FEMA Began With US Cocaine Sales and Crimes

Post on 21-Apr-2015

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Up Against the Beast • High-level Drug RunningandCocaine & FEMA - High Level Drug Running • Page FEMAandThis book runs down the left side of each 11 x 17 inch magazine style spread on most pages. On the right side of each page in a slightly wider column will be vignettes or shorter stories that tie directly into the main subject and provide interesting points of reference, often with links, for the reader. This eMagazine was designed for a wide-screen monitor and opens to a comfortabl

Transcript of FEMA Began With US Cocaine Sales and Crimes

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Up Against the Beast • High-level Drug Running


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The LayoutThis book runs down the left side of each 11 x 17 inch magazine style spread on most pages. On the right side of each page in a slightly wider column will be vignettes or shorter stories that tie directly into the main subject and provide interesting points of reference, often with links, for the reader. This eMagazine was designed for a wide-screen monitor and opens to a comfortable 10 x 15 inches with all images, graphics and type appearing accurately. Although it was designed for a wide screen monitor any monitor at all will do.

The story begins on Page 5.

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Jeff Prager

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This eMagazine ties the establishment of FEMA directly to Cocaine trafficking. Essentially, the elected officials charged with managing the United States are nothing less then a cabal of criminals. It’s my perception that somewhere along the way these people recognized the wisdom in the old adage, “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em” because join them they did. We don’t see Drug Kingpins arrested in the United States. Joaquin Guzman Loera (right) was arrested and jailed for life, then escaped, and we see other foreigners, people we know from the media sensationalism, but never do we see American Kingpins arrested, perhaps with the single exception of “Freeway” Ricky Ross discussed in more detail later in this book. The reasoning behind this phenomenon is very simple. The Kingpins are the elected officials we ordain with the power to manage our country and to do so they’ve resorted to crime. While occupying the seat of American power they also oversee vast criminal enterprises the wealth of which is not only used for American foreign policy but also to enrich themselves beyond our wildest imaginations. George HW Bush, his son George Bush and many others associated with them live lives largely different from ours. With off-shore bank accounts and foreign residences these people are no longer Americans. They’re globalists and this eMagazine is the historic story of the globalists and how FEMA was erected with the criminal funds they generate.

This is a story of numerous murders committed to conceal their crimes.

It’s the story of vast financial fraud.

It’s about drug dealing.

This is America.

The one you don’t know.

They had Stanley Huggins, Kevin Ives, Donald Henry, Keith McCaskell, Greg Collins, Jeff Rhodes, Richard Winters, Danny Casolaro, attorney Paul Wilcher and NSA Colonel Vince Foster and many others murdered, and this is that story.

Joaquin Guzman Loera - Mexico’s most wanted man, “El Chapo”, or Shorty, heads the Sinaloa cartel, one of the biggest suppliers of Cocaine to the U.S. In 1993 he was arrested in Mexico on homicide and drug charges. He escaped from federal prison in 2001, reportedly through the laundry, and quickly regained control of his drug trafficking organization, which he still controls today. In 2008 Mexican and Colombian traffickers laundered between $18 billion and $39 bil-lion in proceeds from wholesale shipments to the U.S. Shorty, an alleged tunnels expert, is believed to have directed anywhere from a third to half of that during the past 8 years. Apparently he started out working with Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo, “El Padrino”, or the Godfather, head of the most powerful drug traffick-ing group in Mexico at that time. The U.S. government is offering a $5 million reward for his capture but there is no reward for the capture of George HW Bush or the criminal Kingpins in his network. They are the “Untouchables.”

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The US Government Is Dealing Drugs

While the U.S. federal government has been waging a phony and hypo-critical “war on drugs” as an easy way to increase repression in inner cit-ies and confiscate millions of dollars in private assets through unconstitu-tional forfeiture laws in order to fund its burgeoning police state, it has also been an active participant in the illegal drug trade, using public resources to bring heroin and cocaine into American inner cities at least since the early 1960’s.

Sound like paranoia? In fact, this information has been confirmed by schol-ars and researchers throughout the past three decades. Any honest scholar that has researched the issue will tell you that this is the truth, but you will find very little information about it in the mainstream mass media. One re-cent scandal involved the Central Intelligence Agency selling crack cocaine in South Central Los Angeles in order to fund the U.S. covert war against the people of Nicaragua.

While the CIA’s heavy involvement in the drug trade, and especially the crack cocaine trade, has been well documented by scholars such as Dr. Pe-ter Dale Scott at least since the Iran-Contra hearings in the 1980s, the mass media has only taken small notice. Even when they do take notice, most of the sheep-like journalists and anchor-people continue to parrot the absurd government line in contradiction to the blatant facts, which are available to anyone who reads beyond the corporate summaries of government press releases. On NPR, for example, a reporter commented that since the story wasn’t picked up by the New York Times, it must be false. Another reporter on FOX News said “there has been no direct evidence, repeat, no direct evidence, linking the CIA to the crack trade in South Central.”

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These people are either complete idiots or just flat out liars. The evidence is overwhelming and will convince anyone other than an utter fool. The facts have finally hit the mainstream media only due to pressure from concerned citizens and reporters they could no longer afford to ignore. These facts are still largely buried after minimal reporting. Write your Congresspersons today and demand a full Congressional investigation! Also contact your mainstream news media and ask them why they continue to whitewash the evidence of U.S. government hypocrisy with regard to the drug trade!

Thanks to some real investigative reporting by Gary Webb of the San Jose Mercury News, combined with public pressure by residents of South Cen-tral Los Angeles, this story is has reached the public domain for those will-ing to search the internet. If public pressure ever rises, U.S. government officials may finally be called upon to answer for their actions. One can only hope that the American public will hold the true murderers and drug dealers responsible rather than letting the story blow over with a few slaps on the wrist the way we did with the Iran-Contra revelations. This report is one attempt to gather and distribute the evidence so that people can make informed decisions and begin the long process of calling our government to responsibility at some point in the future.

The crew of a semi-submersible drug-trafficking vessel prepares to abandon ship before being intercepted by the U.S. Coast Guard northwest of the Colombian-Ecuador border on January 8. A dozen suspected drug smugglers were apprehended by the US military. The Kingpins that reside

in the USA were not apprehended and are still at large. We seem to have a tendency to elect them to positions of great power.


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High-level Drug RunningAn imprisoned former US Green Beret

is sued the CIA, George Bush and others, to draw attention to their complicity in

government-sanctioned drug-trafficking operations and cover-ups.



Speculation about the mysterious origin and funding of the so-called US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has continued for decades. Most recently, the his-tory of FEMA as an illegal, unconstitutional entity has been exposed in an unprecedented lawsuit against the Central In-telligence Agency (CIA) and its alleged drug-trafficking and money-laundering operations.

In September 1998, a US $63 million lawsuit (Case No. 98-CV-11829-JLT) was filed by Massachusetts attorney Ray Kohlman on behalf of former Green Beret William M. (Bill) Tyree. Kohlman, a former legal investigator for attorney William Pepper in the Martin Luther King, Jr, murder trial of James Earl Ray, filed a 101-page complaint on behalf of his client. The suit, replete with five inches of affidavits and appendices, names the Central Intelligence Agency, former Massachusetts Governor A. Paul Cellucci, former Massa-chusetts Attorney-General L. Scott Harshbarger, former CIA Director and US President George Bush, and self-admitted government assassin D. Gene Tatum as Defendants in a far-reaching case involving US Government sanctioned drug smuggling, murder and cover-up.

Bill Tyree is currently serving a life sentence for the murder of his wife – a case eerily similar to that of Dr Jeffrey Mac-Donald, a Fort Bragg doctor who was framed for the murder of his wife and children in the early 1980s.

“In the mid-1970s, while serving in Panama, Tyree and other Green Berets were led into Colombia under the command of Green Beret Colonels Cutolo and Baker to plant radio bea-cons, so that planeloads of cocaine could fly below Colom-

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bian and US radar and land undetected in Panama,” writes former LAPD officer Mike Ruppert in his newsletter, From the Wilderness (PO Box 6061-350, Sher-man Oaks, CA 91413, USA, website www.copvcia.com).

“Orders for these missions came from the CIA’s Ed Wilson and Tom Clines,” continues Ruppert. “Tyree had been a part of many secret missions and was los-ing his taste for it. His wife was keeping a diary for which she was presumably murdered, after which the diary was confiscated and later disappeared.

“Five Special Forces Colonels - Cutolo, Baker, Malvesti, Rowe and Bayard - have died under mysterious circumstances since. The heart of the Tyree docu-mentation consists of an affidavit allegedly written by Colonel Cutolo, who was also Tyree’s commanding officer at Fort Devens, Mass., at the time of Tyree’s arrest. Both were then with the 10th Special Forces.

“That fifteen-page document gives precise details of CIA drug operations us-ing Special Forces personnel. It also describes how Tyree was framed for the murder of his wife and how Special Forces personnel were used to intimidate and conduct illegal electronic and physical surveillance of anyone who might expose CIA drug dealing,” Ruppert concludes.

No Legal Funding For FEMA

According to the actual complaint in the lawsuit: “...the Plaintiff [Tyree] alleges that the Defendants CIA and George Bush were negligent and failed at the con-clusion of Operation Watchtower to monitor the post-Watchtower events and seek legal congressional funding for the origination of FEMA (Federal Emer-gency Management Agency), and this failure led to the concealment and cover-up of Operation Watchtower, written about in the diaries of Elaine Tyree, seized illegally and turned over to Colonel Carone and then to the CIA which ensured that the Operation Watchtower drug trafficking operation would remain covert, allowing the drug profits from this Operation to be used to circumvent Congress and fund FEMA and continue the pattern of criminal activity.”

Colonel Carone, who died in 1990, was a CIA paymaster and Mafia-connected money launderer, who incidentally held the rank of full colonel in Army Intel-ligence. As Oliver North’s bagman, Carone also couriered large amounts of cash in and out of the country. According to former Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) investigator Rodney Stich, “Carone had complex relationships.” In his underground bestselling book, Defrauding America (www.defraudingamerica.com), Stich writes that Carone was a member of the Gambino family, had con-nections to other crime groups in the eastern part of the United States, was a detective on the New York City vice squad, a member of the military and a CIA operative.

Stich writes: “Dee [Ferdinand, Carone’s daughter] said her father was a detec-tive and ‘bag man’ in the New York City police department, collecting money that was distributed to captains and inspectors as payoffs for ‘looking the other way’ where drugs were involved ...

In a sections on SETCO, an air freight company owned by Class I violator Juan Ramon Matta Ballesteros, which was documented shipping tons of cocaine, CIA says SETCO was chosen by NHAO [The Nicaraguan Humanitarian Assistance Office of the State Department which reported to Oliver North] to transport goods on behalf of the Contras from late 1985 through mid-1986. According to testimony by FDN leader Adolfo Calero before the Iran-Contra committees, SETCO received funds for Contra supply operations from the “bank accounts that were established by Oliver North.” Oliver North’s ally at State was El-liot Abrams, a frequently named co-conspirator in the Iran Contra affair, and a man known to have worked with CIA bagman Albert Vincent Carone who dealt with organized crime figures for the purpose of moving cocaine and launder-ing money in the era. Carone has been covered in previous issues of From The Wilderness.

In another section on major trafficker Moises Nunez, who was being investigated for shipment of hundreds of kilos of cocaine through firms named Frigorificos de Puntarenas and Ocean Hunter (also NHAO contractors), the CIA lays out North yet again. They describe how cocaine was reportedly received at air strips owned by John Hull in Costa Rica and taken to ships owned by these two firms. The CIA report then states, “On March 25, 1987, CIA questioned Nunez about narcotics trafficking allegations against him.”

“Nunez revealed that since 1985, he had engaged in a clandestine relationship with the National Security Council (NSC). Nunez refused to elaborate on the nature of these actions, but indicated it was difficult to answer questions relating to his involvement in narcotics trafficking because of the specific tasks he had performed at the direction of the NSC. Nunez refused to identify the NSC officials with whom he had been involved.”

CIA Bagman

Colonel Albert Vincent Carone

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The Deposition Testimony Of Colonel Carones Daughter

The following deposition is being videotaped by Gary Farnsworth of Audio Video Documentation Services

Albuquerque, New Mexico, 7167 Corrales Road, Corrales, NM

in the matter of William M. Tyree, Jr., Plaintiff vs. Central Intelligence Agency, L. Scott Harshbarger, A. Paul Celluci,

George Bush, Dois Gene Tatum, Defendants.

Case No. 98-CV-11829 JLT Filed in The United States District Court, District of Mass.

This deposition has been noticed by the plaintiff. The deponent is Desiree A. Ferdinand.

Your Honor, Ladies & Gentlemen, today is September 29, 1998.

RK: Okay, I would like you to look at this please and can you tell me what it is? DF: It is my father’s death certificate. RK: When did your father die? DF: January 7, 1990.

RK: Okay. How long had he lived here in New Mexico? DF: Since 1980. RK: Okay. What was your father doing at the time of his death? DF: He was retired. RK: What was his previous employment? DF: He originally was with the military and then he went into New York City Police Department and did crossover work with Central Intelligence Agency and while he was with the military until his death, he was with Military Intelligence, Counter Intelligence Corps. RK: So you stated that before he worked for the New York Police Department he was in the military? DF: Yes. RK: Okay. Was he buried in a military cemetery? DF: Yes. RK: Would you look at this please and then you can show it to the camera if you wish. What is that?

DF: It is his internment record at Santa Fe Veteran’s Cemetery in Santa Fe, New Mexico. RK: Does that anywhere have his rank? DF: Yes it does. It has his rank of Staff Sergeant, which is inaccurate. RK: Okay. Now would you look at this please and show it to the camera? DF: Okay. RK: What is that? DF: That is my father’s headstone, which reads Albert V. Carone, Colonel, U.S. Army. RK: So we went from Staff Sergeant to Colonel? DF: Yes. RK: At his death? DF: My father was a full bird Colonel at the time of his death. RK: Okay, in spite of the fact that the internment record stated Staff Sargeant? DF: Yes. RK: Can you explain what happened? DF: When my father died in 1990 and he was buried, it took about a month for the headstone to be placed and when it was placed it was placed as Staff Sargeant. I went to the cemetery and I told them there was a mistake. They had turned around and told me I would have to notify the U.S. Army Personnel in St. Louis. I did that. St. Louis came back and told me there was no record of Albert V. Carone ever being in the military. They sent me a letter, or Patricia Moore sent me a letter stating there was no record and he never existed. A disagreement occured that he was buried at Santa Fe National Cemetery and he was in the military. They had told me that that was not the case. In 1992, I started...well, from 1990, from that point on I started trying to put together the pieces of my father’s military because I was in possession of a great deal of military records from the army. I wound up going to a retirement luncheon at Kirtland Airforce Base in Albuquerque for retired intelligence people and I brought a military picture of my father with me. A man that was there by the name of Robert Maheu stated that he recognized him from Washington and the Pentagon and told me that what I needed to do if he had been in Intelligence or worked with Central Intel-ligence Agency, which he did from 1966 on, that I needed to call Theodore Shackley. RK: Okay. Had you ever heard that name before? DF: Yes. RK: How? DF: My father. RK: Okay. So Mr. Maheu said contact Mr. Shackley. Did you? DF: Yes I did.

