Franklin D . Roosevelt - The Great Communicator Se ries 2 ... · The Master Speech Files , 1898...

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Transcript of Franklin D . Roosevelt - The Great Communicator Se ries 2 ... · The Master Speech Files , 1898...

Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The Great Communicator"

The Master Speech Files, 1898, 1910-1945

Series 2: "You have nothing to fear but fear itself:" FDR and the New Deal

File No. 1248

I 939 October I 7

Address to Officers of the Intergovernmental Committee



I • aJ,d to welcoae at tbe White Lord

Wi nterton, the CbllirDWl; Si r Herbert !merson, t he Director;

Mr. JQ"ron Ta.7lor , tne Tloe-Chairu.n or t he Intergoveramental

CCII!IIIittee repre .. nt1ng tne United States or .America, tbe beads

cr ll.iniona of the Argentine Republic, Brazil, P're.noe and the

NetnerlaDde; and Kr. laaes G. !.!ODonald, t be Cbail'lllln or ~

J.ddeory Cc:aa:dttee on Pol1t1oal Retugeee.

I extend tbroU(~b you to the tnirty-two Government•

parti cipating in the Intere:o•enmental Ccc:aittee and to tDe

private rerue;ea orge.niaationa .,. appreciation r or tne aeuetance

whton baa oeen giTen t o retugeel in the period alnce the meettna

at ....-!an. I hope the wor.r: Will be oarrted on wttn redoubled ngor,

and with more positive re~lta.

In !.!aroh, 1938 it became olear to the world tnat a

point bad bean reaobed wnere private agenoiel alotw oould no

lonser deal witn tne ma•eee or Wl.fort unata ~ople wno bad been

- 2 -

4r1Ten rrca tne1r be-ea. Tbeae a en, women and obtldren were

beatlDS a t the gate or any natton whloD ae-.ed to otter th• a


Moat or taue tallow huaan belDga belonsed to tbe

lewl ah Raoe, tnougn I:I&DJ tbouaa.nde or them belonged t.o other

races and other creede. 'l'he tl16bt tram tbelr ooWltrtaa ot

origin meant chaos tor thea and great dltnoulttee tor other

nauons wbiob tor ottter reasons -- obletl:r econOillo -- ht.d

erect ed barrler e e.gatnst 111Dlgratlon. Many portions or the

world wn1o.11. lD earli er yeara proTtded areaa tor UD16ratlon bad

found 1 t neoaaaar,. to oloae toe door e.

Therefore, a :rear and a halt ago I took t he tntt1att·u

by aar:l ng t.t:ttrt:r-two SOTarnaente to cooperate with the Go't"ernaent

or t lle United St.atea 111 aen:lng a long range aolut1on or the

refUgee proDl•. Because toto united Ste.tea t.llrQU8D more than

tbrea oentur1aa naa beetl built 1n great measure by people Wboaa

dreams 1l1 otner l a.nda had bean tbwerted, 1t aataad ap,roprlate

tor ua t o ~· poaa1bla the aeet1DB at ETlan , woton waa attended

- 3 -

by Kr. l4J%'0D c. Ta,-lor aa a.r pereonal repraaent.at1Ye.

'l'b&t meeting panu..nent tne present IntergoTernmental

COIIDJ.ttee, and a1noe tllat t1•• tala IntargoTemzental Ccaalttee

baa great17 helped ill tne aattl1D8 or -ny refU8aea, 1n prortcU~~g

temporary refuge ror tnouaanda or other. and 1n making 1Qortant

atudlea toward open1Dg up new plaoea or t1nal aettlcent 1n man:r

parte or tile world.

I e.a glad to b e aole to announce today aottYa

atepa hATe bean taken to begin actual settlement, ude poaatble

by the generous attitude or the Doalnlcan GoTernment and t D.a

GoTer~ment or the :Pb1l1pp1na '!'his ta, I hope, tbe

forerunner o r •llDT otnar a1.a1lar pro,1acta 1.D otner nations.

FUrthermore, I am glad to note the aat aolU.tlaant or a

diat.tuguuned ADalo-AIIlar1oan group or t ne Coor41nat1na Foundation,

wnloD wttb tne help or 1our Cc:a~~lttea wtll tn•eatlpta tbe

eu1te.b1l1ty of other plaoee ot ••ttlement ror t.ausre.nt••

Tb1Dge were going well, altnougb I muat oo11teee elowly,

up to tne outbreak ot tne war l o Europe. Today we muet reoognlZ •

-. -that the regular and pla.nD.od couree or refU8ea work baa

bee or neoeaalty aerloualy lnterru.pted,

The war means two t htne:e.

:Plrat, the current wort suet not be abandoned:

It ll\lat be r edirected, we baTe with ua the probl-. or helping

those ln41T14ual a and tam111ea wbo are at t bh moment in

oountrlea or r etuae and who for the eall:e or the world and

tbemaelTea can b .. t be placed 1D pel'SiaDent doa.loUea during

the actual ooUl'ae or war w1 thout oontuelng the1r lot

w1 tn the lot or tboaa who in llloreulns nu:mbere will sutte r

ae a result or t he war 1 tself.

That I uy call t he abor t r ange prcgrem, and it

preaenta a problesa or CCIIIP&r&tlTal :r u:all ugnituda. IDa

ac::ment rou will ••• Why I aa,. , "oc.paratiTely IIIIIAll aagz~ltudo ,"

At tbill moment t h ere are probably not ~ore tban two or three

hundred thousand retugeaa who are ln 41re need and wbo

aa quiCkly aa poaalbl e be ginn opport.UD1ty to aet.t.le in

- " -

Thia 1a by no zaue an 1Daoluble teak, but it

meane bard work tor all or ua troa. now on -- an~ not onlY

bard work but a oonaotent1oue arror t to clear t he deoka

ot an old problem -- an e::dat1ns problea, Det ore the world

a a a whole la confronted with the new problem l nTolnns

1n!1n1telr • ore huaa.D beings, wblcb will confront ue when

the pre .. nt war h o·nr. Tbia lest 1a not a ohaert'\11

prospect, but it will be the ablest l neT1t a ble result or

present oontllota.

That 1a w~ I apeo1C1e&llJ' urge that thh

Intergo·nrnmental Cc:amittee re4ouble lte e ttort.e . I

r ealize, or course, that Great Britain and J'ranoe, ene;aged

aa tba7 are ln a maJor war, can be asked b7 thoae nations

wtlloh a r e neutral to do little more than t o gi" .. e a continuance

ot tnelr SJ111pe.th7 and interest ln t hese da,-a Wb.lob are eo 41tf'1oult

tor tbem. That -.eans tllat upon the neutral na t1one there lie•

an obl1gat1on to humanity to carry on t be work.

- . -I have suggested that the current tuk le aaall

ln OOJlparleon with the ruture task. The war will COllie to

an end eo11e day; and those of ua who are realleta know

that ln lta wake the world will face a refugee problea of

different character and of 1nt1n1tel7 greater aagnltude.

nWibere or hwaa.n belnge whole root. have been lltarallJ

torn up. Inevlh.bly there are great numbers ot lndlvlduale

who have lost all fa.mlly tlee -- lnd1V1duala 'lfho find no

bo•e to return to, no oooupatlon to reaWile -- lndlvlduala

who tor aany different rea1one aun uelt to rebuild their

11••• under new envlronaenta.

Every war lea••• behind lt tens of thouaande of

famlllea who for very many different r easons are compellld

to a tart Ute anew ln other lands.

- 7 -

Economic oonaideratlone may attect thouee.nde or

ta.JU .. and 1nd1TiduUa.

All w cu do 1a to eatlaate on the reaaonable

doctrine or cbanoea, that "'ben tbla gbaatly war ende there

m47 be not m e a1111on tNt ten •1lllon or twenty aJ.lUon

men, women and children belonging to many race a and mllllJ

rel1!1ona , li'rlng in many eountrlee and po~aibl:r on aeTeral

oont1Denta, wtto will enter into tbe wide picture •• tba

problem or the b\111\&Jl retue;ee.

I aek, therefore, that aa tbe a econd e;reat taek

tbat llee before toh CCIIID.lttee, it ate.rt at thla t.iae a

aerioua and probably a tairl:r eXJ!anai Te eNort to INM'IIY

and etud)" detinltely and ao1ent1t1oally th1a geographical

and eoon0111.1c problea or resettling aeTeral ailllon people

in new areas or the. earth's aurtaoe ,

We b&'fe been working 0 up to now, on too ~mall a

-.-aoale, and we ba·u talhd to applJ aOd.arn ang1near11l8 to

our teak. We know al:raad:r that tbara are lU.DJ' o'*pe.rat1T&lT

Tacant apaoea on the earth' a aurtaoa where trolL tM point ot

'flaw ot oliute and. utural reaouroaa Buropean aatUara can

Some ot tbaea lands haTe no uana of aooaaa; aoaa

ot 1ih• require 1rr1gaUon; aoat ot thea require a o1l an4

health aur••Ja; all of thaa preunt in tho prooau ot

.. nl•ant, eoonoaio problema wbiob aua t be tied in with the

ocoa~ ot ex1at1n& aatUed araaa.

'l'ha poaaible f i eld ot new .. ttlemanta co•era aan.:r

portion• ot the Atrioan, J.martoan and Auatraladan portions

ot tbe s l oba. It oo· ... ra a1ll1ona ot square a1laa altuat ad

in ooaparathelr youns republica and in colonial pouaulon..

or 401l1n1ona ot older natlona.

- ' -

euaoeptibla of colonization by tb.oaa who perforce .. ek new

reara or •Jl81neer1ns and econo.ic atudiea. It ia naHbar

wiae nor fair to und any oolonhte to them u.nUl tba

8Q81neertns and aconoaio aurTara baYa resulted in pr aoucal

ud dar1n1" plan..

