Founding of the 13 Original Colonies · Founding of the 13 Original Colonies 1607 -Virginia Company...

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Transcript of Founding of the 13 Original Colonies · Founding of the 13 Original Colonies 1607 -Virginia Company...



Founding of the 13 Original Colonies

� 1607 - Virginia Company of London � To Chesapeake Bay –Jamestown

� For trade and profit and England’s 1st permanent American colony

� Difficult beginning years� Developed high grade tobacco=flourished� Slave Labor

� CreatedHouse of Burgesses for more local control - 1st

representative assembly



� Pilgrims received a charter to settle in America

� Pilgrims -Separatists who left for religious freedom

� Mayflower went off course

& landed in Plymouth, MA

� Mayflower Compact –Promised to obey the laws passed “for the general good of the colony”

� Wrote 1st document setting up self-government in America

In the name of God, Amen. We whose names are [listed below], the

loyal subjects of our dread sovereign (authority) Lord, King James, by

the grace of God…

Having [started], for the glory of God, and advancement of the

Christian faith, and honor of our King and Country, a voyage to plant

the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia, do…in the presence

of God, and one of another, [promise] and combine our selves

together into a civil body politic (government), for our better ordering

and preservation and furtherance of the ends [mentioned above]; and

by virtue hereof to enact (pass), constitute, and frame such just and

equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions and offices, from time to

time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general

good of the Colony, unto which we promise all due submission and

obedience. In witness whereof we have hereunder subscribed our

names at Cape Cod, the eleventh of November [New Style, November

21], in the year of the reign of our sovereign lord, King James, of

England, France, and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-

fourth. Anno Domini 1620.



� 1623 settled inPortsmouth� Founded by fisherman fortrade and fishing

� 1638 - John Wheelwright

� Led group of nonconformistPuritans from MA to Exeter, NH for religious freedom

� Drew up Exeter Compact-based on Mayflower Compact (self government)

� 1624 – Dutch West India Company

� New Amsterdam

� German, Swedish, Dutch, & Finnish settlers

� Excellent trade using the Hudson River and a good harbor

� English wanted it & attacked in 1664

� Renamed it New York

� Gift to the Duke of York

� Threat to English trade and settlements

� Dutch surrendered

� Proprietary/Royal Colony



� Puritans - Protestants who wanted to reform (purify) The Church of England

� Received a royal charter to leave for religious freedom to practice their religion from persecution

� Create a society based on the Bible

� Town meetings were their democratic government � Only white male church members could vote



� Lord Baltimore - dreamed of safe place for Catholics

� 1632 –Main settlement of Baltimore (port city)

� Proprietary colony north of Virginia

� Passed Toleration Act -Religious Freedom and toleration

� Planted tobacco & corn

� Maryland law - “every person planting tobacco shall tend 2 acres of corn”