pl'OYlded wllb .. ... aee ,at, thIi: Pl_". alallnl la a 'ot laad crab wbleb'lI_ a conllderable ADother .tone wbleb .. "'lull, be- admit. the cur- looue, lnumach ,a the, are made .. 'I. copper, kettle. TIIe'Mw maid... d .. taace from w.ter. but oace a ,.ear comlal" tbe • opal A .. one c.11ed talu mlcbt be light b, teatherr .ppeOOI,.. that tbe:IIt teadloc UWm.'UcJ MIaI Mathilde •• fter mlcrat .. to the _Ibore ID order to toDklDoble, wblcb "'a PU'" blue, makea rep"ced b,' a I are readll, dnWII ap ""creat he~ ItIrrinc ulem, Y\I'UIOUIJj for. momeat Ipawn. As .ooa a the crab reacbee ... lIow IkID many,a!Jadea IIcbler. • pair ot 400"'. b, warm curream ot air. ,AaltroDOmeIa

.;, and prolioaaclq 'tMm' done. pu.bed, tbe beach It e--r" -- to the ad- It .... u an .. t ueed to mlltake the ,lIOatlDc MIda~ L.: _. Y .-- .- ,- DICK ",VaPl.·. O.L

c,',_ck the"lIttie damp rIDclet tbat ID·, ot the water aad lem the 1I'ave. roll 'n,Dut'" IIff.... .bIe to make " tbe milkweed for meteon until. , "'lhted ,uPen, -Piai' from the eoft over Ita bod, to .aIIb orr, the .pawD. Dutch room., an • 'pod deal the th .. IDOtIt u .. ful .~ aDd forwards upon the rre-' .tar gazer llet b .. telll ope .t : • .::: ':': bot oa tOP. Or ber daID., bead, wblle •. The elP are batched aDder the undo fallblon aow, , aOO the' fortuaate . poe- aruc:t. JOunelt •• .no rllOoJKCI11to noll ~:h~~ ~n a~~ T:.:t ' ~u!re:, focus and wu tbua enabled to e •• lIddea'look ot lupinUoa Clowed In and eooa atler mUllon. ot the oewbora , _r ot an old cottap or farmbOOM • e. r p ea te r .'IOF. c:lUDIP 01 smaller ireea on a slight' the ltoatIDe "eplllble pnaa that .-+ , ~. tace",::. 'tool! ',a deep. old fash-' crabe are _a qnJttlDc the lIbo", .nd : mlpt do' YII')' much wone tbaD adopt woald mauoae eminence thai afforded a view of the ed .crou the l\eld or 'Ylew. Certaia '!,)-S, dIaIa,.oot fII .... C!Upboard and alD1I'17 traYeIlDC up the mouatalns. 'Ibe for. few dal~ aDd the oatta, woald North road for a coDlliderable die- bun.", aeed y_" tbat an pro~

(''''!".' .•.. ~;'1UacI .It Willa, tiaeftqraat lleamlac "earl1 mlcratlon. ot the old erabe an IOOIl be coftftd b, the leqtbeaed iaDce. Behind this Uee Turpia BDd ed wIth tin, boob ID order that .,...r,. , ,. ,'", ; lamODI the woaden ot anJmal life. ID wear of the properl, caftld for boolI. biI frieada would lie in .&ii. and then ma, catcb ID tile tar of aa'mal, , ,uh. OD.. mila _ w: ..... proa rlC~t IOIDC down the erabe ot •. "rp realoa luddelllJ saU, ou\ wiib their "Staud be' carried afar. '" I

'.... .-a _ .. _ ..... t be ID .0- " and deliftr!·.· '1 ... , • .... ttr ...... -.- o~. 0 t '1-' to _Ject • ~ nnudV01ll, .H_1 I" D ..... at ce,I .. 1 Loft There caD be ao doabt about \his 'Qu .. _.... J little IIroWil .,.,.. .. tile ~ comer. and then tIte, , .. titer ID countl_ . lin. a-Yelt, and 'ber _ .. I aida beiD« theparticuJar vee. becauae i' ' •• _ .:wlller.the ~ 1ft. TeU'them' aamben. TIle, "roc 'loa, .bleb .. ma, DOt,dI_ .• rraln or .,.vlt;r',.t Wall llpecially ment.ioned ia the iadict- There.re _ ..- en. III,

Mathilda ,_t It-t~ 'Auld 'j commoa., 41Y1ded lato battalloaa. with tile boudoir cablaet _Uap. bat u., mant acaiDllt Palmer, (TurpiD's real ',WWId. .The aoldJer enb of Beam .... ·"CaD, ........ ber that?" I the IItroJIpet 10 froat. _m forward ,taIk_,thelr cO ..... with the renlt Dame) wben be Wall broncbt to irial. earrlea .bNYJ.1lbe1la up .the· w:..: atlded to .... It:· '. . with thepreclaloa ot aa arm,. Ia'tray- .tbet liner did. the mlab_ ot the aDd banpd at Yort in April. 1739. n IIbore erab oa the cape Ver4e

W ,~rbI!Y'". JOlt IIIO'Ytid ID. and I DOW; elJq tbe7 turD uelther to the rlcht nor .Wb1t8 B_ aDd the WODleD ID IlDe' w!lS then al!ea~ that ID eompan,: ma, be _0 mant .. , .... lib • ba,iea"t lOt e.tlrrtblq IIl1ed up . left. ,Evea It tbe7 meet a ~bo\Ue the, .t ,the oIlc: .. 1 ley_ prweat • more WIth Tom KID( In Oetober, I'llH. b. pIece of paper'bknrll ." • ItICWC WlD44

enUl-peaebeawiUcOiiielabaady."; wU1 lI')' to -'e It. The nlpt ill their ~'.ppeara_. " bad. "ambuabed" ~bind tbe oat Theft are cia. la' AI '1011 .. I .... there were tWo Uttle bro.a dlIftt tim. crt trnellac. but It It ratu U Mn. RooeeYelt eledl to wear =:'!.o~.!t>fh"!a M:~:U:e u~;Ur:;' tba,t' steal ',oauC ........ ' from ~

__ s· a_ tIte. war. .Dd ncb of by da, the, lJDproft tha. oceulon. wtd ... ' ... lIkea all ber ...tataa .. to.. property yalued at £300. The trea a .... aDd the robber"crab.of tile J'hUot ,~~~;~~~ _ a coner. Aleo K1ttJ :Iaet the aame ~ 80me ftJrr pale color. .as the lCI!ae of more than, oae e.'1 IpplDel cracb eoel Ull .Dd ._

and It.a DOt nUDat- ..... 1M, -- -- II.~- ''11a8 _It maw for aru.tIc: bleDdlac «Iunter of the, kiud. and 801M few Ibem. ':1.::::~:':~~:'= ...... leded.... "Betw_ the ~arI 'and the,.... u4' ad48 to, the heaat7 fII the aeeiIe. , ..... 810 .ben 1I0me' decayed ,.ood , . ~!

:" pIaa." )(Jaa MaWIde will'. etae,. aald • _be of -.-. ... v. . It ...s to be ·that aD UDtartaute cab- W,811 eai ••• , _vera! ,old·fubiol18d . . ce..u",N... . r ;: d ... ~" ...... "~ ID the botUlq p __ ' • atrIp. ot eaJtarable prairie DOt alloYa I IDet lIaau. .oald apeDd WftI7 boa", pl8~1 bullet. .ere elttraeted .!rom it. . Wb" .... delitlat lIIIe • IlIaD ....

