February 2010 Branson PM MOPS Newletter

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Branson PM MOPS newsletter for the month of February.

Transcript of February 2010 Branson PM MOPS Newletter

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Mission Control: Where Super Moms Get Their Ideas January 2010

“Where two or three come together in my name, there I am with them.” Matthew 18:20

Mothering Matters

Do you remember your own

childhood? Do you remember

your feelings from it? Conversa-

tions with your parents? Frustra-

tions, fears, angers, dreams from

your childhood?

I’ll bet you do. Most of us have

strong childhood memories, both

positive and negative. In fact,

when you really think about it,

most of us can remember vividly

things that happened in our child-

hood and we are, in fact, still liv-

ing out of those childhood experi-


I have known my husband over

thirty years and yet it’s those first

eighteen years with my parents

that I still remember and use

every day. For better or for worse.

We are hard-wired to draw from

those early experiences and influ-

ences deep within us, to use

as a foundation for the rest of our

lives. If we should decide to live

differently than we were raised,

we can, but will find it to be chal-

lenging, to say the least.

You, as a mom, are the author of

many of those foundational

experiences for your children. You

set the tone in your home. You

have values you are modeling.

Your kids are watching, absorbing,

and sucking it all in every moment

of every day, deep into their inner

core. Whether you like it or not.

Whether you believe it or not.

Scary? Yes, it is. But we can use this

sobering reality to do something

wonderful. We can take our respon-

sibilities as parents seriously. We

can understand the tremendous in-

fluence we have in our children’s

lives and by extension, in the lives

of everyone they ever meet.

The way they parent will be because

of how we parent. The way they

choose to live will be because of

what they see at home. They’ll ei-

ther choose to be like us, for good

or bad, or they’ll choose to be

nothing like us, again for good or


Inside this Issue: Mothering Matters~ 1 Results Are In- 2 Space Team - 2

Rocket Science ~ 3 Mentor Mailbag ~ 4 MOPS Dates -5 Sir Speedy - 5

Congratulations ~ 5 Classifieds-6-7

Article on Love- 8 Recycling- 9 Spotlight on Steering- 9

Bunco Night- 10 Service Update- 11 Money Websites-11 Branson Photo- 11 Next Meeting - 12

Next Meeting:Next Meeting:Next Meeting:Next Meeting:

Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday,

February 9th February 9th February 9th February 9th

Page 2

The Space Team Coordinators: Tennille Michel ~ 417.335.4807 Mary Blackwood ~ 417.335.5437 Finance: Meoldy Alms ~ 417.561.2602 Publicity: DeAnna Sheets ~ 417.880.9936 Prayer & Care: Amy Wilhoit ~ 417.336.9822 Hospitality: Jen Cooper ~ 417.496.6133 Renea Daniels ~ 417.339.3335 MOPPETS: Teresa Boyd ~ 417.634.0381 Jenine Conway ~ 417.239.0632

Service Coordinator: Teresa Boyd ~ 417.634.0381 Craft Coordinator: Hollie Holderfield ~ 417.263.0484 Small Group Coordinator: Kelly Skoglund ~ 404.819.6527 Mentors: Carolyn Loften ~ 417.336.5487 Peg Welte ~ 417.335.2525

Small Groups Leaders: Jordan Miller ~ 417.230.5072 Sarah Matthews ~ 417.334.58.12 Sara DeLawder ~ 417.230.2811 Stacy McNeill ~ 417.336.1111 Kara Swofford ~ 417.336.1937 Maryann Riveros ~ 417.336.8706 Vanessa Hogan ~ 417.335.3785 Kathy Morgan ~ 417.339.4108 Kim Matthews ~ 417.230.6409 Kami Biedenstein ~ 417.348.0695 Tami Guerin~ 417.880.7370

The Results Are In. . . . MOPS Poll 2010

This month we had 49 moms respond to our results are in survey. Here’s what they had to say! What would you rather get for Valentine’s Day?

Card 8.2% Chocolate 2.0% Flowers 4.1% Date Night 85.7% Which type of car do you drive?

Van 28.6% SUV 34.7% Car 30.6% Truck 2.0% Jeep 4.1%

Hot Chocolate or Apple Cider

Hot Chocolate 77.1% Cider 18.8% Neither 4.2% Favorite Fruit?

Apples 6.1% Bananas 14.3% Oranges 14.3% Pineapple 32.7% Kiwi 8.2% Other 24.5%

Does mothering matter? Does wiping noses,

settling squabbles, helping with homework,

answering tough and embarrassing ques-

tions, and things like teaching driving

skills matter?

