French Program Review Committee Title Ad Hoc … · Early French Immersion (Grade 1-5) and Extended...

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Transcript of French Program Review Committee Title Ad Hoc … · Early French Immersion (Grade 1-5) and Extended...

Title Title Et eture rent ab id magniId quam que volo debistibeate nonse voloriatias maximus.

Title Et eture rent ab id magniId quam que volo debistibeate nonse voloriatias maximus.

Title Et eture rent ab id magniId quam que volo debistibeate nonse voloriatias maximus.



French Program Review Committee Meeting #3 Thursday, April 20, 2017 Bishop Reding Catholic Secondary School

Opening Prayer


Jesus, Friend and Teacher, You ask us,

“Who do you say that I am?” Thank you for inviting us

To know you more each day.

Quiet our minds To hear your word; Open our hearts

To love you more; For the more we know you,

The more brightly we reflect you.

You meet us in our every need, Your love, new each day!

Guide us as we build your kingdom, And find our home in you;

For you are the Lord, The face of God,

And the breath of the Holy Spirit. Amen

Last Meeting


•  Received background on French as Second Language (FSL) programming

•  Participated in a small group activity •  Received information around staffing and

recruitment of FSL teachers

Today’s Agenda


1.  Business Arising o Follow up from March 28, 2017

2.  Optional French Programs: Equity and Equality

3.  Next Steps/Action for Next Meeting 4.  Closing Prayer

Business Arising


Business Arising


•  Review of feedback gathered at the last meeting •  Staffing

-  Number of FSL teachers needed for September 2017 •  FSL Teacher Retention statistics in HCDSB •  Special Education participation in optional

French courses at HCDSB and across the province •  Retention and attrition statistics in HCDSB for

Early French Immersion (Grade 1-5) and Extended French (Gr. 5-8, 8-9 and 9-12)

Review of Feedback Gathered from March 28th Meeting


Referring to Appendix A in your package, review the feedback on the charts provided. Going through the comments, mark as follows:

where you agree where you think it’s important where you have questions



•  2016-2017 FSL Staffing Issues: 8 FSL teachers with the highest caliber of French from January to June 2017

•  In addition, we will have 5 retirements thus requiring 13 FSL teachers with the highest caliber of French for September 2017.

•  To continue with the program as it is, we will require a total of 21 FSL teachers for September, 2017.

•  As of today, we have 14 permanent vacancies for September, 2017

Title Title Et eture rent ab id mag-niId quam que volo debistibeate nonse voloriatias maximus.

What are our current and projected needs?

Average retention in EFI program:

Since its inception, EFI has lost §  1 teacher to Extended French* §  2 teachers to Core French* §  1 teacher to retirement Average retention in Extended French: Over the last 3 years, Ext has lost: §  4 retirees §  4 to other French positions §  1 to a SERT position §  7 to leaves*

Projected needs (LTO and Permanent hires) Core – 7 EFI – 4 Extended French – 4 vacancies Secondary – 2 vacancies Total = 17 projected needs (10 with advanced language level)

*no pool for supply coverage or leaves

FSL Teacher Retention Statistics

Special Education Participation in Optional French Programs


Optional French Program Number of Students with an Exceptionality

Number of Gifted Students

Extended French

101 62

Early French Immersion

10 2

Enrolment Trends - Extended French


2013 GR05 GR06 GR07 GR08 GR09 GR10 GR11 GR12 Total Burlington 49 49 40 27 25 20 19 13 242 Halton Hills 56 48 44 28 21 20 28 15 260 Milton 75 79 55 47 51 29 15 20 371 Oakville 170 144 139 90 59 44 36 16 698

350 320 278 192 156 113 98 64 1571 2014 Burlington 48 51 42 37 23 18 12 16 247 Halton Hills 59 51 40 42 32 16 18 26 284 Milton 68 70 75 53 54 45 21 13 399 Oakville 179 155 133 136 49 48 38 41 779

354 327 290 268 158 127 89 96 1709 2015 Burlington 50 40 49 35 25 17 13 9 238 Halton Hills 54 59 42 41 26 29 16 17 284 Milton 80 63 66 71 51 51 47 19 448 Oakville 169 168 148 127 82 41 48 38 821

