FPE Logo Usage Guide

Post on 13-Apr-2015

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General guidelines in the use of FPE logo

Transcript of FPE Logo Usage Guide

Foundation for the Phillippine Environment Communications Protocol 01_Series of 2013




>> Why define the logo identity of FPE?

As the first and the largest non-government organization in the Philippines that catalyzes cooperation to conserve biodiversity and sustain communities, FPE has to purposively communicate its mission and contributions to the public. Having a distinct, memorable, timeless and appropriate logo identity is a basic step towards recognition and acknowledgement of FPE’ work.

>> What is FPE’s logo identity?

This is FPE’s logo brand identity:

The logo resembles a leaf that aptly captures the environmental focus of FPE. The inner leaf is shaped like clasped hands depicting partnership, cooperation and unity. The colors represent an integrated and inclusive approach to conservation. Green is for terrestrial while blue is for priority marine areas supported by the organization.

The brand presents a bolder and more prominent FPE. It stands out from the spelled-out name of the organization. Sending a clear message about FPE’s work is the stylish and fitting tagline and brandmark, “Fostering Partnerships for the Environment.”

Foundation for the Phillippine Environment Communications Protocol 01_Series of 2013



When using the FPE logo, FPE units/offices, project holders and partners are not allowed to modify the design, add or delete any elements or words, or alter any colors.

>> How did the FPE logo change over the years? The FPE logo was a result of a logo design contest in 1993. The winning logo - leaf with clasped hands, was chosen by the Board of Trustees (BOT) on June 22, 1993 as it highlights the concept of bayanihan in the context of environmental protection. However, per recommendation of the BOT, the position of the clasped hands was inverted and this has remained as the logo image of FPE since 1993. Sometime in 1995, the color of the lower leaf changed from bluish to dark green, the image contours were refined and the font type became thinner.

Winning logo entry BOT-approved logo

July 22, 1993 July 1993

1994 1995 1998

1999 2007 2010

2011 Present


Foundation for the Phillippine Environment Communications Protocol 01_Series of 2013



>> What is the rationale behind the updated logo?

The leaf in varying shades of green could be easily interpreted that FPE concentrates mostly in terrestrial areas and reforestation program. The name of the organization as presented horizontally is lengthy and not versatile enough to work across variety of mediums and applications. The logo and the brandmark appear as two separate elements.

Before: Full logo identity

Before: Standalone logo

The logo as shown below incorporates these updates: the lower half of the leaf reverts to the original color of the FPE logo in 1993. A tinge of blue is added to reflect the color of the seas as FPE covers both marine and terrestrial areas. The FPE acronym is now more distinct and prominent. Tying up the graphic elements are the tagline and brandmark, italicized to depict movement or action. A standalone logo version also sports the updated color and font style.

Updated: Full logo identity

Updated: Standalone logo

Foundation for the Phillippine Environment Communications Protocol 01_Series of 2013



>> What are the specifications of the updated logo and brandmark?

Fixed proportions

Foundation for the Phillippine Environment Communications Protocol 01_Series of 2013



Correct resizing

The logo should not be distorted in any manner. In resizing it, always use the correct proportions as shown below:

Foundation for the Phillippine Environment Communications Protocol 01_Series of 2013



Absolute minimum size of the logo for PRINTED materials

Absolute minimum size of the logo for ON-SCREEN display

Foundation for the Phillippine Environment Communications Protocol 01_Series of 2013



Color Usage

Foundation for the Phillippine Environment Communications Protocol 01_Series of 2013



Foundation for the Phillippine Environment Communications Protocol 01_Series of 2013



Application on colored background

The general rule: Use black FPE text on light background; white FPE text on dark background. If the background color matches and the budget allow, apply the color of the lower leaf to the tagline “Fostering Partnerships for the Environment.”


>> Application on colored background

Full logo identity

Stand alone logo identity


>> Application on colored background

Full logo identity

Stand alone logo identity


>> Application on colored background

Full logo identity

Stand alone logo identity

Foundation for the Phillippine Environment Communications Protocol 01_Series of 2013



Minimum clear space within and surrounding the logo identity

When the medium and applications have limitations, still observe a minimum clear space around the logo, which is around .5 inch on all sides. This is to ensure it remains distinct and recognizable from other visuals. Within the logo, clear space specifications are also provided.

Foundation for the Phillippine Environment Communications Protocol 01_Series of 2013



>> When do we use the full logo and the standalone logo?

The medium and applications largely dictate which of the two versions of the logos is appropriate to use. However, the full logo identity should be used at all times when opportunity offers itself. The standalone version owing to its simplicity and versatility can be applied in materials and collaterals offering limited space and requiring maximum scaling of designs.

>> Are the FPE project holders or partners required to use the FPE logo?

Yes. The Partnership Agreement should specify that all knowledge products, visibility materials and collaterals of major activities funded by FPE should bear the FPE logo.

When the project or material requires co-branding, the prominence of the FPE logo should be at least proportionate to its contribution to the partnership. Therefore, for equal partner, the FPE logo should be placed side by side and of equal prominence with an equal partner.


file source:mdb/fpenewlogo/fpelogousageguide/maandesktop