Foundation Day 2015

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Transcript of Foundation Day 2015







St P








Forewordby Professor Philip Ogden

I very much hope that you will enjoy reading this, our third, Gazette, marking Foundation Day 2014 for St Paul!s Way Trust School. Foundation Day is now a well-established tradition and bears witness to the vitality and growing success of the School. Education in the UK has, as ever, been subject to much discussion in 2014, but these pages show how commitment from staff and pupils can lead to sustained achievement in a happy, positive and aspirational environment.

It is now five years since our Foundation Trust was established and key to our success has been a positive working relationship between the Trust and the Governing Body. I should like to thank Professor Peter Heathcote for his energetic and committed leadership of the Governors and Grahame Price, our Executive Headteacher, and his colleagues for their vision and ambition for our School. The Sixth Form is now well-established and 2014 saw us send a second batch of students to university, with some excellent A-level performances. At the other end of the age range, we were also able to admit our first cohort of primary-age children, so that the aim to make St Paul!s Way a "through! school, with the promise that represents for the future, is rapidly being realised.

These pages also reflect the extent to which we benefit from our supporters! guidance, advice and resources. Trustees, Governors and other partners represent a formidable network of support. But, in addition, the School is very much part of its local community – and seeks to serve local children across the range of ability. We very much value close links with, and the support of, our students! families.

Foundation Day is, above all, a celebration of the achievements of our students. I am delighted to be able to congratulate them all: everyone who attends is, I think, impressed and moved by the poise of our students and their range of achievement - not only in the academic disciplines, but also in sport, music and drama.

Professor Philip Ogden, Senior Advisor to the Principal at Queen Mary, University of London and

Chair of St Paul’s Way Trust

Professor Philip OgdenQueen Mary University of London.

Chair, St Paul's Way Foundation Trust.

January 2015.

Order of Procession

Front Row: ! Professor Simon Gaskell, Dame Colette Bowe, Professor Peter Heathcote, ! ! Professor Phil ip Ogden, Nicholas Bence-Trower, Sir Nicholas Montagu

The Stage

Second Row: Diana Warne, Jane Mill igan, Lord Andrew Mawson, Amanda Purnell, ! ! Tanvir Rafe, Bernardette Conroy, Professor John Wass, Anne Canning, ! ! Vanya Harris, Gail May

Last Row: Colonel Richard Winstanley, Jocelin Harris, Dr Joe Hall

On the 8th December 2014, the third SPWT Foundation Day ceremony was held in the magnificent backdrop of the Great Hall of the People!s Palace, Queen Mary, University of London.

The Badge designed to celebrate the event, depicts the lantern that shines in the Great Hall. This lantern is a reproduction of the original that was lost during a fire in 1931 and re-built using old pictures of the previous one. This historical and stunning architectural element also inspired a passage of the SPWT School Song:

The Lantern in the People "s Palace, Queen Mary, University of London

The Foundation Day Badge

“A great bright lantern burns aboveWhere all our hopes aspire ”From the SPWT School Song

The Lantern will remain a symbol for the events to come, whilst alternating its colours between those of the six SPWT Graduate Skills. The badge of this year!s event was blue for Investigation whilst the next, Foundation Day 2015, will be green for Participation.

Foundation Day 2014 began with a formal academic procession entering the Great Hall of the People!s Palace through the central doors. The procession advanced through the centre of the hall heralded by the magnificent sound of the Trumpeters of Queen Mary University of London Brass Ensemble playing "Canzon Cornetto! by Samuel Scheidt and "La Mourisque! by Tylman Susato. On reaching the stage, the procession ascended the stage in pairs, alternating between stage left and right. This formation looked rather impressive, especially when viewed from the balcony and was the result of a number of rehearsals with staff and students in the school!s Willoughby Theatre, amidst much laughter and hilarity. It was a credit to the students, who were each paired with an adult and were responsible for guiding the guests to their places, that they performed these manoeuvres to perfection.

The procession members, all wearing the gowns of their alma mater, comprised of student leaders, the SPWT Senior Leadership Team and members of St Paul!s Way Trust and Governing Body. This year two of our patrons were able to attend the ceremony, our guest of honour, Dame Colette Bowe DBE and Professor John Wass FRCP.