Wa hope and •• truat that axhting ware wUl

terainata quickly; and if thai h our hope there 1a all the

more reaaoD. tor all or us to raad7, beg1nn1na today, tor

the aolut1o.a or tM probl• or tba ratuaaa. Tba quiolr:ar ..

begin the undartakinc and tho quicker •• bring 1t to a

reasonable dao1a1on, the quicker will •• be able to aa:r tba1i

•• can contribute aometh11l8 to tba utablhhment ot world


Oentl•au. , that h a challa.oaa to the

I ntergoTarnmantal Committee -- 1t h a duty baoau .. of the

- 10 -

p:nseure or nee4 -- it ia an opportunity beoauaa it shea

a chance to take psrt in tba building or new co=aunitiea

tor tboae wbo naK tb•. OUt ot tbe drage or preaant

dhaster we oan dhtill some real aobieTelll.ants in bwuu


Tbh probla in..,olTee DO one race group -- uo one

rel1s1oue taHb. It 1e tbe probl .. or ell groupe and all

te.iths. It 1a not e nougb to indulse in borritlsd

bumanitariantaa, empty resolut1ona, golden rbetorio and

pioue worda. We auet race it aot1Tely it tbe deaooratlo

prlnolple baaed on reapeet and bu.aan disnitJ h to aurYh'e -­

it world order, wbiob reate on aaourity ot tbe 1nd1Ti4ual,

ia to ba rea tored.

R•eaberla,a tbe worde written on tbe Statue ot

Libert)', let ua litt a lamp bealde new golden door a ucl

- 11 -

bu114 new r•tus•• tor the Ure4, tor tbe poor, tor tbe

bud4lod u•••• J•arn1pg to be tree .

OC1'0!h 17, 1939

!M !'ollow'IIO(; otot-nt or tM Pno14ent on Of"JIIII' ~~ .....,u.,. ot tM o!'fluro ot tM I11Ur­~o1'1r,_to.l CoR.i~tM, U tN 'IIIU4 !loooM, h ttr N) .. H b ~1t1""" or oll -•;•poro oppovU.C • U..ol.rHtll"l'V.r.t.IDthult.OOP. JI., I . t . ! . , O.t..,.rll,~

Pl.UU a.t.t73IJ.liD AG.\ PB:Jftml: mJWII.

loa~\ 1<1 to ... leoatottt..UhttoK..,.ILON•t :ohrton, t.llol Cl\llrMfiJ I\r::.o-rtlbeuo", UloDlrutorJ !'>' . ~ t"J'IOr,\M

'lloo-e: .. t .... ~ o; thl Interr;o ... ,.,..,.tol C~UM "''"""ti"C t M L'nltd tl.aUto of ,,-..,rica, U.~ Modo ot ~:~lul""l or t)l.o Arc~~>U,. J'<lpublh, lrutl , Fre.n<o llY.I tM~otherluulo 1 ondMr, J-o e . l"d:lonoh', ~~~~ C:'lloln:~~>~ or "'"1 HYhory c ..... tttM .., ,.HUoll Jlefll-

'"'' I nwM tt . .-ch "10/U to tj,o U.lrty- two CO'ft~h por­

tlcl~otl~ lll tbo Lltl'"l:'""".--"''"1 c-tu ...... to. the pr t ... to rlfllcoo OrtMI'otiO<>& 'V ~~rroclltle t<W the Udi\NIOI -..J.e h !.1 - cl- u r or..._, bU.. l"'r1""' ol- t"' MIU111115 ot M ..,, IlrepoU••rkwllllJI...,.rlM.,.ri:~>~lo•~or, UIII. ritlr _.. ,...ttho ,....It~.

la!"'•r·d>, 15Klttc-ol.....-toU...,.d•UrotopOint ... -- 1"1&11" ....... n ~r!ftto o~•IICIU &1- -~· M taacor -~ •Uh tM •nn ot Wltortu:sto ~Cif'l•-..., ._._ dri...,. t.-­U..b "-•· '""" ...... - .,~ ~hl]ol ......... btotU.C at u.. p\1 ot uq nati"" wh.leh ••-d to ofhr ~ o tw. ... D.

1~o1t or thou toll-~,. ltol~o btl on... .... to t M Jowiall .._o , ti>OIU,;:h~th....,f&J•IhotU....bclorcMtoothor "u'IU14 ot,.o·erooch , nt.tll(htfrcatbolru""trluof or lciii •&Jit eho.oo for t'- o:o4 f"'at ~~~neutttu for otho r ,.thnl -.!\loll tor othor ..ou011o - - chlotl:r .,.,on-te •• ll&cl. erHtod bforrt• •• qoi a.ot t-trrulon. l:O<I)' ~ortl<mo of thoo wor ld ""l o)l. In 11rllor )'Mn ~:::!~ld orou for U...l• ntlon bad fo-und I t noou .. r:r to olool U..

tll.,...for<>, a)'llor&Jido!.lt~ltooli:U• taltlatt ... br uUII(. thlrt:r-two ro .... .--ato to ooopotnt4 with \llo OIY'fr-t o t thootlal-lt&teoi.B-klliC• l oar.""lCC"I"'-t •otU.. rotvc" prlbl•• .._ .. - IIJolt ""' ltlt .. tflrondr - 1"0 tlroa U..... Mll­\\lr\11 hoo ~rooM Wilt Ia (ro&t .. ,.,. ... bJ" ptoph -~~ <1..-- 111 othl r l ... o M4---. It - a pproprtot4 t<W •• to­,.utUt ~~ -u.~ ot r.-1111, 1dlll• •• ottoldl• -.., .... ~c.

f"Jfltr UilJ"plf••l r .,..._tath"<to

!blot -u.., .... ,.._,., t bt pn-t latt,....r,._ Mlllal Co_,UH, &Ill!; tlact that U• 111\t I&IUOI-1&1 CGa­lllHH 11M l;n&l ll' btl.pM I& U• MUll..: of - .. ,.,._, I& pnwl411111 tnp....,. ~for tbn--.o tf tUitn M4 t& &Kiaa ~rt.,.t tlwlJH tov&ri ..,..-.IIIII "P - pl&cto of filiAl nlllt­_,,.,....,,.noottbt..,rlll.

l u~toMt~ltl<>..,"""""'tl<lllooirtht.ltUI,totos>~

ho.¥o bttc t llk• to""''" ..ctual nUh•~t . M4t pooolblt 1>7 tbt a-rou.aUUI>4t oft llll!loal.a lc&IIOoytr,..ctu4tlleGi>¥trMtnt Of IIIII P'!IUlpp\M Co_,Mlth, 'l'hh h , I hope, tile fOrtNII.II<I r of- oilier thU&r proJocto Ia o t hor uUoae.

h:rlhlr .. .,.,tualt4to•tt1httna\11~1ofa ilh11QC11l oi:o4 .1.11111&-J.Dtrteu. C"""'P of tho Cool'4.leattaa ro-otau .... Yhtdtwl\klhthalpofJO'Ill"0r:>aitiHWllll• .. bllU7 of otllorpl-• tf "ul-ot for ~h.

tM-co •tnplac well,tU~I•notllfoutlO"lJ',

aptotb.tOIItbnMof tb.t....,.III.Iw'opt . foU;r-mot l't<IO"'h' t lltrtl;\ll&ru4p1&1UI""COU.r "ofrtt\l,flt""l1t,....okt&of I'KtotUrttrtoll.llJ'IMtr i'\IPttcl.


Ptrot, U1t .. rrtlll ""rk lllol DOt 111 &""'doOM.I It m n bt rt4lr tct tcl. 1ft ht.•t wUl1111 tbt pro~l• of btlpiiiC thou 1..:1.1¥1\!:u&lo u4 taalllot vllo aro M tlllt -~ 111 coutrtn or "'-'' ..,4 v11o forthttMtofthtworl4-'tlWI>ItlfttC&IIMot11tplMMln ,....,.atfo.Diellu.,...lactbtaeh>&l~•ft"- "a:r"ttllov.t ooataohc tbftr lot vttll u .. l<1t of u,., .. wbt t& l..:=t'O&Itac -nt wtll..rftru&rttllll of tbtwar!.htlf.

thai I _. call tbt ~n .-.act pJOCnll, 11&4 H prtHIIh a prolllaa or oo,.......11,.17 eall ~hu4t. Ia & ao-t ,...,. wUl '" vh1 I'*"· ·~u,,u ,.u _..u,.,..• .u thl• _,, tlltrt are probt.'l7 aot .... ,tbM tvo or tllrtt IIM4n4 thcNNIII<I nl\oittt • ho &f't Ia 41N 114M/&11.4wllo mot .,.. q.Ucli:l1&o po,.tbl t "-ct•olloppoU\IIItl7lllotttlo lii Olberc-trloovlltl"t 1bQ' c.,. ll&ktpt.-ntlll~ • •

fhlo 1o..,. 110- ao l~hblt t&V., 'tilt II -• ""l'l<torallofatf,.,._on-- .....!.""ta..Ubari..,l'l<""-t" C<>lltdll:tloua etton to ol...- 1111 4tcl<o of u o14 pro'tl•- u w::­ltll~:~o:prol>l•, Mfo"'tht""ri4N&wl>ololooollfroa&o4vttlltht

..... pi'Obltll ,....,1¥1-..: t.Dflllltol7 ""'" - .. "'"''• vlllell rill 0011-troat "'~ tllt ,.._, ....,. It onr. 1'!'.11 1&.1\ lt aot a U..rl'll.l P"'tptct,INtllwUIMU•&lantl,_,vllalllortlllllofprttont coafl lclt.

1'M.t ltvh11-cltl~ali.J'urc<~1ht.ttllhln\er"""er....,1al Co:aiUH .....,.blt l httlorto. I Nalht, ofoo, , 11111.10...,.1 JrtUlDN¥1J'I'fllltt , ~t4&tli>Q'ONIO&-.jorvAr, caabeaakt4

b7 l llot t llllt1octvh\clltrtD""It"llo4cl1Hit .OI"t IIINI 10 Cift&

oonU IIIIo& UIIIIr q,\y&M lcluttl lcl.,.ot...,t VMch&f't eo 41ttiallltforu .... rht.t-• t~t v;po& t'-...,.tl"tol u.Hoat

U~~t"' u ... ., ontpUoa t o ,.._n,. 1<1 ....,..,. n tilt "~'""·

l M.•• IUUfth<l t.h&t t t.. lllr,..~t tuk h ..... n in o.,.,..ri&o'lwlU.. t heMurotul<, 1'1-• .. r •Ulo-toM on<l •- dl;fl o.Dd t llolo of.,. Who &re r .. Un1 a- tll&t in ita tholworldwU l""'" probl•ofdttrtrtoltollo.r~ter Uid oflntinlull'P"•hr -"'ltudo.