_'" .. _. aIIe,414 : DOt, !yea IooIr up a : 200 or aoo DIll.. .lde, the rec\OIl .. . tblaatrle. with, aD ' .... ebarm of III and aiaa, dollan pttJq up a flue __ . Ri~ard .. Parker. k~wn 811 Gallo,", mlDe.1D •. rlYer' . Be II aI"" OD .... --,_. eI .... te. . • ... e and aterIIe. ao better thaa'tIIe qaalllt bome"n. TIle · .. "laee ~ am.. u4 perbapa the womaa Ddt tier me Dick. another hlabw~)'1I1an •• bo outlook lor naiL .

bi,'--.-aJJar d..m of Babara and quIte a d&llPl" ...... _ ID the m .... ttoa, .. dec- woaI4 ba"ciii riomethl •• bleb liter· = ~"i'!::l : ~!!~:a.:lo~· G'':; _-...;,_ ii .111 bII. atadJ IootIq 601 to -." ,The .'!thor of, U- 11 .. 111 the UvIIia ... fII. IIIOderallad aur, JlIOlled the .dect., under this "ery Olll!. It WAIl ia tM Hla all ...... '. : V

. ,at ,u old cabinet, ,word. was Edward Bat~ of, MIaIOarI. DatdI cattqe;. . JIrIr. Rooaity!\t "PProY .. of .tron; . apinney near the oak that Jac~.8b~'; 8IIId little Net: '"I'M - wile w.....t IIat5 : ... opellMl,I.' 1IWI1, wcbom !lora~ Greeley loq arm _IUd , :' ., _tram ID the ~Yta. lin". ond .he , pard .aII. capwred in hiding diItaJa-; nat.,"" .... ' ... , , , ... In, ..... baad • fIIdId boomed for the pnel4eaer la the'New" ,' ........... ~.'D17 Out,.- mak. bat lew req .... fII.:bI~ nature. i ed as. baieber, in the .priJII of 17M.. a;: ... ftlF,......... 11.11'1 1')

~li~~~~~~ .. ~IJ~ .. ~~D~.~~lIIa~~t~abe~~.baj~li;1 York TrIbua~,aud'ID'the CbI~·a.. 'rile pet ~ eI, .,womaa'.bo - ber .1abH ~'-re' aI..,1 rnltbfully ,and.as taIIen to Ne ....... wbeace be, ,~." '-.' ;:h.-:17.',~_,,, 'I ~ I}' crt tMb' publican eaaveaU .. of 1880 and·... ' 'followed., CertalD', the cueelJt at, the made biB famous eIIcaIIe. oDlJ., b_, .. __ I -'r _

, teal,me .ttoni.er: P!D~I I~ tolD~!D·. ::..~::~~;;~::::='::-: ,rettt>tkID eIIjo,a epeetade aut up :.:~ !re;eaPti:C h~-': . 1Ii":-.--:r_-r.::::" • .1" CIIb~et..·'l1I1e.~ 111'~ .-IcIiD'eI, .... It oat'ipoD~"" papent ..... wI~.::r'to barmoa'-!StbeI'~:-:-. AT III - ...--r-.. III .... -FeU_... ~ co ...... o! ~8S"AII .. ~;!-. .. ~ JIeo I l'u.IO.lIIor todl7·out.......,.- De,"'" ....... ~.ndIr u4 hi. LactuNd tie Cenvicta -Ali .. ~_:~ ... ~.;~_ ~..:t~:=,~~~::=:i=~,,~f:be .-.:Jut.". of,,... IrdQI.' . :';" Sir Bollen B8D --\I,. ~ -..;'~.=~~::=:.r.-IlIaD, out of that -.,.- , T ...... , ...... , :tpeleo::~~1ie:::"~ .:.'<,'. , "

