Florida Key Club€¦  · Web viewAward and Contest Descriptions2. Awards Requiring Applications...

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Transcript of Florida Key Club€¦  · Web viewAward and Contest Descriptions2. Awards Requiring Applications...

2019 – 2020 Winners

Florida District

2019 - 2020Recipients of Awards,

Contests, and Scholarships

2019 – 2020 Winners

Table of Contents

1. Award and Contest Descriptions 22. Awards Requiring Applications Recipients 7

2.1 Club Awards1. Distinguished Cubs2. Malcolm K. Lewis Key Club of the Year3. Every Child a Swimmer4. Governor’s Project Banner Patch5. Kiwanis Family Involvement6. Major Emphasis 7. Single Service Award8. Florida Opportunity Fund (FLOF)

2.2 Individual Awards1. Distinguished Class Director2. Distinguished Club Editor3. Distinguished Club Member 4. Distinguished Club President5. G. Harold Martin Outstanding Club President6. Distinguished Club Secretary7. Distinguished Club Treasurer8. Distinguished Club Vice-President9. Distinguished Club Webmaster10. Governor’s Project Member11. Key Clubber of the Year

2.3 Advisors and Sponsor Awards1. Jack Gander Outstanding Key Club Faculty Advisor2. J. Walker Field Outstanding Kiwanis Advisor3. Robert W. Thal Outstanding Sponsoring Kiwanis Club4. Florida District Key of Honor5. G. Harold Martin Fellowship

3. Non-Application Awards Recipients 421. Club Membership Growth2. Early Bird Dues3. Florida Key Club Endowment4. Governor’s Citation5. Key Club Service6. Pride Report Submission7. Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF Fundraising /MNT

4. District Board Awards Recipients 59

5. Scholarship Recipients 61

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2019 – 2020 Winners

2019-2020 Awards and Contests Descriptions

*Club Membership Growth provides recognition to individual Key Clubs for exhibiting outstanding club membership growth in a single year. A qualifying club shall be defined as a Key Club in good standing for at least two years, with at least 15 members. Clubs shall compete with other clubs of similar size within four membership categories based upon membership from the previous year: Bronze, being 35 members or less; Silver, being 36 to 60 members; Gold, being 61 to 85 members, and Platinum, being 86 members or more. Clubs that increase their membership from the previous Key Club year by 10% as of February 1 of the current year will receive a certificate from the Florida District. Additionally, the top three clubs in each size category will receive a patch.

Club Poster (Non-Digital and Digital) provides recognition to Key Clubs that best demonstrate the values of our organization via a poster. Clubs may submit one digital or non-digital poster for judging. The poster must display an original and current design that could be used to promote Key Club. The poster should be designed to recruit new members and should not bear the name of any school/club, community, or district . The Club Poster Contest is an international contest that must first be judged by the District with the first place winning entry qualifying to compete at International Convention.

Club Project Display provides recognition to clubs judged to have submitted the best project display boards of a favorite or most significant project completed during the Key Club year by the members of the Key Club. One board per club may be submitted.

Club T-Shirt provides recognition to the clubs judged to have submitted the best club t-shirts. The t-shirt must display an original and current design that has been used to promote Key Club. Clubs may submit one t-shirt (in cotton and/or polyester fabric) which must be clean and unused.

Club Video Contest provides recognition to Key Clubs that best demonstrate the values of our organization via a video. Clubs may submit one video for judging. The Club Video Contest is an international contest that must first be judged by the District with the first place winning entry qualifying to compete at International Convention.

Distinguished Club and Distinguished Club Diamond Level provides recognition to individual Key Clubs for their overall performance in the combined areas of club administration, membership and leadership development, Kiwanis Family involvement, service, and fundraising as judged against a pre-established standard of excellence. Entries are made by completing the Key Club Annual Achievement Report and are judged based upon achieving a predetermined score in the Club Annual Achievement Report. Clubs earning a higher score as determined by the Key Club International Board will determine which clubs qualify for Distinguished Club Diamond Level. Only activities which occurred during the District administrative year and included on the monthly Pride Reports may be included on the report . Disqualification of the Club Achievement Report shall also constitute disqualification from the Distinguished Club and Distinguished Club Diamond Level Awards, in addition to the Club of the Year Award.

Distinguish Class Director exhibits the following qualities: supportive of other board members; places Key Club as a top priority; encourages other club members; is accessible to club members; participates in club service projects; ensures Key Club is respected on school campus and in the community; ensures that the class is well represented at each meeting; inclusive of club members; respects all persons; and maintains academic good standing and models student code of conduct. Each class director must meet all qualitative and quantitative assessments, and submit the required recommendation letters. The Florida District Board sets the total number of points required to achieve this award. Each clubs may submit only one director per class.

2019 – 2020 Winners

2019 – 2020 Winners

Distinguish Club Editor exhibits the following qualities: exhibits constructive leadership at all times; places Key Club as a top priority; encourages other club members; is accessible to club members; participates in club service projects; ensures Key Club is respected on school campus and in the community; builds positive working relationships with Faculty Advisor and school staff; maintains academic good standing and models student code of conduct. The club editor must meet all qualitative and quantitative assessments, and submit the required recommendation letters. The Florida District Board sets the total number of points required to achieve this award. Each club may submit only one candidate.

Distinguished Club Member recognizes club members who the Faculty Advisor believes truly model the Key Club Motto. The Florida District Board designed the criteria for the Distinguished Club Member Award to give Faculty Advisors maximum latitude in recognizing members. Each member must meet all qualitative and quantitative assessments. The Florida District Board sets the total number of points required to achieve this award.

Distinguished Club President and G. Harold Martin Outstanding Club President (Combined Application) exhibit the following qualities: constructive leadership at all times; places Key Club as a top priority; encourages other club members; is accessible to club members; participates in club service projects; ensures Key Club is respected on school campus and in the community; builds positive working relationships with Faculty Advisor, school administrator, faculty; respects all persons; and maintains academic good standing and models student code of conduct. The club president must meet all qualitative and quantitative assessments, and submit the required recommendation letters. The Florida District Board sets the total number of points required to achieve this award. The second part of the application focuses on the G. Harold Martin Outstanding Club President which is given to the top five club presidents who meet all criteria for the G. Harold Martin Outstanding Club President Award. The president judged to be the most outstanding of the five will also receive a $1000 college scholarship provided by the Kiwanis Club of Brooksville. Each club may submit only one candidate.

Distinguished Club Secretary exhibits the following qualities: exhibits constructive leadership at all times; places Key Club as a top priority; maintains accurate account of member’s service hours; takes minutes of Board meetings and makes them accessible to members and advisors; is accessible to club members and respects all members; actively participates in club service projects; meets deadlines; supports the president in his/her district responsibilities; maintains academic good standing; and model student code of conduct. The club secretary must meet all qualitative and quantitative assessments, and submit the required recommendation letters. The Florida District Board sets the total number of points required to achieve this award. Each club may submit only one candidate.

Distinguished Club Treasurer exhibits the following qualities: exhibits constructive leadership at all times; places Key Club as a top priority; supports other club officers; actively participates in club service projects; recognizes significance of fundraising for the Governor’s Project; encourages and works with fundraising committee; attends and participates in all club fundraisers; respects all persons; maintains academic good standing and models student code of conduct. Each club treasurer must meet all qualitative and quantitative assessments, and submit the required recommendation letters. The Florida District Board sets the total number of points required to achieve this award. Each club may submit only one candidate.

Distinguished Club Vice President exhibits the following qualities: exhibits constructive leadership at all times; places Key Club as a top priority; could be president; supports the Club President; actively participates in club service projects; works to raise awareness of the Major Emphasis Project (MEP) and Governor’s Project; encourages all committees; respects all persons; maintains academic good standing and models student code of conduct. Each club vice president must meet all qualitative and quantitative assessments, and submit the required recommendation letters. The Florida District Board sets the total number of points required to achieve this award. Each club may submit only one candidate.

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2019 – 2020 Winners

Distinguished Club Webmaster exhibits the following qualities: exhibits constructive leadership at all times; places Key Club as a top priority; encourages other club members; is accessible to club members; participates in club service projects; ensures Key Club is respected on school campus and in the community; builds positive working relationships with Faculty Advisor and school staff; maintains academic good standing and models student code of conduct. Each club webmaster must meet all qualitative and quantitative assessments, and submit the required recommendation letters. The Florida District Board sets the total number of points required to achieve this award. Each club may submit only one candidate.

*Early Bird Dues recognizes with a banner patch from Key Club International, every club that has made their first dues payment by November 15, 2019.

Every Child A Swimmer award recognizes clubs that best exemplify the goals of Every Child A Swimmer (ECAS) program. ECAS is a special program of Kiwanis International, Key Club International, and Circle K International for elementary schools. Its objective is to make every child a swimmer and/or trained in water safety.

*Florida Key Club Endowment Award is presented by the Florida District to the clubs in four size categories with the greatest amount of money collected from all sources for The Florida Key Club Endowment. To be considered for this award, monies donated will be verified on reports provided by The Florida District of Key Club International from March through February. Clubs shall compete with other clubs of similar size within the four membership categories.

*Governor’s Citation is awarded to clubs that record at least 30 hours of service per member (calculated by dividing the club’s total service hours by the number of members in the club). The number of members in a club is determined by the February dues report from Key Club International. Total service hours are determined by the hours recorded in the online Monthly Pride Reports from March through February. The service hours must conform to the district’s definition of a service hour. Improper reporting of service hours will disqualify the club from this award.

Governor’s Project Club Banner Patch is awarded to any club that completes at least three projects throughout the Key Club year that reflect the Governor’s Project, and recorded in the online Monthly Pride Reports from March through February. Each project may be completed on a single day or on multiple days.

Governor’s Project Member Award is awarded to a Key Club member who records at least 25 hours of service directly related to the Governor’s Project and be recommended by his/her advisor.

J. Walker Field Outstanding Kiwanis Advisor is presented to the Kiwanis Advisor who best demonstrates what it means to be an outstanding Kiwanis Advisor. Only one Kiwanis advisor annually receives this award . The nomination for this award should not be disclosed to the nominee prior to announcing the winner.

Jack Gander Outstanding Key Club Faculty Advisor is presented to the Faculty Advisor who best demonstrates the qualities of an outstanding Faculty Advisor. Only one Faculty Advisor annually receives this award. The nomination for this award should not be disclosed to the nominee prior to announcing the winner.

Key Clubber of the Year is presented to the member who goes above and beyond what a Key Clubber’s call to service is. This member works with their club, their divisions, and their Kiwanis Family, and the member truly demonstrates a passion for service. Only one Key Clubber, regardless of club level position (member to president) may receive this award. A student member of the Florida District Key Club Board must endorse the nominee. The nomination for this award may be disclosed to the nominee prior to announcing the winner at DCON.

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2019 – 2020 Winners

*Key Club Service recognizes clubs with the largest number of service hours per member. Clubs shall compete with other clubs of similar size within the four membership categories. Service hours are derived from Pride Reports and must conform to the District’s definition of a service hour. Improper reporting of service hours will disqualify the club from this award.

The Kiwanis Family Involvement Award recognizes the clubs that expressed the greatest amount of involvement with the Kiwanis Family including K-Kids, Builders Clubs, Aktion Clubs, CKI Clubs, Kiwanis Clubs, and Key Leader. Clubs shall compete with other clubs of similar size within the four membership categories. To receive the Kiwanis Family Involvement Award, the club must complete at least t h ree service projects throughout the current Key Club administrative year with any one of the following clubs of the Kiwanis Family: Sponsoring and/or another Kiwanis Club, CKI Club, Aktion Club, Builders Club, or K Kids. Each project must include a t l e a st f i ve Key C l u b me mb e rs an d must also include a t l e a st three me mb ers fr o m a K i w a ni s F a m il y Cl u b . Also required is a written paragraph of 500 words or less, describing how your Key Club demonstrates a close relationship with the Kiwanis Family.

Major Emphasis Award is given to the Key Club which, through its unselfish efforts, has produced during the year the best Major Emphasis Project. Clubs may submit one Major Emphasis Involvement Report for judging. The activity described can cover any phase of Key Club Major Emphasis involvement specifically highlighting personal development and social interaction of children, for example with preferred charities UNICEF, March of Dimes, and Children’s Miracle Network. The Major Emphasis Award is an international award that must first be judged by the District with the first place winning entry qualifying to compete at International Convention.

Malcolm K. Lewis Key Club of the Year recognizes the best club in the District for their overall performance based on several factors, but not limiting to those such as club administration, membership and leadership development, Kiwanis Family involvement, service, fundraising, and attendance at DCON. Submission of the Key Club Annual Achievement Application is required. The Key Club that has the largest point total will be named Key Club of the Year. In case of a tie, the Key Club with the larger average number of service hours per member and/or other criteria determined by the Awards Committee will be selected as Key Club of the Year.

Oratorical Contest recognizes Key Club members for excellence in public speaking. Each orator must speak on the topic chosen by Key Club International for that year and will be allowed a maximum of five minutes for his/her presentation. All acts will be required to demonstrate their ability in a preliminary audition via YouTube video submission in March and a second audition onsite at DCON. The Oratorical Contest is also an international contest that must first be judged by the District with the first place winning entry qualifying to compete at International Convention.

*Pride Report Submission is awarded to Clubs with 100% on time submissions of their March through February Pride Reports. The Pride Reports are due the 10th of each month, except the February report which is due March 7th. Service hours are reported on the Pride Reports must conform to the District’s definition of a service hour. Improper reporting of service hours will disqualify clubs from various awards and contests.

Robert W. Thal Outstanding Sponsoring Kiwanis Club is presented to the Kiwanis Club that best demonstrates a positive on-going relationship with the Key Club(s) it sponsors. The nomination for this award should be done by Key Club members and should not be disclosed to any member of the club being nominated prior to announcing the winner.

Single Service Award provides recognition to individual Key Clubs for their single best service project. Clubs may submit one Single Service Award Report for judging. The Single Service Award is an international award that must first be judged by the District with the first place winning entries (one in each of four club size categories) qualifying to compete at International Convention.

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2019 – 2020 Winners

Talent Contest is for any Individual member or a group from the same club who may compete in a talent competition at DCON. Each club may participate in only one act. The time limit on each performance may not exceed six minutes. All acts will be required to demonstrate their ability and entertainment appeal in a preliminary audition via YouTube video submission in March and a second audition onsite at DCON. The Talent Contest is also an international contest that must first be judged by the District with the first place winning entry qualifying to compete at International Convention.

*Trick or Treat for UNICEF Fundraising banner patch will be given by Key Club International to any Key Club that raises at least $250.00 for Trick or Treat for UNICEF for the Maternal Neonatal Tetanus Project/The Eliminate Project. Funds must be correctly sent to Key Club International by December 31 to qualify for the recognition. The Florida District will give additional recognition to Key Clubs that raised the most money for Trick or Treat for UNICEF through February.

Year In Review (Scrapbook) Contest provides recognition to the Key Clubs that best demonstrate the values of our organization via a scrapbook. Clubs in good standing may submit one year in review traditional scrapbook or non-traditional scrapbook for judging. The scrapbook may contain pictures, souvenirs, examples, newspaper clippings, etc., of activities completed during the district administrative year. The Scrapbook Contest is also an international contest that must first be judged by the District with both the first and second place winning entries qualifying to compete at International Convention.


