Friday, Feb. 21, 2014

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The Oklahoma Daily

Transcript of Friday, Feb. 21, 2014

W W W . O U D A I L Y . C O M 2 0 1 3 P A C E M A K E R F I N A L I S T

F R I D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 2 1 , 2 0 14

� e University of Oklahoma’s independent student voice since 1916

Sports: The Oklahoma baseball team takes its four-game win streak on the road to play in the UFC Tournament. (Page 5)

2 0 1 3 P A C E M A K E R F I N A L I S T

F R I D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 2 1 , 2 0 14

� e University of Oklahoma’s independent student voice since 1916

The Oklahoma baseball team takes its four-game win streak on the road to play in the UFC Tournament. (Page 5)

VOL. 99, NO. 106© 2014 OU Publications BoardFREE — Additional copies 25¢

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INSIDE TODAYCampus......................2, 3

Classi f ieds................4

L i fe&Ar ts... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Opinion.....................3, 4

Spor ts........................5

L&A: Norman garage rockers Glow God take their signature style of rock-n-roll to the West Coast. (Page 6)

Opinion: OU should focus whistle blowing on issues larger than over-excessive pasta consumption. (Page 3)

KATE BERGUMCampus Reporter@kateclaire_b

Student complaints about the quality and availability of drinking water on campus prompted the Undergraduate Student Congress to pass a resolution to add 10 water bottle refilling stations to campus.

The stations will be located in the following classroom buildings across campus: the Fine Arts Center, Catlett Music Center, Gould Hall, Gaylord Hall, Dale Hall, Price Hall, Adams Hall, Devon Energy Hall, Sarkeys Energy Center and the Physical Sciences Center, according to the resolution.

Connor Bourland, Problems and Projects chair, said he

and other students noticed the lack of water bottle refilling stations around campus.

Bourland, drama junior, said he talked to his constituents in the College of Fine Arts, as well as students in the business and engineering colleges, who were concerned about the lack of water refilling stations.

“As the Problems and Projects Committee chairman, I try to have my ear to the ground as often as possible to hear these concerns and desires so that congress can do some-thing about them,” Bourland said in an email.

Additionally, Bourland said allowing students to refill their own water bottles would improve sustainability on campus.

“Most of our plastic water bottles on campus are used one time and then hopefully recycled,” Bourland said. “These



Rocks are lined up in th OPIC viewing room next to other samples taken from similar locations. The OPIC is scheduled to build additional facilities to further research funded by Devon Energy.


Geologists look at displays of well core samples at the Oklahoma Petroleum Information Center. Geologists study these samples that come from deep into the Earth’s crust.


Thirsty? SGA wants to helpSGA proposes additional filtered water refilling stations in buildings on campus

Watch what you eat or Compliance will


Self-reported violations require players to pay fine for over-eating JOE MUSSATTOAssistant Sports Editor@joe_mussatto

The OU Compliance office outdid its duties when it self-reported a violation claiming three student-athletes put too much pasta on their plates, and Compliance of-ficials said they will continute to report such violations.

Compliance officers reported that players received food in excess of reasonable refreshments at a graduation ceremony in May, according to a document obtained by

Devon Energy funding rock core viewing areaRoom to allow further geological research

KATE BERGUMCampus Reporter@kateclaire_b

Devon Energy is funding a new well core viewing room inside the Oklahoma Geological Survey,

headquartered at OU’s main campus in Norman.

The Survey’s new $302,000 room will be lo-cated in the Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy and will allow Devon Energy employ-ees and researchers to view well cores.

The cores are vertical samples of the rocks beneath the Earth’s surface. They provide information about rock patterns for people interested in what lies below the Earth’s sur-face, including oil companies looking to drill, said Randy Keller, director of the Oklahoma Geological Survey.

The Survey’s core collection resembles a library, Keller said. However, the shelves, which are up to 20 feet high, hold rocks in-stead of books.

Researchers look at the cores in the well core viewing room, which holds long tables and bright lights, Keller said.

Despite the abundance of cores, schedul-ing time to view the samples can be tricky.

There is sometimes a three-week wait-list to view the cores, Keller said.

Keller said Devon Energy, which consti-tutes roughly 25 percent of the collection’s business, does not always want to wait the weeks it would take to see a sample, Keller said.

“They want it when they want it,” Keller said.

Because of this, Devon Energy, the largest customer of the core collection, is paying for the new room.

“They’re completely funding it, down to every last penny,” Keller said.

Devon Energy is also willing to put forth the money to fund the construction of a new room inside an already existing room, Keller said.

The new viewing room will be primarily used by Devon Energy, Keller said. This will decrease the wait time for the current view-ing room, which may benefit researchers, the collection’s second most frequent users, Keller said.