You Cant Kill Everyone

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RK: And what did Mr. Shackley say? DF: He originally stated that he would not confirm or deny ever knowing Colonel Carone. He asked me what I wanted. I told him that I wanted my father’s headstone changed since at one time he had worked with my father with the Golden Triangle in Vietnam. He stated that he did not know what I was talking about and what did I really want from him? I told him that I wanted my father’s headstone changed. I stated that if my father worked for them all those years and if he was in the military all of those years then he would be buried with his rank as he was buried with full military honors. RK: Let me stop you for just a moment here. When you talked with Mr. Shackley did he refer to your father as Colonel Carone? Not Albert Carone? DF: Yes he did. Colonel. RK: Not Mr. Carone? DF: No. RK: Specifically stated Colonel? DF: Colonel. RK: Okay. Please continue. DF: We ended the phone conversation and he told me that he would see what he could do but he could not promise me that he could do anything and he did not feel that he needed to help me in any way. Ten days to the date of my conversation with Theodore Shackley I received an interoffice memo stating that my father’s headstone would be changed. RK: Is this what you are referring to as the interoffice memo? DF: Yes it is a routing and transmittal slip. It is sent to me and it states that “we are returning your father’s military records. Headstone has already been ordered with Colonel on headstone. Thank you, Joseph Leva-to.”

To read the full 100 page deposition use the link below:

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1984“Referring to CIA - Mafia drug trafficking, she said she knew from what her father said that the drugs coming from South America went to the Colombo, Genovese and Gambino families, and that it was a joint CIA - Mafia drug operation under the code name Operation Amadeus,” continues Stich. “She said that during World War II, Operation Amadeus was involved in transporting Nazi officers from Germany into South American countries. According to her father’s notes, Operation Amadeus split into several other operations, including Operation Sunrise and Operation Watchtower.”

In the lawsuit, Tyree alleges that CIA and George Bush were negligent by allowing the stolen diaries of Elaine Tyree to be used to further cover up “Operation Watchtower, which was one of several illegal drug operations that produced a profit which was used in turn to help origi-nate and implement FEMA.”

It is further contended in the lawsuit that CIA and George Bush violated the “separation of powers, [i.e.,] the Executive Branch brought about an agency (FEMA) which has the authority to suspend the US Constitution (e.g., further suspending legislative and judicial branches), but is vague in its verbiage as to what does constitute an emergency, and fails to list what, if any, duties the legislature and judiciary will have to perform if the US Constitution is suspended.”

No Legal Standing For FEMA

Even though the origin of FEMA has remained historically unclear, Tyree alleges in the law-suit that FEMA, created by Executive Order, is illegitimate “since Congress had to approve FEMA for two specific reasons: (1) FEMA is a vaguely written Executive Branch-created agency that has the power to suspend the US Constitution and put the legislative and judicial branches of government out of work; (2) FEMA is an Executive Branch creation that clearly affects all three branches of Government capable of silencing the voice of the people (i.e., legislative) and the legal redress of the people (i.e., judiciary).”

FEMA was allegedly created by Executive Order 12148, which became law simply by its pub-lication in the Federal Registry. In other words, Congress was bypassed for FEMA’s authorisa-tion as well as its funding. But if Congress never authorised the agency, where do operational expenses come from? Tyree’s lawsuit alleges that laundered drug profits were the initial source of FEMA’s funding.

According to the lawsuit: “...the Plaintiff [Tyree] alleges the Defendants CIA and George Bush did intentionally engage in the complained-of conduct herein to conceal: (1) the origins of FEMA, and that profits from drug trafficking by the CIA were used in some part to originally fund FEMA and the drafting of the FEMA infrastructure...”

An even more astounding allegation in the lawsuit is that Colonel Carone told Tyree himself that “Colonel Ollie North worked on developing a plan, known as FEMA, which would in an ill-defined national emergency allow the US Military to take control of the United States to ensure National Security.” Colonel Carone said that “FEMA” originally stood for “Federal Emergency Military Action” (i.e., martial law), but was retitled “Federal Emergency Manage-ment Agency” because it would be better received by the people of the United States.

The late Colonel Carone also claimed that he “took drug profits that were clean and laundered in 1982 - 1984 to the following: NSC - Colonel Oliver North, who used the funds to create and develop FEMA” (p. 88 of the lawsuit).

THE NEW DANGERSA Presidential Executive Order, whether Constitutional or not, becomes law simply by its publication in the Federal Registry. Congress is by-passed. Here are just a few Executive Orders that would suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. These Executive Orders have been on record for nearly 30 years and could be enacted by the stroke of a Presidential pen:

• EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.

• EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication media.

• EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.

• EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.

• EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.

• EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare functions.

• EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.

• EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.

• EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.

• EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.

• EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Execu-tive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.

• EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310 grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.

Without Congressional approval, the President now has the power to transfer whole populations to any part of the country, the power to suspend the Press and to force a national registration of all persons. The President, in essence, has dictatorial powers never provided to him under the Constitution. The President has the power to suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights in a real or perceived emergency. Un-like Lincoln and Roosevelt, these powers are not derived from a wartime need, but from any crisis, domestic or foreign, hostile or economic. Roosevelt created extraordinary measures during the Great Depression, but any President faced with a similar, or lesser, economic crisis now has extraordinary powers to assume dictatorial status.

Many of the Executive Orders cited here have been on the books for over a quarter of a century and have not been applied. Therefore, what makes them more dangerous today than yesteryear? There has been a steady, consistent series of new Executive Orders, originating from President Richard Nixon and added to by Presidents Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter and George Bush that provide an ominous Orwellian por-trait, the portrait of George Orwell’s 1984.

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Colonel Oliver North and FEMA

Oliver North’s role in the creation of FEMA should be better known. In a book called Guts and Glory: The Rise and Fall of Oliver North, author Ben Bradlee, Jr, writes:

“North’s work for FEMA – from 1982 to the spring of 1984 – was highly classified, and some would say bizarre. During that period, the Miami Herald reported, he was involved in helping to draft a sweeping contingency plan to impose martial law in the event of a nuclear war, or less serious nation-al crises such as widespread internal dissent, or opposition to an American military invasion abroad.

“The plan - which also gave FEMA itself broad authority to report directly to the President, appoint military commanders and run state and local governments [Executive Order 11490] - ruffled many administration feathers,” continues Bradlee.

“North would also play a role in helping FEMA stage a national emergency simulation exercise on April 5 - 18, 1984... Rex-84 Bravo, authorised by President Reagan’s signature of National Security Decision Directive 52, was predicated in his declaration of a state of national emergency concurrent with a mythical invasion (code-named Operation Night Train) of an unspecified Central American country, presumably Nicaragua.

“...Rex-84 Bravo was designed to test FEMA’s readiness to assume authority over Department of Defense personnel, all fifty state National Guard forces and a number of ‘State Defense Force’ units which were to be created by state legislative enactments. FEMA would ‘deputize’ all DoD and state National Guard personnel, so as to avoid violating the federal Posse Comitatus Act which forbids us-ing any military forces for domestic law enforcement,” writes Bradlee.

In the lawsuit, Tyree quotes Colonel Carone’s testimony that “FEMA was one of those off-the-shelf creations that was funded through the giant black-operations fund which came about from drug-traf-ficking operations instituted by the CIA, which Congress has no idea of and no control over” and that “the FEMA Chain of Command, rules and regulations that he had seen, violated the US Constitution and actually established a succession to the Office of the President in the event of an emergency that circumvented the Vice President and the Speaker of the House of Representatives”.

According to the lawsuit: “Carone said, ‘NSC [National Security Council] used drug trafficking prof-its to start FEMA without congressional approval... a 1981 NSC Directive written by Frank Carlucci states: “Normally a state of martial law will be proclaimed by the President. However, in the absence of such action by the President, a senior military commander may impose martial law in an area of his command where there had been a complete breakdown in the exercise of government functions by local authorities.”

Widespread Internet Dissent Triggers Martial Law

Targeting Your Internet Connection


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“Colonel Carone said a literal interpretation of the 1981 NSC Directive was that a local yokel National Guard commander could institute martial law, and the actions of FEMA, without local citizens ever knowing how FEMA came to be or what FEMA was originally intended to be about, would automatically be triggered without any type of presidential order,” it is alleged in the lawsuit.

“Congress doesn’t even have the purse strings on this one,” Carone said. “It’s all from the Black Operations fund which Congress will never force the US Intelligence Community to admit even exists.”

Incidentally, according to criminal conspiracy investigator Sherman Skolnick, Represen-tative Henry Hyde of Illinois has been handling this fund for the CIA and has done an “admirable” job in keeping it under wraps, completely removed from public scrutiny.

According to Tyree, Carone also said that un-indicted drug conspirator Oliver North’s role was admitted in his own diary (p. 91 of the lawsuit):

“You want the diary of Oliver North [said Carone]. Inside that diary is your whole case. It will tell you that he knew of drug trafficking even if he wasn’t involved directly, which is what he will claim. I remember one entry from May 12, 1984, to the effect that he knew one of his contacts was trafficking drugs. Another entry from July 20, 1984 basically stated that there was cargo off-loaded at the ranch of John Hull. The cargo that was off-loaded was cocaine. I recall seeing an entry from August 9, 1985, that a specific aircraft was being used for drug trafficking. Then there was an entry from either September 9 or 10, 1985, in which Ollie North, through Colonel James Steele, used a Special Operations Unit brought in by Wally Gresheim and Litton. Get his diary.”

None dares call it fascism, of course, but due to this explosive lawsuit by a framed Amer-ican serviceman, Bill Tyree, the origin of FEMA and its illegal funding may finally be known, or not.

II. The Great American Frame UpSpooky Parallels: The Tyree & MacDonald Cover-ups

When criminals in government are about to be exposed, a story is concocted which uses some of the facts, mixes it with lies, and obscures the rest. This disinformation is then spread throughout the media and - voilà! - a cover-up is born. With Hollywood connec-tions, a TV movie is produced. This new dose of fiction then becomes irrefutable “fact” in public memory.

Just so, there are significant parallels between the murder case of former Green Beret Bill Tyree and Dr Jeffrey MacDonald. Both involve CIA/military drug smuggling crimes and cover-ups. Both men were set up and convicted. Both men have been languishing in prison for 20 or 30 years.

The story of emergency physician Dr Jeffrey MacDonald, framed for the murder of his wife Collette and children Kimberly and Kristen in 1970, remains a tragedy. Author Joe McGinnis wrote a best-selling book, Fatal Vision, which was made into a TV movie of the same name in 1984.

The Cover Tells The StoryFEMA ~ Another PsyOp

A bullseye target on the World Trade Center towers on a FEMA USFA/NFA-ERT 1997 Emergency Response To Terrorism booklet published by the Department Of Justice Federal Emergency Management Agency.

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The real story is the frame-up of an innocent man who had powerful enemies. It’s de-scribed in great detail by Jerry Allen Potter and Fred Bost in Fatal Justice: Reinvestigat-ing the MacDonald Murders (W.W. Norton & Co., 1997).

However, as Errol Morris, director of The Thin Blue Line, writes: “If you think you know the Jeffrey MacDonald case from Fatal Vision, think again. Fatal Justice is the first account of the whole story.”

The Boston Phoenix called Fatal Justice “a devastating rebuttal to Fatal Vision.”

An investigator in the MacDonald case, former LA FBI Special Agent in Charge Ted Gunderson, obtained a signed confession from Helena Stoeckley, “the girl in the floppy hat”, who told him that the group she was involved with “was active in an international drug operation that involved US Army personnel, including Army officers, police of-ficers and at least two local attorneys” in the Fort Bragg area. According to Time maga-zine (January 1, 1973), heroin was being flown into the United States from the Far East in plastic bags hidden in the body cavities of dead GIs.

According to Gunderson, members of this group “...tried to shake down Dr MacDonald because he was abusive to those who overdosed on drugs in the civilian hospital where he was moonlighting... The assailants [of MacDonald’s family] were high on drugs and the situation escalated to the murders. Their intentions to shake down Dr MacDonald were not known or approved by the leaders of the drug operation. When it was real-ized by the leaders that members of their network committed these murders, they were concerned that an investigation of the cult would expose the drug operations – thus the cover-up and ‘framing’ of Dr MacDonald.”

Gunderson has written his own summary of the facts in The Doctor Jeffrey R. MacDon-ald Investigation (contact Gunderson International, PO Box 18000-259, Las Vegas, NV 89114, USA). Evidence, such as fingerprints, was intentionally destroyed by Army CID (Criminal Investigation Division). Other evidence, like a bloody syringe, bloody cloth-ing and boots, was lost. More crucial evidence was never collected. Then allegations of FBI Crime Lab corruption surfaced through FBI whistleblower Frederick Whitehurst.

Michael P. Malone, an FBI forensic specialist who testified in the MacDonald case, was exposed by the Inspector-General’s report. “Mr Malone has indeed testified falsely and outside his expertise,” reported the Wall Street Journal of April 16, 1997. “In 1987 and 1988, Florida appellate courts overturned guilty verdicts - citing insufficient evidence - in cases in which Mr Malone had testified for the prosecution,” the article continues.

In addition, an internal FBI memo written in 1989 alleged that Mr Malone had given 27 instances of false or misleading testimony in the 1985 proceedings that led to the impeachment and ouster of former US District Judge Alcee L. Hastings.

Was it just sloppy work or outright fraud? The evidence shows that FBI Crime Lab work cannot be trusted. In MacDonald’s case, Malone’s testimony alone should have been grounds for a mistrial.

