From your Pastor

Post on 06-Feb-2022

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Transcript of From your Pastor

The $5 Project This is Jesus’ response to a question from a rich man about how to inherit eternal life. “Jesus, looking at him, loved

him and said, “You lack one thing; go, sell what you own, and give the money to the poor, and you will have

treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.”

We started an experiment a couple weeks ago. During the Children’s message that week I gave several people $5

bills in envelopes. The assignment was to use that money to help someone in need and then contact me and tell me

what happened and how it made the giver feel. Last week I invited everyone who didn’t get an envelope to give

themselves some money to join in this experiment. As you read the following stories you will see that each of these

people received a glimpse of heaven in giving to others.

Rita’s Story:

I was in a store. There was a young couple purchasing cold weather clothing for children. I asked would

they accept $5 toward their purchases.

“Are you kidding?” The lady asked. “No.”

I replied, “God bless you.”

They were happy and I was, too.

I received a two for one with the $5. I was able to be of help to someone else at the same store. I felt the Holy

Spirit was with me.







From your Pastor

Starr’s Story:

Starr told me she and her grandmother were going into Pizza Hut. She saw a lady walk in by herself to eat. Starr

went up to her and asked if she could give her $5 to help pay for her food. The lady was very grateful. It made

Starr feel good to give that money to the lady.

Wendy’s Story:

Sunday, I went to the store and a homeless lady was sitting on the ground. I went up to her and gave her the $5.00.

I told her to get something to eat or drink and buy a pair of gloves because it was cold outside. She said, “Thank

you and God Bless” and I in turn, said “You’re welcome and have a blessed day.”

Austin’s and Jessica’s Story:

Austin and Jessica took the $5 they each got and bought toilet paper to give to the Mission of Grace. They brought

it to church on Sunday and we blessed it with the offering at the altar. They felt good to be able to give to the

Mission of Grace.

Jeff’s Story:

Jeff didn’t get an envelope but he took his own money and gave to Lutheran Disaster Response to help the

hurricane victims in the last several weeks. He told me it felt good to give that money to help out. He will never

know who he helped or how, but he can rest in the knowledge that God used it to care for God’s children who were

in need.

The Toilet Paper Story:

Several others told me they gave their money to the Mission of Grace. Let me tell you, the Mission of Grace gives

a lot of toilet paper and other things away every week. Working at the Mission is where I learned that things I take

for granted, like toilet paper, are luxuries for many people. One day I asked a lady there to get food if there was

anything else she needed. I told her we had paper and cleaning supplies. She was holding back her tears, “You

mean you will give me toilet paper?” It was like I was giving her a $100 dollar bill.

From then on I call the Mission of Grace our “Toilet Paper” ministry, where what we think is insignificant,

becomes a treasure to the people we help. Toilet paper is a luxury. I never forget that.

Thank you all for participating in this project. If you haven’t done it yet, you still can. Keep

the stories coming. It is good to hear how giving to others makes us feel.

Research has found that spending money makes us happy. The key is who you spend it on. Jesus says to give to

the poor. He doesn’t tell us this just so we will help others, but he tells us that because Jesus knows giving to others

bring us happiness. The reason giving makes us happy is because through giving we experience a little glimpse

God’s Kingdom. The way Jesus puts it “you will have treasure in heaven.” Can’t ask for anything better.


Pastor Roberta

In the Hebrew Bible the book of Numbers is called “In the Wilderness.” It starts with great hope. God delivered God’s people from Egypt, from bitter slavery, grinding toil and infanticide. What a delivery! The entire people—ancients, infants and everyone in between—escaped from one of the world’s superpowers, walked dry-shod through the sea and went on a 40-day journey to the land the Lord had promised them.

Beginnings are filled with expectation. There is excitement and a sense that everything is possible. Think about the first day of school, a vacation, new job, one’s honeymoon or the first day of a child’s life. It was no different for the Israelites. The first chapters recount the enumeration of the tribes of Israel—hence the title, Numbers. This description is of the mustering of the people as they strode into the future. This was the beginning of an adventure! This part ends with God commanding Moses to make two silver trumpets. The entire journey would be heralded by the clear ringing of silver trumpets.

