FRONT COVER - Race Walking COVER:...

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FRONT COVER: Johanna Jackson becomes the first British woman to win Gold at a major international championship. 1) Crossing the line to take the title, 2) With her medal, 3) At the presentation ceremony in the stadium.

Editorial The optimism that British race walkers have had for the past year has finally been justified. The medal winning performance by Johanna at the Commonwealth Games has brought widespread attention and public respect back to our great sport. It is eight years since we last won a major medal, with Lisa Kehler gaining CG Silver back in 2002 - but Steven Barry from Wales last won CG Gold for the home countries back in 1982, making this a long wait. We now have the momentum to keep developing our top athletes and continue performing well internationally, with the dedication of people who refused to write off our sport, and a successful development structure in place that is quickly growing to be the envy of other countries. It is easy to be pessimistic as we still have a long way to go, but our team of young talented individuals is growing, and each one has made major personal leaps this year. We look forward to seeing what they can achieve next! - - - - - - - - - - Thank you to all RWR readers, you have been very patient with me and this magazine. I had to take a major break to sort out personal issues but am now back and ready to progress this magazine further forwards. Publication has been out of synch with actual dates for over a year and I have been wondering how to fix the problem that the cover month doesn’t relate to the contents. One option is to simply change to the current date, which would take the pressure off trying to catch up all the time. Another option which could never be considered is to produce the magazine every two months - but RWR will never be anything less than a monthly magazine. After asking around for opinions, I will be attempting to bring out two magazines each month for a few months until the dates finally catch up. Your opinions on this are welcome. The magazines printing contract has also overrun by 21,000 pages in the past few months - a problem caused by success and increasing popularity!

Magazine info Race Walking Record (founded 1941) is the international magazine for the sport of walking and walking events, published each and every month. Issue: 806 - ‘July’ 2010. Subscriptions: UK £30, International £40, PDF by email £20. Advertisements: Full page £40, Half page £20. Club advertisements: Full page £20, Half page £10. Editor: John Constandinou, 60 Claverdon Drive, Birmingham B43 5HP. Website: Contributors: John Constandinou, Andi Drake, Pat Reeves, Phil Howell, Dave Ainsworth, Rob Elliot, Peter Hannell. Please post all news, results, announcements, letters, photos and articles to me or email them to

Contents 2 - Editorial/Magazine info 3 - News 3 - Commonwealth Games Special

8 - Announcements 8 - Results and Reports 29 - Letters 31 - Fixtures

News 2012 Olympic Tickets Ticket prices have recently been announced for all events at the London Olympics. In a surprise move, the race walk events will be ticketed at £20 and £30, with special pricing available for under 16’s and over 60’s. As walk events normally take place on public streets they are usually free and unticketed, and one of the few events that connect the general public at large with the exclusivity of the Olympics. An enquiry has been submitted asking the organisers to clarify whether the public will be totally excluded from the walks, or whether tickets are just for official seating stands. The 20k Olympic racewalks will take place on Saturday 4th August 2012, with the 50k being held on Saturday 11th. World Athletics Championships 2011 The IAAF World Championships 2011 (see back page) to be held in Daegu, Korea from 27th August to 4th September 2011, has announced its entry standards: 20km Race Walk A: 1:22:30 B: 1:24:00 (Men) A: 1:33:30 B: 1:38:00 (Women) 50km Race Walk A: 3:58:00 B: 4:09:00 (Men) UKA National Race Walking Centre The UKA National Race Walking Centre of Excellence in Leeds is continuing to increase in numbers. New intakes for the 2010 academic year are as follows: Ben Casey, Yeovil Olympiads (Starting Leeds Met Carnegie University)

Becky Collins, Medway and Maidstone A.C. (Starting Leeds University) Race Walker to Star in Music Video Ex-international Peter Hodkinson (Cambridge Harriers) was recruited to feature in a new music video. The video is for a song called “Brow Beaten” by the group “Silver Columns”. The video story is of a young mans quest to become a great race walker, training down country lanes to the beat of the music. Peter performed the action and distance shots for the young actor, to give a realistic impression of racewalking. Indian Walker Fails Drug Test Indian female race walker Rani Yadav, who finished sixth in the Commonwealth Games women's 20km walk tested positive in a drugs test after the event. Both A and B samples proved positive. The announcement was made during the Games to audible gasps from the large contingent of Indian media. A CGF statement read: "The CGF can now confirm that the A sample of Ms Rani Yadav, a competitor in the women's 20km road race on Oct 9th 2010, was found to contain 19-Norandrosterone, a prohibited anabolic agent under category S1 of the WADA list of prohibited substances and methods.” India fielded as many athletes as possible for every event, and finished second overall in the medals table. Yadav was the only Indian to fail a drugs test, in what was a clean Games.

Commonwealth Games Report 9th October 2010 New Delhi, INDIA XIX Commonwealth Games

Walks medals went to four continents: Europe, Australia, Asia and Africa - finally making this a very diverse event which is normally seen as being dominated by certain countries. India entered a full compliment of six walkers (three men, three women) for the walks, along with many other events. They should be congratulated for supporting events in this way, and other host nations should follow suit. The men’s and women’s race walks were held together on a closed loop, with separate starting times. The men set off first, with the women setting off fifteen minutes later. It was dark until 20 minutes before the race as a 6:30am start was to keep the temperature and humidity as low as possible. Although humidity was high, temperatures never rose as much as had been expected by the athletes. Many metro stations as well as key roads were blocked from usage creating trouble for New Delhi people in commuting. The roads were shut from the midnight hours on the 8th of October till 10:30 am. England athletes were stationed in Doha, Qatar until shortly before their events, due to widely publicised concerns about the athletes’ village. Women's 20km In the women’s race Johanna Jackson led from start to finish. Her race plan had been to stay with the pack for half the race and then make a break, aiming to win. Within a few km the pace was too slow for her (5:00/km) and so she broke away. She maintained a comfortable pace for the rest of the race, only struggling and slowing down when she missed getting a drink on one of her final laps. Other athletes had also slowed down by this point, and Jo recovered

next lap after drinking to go on and finish strongly. She picked up an England flag before crossing the finish line triumphantly, finally beating the Australians dominance, and becoming the first British woman to win a Gold medal for walking at major Games. Claire Tallent won Silver for Australia. She is the wife of the men’s winner, and they exchanged words and smiles as he passed her on the lap in the later stages. Grace Wanjiru Njue won Bronze. After exchanging positions with Claire throughout the race she was left trailing in the final two laps, unable and could not make up the distance. Lisa Kehler was the surprise of the day. After trailing the entire field and seeming to fall further behind each lap, she truly showed her experience over the younger athletes by pacing herself to move up from last position to an amazing fourth, also setting a Seasons Best. Finishing just outside the medals she could not add to her three previous CG medals from four previous Commonwealth Games in 1990, 1994, 1998 and 2002. 1 JACKSON Jo ENG 1:34:22 2 TALLENT Claire AUS 1:36:55 3 NJUE Grace Wanjiru KEN 1:37:49 4 KEHLER Lisa ENG 1:40:33 5 WEBB Cheryl AUS 1:42:03 6 NGII Emily Wamusyi KEN 1:49:01 7 KAKKUZIYIL Sandhya IND 1:51:44 DQ YADAV Rani IND 1:42:54 DNF LEIMAPOKPAM Devi IND Men's 20km In the men’s race, the fight was on between four men. Tallent and Adams of Australia (the favourites), Rotich of Kenya (the oldest competitor), and Singh of India. The local athlete went off with the pack as many Indian athletes did at the Games, with observers wondering at what point he would burn himself out in this endurance event.

For half the race all four were battling, then Adams and Tallent broke away, splitting the front of the race into two pairs. It wasn’t until the final lap when they had swapped positions several times that Adams looked like he was struggling to maintain the lead - while Tallent looked very comfortable. Coming into the final lap Adams stumbled on his wobbly legs, and Tallent cruised past. Further back, The Kenyan and Indian were battling between themselves for the remaining medal. Jared Tallent won Gold deservedly, with a big smile. He then greeted the other walkers whilst waiting for his wife to finish her race. Luke Adams got the Silver medal 13 seconds later, disappointed that he had not won the race and analysing what he could have been done differently. Harminder Singh won the Bronze to give the host country its second medal in athletics at the time, knocking 63 seconds off his PB, and becoming the first Indian ever to win a Commonwealth walks medal. Rotich finished in 4th place. At 41 he matched the finish position of Lisa, who is of a similar age and experience. Luke Finch was the first English man home. He hadn’t known if he would be selected for Delhi after such competitive performances by other athletes in events this year, but achieved a top ten finish. Tom Bosworth - who won the selection race earlier this year - struggled early on. In the later stages of the race he found strength to fight back from the rear of the pack and move up through the positions to finish within sight of Luke. Alex Wright - currently ranked number 1 in the UK - was unfortunately suffering with ‘Delhi Belly’ but bravely struggled

through to finish ahead of the Malaysians in 13th place, nearly nine minutes behind his PB set just a few months before. A fourth English man had met the Delhi qualification time (Ben Wears) but could not be selected due to a maximum three per event from each country. We all would have loved to see Scott Davis representing Scotland but he has had illness and injury problems which prevented him from performing well enough to be selected this year. Scotland sent 30 athletes based on merit and Scott was just outside of the top 30. They also sent 352 people to Delhi to perform in the closing ceremony - it was the highlight of the night, and indicates a great games for Glasgow in 2014. 1 TALLENT Jared AUS 1:22:18 2 ADAMS Luke AUS 1:22:31 3 SINGH Harminder IND 1:23:28 4 ROTICH David Kimutai KEN 1:25:29 5 GOMEZ Inaki CAN 1:27:09 6 DUNFEE Evan CAN 1:28:13 7 SIRMA Josephat KEN 1:28:15 8 ERICKSON Chris AUS 1:28:35 9 SINGH Baljinder IND 1:29:18 10 FINCH Luke ENG 1:29:37 11 BOSWORTH Tom ENG 1:30:44 12 KARANI Sylvanus KEN 1:32:00 13 WRIGHT Alex ENG 1:34:26 14 LO Choon Sieng MAS 1:35:29 15 TEOH Boon Lim MAS 1:36:45 DNF BABU BHAI Panucha IND The BBC decided to televise the event in full. Viewers who stayed up to watch the event in the early hours of Saturday morning were rewarded with an exciting and well-informed live commentary, with the event shown in full from before the start until the last athlete crossed the line. For most of the race, cameras only showed the leaders, with a few shots from a helicopter. Jo’s medal finally moved England above India in the medals table where they had