In Psychic Dictatorship in the USA (Feral House, 1995), author Alex Constantine also weighs in on the MacDonald case. “Fatal Vision is a political hit piece,” he writes.

Ted Gunderson’s (at left) professional private investigation has determined the 911 Terror Attack to have been an “insidejob” feloniously perpetrated by outlaws within the U.S. Government. These mass murderers are still at largeand constitute a continuing danger to the American public and all peoples of the world. Ted Gunderson asks that theAmerican people demand justice, that the real criminals be brought to justice before they strike again to mass murdermore innocent civilians. Bottom Line: Outlaws operating within the Pentagon, CIA, Military Intelligence Agenciesand other government agencies participated directly or indirectly to mass murder Americans on 9/11/2001. A Black Ops False Flag Operation, Ted Gunderson has concluded. Since 911 several assassination attempts have been made on Gundersons life as well as his close associate and Webmaster, Clarence Malcolm. Should these men disappear or be killedthey want the public to know that covert operatives within the US government or their hirelings did it. It’s dangerousto be right when outlaws within government have mass murdered their own citizens and gotten clean away with it. Especially dangerous for those good people who try to educate others about the true facts.

Outlaws Within The Government

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“The paperback indictment of MacDonald has reinforced the public perception of MacDonald’s guilt, and kept dormant one of the most unconscionable scandals in American military history.

“Three suspects in the murders have confessed. MacDonald’s version of events has been confirmed by some 40 witnesses... Fatal Vision is myopic in its exclusion of any evidence that might clear MacDonald. McGinniss’s claim to impartiality eroded completely in his flat refusal in 1980 to even look at the 1200-page report compiled by MacDonald’s defense attorneys. The report, taken together with the sworn depo-sitions of witnesses, press accounts and interviews with investigators, combines in a case sharply at odds with the government’s.

“MacDonald passed a polygraph,” writes Constantine. “He submitted to five in-dependent forensic examinations. The government’s own lab specimens link Fort Bragg’s body-bag [drug-smuggling] ring to the crime scene, including a long, syn-thetic blonde strand corroborating MacDonald’s contention that Stoeckley wore a blonde wig the night of the murders. A bloody syringe found in his home was ‘lost’ by the prosecution.”

The case of William Tyree is just as complex, convoluted and byzantine. Tyree was in the Army Special Forces and also convicted of his wife’s murder. An Arts & En-tertainment channel documentary, Murder at Fort Devens, revealed evidence that he was also framed to conceal CIA/military drug trafficking. Tyree says that, as early as 1975, drugs were flown into Panama and were subsequently shipped to Mena, Arkansas – a state described as the CIA’s own “banana republic” inside the United States.

According to Rodney Stich, author of Defrauding America, the CIA utilized the Army Intelligence Agency in Operation Watchtower which began in the mid-1970s. US Colonel A. J. Baker was ordered to oversee part of Watchtower, and turned the operation over to Colonel Edward P. Cutolo who also commanded the 10th Special Forces based at Fort Devens, Massachusetts.

“...Cutolo, who had been ordered by the CIA to supervise Operation Watchtower, grew increasingly concerned about its flagrant illegality, and conducted an investi-gation in an attempt to bring it to a halt,” writes Stich. “Fearing he might be killed because of the investigation, he prepared a fifteen-page, single-spaced affidavit dat-ed March 11, 1980, describing the CIA drug trafficking and other activities... Cutolo was killed, as were several other people working with him to expose the drug traf-ficking operations...

“The affidavit described the installation and operation of the radio beacon towers [to guide airplanes bringing in drugs] and several of the drug flights in which he participated.”

Relevant to the Tyree case itself: “The Cutolo affidavit described the killing of an Army servicewoman, Elaine Tyree, who had knowledge of Operation Watchtower which she described in her diary. To shift attention from the actual killer and his con-nection to the ongoing drug operation, the military charged Tyree’s husband with the killing,” Stich writes.

MacDonald told investigators that on the evening of February 16, he had fallen asleep on the living room couch. He told investigators that he was sleeping on the couch because his youngest daughter, Kristen, had been in bed with his wife and had wet his side of the bed. He was later awakened by the sounds of Colette and Kimberley’s screams. As he rose from the living room couch to go to their aid, he was attacked by three male intruders. A fourth intruder, described as a white female with long blond hair and wearing a white floppy hat partially covering her face, stood nearby with a lighted candle and chanted “Acid is groovy, kill the pigs.” The three males attacked him with a club and ice pick. During the struggle, MacDonald claimed that his pajama top was pulled over his head to his wrists and he then used it to ward off thrusts from the ice pick. Eventually, MacDonald stated that he was overcome by his assailants and was knocked unconscious in the living room end of the hallway leading to the bedrooms.

At 3:42 a.m. on the morning of February 17, 1970, dispatchers at Fort Bragg received an emergency phone call from MacDonald, who reported a “stabbing.” Four responding military police officers arrived to find Colette, Kimberley, and Kristen all dead in their respective bedrooms. Colette, who had been pregnant with her third child, was lying on the floor of her bedroom. She had been repeatedly clubbed (both her arms were broken) and stabbed 37 times (21 times with an ice pick and 16 times with a knife). Her husband’s torn pajama top was draped upon her chest. On the headboard of the bed the word “pig” was written in blood.

Five-year-old Kimberley was found in her bed, having been clubbed in the head and stabbed in the neck with a knife between eight and ten times. Two-year-old Kristen was found in her own bed; she had been stabbed with a knife 33 times and stabbed with an ice pick 15 times.

MacDonald was found next to his wife alive but wounded. His wounds did not come anywhere close to what his family had suffered. He was im-mediately taken to Womack Hospital that was nearby. MacDonald suffered cuts and bruises on his face and chest along with a mild concussion. He also had a stab wound on his left torso in what a staff surgeon referred to as a “clean, small, sharp” incision that caused one lung to partially collapse. He was treated at Womack Hospital and released after one week.

MacDonald is currently serving his sentence at a federal prison in Cumberland, Maryland and continues to maintain his innocence. His projected “release date” is April 5, 2071. At the urging of his second wife (whom he married in 2002) and his attorneys, he was granted a parole hearing on May 10, 2005. During the hearing, he did not admit guilt and argued that he is “factually innocent.” His parole request was denied. His next sched-uled hearing will be in May 2020.

The MacDonald Murders

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This affidavit also stated: “It was too risky to allow a military court to review the charges against Pvt Tyree...”

“At the first military hearing, the presiding judge found no reason to bind Pvt Tyree’s husband over for trial for the murder of his wife,” continues Stich. “This decision risked further investigation and possible exposure of the corrupt operation. Army pressure caused the county prosecutor to indict the husband for murdering his wife, even though the Army knew the actual killer was someone else. The Cutolo affidavit stated:

‘On 29 February 1980, Pvt Tyree was convicted of murder and will spend the du-ration of his life incarcerated. I could not disseminate intelligence gathered under Operation Orwell [a surveillance operation directed against US politicians] to notify civilian authorities [of] who actually killed Elaine Tyree.’”

Murder at Fort Devens featured Judge James Killam, who initially dismissed the case against Tyree, saying: “I didn’t believe a word the prosecution’s chief witness said. He had the skills to do a decapitation.” The judge was referring to Green Beret Earl Michael Peters, who was present when the murder was committed. Forensic evidence and witness testimony show that Tyree was not present, and that Peters was probably the real killer.

The lawsuit, filed on behalf of Bill Tyree by his attorney, Ray Kohlman, states that the Plaintiff is seeking US $63 million – $21 million for each year of incarceration and $42 million in exemplary damages – and is also seeking an injunction against the CIA from engaging in further illegal activities, as well as a new trial.

Bill Tyree, Dr MacDonald and many others, like former FBI Special Agent Richard Taus, have been falsely arrested, convicted and imprisoned. What’s new? Unlike the wrongfully imprisoned and recently released former Black Panther, Geronimo Pratt – who did 27 years for a murder he didn’t commit – they are still political prisoners in the American Gulag.

It’s called “Doing time for the CIA’s crimes.” After all, even the spooks make jokes that “CIA” stands for “Criminals in Action”.

III. SECRET HISTORY: Dead Men Do Tell Tales

The lawsuit by former Green Beret William Tyree against the CIA et al. is a work of art, a masterpiece of legal reasoning and an important historical source document. Why? Because, for the record, it contains first-hand knowledge and revelations by the late US Army Colonel Al Carone of a far-reaching criminal conspiracy, namely, US Government drug smuggling, money laundering, murder and cover-up. Carone’s information, corroborated with evidence from other sources, reveals a dark history of the United States that has been neglected by mainstream historians and censored by the Mega-Media Cartel.

First, the lawsuit questions the constitutionality and legality of so-called “Executive Orders.” According to the lawsuit, Executive Order #12333, for example, authorised the “privatization of intelligence and covert operations and permitted agencies other

Erik Aarhus was convicted of murder in the first degree of Elaine Tyree and was sentenced to life imprisonment. He appeals from his conviction, al-leging errors of law in the admission at his trial of physical evidence seized from his barracks room and statements he made to the police following his arrest. In addition, he seeks review pursuant to G.L. c. 278, Section 33E. We find no error or any reason for the exercise of our plenary powers under Section 33E. We affirm the judgment of conviction.

On August 13, 1979, the defendant filed a motion to suppress the statements he made on February 13, 1979. This motion was denied on December 10, 1979. On January 16, 1980, the trial attorney who was appointed after the defendant’s first attorney had withdrawn, moved to revoke the order denying the original motion to suppress evidence. After a hearing, the motion was again denied. Trial began on January 29, 1980. On February 7, 1980, the jury returned a verdict of guilty of murder in the first degree. The primary evidence implicating the defendant in this murder is not in dispute, as it primarily arose from his confession. Since the defendant has raised a number of objections about the process by which the police obtained the evidence, we shall review the sequence of events resulting in the defendant’s arrest and confession. The following facts appear from the findings of both the trial judge and the motion judge.

On January 30, 1979, Elaine Tyree, a servicewoman in the United States Army stationed at Fort Devens, in Ayer, Massachusetts, was found dead in her apartment. She had been stabbed repeatedly and her throat had been cut. Police suspicion quickly focused on her husband, William Tyree, Jr., also a member of the United States Army stationed at Fort Devens. Tyree was acquainted with the defendant, who, like the Tyrees, was an enlisted member of the Army assigned to Fort Devens. In early January, 1979, both Tyree and Aarhus had been subjected to nonjudicial disciplinary proceeding by their military superiors (referred to as an “article 15” by the military, see art. 15, 10 U.S.C. Section 815 - 1976) because of their alleged involvement in a theft of government property.

During questioning by the Ayer police, the State police, and the Army’s Criminal Investigation Division (CID), Tyree attempted to shift the focus of the murder investigation to Aarhus. During

an interview at the Ayer police station on Monday, February 12, 1979, Tyree stat-ed that he had arranged a meeting with Aarhus at the Tyrees’ apartment on Mon-day, January 29, 1979, the night before the murder, to discuss their art. 15 dis-ciplinary proceedings. However, Tyree claimed that he had changed his mind and told Aarhus not to come over. Never-theless, Aarhus went to the Tyrees’ apart-

ment on that Monday night. Tyree suggested that Aarhus’s behav-

ior made him a likely suspect for the murder. Tyree told

the officers, “I think it was Aarhus. I can’t ex-plain why he was at my house the night before it happened.”

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than the CIA to conduct ‘Special Activities’, thus effectively opening the door, pre-viously closed [by the National Security Act of 1947], to the White House National Security Council Staff or even private entities/assets, i.e., third-party cut-outs, to carry out covert operations”.

In plain language, this means that the CIA could subcontract or “farm out” its drug smuggling and assassinations to third-party personnel and continue to enjoy its “plausible deniability” status, i.e., denying any knowledge of or involvement with criminal activities.

According to the lawsuit, Tyree claims his false imprisonment was due to the theft of his murdered wife Elaine’s diaries - which contain evidence that would have exoner-ated him in his trial.

“Colonel Carone, either as a CIA asset/entity or as a CIA employee, did receive the diaries of Elaine Tyree in 1979,” reads the lawsuit. “Colonel Carone became aware of the information that was listed in the diaries that related to Operation Watch-tower and the illegal surveillance operation in New England/Massachusetts. Colonel Carone turned the diaries of Elaine Tyree over to the CIA for security reasons, in an effort to conceal the drug operation Watchtower and the subsequent surveillance operation that took place in New England/Massachusetts.

“Through Dee and Tom Ferdinand [Carone’s daughter and son-in-law], the Plaintiff [Tyree] learned for the first time in August 1995 that Colonel Carone had in fact been in possession of the diaries of Elaine Tyree and had subsequently travelled to Lang-ley, VA, to drop the diaries off at the CIA.”

The diaries of Mary Pinchot-Meyer (JFK’s mistress and the ex-wife of CIA opera-tive Cord Meyer) also mysteriously disappeared following her (unsolved) murder in 1964. Nina Burleigh’s book, A Very Private Woman (1998), appears to be a cover-up, or at least a “limited hangout”, concerning the life and death of Pinchot-Meyer. Did Mary Pinchot-Meyer, like Elaine Tyree, know too much? More importantly, did they document the Agency’s illegal “fun and games”?

All Along The Watchtower: Bill Tyree’s Story

According to the lawsuit: “[Tyree] took part in a US Army - CIA Operation Watch-tower which brought cocaine out of Colombia into the US air base, Albrook Air Sta-tion, Panama, where the planes (not US Air Force planes, but planes of other Latin American countries and some unmarked airplanes) landed and offloaded the cocaine while the mission commander Colonel A. J. Baker and Colonel Noriega, among oth-ers, looked on.”

“...in February and March 1976, a second and third Watchtower operation took place under the command of Colonel Edward Cutolo, and more cocaine was brought into Albrook Air Station, Panama. [Tyree], who was also involved in a non-volunteer capacity as Crew Chief on a US Army helicopter, saw CIA Officer Edwin Wilson, CIA Officer Frank Terpil, CIA Asset/Officer Colonel Albert V. Carone, and Israeli Colonel Michael Harari.


I, Edward P. Cutolo, having been duly sworn, do state under oath;

1. I am currently the Commanding Officer of the 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne), 1st Special Forces,

Fort Devens, Massachusetts.

2. I swear affirmation to the contents of this affidavit freely and without coercion or threat to my person.

3.In Dec., 1975, I spoke with Col. “Bo” Baker concerning a classified mission he commanded during that month, inside Co-

lombia. The mission was known as Watch Tower.