11...-11 ""rJ' u•t ...- 1••• behl.N It net ...-.. .. of h-.. N1"1" -·• roou he." bHa HUN117 "'" ~· -lt.abl)l "'-' VMt ..-,, of IM.ld4-I.o Wht )Je,.., lou all tuU7 U N -- Wbld-b - tW 110 '- t. Nturo. w, 110 -opoo.t lo:!t w rM- - IDd.lrt< tor -.:t oUffo,...t ,._ -t o..t " """"1\d tlwlr lhN .....s.r- ~1.--u.

lo~ccUIUnt1o,..JIII.'fo.llcetthouoi.Zidocfta=.il1oo ~11141doboall .

All .. OUI olo I I C.0 l ltiMW on tJw rHIOMblt dMtrt:. or oil..,. .. , t hoo.t -.bon thl• O>o.nly .. , '""'" thort ~ N not -• .UUon but teD llilllon or -n~y Billion """• -n ..,4 ohUdron N lcnclnl to~ r~oo tond. ~ rolicl ono , lhlnl ill Mil)' cOUIItrl" Mdpou1bl)lcno..,.oraloor.t1DOnto,wllow1ll to~hrlntothow14o pioturo -• till ptcbl- ctUll 11...., rof'll$"•

I ulr., tlwlroforo, tM.t u the o_...j U'"t taolr. tllet 11 .. -..roro tlllo e-in.oo, It ourt ot t.hlo u.,. o. oorlout W Jl"bo.bly o hlrly u~ho otfcrt c.o 1111"91)'...,.. ot\04r .S.flniUI)I Nl4

.. t ... Utleoll)l t11h po;;raphlod ....t -.-lo ,• of r Nottliq ,.,.,,..1 llilll..oD -plo In-,._., of tho ...U.'• ourtaoo.

•• •""'--l:i"t.o "P" - · oa\oo -u • -.,u,, ....t- "'" n..ill4 to oppl7 - ....; t.o...,. tut . .. ...... olrllo4)'th&tU..N .... MII)'"""'*""tlul7-&Dt iPMM""U.0 ...U.'o .,., ,..,. - ... rr- U. polat of ¥iow of ollMt o &D4 D&turo.l , .. ......., .. ....,poooalo•tloraoo.alhoporMolllll\ly.

'- oftllooo 1101>41 howoo --of .. , ... I- of U•• ,...,.Ito lrrleoUon, • •t of~"- rooquiro •oil .,.. -lth 11U'TI7*1 oll ottt•-rr• .. .,tlntllopro"'uof• , o..,.....Uo probl­'""lah -•t be tiod In with tM M0"""'1 of uht111,; .. tUM u-oaa .

ThopoU1blot1oldotn1WuU1-too""or'DUQ"J)Ort.1cn& of~ho J.trioM, oftllo~;lcbo.

It ocYorl •UHono of • U oo aituo.tod In o.., 10=1 ropubUooalld In colonial pon .. oiono nd..tniOilO ofolllor,.tlono .

»ooot ot thou urrtt.oriNwhl oh..,.. IM.,..,tly a ... ooptiblo of ooloniution b;r tboao whD porforo.o IMI<- '-eo, OIIIDOt "' .,.,..loped wlll>o"l ol l .... t t- or thrH ,....,., ot lnP-1>1&...,. ...-t.. at<Nlol . It 11 111lt.hor wUo DOt w ·- uqr ooiCIIiaU

\oo t- •til t"' ""'-'"" .... ..-11 •"'""'Y• ""''" ..... lt14 ill,. .. finitopli.M.


~~ JIO!M' alld .. t ,....\ tt..t uUUill ... ,. will Uno.lQIOU

ct~~ICI<lJl ""~ It tbilt U our bo!M' tMN U aH till ..,,.. rea.,• tor all or u to .-u ....,.~ , ~>t~:I""IIIC tod.aJ, tor t ilt .,l .. uo" ottMpi"'bltflof theN~Oo. 'fbo; qu.IOIUor .. keiii\MWIIl• r• t~lllfi:U<I\M<I.IllcPr .. torllll!! I\ toa .... ooutolt MoUioll, t heQutckor•lll -bilabloWM;Jtlle\ ... cuoo•trtlniU-· tl>IQC\0 IJ:r.••'"•l>ltilb:wotot.,rld~&el.

o..u-, U.\ u • eMU .... to \hi htortD••.,.....t &.l c-lt\M •• 1\ u • dut r _.,. .. or W pn..,.,. ot - •• u U M op;IOM .. I\7 -- It 11" ' a ci>Aaoo \0 taklo put 1111 t M lloaU4tac or- -tt.tu tor OII>M....., MH ' "'-· o.t o r " .. 4~ or p.....,.t 41-n--41.,111- .--1 adlto ... --ula_,.pro~.

• ft.U prol>l• l.aool"'.., - ,.., &J'O'IIP •• DC>- ,.UIPO<d taUII. Jt ·.u.pzotot-ot&ll#O"P' ... ..u nottu . n t • aot _..,. \0 1114ulc0 I ll borl"ltt.-1 -lt&J'I ... t.-., -.p\7 ,..,l .. u<MIO • .,lllecll"lW\\rtcand.plou•.,..U· V..un tloMU M\1 ... 17 If tM - .. Ue jU"IDCiph MN<I 001 ... .,..,, u4 ll-4tpltJU\OJU"h• -- tt...,rldo...-r,ollltell,..•uoa -\IJ'I\ JOftll.lll<ih>ldu!U , h WboNt\OI'd .

-toertn,stlloouoNI IIl"lU~oatlloS\ItlHotLtt.rtr, l -'"'lll'ta l>et ld&n1101811l<INI_n,.,4-...U4,...ntupl tor\llo \1,..4, t or tt•o poor , tortbollucl1h4MIMI,...,.,.Illf. \O IIt


I •• glad w "leo~ a t the l'h1ta H0111t Lord W1n'terton , the

(/th '111.,,1 ... ;..,.~ .• cn.tM~~ton; Sl r Herbert &oeraon, the D1reo;or; -~~the lea-Ct.. r-un

or tht In\tr~o-o•ern• c-it tea ,..pruenun~ the United Stat ..

,_,( J. I ''<II~ ~/'li>o~l._ ..-p.. or Au rlca,A Uta Areanuna "-publ.lo, llnt.&ll, Prance an4 the

lletMrlandt\ ~,.._._..._.., .... __ .___,,. ...... _...-... ••• .,u-,_. ..

t:Utlld throllgh rou t<:1 the thlrt;y-two OOYtrnaent a partlc1pating

ort;anlUitl one IQ' appraolaUon tor the aula~ca .tlloh haa been

• ant obaoa t or 1:1'1•• and grN t dltncultl" t or oth• r natlon•

aa:• lnat 1-lvatl on. ~

!'itvi i oaa & :d. f • ~ t~~ porUona ottha ,,. u , /.u- 'lrJO.J J

world .t\ lch~ pro• l dad. ar •a• t or ~l&!'atlon had

Th•r•t or•, a year and a halt ago 1 t ook th• lnHla n v• b,.-

or the unaed Stat" 11'1 atek lne: a lonr N..,. •olutlon ot tha 1J.,,;..,L--' 7t;... lb lr h ·,l:.-u,,

j.-tuca• probl - . 9ec•lll .. tha un a ad. nau•~,~• b .. n built a

••U II4 at E• lAn, -.hlch . .. , a t ttnd• d b7 111-. l(rron c . r.;,lor

• ft.• IJ'HtlJ hd~4 111 t._"- .. nunc or ~ rtr~··· ln ~

1/>Ak~ '1'141nl Ulllf)Orar7 rtf\161 t or thou~ ot othtrt and 1ll ~ 1a-

rurthtr.a~, I M (l:lt4 to nett tht lltablllhatnt or a

tlon, whlch wlth the help or 70ur Coaaltttt •111 1nTt tt1pte

:%~4 t.'lt tUl~b1lU7 o~phcn or atttlt•nt tor 1-l.grantt.

tblnat were sotna -u. al~ I .... n cont••• dowlJ',

up 1.0 l ht ou tb~ak or the war ln tlzrope. F~·J "\~ ... r~

Tht war M ant two thlngt.

-1-11-~r n. l-u .,v•.-r ~wort .utt not M abandoned: It 111.11t H rtd\rtoUd.

• _.,

plao.., ln per-anent 40111c1lu dur1na the eU\Ial couree or the

ear without oont'ullne: the1r lot wnh the lot or thoee who tn

lnoreat~ nuabere wlll eutfer •• a reeult of the wa r tuelr.

That I -., call the eh.or~e prosra•)~d n pr .. ente

a problea or ooaparatt•elJ' aaall ~1t1Jdt. Ill • -•nt J'OU

•• qulcklr u pounle be gh'en opportunlt)' to .. ttlt ln

hal"4. work tor all or ue froa I'IOW on -- and. not onlJ haJ"d work

b\l t • ooneolenUoue errort eo oltar Ule 4eokt or an old

the alW)tt 1nt .. result or pre .. nt oonflloh.