Keller said researchers from universities across the country frequently visit the well

Basically it’s like a tape recording of what’s going on in





The well cores are vertical

samples of the rocks beneath

the Earth’s surface. These

provide infor-mation about

rock patterns, such as oil companies

looking to drill.


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Paighten Harkins, campus editor Alex Niblett, assistant editor • phone: • Twitter: @OUDaily

2 • Friday, February 21, 2014


core viewing room.“They come here from all

over, really,” Keller said.Geology professor Gerilyn

Soreghan co-hosted a work-shop about the importance of well cores last year.

When it comes to rocks, access to vertical samples means access to information about the aging of the rocks, Soreghan said.

“Basically it’s like a tape re-cording of what’s going on in the Earth’s system,” Soreghan said.

The cores are continuous, so they provide better infor-mation about an area’s geo-logical history than other samples might. Additionally, continuous samples have better chances of being accu-rately dated, Soreghan said.

By looking at the samples, researches can glean infor-mation, such as the sources of sediments and wind patterns over time, Soreghan said.

Because extracting cores can be expensive, sometimes oil companies will use other methods to see the rock lay-ers below the Earth’s sur-face, using various sensors to make logs. However, these methods don’t give as much complete information as the cores.

“There’s a lot you can tell by doing logs, but you don’t have the rocks,” Soreghan said.

CorreCtionsThe Oklahoma Daily is committed to serving readers with accurate coverage and welcomes your comments about information that may require correction or clarification. to contact us with corrections, email us at

The Daily erroneously identified a painting as a Matisse when it really was a Pissarro.

Caleb Smutzer/the Daily

University freshman Everett Brown fills up his water bottle at a filtered water station outside of Cane’s in Adams Thursday afternoon. A recently passed Undergraduate Student Congress resolution will aim to provide more of these stations in class buildings around campus.

stations will allow student to reuse plas-tic water bottles more easily than a typical fountain.”

John Montgomery, International Area Studies senior and congress chairman, said the resolution was prompted by stu-dent complaints about drinking water on campus.

“We are all aware of the quality of Norman water,” Montgomery said. “To be good stu-dents, we have to remain healthy.”

Congress members decided to add water bottle refilling units to those specific build-ings because many students spend time in them, Bourland said.

The units are quoted to cost $9,390 total to install, and the locations of the refilling units within the buildings will be left to the discre-tion of Facilities Management workers, ac-cording to the resolution.

Bourland said the congress doesn’t know how the water filtration systems will be funded, but he hopes to use funds from the

Student Activity Fee Reserve.Montgomery said the resolutions passed

by the Undergraduate Student Congress serve as the voice of the undergraduate stu-dents. However, the congress can’t directly control the actions suggested by a resolu-tion, Montgomery said.

According to the resolution, copies will be sent to the deans of the colleges included in the proposal and other university officials.

Additionally, because the resolution calls for funds from the Student Activity Fee Reserve, a request needs to be filed with the Student Activity Fee committee, Montgomery said in an email.

The vice president for Student Affairs, the Student Government Association presi-dent and the chairs of the Campus Activities Council, the Undergraduate Student Congress and the Graduate Student Senate make up the reserve, Montgomery said.

The committee can determine which of the stations, if any, to fund.

Kate Bergum,

refill: SGA gains support for unitsContinued from page 1

›››› Sooner Sampler: What do you think about adding new water bottle refilling stations on campus?

“I think it’s definitely an

important issue. Water hydrates.

We all need water. I’m all for this

initiative.”DAniEl PAE,

UnivErSiTy CollEgE FrEShmAn

“I could definitely use that. I feel like it would be better than buying water

bottles.”JoSh hEnDErSon,

UnivErSiTy CollEgE FrEShmAn

“It’s probably a good idea because

our water is disgusting, and it’s

awful.”TrACEy BArk,

PoliTiCAl SCiEnCE SEnior

“It sounds like a great idea.”

John hAyES,UnivErSiTy CollEgE


GeoloGy: Cores offer progressContinued from page 1

More online at

Kelly RogeRsCampus Reporter @KellyRogersOU

A recently-revived student group is send-ing eight members to Washington D.C. next week to listen to speakers and lobby for stronger U.S.-Israeli relations on Capitol Hill.

Sooners For Israel hasn’t been active since 2011, and the trip will establish the group as an active organization again, said Yonatan Schmidt, Sooners for Israel vice president.

One of the main goals of the group is pro-moting global awareness both on and off campus, Schmidt said.