4. Following a lengthy discussion with Col. Baker, I was introduced to Mr. Edwin Wilson and Mr. Frank Terpil. Both Wilson and Terpil were in the employ of the Central Intelligence Agency. Both Wilson and Terpil inquired if I was interested in working for short periods of time in Colombia and I acknowledged that I was.

5. In Feb., 1976, I commanded the second Watchtower Mission into Colombia. This mission was 22 days long and ended with only one reportable incident occurring between team members and a Colombian army unit. There were no fatalities received by Watchtower team members. There was no indication that the Colombian army unit sustained fatalities.

6. The purpose of Operation Watchtower was to establish a series of three electronic beacon towers beginning outside of Bogota, Colombia and running northeast to the border of Panama. Once the Watchtower teams (Special Action Teams) were in place, the beacon was activated to emit a signal that aircraft could fix on and fly undetected from Bogota into Panama, then land at Albrook Air Station.

7. During the Feb., 1976, Watchtower Mission, 30 high performance aircraft landed safely at Albrook Air Station where the plane were met by Col. Tony Noriega, who is a Panama Defence Force Officer currently assigned to the Customs and Intelligence Section. Noriega normally was in the company of other PDF officers known to me as Major Diaz-Herrera, Major Luis del Cid, Major Ramirez. Also present at most of the arrivals, was Edwin Wilson, and an unidentified male Israeli national.

8. The cargo flown from Colombia into Panama was cocaine.

Complete Affidavit at: http://www.copi.com/articles/guyatt/affidavit.html

An Israeli


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“In late 1976, Colonel George Bayard, US Army, CIA Middle East Expert, contacted US Army Special Forces Colonel Edward Cutolo and James N. Rowe and told them that Operation Watchtower was not a sanctioned US congressional operation, and he had found out this information through a Middle East Intelligence contact associated with a bank known as BCCI.

“In 1977, Colonel Bayard went to Atlanta, Georgia, to follow up on a lead, and con-tacted Colonel Rowe from Atlanta. Colonel Bayard was murdered in Atlanta after he spoke to Colonel Rowe, and that murder remains unsolved...

“In October 1977, Tyree arrived at the 10th Special Forces Group Airborne, Ft De-vens, Massachusetts, and the Group Commander was Colonel John Shalikashvili.”

On December 31, 1977, Bill Tyree married Elaine. She was an avid diarist who had been keeping detailed notes on all the illegal activities she was observing. On January 30, 1979, Elaine Tyree was murdered. Judge James Killam III entered a written deci-sion that SP4 Earl Michael Peters killed Elaine Tyree and that “Pvt Aarhus assisted SP4 Peters in killing Elaine Tyree.”

In a bizarre string of events: “...on June 6, 1979, in an unprecedented decision from the Single Justice of the SJC [Supreme Judicial Court], not only did the SJC strike down all criminal charges against Peters, but issued the order which forbids any court in Massachusetts from issuing criminal process against anyone in the Elaine Tyree homicide unless authorised to do so by the SJC,” according to the lawsuit.

“After Erik Aarhus stood trial for the murder and was convicted and sentenced to life in prison, Tyree himself went on trial and was convicted without testimony of Erik Aarhus on February 29, 1980.”

A pretty good frame, if you can get away with it.

Elaine Tyree’s Diaries Were RealBut To Die For?

In August - September 1996, former Army CID investigator Bill McCoy introduced Bill Tyree to Dee Carone-Ferdinand, the daughter of Colonel Carone.

According to the lawsuit, after a two-year-long correspondence by phone, a stunning breakthrough occurred in the case when “...Dee Ferdinand at a point notified the Plain-tiff [Tyree] that she was the daughter of Colonel Carone, and said: ‘My father had the diaries that belonged to your wife Elaine. He went to Langley, Virginia, to drop them off with “the boys.” That’s what he said. I read some of the diaries, or at least the parts that my father showed me. I saw the photograph in the front of the diaries that was of you and your wife.’”

Unfortunately, in 1997, CW4 William H. McCoy was found dead in his home in Fairfax, Virginia, and was immediately cremated before the medical examiner could determine the cause of death.

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According to the lawsuit, McCoy told Tyree: “No matter what happens, if I die and you’re not sure what I died from, have my family get an independent medical examiner to check me out. Be sure. Give me your word.”

McCoy, after all, was concerned that people just seemed to drop dead after they delved into the CIA cocaine operation at Mena, Arkansas. Among the dead were Stanley Huggins, Kevin Ives, Donald Henry, Keith McCaskell, Greg Collins, Jeff Rhodes and Richard Winters. Or they got “suicided” – like writer Danny Casolaro, attorney Paul Wilcher and NSA Colonel Vince Foster. Etcetera. Etcetera.

Fighting Commies With Drug Profits: Al Carone’s Story

“The CIA had predicted a large communist build-up in Latin America in the early 1970s,” Carone told Tyree.

“Operation Watchtower was initiated to pre-position drugs in Panama/Central America from South America to fund covert actions against the predicted communist threat. The prediction became reality and the flow of cocaine into the United States increased as a result of the prediction. The American people wouldn’t sufficiently fund a covert action anywhere, following Vietnam, for the amount of money which was needed. The cocaine couldn’t be moved into the United States until an avenue was established that took the CIA out of the picture, because the CIA was already busy fending off allega-tions of trafficking drugs out of Southeast Asia and Europe, and the CIA couldn’t be tied in to the Latin American cocaine at all.

“Once Ronald Reagan became President,” Carone continued, “his old-time friend Wil-liam Casey, the head of the CIA, was able to convince him to sign Executive Order #12333 into effect, which took the CIA out of covert operations business, authorized the use of private assets/entities to be used by the National Security Council to conduct covert operations including the drug smuggling... Allowing private assets and entities to do the dirty work meant the CIA could do whatever it wanted to do, in or out of the United States...”

In other words, EO #12333 privatized CIA’s drug smuggling, making the Agency even more insulated from discovery of its criminal activities.

“You had NSC staffers that were tied right into the drug trafficking themselves, like Ollie North,” Carone said, continuing his history lesson. “Hell, his diary had every-thing in it. Between his diary and your wife’s [Elaine Tyree’s] diaries, the whole thing is blown. Totally compromised.”

“I remember seeing him [North] write over 200 entries in his diary that related to major drug profits being used to buy weapons for the Contras,” continued Carone. “The diary of Ollie North alone would prove what I’ve told you and show the violation of 50 USC §403 and everything.”

North’s diary, for example, contained the following entry:

“July 5, 1985 - $14 million to buy arms came from drugs.” (Continued Page 23)

I, William J. Casey declare:

I have found freedom is a priceless commodity that demands con-stant vigilance to guarantee it’s longevity.


My actions may be recorded as a criminal, condemning countless Americans to drug dependency. I don’t care. I stand by my decision. The tool is cocaine. The trick is to understand that the drug user had a choice. They chose the drug. I chose their habit to finance the democracy that all Americans enjoy.


Bill Colby had the spine to carry it out. I take notice of the heroic efforts of Al Carone, Bill Clinton, Bill Weld, John Poindexter, Bud McFarlane and Ollie North.

Executed this 9th day of December, 1986, in McLean, Virginia.

Affidavit Of William J. Casey

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The Tool IsCocaine!

The William J. Casey affidavit, page 19-20, is a startling and abominable admission that the addiction of 100s of 1000s of American citizens to crack cocaine and the social misery associated with it is an acceptable policy for the US government political elite. These people don’t give a flying fuck about any of us.

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Casey’s apologia pro vita sua (below)is the classic defence of a world-class criminal psychopath.

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Busted The CIA Takes A Hit

“Protection of America’s Skies?”

But the “Royal Sons” connection may prove even more enlightening... While Huffman Aviation’s familiar blue-aw-ning flight school was at 400 E Airport, its hangar was several hundred feet down the runway, at 224 E Airport Ave. Royal Sons used this same address, apparently during the same time frame that the flight school was serving as the home-away-from-home of terrorist ringleader Mohamed Atta. A close look at Royal Sons reveals evidence indicating that the firm is part of a cluster of related air charter firms being used as dummy front companies to provide “cover” for CIA flights. The companies involved include Royal Sons, Express One International, Genesis Aviation and United Flite Inc. All four companies appear to be engaged in an inter-locking and time-honored Agency schemes going back 50 years: using frequent cosmetic transfers of aircraft title to make positively identifying the ownership of any one plane at any given time as difficult as finding the pea under the shell in a game of three-card Monte. While none of the firms has been identified as a CIA aviation contractor, they have also not previously been the focus of the sort of unwelcome attention that getting caught with five tons of cocaine provides.

Tell us again...What happened to the pilot?

When the story first broke, observers immediately noted that it was em-barrassingly thin in certain crucial details. For example, initial reports stated that the Mexican Army had been waiting for the plane when it landed. Yet when Mexican Gen. Carlos Gaytan held a news confer-ence, he told reporters that his soldiers had unfortunately been unable to apprehend the plane’s pilot. Somehow, Houdini-like, the slippery fellow had gotten away.

Amazingly, the “disappeared” DC9 pilot who slithered through a crack in the line of Mexican troops ringing the airport had also had the pres-ence of mind to take his name with him when he fled. Almost ten days later, the pilot remains unidentified. To compensate, General Gaytan quickly pointed out that his men had, at least, managed to arrest the plane’s co-pilot. But suspicion had already been aroused. It seemed almost exactly like what had happened when terror flight school owner Wally Hilliard’s Lear jet got busted with 43 pounds of heroin aboard. Somehow, his pilot got off scot-free, too.

“Being connected means never having to say you’re sorry.”

Could the reason involve some official sanction enjoyed by the drug trafficking operation involved? This explanation would seem to be ruled out, wouldn’t it, if the traffickers get caught? Maybe not. There’s another major “anomaly” in the story, which points towards a simpler explanation, which credits the sharpness and dedication to their jobs of low-level agents or grunts, foot soldiers, literally, in the drug war. The record is replete with examples of how these people regularly stumble onto situations they were never meant to see... like an illicit but ‘protected’ operation. The result is that, sometimes, cases get made, and people get arrested, by mistake. While initial news accounts indicated the bust was the result of a tip to Mexican authorities from U.S. officials, later reports from reporters on the scene tell a far different tale, one indicating that the chain of events was triggered, not by high-level contacts between two vigilant drug-fighting governments, but by soldiers patrolling the airport. Only then did local army officials deploy troops to the airport.

One of the two owners of the DC9 (tail number N900SA) busted at an airport in Ciudad del Carmen in the state of Campeche, Mexico freighting 5.5 tons of cocaine had been appointed in 2003 to the Business Advisory Council of the National Republican Congressional Committee by then-Congressional Majority Leader Tom Delay.

The plane’s registered owner, “Royal Sons LLC,” a Florida air charter company, was at one time housed in a hanger at the Venice Fl. Airport owned by infamous flight school Huffman Aviation. Also of major significance is the fact that photos of the DC9, seized in Ciudad del Carmen, reveal that the plane is painted with the distinctive blue and white color color scheme of official U.S. Government planes. Moreover, to reinforce the effect, or subterfuge, the plane carries an official-look-ing Seal painted on its side, which reads: SKY WAY AIRCRAFT, PROTECTION OF AMERICA’S SKIES, around an image of a federal eagle clutching the familiar olive branch in its talons. Many have been fooled into concluding that the plane belongs to the U.S. Transporta-tion Security Administration.

This has obvious and highly serious national security implications, which go well beyond the obvious glee involved in playing political “gotcha” with people caught face-down with their noses buried, Tony Montana-style, in over five tons of cocaine.

Who, exactly, are the “Royal Sons?”

The DC9 was purchased in a partnership between “Royal Sons Motor Yacht Sales, Inc. DBA Royal Sons” and a company owned by Brent Kovar called Skyway Communications Holding Corp, which jointly signed a loan with United Bank and Trust Company in St. Petersburg, FL. for $1.5 million. Skyway Communication’s principal Kovar must have been looking well forward to justify the purchase; the company was then in the middle of losing $40 million in less than three years, between 2002 and its last annual report before bankruptcy in January 2005. Not that Tom DeLay seemed to mind. He and buddy Brent Kovar’s press release deserves special mention.

“Congressman Tom Delay, Majority Leader, has appointed Brent C Kovar to serve as the Honorary Chairman, Busi-ness Advisory Council,” read the headline of an August 7, 2003 release from PrimeZone Media newswire and press release service. The Business Advisory Council, explained the release, was part of the National Republican Congres-sional Committee, “dedicated to making sure that small business has a voice in Washington.” Kovar was appointed “in recognition of his valuable contributions and dedication to the Republican Party,” and was “expected to play a crucial role in the party’s efforts to involve top businesspeople in the process of government reform both at the state and federal levels.” While the release left the specific nature of Kovar’s “crucial role in the GOP’ efforts” a bit vague, a look at the other owner of the DC9, dubbed “Cocaine One,” offers clues which help fill in the blanks.

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July 15, 2010by Daniel Hopsicker

“The New American Drug Lords” http://www.danielhopsicker.tv

The identity of the pilot of the American-registered DC-9 (N900SA) from St. Petersburg FL caught carrying 5.5 tons of cocaine in Mexico’s Yucatan several years ago, long a mystery, finally saw the light of day recent-ly in Mexico. Carmelo Vasquez Guerra, a Venezuelan, was the DC9’s pilot who was said to have “escaped” from the airport while his airplane was being seized, and four other members of his crew were arrested.

He was later taken into custody by Mexican authorities, and charged with flying an airplane packed with 128 identical suitcases filled with cocaine. Getting caught with 5.5 tons of cocaine would seem to call for some serious jail time. Reporters in Mexico assumed he’d been sent to prison for, like... forever. So imagine reporter Francisco Gomez of Mexico City’s El Universal surprise when he made a startling discovery: Car-melo Vasquez Guerra — amazingly and inexplicably — had been released from prison less than two years after being arrested. The shocking news was delivered via an international headline stating that a pilot named Carmelo Vasquez Guerra had been arrested in the West African nation of Guinea Bissau on a twin-engine Gulfstream II carrying... what else? 550 kilos — a half-ton — of cocaine.

