ROSSVILLE PresbyteriaNews Lyle 727-482-8393 C [email protected] A Letter From the Pastor: ‘To...

ROSSVILLE AUGUST 2016 VOLUME 14, NUMBER 8 PresbyteriaNews I am so excited to be your pastor, to get to know each of you, and to enter into the mysterious depth of God’s love that lives and breathes among you. You are in my thoughts and prayers as we edge closer to the beginning of our time together. And I pray whatever transition comes your way will be met by the partnering presence of our Lord who goes before you in all that you do. Please pray for me as I transition and prepare for the next season of life as your pastor. May our Lord bless and keep you, as he has done thus far through the wise loving care of Pastor Ruby, and may his presence radiate out from you. Transition well my friends. I’ll see you soon. Warmly, Mike Mike Lyle 727-482-8393 C [email protected] A Letter From the Pastor: ‘To Transition Well’ Hey church family! This is your new pastor! I hope your summer’s have treated yall well as you’ve taken trips and gone to work, had breaks from school and enjoyed time with friends and family. I’ve been rather busy myself, moving from Princeton to Rossville, spending two weeks doing the ‘redneck- thang’ with my extended family in Tennessee, now back and getting settled-in to start afresh with you! Over the course of the last 4 weeks I’ve been contemplating ‘life transitions’ and the importance of transitioning well. During my time in graduate school I found myself periodically lamenting the fact that I didn’t transition out of college well. Instead of saying goodbye to friends and gaining closure, allowing my heart to begin the process of quiet grieving while simultaneously pivoting in anticipation for what’s to come, I just left. I didn’t say goodbye. I didn’t write any thank you cards. I just left. And as I stewed I discovered that preparing to start something new is a process that sometimes consists of intentionally tending to those parts of life that may be coming to a close. As we prepare to make room in our hearts for one another, with all the excitement the goes along with that, lets take the time to tend to those people and life experiences that have brought us to where we are today. Pastor Ruby has done a phenomenal job as your Transitional Pastor. I am deeply grateful to her for her wisdom and foresight, the high level of care that she has provided, and the deep spiritual nourishment that God has graced her to extend to this church. Let’s transition well by taking the time to extend our gratitude and appreciation to her for all of her faithful service to Rossville Pres. On behalf of the Presbytery of Wabash Valley and the congregation of Rossville Presbyterian Church, you are cordially invited to attend a service of ordination and installation for Michael H. Lyle 3:30 pm on Sunday, August 7th at Rossville Presbyterian Church 5434 W State Rd 26 - Rossville, IN 46065 All are welcome to come and join together for a re- ception including light refreshments immediately fol- lowing the ceremony.

Transcript of ROSSVILLE PresbyteriaNews Lyle 727-482-8393 C [email protected] A Letter From the Pastor: ‘To...




I am so excited to be your pastor, to get to know each of you, and to enter into the mysterious depth of God’s love that lives and breathes among you. You are in my thoughts and prayers as we edge closer to the beginning of our time together. And I pray whatever transition comes your way will be met by the partnering presence of our Lord who goes before you in all that you do. Please pray for me as I transition and prepare for the next season of life as your pastor. May our Lord bless and keep you, as he has done thus far through the wise loving care of Pastor Ruby, and may his presence radiate out from you. Transition well my friends. I’ll see you soon. Warmly, Mike

Mike Lyle 727-482-8393 C

[email protected]

A Letter From the Pastor: ‘To Transition Well’

Hey church family! This is your new pastor! I hope your summer’s have treated yall well as you’ve taken trips and gone to work, had breaks from school and enjoyed time with friends and family. I’ve been rather busy myself, moving from Princeton to Rossville, spending two weeks doing the ‘redneck-thang’ with my extended family in Tennessee, now back and getting settled-in to start afresh with you! Over the course of the last 4 weeks I’ve been contemplating ‘life transitions’ and the importance of transitioning well. During my time in graduate school I found myself periodically lamenting the fact that I didn’t transition out of college well. Instead of saying goodbye to friends and gaining closure, allowing my heart to begin the process of quiet grieving while simultaneously pivoting in anticipation for what’s to come, I just left. I didn’t say goodbye. I didn’t write any thank you cards. I just left. And as I stewed I discovered that preparing to start something new is a process that sometimes consists of intentionally tending to those parts of life that may be coming to a close. As we prepare to make room in our hearts for one another, with all the excitement the goes along with that, lets take the time to tend to those people and life experiences that have brought us to where we are today. Pastor Ruby has done a phenomenal job as your Transitional Pastor. I am deeply grateful to her for her wisdom and foresight, the high level of care that she has provided, and the deep spiritual nourishment that God has graced her to extend to this church. Let’s transition well by taking the time to extend our gratitude and appreciation to her for all of her faithful service to Rossville Pres.

