Fauvism Powerpoint

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Fauvism Powerpoint

Les FauvesBy: Amanda Houghton,

Freya Thodesen- Kasparian and Lucas Gonzalez


Contents Page

• Preview

• Background, what's happening in the 1900s?

• Pre-Fauve and Normal Fauve

• Specific Artists

• Its effect on the rest of the Art World

• The End

Introductory Quote by Henri Matisse

"What I dream of is an art of expression...

What I dream of is an art of balance, purity and serenity, devoid of troubling or depressing subject-matter. I want my work to be soothing, so that the exhausted, overworked and stressed spectator finds rest and calm in it."

-- Henri Matisse

Comparison Matisse

A bit of Background

• Imperialism started to gain popularity.

• New technology was coming out. Like the camera and the bicycle.

• The tensions of The Great War were pulling on Europe at the time.


What was the Goal of Les Fauves?

• overall goal was to express emotion through the color of paint

• No artistic creed or rules

• Though it is difficult to say the aims of the Fauve group, this person gave it their all

• "To render the equivalent of sunlight by means of a technique based on color orchestration, by emotional transpositions (with the emotions inspired by nature as our point of departure) whose truths and theories were built up in the course of enthusiastic research work."

What kind of style did Les Fauves Have?

• Les Fauves styles encompassed a wide range, that is much easier shown than explained.

Up next... the main Proponents of Fauvism!

Henri Matisse

"Lost in these chaotic surroundings, discouraged from the moment of my arrival... from monday to friday, and so meaningless that their perfection made me dizzy." - Henri Matisse

Andre Derain

• Became friends with Matisse in 1898

• Met Vlaminck in 1900

• Exhibited Fauvist works at the Salon d'Automne in 1905

Andre Derain

• Went to the South of France with Matisse in summer 1905

• Painted with vibrant, saturated color in broad, sweeping brushstrokes

• Used color as a means of evoking emotion

Boats at Collioure 1905

Boats at Collioure's Harbor 1905

The Thames 1906

London Bridge 1906

Maurice de Vlaminck

• “I wanted to express my feelings without troubling what painting was like before me...When I've got the color tubes in my hand, I don’t give a damn about other people’s pictures. Life and me, me and life-that’s all that matters.”

Key Influences on Fauvism

• Specifically other artists

Gustave Moreau

• Teacher at the Ecole Des Beaux Arts.

• Liberal teacher who allowed/ encouraged his students to branch out and experiment

• “You must think colour, have imagination with it. If you have no imagination you'll never paint beautiful color. You must copy nature with imagination - that is what makes an artist. Colour must be thought, dreamt, imagined.”

Van Gogh

• Influenced the Fauve movement with his technique and unique style.

• The artist he influenced the most was Maurice De Vlaminck.


• He was the first to use flat color as an emotive form on his paintings.

• First really became noticed on his painting, Jacob Wrestling with the Angel. (next slide)

• “how do you see these trees?’ ‘they are yellow’. well then put down yellow. And that shadow is rather blue. So render it with pure ultramarine...”


• Earlier works were Impressionistic

• Became interested in the Fauvist style of painting when he saw an exhibition featuring Fauvist works

• He created more subdued Fauvist-style paintings, drawn to use of color and loose line to convey emotion

Landscape at L'Estaque 1906


• He used different angles to mess with form and space. He tried to put different perspectives into one art piece.

• Influenced Vlaminck

Down Fall/ Expressionism

• By 1908 the Fauves begin to drift apart and go their separate ways

• Derain and Braque shifted towards Cubism

• Matisse transitioned from a Fauvist focus on color to that of balance and simplicity

• Fauvism was a transitionary movement between Impressionism and Expressionism
