Flat Design for FredDev

Post on 17-Aug-2014

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Flat design presentation for freddev

Transcript of Flat Design for FredDev

What is flat design?

flat design

why now?

the design aesthetic of using minimal elements while having a calculated, clean and crisp look that better displays content.

design is ever changing especially with technology. with new UI/UX interfaces for mobile, flat design is easier to load on mobile devices.


MinimalismKeeping the information and

aesthetic to a point where the design just inolves simple shapes, color

and typography. This gives devices more room for better displays.

TypographyUsing clean, sans-serif typography, emphasizes the simplisitic look of

‘flat design.’ It helps legibility of the content in comparison to


ShapesUsing shapes with no “real world’ feel to it keeps the “flat” aesthetic. Having no shading or textures is a key part

of flat design.



Swiss DesignIn Swiss design there are

several simliarities it has that were appropriated including typographic grids, simplicity, and clean geometric shapes

WindowsWith the Zune design of simple

shapes and large clean sans-serif typography. With the WIndows 8

design, the “flat design” movement had new life.

LayerVaultAllan Grinshtein, the CEO of

LayerVault, was the designer who coined the term “flat design.” His company and design aesthetic

started the movement.


color palette

typographyHelvetica Neue LightHelvetica Neue Ultra Light

Open Sans Light

Proxima Nova BoldProxima Nova Light


why now?

the design asthetic of bringing real world qualities into digital technology. i.e. textures such as wood, fabric, and other real world looks.

the movement of art is mimicking design. visual design is constantly evolving as did fine art with realism to minimalism.



iOS 6 iOS 7

good or bad design?Increased legibilityless clutter more space for new datanew forms of links/buttonscontent driven

quick solutionmeans to an endloss of realitynew trend

examples of flat design

the ecology center



open discussion& questions