Facebook ad campaign structure, tutorial by louie

Post on 14-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Facebook ad campaign structure, tutorial by louie

Facebook ad campaign structure, Tutorial by Louie


What is Facebook ad campaign structures?

In this tutorial you will learn Facebook-

Campaign structure so you-

-can organize, optimize, and-

measure the performance the-

-ads you run.

Campaign structure has three level.

Campaign structure has three level.


Ad set.

and Ads

Here’s How it works, to run ad on Facebook you have to choose your objective.

Your objective is what you want to accomplish with your ad.

Like promoting an app or building awareness of you business.

Like promoting an app or building awareness of you business.

Choosing an objective creates a campaign.

That’s the first Level.

The next level is ad set.

Ad set is were you choose your-

Audiences, your ad schedule,-

Where your ads appear and how much you pay.

At the ad level.

Its all about what people will see.

This is where you define your creative.

Or what appears I your ad,

Photos, video, copy, links and more.

It’s a simple structure and it is easy to make adjustments-

So you can test ad which ad performs better.

For example:

If you run a campaign to get more people to your website-

You could test the responsiveness of different audiences-

at the ad set level. And different photos, videos and -

massages at the ad level.

With Facebook reporting tools-

You’ll be able to see which audiences response most-

And which ads performs better.

So you can make better marketing choice-

Like increasing budget at the ad set level-

Where audiences response better.

And pausing and revising ad to improve performance.

A simple structure make it easy to optimize and measure your-

Progress with all your audiences-

So you can continue to reach your business goal.

Thank you!!