The group members will travel to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee Policy Conference, or AIPAC, on March 1 to listen to speakers such as Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Barack Obama, and they will lobby for a strong U.S.-Israeli relationship

on Capitol Hill, Schmidt said.“For us, the conference is really the first

step we’re taking to put ourselves out there as a student organization,” Schmidt said.

AIPAC officials have waived registra-tion fees for Sooners For Israel students, Schmidt said.

Schmidt and Sylvie Staines, current Sooners For Israel president and interna-tional security junior, went to a similar con-ference over winter break and that’s where they began planning to revive Sooners for Israel, Schmidt said.

Instead of creating a new organization, Schmidt and Staines decided to revamp the established Sooners For Israel organization because it had a lot of potential, Schmidt said.

In addition to lobbying in D.C., the group also has ties to the Oklahoma Capital through Lindsey Weiss, the group’s campus legislative coordinator.

For Weiss, being in the group is an outlet for her political interests, she said.


University blows whistle on pasta banditsOur View: Punishing OU athletes for eating too much pasta is an appropriate and worthy pastime of the NCAA

As careful consumers of carbs, we are shocked and outraged by the recent publication of OU’s self-reported National Collegiate Athletic Association violations from last year, which in-clude required donations from three football players who ate too much pasta at a graduation banquet.

How dare they consume more than the NCAA-approved portion of those delicious noodles? The violations have been deemed “pastagate” on Twitter, and rightfully so. The self-proclaimed “pasta bandits” have caused a scandal right on par with Watergate. We believe overeating $3.83 worth of pasta is definitely an offense worth suspending a player’s eligibility over, so bravo, NCAA. (See Gabe Ikard’s Twitter account @GabeIkard for “pasta bandits.”)

OU linemen Gabe Ikard and Austin Woods are two of the three pasta-eating offenders. The pair of jokesters took to social media Wednesday and responded to a tweet from ESPN’s SportsCenter account about the pasta-related donations to charity.

Ikard declared he and Woods are “proud to be 2 of these infa-mous pasta eaters. Also, we donat-ed $5, not $3.83. #Boomer.” Well Ikard, we believe this is no joking matter. There is nothing more im-portant for the governing body of college sports to worry about than how much football players eat at their own graduation banquets.

Woods piped up on Twitter too, exclaim-ing, “that was some great pasta! We felt we ate more than $3.83 so we donated $5.” (Twitter: @AwesomeWoods_50) Penalizing such

good-humored, upstanding players is an exam-ple of the wisdom of the NCAA’s rules. How else could they keep a guy like Ikard, a student who graduated with a 4.0 in pre-med studies and who was awarded 2013’s Capital One Academic All-American of the Year, in line?

Many of the other self-reported violations, fea-tured in a NewsOK article, detail punishments received by coaches regarding recruitment viola-tions. For example, one egregious overstep was a violation made by assistant football coach Mike Stoops, who returned a phone call to a recruit who had called him early the same day. Stoops wasn’t permitted to initiate phone calls with recruits for two weeks for that horrible action.

Other logical and reasonable punishments in-cluded communication holds on coaches who

sent congratulatory texts to student-athletes who signed at OU and a 4-week ban on communicating with a recruit assistant football coach whom Bruce Kittle pocket-dialed.

Really, there is no telling what sort of mayhem and corruption could have occurred without the NCAA’s fair and rational rules.

Even more appropriately, if OU doesn’t self-re-port violations like those described above, the university could receive stiffer penalties if NCAA investigates later and finds violations. We believe the whole process is just great and should not be adapted in any way. And don’t worry NCAA, we’ll keep our eyes out for any future pasta-loving athletes.

Comment on this at

The Oklahoma Daily is a public forum, the University of Oklahoma’s independent student voice and an entirely student-run publication.

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Kyle Margerum editor in ChiefBlayklee Buchanan Managing editorPaighten Harkins Campus editorArianna Pickard Continuous News editorKaitlyn Underwood opinion editor

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contact us 160 Copeland Hall, 860 Van Vleet OvalNorman, OK 73019-2052


Kaitlyn Underwood, opinion editorRachael Montgomery, assistant editor • phone: • Twitter: @OUDailyOpinionOPINION

Friday, Februrary 21, 2014 • 3

PhOtO IllustratIOn by taylOr bOltOn

Careful not to eat more than the NCAA-approved amount of noodles or you might find yourself facing a heavy fine.

The Our View is the majority opinion of The Daily’s eight-member editorial board

Student-led symposium sheds light on various social justice issues on campus

Matt WoodsCampus Reporter @matopher

OU students will teach the community about activist is-sues by blending relevant research and discussion during a new social justice conference on March 1.