, "":-':'1 __ '-'''''-- "AfI2r IIIIlq.cold,· .. ter,atareII, ... _1.;:.0 0_' n. ___ &0:..-" ";C'II'.'. ' ..... rIP, .... ' ... _ ',' 'U _~-'c;;;.;;;;, rem.atDa'.iue.11_a:poar .... =.u"'IDr~;::""7aDd~;; .' ~I'~'-_.;.._,·. ..,'

~~~~~tl~~~~~~~~~~~~~!, 'rwwm: .... .... '~ .. PP1 " .Dd.~. tIIe .. atudltodl7. tflele=,!'a&cIitooaal1.'ftMealrrieta "." plet_ ...... , ... , I . ,... .... ''''.... 'J" . lteaa1be .. "IIlI ..... - , ico .... Itwd., ..... :tM' ~I':."'''::b&z ,-' ~ I.b'''.c~/,~:·' ~,I~.~~,,· .' c.-at'P'''M~~. "',:'", __ "_,, ,-'1 ...... l

., ~ , .

.... , 1811ctll'". II' t~

T·.:::~.~I=~~ ..... mo .. ed. aoow dillta_ :.'\ the left of 8uua·. P1 ;' fIlrtJ'.,eo.ta- )Irs. Adama .nd tile , ,_Idler ..... alao '. obRnera of th" , .... of aalmatloa. .

, __ lila ID.IUIP". aueeeufol IIl&11t -:rn. tile laDdlord -.Dd tile coaatablea , tile nlatJoDa. of tbe 'oooc' elrl .Dd

. IaIIIt:PraiIpt!r bed uodersooe little . '..... At lint.: It I. true. with . ;.......,·of, tiW ... 11d nM,to:the rI .. er 'frail I. Iter mlDd .l1li tile IlION or Jfta :~ .. nwlleetloa. or'tbat atraJlP, ·.an r' Ili, .... ··• eerta1D reUwlICII bad

.: marlled IIer manner tow.rd the eoldler. , bat u tIlDe .... l'nt b,. thla toocll'of .. ·_n. wore oIf .nd .... ~ b,

her _I fraallo_ or p,.et)'. 10 lIer

.,,. lippeia,..s .t Umn .ir:~t~=: f1l1-. bDt for DO IoDpr qalc:k paMID,' of

... ,... mNdo ...

ell!.- J;":'\i;~;;i'.:;1 :'., ~ i' " &ftdaa tIutIaP crowd. I wt1I _ , •• , the bote&. IIlJ' .dear.",be ..... .. 1M' itoJdJer'~aDd·cGasti_·(_ .... a..,. wltll the'denhorf fac'ead of tbe p~ OIl .rltbCr· .tct. of the rMc1 ...... ... -.nafal . qp'" dra,..

u ........ H

'. -.....t1 ,,~'/,"'" .. ...... 'r .• • " ~ Or _ , 'I "'" ~ ...... --, ..... • ~ \. ~ r .......... --. .

;.: CIothi . .,; .;.',"Midum. "A ume.,. aid ...... _1eI'IalaIiMat . 'All .... ui i~.~ ~ ... ~ ..... _.. _""_ ..... &.. .. a 'KardI laUe ~' "': ,c ' - ola7 riIlted a ..,.aau.t III _cal ~ , .... ___ . r....J Goods. . For tbe _t~ plllee a' momMI ....... III JlMrtd 011 bellalf of ...

JOe ~ t1lIaDd.a..,'· allll :fRIIII;tIIe __ ~ of follap cam. tiae

. ' '.', '".".' :::," ,,' or duIpeotd ...... III •. woodell .,. badlaoo.: wllo; alia ........ a.dftw

'JACKETS' LONG AID, SHORT.· ::~:: :.:.tII :=.~= :-:a':~t~~ =~. dJIp .f the ... erldieta .Dd tb. DOte " .. -. t1II~ or JoDqaUa. • 'l'hla _1IIIIl IboaJd retQm til· alloM .. ' boar' wllb ., tIIe· ...... p owL t·.lDt. mule. -Ill aboald be pla~ ~ • will .. embrolll- tbe dIIdI!d b ___

end or dna.. was ftlderptec:e. ··tIIe 'I1ae laII7·. IIUt - crt 'adJoIi ... poll..... t.bl. belq..... BeaNlb ,. jeweler'. abop .. UIOtber part or U. eadl co .. er • doll7 Ia p1a~ wbkII dt)'. wilei'll! abe aeleded d1.mooda to

.-.aftd rlaJ'thm, a fell to diaeoUDeCt- '.

.. wd aoaad. wU .. 1I'iIftad fro.. A Nati_ .... Itdurll .. F._ .. the dlataat plaatation:. .' I L .... '. aleaw' .... M .. , ·EIaIIer.te

wWait." aa1d Coa ... a Wrape-Walki,.. luita aheW Plaiteil B. drew 10 the boraea, .ad alleatJ,. .... ..--..w .... atraP Tri ...... i..... .

matdls the ___ III dealp. III tIIe .... ae of "'"OLIO 011 lila aDderataed-

"" ~ IIatftMd; Or w.. be llateo1n.' -Bia .Ia __ ed beDt eo moodIl. Aa ~ .. eo lID_II,. earl,. w. .1lIIIt, willi wretcb.d ead. Thew .1-.. GO apace .be collduded b. w~ 1ear• there " oot the .. me a_It)' of tllolllbU c:oUrae4. rapid I,. tbroocb tbe Mt. 8be atole • aldeloD, look .t blm. I .tarting OD the aprlD, ouUlt tbe \"...,. .. l1li bareD'. braiD; ber .pparaDI.'e ,. 'MA pea07 ·f. ,our thoUCbta." .Iia da:r ~t LeDt commeaeea .... ben that ~ed tile ubea of tbe pa.t; tbe 11,. IaiII C.,'" ~ dl'llp OD well to .... rd tbe eDd of III Me breDat lI.meet from bla'e1ea. bat B. atarlad.. "1 .11. thlDkJDC bow Aprl.. N .... rtbel_ It Is .d"laable to .tbertrIM be m.de DO dlt!plll,. of ff't'l· IIOOIl I IDlelit Ie .... Sew OrIeaDL" ' ~t tbe eatire apctoc aDd poalbl:r tbe .... B •• laal.'ed out UPOD tbe man, "Lea". N.w OriNDsl" alae res-ted .UDl!Der , outfit UDder ... 0,. durlD, the 'a_ "'1011' them. bo .. ID, to ooe wom· III --rtaa. MBat I th bt I t A lis weeki wbleb .... more or lea fn. .. u.Dd .mlllac.t .Dotber. -r" oal ,.OU D eD... from 110('101 encasements. A sprlnc

tile _ter of tbe eo.... plaee. two Iq tbat abe .oaU ba7 them It bIr baft& Beaatiful _ made or CI'Q' baaband."""" Woaid -- -aa4 brown "ea .. et, wllb wild' eyea. all ._pa1I7 ller -.-. III • ab aa4 .... lie pardlawd III the departmeat ~ tDODe7' woald be paid 1IDtDed.lat.I" A wbere cblldren·. t01. aI'II! aoJd. bat tile traated clerk ... -t, .Dd with him coat bel~ aometblnC like '1.50 .pl_ the lady dro". baek to tile dOdOl". It beboo .. a the boa .... to m.ke ber boaR. lD .... ~ 11M! took die own. Dra ... OD .tUr bristol board t ... o __ "jut to allow them to ller b_ b.rM, tbeD eat foar of tbeae out. eo,,- baDd." '!beD, eDterlq with .abllm. er both patteraa of eaeb .Ith cotton ... uraDa! tile doetor'. .tady. 11M! Ill­baWag. Tbe ODS aaed for the troD, formed the apeeIa1Iat tbat ber buaballd \"Ie ... b .... tbe faee atutred oat .Dd th. ... DO'" ID the tiiCIeI'OOID .Dd n!adT to eyea, loalde of eara ..... Dd llpa m.d. be eamlne<\,

"'011. I coolda"t .tand •• Inter III the ell ata,.1Q ~ "b,. ba .... l 0U CllaD,· .nlt Il IuIt cad •• mart an,,!'OooD d __ ...... ad ,.oar mind?" • retIA _ ... " reaam .... tbe petrooa. tunaln, Did lie deted • aubtle .ecent f _ for wOOdlap .Dd IlIDebeoDJ ... 111 of _ more to tbe eoldler. -althoulb 0 ,~ COUrtM! Deceuarll,. be 00 band b,. tbe tile bana barnera promlatd to m.lle It ..... III IIer .... Ice' A del'p flusb moUDt- beginnlDg of Euler' .eek. .nd iDcI·

or deep plDk cotton. TIle brlatol board U. .. IDg • \"laltlDc ard, lila lad,. took less are eat aeparate. co .. ered .Dd ber departure. aad tile doctor. blddlDS SiDed on. . the lIappoel!d padellt eater. pl'OC!et!ded. _na for m.1" . ed to bla brow. U. bent o ... r ller and- delltall,. the comlft

• mODtha III be "'ert I tbla II II I clW1. ea!lerl,.. - 111' va n, 00 rep 1 to _ ,. • at· MWoald It m.-r-If I weDtr found IDIIDI .. I,. m.re eajo,..ble If the For tboae wbo feel they caDDot Ill· .t bill leillure to uk prof_kJMl 11-

dul&e their lo .. e for uatural bl~ma tiona. Tbe jeweler'. maD wa. p_1ed there are tboae m.de of ."rencb, crape .t lint, but 1IOOIl. be .... 1-.1 tbat b. paper that caD b.rdl, be dl.tlDpllbed b.d beea made the "Idlm of • c~er from the real 1I0.era., fraad. The doctor. bo ..... r. laterpret­

...... ,. ...... coatiDued to reat cold. ..~ loth bls! ba ot t be led 17 .Dd npeeUDtI)' upon the otber. 811e drew bad! .t the .bmp __ or ~Itb. ea pro • D 0 £fIIPP Goaded b,. tbat .rbltra..,. rept'll. an lila WOrdL Tbe tall *oowl II th "piled barrter betw .. a blm .Dd tbe "Bow uafalr to annrpr ODe qoeetlOD ora aI'II! ~ • e Dew -a.. ..... tbe I.Dd bllroa aou,bt'- wllb .aother!" sbe Mid lI;bU,. modela tbat .re to be .om ID • fe • 1 _ _ au" ... • .eek.. Boalb clotbl ratht!l' thaa lb.'

B" ,lItteriac e1ea met A p.a .. fell between tbl'Cl. Perb.pa plalo IIDllbed coodl'.re trllall, aa4 CI.o- tbe,. ex. IbII, too. felt ,be .uddeD l~pul .. of ber , •

At eacb co .. er pl.ce • nam. ard, to ell bla qltatloa u aaeed b1 ilia eom· wblcb .tt.cb tbe "Left blDd foot of. ....Iat, aDd wbeD .fter two bonra m.t­j[l'Il .. eyard rabbit. aucht ID the dark of ..... were IID.II,. uplalned the I.d,. 1m­the mOOD." with rlbbOD correapoodl.. .-tor b.d ftDIaIIed with ber 811011. to lbe color of bl_ ulled. If Jon- wllbout lea"l.. .., trac.oe. -1Aad0ll

like the tbna.f.Dd pafl"J' .Wll .a.wer and tile, eDsulDI coa­_orda. Wltboat w .. blOC to .d· atraIat.' Perbap. 80me compunction

..... the .etreaa. .Dd tbereb1 rtu. mo .. ed ber to aM ID ... olee Dot enti .. · qull .. tbea yello ... rlbboD; narelauaea. Tlt·BIta. green aDd wblte; aarlet lUlipa. thell red rlbbooa. etc. . '1 CATARACT OF THE EYE.

pablle·rebalr. It ••• DeYertbel- 1m- 17 .".d,.:, poaIlble for the. bot bJood.t aoutbent- "ADd ao 10a thlDk_f IOIDC b.ck to er la' aubmlt :to perempto..,. reatralat. FraDce?" '. Who blitS, m.de tbe eoldlet' bl. t •• k. - '~o Francer' b. repeated qulckl7.

If the rabbIt feet· _ot be. boa&llt' . ~.-..;.-coD"'DleDtly, thea _,tile qaalDt carth H_ the'One It AttMk. M., W.t ...

ma~r.' Be IUd :8alat.Ploaper'1 P_. "No." .ad ·.topped. . .Dd w •• DOt .Iow to retaliate., Lookln, uP •• balf queatloalac IIsbt _ . cataract Is .. Id to be due to tbe

I ... bleb m.s be panl' .... from IIt.~oa·1 . ,the QIIatMtI~ Grew. .

r~;;.:~.· '.m Uot mlat.kea: 10Dcler l.·oar III ber e,ea took '·lIlgbt to' bl. uDtil .. Id tile patroon lud4eDI,. arrPBted by tb. bard ... t es­

. gradual depoattloD of oal.te of lime . lin the IIUblltaDce of the c..,.lItallla;t

MPermlt me." ADtS b. Itron preallon of bl. fenturew. Abnaptl,. to pea·. '_ . ,,'. cbllll'd b)' Ibe kDew Dot wb.t. ber'