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2019 – 2020 Winners

* Non-application awards that are given based on documentation such as Pride Reports, Trick or Treat for UNICEF funds submissions, or dues payment.

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2019 – 2020 Winners

Awards Requiring Application Recipients /Club Awards

2020 Distinguished Clubs# Key Club ID# Division1 Blake High School H89970 14-B2 Cape Coral High School H86658 19-A3 Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A4 Keystone Heights High School H88059 45 Lake Weir High School H88464 66 Lennard High School H92976 14-C7 Marco Island Academy H93138 228 Riverview High School H93767 14-C9 St. Petersburg Senior High School H80038 13

2020 Distinguished -Diamond Clubs# Key Club ID# Division1 Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A2 Manatee High School H80026 173 Saint John Neuman High School H90811 224 Southeast High School H82645 175 William R. Boone High School H90263 10-B

2020 Malcolm K. Lewis Key Club of the YearKey Club ID# Division

Manatee High School H80026 17

2020 Every Child A Swimmer WinnerClub Name ID# Division

Hialeah Gardens Senior High School H92635 25A

2019 – 2020 Winners

2020 Governor's Project Banner Patch # Key Club ID# Division

1 Armwood High School H87040 14-C2 Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A3 Belen Jesuit Preparatory High School H86568 26-A4 Blake High School H89970 14-B5 Boca Raton High School H83407 216 Bozeman High School H91653 2-B7 Braden River High School H92149 178 Cape Coral High School H86658 19-A9 Colonial High School H93072 10-B

10 Estero High School H89696 19-B11 Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A12 Hialeah High School H81395 25-A13 Island Coast High School H92271 19-A14 John Gray High School H87027 26-D15 Keystone Heights High School H88059 416 Lake Weir High School H88464 617 Lemon Bay High School H86005 1818 Manatee High School H80026 1719 Marco Island Academy H93138 2220 Mariner High School H87688 19-A21 Pine View High School H85462 1822 Point of Grace Christian H93694 3-B23 Saint John Neuman High School H90811 2224 South Broward High School H88181 24-A25 South Plantation High School H90642 24-A26 Southeast High School H82645 1727 Triple C High School H87606 26-D28 William R. Boone High School H90263 10-B29 Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 830 YWPA H92822 25-C

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2019 – 2020 Winners

2020 Kiwanis Family Involvement Award - Patch

Key Club ID# Division2019-20

Members SizeSponsoring Kiwanis Club

Kiwanis Club

Division Total

Points Rank

Blake High School H89970 14-B 24 Bronze Tampa 14 324 1

Cape Coral High School H86658 19-A 35 Bronze Cape Coral 19A 317 2

Island Coast High School H92271 19-A 20 Bronze Cape Coral 19A 232 3

Bozeman High School H91653 2-B 36 Silver Panama City 2 205 1

Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A 43 SilverGreater Miami Lakes 25A 198 2

Lemon Bay High School H86005 18 37 SilverEnglewood-Cape Haze 18 146 3

Southeast High School H82645 17 74 Gold Manatee Sunrise 17 383 1

Keystone Heights High School H88059 4 68 Gold Lake Region 4 299 2

Armwood High School H87040 14-C 81 Gold Greater Brandon 14 254 3

Marco Island Academy H93138 22 102 Platinum Marco Island 22 422 1O

Gulf Breeze High School H84695 1-A 100 Platinum Central Pensacola 1 357 2

Manatee High School H80026 17 110 Platinum Bradenton 17 318 3

2020 DCON Kiwanis Family Involvement Award - Trophy

Key Club ID# Division2019-20

Members SizeSponsoring Kiwanis Club

Kiwanis Club Division

Total Points


Marco Island Academy H93138 22 102 Platinum Marco Island 22 4221


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2019 – 2020 Winners

Key Club ID# Division Sponsoring Kiwanis Club Project NameTotal

Points Rank

Braden River High School H92149 17 Lakewood Ranch Dance Marathon @ BRHS 91 1

Hialeah High School H81395 25-A Kiwanis Club of HialeahHialeah High Key Club's Annual Benefit Show 88 2

Southeast High School H82645 17 Manatee Sunrise Kiwanis Club World Hunger Banquet 86 3

2020 Single Service

Key Club ID# Division19-20

members SizeTotal Service

Hours Total

points RankPaxton High School H92579 2-A 9 BRONZE 73 100 1John Gray High School H87027 26-D 34 BRONZE 224 96 2Bozeman High School H91653 2-B 35 BRONZE 28 88 3 Estero High School H89696 19-B 53 SILVER 168 98 1José Martí MAST 6-12 Academy H93462 25-A 46 SILVER 27 90 2Clifton Hunter High School H92849 26-D 53 SILVER 22 88 3 Mater Academy Charter H92006 25-A 63 GOLD 107 97 1Keystone Heights High School H88059 4 68 GOLD 353 95 2Armwood High School H87040 14-C 81 GOLD 176 91 3 South Broward High School H88181 24-A 123 PLATINUM 3000 100 1Manatee High School H80026 17 118 PLATINUM 145 99 2Marco Island Academy H93138 22 93 PLATINUM 76 98 3

2020 Florida Opportunity Fund (FLOF) RecipientsKey Club ID# Division Amount Awarded ProjectBraden River High School H92149 17 $1,000.00 Dance MarathonGulf Breeze High School H84695 1-A $1,000.00 Grant for Dictionary ProjectSouth Fork High School H89225 16 $310.01 Winter Carnival

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2019 – 2020 Winners

Awards Requiring Application Recipients /Individual Awards

2020 Distinguished Class Director # Key Club ID# Division Class Director

1 American Heritage High School/Plantation H90188 24-B Zoe Persaud2 Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Erich Valerdi Jr3 Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Mayte Mendez4 Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Alejandro Santana5 Boca Raton High School H83407 21 Gabriella Lam6 Boca Raton High School H83407 21 Karas Hutchison7 Boca Raton High School H83407 21 Wiktoria Cascardo8 Doral Academy Charter High School H91032 26-A Kaan Secilmis9 Harmony High School H93064 10-C Linda Zhang

10 Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Maria Perez-Hernandez11 Manatee High School H80026 17 Natalie Blair12 Manatee High School H80026 17 Zoe Thornton13 Mast @ FIU Biscayne Bay Campus H93431 25-B Suria Rimer14 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Ashlynn Majetich15 Southeast High School H82645 17 Alina Chacko16 Sunlake High School H92299 12 Ava Rhodes17 Sunlake High School H92299 12 Callie Rhodes18 Timber Creek High School H91318 10-B Stephanie Ferreira 19 William R. Boone High School H90263 10-B Katie Gold20 Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Karla Deras Perez

2020 Distinguished Club Editor# Key Club ID Division Club Editor

1 Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Solimar Velazquez 2 Blake High School H89970 14-B Rebeca Braukman3 Colonial High School H93072 10-B Jocelyn Roberto 4 Deerfield Beach Senior High School H85944 23-B Sara-Ann Allen5 Doral Academy Charter High School H91032 26-A Lauren Bonet6 Harmony High School H93064 10-C Kacey Walsh7 Hialeah Gardens Senior High School H92635 25-A Angelica Abadia8 Keystone Heights High School H88059 4 Sarah Garcia9 Manatee High School H80026 17 Jessica Woo

10 Mater Academy Charter H92006 25-A Mariangel Arrieta11 Pine View High School H85462 18 Areej Memon12 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Zena Rodill13 South Fork High School H89225 16 Katie Paluszek14 Southeast High School H82645 17 Ximena Chafloque 15 William R. Boone High School H90263 10-B Isabella Buchanan 16 Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Romuald Thomas

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2019 – 2020 Winners

2020 Distinguished Club Member – Club Listing

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2019 – 2020 Winners

# Key Club ID# Division #Members #Service Hours

1 Armwood High School H87040 14-C 10 1,055.5

2 Blake High School H89970 14-B 1 48.0

3 Braden River High School H92149 17 12 1,100.0

4 Cape Coral High School H86658 19-A 4 360.0

5 Cypress Bay High School H91326 24-B 5 430.0

6 Deerfield Beach Senior High School H85944 23-B 4 357.0

7 Harmony High School H93064 10-C 8 684.5

8 Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A 9 1,225.0

9 Immokalee High School H91363 22 9 764.0

10 Island Coast High School H92271 19-A 6 465.0

11 John Gray High School H87027 26-D 3 263.0

12 Keystone Heights High School H88059 4 6 806.0

13 Manatee High School H80026 17 35 3,574.0

14 Orlando Science Schools H93930 10-B 1 101.0

15 Pine View High School H85462 18 9 930.0

16 Riverdale High School H88584 19-B 3 524.0

17 Riverview High School H93767 14-C 30 3,751.0

18 Saint John Neuman High School H90811 22 10 799.0

19 South Broward High School H88181 24-A 24 1,889.0

20 Southeast High School H82645 17 20 2,152.0

21 St Petersburg Senior High School H80038 13 5 486.5

22 Sunlake High School H92299 12 12 2,609.0

23 William R. Boone High School H90263 10-B 11 961.0

24 Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 20 2,225.0

Total 257 27,559.5

2020 Distinguished Club Member – Member Listing## Key Club's name. ID Div Member's Full Name #Hours

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2019 – 2020 Winners

1 Armwood High School H87040 14-C Aiden Cook 82.02 Armwood High School H87040 14-C Jeremy Gerardi 92.03 Armwood High School H87040 14-C Kaylie Manikis 121.04 Armwood High School H87040 14-C Ivelisse Rodriguez 107.05 Armwood High School H87040 14-C Adison Roman 136.06 Armwood High School H87040 14-C Ariana Roman 96.57 Armwood High School H87040 14-C Kimberly Silva 78.08 Armwood High School H87040 14-C Elizabeth Temple 99.59 Armwood High School H87040 14-C Nicole Webster 144.510 Armwood High School H87040 14-C Alana Yeomans 99.0

1055.52020 Distinguished Club Members

## Key Club's name. ID Div Member's Full Name #Hours1 Blake High School H89970 14-B Delaney Scott 48.0

2020 Distinguished Club Members## Key Club's name. ID Div Member's Full Name #hours

1 Braden River High School H92149 17 Sage Arnish 85.52 Braden River High School H92149 17 Emily Byrd 89.53 Braden River High School H92149 17 Melissa Goana 90.54 Braden River High School H92149 17 Jesenia Haslem 85.05 Braden River High School H92149 17 Brenden Lam 100.56 Braden River High School H92149 17 Bryanna Mansi 94.57 Braden River High School H92149 17 Gabriel McDerment 97.08 Braden River High School H92149 17 Lilyanah Naylor 76.09 Braden River High School H92149 17 Khushi Patel 100.510 Braden River High School H92149 17 Carson Scher 81.011 Braden River High School H92149 17 Jenna Sun 79.012 Braden River High School H92149 17 Ashley Zeitz 121.0

1100.02020 Distinguished Club Members

## Key Club's name. ID Div Member's Full Name #Hours1 Cape Coral High School H86658 19-A Julia Lin 108.02 Cape Coral High School H86658 19-A Alyssa Mitchinson 75.03 Cape Coral High School H86658 19-A Aaron Friedl 100.04 Cape Coral High School H86658 19-A Andrew Friedl 77.0

360.02020 Distinguished Club Members

## Key Club's name. ID Div Member's Full Name #Hours1 Cypress Bay High School H91326 24-B Carolyn Woodford 80.02 Cypress Bay High School H91326 24-B Jacalyn Woodford 80.03 Cypress Bay High School H91326 24-B Marisy Nieto 78.04 Cypress Bay High School H91326 24-B Francisca Lee 82.05 Cypress Bay High School H91326 24-B Ravin Anderson 110.0


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2019 – 2020 Winners

2020 Distinguished Club Members

## Key Club's name. ID Div Member's Full Name #Hours1 Deerfield Beach Senior High School H85944 23-B Abigail Humes 77.02 Deerfield Beach Senior High School H85944 23-B Mia Gonzalez 120.03 Deerfield Beach Senior High School H85944 23-B Lucas Pereyas 81.04 Deerfield Beach Senior High School H85944 23-B Stanley Liang 79.0


2020 Distinguished Club Members

## Key Club's name. ID Div Member's Full Name #Hours1 Harmony High School H93064 10-C Linda Zhang 75.02 Harmony High School H93064 10-C Juan Suarez 78.03 Harmony High School H93064 10-C Emily Tran 75.04 Harmony High School H93064 10-C Kacey Walsh 75.05 Harmony High School H93064 10-C Chalisa Budhai 101.56 Harmony High School H93064 10-C Kyle Bewley 100.07 Harmony High School H93064 10-C Brooke Tymoniewicz 105.08 Harmony High School H93064 10-C Echo Zable 75.0


2020 Distinguished Club Members

## Key Club's name. ID Div Member's Full Name #Hours1 Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Rachel Rios 75.02 Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Abraham Moralez Gonzalez 137.03 Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Richard Pena 163.04 Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Karla Suarez 88.05 Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Nicole Guerra 185.06 Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Angelica Abadia 180.07 Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Jeancarlos Claro 159.08 Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Cheilan Asanza 131.09 Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Maria Perez-Hernandez 107.0


2020 Distinguished Club Members

## Key Club's name. ID Div Member's Full Name #Hours1 Immokalee High School H91363 22 Alexander Garcia 81.02 Immokalee High School H91363 22 Sergio Espitia 92.03 Immokalee High School H91363 22 Julitza Ramirez 76.04 Immokalee High School H91363 22 Gustavo Castaneda 85.05 Immokalee High School H91363 22 Angel Reyes 81.06 Immokalee High School H91363 22 Jasmine Lito 96.07 Immokalee High School H91363 22 Beatriz Carrera 81.08 Immokalee High School H91363 22 Soledad Ramirez 88.09 Immokalee High School H91363 22 Jazmine Leon 84.0


2020 Distinguished Club Members

## Key Club's name. ID Div Member's Full Name #Hours

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2019 – 2020 Winners

1 Island Coast High School H92271 19-A Mackenzie Emmerling 78.02 Island Coast High School H92271 19-A Rilie Furdell 80.03 Island Coast High School H92271 19-A Zoei Labree 76.04 Island Coast High School H92271 19-A Zoey Leonard 75.05 Island Coast High School H92271 19-A Noelle Merveilleux 78.06 Island Coast High School H92271 19-A Gloria Jeannelas 78.0

465.02020 Distinguished Club Members

## Key Club's name. ID Div Member's Full Name #Hours1 John Gray High School H87027 26-D Kathleen Torio 78.02 John Gray High School H87027 26-D Oscar Hernandez 75.03 John Gray High School H87027 26-D Priyanka Devi Sobrun 110.0

263.02020 Distinguished Club Members

## Key Club's name. ID Div Member's Full Name #Hours1 Keystone Heights High School H88059 4 Sarah Garcia 76.02 Keystone Heights High School H88059 4 Cinthya Hernandez 102.03 Keystone Heights High School H88059 4 Wyatt Hopkins 93.04 Keystone Heights High School H88059 4 Ashton Ludwig 93.05 Keystone Heights High School H88059 4 Hailey Prieto 177.06 Keystone Heights High School H88059 4 Benjamin Tran 265.0

