Financial Magnetism

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Transcript of Financial Magnetism

  • 7/29/2019 Financial Magnetism


    Financial Magnetism

    by Etienne Charland2009

  • 7/29/2019 Financial Magnetism


    Shamanic Attraction 2009 by Etienne Charland

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any matter whatsoeverwithout written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodiedin critical articles or reviews, without the prior written permission of theauthor.

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    iii | S h a m a n i c A t t r a c t i o n


    Introduction ................................................................................................... 4

    Seven Misconceptions of Money .................................................................. 4

    Chakras System ........................................................................................... 11

    Getting a Good Job ..................................................................................... 18

    Investing in Projects ................................................................................... 19

    New Jobs ...................................................................................................... 21

    New Economy .............................................................................................. 26

    Resources ..................................................................................................... 27

    Conclusion ................................................................................................... 29

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    Tons of products out there promise to help you get more money. Though

    most of them are bullshit, a few are really good. Most of the time, I donteven look at those products. My main complaint about them is that they are

    usually about getting, getting, and getting from others. They are developed

    from a mind-set of scarcity, and that kind of mind-set attracts only more


    In this book, we will explore a new approach: attracting prosperity as a

    result of giving value to others. This is not a book about finances or

    management; rather, its about spirituality and opening your mind. Due to

    my young age, I am not a millionaire, but I have learned valuable lessons

    from several people who applied these principles to become millionaires. I

    have a very good job and get new job offers by e-mail almost every week,

    but I see a high-paying job as a temporary income that finances other

    projects. Thus, I also develop projects on my own. However, when you trade

    time for money, you cannot leverage the value you bring to others.

    Ultimately, you want to develop a process and business that automatically

    brings massive value to colleagues and customers.

    Seven Misconceptions of Money

    Like everything else, money is energy. When you give or receive money, the

    transaction represents an exchange of energy. You give someone an apple,

    you get $1. You give someone a lift, you get $5. You transform someones

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    life or heal his cancer, you get $10,000. Its not about getting money: its all

    about bringing value in the form of products, services, or energy.

    You could meet with someone who feels very good because of the energies

    you project and, as a result, he offers to pay for your lunch. It may seem

    youre taking from him, but youre actually giving him energy. You may

    also give love and listen to an old person who desperately needs it. Thats

    giving energetically. In a world of abundance, you should be able to have all

    that you need just by giving to people energetically and helping them heal

    physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Since the apparent scarcity of this

    world is a lie, we live in a world of abundance. The only reason scarcity

    appears so real is because people believe so much in it.

    There are so many misconceptions about money that you must unlearn, so

    lets go through a few of them.

    Misconception 1: Money Will Make You Happy

    There is a common belief that you must get money, and then youll be

    happy. It doesnt work that way. You must be happy, and then youll attract

    money. If you arent happy with your life without money, then you wont be

    happier with money because you would always be defensive and fearful

    about it; if you lost your money, you might fall into a depression. Money

    doesnt fill your inner voids. When you really feel good about and grateful

    for whatever you have, people, colleagues, and customers feel more

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    comfortable around you and you attract relationships, contracts, and money

    into your life.

    Misconception 2: You Must Work Hard for Money

    We hear all the time that studies and hard work are the keys to success.

    However, statistics show that those who earned As in school work for those

    who earned Cs. Why? Because those who earned As are very good at a

    specific task, while those who earned Cs tend to step back and see the

    broader picture. It is also a fact that 80 percent of results come from 20

    percent of your effort, so you can achieve the same results while working

    five times less if you focus on what matters.

    As for me, I work as a computer programmer. What do you think matters the

    most between knowledge, clarity of mind, experience, time, and effort?

    Many people mostly rely on their knowledge, experience, and effort. As for

    me, clarity of mind matters the most because it allows me to work faster, to

    be more focused, and to conceive more effective and simple designs. Next

    for me, my experience matters because I learn from my mistakes.

    Knowledge also matters for me, but sometimes Im asked to work with

    technologies Ive never touched before. As for time and effort, they are very

    relative. I always finish work ahead of schedule. Honestly, I could work at

    least two times faster. but I couldnt maintain the concentration required to

    work at that pace forty hours a week.

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    Finally, when you have a full-time job, you are bound to work from nine to

    five no matter what you achieve. If you want to achieve more and get more

    money with less effort, you must free yourself from that constraint by

    working from home or by working freelance.