Article at: http://www.madcowprod.com/07152010.htm

Here’s what the soldiers saw: two Mexican pilots arriving in a small Falcon business jet and spending several days conspicu-ously slouching around the airport. While they probably didn’t say what for, they didn’t have to... Because they did offer to pay for the DC-9 to make an emergency landing, at a time when the airport was officially closed. Du-uh. John Gotti would have called the two pilots “fucking dunskies.” Nobody knows what their bosses are calling them now, but the men would be well-advised to consider how it was that they got, literally, caught “holding...” while the gringo pilot got away.

Carrying water for somebody, sure. But who?

Both of the detained Mexican pilots, published reports that revealed that they were employees of the Mexican government’s Federal Water Commission. But they may not be the only pilots drawing government paychecks who participated in the mas-sive drug move. The pilot of the DC9 may also be cashing checks which – while not stamped with Uncle Sam’s name on the front – are still ultimately being drawn from U.S. government funds. Another anomaly reinforced this suspicion. While the Venice Airport is a tiny facility with barely a dozen businesses strewn along the runway, no one we spoke to at Royal Son’s former Venice Airport address could recall the company having been there. Nor did the names of the firms two principals, Frederic Geffon and Ron Gregory, ring any bells. “Royal Sons” would not be the first phantom firm discovered hiding inside Huffman Aviation. Britannia Aviation, once “housed” inside the flight school, was later revealed to be all-but non-existent during a major brouhaha in Jerry Falwell’s Lynchburg Virginia after being awarded, for no apparent reason aviation observers were able to fathom, a fat government aviation contract for which a local Lynchburg firm was clearly much better qualified.

“Don’t touch my bags if you please, Mr. Custom’s Man”

Of course Huffman Aviation’s owner Wally Hilliard had his own Lear jet busted by DEA agents, during the same month Mohamed Atta arrived at his flight school, unhappy to discover 43 pounds of heroin aboard.

The Orlando Sentinel called it “the biggest heroin bust in Central Florida history.”

Two surreal details of the 5-ton cocaine bust deserve mention...

Being connected to two such world-class drug busts in a matter of only a few years does not by itself indicate that the sleepy retirement community of blue-haired widows is about to replace Palermo or Caracas as the place to see and be seen in the international narcotics trade, it seems fair to say the tiny rural Venice Airport is clearly the “Little Engine That Could.”

But the most surreal detail this side of the Salvador Dali museum is that the cocaine was packed into 128 identical black suitcases...

Clearly every baggage handler’s worst nightmare.

But the surreal part is this: stenciled on the side of each of the 128 pieces of identical black luggage is the word “Private.”

What does this mean? A libertarian battle cry? Or an admonition to nosy Customs agents:

“Gentlemen do not search each other’s luggage.”

5 Tons Of Cocaine

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Un-indicted drug kingpin Oliver North is still free, while William Tyree has served 20 years in prison. Why? Because corrupt officials in the CIA, Department of Defense, Department of Justice and the office of the President continue the cover-up.

Colonel Carone told Tyree that “Operation Watchtower provided cocaine that was sold to finance anti-communist operations in Latin America because the US Congress has shut down general funding of anti-communist activities in that area,” while heroin traf-ficking by the CIA in Southeast Asia was used to fight communism there. Selling drugs to fight communism has to be one of the biggest ironies of the 20th century.

“At the CIA there were a few people in the right positions who blamed the decline of American culture on people of color living in the United States,” said Carone. “The blame of the fall of American culture began with the creation of the National Security Memorandum 200, which stated among other things the concern of overpopulation in the United States. Many at the CIA attributed it to the birthrate among people of color, and there were some at the CIA that felt that physical slavery could be replaced by pharmaceutical slavery, and that’s why African-American gangs, i.e., ‘Bloods’ and ‘Crips’ were singled out for distributing the drugs brought into the United States by the CIA.”

Carone also told Tyree that he had “...delivered money to the Los Angeles-based gangs, i.e., the Bloods and the Crips, which are among the most violent African-American gangs in the United States. He had delivered money to the gangs because they were on the CIA payroll under Executive Order 12333 which allowed for the CIA to hire outside sources to help the CIA perform their jobs. He had delivered money to the gangs because they transported drugs across the United States, i.e., Atlanta, Norfolk, Philadelphia, New York and Boston.”

Carone’s information dovetails exactly with the in-depth investigations of Gary Webb in his book, Dark Alliance (Seven Stories Press, 1998).

Up Against the Beast: High-level Drug Running

A number of whistleblowers are suing the CIA and other US Government officials to expose their complicity in drug-trafficking operations and cover-ups.


Class Action Lawsuit Alleges Federal Statute Violations

Despite documented evidence by government whistleblowers, the US Central Intel-ligence Agency (CIA) and the Department of Justice (DoJ) have never been held ac-countable for their collusion in and/or acquiescence to drug trafficking. On March 15, 1999, however, class action lawsuits were filed by attorneys Katya Komisaruk, Wil-liam M. Simpich and Kenneth Frucht on behalf of Rosemary Lyons and Olivia Woods in northern California and Donna J. Warren and Berlina M. Doss in southern California (Case No. 99-02603).

El Paso, Texas - Margarita Morales Fernandez couldn’t be in court to see the former CIA agent who allegedly killed her father and 72 others aboard a Cuban airplane in one of the world’s worst airline attacks before September 11, 2001. Fernandez and hundreds of other victims are carefully watching the trial of former CIA operative Luis Posada Carriles in US federal court. His 11 charges include perjury for lying to US immigration officials, but terror-related offences are not on the docket. “It will be 34 years since the terrorist attack that killed my father, but I remember it like it was yesterday, “Fernandez told Al Jazeera in a phone interview from Havana, Cuba. “I don’t think this trial takes us closer to justice.”

Victims of terrorism

On October 6, 1976 a bomb exploded on Cubana Airlines flight 455, blowing it out of the sky and into the waters off Barbados, killing everyone on board, including Fernandez’s father, the captain of Cuba’s national fencing team. Posada, 82, a Cuban-born Venezuelan-citizen, was considered the mastermind — a CIA-trained explosives expert who would stop at nothing in his personal vendetta against Cuban president Fidel Castro. Planned in Venezuela, the attack killed mostly Cuban nationals. “The terrorist activities of Posada Carriles are part of the [current US court] indictment, but they are not what he is being prosecuted for,” said José Pertierra, a Cuban-born Washington lawyer who is representing Venezuela’s interests at the trial. “He is only being prosecuted for lying about them [attacks]… to an immigration judge in a naturalization hearing.” Venezuela jailed Posada for the bombing, but the wily operative escaped from prison disguised as a priest and eventually fled to the US, stopping in other Latin American countries along the way where he continued his anti-Castro activities. Venezuela has repeatedly called for his extradition. “For many years, the truth has been hidden,” Fernandez said. “But I want people to learn that there are a lot of victims of terrorism in Cuba as well as in the US and other countries.”

Fury and personal vendetta

To examine the life of Luis Posada Carriles is to re-live the worst periods of the Cold War – and beyond. Angry about Cuba’s 1959 revolution, he joined CIA Brigade 2506 in February 1961 to invade the island as part of the ill-fated attack known as the Bay of Pigs, declassified documents reveal. While Posada himself did not fight at the Bay of Pigs, CIA officials thought he was promising and he joined US army in 1963 at their behest, training at Ft. Benning, Georgia. By 1965, he was a paid CIA operative stationed in Miami. “The CIA taught us everything,” he told The New York Times in

The Curious Case Of Luis PosadaJanuray 19, 2011

Posada, 82, a Cuban-born Venezuelan citizen, was considered the mastermind of the Cubana airline bombing, and a CIA-trained explosives expert who would stop at nothing in his personal vendetta against Fidel Castro.

From Al Jazeera at:http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/fea-tures/2011/01/2011112104142751917.html

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1998. “They taught us explosives, how to kill, bomb, trained us in acts of sabotage.” He stayed with the agency in Miami until 1967, and later became a “paid asset” in Venezuela from 1968 to 1976, according to declassified documents.

CIA trained and well-connected

After the Cuban attack, and his escape from prison, Posada returned to the CIA’s payroll in the 1980s, supervising arms shipments to the Contras in Nicaragua as part of what became known as the Iran-Contra affair, a murky scandal where the US government funneled money from arms sales to Iran — its official enemy – to right-wing militias in Nicaragua. His history with the CIA and other clandestine operations means that Posada “has a lot of secrets to tell and friends in high places in Washington,” Pertierra, Venezuela’s lawyer, said in an interview with Al Jazeera outside the court-house. Cold War history and imagery loomed large during the trial. At one point, a middle-aged man wearing all black clothing, a beret, combat boots and dark glasses, who said he was a member of the Black Panther Party, the iconic 1960s black-rights militant group, walked into the court room. He left soon after, looking bored with the proceedings. But Posada’s crimes are not just a matter for historians, as Fernandez quickly points out. “Since our father died, our family has been so sad,” she said. His attacks continued long after the fall of the Berlin Wall. In 2000, a Panamanian court convicted him of attempting to kill Cuban president Fidel Castro with 200 pounds of dynamite. He was pardoned by the country’s outgoing president four years later and set free.


During an interview with The New York Times in 1998, Posada admitted to organizing a series of hotel bombings in Cuba a year earlier, injuring 11 people and killing Italian businessman Fabio diCelmo. “We just wanted to make a big scandal so that the tourists don’t come anymore,” Posada told the newspaper. “The Italian was in the wrong place at the wrong time, but I sleep like a baby.” Understandably after comments like this, Posada’s at-torneys wouldn’t let him speak to media during the trial. The author of the New York Times piece will be called as a witness during the case. Posada has since stated that he mis-spoke in the interview because he is not fluent in English. Posada, 82, turned up in Miami in 2005 and gave a public news conference, angering some US officials. He claims to have arrived in Miami on a bus, after sneaking into the US by crossing the Rio Grande River from Mexico. He was indicted by a Grand Jury in Texas for unlawfully entering the US in 2005, although the charges were later dismissed.

That year, Venezuela again asked for his extradition. But officials denied extradition to Venezuela or Cuba, stating that Posada could be tortured in those countries. “The only evidence I have seen of torture in Cuba comes from the US military base at Guantanamo Bay,” Pertierra said. Pertierra, along with officials from the Department of Homeland Security, think the claim that Posada crossed into the US through Texas is preposterous, as the illegal journey across the border is too arduous for a man in his eighties facing health problems. “I have to ask myself, did he really cross the desert?” Gina Garrett-Jackson, a lawyer for the Department of Homeland Security, said while being questioned in the witness stand during court testimony on Tuesday. Jackson faced cross-examination by Posada’s attorneys, who argued that she involved the Department of Justice and other branches of government in Posada’s initial immigration case in order to lay the groundwork for criminal charges related his to terrorist activity.

Mastermind of terrorist plots and attacks

Posada had initially presented a claim for political asylum in the US, before his legal team unilaterally withdrew that plan. Jackson said Posada failed the requirements for political asylum in the US in 2005 due to his conviction for plotting the bombing in Panama and other mis-deeds. In court, law-yers played audio recordings of the 2005 asylum hearing, when Jackson, who was working for the Department of Homeland Security, questioned Posada. “This Cuba bombing campaign in 1997 was a very big event, would you agree?” Jackson asked. “I don’t know, I have no opinion,” Posada responded.

A 2006 statement from the US Department of Justice states: “Luis Posada-Carriles is an admitted mastermind of terrorist plots and attacks ... a flight risk … [and] a danger to the community.” But the Justice Department’s view does not seem to be shared by other branches of the US government. The incriminating secrets Posada likely posses, tense relations between the US, Cuba and Venezuela and domestic political concerns — the anti-Castro Cuban population in Miami holds national electoral clout far beyond its numbers – mean that extradition or terrorism charges seem unlikely. “This case illustrates the double face of the US war on terrorism,” Pertierra, who represents Venezuelan interests, said as court adjourned for lunch. “You can’t pick and choose which terrorists you prosecute and which ones you protect. You can’t have first class victims and second class victims; all vic-tims must be mourned equally.”

The suit names the Central Intelligence Agency, the United States Department of Justice, Estate of William Casey, Robert Gates, John Deutch, George Tenet, Estate of William French Smith, Edwin Meese, Richard Thornburgh, Janet Reno and oth-ers as Defendants, alleging that these US Government agencies and employees were responsible for the 1980s crack cocaine epidemic and the resulting social and eco-nomic devastation of inner city communities.

According to the Statement of Facts: “On March 16, 1998, CIA Inspector-General Frederick Hitz appeared before the House Intelligence Committee to report on his investigation of the CIA, the Contras and crack cocaine. Hitz testified that, beginning in 1982, the CIA entered into an undisclosed agreement with the Department of Jus-tice, allowing CIA officers to refrain from reporting drug trafficking by its ‘agents, assets and non-staff employees’. Hitz admitted that ‘there are instances where the CIA did not, in an expeditious or consistent fashion, cut off relationships with indi-viduals supporting the Contra program, who were alleged to have engaged in drug trafficking activity, or take action to resolve the allegation.’

“When asked by Congressman Norman Dicks of Washington, ‘Did any of these al-legations involve trafficking in the United States?,’ Hitz’s answer was ‘Yes.’ Hitz acknowledged that the CIA knew of drug trafficking allegations ‘regarding dozens of individuals and a number of companies connected in some fashion to the Contra program or the Contra movement.’

“Hitz recounts in Volume II of the Inspector-General’s Report dated 10/9/98 that through the secret agreement, the CIA and DoJ attempted to exempt the CIA from reporting about the drug trafficking of persons employed by, assigned to, or acting for an agency within the intelligence community.”

Since the CIA itself admitted to having knowledge of its own “assets” being involved in illegal activities, the argument seems to be indisputable.

“Plaintiff claims that the CIA/DoJ agreement violated a federal statute, 28 USC §535,” the lawsuit alleges, “which imposes a duty on every department and agency in the Executive Branch to report promptly to the Attorney General any information, allegations or complaints relating to possible violations of [criminal law] by officers and employees of the government.”

In other words, if federal agency employees are aware of violations, these must also be reported. There is another category of criminal code violation called “misprision of felony”, which refers to the offence of concealing knowledge of a felony by one who has not participated in it. CIA officials could be charged with this as well.

“The private CIA/DoJ agreement attempted to get around this federal law by rede-fining the term ‘employee’ to mean only full-time career officials - as opposed to persons ‘employed by, assigned to, or acting for an agency within the intelligence community.’ In addition, the secret agreement violated Executive Order 12333 is-sued in 1981, which required the reporting of drug crimes.”