leal, .t llrat ID, _II apota or IItTeak., .ametlma ID one' part aad IIOmetlmn In anotber. TIle depcillit cradn.lI,. In· crea_ uDtll It peDetratetl' th. wbol,~ of tbe leulI, aUlllag bllndnea& The­remedy. 'tbea.' Ia tID· remo .. e tbe lentl. lind .fter Ita remonl tbe pallent aeed • • ilubatltutE' ID'lbe form of b!&bl, mag- . alfylng ·..,.etacJea. . '

: . TIle eoldler did Dot mO .. e.· , . " IllIbea felL . Tbe bo ..... cbamped their . MYoa .re blockla, m,. .a,. moD- blta .aG tagPII .t tbe rela .. imp.tleDt i!eDr.". contlDUI!d tb~ otber .b.rpI1.·' of tbe prolonged paulle. ' , "Not' If It Ilea tbe otber 11'.,. ... ,.. "Let u. col" .be .. Id ID a:low. eoa· . "Tbla ,w.,. or tb.t ... 0", bow tS_' It atralal!d .. olce.' .. ., eollcelm',.oor. retorted tbe laud baroD. " At lier word. be tamed. tbe barab·

... k. fDrtber to. aDD01' •. lad,. Deal dropplD;t from ble faw like a dl. Iio .... ·.I .... d, . lalldeDtl1' cordl!d. mallk. the IIDea of determlDa· . All . tb.t I •. aec:e •• ..,. to en.ble a

'patlent to aee bll 'own cataract, for blm .. lf Is a p~ of'card' .nd·a·.'ae.­die. A \"1~ltlnc .card_roll do ve..,. well. Plerce- n cl~n' round hole' _r the middle of tli.nard .nd bold tb. Card iip to theJlibf clOIIIl to' tbe e,.e.' toOk· ,IDg preferabl,." 111_ thl! .1Irectlon, of \.. , pl_ of bl!!e,lIky. 'Wltb tbeJ.c.rII near " to tbe eye ,tbe patleat will' not·'_· tlMt 'amall t bole 'pierced' by 'tbe' rieedle.-but b.wlll·_Il·cOmparBU .. elil.rp,'faIDt­,I,. illuminated lIeld ,,·ltb 'bJil -cataraet

~~;~~:~~I~ii'.II,..:a.I.D~. c:Oal.'ena.".'... tloD ..... erIDIr.: . . .,," If., be ,ba. followed her ,a.' lOr' .be .. Id .plll; .Ithoat coaDt..,. ... aaHred .... a"lIJe; ·111IO'tlalr·a"::.o a\1ICII';wb.a~ ba".·'.et ......

··c.larnIUIIrIlS.:. , ' era. Tbeae rabblta .• wi IInrea dO:

of· tbelr' I·_ ••• ~, .. Ilig all maDDer of I.Qlbable .DUee. Ad If OD. II clever with water colora._­Inal l13u .. eull'll caD be made with plaID cardL '" .' I

SIII"t;ProiJM!~.: lIpt'dello'. feDclDC room"

Are YOIl ' 84IDt-ProtIper besltotl'd'. mo;'pDt.

.nd tbe laDd baroD'" rllt't! fell., Wn. It poIIIIlble tbe· otber woul.) refulle to meet blm' . But bp would Dot let blm on: ea.lly .. ' Tbere were ,,·ay. to force.

. • Dd. suddeDly tbe wonl. of the, mar­quis l'l'CurrlD; to 111m. be .urnyed tbe 80ldler dilldainfuliy. ,

"Gad. you. mm.t (''Ome of a f.ml:,. of coward. and trllitont! But :rou sball IIcht or~tbe pilbllc becomes arbiter!" ADd be'b.lf'ralaed bl •• rm threateD· lD"!')': : ...

• J'"

Tbe aoldlel'. taDnl!d cbeek 11'0. aow aa pale a. Il moment bt!fore It bad beeD flutlbl!d •.. BI.: moutb let relOlutel,.. a. tbousb lI;btlDg bock some we.kDess.' Wltb .. Iowerlntr 'brow. and' dnrk"!Dln, ,lllnce bti're!;anled tbe land boron.

". was tblnkln!;." be sold at leDgtll. wltb an errort. "tbat If I killed :roa people ... ould WilDt to kDow tbe reo·

Of. (.'Our.. the b.re;pl .. , .... D 'Iia~ I tant part ID the mena, but It malt DOC i moke Ita appe.rancelD the.llrat cour.. I but .bOUI~ be beld.DDtil,deuert. . "'.;

• ~ ~',' ..... 'T • 'I I . .t1~' ',.' "'. ~ I

ever • .bort Whea calling, a Iad1.De". r\Ia troai litera..,. cute wbleb .Dd the ber ebftlr wbeD another "taltor 'wbolD

1ec!e1l·t1,. moDopoltaed the '11'111 be abe doea DOt know 18 .DDOUD~: ' '

::;~~tb"I~upOD It., De-la. In fact. . lI"ado.


,III the empire .. De waR Iwell co.... If )'ou kDOW ber, rIae aDd' come ,or: . .17 III Kore ... CbIDa·. there, (There.ls o' Dotl~a~le return to' favol ward to llpeak to her u aooll "foar ' Among tbe " b.mg _red tbe poIIt oDly lII!Cause of llIe long slee"l!tI. aDd maDY of the bostess bOB dooe '80. • " ,. orr .Innd!, tbnt have;::~~B~~:!~t~~I~~

.It.atrorded nO prospect .batever of dJa. ~mOllt elaborate wrap. 11'111 bave res· It II UDDecesa..,. to rlee eVeD If. their clreulotloD .• Dd.~ mare t1Detioa.. 'ret tOday be' III ID Cblua 'ulur coat .Iee" ... · wblle all monal... lad)' 18 IDtrodDc:ed to'10U. A bow la' or leSH.bellef 1M tb.t. . ~'traveler'iI .bat cu.tlDal Wol")' .D· ID EDi:- lCOIItum .. will poACIII the •• me _I- qalte audlcleDt. . '·tree .... credlted'wllll Poe-u.lng n relIer· .aad liefore the pope'. refnal' to dl- ,ble long modela. .' I It tbe hOllt bappeaa to cOme IDtO th. 1 "olr of' pure ,,'ater' ftttl!d to ~ .. e .lb •

.90rce Bear:r VllL, .bat RI('belleo." . Tbcre .. al ),et nothlDa Dotlceabl,. room wbeD aftemooD tea II golDg OD, llh'es or wancll!rera III llIe desert. G. F. 'III Franee.wbea the Duke of BuckJag. ·;aew about'.ult .klrts .• '11 ...... Da the lodl .. d& Dot rise to abail:e baDds. B. fleott_EIII~t ~~l!!!~ .fr!,.,!I,hl,,_ o~n'ex­bam trembled at lbe beaut)' of MDO 'most el.borate, are wal~uc lea&ths. coml!ll forward .Dd Ab.kea baDd. with (lurlcnre tllBt the tree grows 0111, hi of Aaatrla;wlfllt Bismarck .aa ID Ger. 'and, DB pl.lted potterol are 80 mDeb th .. m wblle th.,.' are lUll .IWDS. . the nelgbbol'booo of .w.mpe or spring" maDJ after the bottle of sed' ••. ' ~It) ;more becoming ttiim plain.' thl •• trl. Don't mnke a tour rollDd the rooai ulld that. 'altbough It haa a 'colI.ldern· most powerful personage lD th" .lgbt.. predomIDllt... No' fulinesl! I. Illlowed wbeD lea"IDg to .... k. baDda wltb ail ble amollut ,of wllter ID a bollow lit eeD proTiDee!i, rem.rked tbat blgb' .u. 'OYer th. Wps,.alld If the materl.1 II to tbe people YOll 1a1O.. Do eo .Ith the . IlII! buse.ot Ill! lenf. Ule water Il0811!l'S' tborltr OD CbID., Sir Bobert Bart. to : lie laid ID tUcll:ll or bOlt plalta these bost nnd boateu .114 bow to aD), other es Il disagreeable, ~egetable taBte aod Doogl .. S',o..,. twelve mODtha ago. la :moat all be cut away undemeath.))eo frleDdL of courae la Inferior to other wllter tl) . rUlln SblKal. 'llo .. the Imees. bowe"er, a .bort IkM The bos .... rlaea to·recelve bt!l' ..... he,fouDd ID.the ,·lcIDIt)'.

Wn Tlag FaDg. .bom 'Amerlcan! .ml.t ba ... a deCided lIare. aDd thta; of &tors aa tbey arrl ... uDleu abe :b.p' ~'::,".:..c.,C-:..C-:..,,-~_ must'remember .. the oDly e!feetl,·" ,_. dependll largely UPOD th. IIr . pena to be aD old lad,. .. Sbe alao rI_ . '.. ' talker e,-er IleDt to repretll!Dt Peking ,Ill : . , .' . to BIIoke banda .Ith dep.rtlDg 11d1 ' rtow aerm.n .8 •• t. English. Wnsblngton. :Qulte reeeDUy .sked !llr. :. I vilitora. ID the caae of gt!atlemeD abe "We Rpeak.!r,s of Ellgillih." luld alec-Story It be could a.m. the real rule! ma)' pay them the compliment or not. tllrer. "al'O, IlIuidlcappetJ by our hili-. guuJlC. 'Vo cnn 'nl!"er' bopl! for Hucll of tbe Cblnese. ' as sbe lblnka beRt. IKlllorOIlS tllIes I .. i'.the Germull's 1I0,·e.

"Vulln Sbl Kal." ... the'loataDt an. It wben ataylDg ... Ith a frleDd a atl-, "A youllg Gl!rmno mlltroll Ollce lJnlt]: ewer. , . '.. er whom you do ·not, kDow II lIDo .. 'A I I ...... I' tl d _, . .." I . c I, 'O}" g ... u 11m ItIt my eat' , ".Ugbt!'" reJolDI!d Wa TlDg FaDg. nouDced wbeD you are .Ittlng aloa. III Fritz has OOeD, apllilhlted'llllllptkwlsell. "Tbe wtll of tbe \"k!ero7 of Cblll Is law the drawing room. dOD't rIae 001_ JOG "erwaltuD!.~a88Istent"-asslijtJIlit caHh· lD this land." , - '.., I oft'er to go ID aeareb of Jour boa'- . IS!I'. '1'0"'; sbe "'ent on. 'In my title 'Of

A. wUl of IroD. th' clft of forealgb l • But ,.00 mlllbt m.k. a rem.rk .. to her bnuptkllssen"erwoltulIJ;snssIRtelltin" 1 .lllDtelleet Datarall7 .abtleaDd Rllreh. lIJM!I!dy .ppearaDce or aometIIlq of. hOl1st of fI,'e ··Icttt!rs more Ulan that inc BDd the IIrmetlt crUll of cro_~II' \ like D.ture. ., ;'" . '. ",' proud oberhotstClieramtslncpectorln'-

tI.l. o~b~~:I:::-aa~:e :: ~I:::t~~~ CrvaMel Chiff~'T1aa .• ..I ;".11... ~xclse IOH~or:~ ~Ir.e:-'~on cI!llni/" •

.. ,,~vl""I.I' fNIli'Uan... 'wben! be"'wns Of th_ perlabable .rtlclea maD,. ... ·.Wh". t~" M.,.ket ·W.bbl ... · . ! povel1y;:io IJft bUDaelf to .r..t. merel)' toaaed UId craabed without be- I. . • .;;~;..;;;:; '&00 1Dt11JeDC..e tb&D 'are pOs. ~ 801l1!d,.Dd will fralleD up If laid Tbe financial balance Is 110 extremel,.

.0:. other bamaD beln'" '10 UDder •.• 1 .... tI, 'damp cloth aa4 aa delicate tbat the .lIghtest· niovement __" I lied. all'eetB It Bod tbrOwI It out of "mll' r. ' 1 .not eYea u--tln" the old " roll.pp . , . .. '1o, •• ,lrelr', ~~.. .. If dl- .h_ -- ...... Ollce beard of aD' Im-... ·nt .. deal·.··be-

s emp..-. '!'be'fore!&l(de .. n·1t; - ."~,...,. 0 .. "," lie .U_ .--permitted to lIIfer If lie pleaSe,. bat lbla proceaa.maat lie earrtecl Ing spoilt JJeeaUlle'a prominent'llnan-the .~. allDt. or ,tile ..eluded lou apeed1I,. .Ith •• arm _"..lather. cler ,bad II .. bll toe cllt· by a cblropoo

Il","_.n .t' ....... .;; raIea the' realm. ' Iqaeese d..,.. but de DOt wrIII,. dlllt 110 b&dly that be wa" obllil!d to & ___ .... d --0.... th ft.... lb keep his room,-M.llrIee' Mortimer ID

"1II:Dple.el,. ""-.·,'''-.'-I-ro'' .or .... - .n ......... ro_u • " _ ..... • ~~ I Grand Mapzln8."; ':... old ' til the hollow ter; bat do DOt nab. ..'" .' ( . ,,, - ,

11&1111 ,.tbat '. be If . be' IItreA. Gently lbake aDd p- IDto .bape. Chlna:"Ue . (f,atarct Ia requiftld, pm' .... r or

. .

:=::~'!= told 'those rIoII ' .. ter~ae' ma4e' bJ Iddlnc •

