Front Cover Mock-up

Post on 28-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Front Cover Mock-up

Front Cover Mock-up

By Saba Kebede




Issue Number

Main Image Main Cover line

Cover lineBarcode


This is my front cover mock-up for my music magazine. I am set to add a caption on the cover-line at the top of the masthead, with artists such as Beyoncé, Ne-Yo, Mariah and Drake, in order for my music magazine to look appealing and therefore grab the attention of the audience. The reason why I chose well-known and established artists is because the public will be inclined to buy it that way. I propose to put the dateline and the issue number underneath the ‘L’ of LOOP logo. I aim to have the main cover line ‘Sofia’ as it because she is also featured in my Double Page Spread and therefore this would be consistent and make sense to the reader. The barcode will be positioned on the bottom right hand corner in order for it to look conventional and professional. My main image will be of a model in an alleyway with light shining through. I think that this will be effective because a usual music video will have the same location and therefore I would like to make my theme consistent and therefore appeal to my target audience.