The suit also states that the 1989 Kerry Report (“Drugs, Law Enforcement and For-eign Policy”) made specific findings that “drug trafficking had pervaded the entire

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Contra war effort, that ‘one or another agency of the US Government had informa-tion regarding the involvement either while it was occurring or immediately after’ and that ‘senior policy makers were not immune to the idea that drug money was a perfect solution to the Contras’ funding problems.”

A Little History, Please

“In the opening phase of the crack cocaine epidemic, between 1982 and 1986, CIA officers and other intelligence agencies received reports regarding Bay Area cocaine importers Norman Meneses and Danilo Blandon,” the class action lawsuit alleges.

“Both of these men were among the primary importers in the United States and dominated the market on the West Coast. Because of the secret CIA/DoJ agree-ment which purported to exempt the CIA from having to report drug crimes, co-caine suppliers connected with the Contras or other US covert operations were able to import their ‘unregulated product’ under the cloak of national security.

“Meneses and Blandon funneled vast quantities of cocaine, at a price far lower than other suppliers, to ‘Freeway Rick’ Ross, who proceeded to flood south-central Los Angeles with a new, low-cost product dubbed ‘crack.’ By 1984, Ross was sell-ing 150 kilograms of cocaine every week, enough to put 3,000,000 doses of crack on LA’s streets every seven days.

“The crack cocaine epidemic enveloped Los Angeles between 1982 and 1986. Government documents show that the CIA and DoJ knew or should have known of the massive importations by Meneses, Blandon and other cocaine supplying opera-tions,” the lawsuit continues.

“Common sense and a review of the news coverage for that period indicate that these agencies knew or should have known that their ongoing policy of deliberate silence allowed the crack epidemic to rage unchecked. The CIA turned its back while shipment after shipment of this new, intensely addictive form of cocaine was delivered to one of Ross’s five cookhouses and then put up for sale throughout south-central Los Angeles and Compton. The result was the death of men, women and children, the collapse of businesses and the destruction of whole neighbor-hoods.

“Once the initial southern California market was glutted, crack moved north. Mid-level dealers diverted the flow to other African-American communities in California, such as East Palo Alto, San Francisco, Oakland and Richmond. The consequences to these communities, in terms of loss of life, family structure and economic power, continue to this day.”

The lawsuit categorized two classes of plaintiffs: (a) inner city residents of northern and southern California (Alameda, Contra Costa, San Francisco, San Mateo coun-ties), “largely African-American, who experienced particular economic, physical and/or emotional injuries arising from the neighborhoods hardest hit by the crack cocaine epidemic, such as addictions to crack, death or absence of loved ones due to drug-related crimes, reduction of income and increase in the number of depen-

“Freeway Ricky Ross”Former cocaine kingpins have plenty to worry about: getting out of prison, finding gainful employment, dodging vengeful rivals from their previous lives. Apparently, brand protection is another. Infamous drug trafficker Ricky “Freeway Rick” Ross is suing rapper William “Rick Ross” Roberts, Universal’s Def Jam music label, and former Def Jam President Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter for alleged violations including trademark infringement, misap-propriation, unfair competition, fraud and unjust enrichment, among others. The lawsuit demands $50 million in damages.

“My client established the name for over 25 years, and Wil-liam Roberts has and had no right to use the name, but he did, with the assistance of Def Jam, Universal and Jay-Z,” says Melvin Sharpe, Jr., one of Ross’s attorneys. “Since my cli-ent was in jail, they took unfair advantage and they all acted in bad faith and willfully violated my client’s rights.”

According to Sharpe, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office refused Roberts’s request to register “Rick Ross” as his rap moniker. When then-President Jay-Z signed Roberts to Def Jam, the label didn’t clear the use of the name. Roberts’ first two albums, Port of Miami (2006) and Trilla (2008), went on to sell over 500,000 copies apiece, and the rap-per raked in $6 million last year, according to Forbes. In addition to hefty financial considerations, Ricky Ross’s lawsuit demands that Roberts’s next album – Teflon Don, scheduled for a July 20 release – be put on hold until the case is decided. Representatives for Roberts, Jay-Z and Def Jam/Universal Music declined to comment on the matter. Street credibility is a valuable asset, and Ricky Ross may be the first former drug trafficker to attempt to use the U.S. court system to assign it a price tag. Whether or not a name can be defended by the same set of laws broken to build it remains to be seen, espe-cially in the case of such a prolific criminal. Ross was the premier distributor of crack cocaine in Los Ange-les and beyond during the 1980s, thanks largely to his connection with CIA-linked supplier Oscar Blandon. Ross claims he often moved $2 million to $3 million of crack per day. “Our biggest problem had got to be counting the money,” Ross told the San Jose Mercury News in 1996. “We got to the point where it was like, man, we don’t want to count no more money.”

Ross landed in jail after Blandon allegedly set him up, and was initially sentenced to life without parole in 1996. The Federal Court of Appeals later reduced Ross’s sentence to 20 years. He was released for good behavior in 2009.

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dents”, and (b) “residents of the metropolitan areas of the counties listed above who experienced injuries suffered by the community as a whole, such as lack of safety, overburdened social services, loss of local businesses and damage to the tax base”.

CIA/DoJ Liable for Crack Epidemic

According to the lawsuit’s Theory of Causation, “the signatories of the CIA/DoJ secret agreement – Attorney General William French Smith and CIA Director Wil-liam Casey – and their successors, agencies and agents are legally liable for the pipeline of crack cocaine which inundated California urban centers from 1982 to 1986, and for the after-effects which continue to the present day”.

“Smith, Casey, their successors and their agents knew or should have known that failing to report drug crimes would interfere with law enforcement agencies’ ef-forts to halt the importations of cocaine,” the lawsuit continues, “and that this would ultimately result in a ‘crack epidemic’ involving addiction, death, increased crime, higher taxes, exhaustion of social services and destruction of businesses. The outcome followed the well-known pattern of opium in China and heroin in the United States which similarly devastated low-income urban communities.”

“The proof of the harm which ensued is based on official statistical evidence from city and county budgets, public health departments, hospitals, police departments, courts and jails. In addition, individual plaintiffs and witnesses will testify con-cerning the injuries they sustained due to the crack epidemic.”

This class action suit against the CIA demands a jury trial and no specific dollar amount for damages, but certainly “money to rebuild the community and to fund drug treatment.”

“To a large degree, we tried to take it [the lawsuit] verbatim from government docs,” said one of the lead attorneys, Bill Simpich of Oakland, California, in a telephone interview.

“We’re trying to use this case as a floor,” he continued, “so we can start with this very stark premise: the CIA had a written agreement with the DoJ, starting in 1982, that they did not have to report drug trafficking. The critical issue here is the admission that they had a written policy not to report, and then ‘let the chips fall where they may.’ They can offer any explanation they want – and none of them are good.”

V. United States Military AndCIA Drug Trafficking:

Green Berets, Drug-Running Gofers

According to the Tyree lawsuit, Colonel Carone told Tyree: “I’ve worked with Green Berets (Special Forces) all over the world... Most of the guys trained Con-tras, in violation of the Boland Amendment, at Special Forces ‘A Camps’ built on

In this letter (right) from Attorney General William French Smith (above) to Director of the CIA William J. Casey dated February 11th, 1982, Smith makes it clear that, “no formal requirement re-garding the reporting of narcotics has been included in” the pro-cedures governing CIA activity as outlined in the list of report-able non-employee crimes as determined by the legal code in Section IV, 21 USC 874 in light of “the fine cooperation the Drug Enforcement Administration has received from CIA.” The William French Smith letter at right appears in a larger more easily readable version on page 46. The US govern-ment CIA web site provides a detailed analysis, albeit a very shallow one, of the events surrounding Iran/Contra through Freedom of Information releases found at the link below:


Cocaine - The Contra Story

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the border of Nicaragua and Honduras during the big buildup in the early 1980s. Hell, I saw the camps myself. A lot of the Green Berets from 7th SFG (A) were involved in the cocaine shipments that were brought into the ‘A Camps’ from Panama. These ‘A Camps’ were isolated. They were cut right out of the jungle in many cases, with good runways.

“A lot of the Green Berets in Thailand, for example, helped with the drug flow,” Carone continued. “These Green Berets knew that the deal was simple. Without drug profits, there were no Contras to train, as there was no equipment to train them with, as Congress cut off the funding.

“Without real-world situations, every one of those Green Berets knew that they would be sitting somewhere, going through some boring routine with training. Many of them were either involved with drug shipments out of Latin America into the United States or simply looked the other way. And you know, the Green Berets out in the middle of nowhere won’t tell on each other, as they have to depend on their team mates to survive.”

George Bush, CIA and the JFK Hit

In another revelation which informs recent American history, CIA operative Al Carone said that “George Bush was CIA prior to the assassination of John Ken-nedy in 1963” and that “the Governor of Arkansas that looked the other way at Mena [CIA’s cocaine trans-shipping station], Bill Clinton, was CIA back in the late ‘60s.’ CIA agent Cord Meyer has often been named as Bill Clinton’s handler, while the late Pamela Harriman has been cited as the “power behind the throne.”

Carone also told Tyree that he “had taken money to a female named Ruth Paine in late 1956 on orders from William Casey [an OSS - CIA operative who was CIA Director from 1981 to 1987].” According to the Tyree lawsuit, “Carone said that Paine was approached by the CIA to find and recruit an individual that was ex-pendable, with communist ties and some type of anti-American background.

“Carone said that when Ruth Paine found the individual, she notified her CIA contact, identified as George de Mohrenschildt, who in turn contacted his CIA supervisor, identified as George Bush. Carone said that George Bush was the same George Bush that was CIA Director. Carone said the individual located by Ruth Paine was identified as a Mr Lee Harvey Oswald. “FBI records/reports within 14 days after the assassination of President Kennedy will reflect that Mr George Bush met with J. Edgar Hoover, as Bush was trying to ascertain what the FBI might have stumbled onto by mistake in regards to the Ruth Paine – Oswald connection.”

CIA’s Global Money Laundry: Stephens, Riady & BCCI

In his sworn testimony, Al Carone told Bill Tyree that he “was a paymaster for both US military intelligence personnel and CIA personnel when Tyree knew and worked with him.”

Oswald - Missing Links

This photograph, discovered in 1993, shows 15-year-old Lee Harvey Oswald (far right) in a New Orleans Civil Air Patrol group headed by David Fer-rie (left, in helmet). Taken eight years before the assassination, it is the first proof that Oswald once knew Ferrie, long suspected of involvement in the assassination of President Kennedy.

“Goddamn the Kennedys. First there was Jack, now there’s Bobby, and then Teddy. We’ll have them on our necks until the year 2000.” – Clyde Tolson (J. Edgar Hoover’s associate director, confidant, and roommate) cited by William Sullivan in, “The Bureau: My Thirty Years in Hoover’s FBI.” Upon hearing Tolson’s comment, Hoover reportedly nodded in agreement. Note: Sullivan’s book about the FBI was published posthumously after Sullivan was shot dead near his New Hampshire home by a man who mistook him for a deer. Likely excuse, huh?

“The thing I am concerned about, and so is [Deputy Attorney General Nicholas] Katzenbach, is having something issued so we can convince the public that Oswald is the real assassin.” – FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, speaking on the telephone to Johnson aide Walter Jenkins two hours after Oswald was murdered by Jack Ruby, HSCA Report, vol. III, pp. 471-73. The Warren Commission – charged with determining the truth in the JFK assassination – relied upon Hoover’s FBI as its primary investigative arm. More on the Garrison Investigation here: http://garrisoninvestigation.tripod.com/index.htm

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“In a very real and terrifying sense, our government is the CIA and the Pentagon, with Congress reduced to a debating society.” – Jim Garrison, Playboy interview, October 1967

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“He [Carone] also worked as a representative of the Bank of Credit and Com-merce International (BCCI) which he stated was a bank founded by the US intel-ligence community in part to finance covert (black) operations worldwide without the approval of the US Congress. He was authorised to withdraw funds from First American Bankshares (aka BCCI) account #2843900, which he stated was a black operation fund unknown to the US Congress at the time.”

Moreover, Carone said that he was “the middleman between certain CIA factions and certain Mafia families that operated illegal enterprises in New York City”.

“Carone told the Plaintiff [Tyree] that the CIA used BCCI, BNL, BCP and Inter-maritime Bank to launder money for black operations worldwide and for the Mafia in New York City.”

According to Tyree’s lawsuit: “Colonel Carone said the military drug trafficking Operation Watchtower fitted in the picture in the following fashion. Between 1971-72, BCCI was conceived and born primarily as a bank for the US intelligence com-munity to go around Congress in funding so-called ‘black operations’...

“In December 1975, February-March 1976, Operation Watchtower took place that brought over 100 military-style cargo plane loads of cocaine out of Colombia into Albrook Air Station in Panama.

“In 1976, Arkansas businessman Jackson Stephens and Indonesian businessman Mochtar Riady formed Stephens Financial Ltd in Hong Kong, which led to a meet-ing of Stephens and Riady with members of the BCCI.

“In 1977, Jackson Stephens invited BCCI into America and helped BCCI bring about the purchase of First American Bankshares, operated by Clark Clifford and Robert Altman.”

How do these facts connect? Jack Stephens has been a financial backer of both the George Bush campaign and the Bill Clinton campaign for US President. The long and winding road of corruption also led Stephens to purchase Alltel, whose subsid-iary, Systematics, used a version of the oft-purloined PROMIS software. Accord-ing to Tyree’s lawsuit: “Jackson Stephens and Mochtar Riady were in business to-gether and paid off politicians from Arkansas to look the other way and ignore the CIA cocaine operation at Mena, Arkansas. The Lippo Group, i.e., Mochtar Riady, had been involved with Bill Clinton since Clinton was Governor in Arkansas.

“Stephens, Riady and the CIA are in bed together,’ said Carone. ‘They own a lot of people. They have a lot of money. They get things done. I answer to Stephens indirectly. I answer to his money is who I answer to, and so does everyone else at the CIA that wants to get things done where Stephens has influence.”

Just as Special Prosecutor Lawrence Walsh effectively covered up the “high crimes and misdemeanours” of George Bush in the so-called “Iran-Contra Report,” so did Kenneth Starr continue the cover-up of CIA drug trafficking with the Clinton/Le-winsky sexcapades and the Clinton impeachment.

