Forums and threads creation

Post on 17-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Forums and threads creation

Forums in Twinspace

Twinspace Tutorials

How to create forums and threads in Twinspace

One of Twinspace offered tools are forums. Although forums can be used for collaboration, interaction and

communication between all participants (teachers, students, visitors) not all of them have the same rights on them so,

point out that:

Forums can be created only by teachers-administrators

Teachers members and pupils-administrators can’t create forums but they can create threads inside forums

Pupils members and visitors can only replay inside treads of forums

There is no limit to the number of forum

Forums can’t be erased, they can only be archived, just like pages

Forums are visible only to Twinspace members.

Read the following, step by step, tutorial on how to:

1) Create forums (if you have rights of teacher administrator)

2) Create treads (if you have rights of teacher member)

3) Replay on a thread

Step Image Description

How to create forums

Step 1

Once login to Twinspace click on the “FORUMS” main menu tab

Step 2

In the new opened page, you can see all already created forums (none for the moment) and the button which writes “ADD FORUM” and gives the option to create one (visible only to teachers-administrators). Click on the button to create a forum

Step 3

In the new opened page, you can see the forum creation form. Here you have to write: 1.A title for the forum 2.A small description of what this forum is about (the field accepts html code, so you can add photos and videos if you wish) 3.When you complete the fields click on “SAVE” button to create the forum

Step 4

By clicking the SAVE button you'll be transferred on the main forum page where you can see that your new created forum is visible.

How to create threads

Step 1

1.Threads can be created by all teachers-participants in the project and in addition by pupils-administrators. 2.Threads can be created INSIDE forums. 3.There is no limit in the number of threads that a teacher can create. 4.Threads can be deleted In order to create a thread inside a forum, click on the title of it. (e.g on Cafeteria)

Step 2

Once in the forum, click on the button “CREATE THREAD” (visible only to teachers-members and pupils-administrators)

Step 3

In the new opened pages there is a form that should be completed. The thread should have 1.A title 2.A small description of what is about, a question for the other participants etc. The description field got a fully functional text editor so, is very easy for the creator to add images, videos, links etc. in his description. 3.When the description is ready click on “SAVE” button to create the thread.

Step 4

By clicking the SAVE button you'll be transferred on the main threads page, inside the forum, where you can see that your new created thread is visible.

How to reply to a thread

Step 1

1.All Twinspace participants can replay to a thread (including pupils-members and visitors) 2.There is no limit on replies to a thread 3.Replies can be deleted To replay to a thread you must enter the forum where the thread is by clicking on the forum title

Step 2

After that you must click on the title of threat of interest

Step 3

In the new opened page, you can see: 1.The title of the thread 2.The description/question of the thread 3.A field with a text editor to write your replay When you finish, click on the “SAVE” button to post your replay

Step 4

By clicking the SAVE button, you can see that your new thread replay is visible and you have the options not only to replay again on the original question but 1. to replay to your answer and to any other replay,2. to quote your answer and any other replay and 3. to delete your answer.

Good Luck!!!

Petros Michailidis