Foods to Eat in High Blood Pressure in Hindi Iहाई ब्लड प्रेशर में...

Post on 13-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Foods to Eat in High Blood Pressure in Hindi Iहाई ब्लड प्रेशर में...

Foods to Eat in High Blood Pressure

Potatoes for High Blood Pressure

• Potatoes are high in both potassium and magnesium, two minerals that can help to lower your blood pressure. They are also high in fiber, which is necessary for an overall healthy diet. Enjoy a baked potato as the centerpiece of your dinner.

Beets for High Blood Pressure

• Researchers found that patients with high blood pressure saw significant improvements in blood pressure from drinking beetroot juice. You can juice your own beets or simply cook and eat the whole root.

Skim Milk for High Blood Pressure

The DASH diet recommends increasing the amount of calcium-rich foods that you eat. Skim milk is an excellent source of calcium and is low in fat, another important element of a diet for lowering blood pressure.

Oatmeal for High Blood Pressure

• High-fiber, low-fat, and low-sodium foods are just what you want for lowering your blood pressure, and oatmeal fits the bill. Oatmeal for your breakfast is a great way to charge up for the day.

Bananas for High Blood Pressure

• Bananas are a great way to add potassium to your diet. Adding foods that are rich in this mineral to your diet is better than taking supplements, and it’s easy.

Peas for High Blood Pressure

• More peas please! They can help you stave off high blood pressure due to the vegetable protein they contain, as well as other vitamins and folic acid for overall cardiovascular support to your system.

Papaya for High Blood Pressure

• Although oranges typically get mentioned for their Vitamin C content, the papaya puts it to shame with plenty more per gram than an orange. The potassium content also helps the general health of your heart.

Guava for High Blood Pressure

• If you want to mimic the results of a clinical study performed in India you should aim to eat guava before your lunch or dinner. It might be hard for you to get guava in your part of the world, but it’s worth seeking out.

Yoghurt for High Blood Pressure

• Depending on how much stock you give studies that are partially funded by yogurt companies, there may be some benefit to having a daily non-fat yogurt.

Tomatoes for High Blood Pressure

• With all of the press that tomatoes get you’d think they were some sort of super food. Actually, they are. Blood pressure is just one of the many things that tomatoes have been shown to help with.

Spinach for High Blood Pressure

• Spinach makes several lists on our site here, including our list of Super foods, and is a key ingredient in several Detox Drinks.

Carrot for High Blood Pressure

• It can be hard crunching up enough carrots to make a difference to your blood pressure, which is why it’s a good idea to drink them instead.

Watermelon for High Blood Pressure

• Watermelon is one food that most people don’t mind getting more of, especially when they find out just how good it is for them. In the case of the rise and fall of blood pressure, it helps because of all the L-citrulline it contains.

Raisins for High Blood Pressure

• Raisins make a great and portable snack, just be sure that you’re not getting ones that have a lot of added sugar, and opt for the organic upgrade to make sure that they were made with organic grapes.

Beans for High Blood Pressure

• Beans are often suggested for diabetic diets because they help to balance blood sugar levels. But recent findings suggest that they also have a positive effect on blood pressure levels as well.

Dark Chocolate for High Blood Pressure

• The antioxidants in dark chocolate will help fight off free radicals. The trick is limiting yourself to a small daily portion, and not over-consuming it. Eating more of it does not increase the benefits so keep portions in check and go for the long-term approach and daily intake.

Nuts for High Blood Pressure

• An assortment of nuts have been shown to help keep blood sugar levels in check, and also aid in helping you to feel full longer, as well as helping to build lean muscle.

Oranges for High Blood Pressure

• The Vitamin C in oranges acts as an antioxidant, and in addition to helping you fight off colds by strengthening your immune system, it can help to lower your blood pressure.

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