Well, look at it this way. Does lovingly

teaching self-care, explaining how to for-

give people who hurt you, training in doing

daily tasks, helping another human being

find their God-given purpose in life, and

being a trusted guide and mentor to some-

one entering adulthood matter?

Does mothering matter? Absolutely! Decide

today to be the best parent you can be for

your precious, one-of-a-kind family.

-Colleen Langenfeld

Colleen Langenfeld has been parenting for over 26 years and

helps other moms enjoy their homelife more at

www.paintedgold.com. Visit her website and get more simple

mothering tips today.

Page 3

Rocket ScienceRocket ScienceRocket ScienceRocket Science

Is mothering more of a science or an art? Either way, moms have so many tricks up their sleeves that even a

rocket scientist would be impressed! So let’s share our resources this year. Some areas of thoughts for tips could

include: staying organized, being green, saving money, date ideas, area activities, family traditions, or how to

teach your kids about Jesus in your everyday life. Whether it is parenting, cleaning, or cooking, let’s help each

other out with great tips that have worked for you!!

“Collin and I have made a game out of using

the Swifter Dry-Vac. Either he chases af-

ter me while I vacuum or I chase him and

very gently "tag" him with the vacuum. He

loves it and my house gets clean!”

-Jen Cooper

“I've never put cookies in our cookie jar! I keep the camera charger,

the camera to computer cables, the extra phone charger, Mason's

car charger, etc! That's where they know to go & find!”

-Tennille Michel

“Don't redo what your child

has done. So your pre-

schooler put on clothes that

don't match, just compliment

their 'eclectic' style.”

-Terri Conner

“I hate throwing away the bottom

crushed chips, so I save and add crushed

up tortilla chips to my soups, regular

store bought chicken tortilla soup be-

comes a hearty meal!(1 can of chicken

tortilla soup, crushed tortilla chips,

cheddar cheese, black beans, and avo-

cado) crushed graham crackers become

and ice cream topping, or a great addition

to yogurt. crushed potato chips are great

on top of casseroles.”

-Jordan Miller

Page 4

As a single-mom the idea of getting out there and

dating again is very scary. What advice and hope

can you offer someone trying to pick up the

pieces and move on with their life.

Dating again is a unique thing. Don't let your friends push you into it, start dating when

you are ready. Doing things in groups is a great way to start. Never say never to a blind

date, I actually meet Todd on a blind date. Since you are bringing more then just you into

the dating world it is good to talk to your children to see if they are ready for this too.

If you are going out it is nice to plan something fun for them to do while you are out too,

be creative. Cooking at your place so everyone can be involved can be fun too. Praying

for wisdom in the whole process is huge. Just remember you might have to kiss a few

frogs before you find your handsome prince! It is important to be picky!! ~Peg

Sometimes it feels like all of the passion and romance is

gone from my marriage. I know my husband loves me and

that we are going to be together but how do you keep the

love alive after the kids and busy schedules take all the en-

ergy out of us.

Plan a date night every two weeks. You plan one and he plans the next one. Then, get a sitter, if

money is a problem, swap with other girls. Even if you can't afford to go anywhere fancy, try a

movie and a pizza. you might walk at the landing and watch the fire show. You could take a picnic

and go to the State Park. But go somewhere together alone. You will find that you can be very


Loy and I used to take weekends away about once every six months. Believe me in those days it

was a stretch, but it made all the difference.

Another thought, be sure and say "I love you" every night when you go to bed. don't just think

that it is all his job to please you. But, you show an interest in him. ~ Carolyn

Got a question for our

mentor’s? E-mail

DeAnna @


The godly offer good counsel;

they teach right from wrong.

-Psalm 37:30

Page 5

Special thanks to Sir Speedy who takes care of all of our printing and copying needs.

Visit them online at: http://www.sirspeedy.com/


January 4 Kim Matthews 6 Stacy Cummings 6 Jordan Miller 11 Adriana Haynes 21 Angie Smith 28 Heather Stevens

Anniversaries: January 22 Marc & Danielle Hollingsworth 28 Travis & Vanessa Hogan

New Arrivals: *Adriane Stauffer had a precious baby girl named Millie Jo Stauffer on De-cember 29, 2009. (sorry I missed this cute bundle last month)

*Gillian Hendrix had a bouncing baby boy named Stratten Lee Michael Hendrix born on January 11, 2010 at 8:02 a.m.