been trailing all week, which was widely celebrated. India beat England by one Gold on the final day of the Games. The convincing win and strategic Gold medal for England made headline news, appearing in hundreds of newspapers, and mentioned on across TV and radio. Mike Bushell (BBC) was the first to start talking about the event, and was happy to remind viewers that he entered a race walk for his sports show last year and went on to describe the difficulty and skill involved. The regular BBC commentators also had plenty of time to praise Johanna. Sporting stars Denise Lewis, Colin Jackson, and Michael Johnson took turns to talk about Jo and her achievements. Even Steve Cram had praise, and it is well known that he has little to say about race walking! All in all an incredible PR triumph for which Jo, the athletes, their coaches and all the staff at Leeds deserve great praise. Editor: After hearing from a couple of sources that members of the public were ‘banned’ from attending the walks in Delhi, I asked around. Printed here with very kind permission are the entertaining observations of Tim Erickson, RWR reader and father of Chris - one of the competing athletes. From a foreign correspondent… Yes, the comments re the Comm Games walks were correct. Lois and I and Chris's wife Rachel arrived at 6am for a 6:30am start and only had very limited access along the side, behind a double layer of 8 foot high wire fencing. As this meant that we were positioned well back from the road, it was only possible to see the walkers as they approached your viewing area and hence the viewing opportunities were very limited.

We were also questioned on a number of occasions by soldiers asking us for our passes despite the fact that the event was supposed to be a free event and no passes had been issued. It was very difficult to get the soldiers to understand this as their English was very limited. Our attempts to move up or down outside the double layer of fencing was met with a firm NO from the soldiers on duty. This was a significant issue for my wife who was suffering a stomach upset and really needed to find a toilet. There did not seem to be any toilets setup up for the public and you were stuck in one spot without the ability to move. Further, we were not allowed to exit our viewing area until all competitors had finished and the event was completely over. The commentary over the PA was very poor and not one intermediate time was called for the whole event. Since we could not move along the track to actually see the clock ourselves, it was therefore very difficult to gauge what sort of times were being done. The lady on the PA obviously knew little about walking and the commentary consisted simply of the names of competitors as they went past. All in all, a very frustrating experience. That leads to the wider question of measuring the success of the Games. From my own perspective, especially after the huge success of Manchester and Melbourne, I would rate these Games at about 1 out of 10 (1 for effort but nothing further). There are a number of reasons for this - The only foreign visitors we met were people like ourselves who had a vested interest (a family member competing). In fact, the whole of Delhi seemed almost devoid of visitors. The Games must have been a disaster for the LOC from that perspective.

- As you would have seen from your TV coverage, most venues were very poorly supported by spectators, especially during the first half of the Games. It was almost impossible to buy tickets once in Delhi. It seemed you had to go to the venue in question itself and line up in a long line for a single caravan which might or might not be selling tickets at that particular time. Not exactly the way to run a major international event. - We went to two Track and Field sessions and the experience was less than memorable. Only 2 gates were open so the lines were huge, given the very comprehensive screening by the army. It took me nearly 90 minutes to get into the stadium for the evening session and it was bloody hot! To get to the gate, we had to walk 400m past an open sewer and did it smell! Once in the stadium, you were not allowed to take food or drinks to your seat once you lined up for 30 mins to buy something - you had to eat and drink it before returning to your seats. - The tickets we purchased did not allocate seats so it was a case of 'thank goodness no one came' because I can just imagine the issues if the stadium was full and you came in late to find no seats left in your allocated section. You would have had no hope in finding someone to help you. Again, lack of English was the biggest issue everywhere. - We did not see ONE memorabilia stall in the whole of Delhi. Well, tell a lie, there was a single one in the Athletes Village but you had to be on the inside to get access to it. All I wanted was a tee shirt but do you reckon I could actually find one with the words 'Delhi Commonwealth Games' or such like on it. The only one they had in the Village shop was a plain tee shirt with a stencil of the Games mascot but not a single word of writing.

- The walks, marathons and road cycle races were completely devoid of spectators, such was the determination of the army to keep everyone at bay. Talk about time trials in private! - The athlete accommodation had to be seen to be believed - it was what we would call 'at lockup stage' in Australia. Inbuilt wardrobes were not fitted so temporary cupboards had been rolled in for the Games, things like architraves were missing, windows had not been cleaned of cement, balconies on upper floors had no safety railings, underground car parking areas had large air vents that were open for people to fall through and bits of board had been hastily thrown over them. In Australia, the organisers would not have been given permission for occupancy. - The only area in the village where walkers could train was a very dusty cement road of around 1600m that circled the accommodation blocks. The promise of 67 acres of rolling parkland was an empty promise (like most other things in the Games) and if I was still an athlete, I would have found it very frustrating to spend my final week before a big event in such a place. It was with almost disbelief that I heard an Olympic official announcing that the Games were a great success and urging India to now apply for the Olympic Games. What sort of world do these people inhabit! My only conclusion is that this particular person was at some other Games! Yours frustratedly, Tim Erickson Secretary, Victorian Race Walking Club Editor: There were indeed problems, and various people went away disappointed. However, a Gold medal for England means we will always look back fondly on these Games. Great enjoyment for me came not only with a Gold medal for

an English walker but also for seven medals won by fellow Birchfield Harriers, and twelve medals won by fellow Cypriots! Also, elsewhere my little cousin won the World Championships for the third time for his particular pastime…

Announcements Update: Please note that the start time for the Belgrave Open 7 miles on Saturday 27th November 2010 will be 1pm. This overrules any previously advertised time. Update: The Ilford Open 5 Miles (& final Essex League event) is to be staged on Sunday 19th December at 11am. Venue: Redbridge Cycle Circuit. Ilford AC changed their date to avoid clashing with Steyning's Track walks. Update: Veterans European Non-Stadia Championships walks are as follows: Friday 13th May 2011 - men's and women's 10k (women at 3.30pm and men at 5.30pm) Sunday 15th May - women's 20k and men's 30k - both due to start at 2.30pm Update: European Veterans Indoor Championships in Ghent, BELGIUM on the 17th March 2011. Indoor 3k, men and women, spread over the day (no times for individual age-groups as yet) 20th March 2011 - Outdoor 5k, men and women. No times of individual races yet.

Deaths Werner Hardmo Swedish race walker Werner died on 16th September 2010, aged 93. Hardmo is the most prolific World record breaker in Race Walking history with 22 official and 1 unofficial records at track distances from 3000m to 10 Miles (1942 to 1945). He won 91 consecutive competitions.

Dennis Myers Dennis, of Leicester Walking Club died from injuries received after being involved in a car accident, after another car collided with his. Dennis was taken straight to intensive care but later died from his injuries. Dennis had been involved with race walking for many years and will no doubt be remembered by a lot of the old timers. He was actively racing as recently as 2008 since when he has been trying to get over an injury, and he had been looking forward to getting out on the road again. Sir Norman Wisdom Passed on at 95 years of age. Norman appeared on the front cover of this magazine (Issue 670 August 1998) while competing in a 595 strong field at the joint 85 Miles Parish Walk/IOM 100 Miles. His team was named "The Grimsdales". Norman was going for an intermediate exit point. He was wearing his trademark daft cap gormlessly worn at an angle. RWR 670 has now been added to the online archives. Norman Wisdom- RWR 670

Results and Reports Midland Vets League, South - Match 4 Wednesday, 5th August Worcester M35 2000mW 1 W Nock 10.20.4 Halesowen 2 J Constandinou 10:30.8 Birchfield 3 G Jones 11.17.9 Dudley 4 C Scoltock 11.36.3 Bromsgrove 5 J Barnett 11.37.9 Birchfield 6 M Millicheap 13.25.0 Sparkhill 7 D Hope 13.49.3 Worcester M50 2000mW 1 L Quartly 12.12.4 Bromsgrove 2 M Arnold 12.22.1 Sparkhill

3 L Scrivens 12.23.1 Worcester 4 J Fenton 14.03.0 Birchfield 5 E Horwill 14.16.6 Dudley 6 B Griffiths 14.20.9 Halesowen W35 2000mW 1 J Malin 11.57.9 Bromsgrove 2 J Bellfield 12.09.7 Halesowen 3 K Davies 13.38.5 Birchfield W50 2000mW 1 Y Priestman 12.38.2 Bromsgrove 2 E Resterick 16.27.5 Dudley 3 M Johnson --- Worcester Yorkshire Guernsey Race 10 Friday August 6th 2010 Osmond Priaulx, Guernsey 1 mile track walk Men 1 Jason Le Noury M 7.12 2 Stuart Le Noury M 7.16 3 Phil Lockwood M35 7.16 4 Rob Elliott M50 8.59 5 Terry Bates M55 9.08 6 Kevin Le Noury M50 10.04 7 Mick Le Sauvage M70 10.30 1 mile track walk Women 1 Jane Rowlinson W50 11.01 2 Carol Bates W55 11.11 3 Jayne Le Noury W45 11.30 Southern & Essex 20k Championship 7th Saturday 7th August 2010 Basildon Held around 11 circuits of a deserted Basildon Industrial Estate on a warm Saturday afternoon. Ian Richards had to run to make the start line. As soon as action commenced Richards stamped his class on the event and enjoyed a comfortable victory without facing serious challenge. 2nd came his Sussex club mate and defending champion Trevor Jones. The frame was completed by Ilford's Peter Ryan who commenced his efforts with caution and then confidently weaved his way through the field to claim a bronze medal when finishing strongly. The field benefited when strong sun was obscured by cloud during the closing stages. Helen Middleton was the women's champion with teenaged Rebecca Collins 2nd in

