Fundamentals of Nuclear Engineering · 4 Radioactive Decay • Why we need to understand this: •...

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Transcript of Fundamentals of Nuclear Engineering · 4 Radioactive Decay • Why we need to understand this: •...


Fundamentals of Nuclear Engineering

Module 2: Radioactive Decay

Dr. John H. Bickel



Objectives:1. Explain physical rate laws for radioactive


2. Explain concept of half-life

3. Explain concept of branching reactions

4. Describe natural radioactive decay chains


Radioactive Decay• Why we need to understand this:

• Delayed neutrons emitted in fission arise from radioactive decay processes

• Certain delayed fission products: 54Xe135, 62Sa149 are very strong neutron absorbers and impact reactor control

• Decay heat from power reactors persists according to radioactive decay processes.


Rate of radioactive decay• Radioactive decay follows simple 1st order rate law• Rate of disintegration is proportional to quantity present:

dN /dt = -λtot N • N is measure of quantity present.• N could be expressed in: grams, moles, # of atoms• λtot is rate constant – with units of sec.-1, hr.-1, yr.-1

• λtot is based upon unique internal physics and energy levels of disintegrating nucleus

• λtot can be theoretically derived from physics, but in general is just experimentally measured

• λtot can be expressed as linear combination of rates of different decay processes (α, β… decay)

• λtot = λα + λβ + …


Rate of radioactive decay

• Solution of: dN/dt = -λtot N via integration yields:• N(t) = Noexp(-λtot t) -where No is the initial quantity


Concept of Half-life

• Rate of radioactive decay can be characterized by time required to decrease by factor of ½.

• T1/2 is obtained by solving: • N(T1/2)/No = Noexp(-λtot T1/2)/No = exp(-λtot T1/2) =½• -λtot T1/2 = ln(½) thus: T1/2 = -ln(½)/λtot = 0.693/λtot

• Or: λtot = 0.693/T1/2


Decay, half-life, data from Isotope Table



Activity of radioactive sources• Amount of material No based upon measured count rates or


• Activity: A(t) = -dN/dt = λtot N• Historical unit for activity: curie (Ci)• 1 curie (Ci) is activity equivalent of 1 gram: 88Ra226

• Activity is from: 88Ra226 86Rn222 + 2He4

• 1 curie (Ci) = 3.7x1010 dps (disintegrations/sec.)• S.I. unit for activity is: Bequerel (Bq)• 1 Bq = 1 dps (disintegrations/sec.)


Example of Radioactive Decay

• Someone wants to ship a 6,000 Ci 27Co60 source.

• Physically how big is this?

• The reaction is: 27Co60

28Ni60 + -1β0

• With: T1/2 = 5.27 yrs.


Example of Radioactive Decay• A(t) = λtot N(t) thus: N(t) = A(t)/λtot

• A(t) = (6x103Ci)(3.7x1010dps/Ci) = 2.22x1014dps

• λtot = 0.693/T1/2 thus: N(t) = A(t)T1/2/0.693

• T1/2 = (5.27 yrs.)(8760hrs/yr)(3600sec/hr) = 1.659x108 sec.

• N(t) = (2.22x1014dps)(1.659x108 sec.)/0.693 = 5.315x1022

• MCo = (59.93 AMU)(1.6604x10-27kg/AMU)(5.315x1022)= 5.28 g


Radioactive decay chains

• Involve changes from A B C … X

• Buildup/decay also follow first order rate law.


Waterfall Analogy: Growth and Decay Chains


Radioactive decay chains

• General formulation involves system of linear differential equations:

• dX0/dt = [material added] – [material which decays]

• dX1/dt = - λ1X1 -X1 decays, no replenishment

• dX2/dt = λ1X1 – λ2X2 -X2 decays, replenished by λ1X1

• dX3/dt = λ2X2 – λ3X3 -X3 decays, replenished by λ2X2


Radioactive decay chains• General solution for 2-stage growth/decay process:• NA(t) = NA(0)exp(-λAt)• NB(t) = λANA(0)[exp(-λAt)- exp(-λAt)]/(λB –λA) + NB(0)exp(-λBt)• When: λB >>λA daughter product builds up and matches

parent• When: λB <<λA daughter product builds up and lingers long

after parent has died off


Equilibrium in radioactive decay chains• As in “waterfall analogy” long term production/decay will lead to constant