Don’t forget to pray for all

the pregnant mommies and

mommies wanting to be




February 9th (MOPS & POPS) February 23rd (BONUS NIGHT)

March 9th April 13th May 11th

Visit the Branson PM MOPS website and sign up on the side for e-mails to be notified of any

new postings. www.bransonpmmops.blogspot.com

If your birthday or anniversary is mis-printed in the newsletter or not printed please let me know so our records are accurate. E-mail me at deannasheets3@gmail.com

Don’t forget to bring in your community cash and Harter House receipts!

Page 6

I want….I Have MOPS Classified

I Have. . . . . . .

I Have Cont. . . . . .

Do you have something you don’t want anymore? Are you looking for a bargain? Send your I wants….I haves…..to DeAnna Sheets at bransonmops@hotmail.com or fill out a card at the registration table. Do you have a need that MOPS may be able to fulfill. Fill out a confidential I want, I have, I need card and drop it off at the

registration table.

*Tony Lama’s Ostrich Cowboy Boots Size 12D (contact Peg at 339-7791)

*Magneetos 72 piece set (contact Sara at 230-2811)

*Veggie Tales Play Dough (contact Sara at 230-2811)

*8.5 tan/cream Jessica Simpson heels (contact Sara at 230-2811)

*Navy Blue Double Recliner (contact Sara at 230-2811)

*Samsung Blackjack II PDA (red) phone with chargers (contact Sara at 230-2811)

*Leapfrog ABC Radio (contact Sara at 230-2811)

*Eddie Bauer Puppy Dog Harness Backpack (contact Sara at 230-2811)

*Cocker Spaniel-Cavalier trained out-side or inside (contact Jordan at 230-5072)

*Lego Batman 523 pcs (contact Hollie @ 263-0484)

*Lego SM Mimi Construction Creator (contact Hollie @ 263-0484)

*New Lego Racer 70 pcs (contact Hollie @ 263-0484)

*New Lego City Police Helicopter (contact Hollie @ 263-0484)

*Lego City 1 large Box and 7 gallon Zip-loc bags, star wars & batman legos (contact Hollie @ 263-0484)

*Bulls-eye Baseball (contact Hollie @ 263-0484)

*Lazer 2 Player System (contact Hollie @ 263-0484)

*Edv Science Star Theater & 3D Space Projector (contact Hollie @ 263-0484)

*New Knex Custom Bike Shop Orange County Chopper (contact Hollie @ 263-0484)

*Battlegrown crossbows and catapults 2 game set (contact Hollie @ 263-0484)

*80 Gallon Hot Water Tank (contact Hollie @ 263-0484)

*20 Boy Bibs and Blankets (contact Re-nea @ 339-3335)

*Boys Clothes 0-18 months-winter/summer (contact Renea @ 339-3335)

Page 7

I Have cont. . . . I Want. . . . . .

*Jeep Walker (contact Renea @ 339-3335)

*Jeep Bouncy Seat (contact Renea @ 339-3335)

*Thomas the Tank Engine Ride on Toy (contact Renea @ 339-3335)

*Maternity Clothes M-L (contact Renea @ 339-3335) *Baby Einstein Movies: Baby McDonald, Numbers Nursery, Baby Galileo, Baby Nep-

tune (contact Renea @ 339-3335)

*Disney Lullaby Album (contact Renea @ 339-3335)

*Baby’s Best Music (3 CD’s) Playtime songs, lullabies, quiet times (contact Renea @ 339-3335)

*Baby Einstein-Traveling Melodies (contact Renea @ 339-3335)

*Used Entertainment Center (contact Heather @ 527-7186)

*Blue Wing Chair (contact peg @

*Free Green Wooden Baker’s Rack (contact Sarah @ 334-5812)

*Ipod Nano (contact Renea @ 339-3335)

*Girls Clothes 18 months-3T (contact Hollie @ 263-0484)

*Twin mattress Set (contact Mary at 335-5437)

*Maternity Clothes Size M-L (contact Mary at 335-5437)

*Bunk Beds-Twin or Full (contact @ Jennifer 314-369-8676)

*Shopping Cart Cover (contact Tami @ 417-880-7370)

*Dusty the Talking Vacuum (contact Renea @ 339-3335)

*Lion Costume Size 5/6 (contact Miranda @ 337-2002)

*Working Washer (contact Sarah @ 339-5568)

*Girls Size 3T up (contact Sarah @ 339-5568)

*Girls Shoe Size 8 & Up (contact Sarah @ 339-5568)

*Bumbo Seat (contact Michelle @ 894-7657)

*Infant Exersaucer (contact Michelle @ 894-7657)

*Fisher Price Swing (contact Melody @ 294-4264)

*Honey colored Changing Table (contact Melody @ 294-4264)

*Co-Sleeper/bassinet (contact Melody @ 294-4264)

*Bouncy Seat (contact Melody @ 294-4264)

I want….I Have MOPS Classified Continued

Page 8

Love Is Loving What They Love I hear it all the time. I have experienced it. You have too - loving what they love, because you love them.