... Orta\ ltrUa1n and manoa, enpgad. • • Ula7 ar. ltl a •Jor _,.,

ln thua U¥a . whlch • r • ao dtrrtoult t o r thaa. ~t Mana that

u,ponthanautra l rwo.tlonathara l1 ..'t)'to~

urr)'Ofl \llaworll:.

the world wUl ra c e a rtf llf!:"" p-robl" or dltttrant oharaotu and

ot lnflnltll.f greater aagn ltuda . ~ .... ly t Ytrt vau war lea"''

t,,.:.J ,,.. ~ 'lut m.;llbt'l"t o r hu.&n buns• mo .. rooh b.a'fa bun

1.'\dhld\l&lt wbo h .. e loat all hall)' uaa -- ln4h·tdu.ala wbo

"'• tlnd no ~ ~ Nt..-n ua, - occupaUon to r"- - l noHYlduala

llh ant• 1n o ther landa.


rac .. and•fiJ' r allglona, llYlnglnllfloll¥ countrleaand

ptu~.---_, _ _.._,.,1.._....__ ella PI"'bh• ot

at\14rdet1nltel7 and1eUnt1t1oall7 thll p ographloaland

or ... .~..l'l.i' aaono•loproblt•ofl"enttllns~•Ullonpaopla ln

and • • h'"' t a UH to appl7 MldeTn lft&lMarlnc ~ our c.all.


ao.. of ~••• l.nda ba•a no ~• or a oca .. ; 110• o r

t .. I~,..LK Ulea requlra lrrlp.'Uon: ..,at or Ul- raq111r. IOU).'"'"''"';

"Ul1411"ell •

••••. It< t ha/.f1aldotnew n ttltaent.OO"''era -.nJ' pornona ot

It ocrnra a1111on1 ot I Qli&Til aU" a lt\.lt.ttd ln oo~UnlJ

ol der naUona.

h..,,.., .-.•ulted 1n praot1oal and d1t1n1te plan•.

for all of WI to .U.I r-udJ, beg1.nnltiC \04aJ , for the 1oluUon

Ull quloli.IT wUl • • ~ ab1e to M'f that • • oan oontrtbliU

r.Tit/.1.~ ...... .r toUie~Aofworldpu.oe .

bu1ld11'\~ of "" o~1t1e1 f or u.o .. ..tlo n .. d thu . Ollt or

•aU.,.lJ' 1t th• d• prlnclpl• b..-d on r ••soeot and

huaan 41&n1t7 11 w IFW"'\'1' .. -- it -orld order", wbloh r 1ete aa

Re•eab•rlng the wordt wrltt•n on th• Ste.tut ot•rv,

let u• lltt • 1•-"P buld• new golden dOOr'l •nd build nn

Ht.l tor' th• t1re4, tOr' t h• poor, tar the hu44l•d .....

,. .. r'flln& ta-o. rr••·

• t~\41-flt ot U\e Jl'ruldont Oft Open1r~~ t '"o ••ounc of~· orrtoor• ot tho

InUrflOYOMIMn\:&1 oo-utoo.

ftlt 'lftiUo llo\loo, 1taoh ln,Wn

O<:ICOWl?, 1038 .

Vlo COOI"'ltnaUt~~: roundaUon, and Ill', JoMI 0. 1&000n&l4, lho

\ 1 of e.n,;r I*Uon 111\lal\ .. _.., \0 otter lh•• 1 ha11'111.

lloo\ or U\1" follow huaM "''"-' belOf!CM to U\1 J -hll

llaoo, 1.110\lf!l'l •IV' t.houundo or thl• bllon,a:l4 to other r.oeo

.nd other oroodo, Tho tllilht t7'o• \hllr oountr111 or Ol'llla

.. an\ ohu1 fOr \h .. Md gr' .. ti dltflO\IlUII for 0\hlr M\10111

11'h1Cib fOr O\hlr rHIOrll - oJ'IhflJr IOOfiO&lO - hU, IN0\14 t...n-111'1

... lnl\ 1..-sp-a\lon,

Thoro 11'11 tho ~ taot, r.oo. t.hl\ -a1 pot'Uoao of the

world tob l ol'l had J)H11'l~d)' P1'011'ldl4 &rill ror ~anon had

found 1\ niOIIIIn' to olo" U\1 dooro.

lhll'lfON 0 1 711r and 0 half llfJO I took tho ln1UIU11'1 b)'

llklllf Lhll'tf-bo i>O" OMUII!'Ih to OOOj)INotl with U\1 0011'1rn.onti

or U\1 Unltld &tA\11 ln 11111:1na a lona ....,._ •oluUon or \ho

"-fupe probl•. &ooauo1 VII unnl4 It&t .. hu ""' bl.ilU 111

P'llllr MUUI'I ~ piOJ)ll wboH d ...... ln OUIIr lll!U bad bl­

\borar\14 U "'-" ·~roprla\1 tor "' to M.ll:o poulblo \he

ftla\ • ooUn,r -.4e' J)II'MII .. t \he prllont I11\ll'lr011'1rnMIItil.l

C0-.1\teo, and 111noo ~' u .. \hll rntorro,•rn..ntll co.-u ..

"-1 v .. t1r hd~ In ~~ .. uunc or •ft1 r1f'llp11 0 ln p~

1'ldli!C ~rr r11"111P ror \~Mt!U or oD1.,.1 an4 1n U!1 1 ...

POt''-"\ 1\\tdlll ,_,. QPMt.fl.l "f' fl .. pl1011 or ftnal 11 \U ...

.. "' ln - ft1 parhorthl.orld,

1 1• l( lo be 1bll 1o amouno1 ~ thai 1 0tl1'1 at<tpl

"-,.. beln \akin 1o blcln •otwll .. ,u1.n1, -.41 po .. tbll biJ

\hi 111112'0\11 1\tU\1111 ot Ull 0o1'1rnlllnl llltld the

G01'1T'TI•n' or U.t l'h1l1pp1nl o-n•1alth. Thll 11, 1 hope,

t h 1 tor•~"'" or -.n7 o th1r 1~l4r proJIOh 1n oUitr naU0111.

rw-therwoH, I aa t:].ad to no u th1 1111bllab.r~t o f 1

dl1Uf16\11 11\M An glo-A.Ht'l o•n 1V0'41 ot U.e Cool"d.lnatlnl rounda­

U on, .tl.1oh w1UI \hi help of 70\lf' ~1ttll e\11 U•IIU!~t-W

U\1 111l\.abUU7 or plao11 of IIUl -nt tor 1-llfl"''n\e,

'ltl tnc• ••r1 p li!C - u, Al\hov,gtl. I _, oonr• .. d oelJ ,

"" so th1 oulbi"'U or U\1 wu 11'1 lh&rope. W1 -., ••ll 1'1-lt"

nul thai lhl Ngu.lar and pl~ned 00111'11 of rlf\lcll wol"k hl.1

been or n10111U7 lll'lO'IIIlJlllt.II"J'\IPt.ed.

Thl WU" -n• ,_ lhlnp.

0n1, \ hi worlr. 11111t no\ tHo l batldotlldl It a111t tHo l"'dlriOtld .

'II t..YI e lth 111 1oda)' thl probl- or h•lplf18 tholl 1'1411'l,hal l

.... -

•• qulokl7 •• potltl1"h t.. g1Yin oppOrtunUr to .. ule 1A

fbU 11 bt no .. &nl an 1naolvble talk lXI\ n .. an ,

btlt• oontounuoue tf'tor l to olea~" \J'Iednkeoran old

o-tu ... f"edoabl • 1u etrort•. I rMlhe, or oovr••• u.'

O!'Nt •l~ln •n4 .....,.., ~ •• Ule7 AN ln • •Jor _,.,

o.n M ••~ b7 Ulo•• ... uon• wtlloh are""'~ to 4o lUUe

.are ~" to C1"• • oanun.nos or Ulelr IQ'.-p&UIJ •n4 lnh"''

ln Ulu• 4Q"e .wh1oh are ~o currloul\ r o r VI••• Tt\11\ ••n• thd ·


1n lte wrJte "'' n\.lllllere or hiiMn bel"CI Who" root• ha"l boltn

llhr&ll7 torn up. lnn1tabl7 thv• , ,., v .. t ,.,_..,., ot

-1\ 11 un.neot•M-1"7 tor ue 1.0 eualna ln\0 CboH rM.cH~I f

1\ 11 WIRIOII .. rJ' tor IU to Dla11U'J Vloo ll libel •at N

l'ollUoal ett.oh ot • "r .q 00~11 redlat.rolbiiUon ot

popuhUona - •bo oan hll t Eoono.lo oonllderaUona -.r

arrtcot U>oVMn4• or raa111 .. find 1M1Y14\I.$h •

.Ul '" o~ Qo 11 to ••U•~ on ,.,. .. , •1 •dl be ealled

tlla N•eot~~obl• 4ootr1ne of cl'l&noll, U'lat om.., l:hla &b&•U7

war eMa U\tre ....,. be not one • Wlon but t.n 111Ulon

or t~\J' •llllon .. n , ...,_n ""'\ oiiUdren tt.lonalriJ to -.tV'

rao11 ,.nd IIA1IJ' rallgloftll1 ll•lng ln Jlll\111 oount.rlta and

pon ll.ll1 on nnr.l oontlnenh, .t1o wUl tntff' 11\t o the

ploturt \hat M,)' bot Nlltd ln broad hr•t thl problll Of


I alit, U!eNfON, """' ... tbeatCIOrld lll" .. t~~ that

1111 Mfore \hh ~ln ... , Lhat U •tart at thh Uae a

ln'lOUI &l\<t pro'tlabl)' a t'all"lJ' tllpM~II'U lffort to IUI"'t't:l' 1 114

,., ha•t bel1\ worklllc, vp &o now, Oft \oo ...U. a aoalt

aM -. "'"'' rant<l &o appl7 -o4ern enctnnr1J\C &o ov ee.a.

'll't iiiiOtl'alrM(\7 thatt.'lfl'tart -.n:FOOIIIPtrtlt11'tl7Y&oatlt

epaot t on U:t tar1:h't aurraot wbtrt fro• tha po\n\ or Y1h ot

ol~\t and natuNl. rt14117"0tl Cllro~ ttUltrt oa.n lht per-

SO• or 1:httt landa ~,., M or a •o.u : .o• or

Ill• r..:julrt trrlpUon; .,,, or \he. rtqulr. .oll tunottt;

llll or Ult. prtatnt 1n tht Ji"lottt ot ttUla•nt, aoot10alt

probl••• wt.loh .uat bt Utd 1n t 11:h U1a aoonOIIJ or axlaunc

Tht tlald or n .. att\ltaM\t ou•trt •n.r porUona ot

t ht Afrloan, Alltrloa.n and porUont of' \ b t &lobt.

It oour, llllllona of aquart &Uta t ltuattd ln COIIP&NtlYtl)'

t OWifC' r tpublloa and 1n oolon1al POt ttttlont or .so-1111ont or

Old:tr NIUOnt.

