Fun team building ideas

Post on 31-Oct-2014

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Fun team building ideas

Fun team building ideas

Just because you are investing in team building events for the way they increase productivity and help your staff become a closer group, does not mean that these events can not be fun.

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Fun team building ideas

In fact if they are fun they have a better chance of working better in the long run. Companies all over the world are investing in and spending time on team building events, and there is a very good reason as to why!

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Fun team building ideas

It has been proven that team building increases the productivity of a company, bonds employees, decreases depression rates and creates long term employees. All of these things are on top of the happier and more easy going staff that you will have in the office.

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Fun team building ideas

If you make these team building ideas fun and easy for the whole team, you will see a huge range or benefits. In the event a team building activity is not normally fun, it can be changed in order to become so. Take a look at the great team building ideas below, to find out how you can make your office and your company the best place to be.

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These are company sponsored events. Weekend away with the whole company. This may include things such as planned activities and games. Or live events and speakers, team building opportunities are very high when you have the whole staff together in one area.

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This can be a more expensive way to go about team building, but is one of the best when it comes to fun and staff participation. If your company currently has a work related yearly retreat, why not incorporate some team building activities in order to add fun, and learning.

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Adventure games

These games can be done with a GPS or without. Separating the group into two teams will help the staff bond in smaller groups. This is a fun day activity that will let your staff be outside, in the company of there peers.

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Adventure games

If you see some people have trust issues or other personal issues, place them on the same team, this will allow them the chance to see each other in a new light. Bonding over fun activities is always a better choice when it comes to team building.

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Staff parties

Events like Christmas and summer holidays are great excuses for staff parties. These events allow the team to bond and relax, as well as see one another in a new environment. Do be careful about alcohol at these events as the results you get may be the opposite of what you were looking for.

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Fun team building ideas

All of these events are fun and carefree. They will bring a sense of friendship into the workplace, and give your staff a common bond. Creating fun ways for your team to interact should be a priority in every business.

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