On behalf of the Presbytery of Wabash Valley and the congregation of Rossville Presbyterian Church,

you are cordially invited to attend a service of ordination and installation for

Michael H. Lyle

3:30 pm on Sunday, August 7th at

Rossville Presbyterian Church 5434 W State Rd 26 - Rossville, IN 46065

All are welcome to come and join together for a re-ception including light refreshments immediately fol-

lowing the ceremony.


Treasurer’s Report: Year to Date Income as of June 30, 2016 was $72,007.78. Year to Date Expenses as of June 30, 2016 were $72,007.78. The Ending Balance as of June 30, 2016 was $ -2,136.78.

Mission & Evangelism –Michele Houser reported the next meeting will be Thursday, August 25, 2016. She also indi-cated Chance Hunt’s group is doing well and coming home the middle of August. Summer’s End will again find our church serving pies next to the Rossville Lion’s Club Ice Cream truck. Whole pies will be sold this year also and old fashioned pies are requested. Ryan Rollins will chair the Shoe Box project this year. Thanksgiving will include a Fodder Shock to display Gloves, Mittens, Socks, and Hats for Seeds of Hope. During the month of August tables will be set up in the Narthex. Supplies for Rossville Elementary and High School will be collected for students in need of these items.

Worship – Communion will be served on July 31, 2016 as it is Pastor Kleymann’s last Sunday. Michael Lyle will serve his first Communion on Sunday, August 14, 2016 as he will have been Ordained and Installed by that date.

Property & Maintenance – New guidelines for General Church Building Use were distributed July 16, 2016 will be a clean-up day at the church at 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. Rain date will be July 30, 2016.

Member Care & Fellowship: Blanket collection totaled $495.56.

Personnel – Polly Merrick has requested vacation for July 15, September 15, 16, and 19, 2016. All agreed.

Nominating Committee – Members of the Nominating Committee are Jan Bennett, Tiffany Brettnacher, Cole Gilbert, Dinah Hackerd, Joyce Jones, and Ryan Rollins.

New Business – A recommendation was made to move August Session meeting to August 9, 2016 since Michael will not be Ordained and Installed until August 7, 2016.

Rich Roth distributed information regarding Sunday attendance averages. 91 attend church service at least once a month. 31 attend 75-100% of the time. 34 attend 50-74% of the time. 26 attend 25-44% of the time. Second quarter average is 64 in 2016, 74 in 2015, and 77 in 2014. The six month average is 66 in 2016, 72 in 2015 and 71 in 2014. This information is compiled by KT Roth and is appreciated by all.

Susan Lynn reports that on July 10th, the Youth of our church went to the Rossville Park for a picnic. They packed sack lunches at the church, ate at the park, played on the equipment, and walked on the trails. The weather was so nice and a good time was had by all.


Kyle Elston Bill Brown Steve Seifert Eric Ahlersmeyer Charlie & Linda Beard William Conner (Nancy Cox’s brother) Don Cox (Stan’s brother) Betsy Remaly Steve Hodson Mike Lyle Denise Baldwin Mitchell Yoder (Brian & Jo Yoder’s son) Jerry Gaylor Maxine Bough (Ken & Janis Miller’s granddaughter) Captain Chance Hunt (Jan Bennett’s grandson) & his company - Afghanistan Milt Anderson (Rich & KT Roth’s nephew) Aya Wegener (Pastor Ruby’s 11-week old great-great niece) The Family of Ryan Rollins at the death of his father, Bruce Rollins



On Sunday, August 7, our called Pastor, Mike Lyle, will lead worship at the regular time. Lunch will follow. At 3:30PM, Mike Lyle will be ordained & installed at a special worship service. A reception will follow. Please plan to attend.

Session is in charge of the food that day, but they request donations. A sign-up sheet is posted on the bulletin board for the lunch and/or reception. Thank you.

Instead of the first Sunday, communion will be served the second Sunday in August , the 14th. Rev. Mike Lyle will serve his first communion at that time.

Summer’s End will again find our church serving pie slices next to the Rossville Lion’s Club Ice Cream truck. Whole pies will also be sold. Old-fashioned pies are re-quested.

The Rossville Summer’s End Community Worship Ser-vice will be held in the Rossville School Auditorium at 10:30A on Sunday, August 28, 2016, with Rev. Mike Lyle preaching. The “Back Pew” will provide music.


The Rossville Community Outreach program will re-open this September!! Training for meeting with clients and making decisions will take place August 15 at 7:00P in the Rossville Church of the Brethren. The outreach "office" will be open on the same schedule as the Rossville Food Pantry - first and third Tuesday mornings 9:30A - 12:00P. The Church of the Brethren houses the food pantry, the wellness clinic, and the out-reach program. Look for signage at the food pantry door for locations. Outreach assistance will cover electricity, gas, water and some prescriptions. It will not cover deposits or reconnection fees, groceries, rent, and transient gas money. Recipients must live in the Rossville Consolidated School District and qualify for fi-nancial help (maps and guidelines will be at the outreach office.).