353 330 305 274 184 138 124 83 1791 2016 Burlington 45 48 32 46 17 21 15 16 240 Halton Hills 52 53 50 42 56 33 19 15 320 Milton 83 77 65 60 52 49 53 44 483 Oakville 171 162 159 135 48 65 45 48 833

351 340 306 283 173 168 132 123 1876


Total GR06 Remaining in ExFI 322.1 Total GR06 that were in GR05 ExFI 352.4 GR06 Retention 91% Total GR07 Remaining in ExFI 286.4 Total GR07 that were in GR06 ExFI 327.2 GR07 Retention 88% Total GR08 Remaining in ExFI 265.8 Total GR08 that were in GR07 ExFI 295.4 GR08 Retention 90% Total GR09 Remaining in ExFI 106.7 Total GR09 that were in GR08 ExFI 258.5 GR09 Retention 41% Total Grade 5 to 9 Retention 30%

3 Year Average Retention- Extended French


2011-2012 2012-2013

2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016

Burlington 11 17 13 15 9 Halton Hills 23 36 15 25 17 Milton 0 10 20 13 19 Oakville 12 14 18 42 36 TOTAL 46 77 66 95 81

Number of Secondary School Graduates – Extended French

Enrolment Trends - Early French Immersion


2013 GR01 GR02 GR03 GR04 Total Burlington 45 0 0 0 45 Halton Hills 21 0 0 0 21 Milton 43 0 0 0 43 Oakville 45 0 0 0 45

154 0 0 0 154 2014 Burlington 44 40 0 0 84 Halton Hills 40 20 0 0 60 Milton 46 41 0 0 87 Oakville 46 44 0 0 90

176 145 0 0 321 2015 Burlington 46 38 38 0 122 Halton Hills 43 35 20 0 98 Milton 46 43 38 0 127 Oakville 46 40 46 0 132

181 156 142 0 479 2016 Burlington 45 41 41 37 164 Halton Hills 45 43 33 24 145 Milton 42 46 44 43 175 Oakville 46 47 42 41 176

178 177 160 145 660

Average Retention – Early French Immersion


Summary of Early French Immersion Retention Total GR02 Remaining in Early FI 151.7 Total GR02 that were in GR01 Early FI 174.8 GR02 Retention (3 Year Average) 87%

Total GR03 Remaining in Early FI 119.1 Total GR03 that were in GR02 Early FI 126.1 GR03 Retention (2 Year Average) 94%

Total GR04 Remaining in Early FI 133 Total GR04 that were in GR03 Early FI 142 GR04 Retention (1 Year Batch) 94%

Total Retention from Grade 1-4 76%

Optional French Programs: Equity vs Equality

ACTIVITY: Establishing Common Language What Does Equity Mean to You?

Equity: As Defined by the Ministry of Education

A condition or state of fair, inclusive, and respectful treatment of all people. Equity does not mean treating people the same without regard for individual differences.


Equity vs Equality

Title Title Et eture rent ab id mag-niId quam que volo debistibeate nonse voloriatias maximus.

Title Et eture rent ab id mag-niId quam que volo debistibeate nonse voloriatias maximus.

Title Et eture rent ab id mag-niId quam que volo debistibeate nonse voloriatias maximus.

Title Et eture rent ab id mag-niId quam que volo debistibeate nonse voloriatias maximus.


§  as it pertains to sites

§  as it pertains to the Registration process and to transportation

Impact on the Regular track?

Early intervention supports?

Equity for teachers?

§  English-side teachers: reading assessments and time restraints (Math)

Equity Concerns - Optional French Programs


Next Steps/Actions

Upcoming Committee Meetings


Tuesday, May 9, 2017 •  Proposed Topics: o  Staffing

-  Number of schools, classes and grades without French instruction and duration of the same

o  Program Delivery Models o  Program Delivery Criteria Tuesday, June 13, 2017 •  Proposed Topic: o  Explore Program Delivery Models for optional

French Programs


Tell Us How We’re Doing…

Please take a few minutes to fill out the feedback form for today’s meeting. Your input will help guide our next sessions.

Closing Prayer

Closing Prayer


Je vous salue Marie, pleine de grâce

Le Seigneur est avec vous, vous êtes bénie entre toutes les femmes

et Jésus, le fruit de vos entrailles, est béni. Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu,

priez pour nous, pauvres pécheurs

maintenant et à l’heure de notre mort.