    Misconception 3: Projects Require Money

    It is true that most projects require some money, but what matters even more

    are creative ideas. Do you think the Spanish patrons of the Sagrada Familia

    cathedral in Barcelona need money to pay for the construction? No, they

    finance it entirely with entrance fees and donations from the publiceven if

    it takes them more than a hundred years to raise the funds to build it. It

    doesnt take much money to release my e-books either. If you have a

    creative, inspired project and attract the right people to work with for other

    interests than money, then you can achieve a lot with only a little money.

    Misconception 4: Traveling Requires Money

    I traveled around the world for many years, and many people ask me how I

    got the money to do so. When I left for Spain, I only had enough money to

    last three months. I didnt speak the language, and I didnt know anyone.

    You dont need money either to travel. You can work when you get there if

    you are very good at something, if you can do whatever people need, or if

    you just have good charisma. Many people go to foreign countries and work

    in bars, restaurants, and hotels. Others go to remote places and gather the

    harvest. In Spain, I found a programming consultant job even though I didnt

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    speak Spanish. No matter what you get paid, the experience is really worth

    it. You should also know that in places such as the north of Thailand, you

    can live on $1,000 for three months. And if you have $10,000, you can

    easily take a whole year off in Thailandand that includes the cost of your

    round-trip plane ticket.

    Misconception 5: You Must Save Money Until You Retire

    It makes me sick when I look at people working their whole lives thinking

    theyll enjoy life once they retire. First, they arent experiencing the best

    years of their lives. Second, they wont have the health to enjoy life by the

    time they retire. Third, with inflation, the money they save now wont be

    worth as much once they retire. Fourth, if they like what theyre doing,

    theyd get bored after retirement and they would most likely still continue to

    do some kind of work they enjoy.

    Instead, what I recommend is that you take frequent mini-retirements. You

    could take six months off every one or two years, for example. If you work

    remotely or have your own business, you can arrange your schedule as you

    want and work with your laptop on the beach. For practical ideas and advice

    about how to live alternative lifestyles and about how to be more effective at

    work, I highly recommend the bookThe 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5,

    Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich by Timothy Ferriss.

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    Misconception 6: Money Is Value

    Everything that comes from the Earth has value: gold, silver, cows,

    vegetables, human beings, and so forth. Money is nothing more than a piece

    of paper. The only thing that gives it value is how we perceive it. The same

    applies to the stock market: many people believed it held real value and they

    invested in it, but it crashed, taking their investments with it. Our perception

    of value can change at any time. German money was once so low that

    robbers would break into a house, steal the shoes, and leave the money on

    the floor. Nothing is certain yet, but American money could lose 90 percent

    of its value just before the government replaces it with the Amero, a new

    currency for North America. Really, dont view money as something of

    value to hold onto. View it as it was meant to beas an exchange of energy

    and services. If you know how to bring value and receive wealth, it doesnt

    matter what currency or trade method you use. If you know how to generate

    wealth, even if you lose everything, you can always get abundance back.

    That way, you are not dependent upon any system.

    To go deeper down the rabbit hole, look at an American (or Canadian) dollar

    bill. On the bill, youll see the language This note is legal tender for all

    debts, public and private. What the hell does that mean? What the hell is a

    note or bill anyway? Your phone bill is a promise to pay for your phone

    calls. Your $5 bill is a promise to pay for the debts. Were exchanging debts

    between each other and we think they have value?! How did we get there? I

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    wont go into the details, but its good to understand the general idea so we

    can see where abundance has gone.

    Lets say you have a ton of gold. You give it to a bank in exchange for a

    million dollars. Later, you realize you exchanged your gold for debts and

    you want your gold back. The bank will laugh at you and say we dont need

    your million dollars; we can print it anytime. Thats how all countries under

    the Queen and other conquered territories got dispossessed of their wealth

    and resources. You cant change the system so easily, but keep in mind that

    money isnt real value. Its merely a contract.

    Misconception 7: Money and Status Are Power

    Money does give you the power to buy stuff and invest in projects, but thats

    about it. You cannot change the financial system with money, since it

    represents only debts, and you cannot bring about social movements or

    inspire people with it. If you want real power, know this: power lies in your

    mind and in the effect your mind has on the world. It has nothing to do with

    money, although money greatly helps as a tool.