806.02020 Distinguished Club Members

## Key Club's name. ID Div Member's Full Name #Hours1 Manatee High School H80026 17 Nicolaas Altizar 75.02 Manatee High School H80026 17 Boris Atanasov 76.03 Manatee High School H80026 17 Luke Bisio 75.04 Manatee High School H80026 17 Natalie Blair 92.05 Manatee High School H80026 17 Andrew Bokelmann 89.06 Manatee High School H80026 17 Christian Burt 84.07 Manatee High School H80026 17 Madison Burt 266.08 Manatee High School H80026 17 Riley Cassidy 140.09 Manatee High School H80026 17 Mia Ciampi 80.010 Manatee High School H80026 17 Katie Evans 81.011 Manatee High School H80026 17 Brett Fehr 75.012 Manatee High School H80026 17 Gabrielle Garcia 83.013 Manatee High School H80026 17 Samantha Gupton 91.014 Manatee High School H80026 17 Jenna Hass 96.015 Manatee High School H80026 17 Denny Lu 119.016 Manatee High School H80026 17 Jade Naylor 103.017 Manatee High School H80026 17 Keile O’Dell 118.018 Manatee High School H80026 17 Loudie Odige 87.01 Manatee High School H80026 17 Tiffany Radler 89.0

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2019 – 2020 Winners

920 Manatee High School H80026 17 Johanna Romero 144.021 Manatee High School H80026 17 Isabella Sanchez 90.022 Manatee High School H80026 17 Elliot Santaella 109.0

23 Manatee High School H80026 17 Ashely Sazo 109.024 Manatee High School H80026 17 Carlee Schultz 91.025 Manatee High School H80026 17 Zyonn Singleton 107.026 Manatee High School H80026 17 Madeline Stewart 185.027 Manatee High School H80026 17 Zoe Thornton 101.028 Manatee High School H80026 17 Julia Vorbeck 76.029 Manatee High School H80026 17 Zoe Wilkerson 110.030 Manatee High School H80026 17 Sebastian Windham 85.031 Manatee High School H80026 17 Jessica Woo 115.032 Manatee High School H80026 17 Jocelyn Zegarra-Paredes 91.033 Manatee High School H80026 17 Michael Colaco 80.034 Manatee High School H80026 17 Zoe Van Beek 86.035 Manatee High School H80026 17 Olivia Zimarino 76.0

3574.02020 Distinguished Club Members

## Key Club's name. ID Div Member's Full Name #Hours1 Orlando Science Schools H93930 10-B Joshua Irrazabal Olortegui 101.0

2020 Distinguished Club Members

## Key Club's name. ID Div Member's Full Name #hours1 Pine View High School H85462 18 Meera Nair 175.02 Pine View High School H85462 18 Joey Chen 100.03 Pine View High School H85462 18 Nora Alexander 75.04 Pine View High School H85462 18 Marielle Newmark 75.05 Pine View High School H85462 18 Erick Morales 110.06 Pine View High School H85462 18 Tara Track 75.07 Pine View High School H85462 18 Tanya Gailie 110.08 Pine View High School H85462 18 Peyton Harris 110.09 Pine View High School H85462 18 Sydney Gough 100.0

930.02020 Distinguished Club Members

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2019 – 2020 Winners

## Key Club's name. ID Div Member's Full Name #Hours1 Riverdale High School H88584 19-B Luis Molinito 80.02 Riverdale High School H88584 19-B Daniella Ramos-Lopez 348.03 Riverdale High School H88584 19-B Dellanique Merigelli 96.0

524.02020 Distinguished Club Members

## Key Club's name. ID Div Member's Full Name #Hours1 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Sara Benyamine 83.02 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Brielle Bolger 86.53 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Nicole Brower 84.54 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Christopher Davis 119.05 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Hope DeLuna 108.56 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Deandra Georgiou 98.57 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Trevor Marchetti 79.08 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Kacie Thomas 75.09 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Lindsey Flagg 75.0

10 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Jayden Haines 86.011 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Ashlynn Majetich 259.012 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Allison Malecki 92.013 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Sebastian Pomales Incle 89.514 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Hailey Ricketts 109.515 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Tyler Burns 197.016 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Shelby Conner 75.017 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Jamila Cox 92.518 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Destiny Dixon 75.019 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Ashley Kersey 199.020 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Andrea Martinez 132.521 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Andrea Portillo-Sorto 163.522 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Reagan Pulkowski 76.023 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Katherine Reimann 75.524 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Chelsea Kasney 86.025 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Zena Rodill 75.026 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Valeria Rosario 85.02 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Brook Strauss 83.5

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2019 – 2020 Winners

728 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Shirley West 740.529 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Aden Devera 75.030 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Hailee Thompson 75.0

3751.02020 Distinguished Club Members

## Key Club's name. ID Div Member's Full Name #Hours1 Saint John Neuman High School H90811 22 Rhea Hussey 88.02 Saint John Neuman High School H90811 22 Colin Dee 87.03 Saint John Neuman High School H90811 22 Grant Wojcik 86.04 Saint John Neuman High School H90811 22 Sydney Raza 78.05 Saint John Neuman High School H90811 22 Tyler Stamerro 78.06 Saint John Neuman High School H90811 22 Dayanara Roque 77.07 Saint John Neuman High School H90811 22 Josh Costain 77.08 Saint John Neuman High School H90811 22 Sam Hussey 77.09 Saint John Neuman High School H90811 22 Hector Fernandez 76.010 Saint John Neuman High School H90811 22 Nick Costantini 75.0

799.02020 Distinguished Club Members

## Key Club's name. ID Div Member's Full Name #Hours1 South Broward High School H88181 24-A Liam Waite 100.02 South Broward High School H88181 24-A Angie McCoy 78.03 South Broward High School H88181 24-A Jennyfer Grundler 80.04 South Broward High School H88181 24-A Joseph Perez 78.05 South Broward High School H88181 24-A Lilliana Urbina 77.06 South Broward High School H88181 24-A Daniel Quinones 75.07 South Broward High School H88181 24-A Lauryn Ballard 80.08 South Broward High School H88181 24-A Mallorie Rosier 80.09 South Broward High School H88181 24-A Dev Patel 75.010 South Broward High School H88181 24-A Diego Pareja 75.011 South Broward High School H88181 24-A Kimani Fearon 77.0

12 South Broward High School H88181 24-A Alexander Arvanitis 77.013 South Broward High School H88181 24-A Sofia Falcone-Mckevitt 78.014 South Broward High School H88181 24-A Jazmin Pereyra Tello 78.015 South Broward High School H88181 24-A Tatiana Diaz 80.016 South Broward High School H88181 24-A Daniel McKenna 80.017 South Broward High School H88181 24-A Kelsey Walters 77.018 South Broward High School H88181 24-A Susana Prisacaru 77.0

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2019 – 2020 Winners

19 South Broward High School H88181 24-A Lenna Menocal 79.020 South Broward High School H88181 24-A BRIANNA Sandoval 78.021 South Broward High School H88181 24-A ARIANA Miranda 78.022 South Broward High School H88181 24-A MANDEE Martinez 77.023 South Broward High School H88181 24-A AUSTIN Poe 77.024 South Broward High School H88181 24-A KEVIN Vaccaro 78.0

1889.02020 Distinguished Club Members

## Key Club's name. ID Div Member's Full Name #Hours1 Southeast High School H82645 17 Rishi Patel 97.02 Southeast High School H82645 17 David Iten 76.03 Southeast High School H82645 17 Deeya Bhatt 79.04 Southeast High School H82645 17 Alina Chacko 125.05 Southeast High School H82645 17 Mallory Stroud 82.56 Southeast High School H82645 17 Nirian Lorente 84.57 Southeast High School H82645 17 Elizabeth Davis 77.08 Southeast High School H82645 17 Kriya Patel 75.09 Southeast High School H82645 17 Bipasha Shrestha 184.010 Southeast High School H82645 17 Khushi Trivedi 171.011 Southeast High School H82645 17 Lucia Brescia 151.012 Southeast High School H82645 17 Vishal Patel 124.513 Southeast High School H82645 17 Jazlynn Stuart 95.514 Southeast High School H82645 17 Vincent Ferguson 128.515 Southeast High School H82645 17 Simona Simeonova 97.016 Southeast High School H82645 17 Ximena Chafloque 100.017 Southeast High School H82645 17 Kaylee Hodge 100.518 Southeast High School H82645 17 Griffin MacRae 133.519 Southeast High School H82645 17 Ishvina Singh 94.020 Southeast High School H82645 17 Stefanny Carranza 76.5

2152.02020 Distinguished Club Members

## Key Club's name. ID Div Member's Full Name #Hours1 St Petersburg Senior High School H80038 13 Matthew Cortez 104.52 St Petersburg Senior High School H80038 13 Layne Griffith 106.53 St Petersburg Senior High School H80038 13 William Ly 104.04 St Petersburg Senior High School H80038 13 Angela Nguyen 77.0

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2019 – 2020 Winners

5 St Petersburg Senior High School H80038 13 Magnicel Pulido 94.5486.5

2020 Distinguished Club Members## Key Club's name. ID Div Member's Full Name #Hours

1 Sunlake High School H92299 12 Alfonso Guerrero 252.02 Sunlake High School H92299 12 Makayla Gray 252.03 Sunlake High School H92299 12 Joy Bouserhal 162.04 Sunlake High School H92299 12 Elizabeth Collier 470.05 Sunlake High School H92299 12 Kodie Taylor 323.06 Sunlake High School H92299 12 Ava Rhodes 207.07 Sunlake High School H92299 12 Callie Rhodes 178.08 Sunlake High School H92299 12 Susan Ma 242.09 Sunlake High School H92299 12 Tyler Nguyen 148.010 Sunlake High School H92299 12 Hannath Matthis 78.011 Sunlake High School H92299 12 Jace Glass 174.012 Sunlake High School H92299 12 Paige Bruseski 123.0

2609.02020 Distinguished Club Members

## Key Club's name. ID Div Member's Full Name #Hours1 William R. Boone High School H90263 10-B Aiden Dichiara 108.02 William R. Boone High School H90263 10-B Nick Jiminez 108.03 William R. Boone High School H90263 10-B Maddy Morales 98.04 William R. Boone High School H90263 10-B Kayleigh Dunn 96.05 William R. Boone High School H90263 10-B Alexandra Lartonoix 87.06 William R. Boone High School H90263 10-B Isabella Buchanan 86.07 William R. Boone High School H90263 10-B Ludwig Cardozo 78.08 William R. Boone High School H90263 10-B Colby Chan 75.09 William R. Boone High School H90263 10-B Emily Rentz 75.010 William R. Boone High School H90263 10-B Josey Matos 75.011 William R. Boone High School H90263 10-B Katie Gold 75.0

961.02020 Distinguished Club Members

## Key Club's name. ID Div Member's Full Name #Hours1 Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Aimee Johnson 100.02 Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Nicole Nardin 100.03 Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Nicholas Dinh 140.04 Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Emma Franken 93.05 Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Joelynn Jung 76.06 Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Vivi Nguyen 91.07 Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Connor Nguyen 117.08 Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Kathryn Sherman 219.09 Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Veronica Vallecillo 86.01 Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Yara Vicencio 75.0

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2019 – 2020 Winners

011 Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Yazmin El Oufir 99.012 Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Karla Deras 209.013 Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Elyse Alagal 154.014 Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Romuald Thomas 77.015 Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Alex Dang 183.016 Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Kara Weihman 79.017 Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Madison Rivera 80.0

2020 Distinguished Club Members## Key Club's name. ID Div Member's Full Name #Hours

18 Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Gianna Picarelli 94.019 Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Skarlet Torres 76.020 Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Olivia Chappie 77.0


Grand Total Members 257Grand Total Hours 27559.5

2020 Distinguished Club President# Key Club ID# Division President's Name

1 Alonzo and Tracy Mourning Senior High H92653 25-B Stephanie Calle2 American Heritage High School/Plantation H90188 24-B Bella Ramirez3 Armwood High School H87040 14-C Alana Yeomans 4 Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Madeleine Fernandez5 Belen Jesuit Preparatory High School H86568 26-A Javier Cantens6 Blake High School H89970 14-B Cydney Socias7 Braden River High School H92149 17 Gabriel Mcderment8 Cape Coral High School H86658 19-A Julia Lin9 City of Hialeah Educational Academy H93552 25-A Daeling Cerrato

10 Colonial High School H93072 10-B Anthony Suarez11 Coral Glades High School H91721 23-A Murtaza Hussain12 Coral Springs Charter School H90776 23-A Sayidana Escoffery13 Deerfield Beach Senior High School H85944 23-B Angela Huang14 Doral Academy Charter High School H91032 26-A Angello Arce15 East Lake Senior High School H87603 12 Sandi Estafanous

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2019 – 2020 Winners

16 Gulf Breeze High School H84695 1-A Vikram Patel17 Harmony High School H93064 10-C Brooke Tymoniewicz18 Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Karla Suarez19 Hialeah High School H81395 25-A Yanire Ramirez20 Keystone Heights High School H88059 4 Benjamin Tran21 Manatee High School H80026 17 Madison Burt22 Mast @ FIU Biscayne Bay Campus H93431 25-B Isabel Armedilla23 Pine View High School H85462 18 Meera Nair24 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Jamila Cox25 South Broward High School H88181 24-A Liam Waite26 Southeast High School H82645 17 Khushi Trivedi 27 Sunlake High School H92299 12 Alfonso Guerrero28 Timber Creek High School H91318 10-B Olivia Packham29 Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Kathryn Sherman

G. Harold Martin Outstanding Club PresidentKey Club ID# Division President's Name Rank

Manatee High School H80026 17 Madison Burt 1

Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Kathryn Sherman 2

Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Madeleine Fernandez 3

Pine View High School H85462 18 Meera Nair 4

Keystone Heights High School H88059 4 Benjamin Tran 5

2020 Distinguished Club Secretary# Key Club ID# Division Club Secretary

1 American Heritage High School/Plantation H90188 24-B Shana Xia2 Armwood High School H87040 14-C Kaylie Manikis 3 Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Ashley Rosquete4 Belen Jesuit Preparatory High School H86568 26-A Alec Vizoso5 Blake High School H89970 14-B Ciana Socias6 Cape Coral High School H86658 19-A Alyssa Mitchinson7 Deerfield Beach Senior High School H85944 23-B Khrista Nicholas8 Doral Academy Charter High School H91032 26-A Isabella Cuotto9 Gulf Breeze High School H84695 1-A McKenzie Arant10 Harmony High School H93064 10-C Chalisa Budhai11 Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Nicole Guerra1 Island Coast High School H92271 19-A Mackenzie Emmerling

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2019 – 2020 Winners

213 Manatee High School H80026 17 Madeline Stewart14 Mast @ FIU Biscayne Bay Campus H93431 25-B Maya Baker15 Montverde Academy H92177 9 Alia Rodriguez16 Palmetto High School H81858 17 Arianna Longo17 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Andrea Portillo-Sorto18 South Broward High School H88181 24-A Jasmine Sanchez19 Southeast High School H82645 17 Bipasha Shrestha20 Sunlake High School H92299 12 Joy Bouserhal21 Timber Creek High School H91318 10-B Teagan Mayr22 William R. Boone High School H90263 10-B Alexandra Lartonoix23 Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Kara Weihman