Moat of thttt tarrHor1tt .t!.loh ar. lnhtnt'lt.lJ au.ot pUblt

ot oo\onl aatlon b)' thou .tJo ptl'loroa tttk "" boatt, o.nnot

bt dt1'tlope,4 wUbout at leaat t1r0 or \hnt ttara or tng1netr­

lq an4 toonoalo atu4laa. lt h nalthtl' •lN 110r talr to


-"n4 -.111 ~hta to U!•• W!Ul the "'flnttl'llll pd Che •oono•let

AA•• r.•ultllll 1n praoUO&l .,..d daUnUa plana,

•• bope an4 •• tr111t. t.Nt uhUnc -r• ..tll hr-atn.w

qu1olll.71 and it ::Nt.\ 11 O\IJ' ho,. Ul.-ra 11 all tlla .,., ,..._

t or all or .a to Mkl rMQ, t .. glnnlng \o4&1, toY' U.a tol•UoQ

or t.ha probl- or the .-.rue" • 'l'ha qulolltr •• H~tln the ~~ndal"­

talr::llt4 -.n4 \ha qul oke:- .. brl ng l t to a rauon.ble O.tohlon,

U\a q ulob,- •Ul " be abl a t o N.T tha. t •• c.aa .ontt>lbv\e -th lfW

to tha u luUon or -rl d p,MOH.

a.nUe•n, \ha' \ a ft ohftllange t o U.t t l'lhi'ICO'fN'-c.l

CO•Utaa - U 11 o t\ut.JI bt"'au~• or Ula preuure o r nHd - U

1e an OPfi'Ortwtlt.r !>eoau .. l t fl'l't'la a Olw.l'loa to taka pt.l"t ln tt\41

bullcl11U" o! r. .. ocCIIU'I lUaa t o r thoH who nHd tb ... Out o f

t he Gnlla of pre aant CUINittN' • • OCUl d htUl - raal aohl,.. ...

.. nta ln h.-n pro;;rau.

'ftlla J)roblt., ln•ol'luno<marua group ••no ona l"d1g1out

ralt.h. I\ lt Uta probl " or allgt"'U.,t and all fal\.ba, l\ h

Sttou•nt or VIe I'Ht1dent Oft 0,.1\lfte ~ • •••Unc or VIe ottleere or the

InUrlfOYt mMn\&1 00..1\he.

ftlt..,lUJICIII .. , 'l' .. bl"'t.oft

Ooklbfto 1?, 10;!1.

% •• s lad to •tlaoM at U\e 'lfhlU Mou" l.ot'4 'l'lnterton, the

.. \berlan4e, •• allo •ondeur P•lll •an Zttlan4 , \be ,.,..U4tnt or

ort;anl..aUone IV eppnc1atlon fOI" U\e et11etanoe whlah ~· b"n

a lnn '<! refv&:••• 1n the ptrlo4 llnoe VIe .. eunc at blll.ft. I

In W..-.h, 1838 H be- ohar to VIe w0'1'14 U~t a polnt

had betl\ t'N.Oht4 where prlTa h acenol .. alone 0 0\114 no lOqtJ'

d eal •Uh \he _ .. , , o r untorot\11\ah peoph •ho had b< .. n dr l•en

f'..o. U\Ur h-•· The" Hn, -o••n end ohll4ren ' '"' b .. un,r


Uld o\her Or .. 4 1. fhl fl1stl\ tro• \hell' 001111\l"lel OrorlllD

-1nt oh.ao1 tor thl• and arlllllllt dlttlolllU" t or other ~~anon1

"'"'• IHiol U!.e hp-4 taot, too, U!.at .at~~ PGrtlOIII or U11

tov.M lt 1110e .. ei'T to olo" \hi doore.

1'hl retore, • rear 1114 a hdt qo t tooll: \he ln l UIUYt b7

or \he UnUM """ l n "111:1111 a lot!f rene• •oluUoll or the

~&J'\e4 n He-.11. &JIS)roprla\t tor \II to _.. po"lbh U!.1

•• a:t .,.r10na.l repre untau,. ••

That •teUns ... . plr.anln\ \ht prt un\ Inhrp .. rnMn\al

001'1rn.nt of U.• l't\Ulpplnl ~-..1\h. l'tll• 11, I boPI,

l h1 t onrunn•r of -.ft1 oth1r 1 t.llar p roJ•ot• 1n otl11r M t lonl.

rurthll'811N~ I a~~~ (:la4 to nou th1 lltlblUhMl'll ';; 1

tlon , .tllohwUh\hlhl lPOfJ'OUI'C-UUI•lll l n .. .tlga\1

-.p 1.o t hl outbf'lak of thl Wl l' 1n lturopt , •• -., ••ll ... oos-

blln of n1o1nllJ' 11rlollllJ' tntlrrup\14 .

'l'hlftr .. anl tn U\ l ng1.

Nt'Cl -ork tor all of ut ! roa now on - an4 no\ onlJ' haJ"d -~

btl\ • oontohnUoue ettor t to olMt' \!'It d.U.I or an old


ONI.t. lr11;8.111 and rw-.not , t npao4 • • t;ht )' "" 1n 1 • Jor war,

• .,. bt aitkod b7 t.holl n.U ou wbloh ar• n tu\..-1 U do UUll

l n t:ht MUJ'o . .tllllb arttotUr rtov.u ro r t:ho•. '"'-t-nt lluo\

llpGtl U\1 ntv.trol noUont \hlr'l Uot an obllpUoll to llv...n1t;r to

oorrronU\e..or k .

4e.1; and \hall or'" are r oal1ate lulo• U'wlt 1n 1\1

rtnd no hoAe to r t turn to, nor ooo""*UOfl t o r••- •· 1nd.1U4ual t

who ror 11011)' d l ttiNint rtatont .ruot 111k to roblllll Ulllr u ....

etutror .. •I'7•1U'd1tterontrNtontaNI IOIIIPOllld to sloal"t

U te ant• 111 Othlr land.t .

raou an4 Mr\1 rd1g1ons, lh1ng 1n U.IIJ' toiUI\rht •n4

pou1bl7 on UYtr -.1 ollnUntn\t, who wUl tUtr ln'o \ ht

... •• h.a•• been worll1ftc, \lp to now, on too t-.11 a t oalt

tMwtJ\aYifaH~tolpplJ -d.ll'ftlftSiRIIJ'lnl\o0\11' \aU,

• • kno- r.ll-N.dt Ut.\ '"-"' art Ml\1 oo..-... u .. lr . ,,.,.,

•pa••• on 11w1 ,..,_..,, ~••• w .... tro• Ult polnt or ·u - or

So•• or th••• land• ha•• no Mant or aoo1111 ••• or

d .loru-... p ... •t•n1n1:h•~••ortettl1Mnt,toonoa1t

pro~111 whloh av.t t M Utd ln t Ub \:l\1 IOOIIIHQ' Of llCtiU III


fhtt1ddotr~ew .. ttl .. entt oo•nrt •111 porUontof

t he Afrl'l, "-rloan an4 AutCMl.llt.ll por-Uont or \he sJ.~.

It ,,.,.,.. &11\ lon• o r equn .U11 t Uvat..S 1n OOIIIPuwU• d r

JOWl£ rtpubl\u an4 111 oolonW ponudont ~ do•ltl.lOI\1 of


lloet or Ul••• UJTUorlu .ttl ch '" lnhtr-.n\lr tlltotpUbh

of ooloa1.,.t1on 'Qr Ul011 who ~rf"oroe •••• new boMt,»t


lna ilJ\0. eoOMalo tt\ldltt. It u ne1Uitr • l N nor W


tor Ill Ot Ill to -.kl r•11:J, blg1"1Rlll.l '-0~, tor thl IOlU\lOD

or U!• probl1• ot 1t-1 r~r~... Tt11 q llloll•r •• M1111 t.h• Wld•r-

kk1111 1nd U.l q uloller - brl~ 1\ to • I"I I IONibla d lolllon,

tOU\I IOlU\lOI'IOtOfOrldpUOio

fiUh. U 11 Ul• probl111 of all gt"O\Ifll 111d aU t alt.ha. H 11

not IIIOUah t.o ln0\1111 lJI hor r ltl•d huMnlhr llnh•. ,.,t)'

r•lol\1\1 01'11, h""ldltl r!let.orlo 1nd ploul 1 0 N!1. '1'1 .Uit t 1 01 lt

aOUYtl7 1r U:.• do_o.,.Uo p,r1M1ph M oM on ro1poo' ana

hu.n d.lgnlq> l o to OIU"'''lYO - lt -.orld o rdor, .tr.loh r .. h on

.. ourl\7 ot t ho 1 n41•14uo.l, h \o be roUorH,

Re•o.llberlna t.'le woNo ""1\\on - tho Stat• o t L1Wtr,

l.C "' lltt, l .. p but• "" pldtn door• and bull4 , ..

,..,~ .. ror \.ilo Ured, t or U10 poor, tor tho h\ld4lo4 ••"•



Hr . Cohen 1 e me~orandum deale t•ith the three tollol·ing

points : (1) an invi t ation ehould be extended to Lr. J .!!JIIea

G. HeDonll.ld, Chn1rcan of your Adv11ory Co:ltl1ttee on

Pol i tical Refuteee, t o attend tht ceet1ng at the te Houu; (2) the aeetl~r e:1ould t ake plMe; ( ~ ) the

St&te De;.artment ehould be aeked for 1 t e reco!Klendationa

ui th rer;ard to the prot;r ruJ t'nd the eubst o.nee of the


On the eecond point you .nve clrer_6.y given youl' view,

namely, t hat t he ceetin . ehoul d tt~.lte p l a ce on October 16

c..n4 17. ;.:r . t;cDonnld, :.r. ':'arlor and the Govern:~ents

reprennted by of!icer a of the Co=1ttee hl've been

i nforued to t h i a erreot.

'11th re a r d t o the !ire t point, thnt an invitation

should be extended to ::r. 1-:cDonl'lc! , it 1s our vin· ti.lnt

the invitation e.1ould be ext ended toe reeo •. ;nition not

only or hr. i!eDonald but or the Advieory Cooaittee ae well.