    What about statusdoes it give power? I work as a programming consultant

    for a company, and my boss wants to hire me as a full-time employee.

    However, he cannot because the company belongs to another company that

    decided to suspend hiring due to the current state of the economy. My boss

    also gave me official permission to work from home one day per week, but

    he got into trouble for that. If my boss cant make any meaningful decisions,

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    what power does he have? He manages daily operations but cannot make

    any decisions that go against the will of his supervisors. Thats about it. Its

    not much different than the powers of our government or the army. What

    power does the prime minister of Canada really have? Canada belongs to the

    Queen. Canada, Inc. is registered in Washington, and the money of Canada

    belongs to Deutsche Trust Europe Bank. The prime minister manages daily

    operations, but he doesnt have the power to make the most important

    decisions. Hes just the president of a company. Whoever prints the money

    of a country controls that country.

    Relational independence is power. When you refuse to take authority from

    anyone and only have win-win relations with independent people, you are

    free to achieve whatever you want to achieve without limits. Thats what the

    most successful people in the world do.

    Chakras System

    The chakras system provides a great way for us to understand our emotional

    system. It consists of the seven main energy centers, or energy wheels, in

    our body. Our emotional system is actually more complex than that, but

    well use this system since it is easy to understand and complete enough for

    our practical use. Here we will view chakras from a business and financialperspective, but you can also apply chakras to healing and seduction.

    Each chakra represents an aspect of our lives and has a specific vibration

    frequency and color. Energies are vibrations. Emotions are energies in

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    motion. Light and colors are energies of specific vibration frequencies.

    Energy is at the base of everything: all that is created in this world is the

    consequence of energy.

    Each chakra provides an angle from which we can look at our lives and

    diagnose problems. If you have financial instability issues, you might feel

    pain at the base of your spine. If someone betrays you, you might feel pain

    in your solar plexus. If you have headaches while working, it might mean

    that your work is not following your life purpose or that you dont let

    creative ideas come in. Interestingly enough, chakras have the same colors

    as a rainbow, and the colors appear in the same order.

    The seven chakras go from the base of your spine to the top of your head.

    When chakras are open properly, the base chakra is grounded in Earth

    energy and the top chakra is grounded in universal energy. Energy flows up

    through you from the Earth to the universe and down from the universe to

    the Earth, spiraling around each chakra, making the chakras spin like

    wheels. All that energy radiates around you, creating your aura.

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    Most people are stuck in tribal, survival, sex, and monetary issues, which

    fall within the two lower chakras. By awakening your other chakras, you

    will recover your intuitive abilities, gain control over your life, and attract

    financial and sexual abundance.

    The first chakra, often called the root chakra, represents

    survival, the social circle, financial stability, and the

    grounding to your human instincts. It represents finding your

    tribe at home and at work. It is located at the base of your

    spine at the center point between your legs, behind your genitals. It is

    associated with the color red. Focus your mind on your root chakra and

    visualize the color red. Notice how you feel: the grounding to the physicalreality, the stability with your family, the sense of belonging to a group, the

    feeling of financial stability, and the feeling of stability with your house. If

    you feel pain, stuck, or negative feelings in your red root chakra, pay

    attention to these tensions. Notice how it feels, and try to describe it and

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    write the description down on paper. We will later explore techniques to

    liberate these blockages.

    The second chakra, often called the sex chakra, represents

    sex, creativity, money, and relationships, which directly

    affect your financial bottom line. It is located at your navel

    and in your back at the same position. It is associated with

    the color orange. Focus your mind on your sex chakra and think about the

    color orange. Notice how you feel: you should notice creativity, magnetism,

    abundance, spontaneity, and fluidity. Creativity and money are linked

    together because creative ideas attract money. Tensions, pains, and negative

    energies indicate issues in those areas of your life. Describe and write down

    any uncomfortable feeling in your orange sex chakra in as much detail as

    possible. Usually, you dont even have to find solutions for your issues: you

    just have to let them go.

    The third chakra, often called the solar plexus, represents

    personal power, monetary boundaries, vitality, self-care,

    self-esteem, integrity, and sexual polarity. It is the sensitive

    spot in the middle of your body, right below where the ribs

    join together in the center of your torso. It is associated with the color

    yellow. Focus your mind on your solar plexus and visualize a yellow

    burning sun. Notice how you feel: the power and control over your life, self-

    care, self-esteem, honor, integrity, and honesty powering up your life.