In the beginning it was possible to disregard the fact that they were setting off into the wilderness. But it caught up to them. We know how that goes—halfway through the road trip, the school year, the job, the marriage or life with a baby and the traits that were at first endearingly quirky just become annoying. On epic family cross-country vacations, the landscape becomes monotonous. The food is no longer novel but noxious. Life before, at least in memories that have become trip-jaded, was bliss.

{This article is an excerpt from Bishop Eaton’s report. The full report may soon be accessed via the website: }

Bishop Elizabeth Eaton

In The Wilderness

Greetings Friends: In an effort to get to know one another better, Roberta would like to begin doing “Bios” on people on our Church Council……. So here goes. As many of you know, I moved here in September 2015 with my husband, Wally. He had developed health problems, mostly with memory issues plus the ability to get around. Our youngest daughter& family had moved here just in January 2015, and I knew I wasn’t going to be able to deal with all we were facing without family help. Grace and Peace was the FIRST church we visited, and we never looked any further! This has become the church family that I had been missing! I credit the Holy Spirit with bringing us into your midst, because I had no energy or interest to “shop churches”. A year later, the fall of 2016, sadly, Wally passed away at Walnut Creek Alzheimer’s Special Care Center. Wally had been a resident at Walnut Creek for about 3 ½ months. But the thing he missed the most was attending church. Because of this, I was able to convince the Council to begin offering a Sunday service there once a month. This has evolved into an outreach church service for the families of residents as well for their staff. Many of whom visit on the third Sunday come just to take part in the message and communion we provide. Some things about me you might be interested in knowing include that I had my own interior design and remodeling company in the Tri-Cities, WA for over 30 years. I was licensed general contractor and my company was well known for a host of significant projects including:

Meet Your Council President

Continued on next page…

The Tri-Cities Cancer Center, and the unique, complete remodeling of Einan’s Funeral Home. This project then led to providing all the design and installation work on a later project of theirs, Sunset Event Center. These valuable experiences have given me the skill to serve as your congregation president, leading the council as we prioritize and undertake needed improvements to our facility. One of the most wonderful things about my life here is my six grandchildren live fairly close. My daughter, Katie, just had their third little girl, Hailey May, born, on Sept 20th, and I was fortunate enough to spend the time with her when the baby was born, and for the two days afterwards. Katie’s Husband Ryan is a Marine Reservist, and for the past 10 months has been stationed in Afghanistan. He should be home here with us by Veteran’s Day. My older daughter, Kristan and her husband Justin have three children as well, two boys and a girl. They are currently stationed at Fort Leavenworth, KS where Justin teaches at the Army College there. (see my Facebook page for more info about this incredible education place.) It’s great because they are only about 4 ½ hrs away by car, so I can see them much more often than when I lived in Washington state. Overall, I’m A HAPPY grandma! Besides raising two, wonderful daughters and having a great life in the Tri-Cities WA, I was very active in the community because of my business, my church, and a women’s service organization known as “Soroptimist”, which means “Best for Women”. I am also part of a newly started Soroptimist Club here in Evansville and if you want to know more about this go to Giving back to my community and making a difference for others is something I feel good about doing, and my life here at Grace and Peace Lutheran allows me to do just that. I am happy that I am able to use my talents in a way that helps others. Without that my life would be pretty boring.

Mary Weimer

Council President

Friends of Compassion

We are pleased to let you know Mike Musgrave will be our guest speaker this month. Mike will be sharing his expertise in grief counseling with children. He invites you to join us to be enlightened on this subject

Thursday, November 8th at 10:30 am

Big Church Night Out

Big Church Night Out with Crowder, Jordan Feliz and Sarah Reeves, Illusionist Brock Gill and worship leader Jamison Strain.

Celebrate the beauty and diversity of the many different ways we worship while uniting behind the one thing that unites us all. It’s a night of worship, entertainment, music, prayer, laughter, art, reflection, and so much more. Whether coming alone, loading up the entire family or bringing a church group, this night is designed for EVERYONE.

Thursday, November 08, 2018 7:00 PM at The Old National Events Plaza $25.00 - $100.00

November Community Dinner Please join us

Grace and Peace Lutheran Church

Tuesday, November 20, 2018 6:00-8:00 p.m

Thanksgiving turkey, dressing, potatoes and gravy, green beans, corn, and pie!

Sponsored by The Mission of Grace-An outreach ministry of Grace and Peace Lutheran Church,

And Fresh Air Community of Faith All are welcome at our table

Mission of Grace

The Mission of Grace is in need of toiletries, toilet paper, shampoos, deodorant, etc.. Please contact the office or Vicki Oshodi or the office if you have items you would be willing to donate.