Image above: the Opening Fanfare, end of the #Canzon Cornetto"

by Samuel Scheidt

Opening Fanfare

Foundation Day 2014 was a special event for everyone involved, for the prize and award winners, the parents, friends, indeed for the entire St Paul!s Way Trust School community.The importance of the event was reinforced by the presence of many important guests, our Trust partners, members of St Paul!s Way Trust and the Governing Body.Professor Simon Gaskell, Principal of Queen Mary University of London, formally welcomed St Paul!s Way Trust School to the great Hall.Professor Gaskell spoke of the special relationship between the University and school and echoed the hope shared by us all that the partnership will continue to flourish.It was a very great pleasure to welcome Dame Colette Bowe, our newest patron. In her speech Dame Colette reminded us of the spirit and determination that lies behind great sc i ence and wonde r fu l mus i c . Sometimes we do things not because we find them easy but because we know that they are hard - and we want to be challenged, to succeed, against the odds.# This is the spirit of the astronaut and the astrophysicist. This is also the spirit of our greatest musicians, conductors and composers. They take us to places that we have never been before.Special thanks to our guest speakers for their warm words of welcome and encouragement.

Guest Speakers

Dame Colette Bowe DBE, Guest Speaker

The Great Hall was filled with the colours of SPWT

Professor Simon Gaskell, Principal of Queen Mary

University of London

For the second year running, six prizes were awarded to outstanding pupils. These prizes celebrate the accomplishments of students who excelled in Community Contribution, Literature, Enterprise, Global Citizenship, Student Progress and Music.

The prizes come in the form of a parchment certificate and a £250 bursary.

The Prize Winners

Amanda Purnell and Joya Choudhury who saw her efforts rewarded on stage during the 2015 ceremony

Farhana is an extremely dedicated and hardworking student who has participated in a variety of different opportunities that have been presented to her.#She is always willing to learn new things and get involved in many different aspects of school life.#

Farhana!s commitment to sports is outstanding, she has achieved great results as part of the girls cricket team in tournaments organised by the school and the Tower Hamlets borough.#

Farhana is an active member of the school community and demonstrates a mature attitude and a clear vision for her learning. She has been an excellent role model, leading by example on many occasions whilst at the same time able to delegate and trust friends and colleagues.

For all these reasons I believe Farhana is a worthy receiver of the Community Contribution prize.

Farhana’s Tutor, Ms Morgan

Farhana Khatun Year 8

NHS Prize for "Community Contribution!

Presented by Jane Milligan, Chief Officer NHS Tower Hamlets

Clinical Commissioning Group

Community Contribution

“ These events will motivate and

encourage students. It made her very happy when she

found out she won the award ”

Farhana!s Mum

Trust Sponsor: NHS

Ahmed is a thoughtful and courteous young man. His prize was for a poem he wrote on the indignity of violence, a most moving and poignant piece of literature. In Year 7, Ahmed showed great confidence and ability with his activities in the school debating team, holding his own among students from across the school. This Year he represents Year 8 in the Foundation School Council, and is using his excellent ICT skills to develop a new way for students to have their voices heard.

Ahmed's teachers speak highly of his work ethic and his kind manner, and he also puts these qualities to good use as a St Paul's Way Ambassador for the Tour Guide Team. With such exceptional progress made in the six St Paul's Way Trust School's graduate strands, Ahmed shows that he truly embraces the St Paul's Way Trust ethos.

Ms Sanchez, Ahmed’s Tutor

Ahmed Elbahja Year 8King!s College London Prize for "Literature! Presented by Lord Andrew Mawson OBE, Andrew Mawson Partnerships

“ We were surprised and very pleased when we heard the news. ”

Ahmed!s Dad

Trust Sponsor: King’s College


Mahir has been a valuable asset to the school and community throughout his first 2 years at St Paul!s Way Trust School. He developed his leadership skills through the many extra curricular activities in which he enthusiastically took part.

Mahir represented the school in many circumstances, such as the "Young Mayor Conference on Peer Pressure! and during the visit to the "Leopold Estate! demolition site. He was able to improve, through his constant participation and application, on all the skills required to receive this prestigious prize.

Congratulations on a victory that will drive him forward with his studies.

Ms Moore, Mahir’s Tutor

Mahir AhmedYear 8

JP Morgan Prize for "Enterprise!