    Describe and write down any pain or uncomfortable feeling in your yellow

    solar plexus. If you feel an uncomfortable tickling in your plexus, it might

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    indicate the person in front of you is not being honest with you or with

    himself. You cannot effectively help others if you dont take care of yourself


    The fourth chakra, often called the heart chakra, represents

    passion, desires, self-love, unconditional love, and

    compassion. Listening to your heart is the key to prosperity.

    It is the middle chakra and the central powerhouse of the

    human emotional system. It is associated with the colors green and rose.

    Focus your mind on your heart chakra and feel the green color, then

    visualize a burning ball of fire in fusion that looks like a small sun with the

    plasma moving. Notice how you feel: the passion to follow your life purpose

    and to make a difference in the world, the sparkles in your eyes, the self-

    love, the love for others, the compassion, and the love for all the objects

    around you. The opposite of love is fear. Pay attention to any fears you feel

    in your heart and describe them on paper in as much detail as possible. If it

    helps you, you can then burn the paper to symbolically get rid of your fears

    and move on. Doing what you love is important, but you must also have

    strategies to make your goals concrete.

    The fifth chakra, often called the throat chakra, represents

    self-expression, communication, and the power of choice. It

    means speaking your message openly. It is located in the

    throat and is associated with the color blue. Focus your mind

    on your throat chakra and feel the color blue. Notice how you feel: the ease

    of expressing who you are and what you do to a larger audience, choices

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    over what you do, and options opening up. When theres something you

    should say but you keep it to yourself, you feel a tension or pain in your

    throat. Focus on any fears you feel in your throat, such as fears of being

    judged, ignored, ridiculed, or rejected if you share your thoughts, and

    describe them on paper in as much detail as possible. Thats all they are

    just fears, nothing more.

    The sixth chakra, often called the third eye, represents the

    power of the mind, laws of attraction, intuition,

    clairvoyance, and intuitive wisdom. It is located on your

    forehead and is associated with the color indigo. We are all

    connected by our emotions and intuitions through a web of creative spiritual

    energy. Whatever you focus on consciously or unconsciously is attracted

    into your life and affects people around you, and that includes whatever you

    fear. Focus your mind on your third eye and visualize the color indigo.

    Notice how you feel: you should be aware of emotions around you, your

    karma, wisdom, and intuition.

    I believe most people are clairvoyant, but they usually dont know how to

    interpret what they see. Have you ever had a headache? Great! You are

    clairvoyant too! That means something you are doing isnt in alignment with

    your life purpose. As you let go of your headache and other feelings, you

    start seeing the next layer of emotions underneath it. Pay attention to any

    stuck feelings or blockages in your indigo third eye and describe them on

    paper in as much detail as possible. You will use this chakra to set your

    intention of how much money you want to attract into your life.

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    The seventh chakra, often called the crown chakra,

    represents our divine connection to God, awareness of

    universal energies, consciousness, life purpose, and

    abundance. It is the sense of being connected with

    everything. It is located at the top of your head and is associated with the

    color violet. Focus your mind on your crown chakra and notice how you

    feel, the grounding into universal energies, the transmutation of your

    personal power and ego into the power and ego of God, the light flowing

    through you and shining around you, abundance and circumstances flowing

    to you, and a sense of inner guidance and life events flowing one after the

    other. Write down on paper the advantages and disadvantages of accepting

    the full power and ego of God, as well as any other uncomfortable feelings

    in your violet crown chakra. Imagine that you instantly won a million

    dollars. Would you be comfortable with it? You would then have to ignore

    what people think about it and to decide what you will achieve in your life

    with all that money. Let God inspire you.

    You had all these abilities when you were born, but then social conditioning

    and all kinds of fears blocked them out. When you remove the crap covering

    your purity, your chakras open, and your energies ground to the Earth and

    into consciousness. We can call this to walk both on Earth and in Heaven.

    If you want to learn more about chakras, you should readAnatomy of the

    Spirit: The Seven Stages of Power and Healing from Caroline Myss, aNew

    York Times bestseller.

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    I also cover many practical techniques to heal your energies in my e-book

    Sexual Magnetism Spiritual Blueprint, available at

    Getting a Good Job

    An important part of financial magnetism is the ability to easily find a good

    job. Even if you want to own your own business, you should be good

    enough at what you do to be able to get jobs at any time. I personally get job

    offers by e-mail almost every week without even looking for them.