only her second appearance over this distance. Third was stalwart Cath Duhig. -Dave Ainsworth 20k Men 1 Ian Richards Steyning 1:44:51 20 2 Trevor Jones Steyning 1:50:08 18 3 Peter Ryan Ilford 1:54:42 17 4 Steven Uttley Ilford 1:57:55 16 5 Steven Allen Barnet 2:04:53 15 6 Steven Allen Ilford 2:13:10 14 7 Michael Harran Surrey 2:17:40 13 DQ David Kates Ilford Mens Team 1 Ilford AC (Peter Ryan, Steven Uttley, Steven Allen) 47 Points 2 Steyning AC (Ian Richards, Trevor Jones) 38 points 20k Women 1 Helen Middleton Enfield 2:02:08 2 Rebecca Collins M&M 2:09:54 3 Cath Duhig Ryston Runners 2:14:00 4 Fiona Bishop Woking 2:19:39 5 Anne Belchambers Steyning 2:20:20 Masters Inter-Area T&F Match Sunday 8th August 2010 Solihull, West Midlands 2000m Walk M35 1 Mark Williams 9-10.4 10 MMAC 2 A. Dunlop 11-20.7 9 SVHC 3 Gary McDonald 11-44.7 8 SCVAC 4 Steve Walker 12-51.3 7 WMAA 5 Mike May 15-47.1 6 VAC 6 Paul Rudkin 19-42.1 5 NVAC 2000m Walk M50 1 Nick Silvester 9-25.4 10 SCVAC 2 Eric Horwill 13-58.9 9 MMAC 3 Howard Brown 14-00.3 8 WMAA 4 H. Bartl 14-15.5 7 SVHC 5 Mike Elwell 20-19.9 6 VAC 2000m Walk M60 1 Peter Boszko 10-34.0 10 MMAC 2 Peter Hannell 11-12.8 9 VAC 3 Ken Bobbett 11-30.8 8 WMAA 4 Norbert Will 13-17.1 7 NIMAA 5 C.Foote-Wood 15-11.3 6 VAA-NE 6 Mike Clerihew 15-42.5 5 SVHC 2000m Walk W35 1 Helen Middleton 11-04.5 10 EVAC 2 Fiona Meldrum 14-57.9 9 MMAC 2000m Walk W50 1 Ann Wheeler 10-47.7 10 MMAC

2 Cath Duhig 12-31.8 9 EVAC 3 Gwenno Williams 14-23.8 8 WMAA Kent Young Athetes League Sunday 8th August 2010 Bromley, Kent 1200m Girls 1 Heather Butcher U13 Cam H. 6:20.3 New League Record. 2 Rebecca Roddy U15 Ashford 6:30.6 3 Georgia Parsons U13 Tonb. 7:01.6 4 Felicity Endacott U13 Ashford 8:24.7 5 Alice Ralph U13 Tonb 8:35.9 6 Shannon Riskey U13 B&B 8:57.8 7 Volala Mitrova U13 Bexley 8:57.8 8 Imogen Alabaster U13 Medw.P 8:58.8 9 Precious Alinkunio U13 Bexley 9:12.2 10 Shania Caiels U13 Bexley 9:49.7 1200m Boys 1 Cameron Corbishley U15 M&M 6:02.3 New League Record. 2 Charlie Jinks U15 Bexley 7:45.3 3 Alex Punnet U15 Blackheath 7:50.7 4 Ben Murphy U15 Medway 8:00.6 5 Chris Partheniou U15 Bexley 8:15.7 6 William O' Kololrio U13 Bexley 8:23.2 7 Remi Ullah U13 Bexley 9 :07.6s VAC Summer Walks Tuesday 10th August 2010 Battersea Park, London 5 mile 1 Steve Allen (Bar) 54 1 43:51 2 Diane Bradley (Ton) W48 1 44:19 3 Kelsey Howard (Ton)(G) W16 45:38 4 Art Thomson (E&H) 74 1 46:20 5 Mike Scammell 55 1 47.53 6 Peter Hannell (SWC) 67 1 49:15 7 Paul King (Bel) 59 50:44 8 Ron Powell (E&H) 74 53:30 9 Chris Flint (L Vid) 65 54:00 10 Dave Delaney (SWC)(G) 67 54:52 11 David Hoben (SWC) 57 56:09 12 Will Norbert (NIVAC) 75 1 56:15 Anna Maria Cutillo Foxdale 6 Thursday 12th August 2010 Foxdale, Isle of Man 6 Miles 1 Michael George (Manx Harriers) 50:24 2 Peter Kaneen (MH) 50.42

3 Vinny Lynch (IoM Vets) 55.28 4 Lauren Whelan (MH) 55.47 5 Adam Cowin (MH) 56.53 6 Alex Eaton (MH) 56.53 7 Henry Pemberton (Unattached) 58.31 8 Michael Shipsides (u/a) 59.11 9 Dave Mackey (MH) 59.26 10 Ron Kelly (u/a) 63.05 11 Jane Foster (u/a) 63.15 12 Bernie Ball (MH) 67.27 13 Jeanette Morgan (u/a) 70.18 14 Paul Cowin (u/a) 70.40 15 Nicola Raven (u/a) 73.31 16 Bernie Ball (MH) 80.38 17 Joan Brady (u/a) 80.38 7th South Yorkshire League Friday 13th August 2010 Millhouses Park, Sheffield Katie MacKinder tackled a 3km race for the first time and started this handicap race with a 1,000m advantage over Humberside guest and backmarker Nathan Duncan. Nathan caught all the other walkers in the last 500m but was unable to catch Katie. 1 Katie MacKinder U15 20.20 3km 2 Nathan Duncan Guest U17 25.32 5km 3 Niamh Mckevitt U13 13.14 2km 4 Dan Chaib U15 18.41 3km 5 Ella Jenkinson U13 13.41 2km London Inter-Club Challenge/Enfield League 9 Saturday 14th August Parliament Hill, London 5000m Track Ladies 1 Helen Middleton (Enfield) 28.39 W45 2 Angie Alstrachen (Enfield) 29.58 W40 3 Fiona Bishop (Aldershot) 32.17 W50 4 Sue Barnett (Enfield) 32.34 W60 5 Liz Man-Rey (Enfield) 36.54 u30 6 Sue Smith (Ryston R) 37.12 W45 5000m Track Men 1 Steve Uttley (Ilford) 26.24 M50 2 Peter Ryan (Ilford) 27.41 M55 3 Graham Chapman (Headin) 28.10 M55 4 John Ralph (Chiltern H) 28.35 M50 5 Amos Seddon (Enfield) 28.46 M65 6 Michael Harran (Surrey) 29.38 M70 7 Carl Lawton (Belgrave) 29.51 M60 8 David Sharpe (Ilford) 30.44 M55

9 Sean Pender (Enfield) 31.33 M55 10 Mike Bradley (Watford H) 31.46 M 11 Jon May (Enfield) 31.52 M55 12 Ron Powell (Enfield) 32.24 M70 13 Peter Howard (Enfield) 34.04 M65 14 Mick Graham (Belgrave) 34.35 M60 15 Steve Whelan (Headington) 34.52 M 16 Peter Cassidy (Loughton) 35.05 M70 17 Mick Barnbrook (Ilford) 35.16 M65 18 Keith Mitchell (DEFRA) 36.48 M 19 Bill Sutherland (Highagte H) 38.23 M 20 Bernie Hercock (Enfield) 39.26 M70 21 David Ainsworth (Ilford) 40.02 M60 BMAF 30k Championships/Midland Championships Saturday 14th August 2010 Warwick University, Coventry Towards the end, Paul Evenett pulled back Tommy Taylors big lead and looked poised for the kill. When Tommy turned with 1 lap to go and saw him coming, he increased pace to cross the line in first position at his first attempt at 30k. Mens 30km 1 Tommy Taylor Birchfield 2.38.58 2 Paul Evenett Redcar RWC 2.39.07 3 Steve Arnold Nuneaton 2.53.21 4 John Hall Belgrave H 3.02.45 5 Chris Berwick Leicester W.C.3.04.15 6 Arthur Thomson Enfield & H 3.09.22 7 David Manning Birchfield 3.13.26 8 Steve Allen Barnet & D. 3.18.25 9 John Paddick Redcar RWC 3.19.08 10 Dave Jones Redcar RWC 3.24.00 11 Gary McDonald Surrey W.C. 3.31.45 12 Mark Byrne Redcar RWC 3.35.12 13 John Borgas Herts Phoenix 3.42.07 14 Norbert Will N.I.V.A.A. 3.53.24 15 Henry DeSilva I.O.M.V. 4.14.39 DQ Michael Doyle Tara A.C.(Ireland) Guest DQ Ian Richards Steyning A.C. DQ Julian Barnett Birchfield Harriers DNF Tim Healey TogherA.C.(Ireland) Guest DNF Ben Wears Redcar RWC Guest DNF Ed Shillabeer Ilford A.C. DNF John Payn Lancashire W.C. B.M.A.F. Team Results. (Men)

