Frankfurt WAMFrankfurt WAM...Availability of power supply and data network 8 Air Operations 8 Air...

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Frankfurt WAMFrankfurt WAM Examples of multilateration implementation

ICAO Seminar on the Implementation of Aeronautical Surveillance and Automation Systems in the SAM Region

San Carlos de Bariloche 6San Carlos de Bariloche 6--8 Decembre 20108 Decembre 2010

New Surveillance Technologies in ATM

Surveillance Technologiesdistributed





1090 ES


Radar MultilaterationADS MSPSR


Mode A/C/S

Mode A/C



dependent independentcooperative

active passiveactive

passive / active

2 Air Operations

VDL-4 WAMcooperativepartially dependent



Fundamental Principle of Multilateration

Transponder Reply or Mode S quitter1

Aircraft transponders reply to interrogations from SSR

ltil t ti t

Airport Multilateration (MLAT)Wide Area Multilateration (WAM)



Multilateration Ground Stations



or multilateration systems, and emit unsolicited

squitters/extended squitters


calculates surfaces of constant time


Signals received and time stamped

by Ground Stations

3 Air Operations

System Output:Aircraft reports Surveillance

Data Processor

Ground communications


Display System

Track reports

Multilateration measures Positions

Multilateration Central

Processing Station (CPS)

Multilateration Basics

Time of Arrival in B: TOA2

A and B are a pair of Ground Stations receiving both a signal from an aircraft.

The Time of Arrival TOA of the signal is measured by


R 2=

c • T

OA 2

Time of Arrival in B: TOA2

A and B are a pair of Ground Stations receiving both a signal from an aircraft.

The Time of Arrival TOA of the signal is measured by


R 2=

c • T

OA 2

Time of Arrival in B: TOA2

At a given time, the Aircraft is on the locus of points having the distance R2 - R1constant:

R2 - R1 = c • (TOA2 - TOA1)


R 2=

c • T

OA 2

R2 - R1 = c • (TOA2 - TOA1) Time of Arrival in B: TOA2

At a given time, the Aircraft is on the locus of points having the distance R2 - R1constant:

R2 - R1 = c • (TOA2 - TOA1)


R 2=

c • T

OA 2

R2 - R1 = c • (TOA2 - TOA1)

1 2

Time of Arrival in A: TOA1

g yeach Ground Station.

The time differenceTOA1-TOA2 corresponds tothe distance differenceR2 - R1 = c • (TOA2 - TOA1)

R1 =

c • T


Time of Arrival in A: TOA1

g yeach Ground Station.

The time differenceTOA1-TOA2 corresponds tothe distance differenceR2 - R1 = c • (TOA2 - TOA1)

R1 =

c • T


Time of Arrival in A: TOA1

This is a hyperbola (curve in red).

R1 =

c • T


Time of Arrival in A: TOA1

This is a hyperbola (curve in red).

R1 =

c • T


Time of Arrival in B: TOA2

A third station in C givestwo more differences


Time of Arrivalin C: TOA3

R 2=

c • T

OA 2

Time of Arrival in B: TOA2

A third station in C givestwo more differences


Time of Arrivalin C: TOA3

R 2=

c • T

OA 2

3Typical Accuracy Distribution from Theory


4 Air Operations

Time of Arrival in A: TOA1

R2 - R1 = c • (TOA2 - TOA1)R2 - R3 = c • (TOA2 - TOA3)R1 - R3 = c • (TOA1 - TOA3)

and thus two morehyperbolas follow.

The aircraft can be locatedat the intersection(s) of thehyperbolas

R3 = c • TOA


R 2

R 1=

c • T

OA 1

Time of Arrival in A: TOA1

R2 - R1 = c • (TOA2 - TOA1)R2 - R3 = c • (TOA2 - TOA3)R1 - R3 = c • (TOA1 - TOA3)

and thus two morehyperbolas follow.

