Flashmob orlando shakespeare

Post on 21-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Flashmob orlando shakespeare

Do You Wannabuild a



A few hundred live

Thousands on the internet

A busy place (with above master shot)


A famous song, scene or dance

Some Rehearsal time

Sound to play at the venue

Sound master recording

Participation with local media

Antwerp Train Station- Do-Re-Mi

TNT – Got Drama

Orchestra - Ode To Joy

The best ones are totally planned out film shoots that appear much more spontaneous than they really are.

They start tiny, then get huge

Dance is best, make movement if not

Use lots of cool ‘Plants’ – (Actors that look like regular people till they join the flashmob) This is the fun part! –shopping bags, starbucks, iphones, construction hats…

Get video of the disinterested and the gawkers

Add a topper moment at the end (the flag for us)

Get the media to come!!

Walkie Talkies help

Actual cost was about $1,250. Mostly in AEA actor overtime for rehearsal and performance fees

Use the master soundtrack (already recorded) as the base and add wild sound, echo etc.

Mix up the master shot from above and closeups for the best effect. Have all actors send their best iphoneclips to the editor. Use the mall cameras. We used about 11 different cameras.

Release on youtube, Kickoff party at a bar 11pm – and then everyone shares on facebook and tweets.

Local media release with link to youtube.

Metrics from tveyes.com (lists every station, link to clip, time and value in market):

TV Stations = 300

Viewership local = Total 8.2 million

Total Publicity value = $665,229

Today Show, Good Morning America – national audience 8.2m, 665k

$35,000 in sales on Tuesday am (avg daily 3-5k). 700% jump

400,000 hits on Youtube during run of show, 260,000 more since we closed.

Ticket Buyers daily comments:

“A friend of mine from Seattle called me to say he saw the flash mob on Good Morning America – he was so jealous that I’m getting to see it!”

A walkup patron: The reason we got tickets for Les Miz is because of the flash mob. Our friend saw it in person and posted it to Facebook. Now all of our friends are getting tickets to the show.

“Buzzfeed sent me here!” – new patron who saw the flash mob

“Your marketing department did a great thing with that flash mob. My friends in New York are going CRAZY over it!!” – patron purchasing stand-by tickets

Continuing facebook shares and tweets

Reverse Marketing – national calling local people

Show sold at 96% capacity

Excited board and donors

Could have used more rehearsal time

Guaranteeing that the sound is loud enough (2 takes)

Didn’t invite MORE media – TV in particular

Pre-recording the master sound track

Rehearsed everything in advance

Good Plants

Great Singers

Invited the Orlando Sentinel

Picked a slow news day – Saturday of Labor Day Weekend
