Fast forward SMMI business collaboration

Post on 23-Jan-2015

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Presenter – Kevin Forshaw from the SMMI will describe how it is supporting and promoting innovation in the marine sector through the use of the facilities, staff and students at the UofS. The SMMI is unique internationally recognised centre of excellence, bringing together the research, innovation and education communities from universities, research institutes, industry and governments.

Transcript of Fast forward SMMI business collaboration

Southampton Marine & Maritime Institute -

Support for Business

Kevin Forshaw6th November 2012

The University of Southampton; an Enterprising University

• Global leader in spinning out companies

– 12 spin outs since 2000

– 4 floated on AIM - £180m valuation

• 40%+ of the University’s £100m pa research programmes have commercial partners.

• Over £10m pa collaborative research is funded by the EC

• Southampton is the Top UK university in working with SMEs.

• 7 consultancy units with 125 dedicated staff for immediate access .

Southampton’s Research Strengths

Working across the globe on climate change

Optoelectronics Research Centre: Invented the optical amplifier enabling high speed global communications

Web Sciences: at the forefront of developing the World Wide Web

Instrumental in making aircraft engines quieter and more efficient

Institute of Developmental Sciences: world leader in linking mothers’ diet and lifestyle and the health of children into adulthood

The Wolfson Unit is a UK Sport Innovation partner for the Olympics

Southampton Marine & Maritime Institute (SMMI)

• Over 300 academic staff are currently engaged in research related to marine and maritime including:

– Naval Architects and Engineering

– Oceanography and Earth Science

– Institute of Maritime Law

– Maritime archaeology

– Transport logistics and maritime sector supply chain dynamics


Southampton Marine & Maritime Institute (SMMI)• This depth and breadth of expertise has been brought

together under 4 themes:

– Climate and environment

– Energy and resources

– Trade and transport

– Society and government

• Lloyd’s Register (LR) are developing a Global Technology Centre in partnership with Southampton


Ways in which we work with business

Modes of Collaboration

Why we work with Business

• Driving beneficial social & economic impact by companies taking our research outputs to application

• Working with UK business and local SMEs to improve both economic and employment growth for UK PLC

• Need to continuously enhance and enrich our teaching via exposure to current commercial reality

• Maximise employment opportunities for our Graduates


Benefits for Business • Application of leading thinking, expertise and

facilities to your business problems

• Leveraging of grant support from both UK and EC sources t0 help support the costs of engagement

• A wide range of mechanisms to engage depending on urgency and budget available

• Linkage to non-competitor companies who can provide valuable insight into cross-sectoral problem solving


Three themes of engagement• Broadly, we engage with business by offering the following:

– Access to knowledge & skills

• Graduate employment• Student placements• Consultancy, research & KTPs

– Access to Facilities (often as part of collaborative research projects)

• Specialist facilities including wind-tunnels & towing tanks

– Training & development of existing staff

• Part-time degree programmes, short courses and CPD


Ways your Business can access University expertise include:

• Student Placements/ Projects (Undergraduate or Postgraduate)

• Sponsored Doctorates (PhDs)

• Consultancy

• Sponsored Research

• Knowledge Transfer Partnerships

• Collaborative Research


Student Placements/ Projects• Undergraduate Projects

– Penultimate year: Individual – Final year: Group

• Undergraduate Placements– Usually over the summer vacation – May be linked to a project

• Postgraduate Projects & Placements– Linked to Masters programmes– Vary in length and duration (3 – 12 months)– Tackle industry problems


Sponsored Doctorates


• Engineering Doctorate:– 4 year doctoral award (EngD) sponsored by industry

and Research Council

• Collaborative PhD– Student follows University training programme– Based at company for most of period– Costs covered by industry

• CASE Studentship– Traditional PhD part sponsored by Industry and

Research Council– 3 months spent at company over 3 years of study

• Industry Sponsored– Traditional PhD fully sponsored by Industry

Consultancy• Different technical areas of the University have

established specialist Consultancy Units.

• There are currently 9 specialist consulting units including:

– The Research Institute for Industry

– ISVR Consulting


– Geodata

– IT Innovations Wind tunnel testing


Sponsored Research

• 40% of the University’s research conducted in collaboration with industry including:

• UK Research Council, TSB or EC Funded collaborative research taking new thinking to market

• Contract research to investigate specific company need

• Establish University Technology Centre (UTC) or Partnership that establishes long-term relationship

• Current UTCs collaborators include Rolls Royce, Airbus, RNLI and Lloyds Register


• Grant Supported, high-impact, collaborative Projects from 6 months to 3 years

• Graduate employee + academic support + access to University facilities with up to 67% of costs met by grant

• Current maritime collaborations include:

– CJR Propulsion Ltd


– Victor Marine Ltd

– Kittiwake Developments Ltd

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships

15Applying CFD to prop Design With CJR Ltd

Collaborative Research / FP7

• 10% of our research funding comes from FP7 projects (EC R&D Funds)

• Currently collaborating with leading companies including Rolls Royce, Wärtsilä and Carnival on projects looking at:

– Innovative materials for antifouling

– Mitigation of underwater noise

– Development of new materials

For further information:

Kevin Forshaw

Industry Liaison SMMI

+44 (0)23 80598708