Presented by Gail May, Head of Education and Community

Partnerships, University of East London

“ This will definitely help him and

motivate him further, we!re so proud! ”

Mahir!s Parents

EnterpriseCorporate Sponsor: JP Morgan

"A well deserved prize. Djellza is a bright star, she wishes me a good morning and good afternoon everyday. Extremely polite and personable Djellza is a lovely member of the 9U Tutor Group“

Ms Bader, Djellza’s Tutor

At the start of the school year#Djellza#was an integral part of the girls! basketball team. She showed excellent leadership skills and was able to encourage the entire team to# #keep trying and practice. She# is a very confident student who works extremely hard to#achieve her best at all times. Well done#Djellza!

Mr!Kilner, Djellza’s Teacher

“Djellza is a natural and outstanding#linguists, congratulations on a well deserved achievement.”

Mr El-Barakat, Djellza’s Teacher

Djellza ZekaYear 9 Nigel Relph Prize for "Global Citizenship!Presented by Sir Nicholas MontaguChairman of the College Council, Queen Mary University of London

“ It was overwhelming, we felt very proud of her achievement. It!s also a spark of

hope for her future, it tells us that Djellza is on

the right track and doing very well ”

Djellza!s Mum

Global CitizenshipPrivate Sponsor: Nigel Relph

It has been a huge pleasure working closely with Joya over the past four years. I have gotten to know her well and I am confident she is an extremely deserving recipient of the "Student Progress! Prize; we are all very proud of her.

I have seen Joya progress massively with both her maturity and her academic performance. Much of this progress has been a result of her endeavours working independently and taking responsibility for her own education.

Joya is a young woman who is only just discovering her wonderful talents. Congratulations.

Mr Sommerville, Joya’s Teacher

Joya Choudhury Year 10

Warwick Prize for "Student Progress! Presented by Amanda

Purnell, UK Vice Chair for HELOA, University of


“ I am very pleased and happy to have

won the prize. ”Joya

Student ProgressTrust Sponsor: University of Warwick

Ming is regarded by all staff as an exceptionally gifted student who excels in a range of subjects, and who has always worked tirelessly to achieve in his studies. Often seen using his free time to independently study, Ming is constantly seeking to challenge his own capabilities particularly in Mathematics and Further Maths.#

Beside academia, Ming has contributed to the wider aspects of school life, for example he has been a part of the Theatre Company both as an Actor and Assistant Stage Manager, The Choir, The Orchestra and he has participated in numerous open evenings and helped facilitate taster lessons during year 7 induction days.

Ms Jasor, Ming’s Tutor

Yi Ming LiuYear 13Linnett Prize for "Music! Presented by Tanvir RafeUndergraduateSchool of MedicineBalliol College, Oxford

“ A positive experience that will push Ming!s love for music even further ”

Ming!s Parents

MusicPrivate Sponsor: Simon Linnett


The 2014 Foundation Day ceremony was accompanied by musical interludes. The music, played and sung by SPWT students, was a highlight of the ceremony.

Christmas Carol ‘Deck the Hall’Junior Choir Supported by Year 7

‘River Flows in You’ (Yiruma)performed by Yi Ming Liu

Our six Foundation Day Award w i n n e r s e a c h r e c e i v e a parchment certificate and a £250 bursary. The worthy winner of the Scholarship Award also receives "The Worshipful Company of Drapers! Medal. The student receiving the Trust Award for Vision receives a £500 travel voucher and their name is inscribed, for posterity, onto the Tennyson Cup which bears Lord Alfred Tennyson!s fine words:

T h e S t P a u l ! s Wa y T r u s t Graduate excels in six key areas. They demonstrate excel lent Communicat ion sk i l l s , they Investigate concepts in depth and with precision, They Participate with enthusiasm and they are truly accomplished Networkers.

Par t i cu la r l y impor tan t , ou r g r a d u a t e s n e e d t o b e hardwork ing and dedicated Scholars and have a clear and compelling Vision for their future as Global Citizens.

