Factors Affecting Audit Quality-resume Journal

Post on 01-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Factors Affecting Audit Quality-resume Journal

  • 8/9/2019 Factors Affecting Audit Quality-resume Journal


    Nama : Bravo Aldito

    Kelas : 9C Khusus / 7


    Article Factors affecting the quality of Auditing: The Case of Jordanian

    Commercial Banks, International Journal of Business and Social Science

    Research Questions What is the most imortant factors affecting audit quality in Jordanian

    Commercial Banks !JCBs"#

    $oti%ations &' (iscuss the different measures of audit quality')' *n%estigate factors that may affect the audit quality in the Jordanian

    commercial +anks'' (etermine the most imortant factors affecting audit quality from the

    ersecti%es of internal and e-ternal auditors of the Jordanian

    commercial +anks'Theories Audit Quality Frame.ork

    /yotheses / &: The internal control system doesn t affect auditing quality in the

    Jordanian +anking sector'

    / ): The indeendence of the auditor doesn t affect auditing quality

    in the Jordanian +anking sector'

    /: Auditor efficiency doesn t affect auditing quality in the Jordanian

    +anking sector'

    /0: The reutation of the auditing office doesn t affect auditing

    quality in the Jordanian +anking sector'

    /1: Auditing office fee doesn t affect auditing quality in the Jordanian

    +anking sector'

    /2: The si3e of the auditing office doesn t affect auditing quality in

    the Jordanian +anking sector'

    /4: The secialty and roficiency of the auditor doesn t affect

    auditing quality in the Jordanian +anking sector'

    /5: There are no differences in auditing quality +et.een internal ande-ternal auditors'

    6aria+le and $easurement Relia+ility and %alidity test, frequency analysis, indeendent samle t7

    test, descriti%e statistics, correlation matri-, linear regression, and

    simle regression

    Research $ethod This research adoted questionnaire method as a mean for data

    collecting to e-amine the main factors affecting auditing quality' This

    sur%ey consists of the factors that re%ious studies stated .hich might

    affect audit quality,and also the measures that those studies considered

    as audit quality measures'

    8amle Random samle of e-ternal auditors .ho ha%e e-erience .ith +anks

    audit and a random samle of internal auditors in Jordanian commercial


    Results &' The internal control system doesn t affect auditing quality in the

    Jordanian +anking sector' !Accet")' The indeendence of the auditor doesn t affect auditing quality in the

    Jordanian +anking sector' !Accet"' Auditor efficiency doesn t affect auditing quality in the Jordanian

    +anking sector' !Re9ect"0' The reutation of the auditing office doesn t affect auditing quality in

    the Jordanian +anking sector' !Re9ect"1' Auditing office fee doesn t affect auditing quality in the Jordanian

    +anking sector' !Re9ect"2' The si3e of the auditing office doesn t affect auditing quality in the

    Jordanian +anking sector' !Accet"4' The secialty and roficiency of the auditor doesn t affect auditing

    quality in the Jordanian +anking sector' !Re9ect"5' There are no differences in auditing quality +et.een internal and

    e-ternal auditors' !Accet"

  • 8/9/2019 Factors Affecting Audit Quality-resume Journal


    Based on the results, the researchers conclude the follo.ing:

    &' 8tandard de%iation statistics for all %aria+les .ere relati%ely lo., .hich

    indicate that the resondents ans.ers are consistent and close to

    each other')' The .eighted a%erage score for auditing quality .as '4) out of fi%e

    !a+out 40", .hich indicates that the resondents think that auditingquality in the Jordanian +anking sector ranges from satisfactory to %ery

    good'' The .eighted a%erage score for the indeendent %aria+les !factors

    that e-ected to influence auditing quality" ranged from '1& to 0');

    out of fi%e !from 4; to 50", indicating that the resondent almost

    agree that the selected indeendent %aria+les affecting auditing


    The results confirmed the e-istence of a ositi%e and significant

    correlation +et.een auditing quality and auditing efficiency, the reutation

    of auditing office, auditing fees, the si3e of auditing office, and the

    secialty and roficiency of auditor'

    &' T7test results indicate that there is no difference in auditing quality

    +et.een internal and e-ternal auditors')' The results indicate that