    I dont know whether youve ever tried to find someone to do some work,

    but it is very hard to find someone who is reliable, honest, talented, and

    motivated. When you give him work, you should get expected results on-

    time without a hassle. However, in practice, most people dont really care

    about what they produce: you have to describe all the details to them, and

    you face all kinds of hassles. Even when you give work to a good friend, you

    never know when it will be done.

    Now lets say you are very effective at what you do: you have initiative and

    creativity, you always deliver ahead of time, and you are reliable. Employers

    give you work, and you do it without creating a hassle. You offer employerswhat they want on a silver platter. They will all want you and will pay you

    more than anyone else. You can achieve this level of productivity by healing

    your energies and awakening your abilities.

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    Productivity is not everything. What employers want first is someone who

    will integrate well in a team and who is pleasant to work with. No matter

    your skills, you will have much higher chances of getting jobs if you have

    charisma. You cannot sell your skills if you cannot sell yourself first.

    I have a friend who does house renovation contracts for friends and who is a

    very good healer. When he renovates a bathroom, he goes there to work

    energetically on healing the owner. Renovations are just an excuse to be

    there. Who do you think the owner will call next time he needs renovation?

    You can find work by posting your resume on a website such as or through personal contacts. If you post your resume online,

    make sure it clearly portrays who you are, and dont be afraid to hire a

    professional on to help you draft a professional, polished

    resume. Employers will read between the lines and equate the potential

    perfection of your work with the perfection of what you present them in your


    You can also easily find work through personal contacts. If you have good

    charisma, you will attract many people into your life and develop a large

    social network. Charisma also allows you to make friends and find work in

    new countries where you dont know anyone.

    Investing in Projects

    Having a well-paid job can allow you to live comfortably, but it has its

    limits. If you want more income for less work, you will need to find ways to

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    provide greater value more effectively. To do this, you will need your own

    business and projects.

    The idea is to set up a system that automatically delivers value to others in

    exchange for money without requiring much intervention from you. View

    yourself as an architect. Theres nothing wrong with working sixty hours a

    week to set up a business structure, but you shouldnt have to spend more

    than four hours a week on routine work. You can delegate or automate all

    tasks. If you keep routine work for yourself, make sure you count it in your

    hourly rate. You can hire many people with a lower hourly rate than yours to

    do routine kinds of work.

    It is a very good combination to have a job and to invest in projects at the

    same time. You may pay 45 percent of your income as taxes, but if you also

    work freelance, you can declare investments as expenses and save on taxes.

    That means that the cost of whatever website design or programming work

    you outsource or the cost of any seminar you attend actually costs you half

    the price you pay. With that kind of savings, dont be reluctant to invest in

    your projects. One warning: the government can refuse your expenses if it

    believes your business will never be profitable. Under the law, your business

    can run on a deficit for only a certain number of years. Check with your

    accountant for the current laws that apply to your location.

    What you want is a structure that offers you massive value and brings you

    plenty of money with little effort. You shouldnt care about small sums of

    money then. If you want to sell your consulting services to clients for $200

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    per session, dont sell them a cup of tea for $1. Its also not worth it for you

    to ask for money for small services. If you earn $1,000 per week, why would

    you charge a friend $5 for your help? When I was younger, I didnt have

    much money, and people around me were always counting their dollars and

    cents and not giving me anything for free. Now that I dont really care about

    money anymore, people around me dont care either. When you dont care

    about money, people are more likely to just give you things for free because

    they appreciate your presence and because you project the vibe that you

    dont care about money.

    New Jobs

    You may not know what projects to work on or what skills to specialize in,

    but when you realize most jobs are outdated and most people barely use their

    true human potential, youll find options everywhere.

    Lets look at some examples of how you could work more effectively than

    most educated people. Ive heard about several cases of people who went to

    see a doctor for back pain but it didnt help. They then went to see an

    alternative medicine healer, and their pain was gone within half an hour.

