Federal Transportation Update and Outlook€¦ · Federal Transportation Update and Outlook Arizona...

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Federal Transportation Update and Outlook

Arizona Rural Transportation Summit January 8, 2015

National Association of Development Organizations

National association for 540 regional development organizations, including emerging network of Rural Transportation Planning Organizations (RTPOs)

Promote policies that strengthen local governments, communities, and economies through the regional strategies, coordination efforts, and program expertise of the nation’s regional development organizations

National Association of Development Organizations

Advocate for priorities before Congress, the administration, and federal agencies

Develop training and resources related to: Rural/small metro transportation planning

Small business finance

Economic development planning

Regional resilience

Developing quality of place

Presentation Overview

2014 Midterm Election Impacts

114th Congress: Surface Transportation Reauthorization Outlook

MAP-21 Implementation Update

RTPOs: State of the Practice


U.S. Senate: The New Numbers

Old Senate

Democrats: 55 *

Republicans: 45

*Includes 2 Independents

New Senate

Democrats: 46*

Republicans: 54

*Includes 2



U.S. House: The New Numbers

Old House

Republicans: 233

Democrats: 199

Vacant: 3

New House

Republicans: 246

Democrats: 188

Vacant: 1

Magic Number = 218

Key Dates for 2015

January: State of the Union Address

February: President’s Budget Released

March/April: Budget Resolutions and Budget Reconciliations

March (with possible extension): Debt Ceiling Increase

May 31st: MAP-21 Extension and Funding Expire

June/July: Congressional Appropriations Action (Don’t forget sequester returns)

Presentation Notes
About to go on two-week recess. Did pass a farm bill and budget deal for FY2014 and FY2015 Highway Trust Fund will encounter a shortfall this summer, dipping below the $4 billion that needs to be kept in the fund to ensure day-to-day obligations can be met. The surface transportation program continues to outlay at a greater pace than receipts are coming in and there will come a point when the trust fund can no longer fund reimbursements to states. There were a series of general fund transfers in the run up to passage of MAP-21 and there may be little appetite in Congress to continue that trend. But Congress will have to do something or many jobs will be lost as states are forced to cancel construction contracts.

Committee Leadership


Senate Environment and Public Works Committee: Chairman James Inhofe (R-OK)

Senate Finance Committee: Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-UT)

House Ways and Means Committee: Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI)

House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee: Ranking Member Peter DeFazio (D-OR)

House Transportation-HUD Appropriations Subcommittee: Chairman Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL); New Ranking Member TBD

Presentation Notes
About to go on two-week recess. Did pass a farm bill and budget deal for FY2014 and FY2015 Highway Trust Fund will encounter a shortfall this summer, dipping below the $4 billion that needs to be kept in the fund to ensure day-to-day obligations can be met. The surface transportation program continues to outlay at a greater pace than receipts are coming in and there will come a point when the trust fund can no longer fund reimbursements to states. There were a series of general fund transfers in the run up to passage of MAP-21 and there may be little appetite in Congress to continue that trend. But Congress will have to do something or many jobs will be lost as states are forced to cancel construction contracts.


114th Congressional


Action on Highway Trust Fund (HTF) required by end of May; House and Senate Committee leaders express desire to move a bill in early spring

Interest in a 4 to 6 year bill

Will authorization bill be constrained to “flat funding plus inflation”?

Corporate tax reform as a vehicle for increased spending

Key policy areas: local input, freight/goods movement, MAP-21 implementation issues


114th Congressional


Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization Required by September 30, 2015

Passenger Rail Reauthorization Expired September 30, 2014


MAP-21 Implementation

Final rule drafting on safety performance measures proposed rulemaking to begin soon

Pavement and bridge performance measures proposed rulemaking issued January 5; comment period closes April 6

Upcoming proposed rulemakings: system performance, freight movement, and CMAQ; transit


MAP-21 Provisions on


RTPOs recognized in federal statute for the first time

New emphasis on nonmetropolitan planning

Nonmetropolitan official participation on long range state transportation plan elevated from consultation to cooperation

Structure: policy committee, fiscal agent

Basic regional planning, technical assistance duties outlined


NPRM on Statewide and

Nonmetropolitan Planning

Issued June 2 jointly by FHWA and FTA

Implements requirements under MAP-21; includes list of RTPO duties

Last planning rule with impacts on nonmetropolitan planning was in 2008

Final rule will shape the direction of the federally-required consultation process for years to come

Comment period closed October 2


NPRM on Statewide and

Nonmetropolitan Planning

States have the option of establishing and designating RTPOs to enhance statewide planning

Authority to establish and designate an RTPO resides with a state’s Governor or Governor’s designee

States without RTPOs shall cooperate with the affected nonmetropolitan officials

• States with some kind of regional transportation planning effort statewide (listed roughly east to west in the U.S.):

• Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington

• States with pilot, voluntary, or other regional transportation planning model (listed roughly east to west in the U.S.):

• New York, Florida, Ohio, Illinois, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah

Typical RTPO Tasksfff


Ohio RTPO Pilot Project

2-year pilot program began in July 2013

Five multi-county planning organizations that cover 34 nonmetropolitan counties

RTPOs paired with an MPO mentor

Goal is to formalize and strengthen the rural consultation and transportation planning processes

Each RTPO required to complete a public participation plan and a comprehensive transportation plan