~~~~j~J':~~~i~~~ wilL few dnIpa of pm to _rm , •• ter. lila ~~ ;;;;~~;~~;~~~;:;d8 !:r ~ ~~= =.,.:tr ~~

.' . App. u' "Nitht ....... ,.; . 7

Tbe npple' Iii ·aueb·. common' fmlt IlIlIt \"I!I')" few 'penOea" aI'II! ·famlllar with' Ita: remarkable ellelletoua medic­Inal -propertlea. ·EveIT '00. 'ought· tl) know· that' tbe .. ...,. ·beat thlDg ·be C.D .10 III to eat 'Dpplt!II 'Joat before retirlDC ,tar the algbt. .. . ',' . , ' '. ',;' ~, .

TriM! .; .... ' Nftr V ... ..-- .... , "j"~1i..-.

J ,~r

~ot .. Yeq,IoDa .... _ 'IIIJCIrsllO .. bo bad beeIl eappd to aIDa at _ ot me IarItSt 00- 011 f'UUI annDe. wit!!

'., Iter maid. ... ~ Into tile' ; room . re.ernd fCll' tbe artiste. SIJe fwu 810 .. In remona'a IIer wn;pe aud __ 'TEA

er ,~ed artl!r aile ... part of the ~OD . f ..,. out, of them tllat It .... Ume fCll' alway. • " tbe boat_ to .. e~_. The price 80 abe told her maid to put mem oa n.riety' of pu~ the dem"'" ... ....... ...,.. aaWOl ~ . apln alter abe bad 1Dq0lred of one or

... ia.al-ra Wa! 'iN: .. ' "" 'I .. ~ ___ c!eril:e __ "'hM .the IerTaDti W'bere Ute!:ldy W"1llL

Is Prefe.rred by Former Japan Tea Drinkers Because of Its Greater Purity.

~ .• 0' :1 CoDt.iaual· rrvwiDC III Wheat· W'ith- -' .... U. ......... '.scu.WI· ' .W'lIeo he .... the pnparatlODa for de-ii._,. . out rotal.ioll. oF~ 'IOOD ewbeaN ___ alle~ u.. ... U......... partme be raabetl III' bute to the

Le •• Pulletl Only, ., lie, an. • P.r LII. At All , .

" ~ the laDd, aDd uua u eqllally ~ 011 ~J.. ~.r.:taJ=::...f1DPe bMte .. HIGHEIT AWARD. IT. LOUII, I"

. flu: growiDf. bui Prof. Shaw. the well· _ She bad r-n detalDed at the.dlnner kr own aanculwral aaiboriiy 01 u.. ~~._n ...... .r;= -Uninnity of uill _____ '. wbo ... __ 1 - E~"- ,::--- bble, III • dluner of very elaborste _ ___... ~ _..oF ........ :~ ._c.... b' -~ ---In th I l made a IPeeial .Wdr of ftu powin. I. _. .... ....... - ___ .:l c a •• ".er ... p"",,,,,, g e mUll cs

_ says tba~ i\ II no huder OD the eo1i It .... dtmcult fill' bel' to lean bl't' .than wheat aDd thia _till to be the' ~ ::'''::. ~~1I1 I... p .. te. She reacbed the ball bowner.

e!!!!!i=;:;,.=":"''-'--"'-.'-.:,;.,. ...... -''~!!!!!~ ,. general 'opiDion 01 thoee wbo b.v.: ~~,~ ~ ":r ~ jat u the Ilnl'!l"'a .mple form .... LUCIC OF A WISDFALL ",' made \horou,h teata: Neither ~bea' _~tr!tII .. ,otIIer..., dlappearlng thl'ODlb the portiere.

la •• of William .nor flu: should be crown ye.r afier ::;;:!".,.., oIeIewUA. Wrn.: "Ab. M". Smith," tbe singer MId. Cuaql~eror.' are rt-SptJnlible for lb. Jear on the same IOU.. In England "'I'beu I am In tbe rlgbt bouse? I was

it~IitJ;'. ;.';;;~~~: ,ood luck now 10 ohen ienan' farmen in leaam, land are "'--:aule ....... c:... u...... COlD. oDt to tell my coachman '11"41 bad !.t\ wlUI the term "windfall.", often oblired to sip aD agreement M - T ___ ...... made a mtatake. ellle 10U would ba\'e

lbe Sorman it ...... a criDllnal IIOt to crow wbeai on the laDd more • -.. heeD .t tbe door to meet me." ,';-'\.iirieJi;O.i \0 eut down limber In the for.: frequently than once in three yean th. .·ere allowed in order to preYen' Ihe eshaUlltion 01 The bOlltea looted u tf Ibe .. oold

.~~~h~~r:, tbe wind bacl the eoil., .Tbill does oot mean th.t lite to epeed her tllcht Into tbe OJ1ea, .... ,;;__ hall~d •. the f.rmer.. caD only l\:Ow wbeat onee bDt her lIlellta .. ere ~n to .rrt .. e.

