Final pitch a2

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Final pitch a2


Main production ideaFor our film the two characters will be in a relationship ad we have now gone with them being married to each other. The film will start off with dialogue talking about the effects of the virus, it will then go to a shot of Ryan in a hazmat sit with a bag where he will be looking around for samples not affected by the virus to find a cure. He will then find an insect of some sort and will quickly get his equipment from is bag, however he will mess up getting the insect and have to get it again, once he collects it Jane will appear in he background and partly startle Ryan. They will then observe each others findings and start to walk back. The title will then appear on the screen. Throughout this scene the effects of the virus will be voice-overed to keep the audiences attention. After the title sequence it will then quick cut to both of them walking towards a building where they will then get into a room and take of their equipment. There will then be a cut to Ryan and Jane where they are experimenting on their findings and seeing whether they are positive, however tis won’t be the case and they will get into an argument about this, which will lead to Jane leaving the room and Ryan will then find the cut in his suit at that point.

Main production idea continued…

The scene will then cut to a shot where we see Ryan and Jane sleeping however Adam will be woken up by a sudden bang and will use a lantern to find his way through the dark corridors of the building. As this happens the effects will start to show as we will add effects through sound and lighting to show the changes. Adam will then get to a room and the effects will increase and cause Adam to pass out. The scene will then cut to a shot of him lying on the floor where he will get up, but suddenly Jane will appear from behind him the his ripped suit and a knife. They will have an argument about what they should do but eventually Adam comes to is senses and asks Jane to kill him to save her. Jane will sadly agree and lean in with the knife however the scene will cut to black to create an enigma of what actually happened to challenge our sophisticated audience. There will then be a sad score played and the edits will then appea.

PosterFor our poster we will be using Photoshop and InDesign to create our illustrated design. We have decided that the colour for the hazmat suit will be a dark orange, and the background will be a mixture of dark and light greys. The background will be of a woods to create an eerie image and create connotations of loneliness. The title will be placed underneath the feet of the hazmat design and the institutional information will be placed underneath that. The certification will be placed in the bottom left corner and the institutional logos will be placed above the certification. On the bottom right corner the website details and other media details will be placed there. There will then be a review quote placed at the top of the poster with a star rating with it.