Floo Networks - Social School Administration with Instant Messaging

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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Floo Networks is the only "built-for-mobile+web" school administration software that uses instant messages to help teachers teach and help pupils study. Teachers use Floo Networks to manage class schedules, classes, absences, school-/homework, grades. Teachers enter data according to preference: directly in the app, via e-mail, or via Excel/Word/Google Docs. The app automatically shares personalized updates (e.g. class topics, homework assignments, exam grades, etc.) with pupils and parents via instant messages. The app auto-calculates statistics (such as average grades) and generates and disseminates customizable status and progress reports for every user. Floo Networks allows teachers to communicate important school-relevant topics with minimal effort: The work that they already do every day (like planning classes and marking papers) they now can share with all of their students and teachers with just one tap (or click). The continuous receipt of digestible pieces of information improves how parents and students perceive and appreciate the work of teachers. Pupils can respond to teacher alerts via comments and via "like" and similar appraisal features, thereby giving teachers valuable feedback and motivation. Example uses of Floo Networks: - In Class: Teachers record absences which automatically alerts absent pupils and their parents via text message; teachers can conduct polls and instantly display the results - Before+After class: Teachers schedule class topics, assignments; collect, mark, and redistribute homework; students schedule their own homework and revision schedules, can compare achievements (e.g. punctual submissions) with peers, etc. Floo Networks automatically: - Generates ready-to-publish report cards - Generates personal reminders for homework and examination revision deadlines - Generates personalized reports and statistics, e.g. 'Good job! - You handed in 100% of your homework on time this week (Last week: 98%)‘

Transcript of Floo Networks - Social School Administration with Instant Messaging

FLOO NETWORKS Deck 15 July 2014

Limitations of current administrative procedures at schools •  Pupils

•  Often feel left out in class •  Often do not keep track of their own performance

•  Parents •  Only rarely communicate with teachers •  Only rarely receive reports about their children’s performance

•  Teachers •  Feel that they spend too much time on administration/marking

(and too little time on teaching) •  Feel that they do not know what their colleagues are doing

How do you make school administration simple, quick and fun?

By making data social

(and by using clever algorithms to auto-analyse the data for you!)

Key features of Floo Networks for teachers

Exchange absences, assignments, assessments, schedules via instant messages/newsfeeds with other teachers, students, parents

Collect, mark, redistribute homework via any device

Generate reports with customizable auto-calculated grades

Conduct instant polls in class

(Auto-)create personalized certificates of pupil achievements

Illustration 1: Welcome to Floo Networks

Join Floo Networks to organize

your day-to-day school tasks, to share your work and to collaborate with other teachers, parents, and pupils.



Login: Register: Floo Networks for your phone:

I am a Teacher

I am a Pupil

I am a Parent

Illustration 2: Minerva McGonagall‘s Schedule

(see all classes)

(see all classes)

Click to view single class

Click to view all classes

Click on blank space to set up a new class

When Minerva clicks on her class ‘Transfiguration – Year 1 – Match to Needle’ box, the screen on the next page appears

Name !"(hide)

Homework (hide)

Avg. Grade (hide)

Newsfeed (hide)

Comments (hide)

Harry Potter log-in: 8:58

#" B+ - no recent news - (show history)

Hermione Granger log-in: 8:52

# A++ Albus Dumbledore: Great work! A+++ J 20 June (show history)

Draco Malfoy not logged in

#" B - no recent news - (show history)

Ron Weasley log-in: 9:02 (2 min late)



C Horace Slughorn: Practice Boil-Cure Potions! 19 June (show history)

Topic of class: The ‘match-to-needle’ - spell

Assignment: Transform 3 matches into 3 needles. Deadline: 23 June, 11:59pm. Topic of next class: Methods of wand swinging



Send Absences Send Comments Write note to teacher

Illustration 3: Minerva McGonagall‘s Transfiguration Class Mo, 23 June 2014, 9am - 10am

Green: pupil is


Red: pupil is absent/


Overview of comments by other teachers

The presence of pupils may be auto-

logged via smartphones/tablets

20 June 2014 – Advanced Transfiguration “The Daily Prophet should be delivered by drones instead of by owls.“ Discuss! Deadline: 25 June 2014

23 June 2014 - Transfiguration Transform 3 matches into 3 needles. Submit pictures . Deadline: 25 June 2014

Prepare and Submit

Prepare and Submit

Illustration 4: Hermione Granger‘s Homework

Teachers and pupils exchange short messages via Floo Networks

Pupils can “like” and comment on homework

Assignment: “The Daily Prophet should be delivered by drones instead of by owls.” Discuss! Submission 1 by: Hermione Granger In this essay, I will argue that owls and drones should be permitted to deliver the Daily Prophet side-by-side. However, the legislation protecting the rights of owls should be improved. (...)

| passive voice, consider active voice here

Save and Accept Mark a word to open a menu with customizable commands and

correction symbols

è ç

Illustration 5: Albus Dumbledore‘s Advanced Transfiguration Assignments

Teachers can mark homework directly in the app without need for print-outs

Why do we need a social platform with auto-analytics for education? The internet and auto-analytics have reduced the time and costs required to manage: •  Search (Google) •  Social interactions (Facebook) •  Electricity Consumption (Nest) • Workouts (Nike+ Fuelband) •  Posture (Lumo)

•  Floo Networks brings the time and cost reductions of the internet and of auto-analytics to K-12 education

Why will schools use Floo Networks?

Instant messages and newsfeeds simplify collaboration

All data of every student is accessible in one single archive

Data entry and auto-sharing features save teachers time

Reminder messages improve pupils’ organizational and study behaviour

Messages keep parents up to date

Possible Sources of Income for Floo Networks

ü Sell personalized certifications to pupils: §  Example: “From grade 1 to 12, Ginny Weasley handed in 997 out of

1000 essay assignments in on time.“ §  Example: “On all 185 days of the academic year 2013/2014, Hermione

Granger arrived at least 10 minutes early to every single class.” ü Charge SaaS-Fees from Schools for customization

features (school logo on screen, school formatted reports, branded iPad styluses for marking homework…)

ü Allow selected targeted advertising to teachers (e.g. amazon affiliate program) and students (e.g. higher education institutions)

Next steps in our journey

Ø Build functional prototype Ø Beta-release to selected volunteer users Ø Launch and roll out globally

The Team

Eric Burger Role: CEO

Gurpriya Bhatia Role: COO

Neal Burger Role: CTO