2020 Distinguished Club Treasurer

# Key Club ID#Divisio

n Club Treasurer:1 Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Javier Pedraza-Mena2 Blake High School H89970 14-B Isabella D'Amico3 Colonial High School H93072 10-B Dayron Rojas4 Coral Springs Charter School H90776 23-A Maleah Gayle5 Deerfield Beach Senior High School H85944 23-B Michael Hahn 6 Gulf Coast High School H90045 22 Mira Helms7 Harmony High School H93064 10-C Kai Johnsen8 Hialeah Gardens Senior High School H92635 25-A Angelina Granda9 Indian River Charter High School H90810 16 Landon Richards 10 Mater Academy Charter H92006 25-A Emily Salgueiros11 Orlando Science Schools H93930 10-B Vimal Baksh12 Saint John Neuman High School H90811 22 Tyler Stamerro13 Southeast High School H82645 17 Vishal Patel14 Triple C High School H87606 26-D Nasier Levy

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2019 – 2020 Winners

15 William R. Boone High School H90263 10-B Nick Jimenez16 Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Madison Rivera

2020 Distinguished Club Vice President# Key Club ID# Division Club Vice-President1 Armwood High School H87040 14-C Elizabeth Temple2 Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Christopher Shoukry3 Belen Jesuit Preparatory High School H86568 26-A Pablo Puga4 Blake High School H89970 14-B Eva Telesca5 Braden River High School H92149 17 Ashley Zeitz6 Colonial High School H93072 10-B Julie Cuevas7 Coral Springs Charter School H90776 23-A Khadafi Ky'Juan Bristol8 Deerfield Beach Senior High School H85944 23-B Samin Islam9 Gulf Breeze High School H84695 1-A Brooke Rayborn10 Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Jeancarlos Claro11 Jesuit High School H84003 14-B Jimmy Grammig12 Manatee High School H80026 17 Denny Lu13 Mast @ FIU Biscayne Bay Campus H93431 25-B Ari Barbella14 Orlando Science Schools H93930 10-B Haydn Howe15 Saint John Neuman High School H90811 22 Hector Fernandez16 South Broward High School H88181 24-A TATIANA DIAZ17 South Plantation High School H90642 24-A Sun Tjon18 Southeast High School H82645 17 Griffin MacRae19 Sunlake High School H92299 12 Makayla Gray 20 Timber Creek High School H91318 10-B Amelia Packham21 William R. Boone High School H90263 10-B Kayleigh Dunn22 Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Alex Dang

2020 Distinguished Club Webmaster# Key Club ID# Division Club Webmaster

1 American Heritage High School/Plantation H90188 24-B Jewel Kyaw2 Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Joshua Wright

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2019 – 2020 Winners

3 Blake High School H89970 14-B Chris Muratti4 Deerfield Beach Senior High School H85944 23-B Sophia Cohen5 Doral Academy Charter High School H91032 26-A Laura Blanco6 Gulf Breeze High School H84695 1-A Kendall Helms 7 Hialeah Gardens Senior High School H92635 25-A Nicole Guerra8 Manatee High School H80026 17 Jenna Hass9 Mater Academy Charter H92006 25-A Michael Sanchez10 Southeast High School H82645 17 Ishvina Singh11 William R. Boone High School H90263 10-B Aiden DiChiara12 Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Gianna Picarelli

2020 Governor's Project Member - Club Listing# Key Club ID# Division # of Members

1 Armwood High School H87040 14-C 59

2 Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A 86

3 Belen Jesuit Preparatory High School H86568 26-A 22

4 Braden River High School H92149 17 57

5 Cape Coral High School H86658 19-A 1

6 Colonial High School H93072 10-B 8

7 Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A 47

8 John Gray High School H87027 26-D 3

9 Keystone Heights High School H88059 4 1

10 Manatee High School H80026 17 22

11 Pine View High School H85462 18 9

12 Riverview High School H93767 14-C 26

13 South Broward High School H88181 24-A 30

14 Sunlake High School H92299 12 66

15 Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 8

Total members 445

Total hours 13,477.3

hours/members 30.3

2020 Governor's Project Member – Member Club Listing

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2019 – 2020 Winners

#Key Club ID# Division Member’s Name #hours

1Armwood High School H87040 14-C Katelyn Adams 25.0

2Armwood High School H87040 14-C Savannah Banks 28.0

3Armwood High School H87040 14-C Tabitha Barr 27.8

4Armwood High School H87040 14-C Alyssa Barrett 30.0

5Armwood High School H87040 14-C Emmanuel Bobo 38.0

6Armwood High School H87040 14-C Hannah Brown 25.0

7Armwood High School H87040 14-C Destiny Carpenter 30.0

8Armwood High School H87040 14-C Norah Carvalho 33.5

9Armwood High School H87040 14-C Kalien Christian 38.0

10Armwood High School H87040 14-C Jada Clayton 37.0

11Armwood High School H87040 14-C Ashley Cline 38.5

12Armwood High School H87040 14-C Jordan Close 29.8

13Armwood High School H87040 14-C Layla Coffey 31.5

14Armwood High School H87040 14-C Jonathan Connelly 25.0

15Armwood High School H87040 14-C Aiden Cook 38.0

16Armwood High School H87040 14-C Jacob Crakow 33.0

17Armwood High School H87040 14-C Sunita Dihal 30.0

18Armwood High School H87040 14-C Destiny Durand 30.0

19Armwood High School H87040 14-C Carmen Fernandez 26.0

20Armwood High School H87040 14-C Jeremy Gerardi 28.0

21Armwood High School H87040 14-C Stefanie Hadley 28.0

22Armwood High School H87040 14-C Zoya Henson 35.0

23Armwood High School H87040 14-C James Hudson 27.5

24Armwood High School H87040 14-C Gabrielle James 12.0

25Armwood High School H87040 14-C Aniyah Jenkins 39.0

26Armwood High School H87040 14-C Ja'Nya Jones 36.5

27Armwood High School H87040 14-C Alayn Linares 34.0

28 Armwood High School H87040 14-C Sergio Maldonado 28.3

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2019 – 2020 Winners

29Armwood High School H87040 14-C Kaylie Manikis 41.0

30Armwood High School H87040 14-C Naarah Miller 33.0

31Armwood High School H87040 14-C Adrienne Munford 35.0

32Armwood High School H87040 14-C Adrianna Munford 35.0

33Armwood High School H87040 14-C Alicia Navarro 37.5

34Armwood High School H87040 14-C Liana Nazario 46.5

35Armwood High School H87040 14-C Imani Nobles 25.0

36Armwood High School H87040 14-C Olivia O'Reilly 30.5

37Armwood High School H87040 14-C Kemi Owoyemi 32.0

38Armwood High School H87040 14-C Alice Pascual-Eligios 33.5

39Armwood High School H87040 14-C Ty'Juan Peoples 30.0

40Armwood High School H87040 14-C Isabela Perez 30.0

41Armwood High School H87040 14-C Mackenzie Riggins 27.0

42Armwood High School H87040 14-C Cameron Rismay 48.0

43Armwood High School H87040 14-C Ivelisse Rodriguez 44.0

44Armwood High School H87040 14-C Adsion Roman 33.0

45Armwood High School H87040 14-C Ariana Roman 31.5

46Armwood High School H87040 14-C Isa Salaam 35.8

47Armwood High School H87040 14-C Liz Sanchez 34.0

48Armwood High School H87040 14-C Erika Saucedo-Morales 26.5

49Armwood High School H87040 14-C Abigail Sciabbarrasi 26.3

50Armwood High School H87040 14-C Sarah Sheppard 29.8

51Armwood High School H87040 14-C Kimberly Silvia 27.0

52Armwood High School H87040 14-C Elizabeth Temple 30.0

53Armwood High School H87040 14-C Veronica Tims 25.0

54Armwood High School H87040 14-C Ashley Trinh 29.3

55Armwood High School H87040 14-C Mikayla Warnell 31.0

56Armwood High School H87040 14-C Ashlynne Watson 27.5

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2019 – 2020 Winners

57Armwood High School H87040 14-C Abagail Weber 38.5

58Armwood High School H87040 14-C Nicole Webster 31.5

59Armwood High School H87040 14-C Alana Yeomans 32.0

2020 Governor's Project Member Award Winners (>25hours)#

Key Club ID# Division Member’s Name #hours1

Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Leonardo Acosta 28.02

Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Meghan Acosta 26.03

Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Giana Agostinho 32.04

Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Leslie Alfonso 37.05

Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Matthew Aliaga 25.06

Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Kelly Amadar 27.07

Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Madeline Anderson 33.08

Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Sanai Anderson 45.09

Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Lianny Andujar 30.010

Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Stephanie Aquino 29.011

Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Ciarra Ashley 31.012

Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Alexandra Batista 35.013

Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Jorge Bentacourt 36.014

Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Manuel Bringas 26.015

Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Melissa Burgos 29.016

Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Mia Cabrera 32.017

Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Hellen Caicedo 34.018

Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Mia Camargo 27.019

Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Macc Carero 29.020

Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Gabriel Cedeno 26.021

Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Maria Coa 36.022

Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A James Corea 38.023 Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Julianna Correa 27.0

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2019 – 2020 Winners

24Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Christa Curry 29.0

25Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Elizabeth Dedos 28.0

26Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Diego Dominguez 26.0

27Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Foxy Edwards Zepherin 32.0

28Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Yoan Exposito 37.0

29Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Kevin Fernandez 28.0

30Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Madeleine Fernandez 47.0

31Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Elizabeth Flores 27.0

32Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Isabella Forero 29.0

33Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Brandon Fuentes 30.0

34Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Matthew Fuentes 33.0

35Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Julirma Galeano 28.0

36Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Megan Garcia 32.0

37Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Michelle Garcia 46.0

38Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Claudia George 31.0

39Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Yenny Gil 27.0

40Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Melanie Gonzalez 28.0

41Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Ashley Guerrero 32.0

42Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Angelo Guisti 34.0

43Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Christian Hernandez 26.0

44Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Gabrielle Hernandez 32.0

45Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Gabriel Hubbert 28.0

46Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Amber Indiero 31.0

47Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Brahms Jeanfelix 26.0

48Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Paula Jimenez 33.0

49Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Sebastian Jouine 27.0

50Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Manuel Linales 33.0

51Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Natalia Lopez 29.0

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2019 – 2020 Winners

52Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Adrian Lora 27.0

53Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Gabriela Lora 34.0

54Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Kevin Lorenzo 38.0

55Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Rafael Macedo 25.0

56Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Madison Medina 25.0

57Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Mayte Mendez 30.0

58Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Giovanni O'Reilly 36.0

59Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Javier Pedraza-Mena 44.0

60Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Daniela Perez 34.0

61Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Sharon Ramirez 29.0

62Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Andres Ramos 31.0

63Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Joshua Ramos 36.0

64Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Rene Remon 38.0

65Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Russell Ridley 25.0

66Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Simmone Roberts 27.0

67Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Alejandra Rodriguez 34.0

68Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A David Rojas 28.0

69Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Ashley Rosquette 43.0

70Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Sabina Rotella 33.0

71Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Natalie Safonts 36.0

72Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Anllela Sanchez 39.0

73Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Alejandro Santana 25.0

74Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Christopher Shoukry 44.0

75Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Jasmine Silva 26.0

76Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Michelle Solis 28.0

77Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Angel Soto 31.0

78Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Tiffany Tabora 33.0

79Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Erich Valerdi 36.0

80Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Andrea Vega 34.0

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2019 – 2020 Winners

81Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Genesis Vega 29.0

82Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Jane Vega 25.0

83Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Juliana Velazquez 27.0

84Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Solimar Velazquez 40.0

85Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Joshua Wright 42.0

86Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Brandon Ysibido 39.0

2020 Governor's Project Member Award Winners (>25hours)#

Key Club ID# Division Member’s Name #hours1

Belen Jesuit Preparatory High School H86568 26-A Francisco Paredes 84.02

Belen Jesuit Preparatory High School H86568 26-A Pablo Puga 87.03

Belen Jesuit Preparatory High School H86568 26-A Christian Fernandez de Castro 84.04

Belen Jesuit Preparatory High School H86568 26-A Nicholas Broucek 80.05

Belen Jesuit Preparatory High School H86568 26-A Eduardo Gonzalez 80.06

Belen Jesuit Preparatory High School H86568 26-A Jorge Perez 84.07

Belen Jesuit Preparatory High School H86568 26-A Bautista Pedevilla 80.08

Belen Jesuit Preparatory High School H86568 26-A Nicolas Rodriguez 80.09

Belen Jesuit Preparatory High School H86568 26-A Kevin Ferguson 84.010

Belen Jesuit Preparatory High School H86568 26-A Mario Osorio 84.011

Belen Jesuit Preparatory High School H86568 26-A Javier Cantens 90.012

Belen Jesuit Preparatory High School H86568 26-A Dominic Chiappone 84.013

Belen Jesuit Preparatory High School H86568 26-A Nicholas Oyarzun 84.014

Belen Jesuit Preparatory High School H86568 26-A Enrique Sori 80.015

Belen Jesuit Preparatory High School H86568 26-A Cody Aguirre 84.016

Belen Jesuit Preparatory High School H86568 26-A Sebastian Alonso 84.017

Belen Jesuit Preparatory High School H86568 26-A Antonio Castano 80.018

Belen Jesuit Preparatory High School H86568 26-A Carlos Garcia 84.019

Belen Jesuit Preparatory High School H86568 26-A Alexander Perez 84.0

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2019 – 2020 Winners

20Belen Jesuit Preparatory High School H86568 26-A Rafael de la Torre 80.0

21Belen Jesuit Preparatory High School H86568 26-A Fernando de la Lama Guzman 86.0

