Facebook Live Streaming Tutorial · Microsoft Word - Facebook Live Streaming Tutorial Author:...

Post on 06-Jul-2020

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Transcript of Facebook Live Streaming Tutorial · Microsoft Word - Facebook Live Streaming Tutorial Author:...

Facebook Live Streaming on Your Computer:

1. Simply click on or copy and paste https://www.facebook.com/neelsville/ for Neelsville Presbyterian Church public Facebook page. You do not need a Facebook app or account to access our public Facebook page. It should look something like this on your computer:

2. Scroll down on your computer until you see the latest post from us, which should be our worship service live streaming on Sunday starting at 10:30 am. Remember you have to wait until the start time of 10:30 am to find the video.

3. If Facebook asks you to log in or create a new account, just click on “Not Now.”

Again, you do not need a Facebook account to view our public Facebook page.

4. When the video starts, you will see a chat bar on the right side of the screen where you can communicate with others who are watching. If you don’t want to see the chat, click on the fullscreen icon on the video, in the lower right hand corner next to the volume.

5. If the video shorts out and ends, refresh the Facebook page and look for the video. You can refresh by clicking on the address bar at the top of the page

(highlighted in blue below) and pressing “Enter” on your keyboard. Upon hitting “Enter,” it will refresh your page.

Facebook Live Streaming on Your Mobile Phone:

1. Simply click on or copy and paste https://www.facebook.com/neelsville/ for Neelsville Presbyterian Church public Facebook page. You do not need a Facebook app or account to access our public Facebook page. It should lk something like this on your mobile phone:

2. Keep scrolling down on your mobile phone until you see our latest post which should be our worship service live streaming on Sunday starting at 10:30 am. Remember you have to wait until the start time of 10:30 am to find the video.

3. If you don’t want to scroll down, another option is to find the menu right below the

stars (Home, About, Events, Jobs, Photos, Videos, Posts …). Scroll to the right until you click on “Posts.” You should immediately be able to see the live streaming video when you scroll down. Remember you won’t be able to find the video until Sunday at 10:30 am.

4. If the video shorts out and ends, refresh the Facebook page and look for the

video. You can refresh by pulling down on the page. Upon release it will refresh

your page. You should see a blue circle or arrow (as can be seen on the top of the screenshot below) while refreshing.