    Similarly, a psychiatrist could see a woman every week for years with

    moderate progress, while a spiritual healer would solve her problems within

    a few sessions. Ive even experienced this personally. Once, I had a dozencavities in my teeth, but when I went to the dentist to fill them all a year

    later, all he could find was a small cavity right next to a previous filling. My

    dentist never told me teeth could heal by themselves. More concretely, I

    achieved in two years of natural grounding what many havent achieved in

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    ten years of self-development. When coaching on the phone, I dissolve

    peoples problems very effectively, and they experience concrete and lasting

    changes because I deal with the roots of issues on an emotional level.

    You have unlimited potential as a human being, but fears, social

    conditioning, and limiting beliefs have hidden it. By healing and awakening

    your energies, you have an advantage over everybody else in terms of

    charisma, clarity of mind, intuition, wisdom, leadership, and efficacy in

    whatever you do.

    You will also notice that all music and movies that last through time are very

    natural and emotionalnot in the sense of neediness, but in the sense of

    authenticity and inspiration. Think of series of movies like James Bond, Star

    Wars, and The Matrix. These movies are classics and last through time. On

    the other hand, think about music videos based on fashion and social

    adaptation that introduce exciting choreography. Some of these videos are

    great, but we forget about them when fashion and trends fade away. Fashion

    and society continuously change, but nature is eternal.

    Those who have masters degrees from universities cannot compete with

    you either because school corrupts their nature. In fact, the most genius

    people in history were school drop-outs.

    At school, you learn to think rationally, to fit in the box, and to do what

    businesses need. You learn that what science cannot explain is not real, even

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    though scientific beliefs change every ten years. Most people who come out

    of universities are stuck in their heads, literally.

    If you instead choose to develop your spirituality, you learn to think

    intuitively. You unlearn every concept you ever learned, as these pre-

    conceived ideas hide your intuition. You learn to develop your own unique

    skills and to think outside the box. You also realize that there is much that

    science doesnt cover. Science is a religion and a set of limiting beliefs.

    When I choose an apartment, job, car, gym, associate, or hairdresser, I

    usually choose based on the vibes I get from that person, place, or thing. Of

    course, I take product quality and price into consideration, but between two

    gyms of equal price, I will choose the smaller one that sends good,

    comfortable vibes over a bigger gym where I feel more disconnected from

    my emotions. I also tend to go to shops that have good vibes. Between two

    identical fruit stands next to each other, I will buy from the friendlier seller.

    You have to realize that a places vibes dont depend on what you do or say.

    Places record the way people feel. If you have your third eye open and go to

    an apartment where there was a murder ten years ago, you will feel

    uncomfortable, and that apartment is probably hard to rent for that reason.

    People who rent it may also leave within a few months because they have


    I know some people who buy buildings, clean them energetically, and sell

    them at higher prices since buyers get better vibes when they visit it. Now

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    they are working on energetically cleaning an entire lake, which will affect

    the energies of all the houses surrounding it. They will measure their results

    with house sales and price fluctuations.

    If you dont use your intuition to make decisions, you should. Your intuition

    will always guide you to what is good for you. Your intuition has its own

    globally interconnected intelligence that goes way beyond what you can

    conceive with your intelligent mind.

    By getting back in touch with your nature and by recovering your true

    human potential, you can do lots of things that you will never learn about in


    - You can help people heal physically without being a doctor (althoughclients with serious diseases must still follow their doctors


    - You can help people heal emotionally and spiritually without being apsychiatrist.

    - You can also help heal relationship problems and reduce stress inwork environments.

    - You can clean buildings and places energetically to increase theirvalue.

    - You can attract many customers to your shop through the energiesyou project.

    - You can attract opportunities, events, circumstances, and people intoyour life to boost your success by focusing on what your heart desires.

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    - You can be very talented and effective in whatever you do byremoving all insecurities that get in the way.

    - You can produce very successful movies or music by working from apeak state of mind and by showing an authenticity and purity never

    seen before that touches people very deeply.

    - You can have a website to sell Natural Grounding calendars, posters,or t-shirts.

    There are so many things you can do, and you wont have any competition

    since an overabundance of people can benefit from your services. For

    example, the most successful hairdressers are booked months ahead and

    must redirect customers even though they charge over a hundred dollars for

    a haircut. Likewise, if you are a very powerful healer, there is no way you

    could heal every single person in your city.

    Personally, I only spend my time doing what no one else is doing. I only

    write what I cant find clearly written anywhere else, and I recommend

    books that focus on related topics instead of trying to cover everything on

    my own. Also, even though I am a Reiki Master, I dont spend my time

    doing Reiki sessions and Reiki attunements since others can do it. I will,

    however, use it as an extra tool to heal customers energetically when doing

    coaching even through the phone.