22Belen Jesuit Preparatory High School H86568 26-A Nicolas Poveda 84.0

2020 Governor's Project Member Award Winners (>25hours)#

Key Club ID# Division Member’s Name #hours1

Braden River High School H92149 17 Almari Acosta 42.02

Braden River High School H92149 17 Mary Adkins 29.53

Braden River High School H92149 17 Maleek Allen 59.04

Braden River High School H92149 17 Gillian Austin 47.55

Braden River High School H92149 17 Mikaela Barton 34.06

Braden River High School H92149 17 Dominic Berardi 54.07

Braden River High School H92149 17 Mia Breiing 44.58

Braden River High School H92149 17 Alexandrea Brown 39.09

Braden River High School H92149 17 Gianna Caso 30.510

Braden River High School H92149 17 Morgan Christiansen 55.011

Braden River High School H92149 17 Danielle Clark 46.512

Braden River High School H92149 17 Marc Dalmau 48.513

Braden River High School H92149 17 Maya Dreyfus 27.514

Braden River High School H92149 17 Amanda Estling 37.515

Braden River High School H92149 17 Hannah Ferguson 27.516

Braden River High School H92149 17 Isabella Ferrito 52.517

Braden River High School H92149 17 Johnnie Ferrito 54.018

Braden River High School H92149 17 John Fogarty 64.519

Braden River High School H92149 17 Rachel Gadonniex 71.520

Braden River High School H92149 17 Kaylen Greenleaf 41.021

Braden River High School H92149 17 Morgan Hart 34.522

Braden River High School H92149 17 Kali Henre 40.5

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2019 – 2020 Winners

23Braden River High School H92149 17 Keara Henre 40.5

24Braden River High School H92149 17 Isabella Hernandez 56.5

25Braden River High School H92149 17 Grant Hill 46.0

26Braden River High School H92149 17 Natalie Hood 64.5

27Braden River High School H92149 17 Bailey Jenkins 60.0

28Braden River High School H92149 17 Tuleen Jibril 37.5

29Braden River High School H92149 17 Pavel Kioutchoukov 35.0

30Braden River High School H92149 17 Russell Kramer 51.0

31Braden River High School H92149 17 Mekenzie Kratzert 62.5

32Braden River High School H92149 17 Amelia Linsberg 53.5

33Braden River High School H92149 17 Rosemarie Lubben 44.0

34Braden River High School H92149 17 Michelle Mai 63.0

35Braden River High School H92149 17 Jaden Manfredi 54.0

36Braden River High School H92149 17 Curran McDerment 48.5

37Braden River High School H92149 17 Jaylee McNeal 54.5

38Braden River High School H92149 17 Sebastian Mejia 51.0

39Braden River High School H92149 17 Alexis Myers 38.5

40Braden River High School H92149 17 Hannah O'Neill 44.5

41Braden River High School H92149 17 Khanjan Parikh 31.5

42Braden River High School H92149 17 Nand Patel 36.5

43Braden River High School H92149 17 Seth Pisani 27.5

44Braden River High School H92149 17 Gabriella Ramirez 33.5

45Braden River High School H92149 17 Mathias Ramirez 31.5

46Braden River High School H92149 17 Alexander Riggs 32.0

47Braden River High School H92149 17 Niah Schrock 56.0

48Braden River High School H92149 17 Christian Solorzano 43.0

49Braden River High School H92149 17 Victoria Somaroo 60.5

50Braden River High School H92149 17 Alexadra Stoilova 56.0

51Braden River High School H92149 17 Johnathan Taylor 35.0

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2019 – 2020 Winners

52Braden River High School H92149 17 Bianca Thomas 40.5

53Braden River High School H92149 17 Stephanie Torres 35.5

54Braden River High School H92149 17 Phung Tran 61.5

55Braden River High School H92149 17 Jillan Turner 26.0

56Braden River High School H92149 17 Ashley Weaver 44.5

57Braden River High School H92149 17 Emily Wilcox 39.5

2020 Governor's Project Member Award Winners (>25hours)#

Key Club ID# Division Member’s Name #hours1

Cape Coral High School H86658 19-A Julia Lin 44.0

2020 Governor's Project Member Award Winners (>25hours)#

Key Club ID# Division Member’s Name #hours1

Colonial High School H93072 10-B Anthony Suarez 27.02

Colonial High School H93072 10-B Dayron Rojas 30.03

Colonial High School H93072 10-B Jocelyn Roberto 25.04

Colonial High School H93072 10-B Nayeli Acevedo 27.05

Colonial High School H93072 10-B Aaron Connors 25.06

Colonial High School H93072 10-B Delmarielys Rosario 25.07

Colonial High School H93072 10-B Bianca Martir 25.08

Colonial High School H93072 10-B Julie Cuevas 30.0

2020 Governor's Project Member Award Winners (>25hours)#

Key Club ID# Division Member’s Name #hours1

Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Keila Cabrera 14.02

Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Katherine Cabrera 14.03

Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Jonathan Cepero 16.04

Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Jade Gonzalez 16.05

Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Daniela Jimenez 4.0

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2019 – 2020 Winners

6Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Elizabeth Marrero 16.0

7Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Melanie Pichardo 16.0

8Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Yoanna Rosales 8.0

9Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Rocio Bello 12.0

10Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Alexa Castellanos 10.0

11Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Dariana Cueller 5.0

12Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Milena Echagarruga 14.0

13Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Joselyn Gaston 5.0

14Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Melany Lazo 6.0

15Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Rachel Rios 5.0

16Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Angelica Abadia 20.0

17Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Felix Avendano 2.0

18Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Rachel Barbadillo 6.0

19Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Isabella Barrios 8.0

20Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Natalie Concepcion 2.0

21Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Melanie Corredera 5.0

22Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Katherine Estradaa 5.0

23Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Sandy Gayarre 8.0

24Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Amanda Gonzalez 4.0

25Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Nicole Guerra 23.0

26Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Joselin Hernandez 5.0

27Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Zamira Hernandez 2.0

28Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Jose Machin 6.0

29Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Giselle Mendez 2.0

30Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Maria Miranda 4.0

31Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Victoria Morales 7.0

32Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Jessica Nunez 2.0

33Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A María Pérez Hernández 13.0

34Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Abigail Rodriguez 6.0

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2019 – 2020 Winners

35Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Nathaly Ruiz 6.0

36Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Jadalin Satizabal 4.0

37Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Cheilan Asanza 15.0

38Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Rosemarie Bello 4.0

39Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Nalley Bustamante 9.0

40Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Jeancarlos Claro 4.0

41Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Jessica Gutierrez 6.0

42Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Jessia Lopez 10.0

43Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A David Luis 2.0

44Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Erick Martinez 5.0

45Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Abraham Morales Gonzalez 31.0

46Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Richard Pena 36.0

47Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Juan Roque 10.0

2020 Governor's Project Member Award Winners (>25hours)#

Key Club ID# Division Member’s Name #hours1

John Gray High School H87027 26-D Mishka Hill 28.02

John Gray High School H87027 26-D Grecia Santos 25.03

John Gray High School H87027 26-D Phillipa McLeary 26.0

2020 Governor's Project Member Award Winners (>25hours)#

Key Club ID# Division Member’s Name #hours4

Keystone Heights High School H88059 4 Benjamin Tran 33.0

2020 Governor's Project Member Award Winners (>25hours)#

Key Club ID# Division Member’s Name #hours1

Manatee High School H80026 17 Nicolaas Altizar 33.02

Manatee High School H80026 17 Boris Atanasov 43.03

Manatee High School H80026 17 Gabrielle Beller 31.0

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2019 – 2020 Winners

4Manatee High School H80026 17 Andrew Bokelmann 44.0

5Manatee High School H80026 17 Emily Bokelmann 36.0

6Manatee High School H80026 17 Madison Burt 85.0

7Manatee High School H80026 17 Ephram Edelkind 38.0

8Manatee High School H80026 17 Brett Fehr 48.0

9Manatee High School H80026 17 Jenna Hass 75.0

10Manatee High School H80026 17 Cassandra Leal 30.0

11Manatee High School H80026 17 Tessa Mahurin 33.0

12Manatee High School H80026 17 Keile O’Dell 38.0

13Manatee High School H80026 17 Joel Peters 39.0

14Manatee High School H80026 17 Jose Ramirez 32.0

15Manatee High School H80026 17 Elliot Santaella 31.0

16Manatee High School H80026 17 Andrew Seeger 55.0

17Manatee High School H80026 17 Zyonn Singleton 41.0

18Manatee High School H80026 17 Madeline Stewart 87.0

19Manatee High School H80026 17 Sebastian Windham 66.0

20Manatee High School H80026 17 Jessica Woo 65.0

21Manatee High School H80026 17 Owen Yanevich 36.0

22Manatee High School H80026 17 Katiana Zielinski 43.0

2020 Governor's Project Member Award Winners (>25hours)#

Key Club ID# Division Member’s Name #hours1

Pine View High School H85462 18 Meera Nair 50.02

Pine View High School H85462 18 Joey Chen 25.03

Pine View High School H85462 18 Nora Alexander 25.04

Pine View High School H85462 18 Peyton Harris 25.05

Pine View High School H85462 18 Tanya Gailie 25.06

Pine View High School H85462 18 Areej Memon 25.07

Pine View High School H85462 18 Madi Holmes 25.0

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2019 – 2020 Winners

8Pine View High School H85462 18 Asha Puthanveetil 25.0

9Pine View High School H85462 18 Alyson Mizanin 25.0

2020 Governor's Project Member Award Winners (>25hours)#

Key Club ID# Division Member’s Name #hours1

Riverview High School H93767 14-C Sara Benyamine 25.02

Riverview High School H93767 14-C Camila Campbell 34.03

Riverview High School H93767 14-C Miranda Peinado 25.54

Riverview High School H93767 14-C Janellis Rodriguez 34.05

Riverview High School H93767 14-C Sebastian Castro 26.56

Riverview High School H93767 14-C Shelby Conner 25.07

Riverview High School H93767 14-C Janice Correa-Rodriguez 28.58

Riverview High School H93767 14-C Andrea Martinez 25.09

Riverview High School H93767 14-C Maryelly Ospina 25.010

Riverview High School H93767 14-C Andrea Portillo-Sorto 25.011

Riverview High School H93767 14-C Reagan Pulkowski 26.012

Riverview High School H93767 14-C Logan Mastin 27.013

Riverview High School H93767 14-C Diana Faehn 29.014

Riverview High School H93767 14-C Isis Cruz 25.015

Riverview High School H93767 14-C Christopher Davis 25.016

Riverview High School H93767 14-C Sophia McGarrity 25.017

Riverview High School H93767 14-C Avery Brandt 25.018

Riverview High School H93767 14-C Cayllise Days 25.019

Riverview High School H93767 14-C Trinity Mason 25.020

Riverview High School H93767 14-C Anyela Alvarez 25.021

Riverview High School H93767 14-C Amanda Taveras 25.022

Riverview High School H93767 14-C Jamila Cox 25.023

Riverview High School H93767 14-C Zena Rodill 25.024

Riverview High School H93767 14-C Victor Peinado 25.0

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2019 – 2020 Winners

25Riverview High School H93767 14-C Aden Devera 25.0

26Riverview High School H93767 14-C Deandra Georgiou 25.0

2020 Governor's Project Member Award Winners (>25hours)#

Key Club ID# Division Member’s Name #hours1

South Broward High School H88181 24-A Liam Waite 62.02

South Broward High School H88181 24-A Diego Pareja 44.03

South Broward High School H88181 24-A Lilliana Urbina 40.04

South Broward High School H88181 24-A Kimani Fearon 37.55

South Broward High School H88181 24-A Joseph Perez 36.06

South Broward High School H88181 24-A Ariana Miranda 33.57

South Broward High School H88181 24-A Alexander Arvanitis 31.58

South Broward High School H88181 24-A Sofia Falcone-Mckevitt 31.59

South Broward High School H88181 24-A Kelsey Walters 31.510

South Broward High School H88181 24-A Roxanne Ocana 31.011

South Broward High School H88181 24-A Sebastiaan Cortez 30.012

South Broward High School H88181 24-A Daniel McKenna 29.513

South Broward High School H88181 24-A Dev Patel 29.514

South Broward High School H88181 24-A Jazmin Pereyra Tello 29.515

South Broward High School H88181 24-A Tatiana Diaz 29.016

South Broward High School H88181 24-A Danielle Samuels 27.517

South Broward High School H88181 24-A Michelle Mirabal 26.018

South Broward High School H88181 24-A Elina Chaus 25.019

South Broward High School H88181 24-A Juliette Morales 25.020

South Broward High School H88181 24-A Brianna Sandoval 25.021

South Broward High School H88181 24-A Carla Augustin 25.022

South Broward High School H88181 24-A Ryan Elkind 25.023

South Broward High School H88181 24-A Valeria Garcia 25.024

South Broward High School H88181 24-A Mandee Martinez 25.0

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2019 – 2020 Winners

25South Broward High School H88181 24-A Susana Prisacaru 25.0

26South Broward High School H88181 24-A Jennyfer Grundler 30.0

27South Broward High School H88181 24-A Lenna Menocal 25.0

28South Broward High School H88181 24-A Angie MCCOY 25.0

29South Broward High School H88181 24-A TERRYANN OVERALL 25.0

30South Broward High School H88181 24-A JASMINE SANCHEZ 25.0

2020 Governor's Project Member Award Winners (>25hours)#

Key Club ID# Division Member’s Name #hours1

Sunlake High School H92299 12 Caroline Acosta 8.02

Sunlake High School H92299 12 Reese Adkinson 8.03

Sunlake High School H92299 12 Amber Blackwell 9.04

Sunlake High School H92299 12 julianna Castelli 8.05

Sunlake High School H92299 12 Kristen Corredor 6.06

Sunlake High School H92299 12 Tatiana Demarco 8.07

Sunlake High School H92299 12 Erin Feeney 10.08

Sunlake High School H92299 12 Shannon Gordy 12.09

Sunlake High School H92299 12 Camille Grant 8.010

Sunlake High School H92299 12 Madeline Hoffman 8.011

Sunlake High School H92299 12 Evan Inge 8.012

Sunlake High School H92299 12 Samantha Kowoski 6.013

Sunlake High School H92299 12 Maddox Leondaro 6.014

Sunlake High School H92299 12 Hailey Mahadeen 8.015

Sunlake High School H92299 12 Britney Megnath 8.016

Sunlake High School H92299 12 Diego Montoya 10.017

Sunlake High School H92299 12 Emmanuel Morales 8.018

Sunlake High School H92299 12 Erin Patton 8.019

Sunlake High School H92299 12 Ben Randall 8.020

Sunlake High School H92299 12 Emily Rodhouse 8.0

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2019 – 2020 Winners

21Sunlake High School H92299 12 Madison Saenz 8.0

22Sunlake High School H92299 12 Mason Satin 8.0

23Sunlake High School H92299 12 Alexis Surin 8.0

24Sunlake High School H92299 12 Kayla Tran 8.0

25Sunlake High School H92299 12 Logan Vacharasin 6.0

26Sunlake High School H92299 12 Erin Vandiver 8.0

27Sunlake High School H92299 12 Abigail Walden 8.0

28Sunlake High School H92299 12 Breana Walders 10.0

29Sunlake High School H92299 12 Ryan Wingard 6.0

30Sunlake High School H92299 12 Abigal Asaro 8.0

31Sunlake High School H92299 12 Javeon Braggs 8.0

32Sunlake High School H92299 12 Sofia Castelli 10.0

33Sunlake High School H92299 12 Isabella Colosimo 8.0

34Sunlake High School H92299 12 Wyatt Day 8.0

35Sunlake High School H92299 12 Raul Dopico 8.0

36Sunlake High School H92299 12 Olivia Downey 8.0

37Sunlake High School H92299 12 Daniel Feijoo 8.0

38Sunlake High School H92299 12 Ella Freiser 12.0

39Sunlake High School H92299 12 Berlyn Gonzalez 10.0

40Sunlake High School H92299 12 Justin Haney 8.0

41Sunlake High School H92299 12 Natalie Hartman 8.0

42Sunlake High School H92299 12 Madison Haynes 10.0

43Sunlake High School H92299 12 Logan Hewitt 8.0

44Sunlake High School H92299 12 Caitlin Kanick 8.0

45Sunlake High School H92299 12 Daniel Korn 6.0

46Sunlake High School H92299 12 Gianna Long 8.0

47Sunlake High School H92299 12 Hannah Mathis 12.0

48Sunlake High School H92299 12 Sofia McGuire 6.0

49Sunlake High School H92299 12 Daniela Morla 8.0

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2019 – 2020 Winners

50Sunlake High School H92299 12 Jeremy Newton 8.0

51Sunlake High School H92299 12 Gylemees Oliva 10.0

52Sunlake High School H92299 12 Melanie Palmer 10.0

53Sunlake High School H92299 12 Kim Phillips 8.0

54Sunlake High School H92299 12 Aidan Russo 8.0

55Sunlake High School H92299 12 Ashley Spires 8.0

56Sunlake High School H92299 12 Drew Stegura 8.0

57Sunlake High School H92299 12 Brooke Thomson 8.0

58Sunlake High School H92299 12 Mackenzie Whalen 8.0

59Sunlake High School H92299 12 Trinity Withers 10.0

60Sunlake High School H92299 12 Amber Wood 8.0

61Sunlake High School H92299 12 Kory Doerr 6.0

62Sunlake High School H92299 12 Gabriella Paul 8.0

63Sunlake High School H92299 12 Nathan South 8.0

64Sunlake High School H92299 12 Makayla Gray 12.0

65Sunlake High School H92299 12 Alfonso Guerrero 12.0

66Sunlake High School H92299 12 Lindsay Henderson 12.0

2020 Governor's Project Member Award Winners (>25hours)#

Key Club ID# Division Member's Name #hours1

Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Karla Deras 26.02

Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Annalisa TranLam 27.03

Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Kathryn Sherman 33.04

Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Gianna Picarelli 27.05

Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Alex Dang 29.06

Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Romuald Thomas 25.07

Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Kara Weihman 31.08

Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Madison Rivera 28.0

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2019 – 2020 Winners

2020 Key Clubber of the Year# Recipient’s Name Key Club ID# Division1 Kathryn Sherman Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8

