From wobbly woman to wonder woman

Post on 10-May-2015

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Transcript of From wobbly woman to wonder woman

From Wobbly Woman to Wonder Woman

A 12 week body transformation story

I love my husband, Troy(or Hubba Hubba to my blog followers)…….

I love my family…….

I love my drinkies…..

But I did NOT love myself.

I was overweight and gaining fast. I spent my life in front of a computer or TV, when I wasn’t running children to their sports and social lives.

I had lost my confidence, my joy and behind every smile in public, there were tears at home….over what I said, what I looked like, what I thought I had done wrong, what others may have thought…….

I came across this while on Facebook….

And thought, Why not give it a go? What could I lose by trying?

As it turns out….I lost Fear, Self loathing and 11% of my body weight.

I learned about health, nutrition, goals, supporting each other and how to be accountable for my choices.

But that’s not all I learned…..

I learned I am physically stronger than I thought

I learned I am MENTALLY stronger than I thought

I overcame my fear of water and learned to swim

I have learned to eat well

I learned how to blog.

I learned I can RUN!

And run…….


I learned I CAN climb mountains!

I found my smile and found my fun again.

In just 10 weeks, I have lost 6.7 kilos, 11% of my body weight. I have rediscovered living instead of existing. I have found in me, some one I can like…no, make that LOVE.

I am now truly….