Be a Part of the Mission of Grace • Pray for the Mission of Grace

• Donate items for the Giving Room (toilet paper, diapers, cleaning supplies, personal hygiene items)

• Donate can food items

• Join us on the third Tuesday of each month for the community dinner

• Volunteer your time helping with filing and answering phones, stocking shelves, etc.

Pray for Me!

One Sunday in a Midwest City, a young child was "acting up" during the morning worship hour. The parents did their best to maintain some sense of order in the pew but were losing the battle. Finally, the father picked the little fellow up and walked sternly up the aisle on his way out. Just before reaching the safety of the foyer, the little one called loudly to the congregation, "Pray for me! Pray for me!"


One particular four-year old prayed, "And forgive us our trash baskets as we forgive those who put trash in our baskets."

Tenth Commandment

A Sunday school class was studying the Ten Commandments. They were ready to discuss the last one. The teacher asked if anyone could tell her what it was. Susie raised her hand, stood tall, and quoted, "Thou shall not take the covers off the neighbor's wife!”

Laughable Moments

Darla Jones and Vicki Oshodi’s father will be going on the Honor Flight on November 3,2018. Part of the celebration when the veterans return is receiving cards. If you would consider mailing a card, they would greatly appreciate it! I have included a picture of how to address the envelope. His full name is Luther H. Nixon Jr. You can mail them now and the airport will hold them until their return. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Darla. Thank you so much Darla Jones 812-550-5770

We are Having A Kitchen Shower! November11

Grace and Peace and Fresh Air are throwing a party to replenish our kitchen with needed items. This kitchen is the hub of our hospitality and service ministries: So mark this date: It’s a party for everyone. Bring a wrapped gift for the kitchen and come join the fun. There will be lunch and games and a lot of fun for everyone. Below is a list of some of the items needed in our kitchen

Upcoming Dates

November 11- Kitchen Shower with Fresh Air (What Time?)

November 11-Confrimation Class 2:30 pm

November 13- Mission of Grace Thanksgiving Meal

November 18- Thanksgiving Worship Service Joint with Fresh Air

November 18- Worship Service Walnut Creek

November 25- Lights Before Christmas Program

December 9- Women’s Christmas Party

December 18- Mission of Grace Meal AND Gift give away (Need many Santa helpers!)

December 11- Two Blue Christmas Services 12:00 pm and 7:00 pm

December 24- Joint Christmas Eve Service with Fresh Air

February 24- Black History Program

Social Outreach


Food Pantry/Giving Room- Households-124


Financial Assistance- Vectren $175

Rent $150


Expenses- Monthly Dinner $53.80

Food Pantry/Giving Room-$92.31


Food Pantry/Giving Room- Households-96


Financial Assistance- Vectren $325

Rent $225

Water and Sewer- $50

Expenses- Monthly Dinner $90.64

Food Pantry/Giving Room-$0

Welcome New Members!

• Leigh Ann Mindrup

• Kim Owen

• Tyler, Carly, Violet & Theo


Wolf’s Fall Festival Thank You Dinner

Theo & Violet’s Baptism

Secret Santa for a Senior The holidays can be a difficult time for seniors. They are more

perceptive to the passing of time, the absence of loved ones or

friends who have passed away. They may feel disconnected from

children and grandchildren who live far away. Many seniors fell

alone at this time of the year. The Mission of Grace can shine a

light of hope and cheer for many seniors who are lonely during

the Christmas season.

Beginning November 1, 2018, we will collect a wish list on behalf

of senior relatives, friends, neighbors, church members, or nursing

home residents. To qualify, the senior must be age 65 or older. Each

senior gift request is written on a Secret Santa gift tag and placed

on the Christmas tree located in the Narthex.

Volunteers wishing to purchase gifts for seniors remove a gift tag

from the tree, and then purchase the requested gift written on the gift

tag. All gifts purchased should be wrapped or placed in a gift bag

with the gift tag secured to the outside of the package. All gifts

should be returned to the church by December 19th.

For additional information or to request a wish list form, please

contact Vicki Oshodi or Pastor Roberta Meyer at 812-430-6050 or


Santa will be coming to the

December Community Meal at Grace and

Peace on December 18—and he

needs your help!!!

