First launched in 2007 Started as a phone with · •First launched in 2007 •Started as a phone...

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Transcript of First launched in 2007 Started as a phone with · •First launched in 2007 •Started as a phone...

• First launched in 2007

• Started as a phone with a 3.5” capacitive touchscreen and limited functionality

• Basically a tiny computer that could make phone calls

CH 1: General Chemistry

A Molecular View of The World

Jose Eduardo A. BarcelonDepartment of Chemistry

Section C/I, K

About the course…

School of Science and Engineering Jose Eduardo A. Barcelon

Ateneo de Manila University Department of Chemistry

Second Semester, SY 2015-2016 Schmitt Hall, C116 (4266001 loc.5633)

Section K - MWF 12:00nn to 1pm

SEC A 123A 09278495550

Section C/I ; TTh 12:30pm to 2pm


• Consultation hours:

– Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am to 12nn

– Or by appointment

• Course site:

• Course syllabus is available for download in your class page

• For next meeting:

at the back: your class schedule



ex c


NameYear and CourseContact numberEmail (preferably the obf email)Person to contact in case of emergencyContact details of said personInterestsExpectations from the course

1x1 ID picture

Valid picture: Invalid picture:

Course Description

• Chemistry 1 is the introductory course in General Chemistry at the Ateneo de Manila University.

• It is intended for non-science undergraduate students desiring a simple, clear but broad understanding of chemical principles and their impact on our lives.

• The general aim of the course is to provide the students a firm background and understanding of the role of the natural sciences in their everyday lives in the context of chemistry as a central science.

• The course is designed to make general chemistry interesting in order to elicit positive attitudes of students towards chemistry, and science in Philippine life in general.


At the end of the course, the student should be able to:

Correctly use the scientific method to create a clear, logical, and

scientifically sound experimental design to solve simple chemical


Demonstrate skills in performing basic chemical calculations and

predicting the properties of simple compounds given their structures

Correctly explain:

The chemistry and science behind things and events

encountered in everyday life

How chemistry and other fields can be used to address

complex problems in society

Discuss innovations and inventions that made an impact in

Philippine society today


• (Please refer to your Course Syllabus)

• Please note:

• The Exams (more in awhile)

• The Term Paper/Special Project:

Specific details to be discussed as a class on a later date.

The project will be 15% of your final grade and will be a

group output. This will be a synthesis of what the students

learned in class and all topics are related to Chemistry and

its effects on our lives.


Hill JW, McCreary TW, Kolb DK. Chemistry for Changing Times. 13th ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall; 2012.

Chang R, Goldsby K., Chemistry. 11th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2012. Brown TE, LeMay, HE, Bursten BE, Murphy C, Woodward P. Chemistry: The Central Science. 12th ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall; 2011. Silberberg MS., Principles of General Chemistry. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2009. Snyder CH., The Extraordinary Chemistry of Ordinary Things. 4th ed. New York: John-Wiley & Sons; 2002. Tro NJ, Neu D., Chemistry in Focus: A Molecular View of Our World. 3rd ed. California: Brooks/Cole; 2009.

or any other general chemistry textbook


• Chemistry in Focus: A Molecular View of our World is available for download in the wordpress site under other resources: (protected)

• Password is memristor

Grading System

Three (3) Long Exams 50%

One (1) Final Exam 20%

Quizzes, Problem Sets, Homework, Seatwork, and

Class Participation 15%

Final Project 15%

Any student who

accumulates a A or

91.5% prior to the

final examination will

be exempt from

taking the final exam

Those exempt may

take the final exam to

try to raise their grade

at no risk.

A 91.5-100 4.0

B+ 86.5-91.4 3.5

B 79.5-86.4 3.0

C+ 74.5-79.4 2.5

C 67.-74.4 2.0

D 60-67.4 1.0

F < 60 0.0


• You are expected to attend all classes. Any absence

excused or otherwise, must not exceed nine (9) or you

will automatically receive a grade of W for the

course. If in any event that a student needs to excuse

himself/herself from class due certain obligations

should provide prior notification to the instructor.