Planned and organized by undergraduate and graduate students, Sooner Mosaic: Social Justice Symposium will in-clude volunteer speakers addressing a wide range of topics, such as reconciling Christianity with GLBT progress and

sexism with internet memes, event chairman Kasey Catlett said.

“Instead of bringing in people [to speak] from all over the country,” Catlett said, “We’re celebrating the voices that are already on our campus.”

Focusing on the dark side of viral Internet memes like “Bad Luck Brian” and “Overly Obsessed Girlfriend,” com-puter science sophomore Sarah Otts will discuss the rele-vance of sexism and racism in digital culture.

“We should not just think that because [a meme is] creat-ed by lots of people and it’s democratized that it’s free from sexism or racism,” Otts said.

People might not think about the big picture when they share Internet humor, she said.

Another student will apply Biblical interpretation and his insights as a gay Christian to discuss the intersection of the GLBT movement and Christianity.

Rhyker Benavidez, religious studies, mathematics and chemistry senior, will argue that a contextual understand-ing of Christian scripture requires affirmation of the GLBT movement within the church, according to Student Life’s website.

To register for the free event and find details for all the pre-sentations, visit student life’s website.

Matt Woods,

Campus Friday, February 21, 2014 • 3


Students to make activism accessible


Sooners For Israel lobby in favor of U.S.-Israeli relations

JessIca WOOds/the daIly

Junior business major Yonatan Schmidt is a member of the group Sooners for Israel. Sooners for Israel promotes positive US-Israel relations by working with elected officials and by being a positive presence on the OU campus.

Students visit Washinton D.C. to promote global awareness

More online at





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HOROSCOPE By Bernice Bede Osol

Copyright 2014, Newspaper Enterprise Assn.


Your popularity and reputation continue to grow. Others are drawn to your sincerity and enthusiasm. As a result, you will be involved in many diverse and interesting events. Your experience, participation and accomplishments will combine to make this an exciting and fulfi lling year.

PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- You need a challenge. Explore new and complex subjects in order to quench your thirst for knowledge. Take advantage of any free time to read and expand your outlook.

ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- Be careful what you wish for. Trying to emulate a phony lifestyle will not bring good results and can be costly. Be proud that you are a responsible individual who works hard.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- Someone close to you may be feeling neglected. Spend time nurturing important relationships. Plan a trip or attend an event that helps bring you closer to the people you love most.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Maintain your position in the workplace by emphasizing your talents and ideas to your superiors. Doing so will help to dispel criticism from an opposing quarter.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- Dedicate time to your family. Sharing hobbies, playing games or enjoying other entertainments will bring you closer together. Happy memories are what build strong bonds and encourage togetherness.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Remain calm and patient in your dealings with moody individuals. Take steps to ensure that slight differences of opinion don’t get blown out of proportion. A positive attitude will bring stellar results.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- You’ll be upset if things don’t go your way. Seeking advice from trusted relatives may help you to gain a new perspective. Don’t be afraid to admit you have a problem.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- Financial matters take precedence. Ignore the pleas of those who want to borrow from you. Keeping accurate records of investments and expenditures is essential to good money management.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- Unreasonable accusations or unfounded jealousy will cause tension between you and someone you love. You can avoid unpleasant situations by keeping your thoughts and emotions in check.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- Stay clear of those who try to involve you in their private affairs. You have much to lose and little to gain if you take sides.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Don’t go over your budget. Spend time acquainting yourself with community events and local activities. You may be hesitant at fi rst, but your social life will benefi t if you participate.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Someone is withholding information. You will be able to learn all the details if you maintain your focus and ask pertinent questions. Increased career commitments will keep you busy.

Instructions:Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. That means that no number is repeated in any row, column or box.

Previous Solution

Monday- Very EasyTuesday-EasyWednesday- EasyThursday- MediumFriday - Hard

ACROSS 1 Dog biter 5 Muslim

chief 9 Actor M.

___ Walsh 14 100 dinars 15 Indian

dress 16 Hangman’s

loop 17 Football

Hall-of-Famer Graham

18 Spoken aloud

19 Put ___ (employed)

20 Sporting attractions on cruise liners

23 Group of seven

24 Hemmed again

27 Asylum seeker

31 Common title starter

32 Sunday event, for some

35 Bad sign 36 Aphrodite’s

husband 37 Is being

equivocal 40 Like the

Chelsea crowd

41 Made better, as cheddar

42 Backdrop for Heidi

43 “Before,” when before

44 Engraving instruments

46 Deepest of the Finger Lakes

48 As scheduled

53 What some stock traders do

57 Unreactive 59 Semimonthly

tide 60 They may

be made in clubs

61 Deserving praise

62 Preserve 63 ’70s

supergroup 64 Actress

Parker 65 Banyan

or cherry 66 Horse-drawn

carriageDOWN 1 First-year

student, briefly

2 Flexible, as a body

3 Consume heartily

4 Overhead 5 Tristan’s

love 6 Female

horse 7 Saudi, say 8 Venus de ___ 9 Main order

in a restaurant

10 Ambiances 11 Elaborate

’80s boardgame

12 Ending for “heir” or “steward”

13 Tiger’s smallest wood

21 Iran’s official language

22 “___ you ashamed of yourself?”