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2019 – 2020 Winners

Awards Requiring Application RecipientsAdvisors and Sponsor Awards

Outstanding Key Club Faculty Advisor

Faculty Advisor Key Club ID# Division Sponsoring Kiwanis ClubKiwanis Club


Emily Hughes Saint John Neuman High School H90811 22 Naples On The Gulf 22

2020 J. Walker Field Outstanding Kiwanis AdvisorKiwanis Advisor Kiwanis Club Kiwanis Club Division Key Club ID# Division

John Vita Bradenton 17 Manatee High School H80026 17

Robert W. Thal Outstanding Sponsoring Kiwanis ClubKiwanis Club Kiwanis Club Division Key Club ID# Division

Greater Brandon 14 Armwood High School H87040 14-C

2020 Florida District Key of HonorRichard Osso

2020- G. Harold Martin Fellowship# Recipient1 David Roth 2 Deborah Tinsley3 Diana Morrell4 Jose Leoncio

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2019 – 2020 Winners

Non-Application Awards Recipients

2020 Club Membership Growth Award – PatchClub Name Club ID Division# % Growth Size RankSaint Petersburg Catholic School H92631 13 94% Bronze 1Avon Park High School H90065 15-B 47% Bronze 2Blanche Ely High School H91623 23-B 45% Bronze 3 Cypress Lake High School H94357 19-B 219% Silver 1Fort Lauderdale High School H80014 23-B 147% Silver 2Charlotte High School H84149 18 141% Silver 3 Osceola High School H92864 13 305% Gold 1Miami Sunset Senior High School H89564 26-A 262% Gold 2Miami Beach Senior High School H80209 25-C 188% Gold 3 Sheridan Technical High School H93922 24-A 413% Platinum 1Miramar High School H91671 24-B 205% Platinum 2Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School H88258 23-A 125% Platinum 3

2020 Club Membership Growth Award - 10%

# Club Name Club IDDIV

#2019-20 Member

%growth Size

1 Academy at the Lakes H92148 14-A 42 11% Silver

2 American Senior High H93693 25-A 45 67% Silver

3 Archbishop McCarthy High School H91254 24-B 71 54% Gold

4 Avon Park High School H90065 15-B 25 47% Bronze

5 Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A 129 119% Platinum

6 Bartow Senior High School H80053 15-A 102 23% Platinum

7 Bayshore High School H85363 17 65 12% Gold

8 Belen Jesuit Preparatory High School H86568 26-A 227 79% Platinum

9 Bell Creek Academy H93860 14-C 61 56% Gold

10 Blanche Ely High School H91623 23-B 29 45% Bronze

11 Bradford High School H89824 4 26 86% Bronze

12 Cambridge Christian School H91267 14-B 76 19% Gold

13 Celebration High School H92613 10-C 40 67% Silver

14 Center for International Education H94334 26-C 36 38% Silver

15 Chain of Lakes Collegiate High School H93589 15-A 95 30% Platinum

16 Charlotte High School H84149 18 41 141% Silver

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2019 – 2020 Winners

17 City of Hialeah Educational Academy H93552 25-A 147 88% Platinum

18 Coral Glades High School H91721 23-A 133 25% Platinum

19 Coral Reef Senior High School H91181 26-B 402 56% Platinum

20 Crestview High School H87934 1-B 23 44% Bronze

21 Cypress Lake High School H94357 19-B 51 219% Silver

22 David Posnack Jewish Day School H94086 24-B 56 44% Silver

23 Doctors Charter School H92044 25-B 61 65% Gold

24 Dr. Michael M Krop Sr High School H90145 25-B 48 26% Silver

25 Duncan U Fletcher High School H80301 5 37 23% Silver

26 East Lake Senior High School H87603 12 33 18% Bronze

27 East Ridge High School H91387 9 33 14% Bronze

28 Estero High School H89696 19-B 55 10% Silver

29 Everglades High School H91487 24-B 155 12% Platinum

30 Florida Christian School H92060 26-A 127 28% Platinum

31 Florida Southwestern Collegiate High School H92726 18 53 20% Silver

32 Florida State University High School H89258 3-B 48 71% Silver

33 Fort Lauderdale High School H80014 23-B 37 147% Silver

34 Freeport High School H92361 1-B 43 10% Silver

35 G. Holmes Braddock Senior High School H93596 26-A 173 68% Platinum

36 George Jenkins Senior High School H89159 15-A 69 17% Gold

37 Gulliver Preparatory School H91508 26-B 78 86% Gold

38 Hardee County High School H80216 15-B 67 49% Gold

39 Harmony High School H93064 10-C 78 47% Gold

40 Hollywood Hills High School H92063 24-A 46 21% Silver

41 Holmes County High School H84075 2-A 38 65% Silver

42 Immokalee High School H91363 22 116 14% Platinum

43 Indian River Charter High School H90810 16 93 15% Platinum

44 Jensen Beach High School H91629 16 67 10% Gold

45 John A. Ferguson Senior High School H93485 26-A 145 49% Platinum

46 Keys Gate Charter High School H93204 26-C 25 178% Bronze

47 Lake Mary Preparatory School H93324 10-A 90 45% Platinum

48 Lake Minneola High School H93049 9 53 18% Silver

49 Lake Weir High School H88464 6 35 40% Bronze

50 Lake Worth High School H80843 21 77 33% Gold

51 Land O' Lakes High School H92728 8 96 100% Platinum

52 Lennard High School H92976 14-C 166 19% Platinum

53 Leon High School H90370 3-A 48 33% Silver

54 Lincoln High School H86870 3-B 72 22% Gold

55 Manatee High School H80026 17 110 41% Platinum

56 Marco Island Academy H93138 22 102 32% Platinum

57 Marjory Stoneman Douglas H S H88258 23-A 261 125% Platinum

58 Martin County High School H80223 16 27 35% Bronze

59 Mast @ FIU Biscayne Bay Campus H93431 25-B 77 175% Gold

60 Mater Academy Charter H92006 25-A 56 22% Silver

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2019 – 2020 Winners

61 Miami Beach Senior High School H80209 25-C 75 188% Gold

62 Miami Lakes Educational Center H91929 25-A 94 74% Platinum

63 Miami Senior High School H91270 25-C 31 41% Bronze

64 Miami Sunset Senior High School H89564 26-A 76 262% Gold

65 Miramar High School H91671 24-B 119 205% Platinum

66 Mount Dora High School H80404 9 21 11% Bronze

67 North Bay Haven H93307 2-B 75 42% Gold

68 Olympic Heights High School H88558 21 128 35% Platinum

69 Osceola High School H92864 13 85 305% Gold

70 Osceola High School H81659 10-C 72 16% Gold

71 Palm Beach Lakes School H80012 20-A 47 34% Silver

72 Palmetto High School H81858 17 92 33% Platinum

73 Palmetto Ridge High School H91705 22 91 23% Platinum

74 Park Vista High School H92272 21 122 27% Platinum

75 Pasco High School H94220 8 37 48% Silver

76 Pedro Menendez High School H93640 5 22 22% Bronze

77 Pembroke Pines Charter High School H90860 24-B 75 10% Gold

78 Pine View High School H85462 18 113 20% Platinum

79 Pinecrest Preparatory Academy H94108 26-A 77 24% Gold

80 Piper High School H87572 23-A 46 15% Silver

81 Pompano Beach High School H92127 23-B 75 121% Gold

82 Riviera Preparatory School H93890 26-B 59 16% Silver

83 Royal Palm Beach Community High School H91207 20-B 65 48% Gold

84 Saint John Neuman High School H90811 22 142 82% Platinum

85 Saint Petersburg Catholic School H92631 13 33 94% Bronze

86 SCF Collegiate School H93658 17 74 42% Gold

87 Seabreeze High School H80066 7 102 100% Platinum

88 Seacrest Country Day School H92546 22 31 24% Bronze

89 Seminole Ridge High School H93239 20-B 83 14% Gold

90 Sheridan Technical High School H93922 24-A 118 413% Platinum

91 Shorecrest Preparatory School H85863 13 42 31% Silver

92 Sickles High School H89904 14-A 53 23% Silver

93 Somerset Academy Canyons H93986 21 62 44% Gold

94 Somerset Academy Key Charter School H86121 23-B 36 125% Silver

95 South Sumter High School H94306 9 22 29% Bronze

96 Spruce Creek High School H92594 7 58 23% Silver

97 St. Ignatius High School H90881 26-D 32 10% Bronze

98 Sunlake High School H92299 12 290 21% Platinum

99 Suwannee High School H80304 4 72 13% Gold100 Tampa Catholic High School H87638 14-B 176 91% Platinum

101 Taylor H93210 7 32 10% Bronze

102 University School Of Nova University H85748 24-A 16 60% Bronze

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2019 – 2020 Winners

103 Wellington Community High School H91330 20-B 89 29% Platinum

104 Wesley Methodist School - Turks/Caicos H94292 26-C 19 27% Bronze

105 West Boca Raton High School H91657 21 143 19% Platinum

106 West Florida High School of Advanced Technology H91431 1-A 83 26% Gold

107 West Shore Jr. Sr. High School H92690 11 25 19% Bronze

108 Windermere High School H94114 10-B 118 46% Platinum

2019-20 Early Bird Dues Patch # Key Club ID# Division

1 Academy at the Lakes H92148 14-A2 AEF High School H94069 24-A3 Alonzo and Tracy Mourning Senior High H92653 25-B4 American Heritage High School/Plantation H90188 24-B5 American Heritage School H90578 216 Armwood High School H87040 14-C7 Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A8 Bayshore High School H85363 179 Belen Jesuit Preparatory High School H86568 26-A

10 Blake High School H89970 14-B11 Boca Raton High School H83407 2112 Bozeman High School H91653 2-B13 Braden River High School H92149 1714 Bradenton Christian School H92581 1715 Brandon High School H91021 14-C16 Calvary Christian High School H93055 1217 Cape Coral High School H86658 19-A18 Cardinal Newman High School H83689 20-A19 Cayman Prep & High School H91332 26-D20 Charlotte High School H84149 1821 Chipley High School H80356 2-A22 Christopher Columbus High School H86752 26-A23 Citrus High School H82817 824 City of Hialeah Educational Academy H93552 25-A25 Clearwater High School H92175 1226 Clifton Hunter High School H92849 26-D27 Colonial High School H93072 10-B28 Cooper City High School H90532 24-B29 Coral Glades High School H91721 23-A

30 Coral Reef Senior High School H91181 26-B

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2019 – 2020 Winners

31 Coral Shores High School H90242 26-C32 Coral Springs Charter School H90776 23-A33 Crystal River High School H86021 834 Cypress Bay High School H91326 24-B35 Deerfield Beach Senior High School H85944 23-B36 Dillard High School H85485 23-B37 Doral Academy Charter High School H91032 26-A38 Dunedin High School H91689 1239 East Lake Senior High School H87603 1240 Edgewood Jr./Sr. High H92510 1141 Everglades High School H91487 24-B42 F.W. Springstead High School H89702 843 Florida Southwestern Collegiate High School H92726 1844 Florida State University High School H89258 3-B45 Fort Lauderdale High School H80014 23-B46 George Jenkins Senior High School H89159 15-A47 Godby High School H91638 3-A48 Gulf Breeze High School H84695 1-A49 Hardee County High School H80216 15-B50 Harmony High School H93064 10-C51 Hialeah Gardens Senior High School H92635 25-A52 Hollywood Hills High School H92063 24-A53 Holmes County High School H84075 2-A54 Hope Christian Academy H93976 455 Ida S Baker High School H91886 19-A56 iMater Academy Middle-High School H93409 25-A57 Immaculata - La Salle High School H90350 26-B58 Immokalee High School H91363 2259 Indian River Charter High School H90810 1660 Inlet Grove Community High School H91718 20-A61 Island Coast High School H92271 19-A62 J. P. Taravella High School H86498 23-A63 Jensen Beach High School H91629 1664 John A. Ferguson Senior High School H93485 26-A65 John Gray High School H87027 26-D66 José Martí MAST 6-12 Academy H93462 25-A67 Keystone Heights High School H88059 468 LaBelle High School H86381 19-B69 Lake Mary Preparatory School H93324 10-A70 Lake Nona High School H92601 10-C71 Lake Weir High School H88464 6

72 Lakewood High School H92646 1373 Largo High School H88884 1274 Law Enforcement Officers Memorial High School H92702 25-C

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2019 – 2020 Winners

75 Lemon Bay High School H86005 1876 Lincoln High School H86870 3-B77 Manatee High School H80026 1778 Marco Island Academy H93138 2279 Mariner High School H87688 19-A80 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School H88258 23-A81 Mast @ FIU Biscayne Bay Campus H93431 25-B82 Matanzas High School H92208 783 Mater Academy Charter H92006 25-A84 Mater Lakes Academy High School H93498 25-A85 Melbourne Central Catholic High School H93866 1186 Miami Killian Senior High School H83982 26-B87 Miami Lakes Educational Center H91929 25-A88 Miami Sunset Senior High School H89564 26-A89 Monsignor Edward Pace High School H86205 25-B90 Mount Dora Christian Academy H93601 991 Mount Dora High School H80404 992 Naples High School H81947 2293 Niceville High School H83372 1-B94 North Bay Haven H93307 2-B95 North Broward Preparatory H90371 23-A96 North Fort Myers High School H91572 19-A97 North Miami Beach Senior High School H84908 25-B98 North Port High School H90786 1899 Nova High School H91307 24-A

100 Oasis Charter High School H92920 19-A101 Olympic Heights High School H88558 21102 Orlando Science Schools H93930 10-B103 Osceola High School H92864 10-C104 P. K. Yonge Developmental Research School H91437 13105 Palmetto Ridge High School H91705 4106 Park Vista High School H92272 22107 Pasco High School H94220 21108 Paxton High School H92579 8109 Pensacola High School H87873 2-A110 Piper High School H87572 1-A111 Plant City High School H80030 23-A112 Pompano Beach High School H92127 14-C113 Rickards High School H90765 23-B

114 Ridge Community High School H92042 3-B115 Riverview High School H82212 15-A116 Riverview High School H93767 14-C117 Riviera Preparatory School H93890 18118 Ronald Reagan Doral High School H93845 26-B

