FVCP Advanced Google Anlytics for landing pages

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Eric Michalsen's Fox Valley Computing Professionals presentation on advanced analytics using Google Analytics including Campaign and Event tracking

Transcript of FVCP Advanced Google Anlytics for landing pages

March 8, 2010


for fun and profit in 14 slides

March 8, 2010

Google Analytics: The Basics

Code is on ALL pages- Will track as an exit Could show as a bounce


March 8, 2010

Cookie Based Tracking


Shopping Cart


Log In

pageTracker._setVar(”Log In”);

March 8, 2010

Campaign Based Tracking

1. Campaign Source (utm_source). This identifies the name of your email marketing system

2. Campaign Medium (utm_medium). Identifies the campaign instrument used. In the case your medium is ‘email’.

3. Campaign Name (utm_campaign). This identifies the name of your campaign. The Campaign Name helps you differentiate between various campaigns.

March 8, 2010

Campaign Based Tracking

Before tagging: http://www.foxvalleycp.com/

After tagging: http://www.foxvalleycp.com/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=My%2BEmail%2BSubject

March 8, 2010

Campaign Based Tracking

Before tagging: http://www.foxvalleycp.com/

After tagging: http://www.foxvalleycp.com/?source=newsletter&medium=email&date=My%2BEmail%2BSubject


March 8, 2010


See what is happening within the page.

March 8, 2010

Got Downloads?

<a title=”E-Book Special” href=”ebook.pdf” OnClick=”javascript:pageTracker._trackPageview('/PDFS/E-Book');”>Download Here</a>

March 8, 2010

Where they off to?

Links to external sites <a title=”Affliates Site” href=”http://affliates_site.com” onClick=“javascript: pageTracker._trackPageview(’/link/linkname’);”> Affiliate Site</a>

March 8, 2010


A Cure for the Bounce Rate

March 8, 2010

Events_trackEvent(category, action, optional_label, optional_value)

* category (required) Name supplied for the group of objects you want to track.

* action (required) Commonly used to define the type of user interaction.

* label (optional) Additional dimensions to the event data.

* value (optional) An integer to provide numerical data about the user event.

March 8, 2010

<a href="#" onClick="pageTracker._trackEvent('Videos', 'Play', 'Twitter Video');">Play</a>

<a href="#" onClick="pageTracker._trackEvent('MP3', 'Download', 'Music');">Download MP3</a>

<body onload="pageTracker._trackEvent('Page', 'onLoad', 'Loaded');" >

Any implementation of Event Tracking that automatically executes on page load will result in a zero bounce rate for the page.


March 8, 2010

<a href="#" onClick="pageTracker._trackEvent ('Videos', 'Play', 'Twitter Video');">Play</a>

<a href="#" onClick="pageTracker._trackEvent ('Videos', 'Pause', 'Twitter Video');">Pause</a>

<a href="#" onClick="pageTracker._trackEvent ('Videos', 'Stop', 'Twitter Video');">Stop</a>


March 8, 2010

Thank you

Eric Michalseneric@michalsengroup.com

Twitter @michalsen630.768.3481