Flores Gumbel

Post on 03-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Flores Gumbel

  • 7/28/2019 Flores Gumbel


  • 7/28/2019 Flores Gumbel


    en que consiste el mtodo degumbel?

    Este mtodo estadstico se empleapara calcular el caudal mximo para

    un periodo de retorno determinado

    Qmax= caudal


    Qm= caudal


    N =numero de aos

    Qi= caudalesanuales

    T= periodo de


    Cte. en funcion

    de N

  • 7/28/2019 Flores Gumbel


    This material consists essentially of water, cement and other additives, which were later, add a fourth ingredient called additive.This material consists essentially of water, cement and other additives, which were later, add a fourth ingredient called additive.This material consists essentially of water, cement and other additives, which were later, add a fourth ingredient called additive.


    ara entre 0.20 y 0.80, elntervalo de confianza se calcula

    on la frmula:

    el intervalo se calculacomo:

  • 7/28/2019 Flores Gumbel


    This material consists essentially of water, cement and other additives, which were later, add a fourth ingredient called additive.This material consists essentially of water, cement and other additives, which were later, add a fourth ingredient called additive.This material consists essentially of water, cement and other additives, which were later, add a fourth ingredient called additive.


    Se tiene el regi str o de caudales mxim os de 30 En este ro se desea cons tru ir un a

    presa de almacenam iento . Calcu lar el caud al de d iseo para el vertedo r, para

    perodos de retor no 50 y 100 aos respect ivament e.





    (2)1970 1660 1985 5631971 917 1986 5201972 3800 1987 3601973 1410 1988 3671974 2280 1989 6581975 618 1990 8241976 683 1991 8501977 934 1992 12301978 779 1993 5221979 921 1994 5811980 876 1995 5571981 740 1996 8181982 1120 1997 10301983 610 1998 4181984 1150 1999 953

  • 7/28/2019 Flores Gumbel


    This material consists essentially of water, cement and other additives, which were later, add a fourth ingredient called additive.This material consists essentially of water, cement and other additives, which were later, add a fourth ingredient called additive.This material consists essentially of water, cement and other additives, which were later, add a fourth ingredient called additive.

    Clculo del promedio de caudales Qm:

    De l cuad ro de caudales regi str ado s du ran te 30 aos

    Clculo de la desviacin estndar de los caudales Q:

    Clculo de los coeficientes N, YN:

    para N = 30 aos, se tiene:

  • 7/28/2019 Flores Gumbel


    This material consists essentially of water, cement and other additives, which were later, add a fourth ingredient called additive.This material consists essentially of water, cement and other additives, which were later, add a fourth ingredient called additive.This material consists essentially of water, cement and other additives, which were later, add a fourth ingredient called additive.

    Obtencin de la ecuacin del caudal mximo:

    Clculo del caudal mximo para periodo T:


    lculo de :

  • 7/28/2019 Flores Gumbel


    This material consists essentially of water, cement and other additives, which were later, add a fourth ingredient called additive.This material consists essentially of water, cement and other additives, which were later, add a fourth ingredient called additive.This material consists essentially of water, cement and other additives, which were later, add a fourth ingredient called additive.Como en ambos casos es mayor que 0.90, se

    utiliza la ecuacin:

    Clculo del caudal de diseo:

  • 7/28/2019 Flores Gumbel


    This material consists essentially of water, cement and other additives, which were later, add a fourth ingredient called additive.This material consists essentially of water, cement and other additives, which were later, add a fourth ingredient called additive.This material consists essentially of water, cement and other additives, which were later, add a fourth ingredient called additive.Obtencin de la ecuacin del caudal mximo:

    Clculo del caudal mximo para periodo T:


    lculo de :

  • 7/28/2019 Flores Gumbel


    This material consists essentially of water, cement and other additives, which were later, add a fourth ingredient called additive.This material consists essentially of water, cement and other additives, which were later, add a fourth ingredient called additive.This material consists essentially of water, cement and other additives, which were later, add a fourth ingredient called additive.Obtencin de la ecuacin del caudal mximo:

    Clculo del caudal mximo para periodo T:


    lculo de :

  • 7/28/2019 Flores Gumbel


    This material consists essentially of water, cement and other additives, which were later, add a fourth ingredient called additive.This material consists essentially of water, cement and other additives, which were later, add a fourth ingredient called additive.This material consists essentially of water, cement and other additives, which were later, add a fourth ingredient called additive.