Foregiveness leads to anger management

Post on 12-May-2015

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Transcript of Foregiveness leads to anger management






Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself. It is a release from the burden of anger and pain. When you choose to forgive, you choose to live in the present and the future instead of the past. It does not mean to forget but it does mean to release and go on. Forgiveness doesn't happen on it's own, you must choose to forgive.


Forgiveness is not forgetting.

The pain may not be completely gone. One can forgive and still grieve a loss or feel pain from a wound.

Damage and wounds can take time to repair.

Forgiveness does not deny responsibility for behavior. You have simply committed to not hold the other person in debt.


Write down with pen and paper all of the things that you have done wrong. It is imperative that you write.

Read the list.

Now say "I did the best that I could with the knowledge that I had at the time. I now forgive myself and go free."

Destroy (burn or shred) the list.

Repeat the exercise for each of the other people who have hurt you.

Now begin a new to live your life without the burden of unforgiving pain - it is unnecessary suffering.


Anger is an emotion characterized by unfriendliness toward someone or something you feel has deliberately done you wrong.

Anger can be a good thing. It can give you a way to express negative feelings, for example, or motivate you to find solutions to problems.

But excessive anger can cause problems. Increased blood pressure and other physical changes associated with anger make it difficult to think straight and harm your physical and mental health.


Controlling anger before it controls you

Give Yourself Permission to Express Anger.

Combine Mental and Physical Effort for Anger Control.

Never Hurt Others in the Process.

Totally Let Go, Without Hesitation.

Strive to Forgive.

ANGER MANAGEMENT-THE GIFT OF FORGIVENESS Absorb your upset feelings as you inhale, and feel what is

there for you. Utilize your upsetness to help generate forgiveness. Remain emotionally balanced as you feel a wider range of

your emotions. This Practice will lead you to go beyond feeling angry or

resentful and limiting what you are capable of feeling and appreciating.

This Practice invites you to use the built up energy of anger or resentment, as the catalyst for generating forgiveness.

The more you are able to feel anger or resentment while not fully giving into it and losing yourself, the more you will be able to enter onto a path of forgiveness.

As always, the key here is to take your time, speak slowly, breathe deeply, and pause between sentences. Keep each sentence short and concise. This is important. Long sentences lead to sloppy thinking and getting lost. You are to speak each sentence out loud if you are in a space that allows for this. It can often be helpful to repeat this process for several rounds in one sitting, letting your words change as you go along.

If your sense of anger or resentment is strong, you might likely have to do this Practice a number of times before you are able to fully agree with what you are saying. This is often an important part of the process. If necessary, please do give yourself the opportunity to speak the words while still feeling a bit out of alignment with what you are saying. This is part of opening up to the gift of forgiveness.

"Today, I am feeling into my relationship with ... ... . "(Name a person or situation that is troublesome.)Pause, Breathe. Deeply, and Feel the Movement in your body as you sit quietly.

"Today, I am feeling into my anger (resentment) in this regard."Pause, Breathe. Deeply, and Feel the Movement in your body as you sit quietly.

"Today, in feeling my anger (resentment), I realize that I am missing out on the opportunity to experience the blessing of serenity.Pause, Breathe. Deeply, and Look around at your surroundings as you sit quietly.

Today, I realize that beyond my anger(resentment), I would also like to feel a sense of deep inner calm."Pause, Breathe. Deeply, and Listen to your surroundings as you sit quietly.

"Today, I realize that I can help improve my overall emotional response to life, by giving myself the gift of forgiveness."Pause, Breathe. Deeply, and Feel the Movement in your body as you sit quietly."

Today, I realize that I would like to exchange my anger (resentment) for a sense of peace and calm."Pause, Breathe. Deeply, and Look around at your surroundings as you sit quietly.

"Today, I realize that feeling a sense of forgiveness, leads to feeling calm, and at peace with myself.Pause, Breathe. Deeply, and Listen to your surroundings as you sit quietly.

Today, I realize that I can breathe in anger (resentment), and breathe out forgiveness and compassion."Pause, Breathe. Deeply In AND Out, and Feel the Movement in your body as you sit quietly.

"Today, I know that I can face my anger (resentment) again tomorrow, with a sense of serenity."Pause, Breathe. Deeply, and Feel the Movement in your body as you sit quietly.

"Today, I can rest in the grace of the world and be free."Pause, Breathe. Deeply, and Feel the Movement in your body as you sit quietly.

I hope this practice will help you to fulfill the longing of your spirit. That you achieve peaceful victory over your anger as you travel ever closer to living the life your heart longs for.


Anger that is not controlled leads to poor decision making. Once you can better manage your anger you will exercise better judgment and also have more control over your impulses.


Being able to manage your stress better is one of the long term benefits that you will immediately see how to do. This is an objective that is taught in anger management. With better control of yourself, you will find that it is easier for you to avoid situations that would otherwise become stressful.

Less conflict

You will find that you go through less conflict. There will be fewer problems with co-workers, family members, parents, and children. You will learn the skills that lead to more peaceful interactions with other people.

Better communication

Often times anger and angry situations would have been avoided if the people involved knew how to communicate better. Many problems are solved when people know how to be assertive. When people do not know how to assert themselves properly angry behavior is often used instead.


Another benefit of anger management classes is that you will be more comfortable in your personal relationships. There are many people who do not like being around the people they love because of anger. You will be able to avoid this difficulty.

More empathy

Anger management training will teach you how to be more empathetic. This is where you feel what another person is feeling. You will find everywhere that you go that the people who can empathize are highly respected. With this skill, you will be able to get people to cooperate with you more easily too.

Know your responsibility

You will recognize what you are responsible for in the way you think of anger. By that I mean that you will know when you are the cause of a problem and when you are innocent. When you are not at fault, you will also be able to know how to keep a situation calm and yet still assign the blame to where it should rightly be.