1st. Redcar RWC – 9:22:15 (Evenett, Paddick, Jones) Women's 30km 1 Karen Wears Redcar 3.12.31 (W40) 2 Maureen Noel Belgrave 3.16.10 (W45) 3 Helen Starling Redcar 3.34.21 (W45) Midland Championships Mens 30k - Cavendish Trophy 1 Tommy Taylor - Birchfield Harriers 2 Steve Arnold - Nuneaton Harriers 3 Chris Berwick - Leicester W.C. Midland Teams Tintern Trophy: 1 Birchfield Harriers 196 (Taylor, Manning) Womens 10k - Keith Tonks Trophy. 1 Fiona McGorum Leicester W.C. 59.23 2 Ann Wheeler Nuneaton Harriers 62.19 Welsh Masters Championships Sunday 15th August 2010 Cardiff 3000m Walk Men & Women 1 Ken Bobbett Hillingdon 17:14.4 M65 2 Stephen Walker Wrexham 18.08.2 M50 3 Gareth Edwards Telford 18.54.5 M60 4 John Collins Swansea 21.47.3 M70 5 Tracey Newman Croupiers 25.59.5W40 Willow Trust Guernsey - Licensed Fiduciaries One Hour Track walk Sunday 15th August 2010 Osmond Priaulx, Guernsey Phil Lockwood covered 11, 179 metres, almost 28 laps to easily walk the days furthest distance. Aiming for the Guernsey Island Games qualifying time of 53 minutes for 10 kilometres, he treated the race as such and went through that point in 53.49 and carried on to complete the hour. His nearest challenger was visitor Adrian Edwards from Lancashire WC, who walked strongly to cover 10,429 metres. Jane Rowlinson was the best of the women with 8011 metres. 1 Hour Track 1 Phil Lockwood M35 11,179 metres

2 Adrian Edwards M45 (Lancs) 10,429 m 3 Rob Elliott M50 9,534 m 4 Kevin Le Noury M50 8,744 m 5 Mick Le Sauvage M7 0 8381 m 6 Jane Rowlinson W5 0 8011 m 7 Jayne Le Noury M45 7807 m 8 Keith de Carteret M60 7631 m 9 Carol Bates W55 6437 m Gerald Codd Trophy Meeting Haverfordwest., Wales Sunday 15th August 2010. U13 Boys 1000m Track Walk 1 Jordan Richards, Carmarthen 5.48.1 2 Matthew Lewis Pembroke 6.55.5 3 Ben Leahy Pembroke 7.05.3 4 Harry Thomas Barry & Vale 7.08.6 5 Pip Hancock Swansea 8.13.2 U15 Boys 1000m Track Walk 1 Ashley Farmer Pembroke H 5.58.2 2 Oliver Hughes Pemb H 6.57.9 3 Tristan Ross Carmarthen H 7.02.8 4 Jack Beynon Swansea H 8.15.1 U13 Girls 1000m Track Walk 1 Catra John Llanelli AC 6.00.1 2 Masie Squire Barry & V 6.35.6 3 Tabitha Stevenson Pemb H 6.45.3 4 Emily Thorne Llanelli AC 6.48.1 5 Joe-Dianna Grabham Bridgend 6.49.0 6 Kelsey Rabaiotti Swansea H 7.51.5 7 Danielle Jones Swansea H 7.54.8 U15 Girls 1000m Track Walk 1 Felicity Gardner Llanelli AC 5.34.0 2 Ellie Dainton Llanelli AC 6.10.8 3 Bethan Radford Swansea 6.18.1 4 Lucy James Pembroke 6.25.5 5 Esme Bellerby Pembroke 6.42.5 6 Jessica Davies Swansea 8.13.3 England Athletics Under 15s / Under 17s Championships Sunday 22nd August 2010 Bedford U15 Girls 3000m 1 Emma Achurch Leicester 16:40·68 2 Rebecca Roddy Ashford 17:17·80 U15 Boys 3000m 1 Guy Thomas Tonbridge 17:55·55 2 Daniel Watling W&B 19:19·58 U17 Women 5000m 1 Heather Lewis Pembroke H. 26:24·26

2 Kelsey Howard Tonbridge A.C. 27:09·31 3 Kate Funnell Ashford A.C. 29:47·88 4 Jasmine Nicholls Leicester W.C. 30:57·00 U17 Men 5000m 1 Jamie Higgins Leeds City A.C. 29:31·30 DQ Robert O’Neill Ireland Sarnia WC Road Walk Friday August 27th 2010 Delancey Park, St Sampsons, Guernsey 5km 1 Jason Le Noury M 25.00 2 Phil Lockwood M35 25.26 3 Stuart Le Noury M 25.39 4 Rob Elliott M50 30.58 5 Kevin Le Noury M50 33.13 6 Mick Le Sauvage M70 35.02 7 Carol Bates W55 35.43 8 Jayne Le Noury W45 37.44 9 Kay Coulson W40 39.01 Julie Rose Open Meeting 28th August 2010 Ashford, Kent 1400m Track Walk 1 Katherine Buckley U15G Ash 8:36.96 2 Felicity Endacott U13G Ashford 9:44.75 3000m Track Walk 1 Jonathan Hobbs U20M Ash 14:49.91 2 Kate Funnell U17W Ashford 15:52.23 3 Cameron Corbishley U15M Medway & Maidstone 17:03.20 4 Heather Butcher U13G C.H. 17:16.88 5 Rebecca Robby U15G Ash 17:26.32 6 Gary MacDonald M50 Ash 18:09.33 Northern Athletics Track Championships Saturday 28th August Costello Stadium, Hull Conditions were very windy, not ideal for walking. 2nd and 3rd placed athletes were first year beginners. 5km 1 Nathan Duncan Cleethorpes AC 24:16 2 Jamie Higgins Leeds City AC 27.04 3 Kayleigh Edge Redcar RWC 30:59 Four more entries DNS

Michael George, exhausted after winningof the 2010 Church to Church Walk on Guernsey

Church to Church walk – climb: Jim Ball, Jason Le Noury, Jock Waddington

Church to Church finish

Musicians, Silver Columns

Delhi, a vibrant and colourful city

Lining up for the start of the Commonwealth Games Ladies 20km Walk

The race has begun. Jo pushes forwards, Lisa holds back

Delhi - Wide turn, shaded course

Jo crosses the line to win the race

(Above/Below) U15/U17 Championships, Bedford (photos by Mark Easton)

Jo celebrates making history

Race won - Andi Drake, Jo, and her dedicated coach/physio/mother

Alex Wright, Tom Bosworth, Ian Richards in the stadium

Top of the Podium for Jo

Jo in the stadium with her Gold medal

Luke, Alex, Jo, Tom at the stadium

The Closing Ceremony in Delhi

National 10k Womens Team Champions Redcar RWC, Angela-Maria Paddick, Laurayne Readman, and Karen Wears (Mark Easton)

National 10k (above) Mens start, (below) Ladies start (photos by Mark Easton)

National 10k winner (30) Alex Wright (Mark Easton)

National 10k, Lisa Kehler (Mark Easton)

National 10k Mens Team Champions - Surrey Walking Club, Ian Statter, Roger Michell, Peter Hannell (photos by Mark Easton)

Lancashire WC Open Track Walk 28th August 2010 Bury, Lancashire Despite the threat of rain and stiffening breeze 10 athletes toed the starting line. Almost from the start Greg Smith made it clear he was the man to beat and within 5 laps or so he was out on his own leaving Dave Crompton and Joe Hardy to fight out the battle for 2nd and third. Alf Short maintained his 4th place throughout and given his background of ultra distance walking hardly broke sweat at the finish. 1 hour Track Walk 1 Greg Smith 10230 mts 2 Joe Hardy 9596 mts 3 Dave Crompton 9455 mts 4 Alf Short 9352 mts 5 Richard Robb 8774 mts 6 Pat Evans 8654 mts 7 John Payn 8572 mts 8 John Crahan 8313 mts 9 Eric Horwill (DASH) 8122 mts 10 John Pouncey 7584 mts SCVAC T&F Final 5th September 2010 Ashford, Kent M35 2000m Walk 1 Valdis Pauzers 10:16.8 Herne Hill 2 Roger Michell 10:30.6 B&B 3 Peter Walkden 11:26.0 Ashford 4 Paul Reddaway 13:22.6 H.Pheonix 5 Dave Buckett 18:30.0 Crawley M50 2000m Walk 1 Shaun Lightman 10:58.4 B&B 2 Gary McDonald 11:29.2 Ashford 3 John Borgars 12:41.8 H.Pheonix 4 Ray Bowden 13:38.6 Basingstoke 5 Dave Mitchell 13:57.4 E&E 6 Dave Wilson 14:57.3 Herne Hill 7 Dave Cook 15:27.9 Crawley W35 2000m Walk 1 Liz Neville 12:31.4 E&E 2 Ruth Jackson 12:39.8 Serpentine 3 Margaret Carrier 14:09.8 H.Pheonix 4 Chris Childs 14:18.6 Dartford H 5 Gerti Hofmann 14:21.7 Cambridge H 6 Rachel Byers 15:44.5 Winchester 7 Isobel Miller 16:54.9 Radley W50 2000m Walk 1 Phil Kelvin 12:31.9 Serpentine

2 Julie Simmons 13:40.8 H.Pheonix 3 Sue Boyman 13:51.7 E&E 4 Christine Clements 14:59.7 Dartford H 5 Maryse Ford 15:34.4 Cambridge H 6 Sue Hume 16:01.8 Winchester 7 Gill Woodland 16:09.3 Radley Sarnia WC Road Walk Friday 3rd September 2010 Amarreurs Road, Vale, Guernsey A well supported pre Church to Church walk on a Friday evening was won by local Guernsey athlete Stuart Le Noury, very closely followed by Guernsey’s Phil Lockwood who was given the same time. These two were not saving themselves for the 19.4 miles walk in two days time. Visiting walker Jock Waddington showed a good turn of speed to finish third in 14.50. Only a few months ago he won the Parish Walk. Regular visitor Jim Ball from Steyning, who holds the all comers records in Guernsey over 5k and 10 miles, finished fourth, ahead of long distance walker Sean Hands. Sean holds the record for the Parish Walk. Simon Cox (IOMVAC) in eighth place beat the Guernsey M60 all comers best time set by Eric Horwill in 1995. First woman to finish was Jane Rowlinson from Guernsey. Regular visitor from Enfield, Bernie Hercock brought up the rear of the field in one of his first races since his health problems earlier in the year. 3km 1 Stuart Le Noury Sarnia M 14.28 2 Phil Lockwood Sarnia M35 14.28 3 Jock Waddington IOMVAC M45 14.50 4 Jim Ball Steyning AC M45 14.56 5 Sean Hands Manx Harriers M45 15.14 6 Jason Le Noury Sarnia M 16.25 7 Vinny Lynch IOMVAC M45 16.30 8 Simon Cox IOMVAC M60 16.49 9 Rob Elliott Sarnia M50 17.15 10 Michael Harran Herne Hill M70 17.56 11 Terry Bates Sarnia M55 18.58 12 Kevin Le Noury Sarnia M50 19.16 13 Ron Powell Enfield M70 19.34 14 Tony Harran Herne Hill M50 19.38 15 David Hoben Surrey M55 20.04 16 Jane Rowlinson Sarnia W50 20.24 17 Dave Dorey Sarnia M60 20.36