.:-___ ~_ luck. in threefyean;. but IlJDply tbai be and .be did DOt dare rIat olrendlnr the _ one portion 01 his.land for wbeat atar .ttraetSoD .t her blAHt JIIlrty of OIIe year aDd the nezt ye.r uses aD' lbe _no

MIter portion which has been used J~~~~s~~~~~~~~~ 80 f ... - ID t It dl for • different crop which doee no' ·1 me 0 ..... a I'eft DIll e 11 con • m.ke the demaDd UPOD the . tloD that 110 otber wnman .bllll be en·

that no crop .. , ppd aDd 110 mu.1cIaM of an,. tlnd beli pJOper wldlont roualdnl tlM;m. A younl

_n":foJ:lo.r~'"~hE~at< • .,:,,,.. •• u aao flu:. SBARRBTri TO RBTURN .... - 'lent oat carda to IDvlte ber cl."~l1d .. be Rome-The repOrt that' Mgr. Sbar. frteada to .... r • areat prim. donna

!~ill'~;;I~;;'i retu •. 'the :.papal.,"dell'gate in Canada, ...... Afterw.rd.be beard from ber I: who Is now in this city, .ill not' reo ft. D4a of .11 klDda of "ollderful J1er:

a rood ... "WI·n to Ottawa, o,.ing to lamn)' re!o· fOnDera that aile mflbt • .., bne en· reala the nest lonl. .urna out to be incorrect. It II ppd. . 'The lanner crow. the now at:ted that tl:e delegate ... ill ID I

erop year after year is simply wear. ballk "" Canada .... Ith the· Canadian .. tbe moDel q-uD1l played no In. out his fann. A young maD who premier, Sir ·Wllfrid Laurier, who II put III ber plana tha ,.oDnlf .. oman followR this shiN_ method of f.rm. n"w III London aUendin, the imperial bepll to ell .... tbeIIl. By tbe time in" will have aD u-t .. ortblelll·larm councll.-, In vatican circle •. ~ i. cun" the allht of tbe JIIlrtr _rrt .. ed abe bad

" h Iidered mo.t IIk .. ly that Mgr. J. Far· ID ddltlo ... '" ' • on his handa bl the time·ite ,:eac ell reily, a/,lrituaJ director of the Amerl. • II to ..... aoprano. • band of middle lI!;e. wbereu br arrangmg for can' col ege here, 1IIill' be appoint~d co- C!bolr boYI .. 00 .. 0Il1d loot beautiful • rotation of cropo aDd keeping ,en' adjutor of Bishop )lcClo.key, of Lou· marebln. d01l'n IM!r marble atllirway. OUCh live stock to p~de manure he Isville, Ky. . _ band of Venetl.n IOndolle" wbo ma,. h.ve • rich larm .i the end ,of would be cbannln. at the ent1'llnce to 'wenty yea ... beaidea pt~ng • much tbe mUIIlc room carolln. "Santa .LD·

,:~:~~:; I : better inciomoll bom it in the mean· cia," • baritODe .. bo .. nl beautiful ~~"!" , ' , love' IOnp' In escelleat Frencb and a o. .... .. Panth.... In' Vanceuv.r. ..oll'e as' eoft aa pomade. a girl 1I'bo '-. Nine "panthers IDloue week 'WIlS the ronld pound tbe plaDO .. Itb tbe befit of record recently eat&bliabed 'by _Jo~n . tbe men 'pl.,era aDd • qDartet tbai O. Smith of Comoz. The grouod' In played antique mUlllc 011 near antique which Mr., Bmit.h made his balr' was lo.trumeota. . . . the valley of the Campbell River. near The prima dOIlDa brtm and bebeld Comos. where paDUaera are snid to In the .rllata· I'OOm tbIa job lot of mu· be IIDUlIually pleDt.iJu1 ai"the present slcal enterlalne .... · The bOllte. bul'-

'time. Mr. Bmit.h weD' out lor. week's . r!ed'1D to II!'eet ber. hunting .t the cOlDJDeaoement' 01 'the '"BDt .urely." tbe prim. donn ... Id,

'mooth. with him' two dogs. At the be to "you don't need me .. ben JOu bave 10 mucb for rour 'Ioeatll'" .. , .

bounty s!dn-t63' in r_.. . Mr. Smith'

.... ..,.I'.!I~ •. nnd·· •• v .. ei·j ;;i~i:;.d:

quarry' •

batUe was a:l~:~~~~!~~!:: ' the estreme. 01 rllmther and they came up

•. then, invariably. took •. tree-"t.h,llt!e

The'alnger wla In eameat. Sbe .. aa

~~~~~~~~ :';;~i;~N.iM:K) perfect\J wllllni to 110 bome and ION I~ .ber:t3,OOO· fee' ratber tbaD be part of

, "1' .Dcb .' mllalcal'-v.D~ .. DIe . a .. tbe 10ltZ­' .. J1erleneed' boItetlll bad pllnned. Out of

Bn_. i iratlbide . beeallBe . abe ronaented to re­"iIi ... ·to·mue tbe partr·.·.na-. the Jonn. matron &ent tbe prim. donDZ •

. dlatnond hral'elet the' nezt d.,.

1!.lIirll~ to .. " .. l'aftlfft.re 1100_

to tbe P.ciSc:.

. Th. 'plNn.

0..• nnimals having • borror of dop­

Rnd while iD t.he Vee be would he ignominiously lbo' down by tbe bDDt­

,., ..... _"" ,er from beI9W.. '. A~. Hamburg· the longlhoremen b ... e :.~ .vert '1Both ,the dop which Mr .. Smith voted to relume' work. The decision

ao.[IOO .. people; ;hild~'with him wera trained to thel·mad. a" complete victory for the ship· • -.. • 60 chue of the panther, bat one of t.hem companies. . '1'be 1"lu' in particular-Diek. Mr. Smith ca1l8

. him-is particularly apen. This dog hu the proud dietiDdioD, of . baviDg in hi. time' treed the record·lireaking Dum.her of 65 paDtbera.

............. 'I"- .,.b Ita.. manapr .t the

'ftIJatN Royal, Du bIIn, • t ODe Ume .... • little man named LlDders. who h.d •• trange dislike of the ladles 0' tbe baUet anll treated thcm rather hanbly. ne wore a wig. but tbe fuet was not !;CncraUy known, On one OI!' easloa, bowe,·er. .n cnraged corypbee seized blm by· the bnir. n nd olr came the wig, upOIlng a .. hluy espaa.e of cranium. Ue.t once d.llbed olr to complnln to Mrs. Barris. tbe manapr'a wlf,e. but the good lally could only n"p In atuJ1efied tooes. "Good craclooa. llr. LInden, wby, yon are bald!" Tn wblcb Llndlft Inlltantly replied: "Sn. madam. DO. My balr became Iooae with borror!"

The Utllitari.n A ••• • Tbe more pict!)rellque the COUDtrJ

the mllreo Ine~ltah:e It appeara to be thot Ita beauty DlUlt be meaaced aDd In most In.tancea e .. entuftlll mucb 1m· pnlred by tba erection of a bldeo ... line of telephooe poets. wltb tbelr relellt· leu reminder that we 11.-. In .n a_ ID .. blcb the beautiful b •• coutaDtl,. to ba IIlcritlee4 to the uaefuL

M .... '" 01111.1 .... "allltrat.e-Tou ga.-e tbl. 10DDI .. 0-

,man lUCIa • hit on the fal'e tbat lIbe can't _ out of her eyea. Wbat ban 100 to Sill for YODraelf? Aceu. ed-Well •• he often told me abe didn't want to see me aOI more.-,

Grief hallows henrta eYen wblle It ..... head8.-BalleJ'.

"It ..... i .. atrellatb-tb ..... apooafalll .. pad .. the 6nt.'~

. "A,d it ""' .ueb • laa la_ to th. batla" 0IIc:8 DeODIa _ It, they waat it ...,. tuM.'F~

Write ... for oar Dew Cook·lIook.

There " a mo,·.mcnt In progrul In London to minlmiae Ihe \"ariatlon in the dale of Ealln, .'bleh calloe. 10 much Inron"enience e,'ery Iprlng.

They .\fe Carefulh' Preparell-PlII. which dissipate tbem;,e!,'" in the sht, ma.ch cannot be expectell to ha"e mucb effect upon tlte inte.tine." and \» onrcome eOlth'eneos the medici" .. admlnl5tered muat intluenee tho> ac· tla,l of Ule.e canals. I'armelee's Velie· table Pill. are so mad!!, ulld~r the !U· pet'visloll of expert., Illat tlte sub· stance in them. intended to operale on the intestine h retarded in action Ull' til the,. pa.. through the .tomach to thifl bowel ••

The central unemployed bOlh' has .decid<d 10 Bugge" 10 the cololllal of· tlce tbat the colonie. be asked 10 COli' tribute 10 the coat of emigration of the '" oolwic}l arlenal unemployed .

Alk for Minard' •• nd Tak. no Oth.r

The mOlt promlnim' feature of' the" reception of the bu'dgei 11 the anler of the Labl'ritel at the po.tpollement, or, as they regard it, the detlnlte shelvlllg of the old ase pen.lon .cheme.


n. HolIeSt Ph,. ..... A-da_ to C:un aad U ... tile '1Iie'

Avalla"" Re •• d_

Th. propoeecl 1.liII.ticla; aro • the Domillioll P.rli.m.llt for the nil.

. ul.tioll of th. m •• llf.atll,. .ad eat.' 01 p.tellt or propri.tarl .. edicill" is . of the IItmOit importnea. .lId ii;i. receiyiDI • Ireat deal 01 _ttelltici •• aot oru, ., the propri.ta" .. edicill. malluf.duren.· but alto bl the leadi ..

.. doctor. .lId druailt.. ,EY.rl ...... f.c\u~r of reli.bl •..• lId·' lIilll el_' remedl .. w.l001l1 ... th. bill'" _;..., ill the rilhi directi ... ,'· Til. di_ioa

. b .. ·.brolllbt Ollt th. fad tll.t t ... · .... ·: P)11.ici.a. ill.CnacJa:.lld •• ,tIIe 00.· tlnent .• pproy. of .lId· preeeribe' P.,~·

of th. mOlt dillcD.t; _ recall' III.t.aea 01

..riiiMI. th.rl~at; .ad trouble

ti.nt ~I.adid W.llIlI~1 tlMment for po.er of • np" "for. the critici.m .ad ap of the .,Item ... ted condition., equal, and the beet pby.ici.n. reco&ni.. f.c,"

Liniment Co., Limited; Victoria Naw Gretn. Gr •• n.

Victoria. B.C;;' which ., present baa the name arnolll people who reside on the. other side of the intern.tiooal boun-

Choler. snd all lIummer complaints are so quick < In tbeir action that the cold hand of death ia up"n the vic· timl before tbey are a1ll-are that dan· ger is near. If attack-:d do not delay in getting the proper' meuicine. Try a dOle of _ r. 1,' D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial, . and you will get immediate relief. It acts with wonderful rapidity and never fails to effect a cure.

TIle apleenl Up to 1900 no pblslclan dared \0 mod up lD • clinic .nd tell what ·It '11''' made for. For agell It waa .uppoaed to be the orpn of lrucl· bUlt;y. "Ob, bla .pleell Ia upr' meant tb&t the old man wu bot lD tbeleo:n.r.1 Cmolla tblng. tb.t spleen. There Ia • herb called "apleeawort," .. blcb waa I1UIpoeed to remoye web .plenetlc dis­ordel'll u DI bumor, melaDcbol1 nd Ir· rttahUity. I .... a spleen tbe' other day for tbe tI"t ttme and ... utound· ed. It.... a 10ft, blgbl,. yucular; plum rolond tblDa wltb • .inooth .ur· faee. It 11''' nearl, .Is lDcbea In leagtb and welgbed anell ouoces. No .. bere Is tbe fUDDY teature of the .pleen: After a beart)' meal' It \s .. ery mucb IIIIIIlller thaD at oUter timet!. 1I'blm may help to esplalD wb, a man I, .ood natured .fter dlaner. ID dlaealled eondltloUll the .pleen may reach • .. eight of eighteen or tweot;y pouoda.

.. Allb •• 01 ~ m, I ......... 18 • terrible atat.. • had I. ,"ppe ak. ,_ bIllon; 1& etttlet

Ao. .thletea on m, lun .. and rile" .... ", ...,.IDI .... .. _ 11111,01 do.n .. 10. I .u \a __ 'ot .... .. Kno"" I had. ooD."llatloo '" doc .......... 1llo" laid the, ,-.:

'dary of being. son of Gretna Green. 'where couples from the American side of the liDe may he anited in the bonds of holy matrimony W'ithout any un­due' questioning. may lIMe iUl reputa­tion in this respect. The clergy of the city are much Irritated over' several flagrant cases oceurrinr during' the last few weeks. wh_ couples. pro­hibited from marryiDI under the

t:j'!~~~~~~~5~Of~Q~ueeE,o";"'iide~~, American ·1 .... ;· have come' over to thia '. from goin, to side of the line aDd bad the ceremony and Queen Alex. performed 'by • OaDadian minister.

C.OI.UllU.'.,-' .• nd is ,complicatled The clergymeD· are ednimel1 disgust-: ;:~/ '. '. _;Z!1 eel .i the prevaleDee 01 &his .on' 01

. -.;;.:-;.....-;.....--i', .. :;c: thin", bui poiD' 00' thAt· .. the law ,;;'),Mj".iNl".:I~I"lml.nt.U""II, .. Ph".lcian. s\&lld8.i presellt they,are IIDable to

~i!~~~~~~~~~~~:-~:~: $ake any precantioaa apiaat ii. To .il'· .claleel protee\ .themselftll apiaai ~u~ occur-

to witnel'l :reD!'I!II In the tutu!,! the dil'lDU may Tract .peUtion the' Go\ .. mmeat'. tor.~ more

. for air!nleDt marriage J'eIfUlaUons:. ;; "The .ttention of' K.yor: Korley hIlS

~i~~~~~~~~~~~;1 baeD draW'll to the maiter. aDd. the civic· .uthoriti_ m.y aet with· the 'mlniatel'll in tatiq .teJll for lobe pre­"!IntioD of irreplar marriqea iD thill eatl·"· ."

There bas been for some time a suc· eeasion of bomb' explosions in Barce· IQDia. causing isolated injuries and much alarm. . .

Min.rd·. Linim.nt, Lumberman'. " Friend

. Catholic rulers are forbidden to vis· it .overeign. of Victor, ];DlDlalluel'. line, and the latter will Dlake no ad· ,"ance8.,

The superiority, of, Mother Grave.' Worm Exterminator is shown by it • good' ellects ,on '. the 'c1lildren. Pur· cbaae a bottle and 'give it a trial.

At Rome .. Ie report tilat KinS Vic· tor Emmanuel will vilit King, Alfon· so is not conlidered to be correct. .

., : ~ ... ,,1... , Babllol1 ... probablr the flm dip

\0 attain'. 1.lOpuladon,!lf • IIl1lIloIl. 'nle &1W ot tbe 'clt;y ... Zl:i aquu. OlD... - • -

"TlclylnI"Up" 'a., a.rd.n..... I'eople 1D thIa 1I'OI'Id are so mudl " ,During the W'iater the lardener 08' allte th.t If 70U tlDd fault With' one .uly fiD~ ,time ~'to, tidy up the' ,"OU will' bI', • bUDdred. - Montreal

. abrubbery.· .. be upreeae8 ii. I Star. This iI'it ill permitted. is, " .-

to _o,tAlh u tidying up the' ''!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!#'''!!!!!!!!lI!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!II!!!!!!!!!!!. eoaaisY.; flntI,,; In clear-I ~

ililillitl all leaves. and. -I r all t.he soU be-

~~~~~~ai~~~~~~[=~:~ which I . do In a day's:

:.' "-'-_I.. in~c:'~~l:r~':h~ , ,,' I '!!~'-'-~'(l~~'-!I~'::lmIDlllrc.:; tre ba .. e oceu: for

"""Id do nOlhla'f ao .. 'or -. Tb .. r IlarU<! .. and - Po,chl.... t,.,lIthe aedlclll.lot ..., .. lbaa • !~r. It certalol, did ..... d... ........ 1_

use now u IlfO",U ••• bIllora a.l IIcllo_-. 1IR1. ... 0 ...

-10' H~LlII'S.IM· ~111' P.ychiae, prollODllced 8~=-::'" Cli ~ ,reatnt of tolli .. , buildilll up Ute .,.. M.linda H8d to Go. 1r.:J.::~..!,~::r.:t1!~ t.e1l1, incr ... in, the .ppetite, parif"

One of the old gonmon of tbe Car- .. _ cu ... ,pnI ••• olrol .. oacI illl the blood, .idl di.:utioa, .nd .... oUnaa waa • mao wIlo bad lived a brlllMa. ror I."';...a oacI .... _t directll UpOIl the tllroat .ad lnap,

\1M. Tf'Y.' _. 7CM1 ba ... couab or ...-. d' .. - .L_ ti farmer's IIf" _t of lbe time UDtll he ... 111. J,\ 1M &<l ...... .,........... II'Y'DI ... n. an Yllor - _.11 r. .... elected, and bla wife. bavlnl nev. L .. _ & ceo ...... .... .ylte1l1. At.n drulli ... ,· Me. ud '1. er --0 a ste.mboat CII' • railroad and or Dr. T. A'. 81000., J.imiW. I.,. ~ itialE Street Wen,' Toronto. ba .. IDg no wi.b to teat either one. re- . "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ru-l to aecompaDl ber bnaband to'­the capItal. WbeD·the goyemor reacb· ed bl. dattnatloa, he foUnd that al· m_ all the other olld. ..ere ae­

" '

Slpala of Dlslnss eompanted by tbelr wlv8l, aad be Bent Backache and headache­'.11 Imperative m_p to bla broth .. to "fetch Mellnd. aIooI.'" '11le brotbe. swollen hands and· feet-teqrapbed. "!!be'a afraid eYeIl to look constant desire to urinate­at the engiDe." T1Ie lOYemOr read th. hootin m-.e aDd pondered oyer It tor • i s g pains through hips fe .. momellta. At the eDd of tllat time -painful joints-Rheuma-' be tlent off the follo .. lo. 'eommend: I tism-all of these are "Bill, 100 hDDdfold lIellnda aad buk I ber OD to the trala." natnre'scallsforhelp. They

mean kidney trouble. It may be that the kidneys are w ........

weak, strained or diseased. Don'tde1ay. .