The Award Winners

‘The Worshipful Company of Drapers’ Medal and the ‘Tennyson Cup’ engraved with the name of the wInners:

‘For I dipped into the future,far as human eye could see,Saw the vision of the world,and all the wonders that would be’

Lord Alfred Tennyson

2012 - Nadia Rahman 2013 - Vanessa Florio

2014 - Sanaa Atik

Sanaa Atik, Winner of the 2014 Award for ‘Vision’, Receives the ‘Tennyson Cup’ from Professor Philip Ogden AcSS

This prize celebrates confident communication. "Communication! can take place in many different forms, but our students know that powerful communication makes them well placed for professional success and personal fulfilment.

Nayem is a very confident student, particularly in his communication skills. He is well spoken and engaging in his speech, a quality that granted him first prize in the Tower Hamlets EBP Public Speaking Competition 2014. In the grand final Nayem gave a passionate and insightful speech on the theme of 'personal identity', which brought huge applause from the audience and proved to be the judging panel's favourite.

Mr Russell, Nayem’s Tutor


“ We were very excited and happy –

can!t describe the moment he received the prize, we were

ecstatic. ”Nayem!s Mum

Nayem Uddin Year 11, St Paul!s Way Foundation Trust award for "Communication! Presented by Bernadette Conroy, Chair of Poplar Harca

This prize is awarded to students who show curiosity about the world around them. Students know that by asking questions they will learn more. By "Investigation!, we help to create solutions to the problems of the world around us.

Azhar is very good at independently following up on things he is asked to study and investigate. He has very good analytical skills which he can apply in deconstructing and solving problems in creative ways. He always wants to do better, challenge himself and set higher boundaries.

Azhar has shown himself to be a very intelligent thinker who is able to work through problems and ideas at an exceptional rate. For these reasons we believe he is the most deserving recipient for the "Investigation! award.

Mr Ameen, Azhar’s Tutor


“ I enjoyed every moment of the

ceremony. I!m so proud of him. ”

Azhar!s Mum

Azhar Ahmed Year 11 Michael Faraday Award for "Investigation!

Presented by Professor John Wass FRCP, Group Head/PI & Consultant Physician

This prize celebrates the outstanding ways in which many students contribute to school life. By participating in their work and extra-curricular events, students know that they are making a contribution to the wider school community, as well as supporting their own personal development.

Sherinne is an active participant in all her lessons and in extra curricular activities. She has an excellent record for independent learning whilst also participating in extra curricular activities. Sherinne played key roles in SPWT's drama productions including playing Lady Macbeth in a Macbeth production.

Ms Johura, Sherinne’s Tutor


“ It was an honour to be recognised

in front of so many people. ”


Sherinne Ghoneim Year 10London Borough of Tower Hamlets! Award for "Participation!Presented by Anne Canning, Service Head Learning and Achievement, Education Social Care and Wellbeing, LBTH

This prize recognises the importance of the school!s links with the community, and the importance we place on developing the skills of building links and relationships. By networking effectively, our students know that they can develop supportive relationships to help build for a successful future.

Naima is a very confident student, able to form positive relationships with her peers and has been a proactive member of the St Paul's Way Trust community. She has shown excellence in the field of 'networking' through her ongoing participation in extra curricular and enrichment activities.

Naima has shown independence and drive in becoming a well rounded and academic role model for her peers.

Ms Chowdhury, Naima’s Tutor


“ I think winning this prize has

already helped her confidence

and her studies. ”Naima!s Mum

Naima Omar Year 10 Catlin Group Ltd Award for "Networking!

Presented by Vanya Harris, Head of Corporate Responsibility, Catlin Group Ltd

This prize recognises students who have learnt to work independently, and set and meet their own goals. "Scholarship! is an old fashioned word, but one that shows that our students know the value of hard work. They know that to succeed they need to show discipline in their academic study. This ethos of hard work prepares students for future success.

Nurul Amin is an extremely focused and driven student, he works hard to excel in his subjects. His A level results are testament to how hard he works; last academic year he topped the students! performance table.

Nurul intends to pursue studies in Mechanical Engineering; a field in which Nurul has the potential to excel as he is naturally curious and ingenious. We are convinced he will be a deeply committed, inquisitive and charismatic undergraduate.

Ms Jasor, Nurul’s Tutor


“ The location was beautiful. Being there made us

even more proud. ”

Nurul!s Dad

Nurul Amin Year 13 The Worshipful Company of Drapers! Medal for "Scholarship! Introduced & presented by Nicholas Bence-Trower, Master of The Worshipful Company of Drapers

This prize is awarded to students who have a clear idea of where they want to go in life and work confidently towards an exciting future. "Vision! is about understanding our own potential, and having the ambition to realise it. Our students know that to be truly global citizens, they need to be aware of life from many different perspectives.