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2019 – 2020 Winners

119 Saint Brendan High School H89420 26-A120 Saint John Neuman High School H90811 22121 Santaluces Community High School H90247 21122 SCF Collegiate School H93658 17123 Seacrest Country Day School H92546 22124 Sickles High School H89904 14-A125 Somerset Academy H92632 24-B126 Somerset Academy Key Charter School H86121 23-B127 South Broward High School H88181 24-A128 South Ft. Myers High School H93294 19-B129 South Lake High School H80385 9130 South Plantation High School H90642 24-A131 South Walton High School H91603 1-B132 Southeast High School H82645 17133 Spruce Creek High School H92594 7134 Stranahan High School H91392 23-B135 Sunlake High School H92299 12136 Suwannee High School H80304 4137 Tampa Catholic High School H87638 14-B138 Tampa Preparatory School H85916 14-B139 The King's Academy H91712 20-B140 Timber Creek High School H91318 10-B141 Triple C High School H87606 26-D142 University School Of Nova University H85748 24-A143 Vero Beach Senior High School H86904 16144 Villages High School H91505 9145 Walton High School H80072 2-A146 West Boca Raton High School H91657 21147 West Florida High School of Advanced Technology H91431 1-A148 West Port High School H90937 6149 Westminster Academy H91280 23-B150 William T Dwyer High School H89055 20-A151 Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8152 Youth Co-Op Preparatory H93690 25-A153 YWPA H92822 25-C

2020 Florida Key Club Endowment Fund

# Key Club ID# Div2019-20

Members SizeTotal

DonationsDonation/ member Rank

1 Gulf Breeze High School H84695 1-A 100 Platinum $1,050.00 $10.50 1

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2019 – 2020 Winners

2020 Governor's Citation

# Key Club Club ID DIV #19-20 memb Size

Total Service Hours

Service Hours/ Memb

1 Alonzo and Tracy Mourning Senior High H92653 25-B 72 Gold 4079.5 56.72 American Heritage High School/Plantation H90188 24-B 35 Bronze 1068 30.53 Armwood High School H87040 14-C 81 Gold 7139.25 88.14 Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A 129 Platinum 15815 122.65 Barron Collier High School H87055 22 80 Gold 3389 42.46 Belen Jesuit Preparatory High School H86568 26-A 227 Platinum 9880.5 43.57 Blake High School H89970 14-B 24 Bronze 4958.75 206.68 Blanche Ely High School H91623 23-B 29 Bronze 1378 47.59 Boca Raton High School H83407 21 81 Gold 4659.5 57.5

10 Booker High School H88920 17 20 Bronze 1731 86.611 Braden River High School H92149 17 85 Gold 16050.5 188.812 Cape Coral High School H86658 19-A 35 Bronze 6450 184.313 Cayman Prep & High School H91332 26-D 31 Bronze 1701 54.914 Chain of Lakes Collegiate High School H93589 15-A 95 Platinum 3675 38.715 Christopher Columbus High School H86752 26-A 26 Bronze 14384 553.216 City of Hialeah Educational Academy H93552 25-A 147 Platinum 9165.08 62.317 Clearwater High School H92175 12 10 Bronze 1237.5 123.818 Colonial High School H93072 10-B 86 Platinum 10315.5 119.919 Coral Glades High School H91721 23-A 133 Platinum 4568.5 34.320 Coral Shores High School H90242 26-C 20 Bronze 684 34.221 Countryside High School H90457 12 21 Bronze 769 36.622 Crestview High School H87934 1-B 23 Bronze 1563 68.023 Crystal River High School H86021 8 21 Bronze 1839.65 87.624 Cypress Bay High School H91326 24-B 98 Platinum 16814 171.625 Deerfield Beach Senior High School H85944 23-B 175 Platinum 7469.5 42.726 Dillard High School H85485 23-B 26 Bronze 908 34.927 Doral Academy Charter High School H91032 26-A 192 Platinum 19600 102.128 East Bay High School H93642 14-C 51 Silver 1975 38.729 East Lake Senior High School H87603 12 33 Bronze 3636 110.230 East Ridge High School H91387 9 33 Bronze 1013 30.731 Eastside High School H85589 4 141 Platinum 4300.29 30.5

32 F.W. Springstead High School H89702 8 16 Bronze 2526 157.933 Felix Varela Senior High School H91588 26-A 39 Silver 1564.5 40.134 Flagler Palm Coast High School H86341 7 21 Bronze 1122.1 53.435 Flanagan High School H90262 24-B 36 Silver 6126.45 170.236 Florida Southwestern Collegiate High School H92726 18 53 Silver 2246.89 42.437 Godby High School H91638 3-A 15 Bronze 1366 91.138 Gulf Breeze High School H84695 1-A 100 Platinum 4671.3 46.7

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2019 – 2020 Winners

39 Hallandale High School H91393 24-A 14 Bronze 458 32.740 Hardee County High School H80216 15-B 67 Gold 2183 32.641 Harmony High School H93064 10-C 78 Gold 4831 61.942 Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A 43 Silver 14784 343.843 Hialeah High School H81395 25-A 66 Gold 14697 222.744 Hialeah-Miami Lakes High School H84697 25-A 4 Bronze 125.5 31.445 iMater Academy Middle-High School H93409 25-A 95 Platinum 14553 153.246 Immaculata - La Salle High School H90350 26-B 40 Silver 1498.75 37.547 Indian River Charter High School H90810 16 93 Platinum 4093 44.048 International Studies Charter H93028 25-C 30 Bronze 1228 40.949 Island Coast High School H92271 19-A 20 Bronze 2012.59 100.650 J. P. Taravella High School H86498 23-A 80 Gold 3429 42.951 Jesuit High School H84003 14-B 167 Platinum 41599.65 249.152 John Gray High School H87027 26-D 32 Bronze 5314 166.153 Keystone Heights High School H88059 4 68 Gold 9228 135.754 Lake Placid High School H82750 15-B 12 Bronze 445.55 37.155 Lake Weir High School H88464 6 35 Bronze 1201 34.356 Lakewood High School H92646 13 80 Gold 2475.8 30.957 Largo High School H88884 12 17 Bronze 881.47 51.958 Lecanto High School H87023 8 24 Bronze 1192.5 49.759 Lennard High School H92976 14-C 166 Platinum 23907.15 144.060 Manatee High School H80026 17 110 Platinum 18217 165.661 Marco Island Academy H93138 22 102 Platinum 8865.5 86.962 Mariner High School H87688 19-A 49 Silver 4169 85.163 Mast @ FIU Biscayne Bay Campus H93431 25-B 77 Gold 8602.28 111.764 Matanzas High School H92208 7 66 Gold 3297 50.065 Mater Academy Charter H92006 25-A 56 Silver 22546.8 402.666 Mater Lakes Academy High School H93498 25-A 79 Gold 13197 167.167 McFatter Tech High School H92652 24-A 27 Bronze 915 33.968 Melbourne Central Catholic High School H93866 11 24 Bronze 1790.5 74.669 Miami Senior High School H91270 25-C 31 Bronze 4590 148.170 Miramar High School H91671 24-B 119 Platinum 7545 63.471 Mount Dora Christian Academy H93601 9 45 Silver 2897 64.472 Mulberry High School H80039 15-A 22 Bronze 1311 59.673 Niceville High School H83372 1-B 69 Gold 2174 31.5

74 North Fort Myers High School H91572 19-A 36 Silver 3011.6 83.775 North Miami Beach Senior High School H84908 25-B 5 Bronze 4956 991.276 North Port High School H90786 18 23 Bronze 1091 47.477 Northeast High School H86742 23-B 23 Bronze 1948.99 84.778 Oasis Charter High H92920 19-A 35 Bronze 1050 30.079 Palm Beach Central High School H91452 20-B 103 Platinum 4602 44.780 Paxton High School H92579 2-A 9 Bronze 1391 154.681 Pembroke Pines Charter High School H90860 24-B 75 Gold 24534.5 327.182 Pensacola High School H87873 1-A 38 Silver 2327 61.2

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2019 – 2020 Winners

83 Pine View High School H85462 18 113 Platinum 6421 56.884 Pinellas Park High School H88917 13 106 Platinum 6298.5 59.485 Plant City High School H80030 14-C 94 Platinum 8835.75 94.086 Plantation High School H83449 24-A 20 Bronze 863 43.287 Port Charlotte High School H86538 18 33 Bronze 1906 57.888 Rickards High School H90765 3-B 78 Gold 2465.75 31.689 Ridge Community High School H92042 15-A 40 Silver 2244 56.190 Riverview High School H93767 14-C 97 Platinum 19843.5 204.691 Riverview High School H82212 18 84 Gold 2702 32.292 Rockledge High School H93144 11 28 Bronze 1869 66.893 Ronald Reagan Doral HS H93845 25-A 4 Bronze 913.75 228.494 Saint John Neuman High School H90811 22 142 Platinum 8008 56.495 Santaluces Community High School H90247 21 77 Gold 2579 33.596 Sebring High School H82590 15-B 11 Bronze 1066.5 97.097 Somerset Academy H92632 24-B 125 Platinum 5004 40.098 South Broward High School H88181 24-A 123 Platinum 6540.8 53.299 South Fork High School H89225 16 35 Bronze 1696.5 48.5

100 South Lake High School H80385 9 56 Silver 2108 37.6101 South Plantation High School H90642 24-A 33 Bronze 2884.5 87.4102 Southeast High School H82645 17 74 Gold 12562.9 169.8103 Spanish River Community High School H86910 21 24 Bronze 879.5 36.6104 St Petersburg Senior High School H80038 13 133 Platinum 9777 73.5105 Sunlake High School H92299 12 290 Platinum 33139 114.3106 Tampa Preparatory School H85916 14-B 73 Gold 5886.5 80.6107 Tavares High School H88457 9 20 Bronze 669.7 33.5108 Timber Creek High School H91318 10-B 74 Gold 9175.79 124.0109 University High School H92827 7 9 Bronze 2159 239.9110 West Port High School H90937 6 61 Gold 2962.5 48.6111 Westland Hialeah Senior High School H92198 25-A 46 Silver 4605 100.1112 Westminster Academy H91280 23-B 70 Gold 2114.35 30.2113 William R. Boone High School H90263 10-B 113 Platinum 19678 174.1114 Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 191 Platinum 13477 70.6115 YWPA H92822 25-C 57 Silver 5633 98.8

2020 Key Club Service Award

Key Club Club ID DIV #19-20 memb Size

Total Service Hours

Service Hours/

Member RankChristopher Columbus High School H86752 26-A 26 Bronze 14384.0 553.2 1Blake High School H89970 14-B 24 Bronze 4958.8 206.6 2Cape Coral High School H86658 19-A 35 Bronze 6450.0 184.3 3

Mater Academy Charter H92006 25-A 56 Silver 22546.8 402.6 1Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A 43 Silver 14784.0 343.8 2

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2019 – 2020 Winners

Flanagan High School H90262 24-B 36 Silver 6126.5 170.2 3

Pembroke Pines Charter High School H90860 24-B 75 Gold 24534.5 327.1 1Hialeah High School H81395 25-A 66 Gold 14697.0 222.7 2Braden River High School H92149 17 85 Gold 16050.5 188.8 3

Jesuit High School H84003 14-B 183 Platinum 41599.7 249.1 1Riverview High School H93767 14-C 269 Platinum 19843.5 204.6 2William R. Boone High School H90263 10-B 156 Platinum 19678.0 174.1 3

2020 Pride Report Submissions # Club Name Club ID DIV # Primary Secretary

1 Academy of the Holy Names H93265 14-B Olivia Perez

2 Alonzo and Tracy Mourning Senior High H92653 25-B Chloe Bryl

3 American Heritage High School/Plantation H90188 24-B Shana Xia

4 American Heritage School H90578 21 Jack Davis

5 Archbishop McCarthy High School H91254 24-B Isabella Marti

6 Armwood High School H87040 14-C Kaylie Manikis

7 ATC Magnet High School H92697 23-A Elizabeth Street

8 Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A Ashley Rosquette

9 Bartow Senior High School H80053 15-A Olivia Milam

10 Blake High School H89970 14-B Ciana Socias

11 Boca Raton High School H83407 21 Jaqueline Navarette

12 Booker High School H88920 17 Kaley Rio

13 Braden River High School H92149 17 Lilyanah Naylor

14 Cape Coral High School H86658 19-A Alyssa Mitchinson

15 Cayman Prep & High School H91332 26-D Meaghan Fowler

16 Central High School H87631 1-A Beth Perritt

17 Chain of Lakes Collegiate High School H93589 15-A Madeline Bearden

18 Charlotte High School H84149 18 Alisia Nyguen

19 City of Hialeah Educational Academy H93552 25-A Liz Leal

20 Clearwater High School H92175 12 Astrid Matias

21 Colonial High School H93072 10-B Pastrisse Durand

22 Cooper City High School H90532 24-B Giovanni Papini

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2019 – 2020 Winners

23 Coral Glades High School H91721 23-A Sabrina Kwan

24 Coral Reef Senior High School H91181 26-B Cindy Wang

25 Coral Shores High School H90242 26-C Emme Santayana

26 Coral Springs Charter School H90776 23-A Haylee Marken

27 Coral Springs High School H85682 23-A Shannon Singh

28 Countryside High School H90457 12 James Ruby

29 Cushman High School H94307 25-C Mary Grace Thomas

30 Cypress Bay High School H91326 24-B Jacalyn Woodford

31 Deerfield Beach Senior High School H85944 23-B Khrista Nicholas

32 Dillard High School H85485 23-B Alana Pena - Torress

33 Doral Academy Charter High School H91032 26-A Isabella Cuotto

34 Dr. Michael M Krop Sr High School H90145 25-B Emilie Steinberg

35 Dunedin High School H91689 12 Beatriz Perez- Garcia

36 East Ridge High School H91387 9 Maddison Borns

37 Estero High School H89696 19-B Allie DeMarco

38 F.W. Springstead High School H89702 8 Jayce Jiang

39 Flanagan High School H90262 24-B Joy Liu

40 Florida Southwestern Collegiate High School H92726 18 Ximena Arias

41 Graceville High School H86283 2-A Chandler King

42 Gulf Breeze High School H84695 1-A McKenzie Arant

43 Gulf Coast High School H90045 22 Micah Evans

44 Hallandale High School H91393 24-A Shanice Francois

45 Harmony High School H93064 10-C Chalisa Budhai

46 Hialeah Gardens Senior High H92635 25-A Nicole Guerra

47 Hialeah High School H81395 25-A Thalia Gonzalez

48 Hollywood Hills High School H92063 24-A Danielle Mazarella

49 Holmes County High School H84075 2-A Katherine Albury

50 iMater Academy Middle-High School H93409 25-A Rachel Ramirez

51 Immokalee High School H91363 22 Ruth Bellevue

52 Indian River Charter High School H90810 16 Alexandria Dalessio

53 Island Coast High School H92271 19-A Hung Ho

54 J. P. Taravella High School H86498 23-A Emily Morrell

55 Jesuit High School H84003 14-B Eric Mullan

56 John Gray High School H87027 26-D Gabrielle Ebanks

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2019 – 2020 Winners

57 José Martí MAST 6-12 Academy H93462 25-A Ashley Perez

58 Keystone Heights High School H88059 4 Travis Dockery

59 Lake Minneola High School H93049 9 Luiza Iljazi

60 Lake Placid High School H82750 15-B Clarissa Olivares

61 Lake Worth High School H80843 21 Ainee Martin

62 Lely High School H89072 22 Natasha Paredes

63 Lemon Bay High School H86005 18 Madison Wharton

64 Lennard High School H92976 14-C Karrely Carreto Olvera

65 Leon High School H90370 3-A Kalen Roberts

66 Lincoln High School H86870 3-B Lauren Jenkins

67 Manatee High School H80026 17 Madeline Stewart

68 Marco Island Academy H93138 22 Peter Morales

69 Mariner High School H87688 19-A Aaliyah Smaller

70 Marjory Stoneman Douglas H S H88258 23-A Johanna Tam

71 Martin County High School H80223 16 Jagger Mcilvaine

72 Mast @ FIU Biscayne Bay Campus H93431 25-B Maya Baker

73 Mater Academy Charter H92006 25-A Amy Baldriche

74 McFatter Tech High School H92652 24-A Aishlin Belony

75 Melbourne Central Catholic High School H93866 11 Alfred Annas

76 Miami Palmetto Senior High School H82539 26-B Jaine Heise

77 Miramar High School H91671 24-B Utsav Sharma

78 Montverde Academy H92177 9 Diana Cao

79 Mount Dora Christian Academy H93601 9 Alissia Hernandez

80 Mount Dora High School H80404 9 Sarah Marsicen

81 Nature Coast High School H93231 8 Gabby Hahlbohm

82 North Broward Preparatory H90371 23-A Cassandra Ameen

83 North Fort Myers High School H91572 19-A Alxandr Carbonell

84 North Miami Beach Senior High School H84908 25-B Dacheka Samedi

85 Olympic Heights High School H88558 21 Nicole Burlakova

86 Orlando Science Schools H93930 10-B Karima Itayem

87 Our Lady Of Lourdes Academy H88740 26-B Alessandra Infante

88 Palm Harbor University High School H90718 12 Randy Toyberman

89 Palmetto Ridge High School H91705 22 Ronasia Duprat

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90 Park Vista High School H92272 21 Kyle Neilson