• There may be daily short quizzes. The top ten (10)

quiz grades will be included in the calculation of the

final grade. Some of the quizzes will be collected

homework assignments, group quizzes, open book

upon the discretion of the instructor. Missed quizzes

may not be made up.


• 3 long exams will be given. The format of the

exams may be a mixture of multiple choice,

matching type, short answers, and long essays.

• A two-hour final will be given during the final

exam week.


• The minimum penalty for dishonesty (e.g. cheating,

generating false data, plagiarism, etc.) is a grade of

zero for the particular examination / report. Any act

of academic dishonesty in major requirements will

automatically merit an F in the course. All acts of

academic dishonesty are subject to review befitting a

disciplinary case and the maximum penalty allowed

by the University will be pursued.

Other concerns

• Cellphones, laptops, and other gadgets– Cellular phones and laptops should not be used in

class as much as possible. They have to be turned off or on silent mode. Cellular phones or laptops may not be used as calculators during exercises, quizzes, and examinations.

• Eating/Drinking

• Noise in the classroom

• Going out (of the room)

2000 B.C. - Here, eat this root.1000 A.D. - That root is heathen. Here, say this prayer.1850 A.D. - That prayer is superstition. Here, drink this potion.1940 A.D. - That potion is snake oil. Here, swallow this pill.1985 A.D. - That pill is ineffective. Here, take this antibiotic.2000 A.D. - That antibiotic is artificial. Here, eat this root

From Chemistry World (Royal Society of Chemistry)


1.1 Chemistry MattersThe Everyday Science

1.1 Key Topics• Defining Chemistry

• Matter: what is it?

• Elements, compounds, mixtures

• Measurements in chemistry

• Energy and matter

Chemistry is everywhere

Para Red (dye)1-[(E)-(4-Nitrophenyl)diazenyl]-2-naphthol


• Science is an accumulation of knowledgeabout nature and our physical world and of theories that we use to explain that knowledge.

• In other words, science is the process of seeking an understanding of underlying principles of nature.

• Science has two facets:

– Technological (or factual)

– Philosophical (or theoretical)

• Technology is the application of knowledge for practical purposes

– Ex. Cooking, pottery, blacksmithing, brewing

• Science grew out of natural philosophy

– The philosophical speculation of nature

– Been practiced for over 2000 years (since the ancient Greeks) until the beginning of modern science in the 17th century

Do you even science?

• Modern science really started during the so-called “scientific revolution”

• It was at this time when people started relying on experimentation to try to understand the world around them

Alchemy was said to be the forerunner of chemistry. While alchemists were

obsessed with things like turning cheap metal to gold and the “elixir of life,”

their work has led to many contributions to the practice of chemistry such as

distillation and extraction of organic compounds

• Now that we’ve formally defined science (with a bit of history), let’s look at what makes it unique.

• Recall: from what we know so far, modern science at its heart is a process that allows us to better understand the natural world

• This requires some experimentation

• (actually a lot of it)

• When there is experimentation, there is data

• Scientific data (from measurements to observations) are important in scientific discovery

• Among scientists, data is shared and compared to validated the things we observe (this is called REPRODUCIBILITY)

• And while we are on the topic of experimentation, we practice experimentation because sound science requires us to TEST what we know (hypothesis)

Scientific Laws

• Scientific laws are summaries of large sums of data mentioned as a brief statement (sometimes mathematically)

• Ex. Boyle’s law PV=k

Scientific Theories

• Detailed explanation for a natural phenomenon

• Tentative

• Predictive

Scientific Models

• What scientists use to explain complex phenomena

• Using tangible items or images

• Ex.

• Science can be characterized by the ff.