TAKE GIN PILLS TIley ,:VoI 1ItnI1&tb to wak kId...,o

-lad the alecteG parta-aeatralile IIric add • J lithe the irritated Ned. - aad caN ..." tnce ., Jdd..., trouble. GIaPllla_IOlclOll_paaltiY. praatae to ecapIeteIrcaNorlllODe1 muaded.; soc.. boa-6' for '1.$0-Seat oa nceipt 01 price II r- deal. ~ DOt b.adle tbeDa. . _

... DIIUG CO., _III'", ... Some yeara .10 II... Mabel La ..

.. aa playIDl_ the ·tltIe role ID "Little ~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Red rudlnl Hood" .t DDblla. She 11''' entering the room. to vtalt ber &rand< mother ID bed .. ben aD esclted aDd YOU "THROW PHYSIC TO THE OO'OS" 'WiTH anxiouS little volee .booted from tha gallery: "Stop. atop! It lID't JODf IMPUNITY IF YOU BREAKFAST ON grandmother. It:a ... olf." ' .. ".' .... · The boUlle bum IDto a Itorm of a~ planse ODd laDlbter .t the cbfld" fD.-' ~nt alarm for tbe' aarety at tbe Ut· tle IIUlJdeD lD the red boocL

A Great lbIief •. "Lndy." IIIIld MeanderIDg KIte,

you 'I\":1nt liny wood cbopped!" . u!l1o." .... 'lbe .urp _er •. • "!I1or' cborea of .111 tlDd doue?'

UNo"·,. ~'", ' . '. . , . - ." ., . ,:-rn dDt cue,l: feels reune<t I kIa: tIIke'a cbaDce on utiII' 1011 fur _'.

· th!»' to eat." ~.:...o.-....,;.. ........ '-

, ... ,I.>.


FANSYSTELLE .' FiHy"'lgbt'" Bedrooms ,nUl

~..l:'.;:;J aU con'l'etlrenC<>! Best :llt,.ug; Win..... [.iquorli

, 'and Cib'3nt ,

Prop. .. -.---_._---- ---------. ______ M_ ~ ~

, ' , Council Meeting ! Hidmnlson & ,Bishop, fonr

Tho Council of tIm jltluicipality i n;;sessJllc"t Tolfs ••••..•••• 22.65 of Grey IIwi OTI Tu,~,,;(lny. April 2:J.1 Elm Crct'k Drng Storc ••.. 1.50

., ill thl! CdlllI('i1 Clllllllher. Pre>;ent: I mill Creek 'Mail, printing ,lIIT. U. Ii. Stuples (recn'), nud 1 /tllli mh·ertisiug ....... .45.70

t:ouucillur.; lk.diunillllli ,\utoine.! It. \V.mlcr, wurk, W'.lrd Z •• (;.00 , 'rhe lItillnlt~" of th., pre\'iuus l1'ho8. Kculledy, 1'.0. box relit 3.00

" uiootiug w\,!re reaililud oduph.'tl.' 1111111el ._- Bl!u,lunl'; 'l'hot oil . 'l'he 0uurt of J{c'I'isiou reported IIccuuuis lIS rend btl paid. • the IIsses8menl rull liS rcyised os ' Bedford - Balllel:. 'fhnl tho

, tho aSI)CSlIllllmt rol1 oC H107. under .assessuie'llt rol1, US, re\-ised ue the'llrU\.jlliulIlI uf' the AssessllllJUt \nccepted lIS the roll of l!lO7, su b. Act.. '. jed to lI(llleul tu the judgo of th~

,:" -Ul)(ironl _ Ualllul ~ '.I;hllt the! Cvuuly CUllrt" III}d thllt it be 60 , Cllt!llllC '~(): ('lIl1~dinn: rep')~L~d t~ the Council of

t!,;",~,'c::,';,''ii ilies linion, IIrid thnt 11IlLMI1lIIClp!lhty. " " , Ur,hui 'oC., )lllliitohn\ Antoillo-' flomel: 'l'hul $70 be

ii<?,;7;',:t;:,i <;,ti,lii'taic;i'pnlities: ascert.aili fcc to! (laid .t{J ~\. '~(mlll,roy, fwd $U!).~5 join, 01111 'remit slImo. ,:" Ito U. J; \~ tlSOll,. os puymout III

'[{amel _ Antoine:, 'Thill this Cull Cur their serVices IISUSISIl!iSU,rs.

, Couucil OOllllto' $10 ,lo"tlie Child. '!'here beiug no further IJIlsiues8, 'ren'!! Aid Sociely, 'Wi'uuipllg, nnd I the Cuuucil Ildjourued till 'fUllS.

, 1hlll thc'Cllll'k forward ChCClllc Cur duy, I\Iny I·Uh, ull0 l1.m. , " .

I ,~ ',t < "' ".


DEBTISTBY DR. A. L. }[cL.\CUL.'-~,

Resident Denwt, of Carmao, ,,·m Elm Creek on tbe "'irllt Monday in each montb, for ibe J.mctiooJlI his .prolession.

Offioo at rear 01 tho Drug Store.

,J, H. HAVERSON dA&"l.1"I!~ ATrOIUIiKT. :.;oLIC1TOa.

NOTA.Y 1't:BL.ll~ Ae. $oIlclt.ur fur the Hank uI ltlllltiJtoo. Bltd the

Huret )lubicj, .. 1i&J~ ol1.)ufferin aud 6"'1· A,;twt att.d AIJj'ttUfflr for tbtt e.mada l'ermaneat

}lort¥~, .. "'e C"'rsl(,",titill. Unlimited .mHuut u( Dlonel fur iD'I'ectnlcot.

Will be nl EI",C...,kuo )1oD,d\,KI ('"nodi dkrl rur u .. ,u~c\ion of ceuel1l bUibut •



Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor,.Noulry l'ublic. '

Special ESll1nincr in tho Court of KinK's ,. Bencb . '. .'

Solicitors for' tho Cllnadilln Dank of COlUwerCll, R. G. Uun & Co., etc.

, Offic~' o,'cr Post Offioo CAHMAN- -,,' - '" MAN.

J. A. STC)REY Auctiofteer

EL~1 CREEK MAN. Tanus reasomt.Lle: to be had 00 avvUc.Ll~n

'\VAVrEK CANN, Prop. , .... : .

, '

All kindifof draying done

Orders by mail p~omptlY attended to

Proprietor . , '

, '

.l.etterh·eads , '

, "

, '

Noteh·eads \ .' .

Billheads , .

En'telQpes . . , .'

Programmes , .

.' ; I .

\. 1 •

" '.

,C9-ta.Iq>~,lJes , . ~ , ' . '. '.; '\, ....

'\ '

, "

" '. , . ,

• •• I '

Specilll Attention Given to 'rra\'ellers 0,' '

NOTHING TOO S_ALL Good ltleals Wllrm Rooms NOTHING TOO LARGE' , . .

Lo'Y Rates lor Permnnent Boarders

• • • •

ELM CREEK • • • MAN. (Opposite C.P.R. Depot) eneMail ,


FOR Elm Creek" - -'fIlE MAIL

-------,----- -_.---

··N;0s~~i~V\iiij;~;1 Th i tty PIANOS I Tbousand

Are Winning Fame and Distinction I Men !!'. . In the short sJlIlce of time tbll t these

pianos hll"c bei'n;on 00 the mllrket they hll"" won fllllle mid distinction, and that has been sought in "ain by IlUlny maou­fllCturera for a \iI"time.

NEW SCALE WII .. LI.U1S PIANOS are a decided improl'ement in tone, calM! beauty, .and geneml construction, and are made to withstand tho' moSt H"ere clhillltic cooditions. - -. ;

Considllr the ooonomy of purcbasing 'an instrument that is built beyond all doubt u to durability, altd one that will teaCb you the highest appreciation"of what is betlt in music. ' '.'

, .' , "

Mason & Ha:f11Ii~' argans., , . ~ . .. " '

'-- , ':

It is'imposssible to estimrte nCI'Il­

rnlely, hut, judgiug from the tIIlle8 reported by'thll mokers uf ' ,

:r W~ nti ~ti!_G~n~lJ.ry _ .~ ___ fi ___ "" ____ • ______ _

Bra n d Garments no less thall 30,000 JUell wore them lust season, l1ud the llumbllr is in­crellSing each yeor.

No make of clothes ill Callada ill so popular; and this, lJOpularity ii' bastod 011 the fact Ulnt they em Uody the four essentialll of .good Cluthes,' ",iz., good clotl~~ corr~tstyle, ferrect fi~:aJld thorough tailoring., ,',

, . c~ Free trip to' Cannnil"find reo

turn to 20th Century Clothing buyerl


Mall~ ,.