25 Cheese byproducts

26 Mysterious Scottish loch

28 Like much London weather

29 Flower cluster, as on a carrot

30 Rock containing crystal

32 Black-and-white diving bird

33 They made it to the event

34 Shoat cote 36 Carpenter’s

punch tool

37 Lids 38 Relating

to birth 39 Lacks,

briefly 44 A Brit thinks

it’s absent-minded

45 Hairpiece 47 Chill-

inducing 49 Big brass

instruments 50 Mid-March

celebrants 51 News

purveyors 52 English Lit

assignment 54 Part of MIT 55 Come

closer to 56 Top choice,

slangily 57 Bad little

boy 58 New


Universal CrosswordEdited by Timothy E. Parker February 21, 2014


© 2014 Universal

GIVE ME A HAND By Luke Cayon2/21


The Department of the Interior’s stated goal may be

“protecting America’s great outdoors,” but, consider-ing their recent actions, we should expect no such concern. In December, the department offered wind farms permits to kill eagles, without legal ramifications, for up to 30 years.

According to a 2013 study published in the scientific journal Biological Conservation, approximately 234,000 birds are killed annually by U.S. wind turbines. Some wind industry firms have already faced lawsuits as a result of their alleged violations of the Endangered Species Act and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

The grossly corrupt ties between the wind industry and the U.S. federal government extend to other areas. In ad-dition to issuing five-year-long, and now decades-long, li-censes to kill numerous formerly protected bird species in the name of “clean” energy, our government has provided the wind industry with tax credits worth tens of billions of

dollars. What has the industry

done with those credits? Lobby Congress, of course.

The American Wind Energy Association, which represents over 1,200 wind industry firms, has donated to a number of legislators, including Senators Harry Reid, Max Baucus and John Thune.

These three members of Congress are all vocal pro-ponents of the need to de-velop wind energy or, more honestly put, line their own pockets.

For example, in 2010, Reid pushed a $450 million stimulus grant for Chinese

firm A-Power Energy Generation Systems, which would be used to build a 36,000 acre wind farm in west Texas and produce turbines in China. Supporters of the firm donated thousands of dollars to help Reid’s reelection campaign.

John Thune added his own venality to the mix when he voted, as a member of the Senate Finance Committee, to extend tax credits for the wind industry. This extension, passed in 2012, cost taxpayers $3.3 billion, according to an article in the New York Times.

And Baucus is equally guilty of furthering his own gain under the guise of promoting clean energy production, ac-cording to a Politico column.


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Photo Provided

This Oct. 30, 2002 file photo shows a speed boat passing by offshore windmills in the North Sea near Esbjerg, Denmark.

Senator Chuck Grassley commented on the tax credit in a New York Times column, saying, “This is still an in-fant industry even after 20 years, and probably for three or four more years it’s going to need a tax incentive to become a mature industry … Do you want alternatives to fossil fuel or don’t you? If you want alternatives, they’re not going to get started if they can’t compete.”

The U.S. could use more congressmen like Grassley be-cause they would provide voters with a greater knowledge of where their tax dollars are going.

Pertaining to the eagle-killing permits, the federal gov-ernment and the wind industry are receiving harsh criti-cism from a wide range of parties, including the National Audubon Society and Republican Senators Lamar Alexander and David Vitter.

“Instead of balancing the need for conservation and renewable energy, [The department of ] Interior wrote the wind industry a blank check … It’s outrageous that the government is sanctioning the killing of America’s sym-bol, the Bald Eagle,” Audubon CEO and President David Yarnold said.

The issuance of permits to slaughter eagles is for the sole convenience of the wind industry and its lobbyists in Washington. Crony capitalism such as this demonstrates the federal government’s disregard for much of its envi-ronmental protectorate and the deadly influence of polit-ical favoritism.

Corbin Brown is a University College freshman.