– Scientific data must be reproducible

– Scientific Hypotheses are testable

– Scientific Laws summarize observations

– Scientific Theories are tentative and predictive and

– Scientific Models are explanatory

• Notice that the practice of science always involves the rigors of observation, experimentation, and proving/disproving of ideas

• The scientific method is a framework that scientific work follows and scientists have employed the same process to solve scientific problems.

• It has been the way scientists tried to understand the world around us.

• Ex. Antoine Lavoisier

– Discovered combustion through careful experimentation/measurement of the elements

– He established the rigors of scientific experimentation to prove or disprove ideas

• The scientific method usually involves the following steps:– Observation

– Statement of a problem

– Hypothesis

– Experimentation

– Observations and analysis

– Drawing conclusions

– Finding applications

• How we move from observation to making hypotheses to coming up with laws to explain nature can be illustrated this way:




• Chemistry is the study of the world around us.

• In other words, chemistry is the study of matter and the changes that happen to it.

Scientific Method (as applied in real life)

The scientific method, despite what the name suggests, could be found in subtly similar ways when we solve some everyday problems

Ex. “OMG, I lost my wallet!”

• Problem: Missing wallet

• Data: I went to the market to buy some goods with my friend Mae Ann. When I reached home I noticed that my wallet was gone.

• Hypothesis: My first hypothesis was: I lost it in the market while we were buying goods. The second hypothesis was: Mae Ann got my wallet. The third was: I had misplaced it in the house.

• Experiments: I searched all over the house for my wallet, but I could not find it. Then I went to Mae Ann to ask If she got my wallet. She answered in the affirmative . She said she found it while she was on her way home near the market.

• Conclusion: I lost my wallet in the market and Mae Ann found it and gave it back to me.


In 1938, Roy J. Plunkett, a researcher at DuPont makes a

curious observation: A tank of the gaseous compound

tetrafluoroethylene, CF2=CF2, that was supposed to be full

had no gas in it.

Rather than discarding the tank, he decided to cut the tank


He found that the inside of the tank was

coated with a white waxy substance that

was remarkably unreactive toward even the

most corrosive chemical reagents.

He found out the compound was formed by

the addition polymerization of


1. Observation

2. Statement of the


3. Hypothesis

4. Experiment

5. Observations and


6. Drawing Conclusions

7. Finding Applications

1. Roy sees something weird

2. There is something wrong with the


Why is it empty? What happened?

3. Perhaps the gas reacted.

4. Perform tests on the substance.

5. The substance is white, waxy, and

unreactive. It seems to be a polymer

of some kind.

6. It is a polymer arising from an

addition polymerization reaction.

7. Patent the product as TeflonTM and

use for

a. Atomic bomb creation

b. Containers, lab instruments,

cookware, suits, etc.

Coffee contains so many compounds…

Caffeine Lactic acid

Eugenol Citric acid

The “hardness” of the water actually affects the concentrations of these compounds in your cup of coffee

Next time you make coffee, try mineral water




• Anything that has MASS and VOLUME

• When we study matter, we look at the ff:

– Composition

– Structure

– Properties

– Changes (both physical and chemical)

Matter is either…

• Pure substance • Mixture


• The “purest” substances


• Made up of 2 or more elements that are CHEMICALLY BONDED

• Can only be separated by chemical means


• Homogenous (uniform) • Heterogeneous (messy)


• To easily write down the elements (and compounds) we use a certain shorthand using chemical symbols

• Ex. Copper (Cu)

Gold (Au)

Sodium (Na)

Chlorine (Cl)

Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3)

Physical Properties

Physical Properties

• Properties like:

– Color

– Texture

– Hardness

– Mass, volume, density

– Boiling and melting points

• Can be observed without making new types of matter (chemical change/reaction)

Physical Changes

• Any change in the appearance of matter without changing its chemical identity/composition