18 Mick Le Sauvage Sarnia M70 20.42 19 Carol Bates Sarnia W55 21.00 20 Bernie Hercock Enfield M70 22.35 Maureen Cox completed 1500m Kate Hart completed 1500m Mike Hart completed 1500m BMAF 10k Championships / Jim Sharlott Open Walks / YAG Saturday 4th Sept. 2010 Abbey Park, Leicester Mens Open 10k 1 Thomas Taylor Birchfield 47.11 2 Ian Richards Steyning AC 49.29 3 Francisco Reis Ilford AC 52.01 4 Steve Arnold Nuneaton 53.08 5 John Hall Belgrave Harriers 53.40 6 Steve Uttley Ilford AC 53.48 7 Andrew Miller Wolverhampton 54.32 8 Steve Allen Barnett 54.37 9 Graham Chaphman Headington 56.05 10 Roger Michel Surrey WC 56.26 11 Chris Berwick Leicester WC 57.25 12 Peter Bosko Birchfield 57.33 13 Mark Wall Leicester WC 58.38 14 John Constandinou Birchfield 58.57 15 Mark Culshaw Belgrave 59.23 16 Sean Pender Enfield 61.32 17 Paul Hayden Nuneaton 63.26 18 Gary Macdonald Surrey WC 63.40 19 Colin Vesty Leicester WC 65.03 20 Hardeep Minhas Leicester WC 65.19 21 Jon May Enfield & Haringey AC 65.54 22 Gareth Edwards Telford 66.44 23 Mick Graham Belgrave 69.16 24 Steve Whelan Headington 70.32 25 Peter Howard Enfield 70.45 26 Neale Smith Nuneaton 71.29 27 Julian Barnett Birchfield 71.58 DQ Tony Kent Leicester WC Mens Open Team 1 Birchfield Harriers AC [Taylor, Boszko, Constandinou, Barnett], 2 Leicester WC [Berwick, Wall, Vesty, Minhas], 3 Nuneaton, 4 Belgrave, 5 Enfield, 6 Headington, 7 Ilford, 8 Surrey Womens Open 10k 1 Diane Bradley Tonbridge AC 54.37 2 Fiona McGorum Leicester WC 56.00 3 Helen Middleton Enfield 58.07 4 Ann Wheeler Nuneaton 61.29 5 Maureen Noel Belgrave Harriers 61.42

6 Angie Alstrachen Enfield 62.48 7 Julie Bellfield Halesowen AC 66.14 8 Sue Rey Leicester WC 70.54 9 Lynn Bellfield Halesowen AC 70.55 10 Karen Davies Birchfield 71.49 11 Serena Queeney Enfield 73.50 12 Sue Smith Ryston Runners 77.14 Womens Open Team 1 Enfield [Middleton, Alstrachen, Queeney], 2 Leicester WC [McGorum, Rey], 3 Halesowen [Bell, Bell] Open Handicap Result 1 Angie Alstrachen Enfield, 2 Sue Rey Leicester, 3 Andrew Miller W&B, 4 Steve Allen Barnett, 5 Jon May Enfield, 6 Diane Bradley Tonbridge, 7 John Hall Belgrave, 8 Maureen Noel Belgrave, 9 Chris Berwick Leicester, 10 John Constandinou Birchfield, 11 Francisco Reis Ilford, 12 Mark Culshaw Belgrave, 13 Lynn Bellfield Halesowen, 14 Paul Hayden Nuneaton, 15 Peter Boszko Birchfield, 16 Mark Wall Leicester, 17 Gary Macdonald Surrey, 18 Steve Uttley Ilford, 19 Roger Michel Surrey, 20 Ian Richards Steyning, 21 Ann Wheeler Nuneaton, 22 Helen Middleton Enfield, 23 Steve Arnold Nuneaton, 24 Julie Bellfield Halesowen, 25 Mick Graham Belgrave, 26 Sean Pender Enfield, 27 Gareth Edwards Telford, 28 Karen Davies Birchfield, 29 Serena Queeney Enfield, 30 Fiona McGorum Leicester, 31 Sue Smith Ryston, 32 Peter Howard Enfield, 33 Hardeep Minhas Leicester, 34 Colin Vesty Leicester. BMAF Championship Result John Constandinou Birchfield M35 1 Andrew Miller Wolverhampton M40 1 Mark Culshaw Belgrave M40 2 Steve Arnold Nuneaton M45 1 Colin Vesty Leicester M45 2 Steve Whelan Headington M45 3 Julian Barnett Birchfield M45 4 Francisco Reis Ilford AC M50 1 Steve Uttley Ilford AC M50 2 Steve Allen Barnett M50 3 Peter Boszko Birchfield M50 4 Mark Wall Leicester M50 5 Paul Hayden Nuneaton M50 6 Gary Macdonald Surrey M50 7

Hardeep Minhas Leicester M50 8 Neale Smith Nuneaton M50 9 Graham Chapman Headington M55 1 Sean Pender Enfield M55 2 Jon May Enfield M55 3 Ian Richards Steyning M60 1 John Hall Belgrave M60 2 Roger Michel Surrey WC M60 3 Gareth Edwards Telford M60 4 Mick Graham Belgrave M60 5 Peter Howard Enfield M65 1 Angie Alstrachen Enfield W40 1 Julie Bellfield Halesowen W40 2 Lynn Bellfield Halesowen W40 3 Diane Bradley Tonbridge W45 1 Helen Middleton Enfield W45 2 Maureen Noel Belgrave W45 3 Karen Davies Birchfield W45 4 Sue Smith Ryston Runners W45 5 Ann Wheeler Nuneaton W50 1 Sue Rey Leicester W50 2 Serena Queeney Enfield W55 1 YAG Grand Prix Result U11 Girls 1K 1 Laura Achurch Blaby Stokes 6.54 U11 Boys 1K 1 Joe Smith Blaby Stokes School 5.32 2 Jack Leversidge Sheffield 5.51 3 Thomas Butler Nuneaton 6.06 4 Kai Kehler W&B 6.10 5 Ben Allen Blaby Stokes 6.54 U13 Girls 2K 1 Rebecca Chambers Sheffield 11.47 U13 Boys 2K 1 Matt Redfern Nuneaton 11.36 U15 Girls 3K 1 Emma Achurch Leicester WC 16.39 U15 Boys 3K 1 Daniel Waples Kettering AC 16.20 2 Guy Thomas Tonbridge AC 16.47 3 Daniel Watling Wolverhampton 17.16 U17 Girls 3K 1 Jasmine Nicholls Leicester WC 16.32 U17 Boys 3K 1 Jamie Higgins Leeds City AC 15.17 Midland Veterans T&F League Final 5th September 2010 Rugby A Final- 2000m walk M40 1 Calvin Scoltock 11.42.1 B&R

2 Julian Barnett 12.42.8 Birch 3 David Drew 14.10.1 Telf 4 Dominic Browne 14.44.3 Leam 5 Shaun Ainge 15.05.2 C&S 6 Ron Smith 15.10.4 Worc DQ Brian Eggleton 15.27.9 Stoke A Final- 2000m walk W40 1 Sharon Tonks 10.34.9 B&R 2 Tricia Garner 12.51.3 R&N 3 Helen West 13.13.1 Leam 4 Karen Davies 13.48.0 Birch 5 Carol Denning 17.31.7 C&S A Final- 2000m walk M60 1 Peter Boszko 10.41.3 Birch 2 Keith Richards 11.58.9 R&N 3 Les Scriven 12.22.2 Worc 4 Gareth Edwards 12.31.7 Telf 5 Len Quartly 12.44.9 B&R 6 Phil Bailey 14.01.0 Stoke 7 Pete Brown 14.28.9 Leam 8 Les Green 17.15.4 C&S A Final- 2000m walk W60 1 Dot Fellows 15.07.1 C&S 2 Nikki Durose 17.35.9 R&N 3 June Johnson 17.54.4 Leam B Final - 2000m walk M40 1 Mark Williams 9.15.7 Tam 2 John Thompson 11.59.0 Harb 3 Mark Barraclough 12.45.9 R&N 4 Chris Smith 16.25.1 Leic Paul Hayden - Nun B Final - 2000m walk W40 1 Unity Hamilton-Harding 13.24.8 Harb 2 Sophia Howard 16.01.2 Charn 3 Stephanie Magee 17.47.8 Leic B Final - 2000m walk M60 1 Colin Turner 10.38.6 Nun 2 Dave Harmer 13.04.1 Charn 3 Tom Farr 13.39.6 Burt 4 Dave Oram 13.46.4 Harb 5 Martin Millicheap 13.51.3 Spark 6 John Love 15.23.2 R&N B Final - 2000m walk W60 1 Jenny Jones 19.11.9 Harb 2 Elaine Mee - Charn Church to Church Walk 5th September 2010 Guernsey Michael George and Marie Jackson from the Isle of Man were the stars of the day