What A Tangeled Web We Weave

For additional documentation on Lee Harvey Oswald use this link: http://www.whokilledjfk.net/lho.htm

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AffidavitOfRichard K.Taus

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FBI Agent Richard Taus Framed

When Long Island, New York-based FBI Special Agent Richard M. Taus, a deco-rated Vietnam veteran, got too close to CIA drug running, he was framed. Impris-oned at the ironically named Clinton Correctional Facility in Dannemora, New York, Taus is currently seeking an attorney to appeal his sentence.

How does it all tie in? Carone told Tyree that “you need to find out and uncover the business that involved Ollie North and George Bush, called ‘The Enterprise’, as everything went through there.”

According to Tyree’s lawsuit: “Vincent Foster, a good friend of Governor Bill Clinton, often shuttled vast sums of money around the world that related com-pletely to ‘The Enterprise’ formed by Ollie North and George Bush.”

The Enterprise was also called “K-Team.” Taus says that since his trial he has tried to “obtain records and files from the FBI” concerning himself, especially about his investigation into K-Team’s involvement in the Iran-Contra arms initiative.

“Finally in 1995, the Bureau acknowledged possessing 2,400 pages that mentioned the Irangate affair and my name,” Taus says, “but I have never received them or any records on me – records that were used by the prosecution in my case, against me, yet never shared with the defense.”

According to Taus: “It was my initial investigation into the organized crime case which evolved into the Pizza Connection case that identified CIA involvement. And CIA’s ugly head reared itself in many other FBI probes.

“I was convicted in January 1991, after a most unfair and outrageous county trial,” writes Taus. “A CPL 330 motion was filed, based upon a juror’s undisclosed blood relationship to the District Attorney in Nassau, New York, and interview of jurors during the trial by investigating police officers as well as improper instructions to the jury by court officers, etc. The trial record shows judicial prejudice, prosecuto-rial misconduct, fraud, duress, misrepresentation, Rosario and Brady violations as well as numerous violations of my constitutional rights.

“I am seeking an aggressive and dynamic appellate attorney to handle my direct appeal in the 2nd Appellate Division, Brooklyn, New York,” writes Taus, add-ing: “...both my military and FBI records are impeccable. Given my former law enforcement background, I have done the legal research. There are only limited funds available for the appeal.” (Write to: Richard Taus, 91A1040, LH, Clinton C.F., POB 2001, Dannemora, NY 12929, USA.)

CIA Coke: The Real Thing

The Big Media Cartel continues the cover-up of the CIA’s criminal activities, de-spite documented and cross-corroborated evidence detailed in books by whistle-blowers Rodney Stich (Defrauding America), Michael Levine (The Great White Lie), Gary Webb (Dark Alliance), Celerino Castillo (Powderburns) and others.

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Bush & ClintonDirectly Involved

To the left is Chip Tatums affidavit stating that Bush and Clinton were connected to drug trafficking and above is the Bush memo authorizing Tatum to murder, if necessary, to recover documents.

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In a book called Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA (SPI Books, 1994), authors Terry Reed (a former CIA operative) and John Cummings corroborate the Carone story in Tyree’s lawsuit – a dirty and tangled web of drug and gun-smuggling and money laundering in Arkansas during the late 1980s.

“The meeting had been called at Fort Robinson, an army facility outside Little Rock, to get some problems ironed out,” write Reed and Cummings (p. 234). “In addition to the governor [Bill Clinton] and his aide, the guest list included Max Gomez [Felix Rodriguez], John Cathey [Oliver North], resident CIA agent Akihide Sawahata, agency subcontractor Terry Reed, and the man in charge, the one who would call the shots. He called himself Robert Johnson [he was CIA agent William Barr (far right), later appointed US Attorney Gen-eral by George Bush]. A lot of loose ends were to be tied up...

“’Our deal was for you to have 10% of the profits, not 10% of the gross,’ Johnson sternly admonished Clinton. ‘This has turned into a feeding frenzy for your good ole boy sharks. We know what’s been going on. Our people are professionals. They’re not stupid. They didn’t fall off the turnip truck yester-day, as you guys say. This ADFA [Arkansas Development Finance Authority] of yours is double-dipping. Our deal with you was to launder our money. You get 10% after costs and after post-tax profits. No one agreed for you to start loaning our money out to your friends through your ADFA so that they could buy machinery to build our guns. That wasn’t the deal... That’s why we’re pulling the operation out of Arkansas. It’s become a liability for us. We don’t need “live” liabilities.’”

The long list of Clinton/Bush-related casualties is proof that “live” liabilities are definitely not on the CIA balance sheet.

Army Colonel Al Carone himself died on January 7, 1990, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. His medical records state chemical toxicity of unknown etiol-ogy.

Was it CIA cancer? Or is it...CIA, the cancer?

VI. DEAD SPOOKS DON’T LIE:Former DCI William Casey’s Affidavit

In the ongoing cover-up of the Bill Tyree frame, Ray Kohlman, Tyree’s at-torney, received a document titled “Declaration of William Casey.æ In Kohl-man’s own affidavit, dated August 27, 1999, he states that “most of the con-tents of this affidavit can be proven” and that he “will testify to the contents of this affidavit in court”.

Kohlman then filed the document in US District Court for the District of Columbia on November 8, 1999, as Civil Action No. 99cv2709, William M Tyree, Plaintiff v. Department of the US Army, Defendant. Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly entered a Sealing Order for the Casey document, marked “Top Secret.” In a letter to this author, Tyree pointedly asks, “Why seal it - if it isn’t authentic?” RNLA and Lawyers for McCain Chair Richard Wiley poses with former U.S. Attorney General William Barr, aka Robert Johnson.

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Please note the heavy irony and the specious reasoning of this dead member of the so-called Greatest Generation, whose defence of his own criminality con-tains powerful insights into the aberrant psychology of the Ruling Class. The “end justifies the means” philosophy of the late, former CIA Director William Casey also belies his Jesuitical training and programming.

The Casey affidavit – Casey’s rationalization of his heinous behaviour and his cocaine trafficking, which he frames as a noble battle against the enemies of Western Civilization – should be required reading for every student of 20th century history, and every student of psychopathology. Casey’s apologia pro vita sua is the classic defence of a world-class criminal psychopath.

Retired US Army Colonel William Wilson, a former Military Intelligence (MI) officer who worked with the Office of the US Army Inspector General (IG) and who, like the late US Army criminal investigator William McCoy, also died under mysterious circumstances (in November 1996) – completed an ex-haustive investigation of the Bill Tyree case, verifying the facts in the Cutolo document.

According to Wilson’s affidavit, he writes that “...in the affidavit of June 6, 1996, at paragraph fifty five, I stated Mr Tyree had been decorated in relation to the classified operations he participated in. Following the participation of Mr Tyree in the Watchtower operation, he was called upon to serve his country in a variety of classified operations in Latin America, Africa and Pakistan. Our investigation found that these subsequent operations came under the general project referred to as SANDMAN. Sandman was a project of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Sandman also involved soldiers of the United States military. The information about Sandman is limited. Sandman exclusively dealt with the so-called ‘wet operations’ (i.e., assassinations) and Mr Tyree was involved in several assassinations that were verified by Special Forces soldiers we interviewed. This resulted in Mr Tyree receiving a variety of decorations which the US Army refuses to admit were ever awarded to Mr Tyree.”

Wilson also stated: “...ironically, during conversations I had with Mr Colby, I learned that he had personally requested and attained a waiver be given to soldiers involved in Watchtower and Sandman. One of those soldiers was Mr Tyree. The waiver allowed Mr Tyree to receive the decorations and Combat Infantry Badge (CIB) that Mr Tyree was recommended for. The same decora-tions and CIB that had to be sterilized from the records of Mr Tyree. From my involvement in the CIA Program MK-ULTRA (Manufacturing Killers Utiliz-ing Lethal Tradecraft Requiring Assassination), I was aware that waivers could be given in regards to meritorious action during the course of intelligence-re-lated operations.” I was told that A-6 identified individuals and the build-up of the communist threat in Latin America. Some intelligence collected in A-6 was used in Task Force-157.

Colby candidly informed me that he had prepositioned more than one million pounds of cocaine in Panama between December 1, 1975 and April 1, 1976. This was done with the aid of our gallant ally, General Manuel Noriega. The

MK UltraFEMADrugs


All The

Same Players

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cocaine was transported into El Salvador, Costa Rica and Honduras between 1976 and 1981. Colby now sat in front of me with hat in hand and requested my help in the delivery of the cocaine to the american [sic] market.

I was told that Colby was using a mutual friend of ours, Colonel Albert Vincent Carone, United States Army, Military Intelligence, to field A-6 and A-7. Al Carone is a charismatic patriot that General Joseph W. Stilwell introduced us to in late 1945. Beside the usual qualifications, Al Carone brought to the anti-communist effort a direct connection to his longtime friend, Vito Genovese. Genovese was the head of the gambling and narcotics for the controlling ma-fia family in New York to which Al Carone was made a member. Carone is a friend of international fugitive Robert Vesco. Carone has several anti-commu-nist intelligence sources that include Maurita Lorenz, a friend of Fidel Castro. Al Carone is the younger brother of Dr Pasquale Carone. Dr Carone worked for Central Intelligence on other matters.

Colby told me that profits from the prepositioned cocaine would be laundered through Al Carone, the New York mafia and Robert Vesco, then redirected to the anti-communist effort through Colby.

“After discussion with Al Carone, I made the decision to bring the preposi-tioned cocaine into Mena airport, Mena, Arkansas. Central Intelligence has used Mena Airport on prior occasions. This time the cocaine is the tool. The trick was to ignore the law and avoid public scrutiny. We were helped in our efforts by William J. Clinton and William F. Weld.”

“By 1984 all prepositioned cocaine had arrived at Mena airport and additional cocaine sources were secured. Cocaine was being transshipped through Han-gars Four and Five at Ilopango Airbase, El Salvador. My point man at Mena was Adler Berriman Seal (Barry Seal).”

“Bill Clinton has proved invaluable so far by containing the local law enforce-ment investigations into the intelligence activity at Mena. Bill Weld, as As-sistant United States Attorney, was placed in charge of the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice. This was done so that Bill Weld could control investigations into Mena by federal law enforcement agencies. The placement of Weld has proved invaluable.”

Colby’s Affidavit Concludes:

“I ordered John Poindexter, Robert McFarlane and Oliver North to go outside normal channel’s and use available assets, including the mafia, to ensure the arrival of the cocaine into Mena Airport. The arrival’s occurred in no small part through the effort’s [of] personnel assigned to the National Security Agency (NSA) and Army Security Agency (ASA). The men and women of the NSA and ASA blinded early warning defense satellites and radar grid to enable the aircraft to land undetected at Mena Airport. The NSA and ASA operation’s were SEA SPRAY and JADE BRIDGE.”

More Profitable Than War

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“I have learned that the course of the democratic struggle for Nicaragua and Latin America is beginning to swing in our direction. I attribute this success to A-6 and A-7 which Bill Colby had the insight, precision and spine to carry out.”

“I take notice of the heroic efforts of Al Carone, Bill Clinton, Bill Weld, John Poindexter, Bud McFarlane and Ollie North. Without these men, A-6 and A-7 would not have appeared.”

“Freedom is a priceless commodity. The amount of freedom you enjoy is a result of the amount of vigilance you invest.”

“My actions may be recorded as criminal, condemning countless american’s to drug dependency. I don’t care. All wars produce casualties. Generally the more violent the war, the shorter the length. My choice was either to stare down a protracted cold war guerilla insurgency in Latin America or use the means’ available to finance and wage a violent war of short duration for democracy. I stand by my decisions. The tool is cocaine. The trick is to understand that the drug user had the freedom to make a choice. They chose the drug. I chose to use their habit to finance the democracy that all american’s enjoy. To keep those american’s safe from the communist threat knocking on our back door in Latin America. For a change the drug user will contribute to society.”

“I declare under penalty of perjury that the above facts are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.”

Executed this 9th day of December 1986 in McLean, Virginia, [signed] Wil-liam J. Casey

In the meantime, former Green Beret Bill Tyree is doing time for the dead spook’s many crimes. Letters to Tyree, one of America’s many political pris-oners, can be sent to: William M. Tyree, PO Box-100, S. Walpole, MA 02071, USA.

The Tyree lawsuit did not escape the black hole of so-called “national security law” or the clutches of a corrupt judiciary. So it goes.

The Capos

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MK UltraAt Stanford in 1959, Ken Kesey volunteered to take part in a CIA-financed study named Project MKULTRA at the Menlo Park Veterans Hospital. The project studied the effects of psychoactive drugs, particularly LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, cocaine, AMT, and DMT on people. Kesey wrote many detailed accounts of his experiences with these drugs, both dur-ing the Project MKULTRA study and in the years of private experimentation that followed. Kesey’s role as a medical guinea pig inspired him to write One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest in 1962. The success of this book, as well as the sale of his residence at Stanford, allowed him to move to La Honda, California, in the mountains south of San Francisco. He frequently entertained friends and many others with parties he called “Acid Tests” involving music (such as Kesey’s favorite band, The Warlocks, later known as the Grateful Dead), black lights, fluorescent paint, strobes and other “psyche-delic” effects, and, of course, LSD. These parties were noted in some of Allen Ginsberg’s poems and are also described in Tom Wolfe’s The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, as well as Hell’s Angels: The Strange and Terrible Saga of the Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs by Hunter S. Thompson and Freewhee-lin Frank, Secretary of the Hell’s Angels by Frank Reynolds. Ken Kesey was also said to have experimented with LSD with Ringo Starr in 1965 and in fact influenced the set up for their future performances in the UK.

There are those who would suggest that the Beat Movement was part of a grand conspiracy; and the Beats themselves un-witting pawns in this game. In one of his many broadsheets self-published over the years, Kerry Thornley once posited this theory, without actually elaborating on exactly what this conspiracy entailed. Perhaps what Thornley was alluding to is the same theme found in Todd Brendan Fahey’s Wisdom’s Maw, which suggests that Ken Kesey as well as the Beats were part of an elaborate scheme concocted by the Ameri-can Intelligence Community to infiltrate and supply the sixties counterculture with mind altering drugs, ostensibly to test their reactions, and long-range to influence widespread social control. Theoretically, this was all conducted under the covert auspices of such infamous CIA mind control projects as Artichoke and MK-ULTRA. Such countercultural icons as Kesey and Leary – Fahey suggests – were chosen by the CIA and Military Intelligence as facilitators of this grand experiment, whose powerful side effects are still lingering to this day in the collective craniums of its unwitting participants.