Regarding p oi nt t hree, lt 11 lmportant that tte

should be informed ns soon Ae post1ble or your intentione

i n r espect or the proe;ram of the meetln(' . In t hla



connection, I understand that :.r. '!'~ylor hna vr1tten you

autgeet1ng t~w.t t here ehould be (a) an openlni aeet1ng

a t the mtlte Houle on October 16, at 'H11ch you will m~Jte

e atatecent ; ( b) a buelneee r.~eet1n.., in the conference

room at the State DentLrtr::ent on October 17; and (o) a

~inner nt t he Uh.1te House in honor of !..o~ :anterton and

the other ottlcera on the even in of October 1?, It 11

l::Jportant that \'8 learn 10u::- vleYe regardlnr- tfl.h pronoeed

procrM as eoon ae poeel ble ln order tl~t other tunctlone,

such as a luncheon nt the Br1t11h !=tbauy, ~:~ar be

arran:ed. :a t h re,;ard to t .. e substance ot the meeting

I enclose a tlrst drat t or euv eetiol'.e tor the gui dance

of t he ArJerlottn re;>ret~en t t~.tlve .

Po.renthetlcrlly. you ;;~.ay be 1:1tereated t o know th.D.t

\<'II t:ere !nfor=el! t 1 11 ;..ornln t.ll\t stena 1"8rfl tak~n

re£ t erdRf at ::et.· York t:~ aet up ttte cor})orat1on V•1ch

w1ll t1Mnce tond orc:;an1u the ·roj~cted aettle.~r.ent 1n

the Doc 1nlcan :!\ellubllc. l:r. Leu1nq: Rosenwal d put up

$t!O,OOO; t:r. Ja.:::tee :1. Rosenberg ill!a Cllso put up .,;oo, ooo,

and t he Joint D1etr1but1:~n Colll:llttee, at I-:r. IiRer~>~"ald ' 1

behe s t, hns ndvMced ttn ndd1t1onl"'l $100,000 tot·arda the

1n1t1nl aubacr1yt1on . ':e h l've BUf."&&sted that t 11

1nfon::t>t1on be t•lthheld from !Nbl1c relense until the

.t:.Setln£; 1n order t nnt W"e t!ll)' l"Ulve eo::1et 11n?: concrete to

Sur,geatione !or the tlhlte !iouee ::eetlmr October 16

There !ollov- certain cone1C:.erPt1ons nnl! 1uo·geet1one

!or th~ ruldc.nce o! the Aoeric11n rel)reaentative at the

:;:eet1nP.' o! th~ o!!lcer~ o! the Intergovern::~ental Com-

cit tee ),"';tch 111 sc.l~duled to tAke ">lace at thP ·~1te House

on October 15 Md 1? , 1939.

{l) Th~ outbrec.k or t•ar in Europe ha• created n new

situAtion )'.11oh calla for a fresh appronch to th~ roble:::1

o! r efu --«'ell . ':'hh C.o«"a not -«"rn t a t th~e i:""~orunt \<'or k

in ,..,,ic .. the In terc;o•lern..":t'ntt'l Co=1ttee Ms been en Rfed

!or core thl\n one year ai'lould be interrupted or &bi'ndoned;

rather, 1t a:1oul~ be r edirected . The reru~ee p robleu 1a

11 cont1nu1n. one , not t> tPII1"JOrRr;y ectergenoy. It i a a

r>roble111 \< .ich ecncerne th~ co::~~~:unlty Rl!l 8 ,..hole; thP cure

connot be left to prlv&te in1t t&t1Ye t>lone . Ir tt 11 to

b e aolved, it reoulrea the execution by t he PArt1o1pat1ng

Govern:Jenta, ~·hlch aoce ted thf' nrinciple At E:vian, ot 1\

long- rnn e oro1 · r~J.c, Adeouat~ly tlnnnced by o rlvate runde,

Y1th1n thP trAJillll-~ork or thP ex1at1n, m1prrt 1nn ltn:a e-nd

p r e ct1oee o r t hese G-overncenta .

(2 ) It h evident tht t, i n vl~ev ot t:1• ho11t1ltt1ea,

the e:Ji("Rtlon or pera ona !ro ... Gen:~rny ( 1ncludtn;- Auetr1a

and Sudetenlond) , t n n.ccordance with t~P buea laic.'! down


4o~n l\t :vian l'.n4 t.u plPne 4bcuere4 on bf'hl!lr ot the

Co=1ttee l'ith :.r . .. ohlth&t durin the ¥ i nter ot 1939, 18

not h1.,:illy prBCtioablt>. AF:1de tro.n the !acta (t') thAt theee

people nave virtu~o>lly no of t . ress trot! the Reich;

(b) t.1e.t tilelr pttun~:.e• to ·lacee or rese t tlement cnn no be arrv.n e4 t>nd !>f'id tor 1n aarka on Gertl8J\

\'UUla, and (c) that 1t. l•lll not be teeaible to effect

;r.urc.vses for aettle:.oent 1roJecta !roo the ?Ortion ot the

realth ot the involuntary ea1t,rt~nts ~:1ic~ tr:aa to move

bet>n aet aside by th,.. C!-ercrn >overncen ';,. in tl:e 9rojected

Internal '!ru8t, it 1! under~tood t.ll't e.ll o.ble- bod1e4

citizens or both af'Yea 1naide er::vn:,· .. eve been cobllit.ed

tor n\r t~ork t'1th the conaequPnce thro t only C..ppenCenta ,

that 1a, c .~ildren end old PO:>le, could be evt~ounted to

ot.ter lands w:ure t"tf'!r' t'ould becone objecte or ch.er1ty

at n tine t.~.aen c. ari tcble reaourcea are atrair.ed to the

ut~:.oet .

(3) • . .-nile recoenir1n that t;1ere are u·rioua 41!­

!icultiee ln t .. e t'f!.J o! e;;~l, rnt1nt ersona tro!;;. 3el"!lllny,

t 1e CJ.overncent t•ould not w1a:: to aeeoc1ate 1teelt \dth

My public atntecent w. ioh lrould •• eve the effect ot

annull ing Pare. raph 8 , Part. I, or the Resolution ndopted

by the Intercovernmentttl ComoitteP at Ev1an on July 14,

19~. ' 1cr. de!inu the ·.prrona co:..1n ~--!th1n the ecope

ot the Coc..cittee . ':' ill C.Overnaent de~iree to cake 1t



clePr t h&t pereons i n Genr.e.ny tho cnn co£lp ly \.· lth A!:'.erlcnn

:re~1At1ona MI." are 6.uly 'rAnted v11at 1·111 continue t o

be &dtl l ttef to the United Statu wlt'J.ln the l1c1tt or the

exletln- Queta. There ee.n be, hovever, no obJection on

our "lnrt 1! belligerent Govern:;u•ntt "'. le ere "'t"rtlclpante

ln thfl Coll'ulttee tll fh to mfl):e unlle.tere.l stateaente to

the e ! !eot t~18.t 150 !Br as t hf'y e r e concerned Para1 :rttph 8 ,

Part I, 11 euepenCel! tor t he durl'tlon ot t he war.

( .&) There rellll'ln !rom the roup t·lt.a t· le'• tne

Co=lttee 11t t .11 t1ce ls excluelvPly !:ll'.n.ated to 41!111-­

thnt !1' , retu eee !rom Germt>ny ( lncluc.lln_ Auatrla rnd

5u6.eten1Pnd) - -the >"JIIr t>one ln p l llCII II of !'e!u;e, not,..bly

l n En,~ll'nd, ? r anee, Bel t.l um, the :lethel•lancl.e, S1·1tzerland

e.n6. tne Soandlnat·1nn eountrler . Spee1t1c 1nforwt1on should

be reqceet~ t'ro:.. t:.e ... ~vernr,ent8 ot t:.:.ese eountr1ee a.a to

(a) the nu:..bera o! persona in eacn country of rrtu·e; (b)

t:C.eir atatua in vie~· or va.r cond1tionr; (c) r eatr1cti ona

upon their frerdo~:~, e1rculnt1on on6 em;"Jloyment; ( d) the

extent to whSeh the y nre llbaorbed 1n ~.-ar servieer, 1\nd

(e) thP dealre ot the Gove rnmenta or t heae eountr1ea to

e:::~igrate th•toe per aone. On t he baela ot tht in!Ol"'::lltion

'""hieh 1a thua obtained there ahould be tor:nuhted bJ the

Director a 8nec1tic pll'n tor the reeettle~:~ent or theee

person e .

( 5 ) It b thP c ons i de r ed viel" ot t 'ls GovernoPnt


-·-t.;at G.eelalona re ardi~ retettlement, ~>'lth re(ard to

apeel!ic resettlement proJect• and ln rupect or the

tlnl'nclnr· or eettlecent .. roJecte, e'wulc be referred to

t he Coor6.1nr.t1n.._. :'oun~o.t1on tofnlch Me bepn af't up tor

the .t>rpose o! advlaln3 ln t . . eef) 11:nttera. This Govern­

ment 1s hopeful that opportunltlu tor large-scale

ruettlecent wlll e round \'ltnout too greet dell')'. In

thf' l:l.tantlce lt '111 continue to PU!)port the .,rlvate

orr,anlza.t l one tilt a.e,ed in tr.e ,.-orlr. o! resettlement end

fDcllltate thf' tal!'k of eucn apec1!1c cor"'loratlona ae are

utablle:'led to flnl'nce partlculflr eettleoent proJects.

(0 ) It 1e the view or thle Govermoent t'1Pt the

ott leers of the Inter~ovt'rnnentrl Co!U'\1 t tee ehould oon­

e14er the pou1b1'.1ty of exttnd1n the scope of the

Coll:Q1ttee to Include catebor1es or re!uo ees ot;;er th&n

ti1oae coldin !roc Ger:vny. ~hese l"'uld, notably,

victilla or the 1·ar in £\trope Md SpaniPh re!U£eeP. In

tbh connection it il the viet or t .is Croverrunnt that

tht' Comcittee is not defllint~: Wit;, t! pass1nr; phenomenon

but with a broe.d problem or popu.ltJ.tlon prenure trhich

mrn1!eete itself in the sooittl, eoonooie ttnd nolitielll

f i elds t•ith t'Ver-inerenein, intens1ty fl!ld in R l:orld which

etlll is unevenly populated. ':'hh consideration ai1ould

be l~tie before tne full Committee by eireu.lP.r Rnd the


• - 5-

p~rt1.o,.n&t1n& Governrat-nt ll •hould bf' lnvlted to notify the

Secretary of tbe CocGllttee \''heti'u~r ln their vie"' thf' scope

ot the Coc.olttu· ' a act1vlty 8 o .. ld ~ utt~nt!ed And to

, .• l&t ext€'nt .