Have you ever seen an adult attending the funeral of a rabbit? Did the adult so love the pet rabbit that he

just had to work through his grief in a process of closure? No, the average father would rather have eaten

the rabbit (before it got sick), but when his little girl came to love the rabbit, Daddy loved what his sweet-

heart loved. He had no grief for the dead "hairball," but he felt the loss his daughter felt, and so could

grieve with her. Love is loving what they love.

I have loved many things in my life that had no personal meaning to me. I have loved scribbled drawings,

ugly paintings, lopsided newly sewn dresses, burnt cakes, flat bread, sour pudding, over-salted cookies,

days at the park, trampolines, picnics, hikes, vacations where you slept on the ground, canoe trips in dull,

slow moving streams, cheap ice-cream and corn dogs, and on and on...Love gives inflated value to things,

to places, to moments, to memories. With love attached, the ordinary becomes special, royal, even holy.

The greatest pleasure is often found in simple things done together...

I know that as a parent you want to love your children. I know that you do care very much, but we are all

very complex beings with many drives and desires. Sometimes we place our own needs before the chil-

dren. A willing heart without wisdom may not be able to wade through all the conflicting feelings and

make the right choices. Life moves too fast; opportunities come and go without giving us time to evaluate

the options and to act on principle. Too often, we fail to properly express the love we know we have.

Love not shared dies...

Between pure love and hate there is a vast middle ground ruled by an enemy more subtle than hate but

just as deadly - indifference. Hate is like a barking dog; you cannot ignore it, but indifference is like ter-

mites, silently eating away. Love is loving what they love. Indifference doesn't pay attention to what they

love. A child scribbles on a piece of paper and then interrupts our reading to share her excitement over

her artistic creation. Indifference somehow doesn't notice that she is thrilled. Indifference doesn't share

her love of the moment; indifference just ignores her for "matters more important." "Don't bother me;

don't you see that I am busy. Go to your room and draw, and don't leave your color crayons on the


Parents must learn to love what their children are, not what they want them to be. Love their efforts to-

day, not their excellence tomorrow. Love them for loving the effort, and they will never tire of trying.

There is much more to training a child than loving what he loves, but if that one critical element is miss-

ing, virtually nothing else will ever be right. If your child is going to be your best friend when he or she is

grown, you must love what they love; when they are three, and when they are thirteen. It is what makes

the world go round and makes children come back around and call their parents blessed.

*excerpts taken from: Michael Pearl, "Loving is Loving What They Love." No Greater Joy (Sept-Oct 2004): pp 5, 8-11. For a free

subscription, go to www.nogreaterjoy.org

Page 9

Six Ways to Give Stuff a Second LifeSix Ways to Give Stuff a Second LifeSix Ways to Give Stuff a Second LifeSix Ways to Give Stuff a Second Life PAPER CUTTER- To cut back on the amount of new paper I use at home, I get paper that has

been printed on one side from the printing department of my company for free. They have reams

of paper that is printed on one side and will not be used again. I use this paper in my desktop

printer by printing on the reverse side. As long as you get permission from your company and

don't re-use paper with sensitive information, this is a great way to save money and resources. -Lynne S., Texas

LUNCHBOX SMARTS- I've found that many food items like tortillas now come in zipper-type bags. I

began reusing these bags for lunchbox snacks to cut down on waste and the number of zipper

bags I have to buy. -Yvette, Minnesota

DUST BUSTER- I always hated throwing away dryer sheets. Then, I discovered a great way to reuse

them, which also saves me from buying another product. I use them on my Swifter® mop by plac-

ing two sheets across the mop's width. They do a great job picking up dust and dirt from the floor. -D. M., e-mail