The aircraft can be locatedat the intersection(s) of thehyperbolas

R3 = c • TOA


R 2

R 1=

c • T

OA 1




MLAT/WAM System Block diagram

SCU: System Communication Unit

5 Air OperationsAir Systems Division5

Flexible and scalable network centred Architecture


Wide Area Multilateration (WAM) System,Terminal Area Multilateration System,Airport Surface Multilateration System

Frankfurt Terminal Area (120 NM x 80 NM)

Frankfurt/Hahn Airport

Coverage Requirements

Among the heaviest 1090 MHz radio load in the world (according to FAA)

Frankfurt/Main Airport

6 Air Operations

Coverage Simulations Link Budget Models


Sites selection

Stepwise process based upon:Detailed visual and graphical topography analysis Computer simulations of the multilateration performance.A series of site surveys and succeeding discussions with DFS

blue = GSR sites (receive function

7 Air Operations

only). red = GST sites (receive/transmit function).

All GST sites are acting as time calibrators and interrogators.

Special Considerations for Multilateration Systems

Geometry of Ground Station Sites and Target : DOPCommon GS coverage required : min 3 GS for 2D, min 4 GS for 3D Good GS constellation required

Synchronisation accuracy Stable and precise common GS time base required

Line of sight restrictionsSufficiently strong signals required (Time of Arrival (TOA) accuracy corresponds to S/N (strong signals = good TOA, weak signals = bad TOA)

Potential obstacles for signal propagation (e.g. terrain, buildings...)Multipath processing required (Wrong TOA, e.g. due to multipath, particularly when no direct signal due to masking)

Availability of the site/building, accessibility

Availability of power supply and data network

8 Air OperationsAir Systems Division8

Availability of power supply and data network

Operational constraints, e.g. obstacle clearance limits

Implementing Multilateration requires both:a good system and good planning!


Installed WAM Sites

DFS WAM Ground Stations

9 Air Operations

DFS WAM Central Processing Station

Good sites do exist, but...

...many others came before – and they have similar needs

No space on mastTop position occupied Strong transmittersHarmonics close to the 1090 MHz frequency

10 Air Operations

Icefall may impact antenna‘s lifeDaily lightning strikes


WAM Ground Station Enclosure Types10 HU indoor

24 HU outdoor

24 HU indoor

11 Air Operations

24 HU indoor

WAM : DFS PAM FRA initial test results

PAM FRA Coverage

12 Air Operations

Blue: ADS-BRed: WAM

Technical Display, screenshot with mixed Traffic Situation


PAM-FRA: WAM Results within Coverage Area

13 Air Operations

Blue: WAM

Technical Display, screenshot with WAM-only Traffic Situation –zoomed-in on coverage area

WAM: DFS PAM FRA - a closer look

High flying ADS-B / MLAT targets have excellent match.

Error << 50 m (typically around 20-30 m),

14 Air Operations

Blue: ADS-BRed: WAM


WAM/MLAT References

Thales WAM ReferencesThales WAM References

DFS PAM Frankfurt•Upper and lower airspace, TMA, CTR, GND

t t i t

Thales Airport MLAT Thales Airport MLAT ReferencesReferences

Lyon St. Exupéry Airport

Ab Dh bi Ai tat two airports

NATS London TMA•Upper and lower airspace, TMA, CTR ?

Afghanistan country-wide WAM•Upper airspace coverage

Abu Dhabi Airport

Taipeh Tayouan Airport

Helsinki Vantaa Airport

Milano Linate Airport

15 Air Operations

Test bed: WAM STR (Stuttgart-Nuremberg Airspace)•Upper and partially lower airspace, GND

Thank YouThank You

Ludmilla GonzalesLudmilla GonzalesBusiness Development Manager

ludmilla.gonzales@thalesgroup.comTel : +33 (0)1 79 61 42 57

Mob : +33 (0)6 75 79 90 09