Sanaa#understands that excelling in her A Levels is the first step towards her goal of becoming a Dentist. Sanaa worked with real determination especially during her last academic year and the results were excellent.

Alongside her academic pursuits Sanaa often volunteered to help around the school and she also got an opportunity to go on an expedition to the Bahamas with "Earthwatch!. The expedition involved snorkelling in the Caribbean Sea for 7 to 8 hours a day, identifying and surveying different fish species and gathering data.

We look forward to see what her promising future will bring, congratulations.#

Ms Jasor, Sanaa’s Tutor


“ What a memorable event, I could not be happier for Sanaa. ”

Sanaa!s Mum

Sanaa Atik Year 13St Paul!s Way Foundation Award for "Vision!

Presented by Professor Philip Ogden AcSS Senior Advisor to the Principal at Queen Mary University of London and Chair of St Paul!s Way Trust

The Christmas TruceRead by Vanessa Florio

Christmas Eve in the trenches of France, the guns were quiet.The dead lay still in No Man's Land –

Freddie, Franz, Friedrich, Frank . . .The moon, like a medal, hung in the clear, cold sky.

Silver frost on barbed wire, strange tinsel, sparkled and winked.A boy from Stroud stared at a star

to meet his mother's eyesight there.An owl swooped on a rat on the glove of a corpse.

In a copse of trees behind the lines, a lone bird sang.A soldier-poet noted it down – a robin holding his winter ground –

then silence spread and touched each man like a hand.

Somebody kissed the gold of his ring;a few lit pipes;

most, in their greatcoats, huddled, waiting for sleep.The liquid mud had hardened at last in the freeze.

But it was Christmas Eve; believe; belief thrilled the night air,where glittering rime on unburied sons

treasured their stiff hair.The sharp, clean, midwinter smell held memory.

On watch, a rifleman scoured the terrain –no sign of life,

no shadows, shots from snipers, nowt to note or report.The frozen, foreign fields were acres of pain.

Then flickering flames from the other side danced in his eyes,as Christmas Trees in their dozens shone, candlelit on the parapets,

and they started to sing, all down the German lines.

Men who would drown in mud, be gassed, or shot, or vaporisedby falling shells, or live to tell, heard for the first time then –

Stille Nacht. Heilige Nacht. Alles schläft, einsam wacht …

Cariad, the song was a sudden bridge from man to man;a gift to the heart from home,

or childhood, some place shared …When it was done, the British soldiers cheered.

A Scotsman started to bawl The First Noeland all joined in,

till the Germans stood, seeingacross the divide,

the sprawled, mute shapes of those who had died.

All night, along the Western Front, they sang, the enemies –carols, hymns, folk songs, anthems, in German, English, French;each battalion choired in its grim trench.

So Christmas dawned, wrapped in mist, to open itselfand offer the day like a giftfor Harry, Hugo, Hermann, Henry, Heinz …with whistles, waves, cheers, shouts, laughs.

Frohe Weinachten, Tommy! Merry Christmas, Fritz!A young Berliner, brandishing schnapps,was the first from his ditch to climb.A Shropshire lad ran at him like a rhyme.

Then it was up and over, every man, to shake the handof a foe as a friend,or slap his back like a brother would;exchanging gifts of biscuits, tea, Maconochie's stew,

Tickler's jam … for cognac, sausages, cigars, beer, sauerkraut;or chase six hares, who jumpedfrom a cabbage-patch, or find a balland make of a battleground a football pitch.

I showed him a picture of my wife. Ich zeigte ihm ein Foto meiner Frau.Sie sei schön, sagte er.He thought her beautiful, he said.

They buried the dead then, hacked spades into hard earthagain and again, till a score of menwere at rest, identified, blessed.Der Herr ist mein Hirt … my shepherd, I shall not want.

And all that marvellous, festive day and night, they came and went,the officers, the rank and file, their fallen comrades side by sidebeneath the makeshift crosses of midwinter graves …

… beneath the shivering, shy starsand the pinned moonand the yawn of History;the high, bright bulletswhich each man later only aimed at the sky.

by Carol Ann Duffy, Poet Laureate

Speaking at our 2014 Foundation Day in front of the audience of Queen Mary!s Great Hall was a great first experience for the new Head Girl and Head Boy. We have included here the meaningful last passages of their speeches.

Head Girl and Head Boy

Tahmid Ahmed, Head Boy of SPWTTasfia Rahman, Head Girl of SPWT


As a student, you feel the need for someone to tell you that you can do it – this is what St Paul!s Way Trust has given me and to you too. When you feel like giving up, just get back on your feet and keep going as it will all be worth it in the end. The school provides encouragement – it tells us that it is okay to make mistakes. This is part of the school!s ethos – be confident enough to make mistakes; then learn from them and improve yourself. You are encouraged to be self-aware. Socrates, the famous 5th century BC Athenian philosopher, is recorded as saying that “Wisdom is knowing what you don!t know”. This means that a wise person is not very wise if they believe that they know everything, there is always something you can learn.


If you take your time and attentively think about it, you will discover that success is just an arm!s length away. As success comes in many forms, we all, in this room, can proudly say we have succeeded in one way or another. In the midst of the crowd here are our teachers and support staff, who not only are guiding us to the path of success but giving us the knowledge to conquer it. They help us every step of the way and show a great deal of patience whilst doing so. Without them, the progress made by our school would not be possible. On behalf of all the students, thank you teachers and staff for giving us this power.

“ I was given the chance to be passionately curious, and this opened my once blurry eyes into a methodical field of vision ”

Tahmid Ahmed, Head Boy

Let me start by saying thank-you. Thank-you to Dame Colette Bowe for your thought provoking speech reminding us that human endeavour is to "rise to the challenge!. This, Colette reminded us, is the spirit that got us to the moon and is the determinat ion necessary to ach ieve the perfection we associate with great musicians. Thank-you, once again to Professor Simon Gaskell, Principal of Queen Mary University of London, for welcoming us back to The People!s Palace. Thank-you to our Trustees, Patrons and Governors, those that have sponsored our prizes and thank-you to students, parents and staff for making this occasion so special.

It was around this time last year that I was introduced to an old neighbour, a resident of

Poplar. The introduction was not in person, I met this person by reading his autobiography

"Poplar Memories: The memories of John Hector! who died in January 2010 at the grand age of 92.

Before I tell you about John. I have another important thank-you. The person who bought me John!s book, one of last year!s Christmas presents, was Diana Warne, Head of Secondary School Improvement for the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. After over twenty years in Tower Hamlets Di will be retiring in the Spring. Di, I am very glad to have this opportunity to thank-you on behalf of us all for all that you have personally done for the school over the last six years. I am in no doubt that you have played a vitally important role in the

Executive Headteacher!s Address

Executive Headteacher!s Address

exceptional success of St Paul!s Way Trust over the last few years and we are all hugely grateful for the help that you have always given, with such generosity and enthusiasm, to us.

John Hector was born on Christmas Day 1917 when Britain was at war. But just over a month before his first birthday Europe was at peace again. As a little boy John was told by his mother about the war. John grew up knowing that the streets he was walking along just a year earlier had been bombed by Zeppelin airships.

In his book, John tells us how, having gone through such a terrible time, seemed to bring his parents! generation together – and everyone was agreed that this was "the war to end all wars!.

John went to Culloden Primary School and this is his account of the education received by him and his brothers and sisters growing up in Poplar – nearly one hundred years ago:

"The good folk of Poplar owed a great deal to the London County Council, which controlled the running of about eighteen schools in Poplar within a few square miles and ensured the Education of children aged 5 to 14 (only a few went on to 15 years at a couple of central grammar schools). The education was "sound!, and passed on by first-class teachers who accepted the production of bright pupils as a pleasure and reward, for hours of patience and devotion. Some of us must have been quite difficult to teach.!

So what has changed since John!s childhood?

We all continue to owe a great deal to our local council, Tower Hamlets which continues to work very closely with the vast majority of schools in the Borough including, of course, St Paul!s Way

Trust School. John said that back in the 1920s the education in Poplar was "sound!, today, let!s all be clear it is much more than that – Tower Hamlets Schools and St Paul!s Way Trust School in particular, have been singled out as providing an "Outstanding! education for our young people. I am particularly proud that last Year SPWT became a National Teaching School and National Support School and that we have very clearly built on the "sound! foundations laid by those eighteen schools back in the 1920s.

"Education! that was "passed on! by "first class teachers! – who had "all of the patience and devotion to produce bright pupils " – well that also, is in many ways just as true today as it was all that time ago, but, if I dare to say so, in this, things have moved on – our attitudes to learning have changed:

Today your teachers are not simply passing their education on – they are encouraging you to take ownership of knowledge, and in the very best of lessons you are encouraged to discover for yourself, to formulate your own understanding, to be empowered to ask at least as many questions as you are asked to answer. To use a bit of Education jargon "learning is co-constructed! that is – outstanding learning is where you, with your classmates and your teacher have a shared understanding of what you have learned, what you need to learn and many of the questions that still remain unanswered.

Another key difference, and something that stands out from John!s memoir is that he and his brothers and sisters were only allowed to stay at school until they were 14 – imagine leaving school at the end of Year 9. Here, the difference is stark, back in the 1920s there could have been no expectation of going into the sixth form…and certainly not about

going on to University. Those doors were closed, those opportunities refused, that future denied.

Today, Poplar is a very different place and we just need to look at our Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12 and Year 13 students here with us, to see it. In the 1920s, as John describes in his book, many of the young men of Poplar went to work "on the docks! or "in the factory on a daily rate!, the girls became scullery maids and went "into service! or took in sewing or washing at home. Those unable to get regular work did odd jobs fo r the "Door Knocker Pa in te r ! o r "Chimneysweep!, or "Rag and Bone Man!, or "Shrimp and Winkle Seller!, or helped sharpen the knives with "the grinder!…..and this, less than one hundred years ago.

Today our sixth form is in its fourth year and we already have St Paul!s Way Graduates, from last year and the year before – (our alumni,) at Universities across England – they are here at Queen Mary University of London they are at Sheffie ld , a t Leeds, you ! l l find them at Nottingham and Bristol, at King!s, at Brunel, at City, at Goldsmiths. At UCL and at the London School of Economics… and of course, Tanvir, who is with us today is now an Undergraduate, reading Medicine, at Balliol College, Oxford University. Oxford Medical School is ranked number one, not only in England – but in the world….Tanvir because he lives in Poplar in 2014 and not in 1924 – was able to do his GCSEs, was able to stay on for "A! levels and is able to get a student loan, alongside many of his fr iends such as Ambia who now attends Loughborough University, and go to University. And after that, well it is no longer specific jobs for men and specific jobs for women – the same opportunities and possibilities are open to all.

In short, today the range of opportunities available for a Poplar lad or lass are not limited to the Docks, or being a lady!s maid or "sharpening! knives for the !The Grinder! – today we sharpen our minds to become doctors, musicians, bankers, artists, journal ists, insurers, actors, barr isters and entrepreneurs. Poplar in 2014 is a place of diverse and compelling opportunities.

And once again on Foundation Day we come together, students, families, teachers and friends to celebrate those young people in our community that have made the "very most! of the opportunities that have come their way. Just 12 of you, but, I know, that today!s award winners are 12 of very, very many more. On a daily basis I see so many St Paul!s Way Scholars seizing the opportunities open to you – and what do I see – well, you are the Gold and Silver Merit Badge Holders, you are our Reading Gold, Silver and Bronze Champions, you are the School Ambassadors, members of School Councils, you are Duke of Edinburgh participants, Tall Ship Crew Members, Coral Reef Scientists not long back from the Bahamas and you are the hardworking student working hard in class and studying independently at home. But today only 12 - Why are there not awards for our fabulous Head Girl, Tasfia and Head Boy, Tahmid – weren!t they impressive… and where is the year 7 boy who played in the Borough Under 15s Indoor Cricket Tournament Basit Ahmed? Basit literally led us, to victory taking three wickets as well as being our top run scorer alongside Nazmul Haque in Year 9.

To all of you who are making the most of all the opportunities that come your way - but who have not received an award today… "your time of celebration will come! – that time might come as early as next year on this stage, or it might be on this stage when you graduate from Queen Mary University of London, or it might take place on

another stage in another University in another city. Or it might come, in a quiet way when someone very close and dear to you, sits you down, and tells you how proud they are of all that you have achieved and the person that you are.