FLOWER POWER- When your washing machine breaks down for good, take the tub out and use it

in your garden. Washer tubs make great flowerpots. You can paint them any color you want, and

fill them with mulch and potting soil. Then, plant them with flowers and no one will guess that they

used to be washing machine tubs. -Ann W., e-mail

CANDLE RECYCLING- I like to burn candles, which often come in nice glass jars or other kinds of

containers. When the candlewick runs out and it won't burn any longer, I put the container in the

freezer over night. The next day, the candle wax pops right out with no mess and I can easily re-

use the container for other things. -Krista R., Oregon

Name: Kara Swofford

Position on Steering Team: Small Group Leader

Kids Names & Ages: Quinn (4), Erinn (7 months)

What sweet treat can you not resist? Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies

What did you do differently in your life before you became a mom? Lots of graduate classes and working out any old time.

Which celebrity or band did you have a crush on when you were young? Garth brooks

What is relaxing to you? Exercising

What is something you'd like to learn how to do? Make a yo yo quilt

What's your favorite fruit? Apples-only with string cheese

What are some of your favorite movies? Can’t sit still long enough to watch movies

Spotlight on Steering

Page 10

Bunco Night Bunco Night Bunco Night Bunco Night March 19th @ FBC-Branson

Tickets go on sell NOW!

$10 Before or $12 at the Door

A great opportunity to bring your

mom, sister, co-worker, or any spe-

cial girl in your life. Open to any

women not just MOPS moms.

Raffle t ickets for prizes will be avail-

able that night $1 per t icket, or $5 for

6 t ickets. What a great night of fun

and fellowship!

MOPPETS is in need of snacks

for our little ones! If you could pick up a box of crackers, cereal, goldfish, etc. it would help tremendously.

SAVE THE DATE! 2nd Annual Tea & Testimony Saturday, April 24, 2010

9am-Noon More details and information to come!

February 9th


Mix and mingle and sit at any

table. For all you single-moms

and mom’s whose husband

can’t attend we will have some

girls only tables so come and

enjoy a night with the girls.

February 23rd

BONUS NIGHT *Panel of Experts so come with lots of questions for our mentors and Lisa Phil-lips

*Craft: You will need to bring a picture for our craft (1.5 X 1.5 or 1 X 3)

*WEAR your warm and comfy pajamas

*Steering team will be pro-viding soup and salad

Page 11

Easter Pictures with Branson PhotoEaster Pictures with Branson PhotoEaster Pictures with Branson PhotoEaster Pictures with Branson Photo Available DatesAvailable DatesAvailable DatesAvailable Dates

March 13, 16-20, 23-27

Family & Children shots available.

More details to come at the February Meeting!

Call Tennille at (417) 335-4807 to schedule your appointment today!

Service UpdateService UpdateService UpdateService Update About 10 women from Sarah/Sara and Kim’s groups went to the

Women’s Crisis Center last month. It was an awesome experience

and we were able to make such a difference in the lives of those

women just by giving our time.

They are in desperate need of cleaning supplies, light bulbs, lo-

tions, soaps, etc. If you are able to donate any of those items

please get them to Teresa Boyd and she will make sure they get to

the Women’s Center.

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Branson PM MOPS

DeAnna Sheets-Publicity 640 Eiserman Street Branson, MO 65616

What to Expect at the What to Expect at the What to Expect at the What to Expect at the February MeetingsFebruary MeetingsFebruary MeetingsFebruary Meetings

MOPS AND POPS NIGHT~ Feb 9thMOPS AND POPS NIGHT~ Feb 9thMOPS AND POPS NIGHT~ Feb 9thMOPS AND POPS NIGHT~ Feb 9th • Food provided by Sarah/Sara, Kathy, and Jordan’s Group • Guest Speaker-National Institute of Marriage • Mix ed Tables instead of usual small groups

BONUS NIGHT~ Feb. 23rdBONUS NIGHT~ Feb. 23rdBONUS NIGHT~ Feb. 23rdBONUS NIGHT~ Feb. 23rd • Wear your warm and comfy pajamas.Wear your warm and comfy pajamas.Wear your warm and comfy pajamas.Wear your warm and comfy pajamas. • Food Provided by Steering Team • Bring a picture for our craft size (Bring a picture for our craft size (Bring a picture for our craft size (Bring a picture for our craft size (1.5 X 1.5 or 1 X 3 )1.5 X 1.5 or 1 X 3 )1.5 X 1.5 or 1 X 3 )1.5 X 1.5 or 1 X 3 ) • Panel of Experts :Peg and Carolyn (Mentors) and Lisa Phillps

(Love and Logic Trainer)