The issuance of permits to slaughter

eagles is for the sole convenience

of the wind industry and its lobbyists in



4 • Friday, Februayr 21, 2014 OpiniOn


Wind lobbyists trump eagles

Julia Nelson, sports editorJoe Mussatto, assistant editor • phone: • Twitter: @OUDailySportsSPORTS

Friday, February 21, 2014 • 5


Sooners ready for road tourney

PASTA: Players ordered to donate $3.83 for mealContinued from page 1


Punter Jed Barnett (left), tight end Taylor McNamara (middle) and quarterback Trevor Knight (right) enjoy their plates of pasta in the Headington Hall cafeteria Thursday evening. Three football players like these guys, two of whom were Gabe Ikard and Austin Woods, were asked to donate $3.83 after reports to the NCAA that they were consuming too much pasta at a graduation banquet in May 2013.

JOE MUSSATTOAssistant Sports Editor@joe_mussatto

There was an offensive overflow during Oklahoma’s five-game homestand to open the season, but stout-er competition awaits the squad as it hits the road for a tournament in the Sunshine State.

The Sooners (4-1) will face a trio of tough teams, begin-ning today, in Orlando, Fla., at the University of Central Florida tournament. Coach Pete Hughes’ squad will trav-el east on a wave of momen-tum that has carried the team to four straight victories.

The scoreboard at L. Dale Mitchell Park was bright-ly illuminated Tuesday and Wednesday as the Sooners struck Arkansas Pine Bluff with hit after hit.

“We put up — I don’t know many runs during these two games, but I know the guys are looking forward to the weekend,” senior second baseman Hector Lorenzana said. “We’re all fired up and feeling confident at the plate.”

Tallying 27 runs over two

Tougher teams await OU in Florida this weekend

games might be the rea-son behind their fiery con-fidence. The OU bats have been hot all season and ha-ven’t shown signs of cooling off. Eight Sooners are averag-ing north of .300 on the year.

Oklahoma has scored eight or more runs in every game since its loss on open-ing day. The Sooners have been free swinging with the arrival of Hughes’ aggressive style of play.

“We have a few guys that

are really hot right now throughout the lineup, not just in certain spots,” fresh-man third baseman Sheldon Neuse said.

Neuse has been among the hottest in his first year. The Fort Worth, Texas native is hitting .316 and has clubbed a pair of home runs — a

power surge that has been contagious in the clubhouse.

Much of the power in college baseball has been squelched in recent years, but the Sooners have been an exception early this sea-son. Oklahoma has blasted seven long balls through five games.

Continuing their torrid pace at the plate will be cru-cial this weekend. The squad will face The Citadel, UCF and Ohio State in Orlando.

“We’re going to have our work cut out for us,” Hughes said. “This is a tough tourna-ment. I’m looking forward to see what we can do against stiffer competition and on the road.”

The Citadel, who OU opens with, has already logged vic-tories over Louisville and Virginia Tech, where Hughes coached before taking the Oklahoma job.

The Sooner roster is lit-tered with youth, and for many players, the road trip will be the first of their colle-giate career. For Lorenzana, the tournament will be a gauge to see how good the team really is.

“I want to see how we play on the road,” he said. “It’s going to be a big test for our new guys. I’m looking for-ward to playing some good, well-known teams.”

Oklahoma will face The Citadel at 11 a.m. today. The team then returns to action at 5 p.m. Saturday against UCF before concluding the tour-nament versus Ohio State at 9 a.m. on Sunday.


PLAYER PROFILESheldon NeuseYear: True Freshman

Position: Third base

Statistics: .316 BA, 2 HR

JENNIFER ROGERSGymnastics Beat Reporter@jenrogers315

This past weekend, the Oklahoma women’s gymnastics team took back the top rank in the country. The team posted the nation’s highest overall score of the season in the Metroplex Challenge against LSU, Arizona and Kentucky.

The No. 1 ranked Sooners now look to the Perfect 10 Challenge at 6:45 p.m. today in Oklahoma City. This weekend, Oklahoma will face No. 5 Alabama, No. 7 Michigan and West Virginia.

The Sooners clicked on all fronts as they posted a 198.175 at the Metroplex Challenge. LSU placed second with a 197.875. Oklahoma needed this boost after having an uncharacteris-tic performance when the Sooners fell in a narrow loss to the Tigers Feb. 9 in Norman.

The Metroplex Challenge was a redemption match against LSU and senior Taylor Spears acknowledged the Sooners were extremely motivated going into the meet.

“After losing two meets in a row, that definitely motivated us,” she said. “We were all on the same page. We knew what we needed to do, and we did it.”

There was no doubt that Oklahoma wanted a victory, and it delivered in remarkable fashion. Sophomore Haley Scaman, fresh off her first Big 12 Gymnast of the Week, posted a perfect 10.0 on floor.