The committee would like to thank everyone that came out on July 16

th to assist with the outside clean-up

of the church grounds. We had 18 participants and we completed the following tasks: trimmed all of the bushes, trimmed trees, removed ferns from around the air condi-tioner units, cleaned the air conditioner units, repaired the steeple, replaced missing cap shingles, and sprayed round-up around the church to get rid of unwanted weeds. The committee is planning another clean-up in late Sep-tember or early October to trim the trees near the church and the saw grass in front of the church. The committee is working on a capital improvement project for the playground area. The plan includes open-ing the area up and making the area more conducive to children playing in the area and a resting place for adults while watching the children. More information will be forth coming. The committee is also planning a work day at the church farm once the crop has been removed. We will be trimming trees along the property line and moving a flag pole from the farm to the property owner’s land. The committee is also looking for more members to assist in the maintenance of the church. No experience required! Extra hands to do the monthly tasks and assist on major projects makes the work go quicker and smoothly. Please prayerfully consider joining this active committee within our church.

Leviticus 4:17—“This shall be a perpetual statute throughout your generations in all your dwellings: you shall eat neither fat nor blood.”


Your body needs some fat to function normally. But it's wise to choose the healthier types of dietary fat and then enjoy them — in moderation.

Fats: The good and the bad Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are the best choices. Look for products with little or no saturated fats, and avoid trans fats: Both increase blood-cholesterol levels and can increase your risk of heart disease. And keep in mind that all fats — the good stuff as well as the bad — are high in calories, so measuring and moderation are key.

The good:

Monounsaturated fats are found in olive, canola and peanut oils, as well as in avocados and most nuts. Polyunsaturated fats are found in other plant-based oils, such as safflower, corn, sunflower, soy-bean, ses-ame and cottonseed oils. Omega-3 fats are polyunsaturated fats that help your cells function.

The bad:

Saturated fats are found in animal-based foods, such as meats, poultry, lard, egg yolks and whole-fat dairy products, including butter and cheese. They're also in cocoa butter and coconut, palm and other tropical oils, which are used in many coffee lighteners, snack crackers, baked goods and other processed foods. Trans fats — also called hydrogenated vegetable oils — are found in hardened vegetable fats, such as stick margarine and vegetable shortening. Lots of foods contain these unhealthy ingredients as well, including crackers, cookies, cakes, pies and other baked goods, as well as many candies, snack foods and French fries.

Tips for choosing foods with the best types of dietary fat First, focus on reducing foods high in saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol. Emphasize food choices that include plenty of monounsaturated fats (MUFAs) and polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs). Consume MUFA-rich and PUFA-rich foods instead of other fatty foods, not in addition to them.

Here are some tips to help you make over the fat in your diet:

Prepare fish, such as salmon and mackerel, instead of meat at least twice a week to get a source of healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Limit sizes to 4 ounces of cooked seafood a serving, and bake or broil seafood instead of frying.

Use olive oil instead of solid fats. For example, saute with olive oil instead of butter, and use canola oil when baking. And use olive oil in salad dressings and marinades.

Use egg substitutes instead of whole eggs when possible to cut back on the cholesterol in yolks. Select milk and dairy products that are low in fat.

PARISH NURSE CORNER By Jan Sandos, RN, Parish Nurse

Caring and Sharing

Our church family in assisted living and nursing homes:

Virginia Cottrell Milner Health Care, Rossville IN Mark Crane Milner Health Care, Rossville IN Eleanor Hodgen Wesley Manor, Frankfort IN Helen Johnson St Elizabeth Health Care, Delphi IN Marian Smith Milner Health Care, Rossville IN

Rossville Presbyterian Church 5434 W State Rd 26, Rossville IN 46065 765-379-2801 [email protected]



Adult Sunday School: 9:00A Fellowship: 9:45A Worship: 10:15A

* * * * * * * * * * * * * Pastor: Mike Lyle (effective August 1, 2016) Clerk of Session: Linda Mills Office Administrator: Polly Merrick Christian Education Committee: Savannah Crow Finance & Stewardship Committee: Session (Stan Cox) Member Care & Fellowship Committee: Dinah Hackerd & Rich Roth Mission & Evangelism Committee: Michele Houser & Rich Roth Property & Maintenance Committee: Cole Gilbert Worship Committee: Jan Bennett & Mike Hufford Tech Team: Mike Hufford Parish Nurse: Jan Sandos Custodians: Larry & Sue Patterson