Vanessa!s beautiful reading today took us back to John Hector!s time, the time his Mother remembered in close detail. It was a time of great sacrifice and a time of conflict. That war, the one that was supposed to be the "one to end all wars! was followed when John was only 22 years old by the Second World War. The same Poplar families, John!s generation, were called upon to sacrifice everything so that today!s Poplar could become the place it is today. A Poplar where freedom, and opportunity, and a deeply held belief in the "equality for all people! is today!s reality.

Here "we! are. One hundred years after the start of World War One. Did you know, there is a very special garden at Cubitt Town Primary School there is an avenue of olive trees, each tree, when planted was blessed by the leader of a different faith. An avenue of olive trees in John Hector!s Poplar. They are growing side by side and they are thriving. I think John would approve of these trees, perhaps he would especially think of the association of "the olive branch!, the traditional gift of peace.

You see despite his difficult childhood (John suffered infantile paralysis and meninjitis as a baby) and was disabled – John was a much loved son, husband, father and grandfather. In adult life John became a manager at Fraser and Fraser and later Chief Buyer for Browne and Tawse of Bromley-by-Bow. He always made the most of the opportunities that came his way and

even after he retired he worked as an advisor on the London Blitz for both Channel Four and the BBC. John!s education, finishing at 14, did not take him to the Classical writers. Although perhaps, later in life, with his very enquiring mind, I think he may have discovered them for himself.

And if he did, I hope he came across a verse from "The Georgics! by Virgil, written over 2000 years ago, and reflected, as I did, on the importance Virgil places on "a good start in life! – in his book John is very clear that being born and brought up in Poplar set him up for life. In his poem Virgil tells us it is possible to live just like a well planted olive tree – we can grow strong and fruitful, independent and secure and we can favour peace over war:

"Olives need no tending, When once they are rooted in the

fields and braved the winds.Earth on her own

Yields ample moisture And breeds abundant fruits.So nurture the olive, plump

favourite of peace!

Last year, alongside so many other splendid memories, I recall Mr Somerville planting an olive tree in our garden. Let us watch it grow together. Today we celebrate the abundant fruits of our hard work. In the year to come we will continue to nurture a world of opportunities, and know, that in what we do, we "come! from St Paul!s Way in Poplar and we "go! in peace. The school song tells us that "bitter blows the wind! but our roots are firm like Virgil!s olive tree, and "as night grows into day, we grow at St Paul!s Way.

Executive Headteacher!s Address

Remember on Foundation DayThe years now gone behindAs, safe within this family,

We come to learn who we can beAnd learn with pride to say:

“We come from St Paul!s Way”

Though steep the road that lies aheadAnd bitter blows the wind

Know even in December!s coldNew life is springing from the old;

As night grows into dayWe grow at St Paul!s Way

A great bright lantern burns aboveWhere all our hopes aspire

No feeble words that doubters speakCan keep us from the dreams we seek

Let all be proud to say“We came from St Paul!s Way”

Melody: C. Hubert Parry (Repton)Words: Ben Glasstone

St Paul!s Way Trust School Song





Queen Mary University of London

University of Warwick

Catlin Group Ltd

London Borough of Tower Hamlets

University of East London

King!s College, London

Institute of Education, University of London

NHS, Tower Hamlets

Poplar Harca

Special Thanks

The St Paul!s Way Trust would like to record thanks to partners and supporters for sponsoring this year!s prizes.

We are grateful to our Trust Par tners , o rgan isa t ions and friends who have supported and continue to support St Paul!s Way Trust School and its students with such generosity of their time, resources and expertise.

Worshipful Company of Drapers

J.P. Morgan


Poplar Harca

Simon Linnett

Nigel Relph

We acknowledge a special debt of thanks to our lead Trust Partner, Queen Mary University of London, for hosting our Foundation Day ceremony.

We look forward to seeing you again for our next Foundation Day

Foundation Day 2015
















Sanaa Atik, recipient of the Vision Award, and her family with Professor Philip Ogden

Vanessa Florio, Tahmid Ahmed, Grahame Price, Professor Peter Heathcote, Chair of Governors, and Professor Philip Ogden after the ceremony.

2013 2014 2015

The University School in the Heart of East London

Foundation Day 2014

St Paul’s Way Trust