91 Pembroke Pines Charter High School H90860 24-B Astrid Garrido

92 Pine View High School H85462 18 Michaela Chan

93 Pinellas Park High School H88917 13 Jessica Duong

94 Piper High School H87572 23-A Cheyenne Clifton

95 Pompano Beach High School H92127 23-B Wanda Dejesus

96 Port Charlotte High School H86538 18 Carson McNamara

97 Rickards High School H90765 3-B Ria Chadha

98 Ridge Community High School H92042 15-A Emma Walker

99 Riverdale High School H88584 19-B Gabriel Cortez

100 Riverview High School H82212 18 Kristen Adams

101 Riverview High School H93767 14-C Andrea Portillo

102 Riviera Preparatory School H93890 26-B Isabella Antonovich

103 Ronald Reagan Doral HS H93845 25-A Sebastian Vargas-George

104 Saint John Neuman High School H90811 22 Emily Oplt

105 Saint Petersburg Catholic School H92631 13 Vanna Hoang

106 Santaluces Community High School H90247 21 Madison Morley

107 Sarasota High School H80036 18 Kristen Adams

108 SCF Collegiate School H93658 17 Rayline Waldin

109 Seminole Ridge High School H93239 20-B Madeline Riol

110 Sheridan Technical High School H93922 24-A Joshua Padilla

111 Somerset Academy H92632 24-B Neha Kallamvalli

112 Somerset Academy Canyons H93986 21 Veronica Nash

113 South Broward High School H88181 24-A Jasmine Sanchez

114 South Fork High School H89225 16 Olivia Livingstone

115 South Lake High School H80385 9 Savannah Mcgregor

116 South Miami Senior High School H85029 26-B Gisela Egea

117 South Plantation High School H90642 24-A Ishrat Diya

118 Southeast High School H82645 17 Kaylee Hodge

119 Spanish River Community High School H86910 21 Sophia Salerno

120 St Petersburg Senior High School H80038 13 Christina Ho

121 St. Ignatius High School H90881 26-D Nilakni Jayasekera

122 Suncoast High School H88237 20-A Talia Singer

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123 Sunlake High School H92299 12 Joy Bouserhal

124 Tampa Catholic High School H87638 14-B Bianca Burgos

125 Tampa Preparatory School H85916 14-B Lawton Brinkman

126 Tavares High School H88457 9 Candice Bruinsma

127 Timber Creek High School H91318 10-B Teagan Mayr

128 Trinity Preparatory School Of Florida H84447 10-A Nydia Clifton

129 Triple C High School H87606 26-D Suzanne Wood

130 Umatilla High School H80328 9 Katherine Thurston

131 University School Of Nova University H85748 24-A Karen Bogomolni

132 Villages High School H91505 9 Gracie Renick

133 Washington High School H92434 1-A Cheyanna Burge

134 West Boca Raton High School H91657 21 Kaitlyn Berg

135 West Broward High School H92419 24-B Preesha Madalli

136 West Florida High School of Advanced Technology H91431 1-A Haley Israelson

137 Western High School H93801 24-A Valentina Rojas

138 Westland Hialeah Senior High School H92198 25-A Oriano Pinto

139 William R. Boone High School H90263 10-B Alexandra Lartonoix

140 Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 Kara Weihman

141 YWPA H92822 25-C Estefania Lucero

2020 Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF Fundraising /MNT# Key Club Name ID# Division TOT total1 Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A $825.002 Booker High School H88920 17 $250.003 Cape Coral High School H86658 19-A $300.004 Chain of Lakes Collegiate High School H93589 15-A $314.035 City of Hialeah Educational Academy H93552 25-A $403.506 Colonial High School H93072 10-B $665.137 Cooper City High School H90532 24-B $300.008 Coral Springs High School H85682 23-A $486.119 Deerfield Beach Senior High School H85944 23-B $450.0010 Doral Academy Charter High School H91032 26-A $1,000.0011 Estero High School H89696 19-B $435.7712 Gateway Charter High School H92903 19-B $500.00

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13 Harmony High School H93064 10-C $250.0014 Hialeah Gardens Senior High School H92635 25-A $250.0015 Indian River Charter High School H90810 16 $1,150.0016 Jensen Beach High School H91629 16 $329.8217 John Gray High School H87027 26-D $380.0018 Keystone Heights High School H88059 4 $250.0019 Lake Placid High School H82750 15-B $300.0020 Lake Weir High School H88464 6 $252.1721 Land O' Lakes High School H92728 8 $586.1522 Largo High School H88884 12 $250.0023 Leesburg High School H94411 9 $263.7824 Lemon Bay High School h86005 18 $250.0025 Leon High School H90370 3-A $450.7026 Marco Island Academy H93138 22 $250.0027 Matanzas High School H92208 7 $250.0028 Miramar High School H91671 24-B $331.4329 Montverde Academy H92177 9 $267.6830 Niceville High School H83372 1-B $250.0031 North Bay Haven H93307 2-B $675.0032 Palm Beach Central High School H91452 20-B $411.3733

Palmetto Ridge High School H91705 22 $250.00

34 Park Vista High School H92272 21 $323.2835 Pinecrest Preparatory Academy H94108 26-A $468.8136 Riverview High School H93767 14-C $500.0737 Saint John Neuman High School H90811 22 $455.0038 Timber Creek High School H91318 10-B $414.0039 Vero Beach Senior High School H86904 16 $250.00

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40 Villages High School H91505 9 $250.00

41 West Boca Raton High School H91657 21 $533.9042 West Port High School H90937 6 $655.5043 Westland Hialeah Senior High School H92198 25-A $536.6944 Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8 $407.9745 YWPA H92822 25-C $480.15

Total $18,853.01

2020 Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF Fundraising /MNT -Trophy

# Key Club Name Club ID Division2019-20 Member Size Grand

TotalDonation/ member Rank

1P. K. Yonge Developmental Research School H91437 4 23 Bronze $400.00 $17.39 1

2Westland Hialeah Senior High School H92198 25-A 46 Silver $536.69 $11.67 1

3Pembroke Pines Charter High School H90860 24-B 75 Gold $705.00 $9.40 1

4 Manatee High School H80026 17 110Platinum $1,580.55 $14.37 1

2020 The Emilia Gugliuzza Award

# Lieutenant Governor Division Division Total

1 Isabella Sanchez 17 $2,426.552 Maria Estevez 25-A $2,015.193 Delaney Foster 16 $1,879.824 Yazmin de la Rosa 10-B $1,879.135 Jessini Kim 23-A $1,836.756 Emily Stager 4 $1,554.087 Clara Calavia 26-A $1,468.818 Ravin Anderson 24-B $1,284.179 Jennyfer Grundler 24-A $1,284.17

10 Tiana Mason 14-C $1,170.1511 Selin Kavak 21 $1,091.53

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2019 – 2020 Winners

District Board Awards Recipients

2019-2020 Leaders of Leaders# Board Member Role1 Alexander Garcia (JBM) District Webmaster2 Deonna Miller (JBM) Division 26B Lieutenant Governor 3 Emily Stager (DCON) Division 4 Lieutenant Governor 4 Isabella Sanchez (JBM) Division 17 Lieutenant Governor 5 Jaleigha Dunlap (DCON) Division 9 Lieutenant Governor 6 Joey Chen (ABM) Division 18 Lieutenant Governor 7 Laura Sandoval (JBM) Division 25B Lieutenant Governor 8 Maria Pham (JBM) Division 23B Lieutenant Governor 9 Mia Ginsberg (ABM) Division 22 Lieutenant Governor 10 Ravin Anderson (DCON) Division 24B Lieutenant Governor 11 Salma Eldeeb (DCON) Division 7 Lieutenant Governor 12 Sarah Mellinger (DCON) Executive Assistant 13 Selin Kavak (JBM) Division 21 Lieutenant Governor 14 William An (ABM) District Editor15 Yazmin De La Rosa (DCON) Division 10B Lieutenant Governor

Donna Parton Distinguished Lieutenant Governor # Lieutenant Governor Division1 Salma Eldeeb 72 Jaleigha Dunlap 93 Joey Chen 184 Selin Kavak 215 Mia Ginsberg 226 Maria Pham 23-B7 Jennyfer Grundler 24-A8 Laura Sandoval 25-B

Most Improved DivisionLieutenant Governor DivisionOlivia Walker 2-B

Most Outstanding DivisionLieutenant Governor Division

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Laura Sandoval 25-B

Robert A. Parton Outstanding Committee Chair# Lieutenant Governor Committee1 Salma Eldeeb Marketing & Public Relations2 Isabella Sanchez International Relations and Partners (Trick-Or-Treat for UNICEF)

David McCampbell Outstanding Board Member # Board Member Role1 William An District Editor 2 Alexander Garcia District Webmaster

2020 Robert F. Lucas Outstanding Lieutenant Governors# Lt. Governor Division

1 Ashlinn Salvator 1A

2 Anagha Mundrathi 3

3 Salma Eldeeb 7

4 Jaleigha Dunlap 9

5 Isha Yooseph 10A

6 Ryan Faulkner 12

7 Angela Nguyen 13

8 Aaron Bradford 14A

9 Libby Putnam 15A

10 Haven Gray 15B

11 Delaney Foster 16

12 Isabella Sanchez 17

13 Joey Chen 18

14 Dellanique Merigelli 19B

15 Selin Kavak 21

16 Mia Ginsberg 22

17 Jessini Kim 23A

18 Maria Pham 23B

19 Jennyfer Grundler 24A

20 Ravin Anderson 24B

21 Maria Estevez 25A

22 Laura Sandoval 25B

23 Deonna Miller 26B

24 Jena Jones 26C

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25 Priyanka Dayanah Sobrun 26D

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2019 – 2020 Winners

Scholarship Recipients

2020 Florida Key Club ScholarshipsScholarship Amount Recipient's Full Name Key Club ID# DivisionChildrens Fund $1,500 Isabel Shier Timber Creek High School H91318 10-BChildrens Fund $1,500 Alexandra Elise Sansone Cooper City High School H90532 24-BChildrens Fund $1,500 Elizabeth Collier Sunlake High School H92299 12Ellie Gander $1,000 Victoria Sherwin Niceville High School H83372 1-BEndowment $2,000 Selin Kavak Boca Raton High School H83407 21Endowment $2,000 Ximena Chafloque Southeast High School H82645 17

Endowment $2,000 Sarah Mellinger Deerfield Beach Senior High School H85944 23-B

Endowment $2,000 Ishvina Singh Southeast High School H82645 17

Endowment $2,000 Wyatt Hopkins Keystone Heights High School H88059 4

Endowment $2,000 Isabella Marie Sanchez Manatee High School H80026 17

Endowment $2,000 Clara Calavia Sarnago Doral Academy Charter High School H91032 26-A

Endowment $2,000 Isabel Armedilla Mast @ FIU Biscayne Bay Campus H93431 25-B

G Harold Martin Outstanding Club President $1,000 Madison Burt

Manatee High School H80026 17Governor's Project $1,000 Javier Orozco Mariner High School H87688 19-AJack Gander $2,000 Ashlinn Salvator Gulf Breeze High School H84695 1-A

Key Clubber of the Year $1,000 Kathryn Sherman Wiregrass Ranch High School H92825 8

Malcom Lewis $2,000 Jennyfer Grundler South Broward High School H88181 24-A

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Memorial Fund $1,000 Hannah Levine Marjory Stoneman

Douglas High School H88258 23-APerseverance $2,000 Ravin Anderson Cypress Bay High School H91326 24-B

Rosen $1,000 Benjamin Bryce Tran Keystone Heights High School H88059 4

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2019 – 2020 Winners

Florida Kiwanis Foundation 2020 J. Walker Field Scholarships# Recipient's Full Name Key Club ID# Division Amount

1 Madeleine Fernandez Barbara Goleman Senior High School H89521 25-A $1,000

2 Miguel Lemus Coral Gables Senior High School H80025 26-B $1,000

3 Michael Hahn Deerfield Beach Senior High School H85944 23-B $1,000

4 Angela Huang Deerfield Beach Senior High School H85944 23-B $1,000

5 Sarah Mellinger Deerfield Beach Senior High School H85944 23-B $1,000

6 Tess Whitlock Forest Hill Community High School H90792 20-B $1,000

7 Valerie Fodor Indian River Charter High School H90810 16 $1,000

8 Victoria Fodor Indian River Charter High School H90810 16 $1,000

9 Benjamin Tran Keystone Heights High School H88059 4 $1,000

10 Javier Orozco Mariner High School H87688 19-A $1,000

11 Filomena Selvanik Nova High School H91307 24-A $1,000

12 Melanie Urena Pompano Beach High School H92127 23-B $1,000

13 Olivia Westervelt Seacrest Country Day School H92546 22 $1,000

14 Ishvina Singh Southeast High School H82645 17 $1,000

15 Shae-Lynn Gibbs Sunlake High School H92299 12 $1,000

16 Kodie Taylor Sunlake High School H92299 12 $1,000

17 Yazmin de la Rosa Timber Creek High School H91318 10-B $1,000

18 Isabel Shier Timber Creek High School H91318 10-B $1,000

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