    Your options are limitless.

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    New Economy

    There is an important factor you need to consider in your finances and

    business. According to me as well as many spiritual and business masters,

    we arent just going through a recession. The planets awareness level is

    rising, and this new level of consciousness doesnt support the current

    economic system. We need to adapt the way we do business.

    The old way of doing business is to work hard to get as much money as

    possible. This doesnt work anymore, and these businesses are going

    bankrupt no matter how much they invest in publicity.

    The new way of doing business is to build your business as an extension of

    your life purpose that brings positive changes and value to the world in

    exchange for money.

    I know many people who are having their best year ever in their businesses.Part of the reason is that people are awakening their consciousness and are

    looking for answers. Another reason is that there currently are more needs

    than ever.

    When you focus on giving value and solving problems, youll see needs

    everywhere resulting from the economic crash. Its not that people dont

    have money; its just that theyve stopped spending. If you really can

    provide value and solve problems, people have money to invest. If you

    follow your life purpose and bring more life to the world, there is


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    There is no reason the economic situation should affect you either. In fact,

    customers have more needs than ever: houses are cheaper, gas is cheaper,

    many people need work, and prices are lower on all kinds of things. So long

    as you are not involved in the stock market or dependent on the financial or

    social systems, there is no reason the downturn should affect you at all.

    Many people watch the news and start thinking from a state of mind of

    scarcity. They then start attracting and experiencing scarcity, which confirms

    what they heard. The recession is in peoples heads. If you dont let it affect

    your mind-set and if you arent dependent on the system, there is absolutely

    no reason it should affect you. Turn the TV off and live in your own reality

    of abundance.

    The economic system is recycling itself to leave space for something new. It

    is the perfect time to step up and to build a new economy based on

    abundance and integrity.


    Now is the right time to invest in yourself so you can understand whats

    really happening, be able to help others, and recover your ability to shape

    your reality and attract abundance in all areas of your life.

    Here are some resources I highly recommend. The first is another e-book

    Ive written, but I have no affiliation with the other teachers. They often

    offer free conference calls where they share very valuable insights. Even if

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    you arent ready to invest big sums of money, the free stuff and free

    conference calls are well worth it. Just subscribe to their mailing lists.

    1. Sexual Magnetism Spiritual BlueprintThis e-book isnt about finances, but it is the key to unlock the

    principles described in this book. It is designed for men who want to

    get back in touch with their true nature to attract an abundance of

    women. You can attract financial abundance using the exact same

    principles. Sexual Magnetism Spiritual Blueprintand Financial

    Magnetism were meant to complement each other.

    2. David Neagle

    This business coach knows how to use the laws of the universe to

    create multimillion-dollar businesses. He offers premium coaching for

    $100,000 per year, but he also has a free product that gave me great

    breakthroughs: The Art of Success.

    3. Baeth Davis, the Hand AnalystShe has really great programs on uncovering your life purpose and

    building spirit-driven businesses. I am personally subscribed to a

    yearlong coaching program about applying the chakras system to

    business, and it is really awesome.

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    David Neagle and Baeth Davis are my favorite teachers, and they often offer

    free conference calls with other coaches. From there, you can learn about

    several additional coaches and see which ones fit you best.


    This e-book is meant to complement Sexual Magnetism Spiritual Blueprint

    in a powerful way. If you purchased this separately, make sure you sign up

    for my mailing list, where I publish all kind of breakthroughs and articles

    about sexuality, magnetism, abundance, and spirituality. This isnt a teaser

    newsletter sending sales pitches: I provide very valuable information in my

    newsletter, and you can read the history of all the articles Ive ever written.

    If you havent already, make sure you read Sexual Magnetism Spiritual

    Blueprintas it explains in-depth how to unlock the potential described here.

    It is very practical, and when you apply it, youll experience concrete

    changes not only in your intimate relationships but also in your finances.

    Sexual Magnetism Spiritual Blueprint is designed for men but if are a

    woman, Gina Cloud shares a similar message in her new bookW.O.M.A.N.:

    A New Definition, which I highly recommend. W.O.M.A.N. stands for WildOpen Magical Authentically Empowered Nectar.

    This just marks the beginning of your journey: there is so much you can

    develop in yourself!