This is your chance at being one of Santa’s

Elves. Santa gives a gift (or two) to everyone who attends the

December meal. So, he would like for anyone who wants

to try their hand at elf-hood to bring wrapped gifts to fill

his bag.

If you purchase gifts please label them such as:

Male/Female- adult


Male/Female-child (age ?)

Following types of gifts are appreciated:

Gloves Socks Warm hats, scarves

Nail polish popcorn tins games

Cologne for men and women


Toys for all ages from infant and beyond


Children’s books


Trucks and cars


Use your imagination to help make Christmas happy our

friends who share the meal with us.

Please bring all gifts (wrapped and labeled) to church by

December 10.

November 6, 2018

These are difficult and challenging times for our local

communities, our country, and the world. Divisive and heated

rhetoric dominate the public dialogue. More and more people

are withdrawing from engagement in the political process out

of a growing sense of cynicism and mistrust. Now, more than

ever, your voice and your efforts are needed. As people of

faith, we can play a unique role in this election cycle by

empowering every voice in our congregations and offering a

hope-filled vision of the future for all people.

Ephesians 4:31-32: Put away from you all bitterness and

wrath and anger and wrangling and slander, together with all

malice, and be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving

one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you.

Grace and Peace Lutheran Church 200 South Boeke Road

Evansville, IN 47714-1330

Church Council Members

Pastor – Rev. Roberta Meyer

President – Mary Weimer

Secretary – Brittney Hay

Christian Education –

Congregational Life – Larry Johnson Fellowship –

Finance/Stewardship Team – Jeff Byrne

Property – David Meyer

Social Outreach - Vicki Oshodi

Treasurer – Toni Beumer

Worship and Music – Gina Moore

Adult Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service 10:00 a.m.

Church Office: (812) 476–8201 By appointment

Pastor Roberta Meyer (812) 431-0075

Website: Email:

Our Mission is: To Proclaim God’s Grace

And Share God’s Peace

Through Love And Service

To All.

Please contact the church if you or someone in your family is sick, shut-in, hospitalized, or if

there is a death in your family.

Pastor Roberta Meyer, will be available to come and visit you.

Call the church office to set up an appointment

(812) 476- 8201. Or email

08- Maurice Mayes 12- Philip Lawrence 15 - Toshe’ana Jones 15- Jazzma McNary-Brewer 16- Deborah Ferguson 16- Mike Musgrave 19- Aysha Johnson Lindsey 20- Mark Hart 22- Emily Spinner 23- Imori Rogers 24- Gabriel Jones 26- Laila Simpson 28- Vicki Young

07- Gina Moore & Joseph Thompson 08- Maurice & Rachel Mayes 27- David & Roberta Meyer 27- Dale & Fran Junker

November Birthdays November Anniversaries

November 2018

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


6:30 Fresh Air Service

2 3 9:30- 1 Mission of Grace 6:00 AA Mtg.

4 9:00 Sunday School

10:00 Worship with Communion

5 6:00 Ladies Bible Study

7:00 Overeaters Anonymous



9:30-1 Mission of Grace 10:00 Bible Study 7:00 Worship

8 6:30 Fresh Air Service 10:30 Friends of Compassion

9 10 9:30- 1 Mission of Grace 6:00 AA Mtg.

11 9:00 Sunday School

10:00 Worship with Communion

Kitchen Shower

12 7:00 Overeaters Anonymous


14 9:30-1 Mission of Grace 10:00 Bible Study 7:00 Worship

15 6:30 Fresh Air Service


17 9:30- 1 Mission of Grace 6:00 AA Mtg.

18 9:00 Sunday School

10:00 Thanksgiving Worship Service Joint with Fresh Air

Worship Service Walnut Creek

19 6:00 Ladies Bible Study 7:00 Overeaters Anonymous

20 6:00-8:00 Community Dinner

21 9:30-1 Mission of Grace 10:00 Bible Study

7:00 Worship

22 6:30 Fresh Air Service


24 9:30- 1 Mission of Grace 6:00 AA Mtg.

25 9:00 Sunday School

10:00 Lights Before Christmas Program

26 7:00 Overeaters Anonymous


28 9:30-1 Mission of Grace 10:00 Bible Study

7:00 Worship

29 6:30 Fresh Air Service


Deadline for December

Newsletter: Friday,

November 23rd.