as they finished in first place in the Mens and Womens walks respectively. For the first time in many years all the walkers started together with a combined total of 38 toeing the start line. Michael, complete with a large contingent of fellow Isle of Man walkers and supporters, was expected to be in the leading group and true to form headed the field for most of the walk, followed by past winner Jim Ball, leading Guernsey walker Jason Le Noury and Jock Waddington. Marie Jackson was in a class of her own amongst the women, walking comfortably amongst her male rivals. Walking from St Peter Port, up to St Martins, along to Forest and then turning to Torteval Church at six and a half miles, George held around a minute lead, which at that point is still not always a winning lead. Dropping down the valley and up the hill to St Saviours Church at 8.5 miles the gap was the same. George was timed at 76.40, followed by Jock Waddington, Jason Le Noury and Jim Ball at 77.45. Sean Hands (IOM) went by in 79.20, with Vinny Lynch (IOM) and Peter Ryan in around 80 minutes. Second local walker Phil Lockwood was another minute down. Leading woman Marie Jackson went past in 84.20. Michael George, having walked from St Saviours, down to St Andrews and Castel Church, before the long downhill to the Friquet, then on to the Vale Church 15 miles point, was still looking strong. He had increased his lead on Jim Ball (Steyning AC), who had now left Jason Le Noury and Jock Waddington (IOM). Le Noury, looking tired, had a narrow lead of about 50 yards at this point. Jock soon closed the gap and the two walked together for a few miles, before Jason Le Noury broke away in the final mile. Still looking good along the final seafront miles, Michael George got under the three hours mark with 2.57.17. Jim Ball, struggling over the final miles, crossed the line in 3.02.38 in second place. First local home, Jason Le Noury, having moved closer to a tiring Ball, claimed third place to win the Victory Cup for first Channel Islander home with a new PB. He had a good day as he also won the Under 25 trophy and had a

share of the Parish Shield with brother Stuart and Phil Lockwood. Jock Waddington, a Parish Walk Champion in the Isle of Man over 85 miles, was lost for speed as he finished half a minute down on Jason, to take fourth place. Peter Ryan, another past winner walked a similar time to last year as he finished in fifth place to claim the Healthspan Super Vets Tankard. Second local walker home was Phil Lockwood, with a new PB for 7th place, not too far behind Vinny Lynch (IOM) in sixth. Others to complete the top 10 were Sean Hands, the Isle of Man Parish Walk record holder in 8th, followed by Arthur Thomson. His 9th place time was 3.16.48, a few minutes ahead of four times Church winner Ed Shillabeer. Thomson also won the Ilford AC Vets trophy. Marie Jackson, 11th overall and first woman clocked a fast 3.19.46, the second quickest time ever by a woman. Helen Starling making the trip from Redcar, was the second woman home in 3.45.21, followed by Isle of Man walker Maureen Cox in 3.54.11. Maureen also took home the trophy for the first husband and wife across the line with husband Simon. Making her first appearance in this event, Guernsey`s Jane Rowlinson claimed the Star Trophy for first Channel Islander, finishing in 4.03.13, seconds ahead of last years winner Fiona Bishop. Local Jayne Le Noury was another two minutes behind. A close competition in the Fletchersports Team Shield had the Manx Harriers team edging out Sarnia Walking Club by just two points. Isle Of Man Veteran AC were a further point behind for third place, with Ilford AC taking fourth. This is an event enjoyed by visiting walkers, with a unique course. As one recent visiting convert to race walking said after the event, "the crowds along the town seafront must have thought I was mad, smiling and smirking to myself as I made my way to the finish, proud of

what I had done." All race walkers should put it on their “must do” list. 19.4 miles 1 Michael George Manx M40 2.57.17 2 Jim Ball Steyning M45 3.02.38 3 Jason Le Noury Sarnia U25 3.03.39 4 Jock WaddingtonIOMVAC M45 3.04.11 5 Peter Ryan Ilford M55 3.07.27 6 Vinny Lynch IOMVAC M45 3.08.11 7 Phil Lockwood Sarnia M35 3.09.40 8 Sean Hands Manx M45 3.14.25 9 Arthur Thomson Enfield M70 3.16.48 10 Edmund Shillabeer Ilford M70 3.18.53 11 Marie Jackson Manx W45 3.19.46 12 Stuart Le Noury Sarnia U25 3.24.41 13 Simon Cox IOMVAC M60 3.31.56 14 Dave Mackey Manx M40 3.38.15 15 Terry Bates IOMVAC M55 3.38.26 16 Michael Harran Surrey M70 3.43.21 17 Helen Starling Redcar RW45 3.45.21 18 Maureen Cox IOMVAC W55 3.54.11 19 Ron Powell Enfield M70 3.56.08 20 David Hoben Surrey M55 3.58.08 21 Kevin Le Noury Sarnia M50 3.58.44 22 Oliver Browne Ilford AC M55 4.01.40 23 Jane Rowlinson Sarnia W50 4.03.13 24 Fiona Bishop Woking W50 4.03.17 25 Jayne Le Noury Sarnia W45 4.05.20 26 Norbert Will NIVAC M75 4.10.29 27 John Cannell Manx M60 4.11.54 28 Irene George Manx W50 4.23.33 29 Kay Coulson Sarnia W40 4.39.15 30 Heather Tasker unatt W35 4.42.01 31 Janet Foss unatt W40 4.46.25 32 Helen Smith unatt W65 6.17.27 32 Helen Gray unatt W55 6.17.27 32 Liz Le Patourel unatt W55 6.17.27 Gabriele Schütte Germany W70 4.57.34 DNF Yvonne Ellis unatt W60 DNF Joseph Langlois unatt U25 DNF Lauren Paul unatt U25 Additional Awards list Victory Cup: Jason Le Noury Newcomer Plaque Michael George Under 25 Trophy: Jason Le Noury Star Trophy: Jane Rowlinson Newcomer Plaque: Marie Jackson Newcomer Trophy: Jane Rowlinson Jenny Elliott Salver: Jane Rowlinson C J Robin Tankard: Michael George Healthspan Super Vets tankard: Peter Ryan

Ilford AC Vets Trophy: Arthur Thomson Guernsey Parish Shield: Jason Le Noury, Phil Lockwood, Stuart Le Noury Family of 3: Jason/Stuart/Kevin Le Noury Husband and Wife: Simon/Maureen Cox Fletchersports Team Shield: Manx Harriers Named team of 3: Michael George, Sean Hands, Marie Jackson RWA National 10k Championships / McCain UK Challenge Final 11 September 2010 Warwick University, Coventry Jo Jackson and Alex Wright wrapped up their respective National 10km titles and UKA Race Walking Challenge Series. Nineteen year-old Wright went top of the senior men’s 10k road walk rankings with a 42:38 victory. He had set the pace alongside Tom Bosworth and Luke Finch in the early stages but had moved clear with Bosworth by the 3km mark, the pair going through 5km in 20.57. Bosworth, already with two DQ’s on the board, made his move at 7km and pulled out a 20m gap on Wright, but his race ended at 8km with his third and final DQ. Finch, who was back in third place, turned his ankle and decided not to risk further injury ahead of Delhi. This left the way clear for Wright to cruise home in a new PB. Brendan Boyce took second after a cautious start, moving through the field to finish in 45.55, with Dan King in third. “It was great to walk a new personal best despite having done a really hard week’s training,” said Wright. “I haven't tapered for this race at all and even yesterday did an hour session in the climate chamber. Delhi is my first major Championships and I am hoping to produce a good performance and learn from the experience for the future”. In the women’s race, Jackson, who dominated the race from start to finish, went to the top of the women’s Power of 10 rankings clocking 45.31 for victory ahead of Lisa Kehler in second (48.24) and Fiona McGorum in third (53.23). In

spite of being in heavy training for the Commonwealth Games, Jackson passed halfway in 22.30 and maintained a strong pace to the finish in 45.31. “I found that quite tough today, we have been in really hard training this week and we have been using the climate chamber at Leeds Carnegie to acclimatise for India,” said Jackson. “I’m ranked number one in the Commonwealths and I will be really disappointed not to come away with a medal, but the Aussie girls will be tough”. Kehler was comfortable in second throughout the race warming up for her 5th Commonwealth Games by recording a season's best of 48.24. There was a close battle for the bronze medal between a group of young walkers. The early pace was set by two 17 year olds Emma Docherty (North Belfast Harriers) and Lauren Whelan (Manx Harriers). Behind these two, 21 year old Fiona McGorum (Leicester) and 16 year old Heather Lewis (Pembroke). Docherty and Whelan passed halfway together, but soon after this point, Whelan fell back from Docherty and McGorum began a charge from behind. McGorum caught Docherty going into the last lap and moved away over the last lap to take the bronze medal in a new PB of 53.23. Surrey celebrated winning the Mens National team event, a feat not achieved for many years for the short and medium distance events. Redcar, who made a 380 mile round trip won the Ladies team title. The rain which greeted the team’s arrival and continued for most of the women’s race suddenly stopped to be replaced by hot sunshine which, though very welcome, made the race, on a course with no shade, quite hard work. 10k Men 1 42:38 Alex Wright Belgrave 2 45:55 Brendan Boyce Coventry/Ireland 3 46:25 Daniel King Colchester H 4 48:05 Mark O'Kane Coventry 5 49:04 Paul Evenett Redcar 6 52:00 Jonathan Hobbs Ashford AC 7 53:02 Francisco Reis Ilford 8 53:48 Steve Arnold Nuneaton