• In this case all derivatives vanish: ~0

• dX1/dt = ~0 = P∞ - λ1X1

• dX2/dt = ~0 = λ1X1 – λ2X2

• dX3/dt = ~0 =λ2X2 – λ3X3

• X1 = P∞/λ1

• X2 = λ1X1 / λ2 = λ1(P∞/λ1) / λ2 = P∞/λ2

• X3 = λ2X2 / λ3 = λ2(P∞/λ2) / λ3 = P∞/λ3


Radioactive decay with branching

• d[Ac227]/dt = λPa [Pa231] – λAc [Ac227]

• d[Fr223]/dt = αoλAc [Ac227] – λFr [Fr223] - αo, branching ratio: λα / λtot

• d[Th227]/dt = (1- αo)λAc [Ac227] – λTh [Th227]

• d[Ra223]/dt = (1- βo)λFr [Fr223] + λTh [Th227] – λRa [Ra223]


Radioactive decay with branching• Th231 buildup limited by U235 which has T1/2 =7.1x108 yrs.• Treat decay chain via assuming equilibrium rate: P∞ ~ λU [U235]• Then relative amounts fall out simply as:

[Th231] = P∞/λTh

[Pa231] = P∞/λPa

[Ac227] = P∞/λAc

[Th227] = (1-α)P∞/λTh

[Fr223] = αP∞/λFr

[Ra223] = [(1-α)+(1-β)α]P∞/λRa= (1- αβ)P∞/λRa

[At219] = αβP∞/λAt

[Rn219] = [(1-γ)αβ+(1-α)+(1-β)α]P∞/λRn = (1- αβγ)P∞/λRn

[Bi215] = αβγP∞/λBi

[Po215] = [αβγ+(1-γ)αβ+(1-α)+(1-β)α]P∞/λPo = P∞/λPo

• Thus: given just branching coefficients and half-lives one can determine relative abundances of an entire decay chain.


Radioactive Decay Found in Nature

• Dominant radioactive decay sources in environment are: U238,U235, Th232

• Uranium, Thorium are more abundant in earth’s crust than Gold or Platinum

• Uranium, Thorium found in granite, soil, limestone, and coal at ~4ppm as relatively insoluble oxide forms.

• Primary health hazards are from various Radon gas isotopes given off in closed spaces


U238 Natural Decay Series• Natural U238 decays to Pb206

• Decay chain controlled by 4.468x109yr U238 half-life

• All others, with exception of: U234 Th230 +α decay occur with relatively short half-lives

• Ra226 Rn222 +α is principle source of Radon

• Rn222 is inert noble gas and inhalation hazard

• Rn218 also produced


U235 Natural Decay Series

• Natural U235 eventually decays to Pb207

• Decay chain timing controlled by 7.038x108yr half-life of: U235 Th231 + α

• All others decay occur with relatively short half-lives

• Shorter U235 half-life compared to U238 explains 0.72% relative abundance

• U238 abundance is 99.27%


Th232 Natural Decay Series

• Natural Th232 eventually decays to Pb208

• Decay chain timing controlled by 1.405x1010yr half-life of: Th232 Ra228 + α

• Ra224 Rn220 +α is second major environmental source of Radon gas


Man Made Radioisotopes

• Neutron activation in reactor creates fission products and artificial “heavy elements” not found in nature

• Some “heavy elements” are fissionable and valuable as fuel sources, or as thermionic heat sources.

• Example artificial heavy elements used as nuclear fuels: Pu239, U233


Pu239 Production

• U238 + n U239 + γ via (n, γ) reaction

• U239 Np239 + β- t1/2 = 23.45 minutes

• Np239 Pu239 + β- t1/2 = 2.356 days

• Pu239 U235 + α+ t1/2 = 24,110 years

• Pu239 is fissionable

• Decay of U235 follows previously described natural radioactive decay series leading to Pb207


U233 Production

• Th232 + n Th233 + γ via (n, γ) reaction

• Th233 Pa233 + β- t1/2 = 22.3 minutes

• Pa233 U233 + β- t1/2 = 26.967 days

• U233 Th229 + α+ t1/2 = 1.592 x 105 years

• U233 is fissionable


Summary• Radioactive decay process governed by simple first order

rate law: - dN/dt = λtot N(t)• Decay rate is inversely proportional to half-life: λtot = 0.693/T1/2

• Decay rates for one isotope are additiveadditive: λtot = λα + λβ + • Half-lives are not additivenot additive• Decay chains can be modeled like a series of waterfallsseries of waterfalls• Relative abundances of all isotopes can be related to decay decay

ratesrates and decay branching ratiosdecay branching ratios• Man-made isotopes can be made by neutron bombardment

followed by decay processes