Chemical Properties

Chemical Properties

• Examples

– Rust

– Tarnish

– Combustibility, flash point

– Michael Bay, ehrm EXPLOSION

Chemical Properties

• Examples

– Rust

– Tarnish

– Combustibility, flash point

– Michael Bay, ehrm EXPLOSION

Chemical Changes

• Change in chemical identity or chemical composition into other substances

• When a chemical property is exhibited, chemical change is happening

• Chemical Reactions

Chemical Changes

CO2 into carbonic acid in water

That then turns into various sediments

Carbon chains can be converted into a gas CO2

CO2 can be converted to sugars by plants and reverse, by animals

Sediments can turn into carbon chains

Let’s look at a few examples…

Sucrose (C 12H 22O 11)

• Observation

– You look at table sugar. It is white, crystalline, solid

– You poured some in coffee. The sugar dissolves

– When you put some sugar in a pan, it eventually melts into a dark caramel

– If you keep the sugar heating away long enough or at a very high temperature, it burns into something black

• Property

– Physical

– Physical

– Chemical

– Chemical

Silver (Ag)

• Observation

– Silver is a brilliant, shiny, reflective metal

– Silver tarnishes over time when exposed to air

– Silver is the most electrically conductive among metals

• Property

– Physical

– Chemical

– Physical

Krebs Cycle

Phases of Matter and Energy

Phases of Matter

Energy and Phase Changes

• Energy changes drive physical and chemical changes

Note: 1. When energy is converted, it is conserved, not destroyed2. Lower energy = more stable, favored over higher energy

• One form of potential energy (PE) is CHEMICAL POTENTIAL ENERGY

Chemical potential energy has something to do with the substance’s particles and their interactions with each other


Mars Climate Orbiter

• Back in 1999 NASA lost a $125M spacecraft (Mars orbiter) due to miscommunication between Lockheed Martin and Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)

• Turns out Lockheed used English units while JPL/NASA used metric system for navigation

• Accurate measurements are important for dependable scientific data

SI Units

• Systeme Internationale (French)

• A modernized version of the metric system (est. 1791)

• Widely used in many fields such as research, commerce, international trade

• Based on the decimal system

SI Units

Scientific Notation

• One quirk of the decimal system: numbers either too small or too large (REALLY LARGE)

• We use exponential notation to show really small or large numbers

• Ex. 15,300 = 15.3 x 103

• For it to be scientific notation, the coefficient has to be between 1 to 10

• While we could use exponents for these measurements, it is more convenient to use prefixes

Scientific Notation

• Ex. 2.89 x 10-6 g

– 10-6 is actually 1/1,000,000 of the base unit, which corresponds to the prefix micro- or µ

– So, we can write the mass above as 2.89 µg

Scientific Notation

Scientific Notation

• Convert each of the ff. measurements to a unit that replaces the power of ten by a prefix.

a. 7.24 x 103 g

b. 4.29 x 10-6 m

c. 7.91 x 10-3 s

Scientific Notation

• Convert each of the ff. measurements to a unit that replaces the power of ten by a prefix.

a. 7.24 x 103 g = 7.24 kg (kilograms)

b. 4.29 x 10-6 m = 4.29 µm (micrometers)

c. 7.91 x 10-3 s = 7.91 ms (milliseconds)

Scientific Notation

• Use scientific notation to express each of the ff. measurements in terms of an SI base unit

a. 4.12 cm

b. 947 ms

c. 3.17 nm

Scientific Notation

• Use scientific notation to express each of the ff. measurements in terms of an SI base unit

a. 4.12 cm = 4.12 x 10-2 m

b. 947 ms = 9.47 x 10-1 s

c. 3.17 nm = 3.17 x 10-9 m


• SI base unit: kilogram (kg)

• 1 kg = 1000 g

• Also, 1 kg ≈ 2.2 lbs

• Mass ≠ weight (why?)

Length, Area, Volume

• SI base unit: meter (m)

• 1 m = 100 cm

• Area and volume are DERIVED values from the base unit of length (A = m2 while V = m3)

• Also, 1 L = 1 dm3 or 1 mL = 1 cm3


• SI base unit: second (s)

• Very short time periods use prefixes (ms, µs)

• Longer time periods still use traditional system of intervals

– 1 min = 60 s

– 1 hour = 60 min


• Defined as the amount of substance (mass or m) in a given amount of space (volume or V)

• d = m/V

• Ex. One cubic centimeter of copper has a mass of 8.94 g.