9 55:22 Steve Allen Barnet 10 55:32 Graham Chapman Headington 11 56:11 Roger Michell Surrey WC 12 57:57 Arthur Thomson Enfield 13 58:07 Peter Boszko Birchfield 14 58:31 John Constandinou Birchfield 15 58:37 Chris Berwick Leicester WC 16 62:24 Peter Hannell Surrey WC 17 63:34 Ian Statter Surrey WC 18 63:40 Micky Harran Surrey WC 19 63:41 Gary MacDonald Ashford AC 20 64:15 Tony Collins Birchfield H 21 65:02 John Paddick Redcar 22 67:05 Mark Byrne Redcar 23 73:00 Julian Barnett Birchfield H DNF Luke Finch, Tom Bosworth, Dominic King, Mark Wall 10k Ladies 1 45:31 Johanna Jackson Middlesbrough 2 48:24 Lisa Kehler Wolverhampton 3 53:23 Fiona McGorum Leicester WC 4 53:55 Emma Doherty North Belfast 5 54:34 Heather Lewis Pembrokeshire 6 54:44 Lauren Whelan Manx 7 55:01 Diane Bradley Tonbridge 8 57:10 Kelsey Howard Tonbridge 9 59:02 Karen Wears Redcar 10 59:36 Ann Wheeler Nuneaton 11 64:13 Angela-Maria Paddick Redcar 12 65:36 Kayleigh Edge Scarborough 13 65:46 Noel Blatchford Abingdon 14 66:20 Julie Bellfield Halesowen 15 67:15 Laurayne Readman Redcar 16 71:18 Karen Davies Birchfield H 17 71:20 Sue Rey Leicester WC 18 72:12 Judy Howard Abingdon 19 73:28 Serena Queeney Enfield DNF Angie Alstrachan Mens Team: 1st Surrey (44), 2nd Birchfield (47), 3rd Redcar (48) Ladies Team: 1st Redcar, 2nd Tonbridge, 3rd Abingdon UKA McCain UK Challenge: Final rankings in the UK Challenge were based on the best three performances in the series. Shown are points and prizes. It is worth noting that top of the UK Race Walk Challenge only positioned Alex Wright 219th against all other male athletes in the UK Challenge rankings, and Jo Jackson just 78th out of all female

UK athletes. Perhaps walks points in the series are undervalued… Mens Final Standings 1 Alex Wright U23 525 £250 prize 2 Tom Bosworth U23 493 £150 prize 3 Luke Finch SEN 470 £100 prize 4 Thomas Taylor SEN 399 5 Daniel King SEN 359 6 Mark O'Kane U20 237 7 Antonio Cirillo U20 158 8 Ian Richards V60 142 9 Arthur Thomson V70 14 10 Steve Arnold V45 7 11 Scott Davis SEN 241 (2 events) 12 Dominic King SEN 229 13 Paul Evenett V40 175 14 Trevor Jones V50 25 15 Micky Harran V70 5 16 Gary MacDonald V50 5 17 Liam Baldwin U20 5 18 Julian Barnett V45 5 19 Steve Allen V50 5 20 Ben Wears U23 171 (1 event) 21 Darrell Stone V40 155 22 Michael K Moran V35 46 23 Jim Ball V45 34 24 Jonathan Hobbs U20 10 25 Maks Orzel U17 5 26 Tony Bell V45 5 27 Roger Michell V60 5 28 Stephen Walker V50 5 29 Mark Williams V45 2 Womens Final Standings 1 Johanna Jackson SEN 672 £250 prize 2 Lisa Kehler V40 508 £150 prize 3 Fiona McGorum U23 314 £100 prize 4 Lauren Whelan U20 304 5 Diane Bradley V45 268 6 Heather Lewis U17 253 7 Helen Middleton V45 100 8 Ann Wheeler V50 48 9 Niobe Menendez V40 290 (2 events) 10 Kelsey Howard U17 52 11 Maureen Noel V45 26 12 Kate Funnell U17 17 13 Noel Blatchford V60 10 14 Karen Wears V40 24 (1 event) 15 Rebecca Collins U20 10 16 Serena Queeney V55 5 17 Judy Howard V50 5 18 Laurayne Readman V45 5

19 Katerina Johnson U20 5 20 Helen Starling V45 5 21 Kayleigh Edge U20 5 8th South Yorkshire League Tuesday, 14 September 2010 Millhouses Park, Sheffield Peter Bilson started in the lead and continued at the front all the way to the line, though the following 4 walkers got within 14 seconds of him Becky Chambers came through from the back of the field to take third place with a PB. 1 Peter Bilson Snr 15.35 2km 2 Jack Leversidge U11 12.53 2km 3 Becz Chambers U13 18.05 3km 4 Niamh Mckevitt U13 13.00 2km 5 Katie MacKinder U15 20.37 3km 6 Dan Chaib U15 18.55 3km England Race Walking Half Marathon/Enfield League Race 10 Saturday, 18th September 2010 Hillingdon Cycle Circuit, West London In sunny conditions the inaugural English Race Walking Half Marathon was won in impressive style by Spaniard German Nieto. The ladies winner was Julie Drake (no relation to 'our man at Carnegie) and if the name is familiar, it is because she was one of the country's top exponents in the late eighties and early nineties. Both finished well clear of their rivals, many of who performed well at their personal standard. The surprise of the race was Fransisco Reis's retirement with back trouble at the half distance, whilst Brian Sturt's walk was notable in view of the time since his last outing and the distance of this one. With some walkers in action at Roubaix and others committed to other events, thirty-six was a decent turnout and in spite of the hill, there was plenty of praise from walkers and officials in respect of the circuit with its excellent road surface and lack of camber. The clubhouse adjacent to the circuit makes it an excellent venue. The event will return next year and it is hoped that will grow in size over the coming years. Ladies Half Marathon

1 Julie Drake (Arena 80) 2.06.33 W40 2 Angie Alstrachen (Enfield) 2.18.41 W40 3 Fiona Bishop (Aldershot) 2.27.54W50 4 Anne Belchambers(Steyn)2.28.07 W40 5 Jo Miles (Hillingdon) 2.38.22 W50 6 Noel Blatchford (Abingdon) 1.57.20 W60 (16.6km) 7 Helen Middleton (Enfield) 1.36.37 W45 (15.1km) 8 Sue Barnett (Enfield) 1.15.31 W60 (10.6km) Mens Half Marathon 1 German Nieto (Spain) 1.46.44 M40 2 Trevor Jones (Steyning) 1.56.12 M50 3 Peter Ryan (Ilford) 2.02.39 M55 4 Steve Allen (Barnet) 2.04.17 M50 5 Arthur Thomson (Enfield) 2.05.38 M70 6 Amos Seddon (Enfield) 2.09.53 M65 7 David Kates (Ilford) 2.11.46 M60 8 Sean Pender (Enfield) 2.12.17 M55 9 Ken Bobbett (Hillingdon) 2.14.44 M65 10 Andrew Cox (Hillingdon) 2.16.40 M55 11 Oliver Browne (Ilford) 2.17.36 M55 12 John Ralph (Chiltern) 2.19.28 M50 13 Michael Harran (Surrey) 2.22.10 M70 14 David Sharpe (Ilford) 2.25.06 M55 15 Mikk Bradley (Enfield) 2.27.18 M50 16 Malcolm Brown (Enfield) 2.28.40 M55 17 John Borgars (Loughton) 2.30.58 M60 18 David Hoben (Surrey) 2.33.52 M55 19 Jon May (Enfield) 2.34.07 M55 20 Brian Sturt (Enfield) 2.36.37 M70 21 Philip Goodwin (Ilford) 2.39.12 M55 22 Mick Graham (Belgrave) 2.39.32 M60 23 David Delaney (Surrey) 2.39.41M65 24 Keith Mitchell (Defra AC) 2.49.44 M55 25 Fransisco Reis (Ilford) 57.21 M50 (10.6km) 26 Peter Howard (Enf)1.17.18 M65(10.6km) 27 Bernie Hercock (Enf)1.23.42 M70 28 David Ainsworth (Ilf)1.42.28M60(10.6km) Bob Wright Handicap Series Race One Sunday, September 19th 2010 Osmond Priaulx, Guernsey Terry Bates opened up the seven race Bob Wright Handicap Series with a close win over Mick Le Sauvage, who equalled his Guernsey age best time as he in turn finished just ahead of third walker home Carol Bates, who was close to her best time for the year. Jason Le Noury, back in fourth

place recorded 14.30 to walk the fastest time of the day, ahead of Phil Lockwood`s 14.52.- Rob Elliott 3,000 metres track walk 1 Terry Bates M55 20.39 (watch time) / 17.09 (actual time) 2 Mick Le Sauvage M70 20.45 / 20.15 3 Carol Bates 20.56 / 20.56 4 Jason Le Noury M 21.15 / 14.30 5 Phil Lockwood M35 21.22 / 14.52 6 Kevin Le Noury 21.34 / 19.49 7 Dave Dorey M60 21.46 / 21.01 8 John Dedman M35 21.59 / 20.14 9 Stuart Le Noury M 22.44 / 16.14 Police Sports UK Championships Civil Service Championships Police vs Civil Service (Ryan Cup) Cannon Hill Park, Birmingham Wednesday, 22nd September 2010 Police - Men 10km 1 Pete Ryan Essex Police 53.27 2 Amos Seddon Met Police 58.23 3 Glyn Jones West Midlands 62.23 4 Chris Flint Met Police 62.58 5 Ross Johns West Midlands 63.22 6 Martin Slevin West Midlands 63.46 7 Richard Mallinson West Mids 66.11 8 Steve Broadbent Lancashire 66.39 9 Bill Murray Lancashire 68.57 10 Dave Wilkinson Lancashire 70.34 11 Graham Slater Lancashire 71.41 12 Chris Holmes Essex Police 74.2 Police Championships Teams 1 West Midlands Police, Jones, Johns, Slevin 14 points. 2 Lancashire Police Broadbent, Muray , Wilkinson 27. 3 Met Police (2 counters) Seddon, Flint 6 points. 4 Essex Police Ryan, Holmes 13 Police - Women 5km 1 Elilzabth Man-Rey Essex Police 36.31 2 Sue Harrison Lancashire Police 38.05 3 Ann Crofts Lancashire Police 41.16 4 Gail Hickson Lancashire Police 41.21 Civil Service - Men 10km 1 Dave Turner Post Office 53.07 2 John Hall DEFRA 54.04 3 Steve Uttley Justice Dept 55.18 4 John Llewellin DEFRA 57.48 5 Dwayne Butterley Post Office 60.43 6 Dave Evans Rev. & Customs 60.52 7 Chris Brolly R&C 61.18