(7) Ti!.h Governcent 11 rat1t1ec! to lf't~ rn

Sir Herbert t:cereon 1a 1'1ll1n to rellt'ln u Director or

the Cocmlttee under certain oond1t1ons . It 111 reoo nlzed Sir ilerbert should .nve a 1'ell-oul'l1!1ed nulltant .

Since, .:ol·f'ver, tile lt~eedlflte probll!u l e th.Et or eolc;rstlng

p eraons fro;;. oocntrlea o! rf'tu e to places or pel'lll&nent

.settlement lt le believed t v t ttn ex;::erlenced Auletant

Director a.1oul d b~ ecylo). ed r:\o is l! no.tlonrl or one or

the neutrtll countries of retu, e .

( ~" ) It is hoped tf.Pt tile Chnlr:utn o! thP Srltllh

dele atlon, Lord .;tnterton, l"1ll !"eiiU'ln fla Chalr~~~&n or

the Cot::llttee. It h t:;. be noted t .. " t ::r. ':heodore .Achllle~,

nO\' attt'c.,e~ to the At:ler1cP.n <:cbe.eey at Lonl'on, 1111 rem.aln

ln 61rect relntlonshlz> tilt" the Chttlrmr> n t>nd l-1.11 eerve

ae lnte J>uedlPry bet ueen ti1P ChPJl·.'rn ne the ' .

( 9 ) Sh uld 1t evtontua.te t (It Lord ·.:tn-:-e:rton lfl unrble,

or un• 1llln , to re:::oln rp Cht~l:rman, t .~ls C.Over:t::ent h

ho:9efu.l e·.r t the ErltlP.h ..-overnoent t:lll nc-~:e a aucceaeor

aa Cht>lrcn.n or lt!' C.ele etlon to the Inter ·ovflrn:::enta1

Cot'.::tlttee l'ho t·oul6. nut omstlcnlly becoJ;e Cnalrmnn or the

Coonlttee .


Kr. Cohen' • •e•orandu• deale vlth t he three !ollovl nc

J)91nh: {1) an 1nv1tat1 •n should be extended t o Mr • .faau

G. KcDon.ald, Ch& or JOur A4Y1eor,. co-l ttee on

Polltlc&l. Rd'Ut eea, t• atten4 th~ •eetlng at t he

hlte Houee; (2) the •eetln aaould take plaoe; ( ;, ) the

Btate Departaent ehould be aeked tor lh r eco•endatlone

vlth re(':ard to the protp:rNI and the eubetance or the


On the eeoond poi nt rou llfl,1'e &lret'l.dJ' given :rour 1'1ev,

naaelr, that the aeetln ehould tate plaoe on October 18

and 17. )l.r. ketlonald, kr. Taylor and the Go•ernaenh

repreunted bJ ott1cer1 ot the Co-utee ba•e been

lntorwed to t .. le etteot.

Vlth re ard to t he f1rlt po1nt, that an lnvltaUon

should be exundld to Kr. McDonal d, 1t 1e our •tev t hat

hi 1nv1ta;1on 1.1ould be extended ae raoogn1 Uon not

onlr o! Kr. McDonald but ot the A.d1'leory co-lttea ae well.

Regarding po1nt three, 1t h 1aportant t hat va

ahould be 1ntort~e4 ae eoon ae pou1ble o f JOUr lnhntlone

1n rupeot ot the prograa of the aeet1ng . ln t hle

eonneot1on ,

connecUon, I undereta.n4 that kr. 'h.Jlor ha& wrltt&n rou

augsuUng tnat then ahculd be (a) an openlnR •••Unr

at the lhlte Kouu on October 18, at vtlch Jou v1ll a&ke

a atatament; (b) a budnua 11eet1nt-. ln the ccnrereno&

roo• at the Btah Def!&rt •ent on October 17; and (c) a

dinner at the lihUe llouu l n honor ot Lord Wlntfrton ana

the other ornoere on the eorenlrut or Ootob@r 17. It h

1•-oortant that ve learn rour orln& regardlnP" thh propoaed

progru ae eoon ae poulbl& ln order that other f'u.notlone,

auch aa a luncheon at the Brltleh Eabaur, 1187 N

arr&nfed. tilth regard to th& aubetanoe or the •uUna

I enelou a t1rat dran or &UIQI:Utlona tor the gu.l d&noe

ot the Aa:aerloan repreuntatlore.

Parenth&tic&llr. :rou ~ be lntereahd to know that

we were lntoraed t•.la aornln tbat etepe vere taken

resurda.r at lev York t eet up the corporation Yl\lob

vlll t1nance and organize t~• proJected aettle•&nt ln

the Do•lnlcan Republl.o. ~·r. L&ulng Rosenwal.d put up

t&O, CXK>; Mr. ,. .... I. RoeenNrg baa &lao put up teo, 000,

and the Joint Dl atrl butlon Coulttee, at Mr. Baerw&l.G' &

behut, hae adoranoed an adtUtlon&l $100,000 to~&rd& the

lnltla l eubacrl ption. Ve haY& euggute4 that t .1&

lntor.atlon be wl t hh&ld fro• J)Ubllo releaae until the

•eetlng ).n order that we ur haY& eo11etblng concrete to



Statuent o: the Pruldent on Ootnlll( tMJ!ttttrcor 1oM orucenot the


The White Hou", 111\thlrcton

Oato'wr l?, l~~SI


1 n:. t:lad to ~elcG:::t &t the \o"hlte Ho11 .. t.ord lflnter-

t.on , the C!t.alnYn ; !lr !ler~rt !:lnraon, tr.e Director ;

t-n4 tllt V1ce- Cha1nll!.n or 1-he Inte~er-ntal Com.ltue

I ,..., ... nnttr.a die United Stant or A::lerlca, Ult ~·nuna

I P..">Ubl1o, llru;ll, l'ranee Ln4 t.i,. Jlttberl&n4a , •• alao

l:Ol'II11Ur' Ptwl Yal'l Zeal.r:nd, tl'A Preeldtnt Of tht CooroUne.t1116'

roun4atlon, and. Mr . Jacn G. MIDor.-J.d, t~a c:balnoan or

.,. Ad.Yltory COl:Utlttn on PoUUolll Retva:au. I a::rund

tl'll"'Uf:h 10u to t.~ tl'llrty-tvo\ta partlo1p.at1ne;

in tl .. !ntergovunaent&l C-1tUt l.nd tO Ult pr1YAU


W'IUo. hu bun g1Ten to ref1.18tU ln the period al r.oa the

cuU~ a t :!!Ylan. I hoptO the work will " oarrhd on vlth

r.4oubl..t Tl&Or, vUh greater dllon ant! wlth =ore ,poa1t1Yt

In >~.rch, Ul38 , I toot u-.. 1n1t1.11\1Yt ot oalUno;:

\1~1'1 t.)-.1rt1-~ GoYti"!'GtnU to ooo;>eratt wah tht Gourn­

~=~tntott :.O. UnitedStatuotJ..trloaln aaalr.lnaabadc,

lo~·ranaa .oluUon ot tha r.tuaa• J)robl... It vaa oltar

to a a than t hat a J!Olnt hAd. bean r ... ohad War. prlYat•

llljanclt t alo~ cou1d. no lolliar daal Vlt h tht =e.ttu ot

\lntortunau J)tOJ)le who h.lod been 4r1Yan tro1:1 their h01:111

.. nd weN beatlnr: a t tha sate• ot all oountrltawhlob ttlmed

to ottarahl!.nn. ?la1nl7 1f0Ytrr.tntal aouonv10a na~ad

1t naw boaaa ""'"' to be round, in tlat, tor lhou-.nda or



• our fellow lnlaan belnge, of IUII7 run, -..n7 creede, 8114

all walh or Ute, Wo were be ina o,..t M rlrt to rot or

to:l'1nt" retuge aeandllhtNIUWitoould.

!ht 1'118M of thua ~o~nvllllted J)topla troll thtlr cou.n­

trlta of orlgln OIWied plaln ohao1. hM'hre e•er,.vhere,

rutrlotlone both of q uallt:r end nllllbtr, eoonollio­

.. nt.e of &ll kin<h l"J' batvnn tht• AN!. 1.111 NI•Un& place.

There ••• the lard r ._ct th&t tho" port1one of the vorld

vtuoh pre•loutl:r pro•14t4 '"'' tor s.-~auon "'" f1l:..Od

.q~, an4 reaair:tlns: opport\UIUJ vu tllebt .

'l'h..le country wae built ln sreat atuure of tM

otueo~~~atorlstn&lly aeretuceel. 0U.r(l-.o.n1t:rcould

not lit b:rtdly Md • • • the .. patlltUo t:dlu perl1h. Our

peoplt eould not C1'trt their 1)'11 and pan by on the other

dde of the road . !'he ddegatu of tbt ~erl\llent e

a et at bli'JI .ppreolated the urweno:r lllld -...:n1tudo of the

problt11 an4 the IJ)lTl t ln vhioh 1t vee pruentltd b:r -s repnnntaU•e, Mr. Mtron C:. !qlor. Aoeordi~lJ,

1oM Intera:crnmaental c-uue VAt aac!.t ptnl&lltnt . .&n

execuU"t ofrlce vat .. t u.p wuh a 'Olrector and 1'1c..­

D1~tor. Tbe Dt.rec\or wat 1n8trvote4 to ~~egoUaU vltll

Ult Gerwan Go"trn~~tnt to alle,.late .Utor4trl7 lli:P\Ileione

then ln progre .. an.d to tt\ up con41t1ont allowlna: at leu \

or4trly t:a1Sratlon . Kt vu au.\horlud to ~proaoh 'lht

oo .. ,r11111ntt of tnt cou.ntr1n of r1f\111 and .. ttlt111nt 111Ul.

a "h" to d.,.tloplne: opportvnlt111 of p1raanent rntttle-

• haYI Taken plfoee elr:ce t'tlan, t1r1\ '"~'r Hr . George

ftllbl" ' e41rection, eub .. qu.entl7Un4trUie(l.r.ct1cnot

SlrHerbert:!.)leraon .