This score was both the first 10.0 for Oklahoma since 2010 and the second in program history for this event. This week, Scaman received her second Big 12 Gymnast of the Week award, following her stellar performance at the Metroplex Challenge. Coach K.J. Kindler talked about what this means for the program as well as for Scaman and her teammates.

“Any time you score a perfect 10, you are kind of solidified in the record books for the rest of your life. That is a big deal,” Kindler said. “It is a confidence builder for her as well. We know that any time she goes out there on vault or floor, it could be a 10.0. She is that good, but now she knows that it is fact.”

Scaman was joined by several other teammates on the Big 12 weekly honor list. Chayse Capps picked up her fourth Newcomer of the Week award after posting her career-best 9.975 on beam. Additionally, senior Madison Mooring was awarded Event Specialist of the Week for the first time this year, after she tied two personal season-highs on vault and beam.

The team is not letting the No. 1 ranking change its mindset, and the gymnasts are keeping their eyes on the big picture.

“Honestly, being No. 1 just makes us want to work even harder so that we keep the spot going forward because what really matters is nationals,” freshman McKenzie Wofford said.

The Sooners will carry this momentum forward as they head to the Perfect 10 Challenge. Oklahoma has been consistent throughout the season, and its focus is on point.

“We are going to go about our business the same way we al-ways would. We probably have a target on our back, and we are going to do our best to defend that position,” Kindler said.

Jennifer Rogers,


Sophomore Kolbey Carpenter swings at the baseball on Tuesday against Arkansas Pine Bluff. The Sooners beat the Golden Lions 16-6.

After reclaiming the No. 1 spot, Oklahoma faces two top-10 teams

We’re going to have our work cut out for us.”


JOE MUSSATTOAssistant Sports Editor@joe_mussatto

The OU compliance office outdid its duties when it self-reported a viola-tion claiming three s t u d e n t- a t h l e t e s put too much pasta on their plates, al-though more frivo-lous reports can be expected from the department.

Compliance officers reported that players received food in excess of reasonable refresh-ments at a graduation cer-emony in May, according to a doc-ument obtained by Moris, football sports infor-mation director, said Sooner fans should a p p r e c i a t e t h e report.

“We’ve made a c o m m i t m e n t t o being diligent no matter how trivial it may seem,” Moris said. “Even when it may seem inconsequential, we have an obligation to report on it.”

M o r i s e x p e c t s a n

increase in secondary violations, such as the pasta incident, to be re-ported because of the compliance office’s large size, whereas smaller schools don’t have the staff to closely

monitor their student-athletes.O U ’ s c o m p l i a n c e

team consists of nine members.

Oklahoma’s last major NCAA viola-tion came in 2005 when quarterback Rhett Bomar was paid for hours he

didn’t work at a local car dealership.By self-reporting as

much as possible, the school is working to re-duce its risk of being

punished by the NCAA again.

“Our history would indi-cate that we’re thorough

when reporting sec-ondary violations,” Moris said. “There’s been a precedent set.”

Gabe Ikard and Austin Woods, who

admitted to being two of the alleged eat-

ers, just finished their senior season on the football team and were

each required to donate $3.83 to a charity of their

choice — the cost of pasta per serv-ing, according to the report.

Both players took to Twitter to confess. Ikard said he and Woods were proud to be two of the “infa-mous pasta eaters.” The pair of line-men donated more than the required amount.

“ That was some great pasta,” Woods tweeted. “We felt we ate more than $3.83 so we donated $5.”

The 246-page report that outlines dozens of secondary violations con-sists mostly of text messages and phone calls from coaches to recruits during impermissible periods.


Gabe Ikard

Austin Woods

Our history would indicate that we’re thorough when

reporting secondary violations.”




Sooners look to preserve nation’s top rank in OKC

The OU compliance office outdid its duties when it

schools don’t have the staff to closely monitor their student-athletes.

O U ’ s c o m p l i a n c e team consists of nine


emony in May, according to a doc-ument obtained by Moris, football sports infor-mation director, said

punished by the NCAA again.

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LIFE&ARTS Tony Beaulieu, life & arts editorLuke Reynolds, assistant editor • phone: • Twitter: @OUDailyArts

SAMA KHAWAJALife & Arts Reporter

The Union Programming Board will hold a Dancing w ith the Stars event at 7 p.m Saturday in Oklahoma Memorial Union’s Meacham Auditorium.

The event will be based on the popular ABC show, said Alex Grant, event organizer and advertising sophomore. Contestants will be paired up with campus “celebri-ties” and given a dance style to choreograph and perform in the show.

The winner will have money donated to a charity of their choice, Grant said.

It is one of the few UPB events focused on charity, said Lillian Bocquin, act coordi-nator and University College freshman.