8 John Lovatt R&C 61.27 9 Bill Kingston R&C 62.11 10 Bon Dobson E.C.G.D 63.24 11 Richard Kellett R&C 64.22 12 Peter Crahan HASSRA 68.49 13 John Crahan HASSRA 71.42 14 Keith Mitchell DEFRA 74.14 Civil Service - Women 5km 1 Lyn Bradley Revenue & Customs 29.09 2 Mauren Noel DEFRA 29.58 3 Lesley Yearly Home Office 23.18 4 Pat Evans R&C 32.22 5 Geraldine Legon Royal Mail 33.25 6 Jane Hodge R&C 33.32 7 Ginette Craig HASSRA 37.36 Police Championships Teams 1 West Midlands Police Jones, Johns, Slevin 14 points. 2 Lancashire Police Broadbent, Murray, Wilkinson 27 points. 3 Met Police (2 counters) Seddon, Flint 6 points. 4 Essex Police (2 counters) Ryan, Holmes 13 points Police v Civil Service - Ryan Cup 1 Civil Service - 28 points 2 Police - 63 Points Inter-Area Race Walk Match Saturday, 25th September 2010 Dartford Track Position, Name, Area, Time, Area Points Under 13 Boys - 2000m 1 Matthew Redfern Midlands 10:40.35 7 2 Matthew Archer Midlands 11:53.33 5 3 Luc Legon South 12:25.22 4 Under 13 Girls - 2000m 1 Heather Butcher South 10:42.75 7 2 Rebecca Chambers North 11:04.71 5 3 Isobel Reid Midlands 12:25.23 4 4 Georgia Parsons South 12:58.21 3 5 Felicity Endacott South 14:53.70 Under 15 Boys - 3000m 1 Cameron Cobishley South 15:25.35 7 2 Daniel Waples Midlands 15:26.48 5 3 Guy Thomas South 16:37.16 4 4 Daniel Chaib North 18:04.38 3 Under 15 Girls - 3000m 1 Tasha Webster Midlands 15:56.59 7 2 Emma Achurch Midlands 16:11.21 5 3 Rebecca Roddy South 17:12.95 4 4 Jessica Mills Midlands 17:54.62 3 Under 17 Men’s - 5000m 1 Nathan Duncan North 25:03.50 7

2 Jamie Higgins North 25:14.85 5 3 Ben Woolis North 26:25.92 4 Daniel Watling Midlands 28:46.05 4 5 Ben Parsons South 29:29.59 3 Under 17 Women’s - 5000m 1 Kate Funnell South 26:32.54 7 2 Jasmine Nicholls Midlands 28:30.34 5 3 Kayleigh Edge (U20) Guest 30:05.40 Junior Men's - 1 Hour 1 Jonathan Hobbs South 12,015 7 Junior Women’s - 1 Hour 1 Beth Jackson (U17) Midlands 10,079 7 2 Emily Symons South 10,010 5 3 Katerina Johnson South 9,175 4 Senior Men's - 1 Hour 1 Paul Evenett North 12,312 7 2 Francisco Reis South 11,795 5 3 Steve Arnold Midlands 11,259 4 4 Adrian Edwards North 10,847 3 5 Steve Uttley South 10,825 2 6 Mark Wall Midlands 9,682 DQ Ian Richards South Senior Women’s - 1 Hour 1 Karen Wears North 10,,362 7 2 Helen Middleton South 10,175 5 3 Maureen Noel South 9,892 4 4 Marie Marshall Midlands 9,188 3 5 Fiona Bishop South 9,128 6 Jill Langford Midlands 8,272 2 7 Sue Rey Midlands 8,170 Area Team Result 1st South 71, 2 Midlands 59, 3 North 37

200 Club Winners: July 2010 £25 - T. Morris £10 - E. Horwill £10 - J. May

Letters I was interested to note the last two editions of RWR have featured letters from Scotland. Since moving up here four years ago I have been doing my utmost to drum up enthusiasm for walking, and to help anyone who wants to try it. It has been something of an uphill battle; Scottish Athletics are supportive, but appear to limit their involvement to a

‘Who do you think you are’ approach to finding people to wear the Scottish vest. They hope that this is the way to find a ‘star’ to inspire others. In 2008 Martin Bell organised a small training group one Sunday in Edinburgh, and I followed this up offering the three athletes regular coaching: only one of them, Anand Thillaisundaram, is still walking. I have tried to help to others throughout Scotland who expressed an interest, and have used a lot of time, energy and petrol doing this; but, whilst some have made progress, far more have been lost to the sport for one simple reason, the lack of realistic competition up here. Anand has enjoyed walking in half marathons getting cheers as he overtakes runners, but this is not the true race walking experience. We had good publicity on Radio Scotland a couple years ago, and have tried to interest athletics clubs in the Central Belt, but few of these replied, and the two who did just rejected walking in quite unpleasant terms, due to total ignorance. So, I have recently been delighted by developments at Dundee Hawkhill Harriers, and Andrew Fraser’s intention to form an Edinburgh based group. Add to this the fact that Scottish Schools have also expressed an interest in developing the sport, and it could soon be happening up here! In my opinion what we really need most is some proper competition, and to achieve that we would need to have judges. Perhaps we could work towards having a Scottish Championship actually held in Scotland, with expat walkers who claim the blue and white vest coming north of the Border to compete against our novices? However, at the moment this would need some helpful officials who would be prepared to travel.

I know that Scotland is outwith the remit of the RWA, but I’m sure that this would help to kick start the sport up here, show walking novices what the sport is really like, encourage them to travel south to compete, and open up competition to Scottish athletes. Mary Payne ------------ I would like to thank all the visiting walkers, families and supporters that made the trip to the recent Guernsey Church to Church Walk. It made the Sarnia Walking Clubs members day to have such a good entry from "overseas" to compete with the locals, with so many newcomers to Guernsey adding to our regular entries that have discovered the island. We appreciate the effort from walkers taking part from as far off as Isle of Man, Redcar and Northern Ireland, as well as those from nearer to home. Thirty eight started the walk, a pleasing increase over recent years. Our pre Church to Church 3 kilometres walk on the Friday night, with some taking it easy, being so close to the Church event attracted 23 starters. A good evening walk where the locals can get to meet the early arriving visitors. Thank you all and hope to see you again in the future. Rob Elliott , Sarnia Walking Club ------------ I think I speak on behalf of all the walkers from the Isle of Man who raced at Guernsey this year, all for the first time. We will be back hopefully with even more walkers. It was a tough course - we found out we are not the only island with hills. Thanks to Rob Elliott and Jayne Le Noury for all your help. John Cannell

In the next issue… Big events, Nutrition, Technique, Results, Reports, News, Photos…And anything I have missed out of this issue. DON’T MISS IT - OUT VERY SHORTLY!

Fixtures November 2010 B 21st 1k/2k/3k/5k/10k Midland Winter League 3 Tamworth, West Midlands B 21st 10k Yorkshire RWC Winter League York 21st 10k/var HSBC Winter League 2 Andreas, Isle of Man B 27th 7 miles Belgrave 7/SCVAC Championships (1pm) Wimbledon 27th Irish National 20k/30k Championships + supporting events Cork, Ireland B 28th 5000m Sarnia WC Track Walk Osmond Priaulx, Guernsey December 2010 4th 2.5k/5k Cambridge Harriers Winter League 2 +SCVAC Champs Bexley B 4th 10k Dick Maxwell Memorial Race & Hot Pot (1:30) Simister, Lancashire B 5th 10k Yorkshire RWC Winter League York B 5th 2k Sarnia WC Handicap 4 Pleinmont, Guernsey 5th Peel to Douglas Walk Isle of Man B 7th var Chris Smith League (YAG) postal B 11th 5k/var Christmas Cup (Surrey WC) Monks Hill, South Croydon B 11th 5k/10k Birchfield Christmas Handicap Alexander Stadium, Birmingham B 12th 815m Sarnia WC Hill Climb Val des Terres, Guernsey 12th Race Walking Association AGM - Alexander Stadium, Birmingham B 18th 5k/var Alf Palmer Memorial Track Races/YAG Broadbridge Heath B 19th 5 mile Ilford Open/Essex League Redbridge Cycle Circuit, Hainault (11am) B 19th 5k Sarnia WC Road Walk Saumarez Park, Guernsey 19th 10k/var HSBC Winter League 3 St Johns, Isle of Man B 26th 1.8/5.5 mile Brighton Boxing Day Walks Preston Park, Brighton January 2011 B 2nd 3 mile Sarnia WC Road Walk Lancresse to Bulwer Avenue, Guernsey B 8th 10k Southern Championships/Surrey WC Open Monks Hill, South Croydon B 9th 3k Sarnia WC Handicap 5 Les Amarreurs, Vale, Guernsey B 9th 10k Yorkshire RWC Winter League, York B 22nd 5 mile Enfield League & Presentations Lee Valley, London B 23rd 10 miles Sarnia WC Road Walk Albecq to White Rock, Guernsey B 25th var Chris Smith League (YAG) postal B 29th 15k Steyning Open 15 Steyning B 30th var London Indoor Games (provisional) Lea Valley, London February 2011 B 6th 10k Yorkshire RWC Winter League Drighlington 6th var London Open Walks Victoria Park B 6th 10k Sarnia WC Handicap 6 Delancey Park, St Sampsons, Guernsey 12th 2.5k/5k Cambridge Harriers Winter League 3 Bexley, Kent 12th 5k/10k Midland Championships B 19th 10 mile Enfield League/Various counties Lee Valley, London 20th SCVAC Indoor Championships Lea Valley, London March 2011 B 1st var Chris Smith League (YAG) postal 5th 10 mile RWA Championships (provisional) Coventry 12th 2.5k/5k Cambridge Harriers Winter League 4 Bexley, Kent 13th 3k Essex & Eastern Indoor Championships Lee Valley, London 16th - 20th European Veterans Indoor Championships Ghent, BELGIUM 20th 20k/10k Gran Premio Citta di Lugano (EAA Permit) Lugano, SWITZERLAND

From Delhi, India - next stop…

Daegu, Korea IAAF World Athletics

Championships 27th August to 4th September 2011

The course in Daegu

Jonggak “Bell House” Temple, on the Daegu racewalk course