• It’s density then is 8.94 g/cm3


• Density of water = 1.00 g/mL

• Copper coin sinks (higher density)

• Cork floats (lower density)



• Ex. What is the density of iron if 156 g of iron occupies a volume of 20.0 cm3?


Heat and Temperature

• Recall:

– Energy is the ability to do work or transfer heat

– Energy is involved in changes in matter, physical and chemical

Heat and Temperature

• Heat is energy transferred from hotter objects to cooler objects. It is energy on the move.

• Temperature is the average kinetic energy of the atoms or molecules that make up an object. (How hot or how cold)


• SI base unit: Kelvin (K)

• 273.15 K = 0 °C

• Note that it’s always K = °C + 273.15

• 0 K is what we call ABSOLUTE ZERO



• Ex. The human body has a normal temperature of 37 °C. Convert to K (Kelvin).

• K = 37 °C + 273.15

• 310 K (rounded off)


• SI unit (for energy): Joules (J)

• Heat always moves from hotter object to colder object (higher temp to lower temp)




• Another useful energy unit is the calorie (cal)

• 1 cal = 4.184 J

• A calorie is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 g of water by 1 °C

• 1 cal ≠ 1 dietary calorie or Cal/kcal


• 1 Cal = 1kcal = 1000 cal = 4184 J

When we say this banana split contains 1500 “calories”

We actually mean 1500 kilocalories

Or 1,500,000 calories :D



• Note: Temperature and heat are different from each other

Same temperature

Less heat needed More heat needed


• Ex. When 1.00 g of gasoline burns, it yields 10.3 kcal of energy. What is the energy in kilojoules (kJ)?

• 10.3 kcal x 1000 𝑐𝑎𝑙

1 𝑘𝑐𝑎𝑙x 4.184 𝐽

1 𝑐𝑎𝑙x

1 𝑘𝐽

1000 𝐽= 43.1 kJ


• Use the scientific notation to express each of the following measurements in terms of an SI base unit

a. 7.45 nm

b. 5.25 µs

c. 1.415 km

d. 2.06 mm


• What is the mass in grams of 1.00 L of gasoline if its density is 0.703 g/mL?

• What volume in milliliters is occupied by 461 g of mercury? (d = 13.534 g/mL)


• What is the boiling point of ethanol (78 °C) expressed in kelvin?


So far…

• We looked at science and the scientific method

• We defined what chemistry is all about and saw chemistry in our daily lives (central science)

• We first looked at matter in terms of composition…

• …properties, and changes, both physical and chemical, all of which involve energy.

• Finally, we looked at measurements and the various SI units and their importance in making reliable scientific data.

Quiz½ crosswise, true or false

1. In terms of composition, elements are pure substances that cannot be further broken down into simpler substances by any chemical means.

2. Examples of physical properties of matter include mass, volume and density.

3. Combustion, when an object burns, is a physical change.

4. The SI base unit for temperature is celsius (°C).

5. Energy always accompanies any physical or chemical change in matter. An example of this energy is heat.

6. 7.24 kg, when expressed in terms of an SI base unit, is 7.24 x 103


7. I have two (2) blocks of aluminum. One block has a mass of 50 kg while the other has a mass of 10 kg. Assuming both blocks are made only of aluminum, the 50 kg block has a higher density.


Part 2: Please answer the following question. (3 points)

Fool’s gold is so called because it looks like the real thing. A block of fool’s gold which measures 2.00 cm by 2.50 cm by 10.00 cm has a mass of 250.0 g. What is the density of fool’s gold? Can we use the density of fool’s gold to distinguish it from real gold? (hint: gold has a density of 19.3 g/cm3)