“That’s the main incentive of the show,” Grant said.

Amelia Ginac, entrepreneurship sopho-more and coordinator for the event’s spon-sorships, said in order to get the campus “ce-lebrities,” UPB invited experienced dancers from among students and faculty as well as from the Sooner Ballroom Dance Club and dance majors.

“We have people like Mariah Najimuddin, who is Miss Hispanic OU, and Ray Wolber, homecoming king,” Grant said.

The couples have two weeks to prac-tice and perfect their dance routines before the event, she said. Grant also said that the panel of judges will include Miss OU Brooke Hamilton, Women’s Outreach Center grad-uate assistant Kasey Catlett and associate director of residence life Johnnie-Margaret McConnell. It will be up to them to decide which couple performs the best.

“There will also be multiple awards

handed out, such as crowd favorite,” Bocquin said.

Last year, the first ever OU Dancing with the Stars event had such a great turnout, UPB is attempting to make it an annual event, Grant said.

“We’re also doing some promotional games, which will hopefully draw people in,” she said.

Some of the games include a scavenger hunt where players must find hidden stars around the Union in order to win VIP seats to the event. Another way student can get VIP seats is by taking a picture with a campus ce-lebrity and sending it to the UPB, Grant said.

“It’s free and open to everyone on cam-pus,” Ginac said.


Dance off to benefit charityUNION

The Union Programming Board will hold a Dancing w ith the Stars event at 7 p.m Saturday in Oklahoma Memorial Union’s Meacham

The event will be based on the popular ABC show, said Alex Grant, event organizer and advertising sophomore. Contestants will be paired up with campus “celebri-ties” and given a dance style to choreograph and perform in

The winner will have money donated to a charity of their choice,

It is one of the few UPB events focused on charity, said Lillian Bocquin, act coordi-nator and University

“That’s the main incentive of the show,”

Amelia Ginac, entrepreneurship sopho-more and coordinator for the event’s spon-sorships, said in order to get the campus “ce-lebrities,” UPB invited experienced dancers from among students and faculty as well as from the Sooner Ballroom Dance Club and

“We have people like Mariah Najimuddin,

handed out, such as crowd favorite,” Bocquin said.

Last year, the first ever OU Dancing with the Stars event had such a great turnout, UPB is attempting to make it an annual event, Grant said.

“We’re also doing some promotional games, which will hopefully draw people in,”

Dance off to benefit charityDance off to benefit charityUPB hopes contest will be annual affair



SARAH PITTSLife & Arts Reporter

For Norman garage rock-ers Glow God, music has become an all-consuming pastime.

It’s been a busy two years since the band first came together in October 2012. Glow God have released their first album, “House of Distractions,” and have gone on two tours, but their pas-sion for music started much earlier.

“I can think of my cousin speeding down back roads blaring Van Halen,” said gui-tarist and contributing vocal-ist Tim Buchanan.

Bassist and contributing vocalist Taylor McKenzie is a European studies and German senior with plans to travel to Berlin soon. Even so, McKenzie said he still has long term plans for Glow God after his graduation in May.

“Regardless, we are going to play music and try to re-cord an album,” McKenzie

said. “And maybe do a little tour.”

With the help of Seattle band Darto, Glow God was able to set up an exten-sive itinerary of shows from Oklahoma to Vancouver. The ensuing West Coast tour con-sumed much of winter break for the group.

“It’s really, really connect-ed over there,” McKenzie said, referring to Glow God’s West coast tour. The band found an overwhelming sup-port from venues and other bands all along the way.

“Ever ybody sti l l real-ly cares about bands our size,” said drummer Tony

Manganaro.The success of the tour

inspired Glow G od to begin planning a Midwest tour, McKenzie said.

Right now only three members are living in Oklahoma, with the fourth member, guitarist and vo-calist Payton Green, driv-ing up from Denton, Texas, every couple of weeks. He is planning to move to Oklahoma soon, but for now Glow God practices when they can.

“We’re very work orient-ed,” McKenzie said. “We don’t really like to rest.”

Glow God’s next show will be Feb. 22 at Beerland in Austin, Texas.

“The only reason this band happened was be-c a u s e i t ’s s o m e t h i n g that all of us individual-ly are going to be doing,” Buchanan said. “So this is just the current com-bination, and it’s one of the cooler things that I’ve experienced.”


Norman rock band plans album, tour


From left to right: Tony Manganaro, bassist for Glow God, European studies senior Taylor McKenzie and guitarist Tim Buchanan have rehearsal in Oklahoma City on Feb. 16. Glow God recently came back from a tour along the West coast and are exciting to play more local shows.


Local band looks to future

Regardless, we are going to play music and try to record an




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