Progr euwAa aade in the ocnnrei'OUOnl with the

Oll"&jUI euthcrltlee t O'Wardl tcl" t1ne; pol1c1" wtuch

would allldate the dtuatton at 1t1 or181n ·

I n the oountr111 of t.-pora17 r.tue:• ettortl wer.

ooord1nll!.te4 to &a.1nta1n the rtf'\1&111 ln ••H able conditione

Yhlle they weJ"' ln tii:PCIJ"'.I":J' aerlu.

!Mr. hat been at h tolt a "&tnnlnc 1n tllt writ of

open1n& up nev plaoll of tlnal Mt\1-nt and 1n ltlep11C

open door• to t he reaull.r flow of 1nf1Uratlon. Cocm1n 1one

of I nqulr7 he.Ye •1a1ted, 1nYIItlte.t14 and N~ported on

opportunl tlloa for u n1e11ent 1r. the Ooll1n1cu Republic ,

8 r 1t111h G\111..1'111!., Northern llhodetl~ and the Ph.1111p1nu .

I hke gNIAt pleae\lrt ln announolns tod.ll1 that actin

l tiPI hau been taken to btgln the writ on Ute uttleeent

proJect. vhlch h.a•e bun 11&41 polllble by the aeneroue

a ttitude of tbe Domln1ct.n Gon~n\ .,4 the Oo'l'ernaent

of tblo l'hlljt"l~ll.l c-onwealt.h. h 11 a -re• of ~tP~elal.

rrauncauon tha\, due to the en\.-a-prlae and ilneroel\7

of a i1"0UP of far-11elq Uerloane, t:hl r.t'll£•• etreaD

'lhlch hae bo111n da.m:led too 10>'6 wlll eoon bl81n teo nov.

!hie ehould not onl7 rel11Ye the ~1dlat1 ttnllon

U l"'f1 Aian 1nlp1reuon t.of\lrtheroonetn.othl eftort .

There ""' another and a Ytrr notlbll achleuaent

l n thl e peat ye ar to vhlch I vhh t o call par ticular

atttntlon. 'l'hle ""the utabl1ehlltnt b:r a dUU ngu.l lhtd


~o-AIIerlean s:roup or COoMl naU"' rollMIItlon wtll.oh,

ln oonJuncUon wUh thl Inurgo•t1'11Dfntal Co~tt .. ,

wlll vort with 1nd1Y1il.ll&lt and organlu,Uone to lnYettlp te

the tu1tab111t:r ot placu ct nttleaent tor lnYOlunt &r:J'

1111$1'1.!\tl and f urther rnett.h111nt plant. I •tU.oh gre• t

111port.ano1 t.o tilt i"oun~atlon and .. oontldtnt th&t 1t wlll

pl&J' 1.11 laportant role 1n proiiOtlfll a tolut.lon or t.he

retua" probl n .

So .. eh hae been done. Let ut look into the tuture ,atld ... "' What -•t.., be o.!.o"• · '!odaJ' tM ~unt raotor ln the

tUuaUon h the outbreak or war, !nle baa lnterrupttd the

reeular oourn or rrt"uc;t• worll:, The laportant. taek on whloh

theinter&QYCrnlllntalCo=lttllha.lbttnent&(;td tor.:.ora

than one r.r.r thould not be abandoned: bu; lt wet be

rtdlrtot.t'd. The ref\lgtl problt• 11 a oont.lnulnf ont , not

a UIII)Ore.ry •=•re"tll07, nnd one whloh oonotrne t he

ooiiiJNnltJ at a vholt . liar 11 no eKCun tor not tohlng lt ,

tor when h~ btlnot IIUtftr and dlt, What lt al1»1t

we hold dear 1t t~trtd.

Jow the tolut1oll ot tht orobl• calli tor, tl.rtt, a

thort-ruge progr ... tor dtallq: vttb the ~reone vb.o are now

ln COWitrl u or r•~e:•; .. ccnd, a lon.r-r•n«e progra. tor

4tal1116' wt;h the broa4tr probh• or ruettUnc not onl7 the

Y1ctlllltO!per n eutlonbuttbtdct1mtotwarllndc1Y1l


t'bt thort-ra.'\ge progriUI, at I 111 u, lnYolvu the

r11ttth1111nt ot to~:ewhat aort thf.n 100 , 000 plrton• vb.o &rl

now ln oountrt .. ot t e111p0rarr 1'ttue:a, and vbo need

opportunltJ to r111m.1 a uttt\tl.Ute. Kan.J ot thue peoph

wUl haYt opportWUU11 or utablhb.lq: thtMthll, b7

~- I

norlllll proollttl o:t 1nflltrat1on , 1n nw ho=•• 11.1ch

u th1t countr :r vJ>1ch , 11n<11r itt quo ta lave , o:rtert •

h&'O'tll to a tllbtt antlal n1111b1r of rtf\18111 "oh ,.,.,..,

Other • vlll han to be ntabl1tht4 1n tht tpto11l plaen

of u ttllctnt which are btlnS OJ)tnt4 up tor them. I

t h111k tt nptcl llll1 urcant that tht rnptotl'O't Corpora­

Uont ahou.ld bt ut 11p tor tach parUoule.r uttltaent

proJect at rap14l7 at pon1blt.

War -.;r 1nterno;>t tht..f~J!o\utlcn; bu.t t!:la 4tl&J'

..::t &D4 aat bt =-4• \ltttlll. . V:1at 1t Ctt4~, u I '" 1t,

thtrt 11 no 1114111 o:t acctn . Until roadt an4 :taoll1tln

art bll1lt , l U t lt can bt done•. '!'h11 1t tht t1~:~t t or

(lt t t1111J a t t hat t atk . It arta• can bt dto ldtd upon, nov 11

tht t1011 to arrange fo r thl n1otuar:r 4tt a 1ltd IIIM'I)'I , th1

plannlna of the :tao1lltll1 nlldld, th1 arr&n£1ttentl " ­

qulred. to atart bu.lldl:~C thott taollltltt which N.."<:t &Y&U­

e.blt ntv bo- lands . 'r.:111 1t at onct a 1!.11t7 ani!. an oppor-

tunur; a d.1.1t7, becauu o:t tbt pNIIIlrt of nte4; an oppor-

tuntt:r, beC&\111 1: £1'0'11 tht cha:let - lltllcb rartl7 coooe1 - ­

tc pl&J' a part ln tht b\111.41!\C o:t ntv cou..,trl tt . Ptrha~

101.1 ltntltatn 1n Wldtr taklng thlt vorit UU"'l.llh thl Pounde.-

Uon and the 'O'&rl0'-11 corporatlont, ~ t hov 111 a a t ho4 ot

bu.lldl na n w oo'-lnt rlta whi ch vlll bt "-11 ad•e.not o n our

pr .. ent c b llh.a tlon . OUt or the 4rtst o f th1t 411aattr

vt .. ,. bt abl t to dlttUl 10111 r eal IIOhl utatnt t in h\ID&n

procr-n. I n tht oour n o f &lll"l&tlna tht 1.-tdl att d t ,.._

tlon, at1d opening tht 4 .. to at ltaat a -.tnl-.. ot renttle-

.. nt, J'OIIIII.J'f l lld lt pou1blt touat thtvor ll: aeapre-

1 1Alnt.r7 dutlo~ent o f plant t or l arp t ell• 11ttleaent

11'1 t\lbtt&lltl&l tlrrlton, vltb p ntro\11 tln&DOlng, llluai!l.lttd .,


b7 1&'61:\atll't plannt ns 1.114 huaan lii,Ltnuur.

done before , vlth rar leu rtiOW"<III t~nrou ~ .. to

llnoe thh co-uue 11 not dtllll l\f vlth 1 pa .. t ns

phenomenon, nor nen vlth the torrov or a parUolll.IU" r ace,

lt .,.,t coneldtr vldenlna: ltt ~~&~~date , 1'htrt art other

oattsor111 or ex1l11 vho vlll be rorot4 to ett.rt their

111'11 a,cu11 ln a nev lArld. lfaturt.llr, co11tllltat1on vlth

ro•ern.ante 11 needed to ~e f'll~ntlll o~ftil ln the

tcopt ot the Co=.1ttet 1t vork; but I bop.e tblt conellltatlon

..., take place . ·,;, t!lal.l ~1'1 the problt• or CaUwGllc

eJtllee , or Rtn e:Uled tor rtatone ot rlllslon or ot reel,

or oll'll eontU ct , or ot eb11r .... o:IOl'tllente u aTIIIIlt or

the llphii.Yal ln Europe . It 11 ntoe .. arr ror the eAtetr or

Ill to ooneUer the problealn ltt largttt lln ... Thl t 11

nQ lonr;er the probha or one raot 82"0111), It 11 the p roblea

or all groupe and all talthe.

I cannot don vlthout etrtttln( 01101 .ore the

polgn.nc7 or the refill>" prOblt•. It 11 a ohl.lltnoe to

the Vtttlrn clYUlud world. It 11 not tno"'!b to

ln borrltltd hlm.allltarl&Dlu, tii!Pt7 rteollltlone, ~lden

rbttorlo 1.114 p l oue worde . !blt 11 rMJ.1t7: 1.114 1t - •t be

taot<tltthed..ocratlcprlnclpltktl<tonrnpect fer

hwlan dlpUr 1 1 to tuM'll't; and U vorld or-der, llhloh

rtttt on ttourlt7 cr the l ndhldllal,lt to b t renorl<t,

Rtlltllbtr111f the woNt written on the Statue or

L1b4ortr, let ue l1tt a lal!lp beUdt nev golden door e

and bulld nev retustt tor tht tlrtd, tor the poor, tor tht

huddlt4 ..... , :rearnl ng to be tree.