FANTAGRAPHICS BOOKS, INC. SEATTLE, WA · ni-nicodemos. That’s it, nick. Look, I’m nothing but a...

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Transcript of FANTAGRAPHICS BOOKS, INC. SEATTLE, WA · ni-nicodemos. That’s it, nick. Look, I’m nothing but a...


“I feel the pain of everyone / and then I feel nothing.” — “Feel the Pain,” Dinosaur Jr.

“Vapor will change the face of the world… my biggest regret is to have ignored it.”

— Napoleon in St. Helena,

quoted by Jean Ignace Isidore Gérard Grandville


Sometimes I seem to be floating above the ground…


A sensation caused by an empty stomach.

I’m not hungry.

You aren’t? That’s surprising.

But it’s for the best, because you’d have to satisfy your hunger.


Let’s see, where do you come from?

I’ve been observing you. You’ve wasted

days out here.

What’s the point of depriving yourself?

You’re not going to be self-righteous, are you?



Then what are you looking for out here?

Meaning. The final and inevitable consciousness, if there is such a thing.

Are you talking about God?

No, God is only a contaminated and infectious idea. I don’t pursue ideas. I seek experiences.

It is Absolute. It is Absolute and Transparent!

What has No Weight but Falls by its Own weight… A little sunstroke!


It could be a form of energy or a state of


A definitive mathematical formula or an unsolvable paradox…

A vacancy, a silence, infinite or brief… It

could be the self-same search!!

Christ! You’re a fucking mystic!

I’m sick, sick of it all! Of the world and the people, of things and ideas, of words and of images!

It’s all a gigantic muddle, a phenomenal misunderstanding!!

Solitude, Silence, Privation, Quiet! This is

my remedy!

I follow the path of Anthony, of Paul, of

Simon, the Fathers of the Desert. They discovered their road in a wasteland

like this.

Look, buddy, do I seem very transcendent to you? These airs you’re putting on aren’t going to help you much out here…


This is the desert, capisce? And here

everything’s equal – perfectly horizontal. OK?

If you’re going to walk through here feeling high and mighty, the

shit rain’s gonna hit you from all sides!

Oh – OK…

Ah, and another thing: if we’re going to be friends, you’d better knock it off with that highfalutin vocabulary and with all the capital letters! You think you’re so humble, and

yet you spit out pompous pronouncements in capital letters all over your rags!

I’m moises, although everybody else in the world calls me mosh.

Eh… delighted to meet you, Mosh. I’m


More capital letters!Please don’t misunderstand me. I’m telling you this as a potentially loyal friend.

But let me introduce myself…



That’s it, nick.

Look, I’m nothing but a crass cat, a juvenile

delinquent, but hang with me and I’ll watch your


I can get you anything you want: cigarettes…

drugs… alcohol…… girls!

Nothing interests me, mosh. I already told you. I’m here to get away from it all.

Of course. Whatever you say, nick. No problemo.


I’m so weary.

I told you so. You know, nick, maybe you’re right after all. Who knows?

Life is so mysterious! I’ll be seein’ ya.

I’m hungry!



First week. I’m acclimatizing myself.

All this is very stimulating. Though I still haven’t eaten anything…

I’ve decided to organize my time: physical exercise (no need to neglect the body).

A good walk each morning, examining the terrain, gathering food.

Somewhere there should be something more than rocks. Maybe I’ll find roots or something…



Water! Maybe I’ll find water!

It isn’t easy to get your bearings here…

I think I’ve been going around in circles! God… scarcely two hours since dawn and I can barely stand!





W-what’s this?





This is hard as a rock!

It’s salt-cured.

Aah! Holy shit! I’ve gone more than a week without tasting a bite…

Where did you get it?

I stole it.


From Monipodio. He has provisions stolen from

the caravans.


He’s the leader of a gang of robbers. They have their lair nearby.

And why did you steal food for me?

Thieving is in my nature. It amuses me.

And besides, your predicament saddens


I’ll bring you something every

day.You’ve saved my life. What’s your name?

Juanita. And you are? Thirst, I’ll die of thirst!!

I’m dehydrating!!


I can’t bring you liquids!

But come on. Follow me…

I’ll take you where there’s water! Yes, yes… water… please…!!

Water, water!!