Food and delicacies of Hong Kong

Post on 11-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Food and delicacies of Hong Kong

Food and delicacies

of Hong Kong

Hong Kong, no doubt, a foodie’s paradise is home to some of the most food-obsessed people in the world produces some of the most delicious and iconic food stuffs.

Hong Kong dishes are mainly influenced by the Cantonese, Japan, Southeast Asia and the Western world. Chinese cuisines are predominant in Hong Kong.

French ToastSweet tofu

Satay, Put Chai KoDim Sum


Certain classic eateries of Hong Kong

Chicken testicle sausage

Snake soup

1000 yr old egg noodle Bird’s nest soup

Certain naughty delicacies of Hong Kong

Causeway, Kowloon City, Lan Kawai Fong, Soho are certain major food districts where you can experience exotic dishes beyond your dreams.

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