Ginsberg first became acquainted with LSD in 1959, through government sponsored research at the Menlo Research Institute in Palo Alto. Kesey and Jerry Garcia were also early volun-teers for these mind-bending experiments, which many connect directly to MK-ULTRA. This before the term psychedelic was in the popular lexicon. At this time psychedelics were referred to as ‘psychomimetic’ drugs; drugs that reportedly brought about temporary psychosis. Kesey and the other adventurous souls who volunteered their brains for science received 75 dollars a day. Due to a bad trip courtesy of the Menlo Research Institute, Ginsberg composed a poem under the influence of LSD, aptly titled, “Lysergic Acid” of which the following is an excerpt: “It is a multiple million eyed monster it is hidden in all it’s elephants and selves it hummeth in

the electric typewriter it is electricity connected to itself, if it hath wires it is a vast Spiderweb... I, as well, have beheld this mul-

tiple million eyed monster, hidden – as it is – in all elephants and selves. Like Ginsberg, acid brought about this night-marish vision, on the full-size Technicolor viewing screen behind my closed eyelids. Whether or not this monstrous, Bosch-like archetype is inherent exclusively to practitioners of Guerrilla Khundalini, I can not authoritatively address. Nevertheless, I find it interesting that Ginsberg’s description of this demonic entity viewed under the influence of lysergic acid diethylamide matches almost perfectly my own tempo-rary psychedelic psychosis, producing what would appear to be a shared thematic experience linking the drug experi-mentation of the Beat subculture with my own generation of Guerrilla Khundalini adepts, forming, one might conjecture, a metaphysical conspiracy that bridges generations; that of a religion of elitists waving no particular banner (except may-be, a “freak flag”), dedicated to the principle of discovering “GOD” on their own terms, without benefit of a mediating agency, or dogmatic agenda. Robert Anton Wilson summed it up best in his intro to Cosmic Trigger when categorizing

this new age of holy mad men:

“We are all evolving into the use of new neurological circuits, which will make us superhuman in comparison to our present average state. The activation of these new circuits creates a great deal of temporary weirdness until we learn to use them prop-erly...”

– Jack Kerouac

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ACartoonHistoryOf LSD

and Stanley Owsley

As a 15 year-old kid I was fortunate, yes I say very fortunate, to have had the irreplaceable experience of being able to try and use LSD well over 100 times. I found it to be the most exotic, mind-altering, mind-expand-ing, useful and pleasurable drug experience I’ve ever had and I would use it again if I could be certain of the purity. In the early 1970s the drug was still pure. We, my friends and I, were able to get Orange Sunshine made at Sandoz Labs and a wide variety of the same compound manufactured by a man named Owsley; Purple Microdot, White Microdot (small round pills about the size of a pencil point, Window Pane (a clear, tiny 1/8th inch square of gelatin that melted in your mouth), Pink Flats (a very small, flat disc), Blotter Acid (1/4 inch squares of paper with various im-ages like that of Mickey Mouse), Blue Cheer (an Owsley favorite), White Lightening and a variety of other interesting names. We had a friend, Andy, who was attending college in San Francisco and would regularly travel home with a suitcase full of high-grade marijuana and 1000s of tablets of LSD. At that time LSD was normally sold at 3 tablets, or hits, for a dollar and often given away free.

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Stanley Owsley, born Augustus Owsley Stanley III, on January 19, 1935 also known as The Bear, is a former underground LSD cook, the first to produce large quantities of pure LSD. His total production is estimated at around half a kilogram of LSD, or roughly 5 million 100-microgram “hits” of normal potency, although accounts vary widely. The widespread and low-cost (often given away free) availability of Stanley’s high-quality LSD in the San Francisco area in the mid-1960s may have been crucial for the emer-gence of the hippie movement during the Summer of Love in the Haight-Ashbury area, which one historian of that movement, Charles Perry, has described as “one big LSD party.” Stanley was also an accomplished sound engineer, and the longtime sound-man and financier for seminal psychedelic rock band the Grateful Dead.

Stanley designed some of the first high-fidelity sound systems for rock music, culminating in the massive “Wall of Sound” electrical amplification system used by the Grateful Dead in their live shows, at the time a highly innovative feat of engineering, and was involved with the founding of high-end musical instrument maker Alembic Inc and the pre-eminent concert sound equipment manufacturer Meyer Sound. The combination of his notoriety in the psychedelic scene and his reclusive tendencies — in part cultivated to confuse the authorities; he avoided being photographed and refused to be interviewed for many years — led to the perpetuation of many inaccurate tales about him.

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In 1956, when Stanley was twenty-one, he enlisted in the U.S. Air Force and served for eighteen months before being discharged in 1958. Later, inspired by a 1958 per-formance of the Bolshoi Ballet, he began studying ballet in Los Angeles, supporting himself for a time as a professional dancer. In 1963, he enrolled at the University of California, Berkeley where he became involved in the psychoactive drug scene. He dropped out after a semester, took a technical job at KGO-TV, and began producing LSD in a small lab located in the bathroom of a house near campus. His makeshift laboratory was raided by police on February 21, 1965. He beat the charges and suc-cessfully sued for the return of his equipment. The police were looking for metham-phetamine, but found only LSD — which was not illegal at the time.

Stanley moved to Los Angeles to pursue the production of LSD. He used his Berkeley lab proceeds to buy 500 grams of lysergic acid monohydrate, the basis for LSD. His first shipment arrived on March 30, 1965. He produced 300,000 capsules (270 micrograms each) of LSD by May 1965 and then re-turned to the Bay Area.

In September 1965, Stanley became the primary LSD supplier to Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters; by this point Sandoz LSD was hard to come by and “Owsley Acid” had become the new standard. He was featured (most promi-nently his freak-out at the Muir Beach Acid Test in November 1965) in The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, a book detailing the history of Kesey and the Merry Pranksters by Tom Wolfe. Stanley attended the Watts Acid Test on Feb-ruary 12, 1966 with his new apprentice Tim Scully and provided the LSD.

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Stanley met the members of the Grateful Dead during the acid tests in 1966 and began working with them as their first soundman and helped finance them. Along with his close friend Bob Thomas, he designed the Lightning Bolt Skull Logo, often referred to by fans as “Steal Your Face”, “Stealie” or SYF (after the name of the 1976 Grateful Dead album featuring only the lightning bolt skull on the cover, although the symbol predates the namesake album by eight years). The 13-point lightning bolt was derived from a stencil Stanley created to spray-paint on the Grateful Dead’s equipment boxes — he wanted an easily identifiable mark to help the crew find the Dead’s equip-ment in the jumble of multiple bands’ identical black equipment boxes at festivals. The lightning bolt design came to him after seeing a similar design on a roadside advertisement: “One day in the rain, I looked out the side and saw a sign along the freeway which was a circle with a white bar across it, the top of the circle was orange and the bottom blue. I couldn’t read the name of the firm, and so was just looking at the shape. A thought occurred to me: if the orange were red and the bar across were a lightning bolt cut-ting across at an angle, then we would have a very nice, unique and highly identifiable mark to put on the equipment.” Stanley suggested to Thomas that

the words “Grateful Dead” might be drawn beneath the red white and blue circled bolt in such a way that it looked like a skull; Thomas went off and returned with the now familiar Grateful Dead icon, having discarded the hidden word concept. The lightning-adorned skull logo made its first appearance on the 1973 release, History of the Grateful Dead, Volume 1: Bear’s Choice, an album put together by Stanley as his tribute to his dear friend, the recently deceased Grateful Dead co-founder Ron “Pigpen” McKernan, from recordings Stanley had made in 1970. The iconic “Dancing Bears” also first appeared on the reverse cover of this album, painted by Thomas as an inside reference to Stanley; dubbed “Bear” as a young teen when he sprouted body hair before the rest of his friends, he had stud-ied ballet in his early 20s and displayed a distinctive style of dancing while trip-ping on LSD at shows — becoming what his friends called “The Dancing Bear”.

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During his time as the soundman for the Grateful Dead, he started what became a long-term practice of recording the Dead while they rehearsed and performed. His initial motivation for creating what he dubs his “sonic journal” was to improve his ability to mix the sound, but the fortuitous result was an extensive trove of record-ings from the heyday of the San Francisco concert/dance scene in the mid-Sixties. Focusing on quality and clarity of sound, he favored simplicity in his miking, and his tapes are widely touted as being unrivaled live recordings. In addition to his large archive of Dead performances, Stanley made numerous live recordings of other leading 1960s and 70s artists appearing in San Francisco, including Quicksil-ver Messenger Service, Jefferson Airplane, Old and In The Way, Janis Joplin, Big Brother and the Holding Company, Taj Mahal, Santana, Miles Davis, The Flying Burrito Brothers, Jimi Hendrix, Johnny Cash, Blue Cheer (a band that took its name from the nickname of Stanley’s LSD), and many others. While many Stanley recordings have been released, many more remain unissued.

Stanley and Scully built electronic equipment for the Grateful Dead until late spring 1966. At this point Stanley rented a house in Point Richmond, California, and he, Scully, and Melissa Cargill (Stanley’s girlfriend who was a skilled chem-ist introduced to Stanley by a former girlfriend, Susan Cowper) set up a lab in the basement. Stanley developed a method of LSD synthesis which left the LSD 99.9 percent free of impurities. The Point Richmond lab turned out more than 300,000 tablets (270 micrograms each) of LSD they dubbed “White Lightning”. LSD be-came illegal in California on October 6, 1966, and Scully wanted to set up a new lab in Denver, Colorado. Scully set up the new lab in the basement of a house across the street from the Denver zoo in early 1967. Scully made the LSD in the Denver lab while Stanley tableted the product in Orinda, California.

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Stanley and Scully did not produce the psychedelic called DOM also known as STP. STP was distributed in the summer of 1967 in 20 mg tablets and quickly acquired a bad reputation. Stanley and Scully made trial batches of 10 mg tablets and then STP mixed with LSD in a few hundred yellow tablets but soon ceased production of STP. Stanley and Scully produced about 196 grams of LSD in 1967, but 96 grams of this was confiscated by the authorities.

In late 1967, Stanley’s Orinda lab was raided by police; he was found in posses-sion of 350,000 doses of LSD and 1,500 doses of STP. His defense was that the illegal substances were for personal use, but he was found guilty and sentenced to three years in prison. The same year, Stanley officially shortened his name to “Owsley Stanley.” After he was released from prison, Stanley went on to do more sound work for the Grateful Dead. Later, he would work as a broadcast television engineer.

A naturalized Australian citizen since 1996, Stanley and his wife Sheilah live in the bush of Far Northern Tropical Queensland where he creates sculpture, much of it wearable art. He has two sons and two daughters by four different women; Peter (1957), Nina (1962), Starfinder and Redbird (1970). Stanley made his first big public appearance in decades at the Australian ethnobotanical conference Entheogenesis Australis in 2009 giving 3 talks over his time in Melbourne. It ap-pears that he has not updated his webpage in many years.

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Stanley believes that the natural human diet is a totally carnivorous one, thus making it a no-carbohydrate diet, and that all vegetables are toxic. He claims to have eaten almost nothing but meat, eggs, butter and cheese since 1959 and that he believes his body has not aged as much as the bodies of those who eat a more “normal” diet. He is convinced that insulin, released by the pancreas when carbohydrates are ingested, is the cause of much damage to human tissue and that diabetes mellitus is caused by the ingestion of carbohydrates.

Stanley received radiation therapy in 2004 for throat cancer, which he first at-tributed to passive exposure to cigarette smoke at concerts, but which he later discovered was almost certainly caused by the infection of his tonsil with HPV. He credits his low carb diet with starving the tumor of glucose, slowing its growth and preventing its spread enough that it could be successfully treated despite its advanced state at diagnosis.

A newspaper headline identifying Stanley as an “LSD Millionaire” ran in the LA Times the day before the state of California, on October 6, 1966, illegalized the drug. The headline inspired the Grateful Dead song “Alice D. Millionaire.”

The Jimi Hendrix cover version of the Beatles song “Day Tripper”, from a 1967 BBC session first released on CD in 1987, features Jimi Hendrix clearly shouting out, “Oh Owsley, can you hear me now?” during the climactic guitar solo.

The title of the Jefferson Airplane song “Bear Melt”, from their 1968 live album Bless Its Pointed Little Head, is a reference to Stanley’s nickname “Bear.” Paul Kantner also refers to Stanley by name on the album. The Jefferson Airplane song “Mexico,” which was released as a single in 1970, opens with the lyric, “Owsley and Charlie, twins of the trade, come to the poet’s room.”

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The Frank Zappa song “Who Needs the Peace Corps?,” from the Mothers of Invention’ 1968 album We’re Only in It for the Money, satirized the hippie scene and features the opening verse:

What’s there to live for? Who needs the peace corps? Think I’ll just DROP OUT I’ll go to Frisco Buy a wig & sleep On Owsley’s floor

The Steely Dan song “Kid Charlemagne” from the 1976 album The Royal Scam was loosely inspired by Stanley Owsley.

Here’s an interesting blog posting by Stanley Owsley from March 17th, 2006:


LSD, for me, was a wonderful and unforgettable experience and today I live with the then 14 year-old girl that was my next-door neighbor and LSD partner for many, many incredible and life-changing, mind-expanding experiences. We hadn’t seen one another or spoken for 35 years and were fortunate to meet up again 5 years ago and we now live together and play together, both retired, both in total ownership of our time. I can’t describe the freedom that complete ownership of ones time provides.

Jeff Prager

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Cocaine & FEMA - High Level Drug Running • Page ��Cocaine & FEMA - High Level Drug Running • Page ��

TheWilliamFrenchSmithLetterAn analysis of the “French” letter at left and the data within this report indicates a willingness on the part of American elected and un-elected political leaders to allow Cocaine distribution in the United States, and in particular in poor urban communities, to go on unchecked with their tacit approval. The result of this policy was widespread social break-down, lives lost and tremendous expense to the community. Those people living in the wealthier gated and walled communities of the political elite felt nothing.

Cocaine & FEMA - High Level Drug Running • Page ��

Cocaine & FEMA - High Level Drug Running • Page ��

Cocaine & FEMA - High Level Drug Running • Page ��

This book and the revelations in it are one of the many reasons why I don’t believe in voting. All we do is elect the next

group of criminals who behind the scenes away from the watchful eyes of the civilian population simply continue the criminal behavior associated

with these many and various enterprises along with those people they replaced whose power remains no less.


The story of 911. The one you don’t know...


A forensic financial investigation of 911:
