f ,s~ i 0 VERNMENT ~AlETTE -...

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Transcript of f ,s~ i 0 VERNMENT ~AlETTE -...

Goa, 23rd May, 1963

, All correspondence referring to announcem~;-l subscription of Government Gazette must be, addressed

I to its administration office. Literary publications wilf1:ie, advertised free of charge provided two' 'J:opies 'are \ i ~ offered.' . " , ', , , ,.-

'r' Toda a corresportdencia telativa a anunc!osea assina-' tura do Boletim O/idal d!lve ,s~ i dirigida a Adminis­

I tra~ao da Imprensa Nacional. As publicaGfles literariaS I de que se. teceberem dois exemplares"an(mciam-se'



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Rs. 40/­

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Rs. 24/­

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Secretariat Administration Office of Pernem

Section of Comunidades

Notice no. 3

As required ,by th'3 clause 509 and the followi11cgone-s 'Of the !Code of Comunidades, I do hereby a;ppoint the days given her:eunder for auditing the accounts of the clerks, the key ~k!eepers of the sates and the treasurers of the !Comunidades, below indicated. 'The clerks should :be present in this Offke on the a;ppointed days at the appo'inted hour and issue noti­fications referred to in the dause 510 'of the said Oode,certi­ficakes of whl:ch notificwj)i'ons together 'with the ibooks of 1liccounts and the documents nec'essary for the purpose in -view and pertaining to the mana~ement for the ye8!r 19,62-1963 must be suJbmiitted ,to the aJbove-quO'ted Ofifitce in anti-cipa;tton of 8 days, famng which action will be taken in accordance with the ,la,w:

VirnO'ra :22-'7 --19613. Uguem: 31-7..,1963. Tuem :2-8-1963. >DargaHm: 9-8-1963. Aloma: :16-8-19'63. Pernem: 22~8-1963. ffibrampur: 130-8-1963. Paliem: '2-9-1963. !M:andrem: 9-9-1963. Arambol: 17-9-1963. UVLorgim: 25-9-1963. Agarvado :30-,9-1963.

Pernlem, 8th May, 1963. ~ The Adim,indistI1wtor, Ananta Xamba Sinai £orcar.


Administration Office of Sanguem

Forest Section


In:be!r'ested parlt[esatr'e herelpy n,oltiif1jJedi Ij;ftllaJt 'on tthle 21st day, from the 2nd day of the publication hereof in the Govern­ment Gazette at 3 p. m. in this Administration office and befoIle the C9mmlttee referred to in the follOWing forest pro­ducts seized from Sidha forest (File no. 85/1963) 10 logs of teak 'Volume 3,327C/mebr:es WIil!l 'be \S1011d fun laiUCJt!iion foT· the t1i:r:sJt ttJimle for lt1he otiJail b'ildldlil!llg priil0e of RJs. 4!00/.-.

The pi8ll'lS101lll.S :inJ1ieliested wd!lIl halVe to IdieposiJt RJs. '5,0/- before the Oomm!iJttJee which WlilU be l1ediUlll;dieidi rtJo ;the ~aTItiles whlose bididliing rus nolt Iwooeiplted.



(Tradu<;Uu J


GOA, 010



Administra~ao do Concelho de Pernem

Secc.;ao das- Comunidades

Edlitall n.o 3

Ananta Xamba 'Sinai iBorcar, adminrstrador:

Nos termos do artigo 509.0 e seguintes do vigente C6-digo das CDmunidades, designo os dias abaixo indicados para 0

jul1gamento de ,coutas dos escrivaes, 'cl8.vtoulariose tesoureiros das comunidades deste ,conoelho,ini-ramendonadas, devendo os es-crivaes assistir 310 mesmo -ju1gamento nesta Adm-inis­traQao nO's dias des'tgnados, as dez horas, fazendo, previa­mente, as nobifi:caQ6es referidas no artigo 5'10. 0 do -citado 06dtgo ,e :envia;r a 'esta AdministraQao, C'omantecipaQao de o'iJto dias, as certid5es de notifi'caQoes, os 'l'ivros e papeis pre­ci-sos re-speitantes a gerenoia do ana de :1962-1>963, pa!r'a 0 fim C)m vista, sab pena de se proceder no'S termos da lei:

Virnora: 22-7-19,63. Uguem: 31-7-19'63. 'Iiuem: 2-8-1963. Dargalim: 9-18-1963. AIoma: ]:6-S-1963. Pernem: ,2'2~8-1963. I ibr3Jmpur: '3:0--8";1963. Pa1ilem: 2-9"19'63. Mandrem: 9"9-1963 ATa!mbol: 17-9-1'963. Morgim :25-9-1963. Agarvado: 30-9-19'63.

P,ernffin, 8 die l\1Jai:!o 'de 1963. ~ 0 AJdminii,gtradio:!', Ananta Xa.mbd Sinai Bm·car.


Administrac;ao do Concelho de Sanguem

Secgao das Matas


Flaz-SJe pwbilJiico parla ,oolrLhiecimenroo dOis iIn~er(eSlsaidos que no 21. 0 dliJa a. Iconroait' do 2.° ,dfua.dJa pUlblliJdaQ8Jo' !diElSItie no Boletim o ficial, pelas 15 horas, nesta AdministraQao perante a co­m:iJSlS8Jo a. qUle ISle lI1eil'leI1e ,a p8irltle flinJaJl dol -§ l1nlLcOi do' laJrti!go' 54.0

dlo RJegu,lam:entio plaI1a ;a Adirn!ill::iliIsctJIiaQao daiS Mamws de Goa, em vigoa:-, sle prolceidJElra a 'VIooaa ,errn 1." praga dOl pirloduto flo­restia;l allYaJl}OO ,dItsClii:rndinJaJdio, a!p1rieellidliidio na mru11a ,SliJdlbJa (p'ro~ cesso n.O 85/1963) 10 toros de teca do volume de 3,327 m', -com bia-se de i1Juci!tiagiio de RJps. 400/-.

Os plI1eibwdienJ1Jes para SJeI1eIffi aJdIrnlii1J1dosa P['laga dev;eriiJo efectuar previamente perante a comissao 0 deposito de


01aU'ses 'and condii!tlilOillJS mlay he consulitled alt ,this offlice dUIl'iIrIlg wtCIrk;mg hOlier'S.

'I1h~s Dloitiilce has been pl.llblfiisheiClJ flo[' !g1enetr1aJl iinf(JI=~tion 'and sim'i;l'ar 'on'88 wi1fl 'be iflixed, laJt the usual! pla,ces.

SOOgrtlEllU, 9th Mlay, 1963. ~ TlhJe SieoI1ooaJry, A~berto de L~ma


VdISill. Tille MmilniisltI1atOil', OWltuto Rodrigues.

••• Customs

Marmagoa Customs


Albino Pinto, Director of Customs Marmagoa Port:

It i'8 hereby ;brought to the publiic notilce that the foHawing gqods will be auctioned on the 24th :May,at the Fiscal Post of Colva at 11 a. m.

Fo,r the second time

Admini.strative file no. 1548/1961:

1 canoe carved out of one wooden log, old and used one.

Administrattve file no. 1543/1961:

7 ,wooden logs and 11 mast for 'boat.

Administrative file no. 1544/1961:

1 wooden 'log.

Administrative file no. 1550/1961:

10 'wooden :logs and 1 gross heam.

Administrative file no. 1533/19'60:

2 empty dvums, 1 drum fihled 'with 40 gaHons of lubrilca­ting <;>11 and accessories of boat.

Administrative file no. 1556/',1961:

5 wooden beams.

Administrative file no. 11532/1960:

1 life boat without engine, 15 emty drum, 1 empty bin and one tank. •

Administrative file no. 1535/H:l'60:

1 old seanch-Itght, 1 ancllorand 1 'life-buoy.

To the price of the auction, the :legal percentage and stamps, will Ibe added.

Similar noti:ces have lbeen fixed in the usual places.

NOTE: The Government reserves the right to withdraw the goods from the auction if the prices offered are not satisfactory to its interests.

M~ut'IIDlatgola CUISlOOms, 7lbh Ml81Y, Hl63. - The Da.riector, Albino S. Pinto.

---~ .... ---

Customs of Daman


NIaIl1cfuJJV!a Bod Loti~eca1I', PiI101bmtiJonary Offdda!l of Daman OU'8lt'OlITlIs:

CI dio llJemeiby 'cerltify thaJt [a !IlIOltliJc:e lhialS been ifiix)ed on this OUISibOIffilSl Home, claJHi:llig t1he unikrnlOWID. tdieflaruili1Jer tol 1:IakJe n:orti~ce wlthin ten days of the adjudication order passed in proce­dure no. 8/1963 by which he was applied the maximum penalty of Rs. 833-40 n. p.

The pTiOIClediu:ne lis I1eg:alrdiing Ith!e lexJCJelSlS [olf ,2,2 wI1islt Wlaluohes of FiaWieLeuIJ)a m81rk whli!cIh weme rlotind in aiJr 'Pa!I10eil. ico!lllsli:gned to tthJe memclhia!lllt lof Da!ffi8Jll MUsUalck Ustsen Guillarro Uss'en.

CIt 'iis allJs10 Iceri1Jif:iJeclJ thlalt tilt lis ISltiaitedi ill. Ij;(h;e SIa!ffie nottli.c:e ,that after the expiry of the said time the procedure will follow its legal course in IDS aJbsence.

To make jlt k!IlIown I1:Jhiis nJort:itCle bias Ibeien iilSlSlUeidi.

DaIITlJ8Jll Ousrtloms House, 3i!'id May, '1963.-"Tlhe N1oltary, Nar­cinva Poi'Lot7Je,oar.

Viirsa. - The DiI'lelO1lOlr cd' OusrtJoms, Atmmrama DataroffYl,a S,!rtOOicar.


RIps. 50/- que 'sera ,r1estiituidio 3Jp6s la '81rI1elml3Joagaol 'aos COU­

correntes cujo lango nao for aceite. As 'condigoes do collJJtrlaJto rpodierao 'SIer le~dJas !llJru seore­

trum tdie'siba Ad!:n1in:i:sibriaga'O elm itotdiOIS 'Os dJilaIS uitJetiJs IclJui!'mntie aJS horas regulamentares de servigo.

E pam ser publli!co 'Sie 'ex!pletdtiu esJte '€I rOl.lltrlOlS l('Ije 'iJg1uia1l teOl' serao afixadlols !IlIO!S ilUlg'aJIies Idle leSitiffio.

ISianguem, 9 de MaJilO die 1963. - 0 Slearl~, Alberto de Lima Fernandes.

Vi'SitO. - 0 Adtl11lin~srbraJclJor, Canuto Rodrigues .

---<l.~.~.~ ----Servi~os das Alfandegas

AIUmdega de Mormugcto


AlbiJ;J.o P:into, reverificador-chefe, interino e director de AI­fan:dega de Mormugao: Fago saber Ique pelas 11 haras do dia 2'10 do corrente, serao

vendidas em hasta publica no [Posto Fiscal de Golva, as se· guintes mercadorias:

Em 2.' praga

Do processo administrativo n.O 1548/1961: 1 ill. ° IElmiibiatI'lcagao de UIm so lITlIaJdieiirol, ve[iha ,e usadJa.

no proces'so admmistrativo n.O 15'43/1961: 7 n.O' toros de madeira e 1 mastro para .embarcagao.

Do processo administrativo n.O 1540'4/1961: 1 n. ° toro de madeira.

Do pro'ces'8o administrativo n.O 11549/1961: 1 n. ° toro de maderi'ra.

Do processo administrativ~ n.O 1550/1961: '1:0 iOOl;OSl de maJdle!im 'e 1 n. ° ibaflrloltao de m8ldle!i::ra.

Do prO'C'esso adm'inistrativo n.O 1553/1960: 2 bidons vazios de ferro, 1 dito :de :ferro Icom 40 gaI6es dE

oleo mineral lubrificante e aprestos de embarcagao.

Do processo administrativo n.O 1556/1961: 5 n.'" Ibarrote'8.

Do pTocesso administratlivo n.O 1532/1960: 1 n.O embarcagao n/esp. I(escaler sem motoT), 15 tam·

bores, uma lata de ferro e um tanque de ferro.

Do processo administrativo n.O '11535/1960: 1 n.O Farol de ferro velho e uma ancora de ferro e um/:


o prego (te arrematagao sera 3icresddo de percentagem '!

selos. E para constar se exp.ediu este '€I outros de igual teo'r sera(

afixado'8 em Iugares de .estilo. E .eu Algostinho TeIes, 'escriva( o dacti'lografei e sulbs'crevo.

NOTA: 0 Estado reserva para si 0 direito de retirar da praga I mercadoria caso 0 valor oferecido nao convier para os interesse, dc, Estado.

.AJlfailldegta de MOII1mrugao, 7 de MiaJi.o die 1,963. --' 0 DirelCltor A~b'ino S. Pinto.

• Alfandega de DamiIo


N8JrcinJVla Polli LottileClaJr, 10000crilail ielsitlaJgdamiio dial qruJaidirlQi ttecnico' -!aJdiuamJelia:1O', leslclrirviio dQis laU1JOIS Dla Alllf8.indie!g1a de Darrowo:

Oea1tdfilc:o It.er illeSI!:Ja daiba 18ifiixaldio a, poi!'ItJa doom A:lffund'eigla ( 'edlii1Ja~ de dfulJalgaJo de 20 dIi~ !IlIOltif!iJC[amiClJO piellio rp!rlaIZIO de 10 diil81! o arguido des!coll'heC'ido de 'que por despa;cho de in:diciagao pro ferido no proc.esso fiscal n. ° 8/1963 foi 0 mesmo arguido jul glaidio mCUlI'lso na tI1a!llls'glness81o' Ie fJX1ruclJa ~ tm3.:xdImia! tm'Ullltla dl RIps. 833-40 n. p.

o pi110lClesso e trlooerenibe IaIOI leXlCeSSIQI de 22 i!'e16giiJos dJa IITliarCl «FIa~e Leub81» que lfolramiencolDltrlaidiosl I!l)aJ lelliClOlITllendia aer€ll CIO!IlIS~gnrudia alO c[omeTicilaJnltie delSllla prrRg~ MUlSltJaJc'k H uSse'il Gu'llarrn Hus~eliln.

Fti IITlIMS ~sttli!puJ~aJdo DlO iI'lef€lI'!i.do OOIilbaiJ. Ique fllinoo 10 Tlels1peoti \n

prazo 0 rprocesso sera ju1g81do a, revelia.

Altfiia:J.deiga Idle Da:m§Jo, 3 de 'M'aii0l Ide 1900. -< 0 Es0rli:vik NaroinV'a Poi llot7;ecar.

VliIsrbQi. --i 0 Dil:1eicltolr da Alliffum:lJegia" Atmarama Dataram, Sirvoicar.


23RD MAYJ 1963


Audtton at h3J!f '0'1£ tihe iplI'ilCle, ,wfu11 be bield iby It!he 2nd time, alt thti!s Ouslooms Hbuse, lOIn 161th, JUlDle lDIext, ~' 10 a. m., 'I1eg;ar­diing the gO'cds the f1i:vSlt iaJU!WOIn of whiClh 13lI1d: ~OOCru(pltjJO'!O weI1e aJI1IJJcUftlced in !the GOMermtmi8lDJt Giamet:te nOI. 14, fSe[[,j'es lIT, of 4-4-1963 ,bekJng1IDg It!o claJses nOls. 64/l!963, 65/1963 aillJd 6ljl1961.

Daman OUs<tclms HCUISe', 7th M'a,y, 1963. --' The Pt1()1)jatiooary qff1iclail, Nar'ciruvu Poi DoUe:car.

VWsla. - The Dirtecitc[[' 'Of OUSitOIITlS, Atmarama Datarama Sirvoicar.


Department of Economics

Land Survey Department


By s<upe'rlic[' oQ,die;r, lirt lis h8ll1e1by mJaJdiel kin;O'WIl to' laill lconcer­ned t!hat 'On 1:3th June next, at 1'1 a. m., a p'U'bJjlc 8!ucticn (on Jiel8JSle ibia:Slls') wlill]; ~ak:e pil!3ICle :in 'the AdiInliniilsth'1aJ1:1iolll 'Oif Goa ij'alLuka, lbie!o!t'le rthJe OommlitJtIele Qn IaJCdclI1Cliance wdith lthe, a1'­t'ieJie 98 of' the Regilime f'cr rthJe loolDl0essincill i()1f IlJaiIlJdIs, lin, fO!J1c:e, atppTIO'V'eid by Dec~ee nOi. 36012 cd.' 24-11-1917, 10'1£ 31OcOCiCillut tr!e:els Iclf 3;rd ,c(]jass, 19 ,dCIOOIDIUrt itJ1€1es but lof !Ln:fleirliJcr kind, 8 newJy prlcldiucdlng, 4 UIllip'J1clc1ucitfuV'e ~clUng 'CCIOCll1urt 'vI'ees, 4 ordi­nary UllliplrcldiucltJi;v:emalllJg1a:tr1eelS:, 1 Uil1prodlUctliVie jalck-tree, sLtUla;tJed 'in Ibhe vIBiJ:alg'e 0'1£ Ella (Vlellhia Glcla), t!bie 1s:t3JI1binJg bid being Rs. 160/-, wiith the f1o~cwliillg ,CQlrudlWiicillJs:

1st ---' Tillie ,Lelttli!rug cut sha!lJ1 begJirn as 810'10'111 las ilhe ocrndi­'t!i{J1ll Icf thle 'leasle' bias ibleen aipp~iO'\"ed sUlP'err'~Oirlly and 'Slhail!! ble CIVielr dill 19165; ,

,\lnd Tihe IaJllnuaJl I'Ienrt s:ha,n he pallid illl ,the 'Dr1ewmry of Revenue Office cf Quepem in January cf each year alllJd'lcf ,thait cf tlhie yelaJr 1916,3, slhal1l ible plati:d \\r.1thin 1'0 dJ3JY's, f'l'cm ,th1e daJte ,cf ,oCIITl!Unl~Clai1Ji<OIn IiJnfo~min:g hfum a.be'lllt tlhe approlViall lof Ithe 'CIC'llld!:rU~onIS of the 'lease;

3Jtd - Tble IJielaJSlebio[rdiel!', durliLnlg the 'lb1Jdidiil!l,g, sibJailJl depc1si1t 'as Ia: gu/rut'allll1lele, ,tih!e vail'llle olf !the lI!ease off IC'llle yelaJr, wh:!:oh WJilil !ble 'I1eifl1l!I1dJed, ~Ue!J1 the lexpiJry cf the 'COIIltJrialdt;

4th ---' Thie J:el3JSle IhIolJ!dJe:r 'shia;lIJj 'ble ,cOltlllple[Jield ItO' pay the tax:els dUle aIDId 1 % mCll1e!bhJe 'Vlartue lof Ithe 'LeaJse 'ws pelr DeoI1ee of 1-1'0.,1881;

5tih - Tlhie lelaJse holldJer shailll ~!iJdie to! ailil rtJbie tdliisipicistition:s of the 'Law ian:d to il:lholS1e lof Dec[1e1e nOl. 3602()f 24-11-:1917 (f/6g1aJrk:1liin!g itJhie JleaJse;

6th - The leaJSle hoilldier ,OO3JLl not be IaIl.llicweld IUO 'cut dc~rvn any e~istlin,g,trees lexoerpt ilie dlelaid 'ooels, which witH ble vlelr1if,iJetd by Agrlilooilltum !ail:lId Vletel:rli!Dlary Of:5i!cer IaJt thJe veqUlelSJt lcf :Vbie ILeasle' b!clldJerl Ibe!IOIl:'e 'curtting Itlhem dcwitl! ailld ISoWd dm. pu'billiJc IaJUcbiCIIl;

7rtJh - The Jiea;sle rhclldJer shiailll 'bie ,cb1li[ged to ItaJke ,care Icf luhie p(['Oiplerity iaJDJd IcuJ:1iirvl8lte lilt IiIIl !diue rt:IiJme. He 8lha},! ,cofLlleot Ithle ICICICOllluJUS Icnily Wlh!en SlelaiZlCIDISdi laud k1eep t!he tops of the 'cacclan:\1It Itmeesl, dean aJt tbhe tiime lof ltih:e[lr bJaJI1Vie~t;

8uh -]if tbJe 'Lsalse lbioldier does: illJOit fulftil lamy ,of rbhe 'wbove mentiOl!l!ed ICOinJdiiltioiIlJs, ltIhe ICOliIllurlact IsnaJ]l SltOip f,Tcm ilITl!ITllediiJalue lei1Deldt, wiuhout lany iindi€IITlJIlmCJa:tiolll and he ISh3J1Il ]clclSe the g'U3JI'alllJUee deposiLtJed! iiln favour of i\:ibie GIO'Vlell:1I1lInenit.

Land SU'l1V1ey Dep18.1itme'il1t, [n GCla, 6th lVU8JY, 1963. - Far !the OffiCie\r, Jose Mi~agres ilia Ounha;

Visa --'The DiJr;ector, Prabhaker Kamat.

...... Revenue Department


A p6r!iJod IQIf 180 days dis laiI!Dowed .1)01' da:im TI10ll ltIhe ~aJte of pub[ibootli\OIn of Ith~ m ithie GQlV:e!t'iIlJmenrt Gazette, laJ0Cl0I1diin:g :tio tI:IbJe ftjeJrITIJS of the D€iClI1ee ldiaJtied' 5ith DelceIITl!ber: 19,1!0, p8:ss'ed iby ~aw ailld lin. tf!OO1ce by vlicr1tue lof DecI1eie IdiaJted 2,4Jt1h lVU3JI10h 19'11, 1lo Ia/]} ueErelS!tIed rplamtJiles who :may ooV'e IaJ EtWgJlit !tIo rUhe pay duJe !tIo luhe Dait!e :MJiJg1UJeJl J~se EI;r1DIeJSitJo die AlSS<Ungacl Meneze'8, I1e1tJi;[['ed Iclerk (!8lSIpumaJniue) lof F1azendia, who' 'eXiplilreld lOIn 11th JaJIlIUlMfy 1963.

MIiJsrs :Mialrila AJmellJia Eliv/iIr1a da PltedlaJdle lVUeJnelZleS, fbi:i!s Blister, ]S 'ffililgli!bJe Ito ~e 18JbOVle lSIaJiJdi !play.


A petI1ilO!d elf 180 idJays lis 18JlilIowed fur 1clJaJi!ms fiTom ~e date of publJi:caJt:liO'!O of this lin ithe GOMernmJ8IDJt GiazJetlt!e, i8JCClC!romg



AilllUil1CiI8.-'se qUie 11101 dila 6 die JIUil1ho plI'6X1i!mio, pleJas :10 boras, ser3ia Niel!lldtiJdlas, lem llasl:ia puJblfuda, rpte118. mclba!dJe dio vlaJIO'r, em 2." praga, as mercadcrias ccnstantes dc'S prccesscs Adminis­traUvcs n.O' 64/19'613, '65/1'9'6,3 e ,61/19'61, descritas nO' aVliso pubIicado nO' Bo,leltim Ofidal n.· 14, 3.· serie, de 4 de Abril de 1963.

AJiilindega die Damao, 7 de Ma:ilQ die 11963. ~ 0 Ofliici.al esta­gJilirlio, Narcinva Poi Lotl.ecar.

Visto. - 0 Director da Alfandega, Atmarama Datarama Sirvoicar.


Servic,sos de Economia

Reparti~iio de Agrimensura


De IClrd8Jm~'stllp!eXl1c!r, se faz pufbllliJoO', qUle, !I10 IdJia 13 de JUftlho pr6X!imo, peil!as 111 11crlaJs, rpcr101cooer-lsle-a, Dla A,dirruiI!llisttJrlagao dO' ocndethlo ldie Gola, perlante 18. ,cfcminssaol 118. ,que ISle cr1elEe!t'le 'a ar­tbilgc 98.· doRJegibme parr/a! a lociIlJdoosao de luelt1rlenCIS em vIgc'1', aiplrlclVJaJdio p!elo DecI'eibo n.O 316102, Ide 24 die INlc'V'emibro' die 1917 310 aJl'riendiame~o, lem lbJaslua pU!bl~iICla, die 30 rpailirneliJrlas die 3.· 'emaISiBle, :lJ9 ip!aUimJeilrlaJs: de qruiallliJdJaJde HerdiCtr', '8 rplallimelira:s de pr/oidiug3io l1eClenitJe, 4 :paJimelilrliiI1JhJals llmprlciducelll,tes, 4 mangueii;ras ott1dJilnan;wa;s iilIIllplI'OldiuJdeiIllUeS" 1 jl3Jqu'eliJrla 'iimprroldiulcellllte, lexiislDentes l1'a "t!elrlI1e1ll1O ldio ,EtstiaJdiol Isli!tU'ado €m E:1a (Vielllia-Gola), slendo a baJse de lliJelilt'agi3Jo a lilIIllplorltalDlo:iJa 'amlulaJ Idle Hip'S. lffO/ -, mediiJante seg-umues IClO'!Otd!igO!eIS:

1. n 0 1aJr"IleiI1JdJamJelDltio ClcmJegatr'a, I}ClglC' depolis de lapI1Olvado lSuip'erilOirmen~e 0 ,ueQ'jma 'ao laJrtl:1e[JJaa:men!1Jc' 'eue=inara leim 1965;

2." A ;pendla; runUia LSlelra pargta ll1!a ;!JESIQIUlrl3Jr[18. da F1azenda de QU'eip'ellll em J um,ii:ro <die 'oodia lamo< e a dJO' raillo de :19'63 Isera pla!gta <d8lDJtI10 de 1'0 ldJiIas aposa ,eomulDILcagao :tleliltla Ide 1aJp1I1crvtagao do ,UeIl'mc' die arlI1elDldJamenrto;

3.· 0 lalIT1enldiaitaJrfilo, DlO' lalabO' die larl"eIITl!artJagao', delixar!a Icomc '0aJUgao 0 ipiI1ego die laJI'lrlellldialITl!ell1lto Iccrr1espcndiell1!te a um ana, 0' qual sera restitufdo findo 0 prazo de 1a;r'l1enldialITl!elllt'o ; ,

4.· 0 :8Jl111oodiatarIDo e oiblI1iJg3JOO 118. rpl3Jglar ICls IseillO's IdJe,nidc'S e :rnIa1ilS 1 iplctr' IClel!ll1JO' sOIbrtle 10' iplrI€l<;;O< de aJI1I1wdJamenlo nos ;te!I'lrnlcs Ido 'DeCl1erto de 1 ldie Ouuulbno de 1881;

5.' 0 laJJ:menldl3Jtrurlio: e' cibtrtiJg'adio a. IClumip'rir r\JcdaJs as dlitspc­ISligoes de ~Ie~ glerraJl Ie IaJs Idb D€lcrleito !I1.0 316102, de 24 ldie NlOiVIeIITl!bJto de 19'17, iVeifere!l1ue lao iaII1I'IelDldiaJrnentc;

6.n 0 13JrI1ooU3Jtamilo lIlao ipo:cliera IClOI~ar 8Jrv1clI1e ~g'uma lexis­itJenrte 18. eXicepgao 'dias peiflelCJidialS< que ls:er1ao dnsrpee­~c[l-,adJ3Js p/el'o furuOiJCIll8;P]C ldia RepjaJrrtJigiiJo tl!e: Algri­Ciul!t11llia Ie Viei1:leI'mruI1ia 131 pediido do 1aJI1r:e'il1diaitiirio, an,ues telIe loolrluar Ie V'endildals {em hJasltJa publJiJaal;

7. n 0 aJrI1elllJdiatrurliio e obnilglaJdla a Iculidiarr ldio predliio fazendc Jg1Iianjleliio e rtIialbaJlbios a ihora propl1iJa.. Die'V'€<ra :ocllhelr cocos somente quando sazonados ccnservando s,em­pre limp a a ccpa de palmeiras pcr ccasiao de seu cclhimento;

8.' 0 !I1ao cumppimJenrto die ,qWaJ:qiUleQ'\ dals 0ciIlJdig5es de aJrr!elllldameJntio, llIIl1pcrll:ia I8J r'elsldisac! 'irrnledii\lJtia die con­lurartJo, lSIellll d~I1eiJt!O' :a quaJ1qule:r alndetn1l1liizag3.lo Ie 18. peT'dJ3. de loougao a. mV'cll' do Elsitlaldio.

Repl3Jr!tIigao de AgrtilITl!eI!1Sura, em GiOia., 6 de lVUalio ~e 1963. '­Plello Ofliiclilatl, Jose Milagres dJa Ownlva.

V1Jsrto. 0 DWrlelctor, Prab'acar Oamo.f'im .

.- ---------Servicsos de Fazenda e Contabilidade


Pic'!" ietSltla DWI'ecgfuo Ic\ciItrlem edliiuclS de 180 dilaJS, a Idcntar aa publ!iJClagfuo Idlesue DK> Bole:tim 0 ficial, 'llIos rbeJrmJOlSI 1010 DieCTeilJo GOlm f10rgla d1a; Jjei de 5 de D,~zjelm'blro ldie 19110, lem V'1g'cr lem v:itrltJuidJe ,dio DeCll'lert:io,'dJe 24 die Marl;;iO< Idle .1'911, lditanldio qua:ilsqueT 'mte:rioos!aJd\Cls que ISle ju]guJem ,cem diimeliuo lalC' 'V'eJnclimelnnc 'elm

d[Vlildia. a :Miliguel 'Jlosle ElmersrtJc, die A.lSsulllgiiol MleJnelSlelSl, IaJsipilJ:'lallllte de F1az!eiIlJdJa, lalplclSlelllJtiaJdlo, f1aiJJelciidio lem 1.1 ,die JiarueU'o< de .19;33.

AlOis 1J:'Ief1eII1idlCIS 1aib000ls haJbIiliiItJa-'Sle 18. sua liJrtrna, lSoli1leliJra, Mfcuri'a AiIIlelii!a ElIVIiJr!a ldia PIiI€ldaJdie MlooeiseJs:, fIJIaIuur!a[ e T'e!sli!diell1re em RJaWa IdJO 10cll1C1€ilho de ISaiI!serbe.


Plor lestJa DIi!J1e1cgao emvem lec1lrbOiS de 180 ~aJs, ta lejontJar .dJa p<UlIYLicagao OJesue 'llIO Bowtim Of~cfJOJ~, 0051 rtJemnfcs do De'creto


to ,the <berms lolf the DecTiee dMJed '51th Deoember 1910, p!alss,ed by ILa w ood tin force !by vtiJr1tUJe otf Diecree IdiaJted! 24l\:Jh March 1911, ltJo 18Jl[ [nilJerelsteld 'Plalr1tliles Wlhio may biaIVle a rjilgfn.t to Ithe pay due ilJo the ,~ail:Je VielIl!ctli VliislIl!uim Gian, Iretilreid pOLSlt-:mlaJn, Who' eXlpliirled Ion 14ltih MlaJroh 0If 'ciolrr1ent Y'elaJr.

Shri Balohondra Visnum Gan in another name Balchondra Visnum Fatorpencar, his brother, is eligible to the abov,e said pay.

Panjm, lOlth May, 1963. - The Director, Carma de No­ronha.


NoUce is hereby given that M3Jria iRosinha dos Remedios Cunha e Silva, residing in Cidade de Goa, wishes to qualify hersellf to the 'Pension of the '«lMontepio» of 1M0gambiJque, to which she claims she has a right as the widow of the member no. 1:541 of .the 'said 1M0nte'Pio, iGregorio Armando lBenedito da 'Silva, who passed away on the 5th of October, 1962.

A time limit of 30 days has, therefore, been set, counting from ·the d3lte of the 'Publication hereof lin the Government GaZlette, so that if there is anyone 'else wi.th a fight to the sald pension, ·he o,r she should make known the same, at this Directo,rate, with'n that period of Hme, on the e:SCp'iry of which her 'claim wm Ibe settled.

Directorate of the Rev,enue Department, Goa, 16th May, 1963. - For the Head of the 4th Office, Ang~~o Rodrigues.

Visa. - The Director, Carma de Noronha.

• Forest :Department


All concessionaries of lease of Government forest land (aforamentos) who are interested in cutting the tree growth e:scisting in the same, for the purpose of bringing the land under cultivation, are hereby informed to send their applica­tions with respective «alvaras» before June 30, 1963, to the Conservator of Forests, Panj:im. No applic3ltions after this date will ordinarily be considered. On receipt of the appli­cations, necessary steps will be taken to mark out the trees and sell them.

Off:ice of the Conservator of Forests, G()a, 16th May, 19'63. - The Conservator of Forests, P. M. T'aggarse .

••• Goa Police


On lJOth JU[JJe IH~63 'at ,9 a .• m. ithere w;1~1 {be ,a IpUlbll.iJc aJ1.1JCtion

in the office of ,the Senior Superintendent of Police, Panjim, beflO're i\JbJe AdminIi:SltmaM..'V!e COlUlIlJclill, Poojliirn., :cI€lg'amdVng ;Ohe supply of uniform articles, shoes and repairs of shoes etc. to the Goa Police f.or the remaining period of the f:inancial

Y'elHlr 1,963-'64.

The bidlders sm!OUI~d! pnoduce !the nlelcelsslary slHlmlp1es Ion 'tate apploliinlteid day 1& 9:aJ .. m. b'eifulre Ithis Alc1mJilnlisil:JrlaJtlii\l1e OounCil and they should also hand over 1:Ihe articles and the price of!l:ierleCl Wn a <i1eawed: IcjQlV1elr to ltihe Admli:nIiSitr'altJilV1e COUlIl!cIi.l b'e!forl'e 9 Ia. m. itlhe Isame .\:l!ay.

The terms and conditions of the auction are embodied in the general rules of bidding containing in the Chapter VI of the II part lof the «TinstJrugo€lS piairla 0 S,erviigo Idle A'<'lImJi.:nIi,strlagao

Militar» appI'oved by the order no. 2284 dated 5-2-1963.

In accQrdance with article 26th of the «Regulamento de Contribuigao Industrial» only those who present the licence of. the Contribuigao Industrial will be permitted to participate iIi the auction.

The bididiers Willi h~:lJV!e t()dleploo1t Ia lsum lof Rls. 5'00/-, 00

telmJploJ'8Jry guJaJramJt::e1e.

DuIilnlg !the !HiUlCl1ii!on 'Only the UOlWleS/t bid 1110r the -Ibeslt ,saJrnpLe will be accepted.


ClOiffi ~.olrga dla OJed de 5 Idle DeZlemb~10 Idle 19:10, lem IWg10r 'em vir­tude do Decreto de 24 de Margo de 1911, citando quaisquer [[JJIJeJ'essaJdlois 'qruJe Ise juLguem IGom Idliil'le:ltlo a ipiensWO em divida a VietnCltli VIi!SIllIUIITl Gi81n, i(]i:st'l1ilbUJi.dor, laploS1enl\:Ja!d:lol, failJelClidlo alOIS 14 de MiaJrgG ldio IcollweiIl!te !HinJo.

A referida pensao habilita-se 01 seu irmao iBalchondra Vis­num Gan, por outr~ nome Balchondra Visnum Fatorpencar, de Carapur dOl concelhQl de Bicholim.

Bangliln, 10 de MiatiJo de 19'63, -J 0 DiJDectOlr IdQIS Self'V'iQols, Carmo de Noronha.


Anuncia-se Ique 'Maria ,Rosinha dos ,Remedios Ounha e SLIva, residente na ICidade de Goa, ha!b1lita-se it pensao do Montepi0 de Mogamb1que a 'que Ise julga com direito, na quaUdade de viuva do s6oio do mesma lMontepio n.O 154'1, IGre.g6rio Armando Benedito da ISilva, faleddo aos 5 de lOutulbro de 1962.

Correm ,editos de '3'0 dias, a contar da pU!bl>tcagao deste no Bole:t,~'ltt.Ojicial, a fim de que, se houv'er algum outro inte­ressado coin direito a mesma pensao, venha deduzi-Io perante esta Direcgao, dentro daquele prazo, findQl 0 qual sera resol­vida a pretensaQl.

Direcgao dos iServigos de iFaz'enda e Contabi'lidade, em Goa, 16 de Maio de 1963. - Pelo Chefe da 4." Repartigao, Ang6'lo Rodrigues.

Visto. - 0 Director dQls Servigos, Carmo de Noronha.

• Reparti~ao das Matas


Sao por este avisados todos os concesSiQnarlOs de afora­mentos dos terrenos do Estado, que estejam interessados em desbastar 0 arvorcdo neles existente, a fim de QS tornar cuI­tivaveis, de ,que deverao submeter os seus pedidos, acompa­nhados dos respectivos alvarrus, ao Conservador das Matas, lem Panglm, antes 'de 30 ldie Junato die 1963. lOs !pediJdios. que forem recebidQ's findo esse prazo nao serao, normalmente, to­rnados em consideraga-o. Recebidos os pedidos, serao tomadas as necessarias providencias para marcar as arvores e' vende­-las.

Repartigao do G-onservador das Matas, em Goa, 16 de MaiQ de 1963. - 0 OOllJservador das Matas,P. M. Taggarse.

• •• Poll cia de Goa


For I€lste OoimIH[JJdiol iSle fu;z p'u:b~co qule nJOi Idlila 10 de J'Uinho do Co~re[lftle lall1lO, pieillaJsl ,9 ,horras:, !pler1a.inJtei 01 COllllslellihJol AdmelIl!is­tTiaM..'V!o desta PoocliiaJ, lnJaJ ·Cli:diaJdie ldie GiOia, sle 'P'rlolceldiera a arne,. InIaJtaQiiJo, lem. 'ClOllllcur~lo pub~1CiO, do !fiolltrlJecliirn.ernitOi de artligos de f'amd~enrbo 'e IciaJIglaJoo Ie ,ooll!Seroo~ Idle :c3illgiadoISI, desOOialcl!O'.s ao pessoaI da mesma Policia, durante 0 ano econ6mico de 1:963-64.

Als iaJrnOstras dos lalr!tliJglO's a fiO!l'Ulleoer de'V'elr3Jo1 Sler 'apl!'lesen­tadJaJs pe'lols IOOIll!ClOll'lrenil:JeiSl nOI CO[JJceClho AJ('itrriliniilstlratiilVlOI desrta :8-oafcli!a iaJte 'rus 9 hornls dOl d~a lmamc'aidJOi 'Pa£rla a IaJrlr!emaJ1:lagao, piOldien<Clio lOS ClOIIl!Clm'renrbes ol:Jiter llJOi meSilla: CQ[JJs'ellhJQI AJdmdnis­til1amiJV'O lOIS ,esol3lIIec'i!mJ€[JJItols: qu!e des€ljll.lrlem ISloib[le -0 fomelCi­mento que se anuncia e consultar as condigoes gerais da 8JI1l'IemaJtagi:iJd, de qUle tr1alta 10 IOap.j~1:uJjO VI da II ipl3lIItJer das Ins­tl!'lugoes 'P!HiliaJ 0 S'erl.~Lj;IQI die AJdlrrilinillSitl'lagiiJo Mii:][JIJal"\ a!p[lovladaJs peilJa POlr1tamua !Ill.O 22<84, de 5 de Feivlere>ilI1oi clieW35 eo, bern assim, las ioolllldigiiles, leSipleclil8.iils qiUJ€llSler1Vern de Ibalsle IJjQllconcurlSo, em i1;od~s ()IS dLaJs uiIJeils, dU!I'l8Jlllle 'aiS hOIraJ.'> !t'eguilialITllelllltal'es de Iservligo.

A:s P'liO!pIQISIUaJS f()lrmulaiC~Hlg. !SIeguooo 101 1ITli00dleEoi 48-1 dIa.is Clita­das Instrugoes, fechadas e documentadas nos precisos termos cliHlS miesmas, S1elraJOI 'entmegwes' nJO rr1eifleriildiol OOllllselhol Aidml!'­ItlJiistraltli:VlCl, ,alte as 9 ihOlI'laJSi dJol dila fli.x:adJo 'P,ama a laJl"I1emaJlla,gao', fiicialiliclio len{bend~dlo q Ule, de biM'IIDJolIliia loom 101 a£rlbilglO 26. 0 cliol Re­gUlEam8nrtjo Ole Co'llwibuigaKJI fud'Wsitr11all! lem 'VIigOIr, .ISO ISlerao wdlmliltJidios lO'S 'cjOIlllCOJ1lienites que plr!oVlalI1em, meldlilH[JJDe IcollTIpe­tel!llte dOlcUlITlietnUO, qUle iplOlslsUiem a II'i€lSIp!81C1tiiIV!a ]JiJeenga Ide Corn­ilJrilbuiigfuo [[n,diusltr~an,.

Com aiSi ipTiO!polSilJas' diervlera Slelr lentJrlelglue 'em SlelplarriaJdo, a ii:mIpolitfunJa:la de H'P'S!. i5!OOf-,qUle CKJlllIstiltJUJe IHJ 'CIHlug3JO 'P'r.QviSl6rl~a.

o concurso sera por licitagao verbal entne os concorrentes aJdmIiMdlOIs" slendlQ 0 f1ol:clnelcdme!llluo Icliols fut'lWgOSi 'e ,cOIl1S~ttOSi de ,aa;llgJaldiolS, aidj Uldli:caldios iliq Ulelesl que oil:1e['elcle[lem p~eQos mais ViH[JJIJaj'olso~ laios [lIllOell'leSISIeS die Fia~end!a NlalciiJonlM, dentre ·as 'aJlll!olSltres' elSaolllbi~diaJSI peil.\) Conseillbio AdmIi:nJisilJrlaJtli)vlO!.


23RD MAY, 1963


In accordance with the terms laid down in Order n.D 3897 dia,ted rohie 4th May, 1'9'44, lit li!s 'hiereby lITJ!aldJe . mown vo the public that on the 10th of June 1963 at 10 a. m., an auction sale will be held befol'e the committee at the Polic'e Head Quarters, of 327 motor tyres of different sizes, 204 inner tubes, also of different sizes and 42 gaiters. The bidding brusli!s W1iJ~1 Ibe Ris. ,5/ ~ pier 'eialCih tyrle, '50 fllla)'la !plaJise !pier €laJdh illnn:J!e[' 11lUbe and 25 .nlayfl. Plalilse per 'elalcih g1flJiJtJer. ,SliImti!lmrlly, 1;10m'e lO[;her junk wLtlil ~llSo 'be ISloilid in <tJhie laJUlooon mlld itihEl ,basi\"! of IJiLdicllittJJg .wiiJIl beR's. 2010/-.

PioiliiJCle Head Quarl~er's, 4tJh May, 19163. - 1'101r SlenWOIl' ·Supe­!r1iitltendrent of PI<~lilc:e, C. N. Desai.

••• Municipality of Marmagoa

Technical Office

Notic,; no. 2

In accordance with the decision taken by this Municipality at its ordinary meeting on 9th current, and before· the said Board on 28th June next, tenders are !invited for the supply of asphalt Max. 30/40, Max. 180/100 and Shellspra, or equiva­lent.

Tenders should reach the Central Officeupto 10 a. m. of the said date, and should be sealed and addressed to the·

,President of this Municipality; tenders should also come with an earnest money of iRs. 100.00 deposated in the Municipal Treasury, and they Slhould contain pnice, supply period, and other details, which may be useful for the clarification of the case. Any other details shall be supplied by tWs office duning working hQurs and useful days.

Notice nO. 3

In accordance with the decision taken .by this Municipality, at its ordinary meeting on 2nd current, and before the saJid Mum<Cipality Board, on 28th June next, tenders are invited for the supply of the material belo,wmentioned for mosquito control:

1) D. D. T. emulsion at 40%, in drums. 2) Gamexane in bags or drums. 3) Malariol. 4) Kerosene in drums.

Tenders should be sealed and addressed to the President, and reach this office up-to 10 a. m. of the said day, and should mention price, supply period, make,&c. Each tender should come together with an earnest mgney of iRs. 100.00 which will be returned only after full compliance of the contract. Any other detail will be supplied by this office during working hours on any useful days.

Notice n.o 4

In accordance with ·the decision taken by this Municipality, at dts ordinary meeting on 2nd current, and before the ,s3iid Municipality Board, on 28th next month of June, tenders are invited for the supply of combustibles and lubricants for municipal trucks, of Bedford make:

1) Petrol. 2) 'Diesel. 3) iLubricants.

Tenders should reach this Office at 10 a. m. on the said date, and should state the price, etc. Tenders should come together with an earnest money of Rs. 100.00 deposiited in the Municipal Treasury, which will be returned only after full compliance of this contract. Any other details wlin be supplied during workiing hours, and useful days, at this office.

Vasco de Gama, 14th' May, 1'963. - The Chief Techndcal Officer, . Rui Ribeiro de Santana.

Visa. - The President, Ghanaahyam Vinayak Kantak.


/wiso De ordem superior enos' termos da Portaria n.O 3897, de 4

de l\1Jaliio idle: :1944, lS'e fiaz pubJJlico que niO ,00 10 ldie J,UJJ::lIl:l'o pro­XliImJO, plelJas 10 horos, sle'1'a prlocelaildio a Vlendia ,em ihi8JSlta pu­bliCia perlante a 11'eSlp:elcltiivla 'CiormiSls~o a plolrllia do OOIl:ni8Jndo, clia BOiliicli!a, de 32,7 pnielUJS' de diillereitltes di1m€llllSO'elS, 2'04 ca;mar:cJ3 de lair de .Id1iJfeI1enbels dliJrnJens6:es i€ de 42 SIUI]YOiI1te:S !p)wra ·carmaras die an:', sem:do a ba.s'e die ':lilic~tJagruo' ,die dalcl!a pill'EJU '€1m 5 r\U[J&als., die 'CIaJdJa ,camara Ide '8)1' i€fIll :50 naya paU;sle Ie 'claJdia 1S11p'orlte 'P'a,rlJ, ·cilJrniaira-de-'air ettn 25 itJ!aya plaJisle e b!€fIll IaJSS,:ttn die 'outrjo mater' :al iJns'erviV'e~ die idli1lerel!1llies desliJgnagoes (junk)-, \SIendJo a 'biasle {].ie ilJkli1lagruo '8IID. 200 IiUlpQIaJS.

Oomalilidio da PoU(JjJa .€Im 0018), 4 de MaiJo die 19'63. ~ Bolo SUiplerinrtJem:diell1lt:e~Chief'e Id'a BoUclila;, C. N. Dessa:i .

• •• Camara Municipal de Mormugao

Repartisao Tecnica

Anuncio n.o 2

Faz-se publico que nos termos do deliberado pelaEx."''' Camara na sua sessao ·ordinaria de '9 do corrente, e perante a mesma r·eunida em sessao de 28 de Junho proximo se acha aberto concurso publico por carta fechada, selada 'e lacrada ,e dirigida ao Sr. Presidente desta Camara para ° forneci~ mento de asfalto Max. 30/40, Max. 80;'100e Shellsp'ra ou eQuivalentes.

"As propostas deverao ser entregues na Repartigao Central ate as 10 horas do citado dia, devendQ indicar 0 prego com ou sem isengao de direitos aduaneiros, e 0 seu periodo de fornecimento, e quaisquer outros deta1hes. Quaisquer outrqs detalhes serao dados pol' esta iRepartigao em qualquer dia util e durante as horas regulamentares de servigo. As pro­postas deverao vir acompanhadas do consto de deposito de Rps. 100.00 feito na tesourarJa Municipal, deposito esse que sera devolvido ap6s 0 cumprimento integral do contrato.

Anunc-io n.o 3

Faz-se publico que, nos termos do deliberado pela Ex.lll" Camara na sua sessao ordinaria de 2 do corrente, e perante a mesma ,em sessao ordinara de 28 de Junho proximo, se acha aberto concurso publico, por carta fechada, selada e lacrada e dirigida ao Sr. Presidente desta Camara, para 0 fornecimento do material para a campanha sanitarJa:

1) D. D. T.em bidoes em emulsao a 40%. 2) Gamexane em sacos ou bid6es. 3) Malariol. 4) Petroleo em bid6es.

Os concorrentes deverao apresentar propostas ate as 10 ho,ras do citado dia, indicando nela 0 prego, marca, periodo de fornecimento, etc. A proposta devera vir acompanhada do consto de deposito de Rps. 100.00 feito na tesouraria Muni­cipal, deposito esse que sera devolvidQ ao adjudicatario somente apos 0 cumprimento :integral do contrato.Quaisquer outros esclarecimentos serao dados pOl' esta Repartigao em qualquer di·a util e durante as horas regulamentares de servil;o.

Anune:io n.o 4

Faz-se publico, que, nos termos do deliberado pela Ex."'" 'Camara na sua sessao ordinaria de 2 do corrente, e perante a mesma em sessao ordinaria de 28 de Junho proximo, se acha abertQ concurso publico, por carta fechada, selada e lacrada e dirigida ao Sr. Presidente desta Camara, para 0 fornecimento de combustiveis e lubrificantes para as viaturas municipaiis, da marca Bedford:

1) Gasolina. 2) Gasoleo. 3) Lubrificantes.

Os concorrentes deverao apresentar propostasem carta .fechada, selada e Jacrada ate as 10 horas do citado dia, indicando ° prego, 'etc. A proposta devera vir acompanhada doconsto de deposito de Rps. 100.00 felito na tesouraria Municipal, deposito esse .que sera devolvidq ao adjudicatario somente apos 0 cumprimento integral do ·contrato.Quais.quer outros esc,larecimentos serao dado::! por esta Repamigao 'em qualquer dia utU e durante as horas regulamentares de servil<o.

Vasco da Gama, 14 de Maio de 1963. ~ 0 Chefe da Repar­tigao Tecnica, Rui Ribeiro de Santana.

Vasto. - 0 Presidente, ahanashyam Vinayak Kantak.

Advertisements Administration Office of Marmagoa

fu alccolr!dJaJnce wirtlh .laltlid! !IJorr Itlh:e p'UJrtplOISIe mooUiQned in tih\e a1.'It:ilCle 3,30 {Jif ,theCDIcl!e 'olf OOffiUlrui:<:lla1d1es, lilt IifSl 'hierlelby :all-1IlI000IIlIcedi thlrelt HirlalbiaJi Anlali!ltl3i, NagloI1C1e11l1c3ir lOll' Hlilreibtali. Na­gorcencar, resIding at Pan1im, has applied for the lease of an uncultivated, rocky and unused plot situated at «Alto de Chicalim»,' and belonging to the Comunidade of Chicalim, for tibie ICOIl1ISIDrucrt::iJOIll of hOI1.JJsles, Ico'V'elrtill1,g ,3ill aJr'e!l, lolf 1500 m'. ]t rus bOUillded '0111 ,the iE-lasIC, 'DJorlth lailld !!jOIUith w;~tIh lone ,oomunaJi liaInd laIllcl! 10111 /thJe VVlem M'ti!tlh lt1l:IJe 'IiOiBJdJ WlhliiCih u!e!a:dts 110 fue 'lI1ght­house O!PIPOisliJtI~ rtlo the tpilot 11110. 1'2.

'Vialsco da Galffila, 7rtll'May, 19'&3. - Thie S'eiClrleirtla,ry, Mablesv1a,r ViBvonata Sinwi Sirvoioar.

V. no. 181/1963

• Administration Office of Bicholim

2 ,It is hereby announced that Gones Zi1u Gauncar; resident of Latambarcem, of the Concelho of BichQlim, has applied for the lease ',of an uncultivated portion of land known as «De­ussum 'or DeUISsacodil», situated at Latambarcem, and belong­ing to the Comunidade ,of Latambarcem, under conditions and rules contained in the Oode of Comunidades (vide ar­ticle 330). The applicant wishes to aC'cquire 1000 m' for the purpose of constructing a house. The plot in question is ad­joining at' its east with the plot «Deussum» be10nging, to the same Comunidade;on the west with the plot of Pandu So­purgo Gauncar and Babulo Ferreiro; 'on the south the drain and .on the north with the plot of Apa Custa Gauncar and ,others.


3 It is hereby announced ,thatAtchutaAnantall3ottoZam­bole, resident of Usgao, ··of the Concelho of lBicholim, has appli­ed for the lease of ,an uncultivated porti'onof Jand known as «Tiscavoril Molla» situated at Usgao and belonging to the Comunidade of Usgao, under conditions and rules contained

\in the Code of CQmunidades (vide article 330). The applicant wishes to accquire100Q m' for the purpose of ,constructing a house. The plot in question is adjoining at its east, north and south wIth tJhe land of Comunidade of Uf'gaQ and on the west th.e highway.


4 It is hereby announced that IS1taramaIPul'xotoma Botto Zambole, resident of Usgao, of the Concelhoof Bicholim, has applied for the lease qf an unculltivate<I portion ,of land known as «Tiscavoril Molla» , situated 'atUsgao and belong­ing to the Oomunidade of Usgao, under ,conditions and rules contained.in the Code of Comunidades (vide article 330). The applicant wishes to aocquire 10'0'0 m 2 for the purpose of cons­tructing . a house. The plot in question is adjoining at its east, 'south and north with the Oomunidadeand on the west the hig;hway.

Bicholim, 10th May, 1963.- The Secretary, Vassanta Nar­vencar.


• Administration. Office of. Ponda

Sedion of Comunidades

5 In accordance with and for the purpose established in the article 330 9if the Code of Comunidades, it is hereby announced that Ananta M.osnum Candolcar, marI'lied, residing at candola, has applied for lease of an uncultiivated plQt .of land known as «Xiros», situated at Candola and belonging to the 'Comunidade of the same village, for the cqnstructi.on of a house, bounded .on the east by the plot of land no. 3'0 belong-ing to the Comunidade, rainy water drain, plot .of land given. on lease toGDpala Savolicar and reserved plot of land nD. 28;· on :the west by the municipal road; on the north by the plot 6flan~· given on lease to Barquelo Mosnum Soto:car and on the south by the plot of land nQ. 2:8, plot of land gIven on lea;setdthes,bovesaid Savoicar and the reserved plpt .of landnQ.'. 3'0, cQvering an area of 1'000 m'. F!lle no. 31/1963.

Ponda, 5th April, 19163 • ...:... The Secretary, S'adussiva Usso PorobD De88ai.

V. 1110,. 16'0/1963


,SEllIES 111 No. 21

Anuncios Administracsao do Concelho de Mormugao

Nos 'termolS e rplaJrta 011'1 fins do 'aJrlt:i>glo,3,30.0 rdJo v;tgl.n.t:e C6d1:1,g0 daIS Oomun:lIi1dalcl!eSl, aJIlJUIIlIclila,-sle que HliirlaiblaJi AIlla1lJtla N a­g1O[1cooCiall' OIU HdlJ:1a1ba:i Nialglol!1Ci€[War,DeiSkliente 'Em Poogim, 'I1equerletu lem a!IJolrlam€[1to parrla ICloll1lSlDrugiiJo Ide ~aJSla, 0 ifJ€lIlreno oluDeliJ!1aJl, 1in!0U~1io, riOl0hiolSio Ie ldielSaJprroMedloflJdlO, tpletIlDooc:eIIlIte a lCJo~ mwJidJatie de Omcailliim, sliltJo []Jo Mlbo de OMea,liim, 'l1JaarlJa, rptI'O­Vla-Vlel die 1'50'0 m', 'OOnfl'DllllballldJo die IlllflJSloenite, llllol['lbe Ie ,suI, ootm o terreno cemunal de poente, com 0 caminho que se dirige ao f1am[, OtplOIStiO laiO '~olbe 1ll.0 12.

VlflJSIQO IdJa. G3iffila, 7 deMailoildle1916.3.-.0Sleclr1elta!!1i.O.Ma­ble'svar Visvonata Sinai S'irvoioar.

G. n.O 1181/1963

• J~~A.drninistrac;ao do Concelho de Bicholim

2 Nos termos e 'para os fins do disposto no artilgo 3,30.° de vigente C'6digo das Comunidades, Sie anuncia que Gones Zilu Gaocar, de La:tambarcem, do concelho de Bicholim, requereu em aforamento, para construgao de casa, 0 terreno inculto, denominado «Deussum ou Deussacodil», sito em Latambareem e pertencente a ,comunidade de Latambarchem, oonfrontando de nascente, com 0 terreno, denominado «Deussum» da dita comunidade; de poente, com 0 terreno de Pandu Sopurg6 Gaocar e Babu16 Ferreiro; de suI, com a sangria e de norte, ,com terreno de Apa Custa Gaocar e outros, na area de 1GGOm'.


3 Nos tenmos e 'para os fins do disposto no artigo \3,30.° do vigente C6digo das Comunidades, se anuncia que Atchuta Ananta Bott6 Zambole, de Usgao, do concelho de BichQUm, requereu em aforamento, para construgao de casa, 0 terreno inculto, denQminado «TiscaV'or:il Molla», sito em Usgao e Iler­tencente a comunidade de Usgao, ,confrontando de nascente, norte e sul,com 0 predio dacomunidade de Usgao, e de poente, cQm a estrada naciona'l, na area de 1'0'00 m2.


4 Nos tenmos e pa,ra os fins do disposto no art~g0336.o do vigent<! C6dig() das. Comunidades, Se anuncia que Sitarama Purxotoma Bott6 Zamb:le, de Usgao, do concelho de Bicholim, requereu em aforamento para construgao de casa, 0 terreno incuIto, denominado «TiLscavoril Molla» , sito em Usgao e pertencente a comunidade de Usgao, confrontando de nas­cente, suI a norte, com a comunidade de Usgao, e de poente, com a estrada nacional, na area de 1'00'0 m'.,

Bicholim, 10 de Maio de 1'963 .. - 0 SecretariQ, Vussanta Narvencur.


• Administrac;ao clo Concelho de Ponda

Sect;ao das Comunidades

5 Nos termos e para 'Os fins d.o ddspostQ no artigo 33'0.° dQ C6digo das CQmunidades, se anuncia que Ananta MQsnum CandQlcar, casadQ, residente em CllIndola requereu em afora­mento para .os fins de construgaq de casa de residencia urn terreno incultQ denQminadQ «Xiros», sitoemCandola e per­tencente a comuilidade da mesma aldeia, confrQntandQ de 1l1I8!S,oe!ll11Je, (lom 10 1JeIU1e1!li.o da ICOIIIlJUIlidade do ~otle [1.0 30, IsangI"lia das aguas invernais, aforamento de G.opala Savoicar, lote reservadQ n.O 28; de PQente, com a estrada mundcipal; de nQrte, CQm '0 aforamentQ concedido a Barquel6 Mosnum Sotorcar e de suI, com 0 IQte n.O 28 e aforamento dQ ditQ Savoicar e lote reservadQ n.O 30, na area de 1'00'0 m'. ProcessQ n.O 31/1963.

Ponda, 5 de Abril de 1963. - 0 SecretariQ, SadMsiva Uss6 Porobo Dessui.

G. n.O 160/119'63 (RepetiQII)



23RD MAY, 1963

6 In accordance with and for .the purposeestabliEhed in the article 3'30 of the Code of Oomunidades, it is hereby announced that Naguexa Edu Gaudo, married, landlord, re­siding at Betora of this Taluka has applied for lease of a plot of land known as «Bindem» or «Goudeanvad», situated in the ward Goudeanvad, village Betora and belonging to the Comunidade of the same village, for the plantation of caJshew trees, jack trees and other fruit trees, bounded on the east by the plot of land belonging to Mr. Orlando Co~lho; on the west by the plot of land belongin~ to Nara!-?a Vmdea; IOn ltibJe ll1Iorltlh by 'tlhJe pillot oil' funid bleilOiDlgllnlg rbo CiaJ[ Ilss3Jcand on the south by the heirs of GovindaBoto, covering an area Qf 3 hectares aprox:1mately. File no. 42/1963.

Ponda, 13th May, 1963. - The Secretary, Sadassiva Usso Porobo' Dessai;

C/a •

Administration Office of· Canacona

Section of Comunidades

7 In accordance with the terms and for the purpose esta-_ blished in !the' arUcle330 of the 100de of Comunidades, ~t .is hereby announced that Bicana Pagui, married, farmer, residing at ISaferi of Cola, has :applie'd ifor the leas'e, for ·the purrpos,e of 'cultivwi'Lon of rice, puLses and other fruit bea:ring trees, the uncultivated and unused plot, :c3Jlled· <~Oh:ampianchi-m:ata», situ3Jted at Sa1er1 of 1001a a'nd belonging to the IOQIIllunidade of Co'lacovering an :area of roughly 10 Ha., bounded on the east, W:est and south by the said Oomunidade of Cola and on the nOI1th fby the :plot of ISa;ntana Fernandes of 8'.8:1eri of Oola. ·FHe no. 60/1963.

OhiMl>I1i., 30[Jh Mia,voh, 1963, - The S'ecreltiaJry, Chitlaranjana X,embu Sinai Quencro.

V. !ll!O. 1'69/196:3 (Repeated)

• Administration Office of the Comunidades' of Goa·

8 [11 accord'ance IWithand for the ipurpose'establishe:d in the a;rtic1e 330 (JIf the Gode ·of Comunidades,. in force,' it is hereby announced that Purrran'onda ,Sinai ,Audi, residin:g at Pandim has wpplied for the lease of a plot of the 1C0mum­dlade of fBamibolim, situatedwt the ·aforesaid of Bambolim and whIch is a pa,rt 10f the Sltrip no. 40, nameid «2PraragaiHy», cOlV1elfing an area probaJbly ·of 1000 m2, bounded on the east b~ the plot applied for its lease !by ISadanaJUda iV:enctex:a POI Ooto; on t:he 'We.st Iby 'the remainLng portion of ithe same strip; on the north !by the road to ber:ese~ed between the af·oresaid . strip' no. 40 and the ,reserved strl~ no. !8 and on the south 'by the eX!tr:emity of the aforesavd str:ur no. 40', a. 'P.lot Which is uncultLvated.

v. no. 153/1963 (Repeated)

9 In accordance with and for the purpose ·established in the !l!rti.c1e '330 ,of the 1C0deof Cohlunidades,itn force; it is hereby announced that iDevendra ICrisna ISinaiPaJI1O~O', J:'Ie­siding at iPanjim has a;p:pHed for the lease of an uncu:ltlvated plot for the construction 'of a house, belonging to the iGomu­nidade ,of Bambolim, bounded on Ithe east; Iby the iP1otof the .00000n:i!d~de of iB8J!lljbolim; on the north, by the national road; on the west, Iby the pilot of the, sam;e IComun~dade of Bambolim and Ion the south, Iby the stnp no. <40, maJk.mg part ;of the sltrip no. 18 ,and .coveI'ingan ar,ea of·1000rm'.

iQoa, 2,5th ~·ril, 1:9'63. - The IAJcting S,e!c.reJbary, BQ'f}'V'onta POT'o'bo Verlencar.

V. no. 13:2/1963 (Repeated)


Administration 0fficeof' the Comunidades of Bardet ....

lOIn the tea:<IilisooO! EO(t' the rpuripolSe esibalbM.sheld: in t:hie arlicle330 Of the Code ·of Comunidades, it is hereby an-11I0U1UCled ltibJaJtGerson OaJndJildol Ber:eiiria, f,I1om Ciutncihelldim, h!l!s appldJed flOrr1 /tIl\Je. 'Ieiase,.' :for tiJ!e ipuTpose of 'colllSlbt1uictii.'on of a 'housie:, . 'Of a . llmy, '1l11Iou1ti'VIaItJe:d lalIl!d '1l11IUJSIOO rpillot kIIlownas «CbdipaJC'ooV'a1» 'berongmgm the OomUfllJidade 10f CWliClhelilm rund mtuaJted aJt the same ~ll1il.a;ge, bmmdeid :O!ll Ithel lelaat, west rund rotlJuh bytbie 'lalnd 'O!f the Oomuniidlaide· and lO!ll tihe north by ;thie piliot lieJaJSed Itb l8edlrlol Roq tile de L:i!mia, 'CIOIVIeTmg ran area {)f IOnJe thoIu'sand squW:1e m'eltrles. FWl.le 00. 1O'5/~963.

V. nO'. 135(1963



6 Nos termos e para os fins do disposto nO artig-o 330:; do C6dig.o das Comunidades, se anuncia que Naguexa Edli Gaud6, casado, proprietario, residente em Betora deste con­celho, requereu em aforamento para os fins de cu1tura de Claju:eiiT~s, j)aJqueiUrlas 're :outras am71oll1es frU/t1:f:1WaJSI,um lbe.rrlertJ:o denominado «Bind em» ou «Goudeanvad», sito no bairro Gou~ deanvad da !l!ldeia Betora e pertencente it comunidad'e da mesma aldeia, .confrontando de nascente, com .0 predio do Sr. Orlando Ooelho; de poente, com .0 terreno de Naraina Vaidea; de norte, com 0 prediode Caji Issac ede suI, com os herdeiros de Govinda Hoto, na area de 3 hectares aproxima­damente. Processo n.o 42/1963.

Ponda; 13 de Maio de 1963. - 0 Secretario, Sada8sivaUss6 Porobo De88ai.

'0/10 •

Adminlstra~ao" do Concelho de Canacoha

.,·c., :''SeC-CiaO <I'as Comunidades' '

7 Nos ltermos ·e para .os fins do dispOS!to no arUgo 330.0 do 06digo das Comunid:!I!des se anuncia ,que riBicana :Pagui, c!l!sado, agricultDr, residente em ISaleri de ICola, -requereu em afora'mento, .para ·cultura de arroz, J'egumes 'e outr!l!S .81rvore,s frU'Ufenas, 0 :terreno moulto 'e desa;provettado, denomtnad6 «Oha;nphnchi-ma:ta», sHoem :Sa:ler~ de Cola.e peI1tenc'ente',· a comlinidade de Cola, na area aproximada de" 10, ha"con-" frontando de nas'cente, poente 'e !sul, !com a dllita Gomunidade· de Cola ,e de norte, com 0 predio de Santana Fermindes; de Sa­'leri de COlla.iProc.esso n.O '60/1963.

Chauri, 30 de Margo de 1963. - 0 Secretario, Chitaranjana Xermbu Sinwi Querncr6.

---.• -~--G. !ll. ° 169/11,963


Administracsaodas Comunidades'de Goa"

8 ,Nos termos e para os· fins do, disposto no artigo,330,o do 'vigente iG6digodas Comunidades, ·anuncia-se'que lPurna .. no[))da [Sinai Audi, residente em Pan;g1m, re/<lueI1eu em afora-' rmento urn terreno da .comunidade de iBambolim, sito na'dita .de B!I!mbolim e que faz p!l!rte do lofte n.O 40, denorminado «lPara,gally», na 'area p,roV'8;vel de 100'0 m 2, ,corrfrontando ,de naS'Clente com 0. terreno requer,kLo em aforaJmenil;o· :por Sada­nand-a VencteX!a Poi !Coto; de poente, com a rest-anite parte do mesmo -lote; de !llorte,com 0 caminho a s'e reser;va:r entre o dito lote n.040 e lote reser:vado n.o 18 e de suI, ·com 0. limit'e do dito lote n.O 40, terrene ,que ,e inculto.

G. n.O 1'03/1963 (Repetido)

9 Nos te'rmos e para os f.ins do diSiposto no artigo 330.°· do vigente l06digodas Comunidades ·anuncia-se Ique Devendra' Orisna ISinai lParoso, res·j,denJte ,em iPangim;rE'jquereue.rn afo~ :I1amento .wm terreno inculto para constrwgaode· c!l!Sla,':p,erten­cente a ,comunidade de iBamboIim, 'confI1ontando denascente; com .0 terrene da :comunidade de J3amboHm; de norte,·com, a· ·estrada naciona'l; de :poente,'com '0 terren<> d,a mesl)la CQIIllU­nidade de iBamiboIim ,e de SUI, ·com <> lote n;o 40, na area' lPrQiV1avel de 1000 m2, fazendo, iP'arte do 'lote ill.O 18.

Goa,2'o de AJbril de 19·63. -IServindo de iSecreJt'81rio, iBog­voen,ta Porobo Ve:rlencar.

G. n.O 13~;'1963 (Repetido)

• Admihistra~ao dils Comunidades'de',Bard&$· ..

10 NO's teJ:'llJ:J:OS e para os filns dio dispOOto !ll;() ramtirgx> 330.° do06d:Lgo d!a:s OomwIlJidJaJdJes, sle atnu!llcila ·qlUJe Geroo!!i. Gam.dlido PleI!'~I1a, ldie OunciheJlim"orrequlerieu em 3Jfooamento; para ,ClOIIlS- '

t.nugiiJo de ,eras,a,. urn t'errerl1JOl 'oUJueliJI1a11;' !iJnClUllito' 16 diesraJipit"Ci~eiltado

dienormi!ll!aldbr «Ooldp~cih6 . Val»" ip,wtienCiente 'a CIOl!nUnitdiaide de Cunclheiliiim Ie sit'Uladior na mesma Iall{jJeia, oO!ll:1lI1Oi1.11tanidio· die !ll:aS~

Cloote, pOle!lltle e suI, ,j;.eil'!1eno' Idi8J CKlmU!llirdJadie Ie de: !IloTlte; ,aif'ova-: mento de Pedr'o R'Oque die Ldima, na W11e1a die: 1000 m2. P'l40!(iesso n.O 105, die 0.963.

G. ltl.ol1J5/i96S .

3.10 SERIES 111 No. 21 ---------------------=--~---,~------'----~-------------------------

11 Thelre haN'inig iJ:J.eer1 dlilV'elrgoell1'cy be,twe8ll1 the boundaIlies Clol!lJta.il!:lJed :itn :the mittilail pm1tiolll anJd Ithose found '00 Ithe Sipot 6Jt' the time of me1llsurement, i8Jga;ll it ils anIllolU!IlJCleld tilll ,a;ccor­diaJUce wi,tIh the !berm;., !aIl1d for the purpose esttwblisihed in. the article 330 of the Code of Comunidades, that an un cul­tiV1a1led, rocky land unused plott 'lJjMrl;ed «Baticho-SoY'V6», be­longing to the Comunidade of Corlim where it. is situated, has been metaJSlUJ:'ed tlO be Leased OIUt ,tlo Gu~aJbem MJa!llJdrenc8Jr, f,rom Corlim. Lt :its blounded 100 Ithie 'eMit by the Ea!llJd 'Of the Oomuni­dooe; 0Il1 'the wes:t by the ,rei'Je!'V1ed street; O!ll Ithe north by tihe Iam:d of the wddth :of four metves l1eserV'eCf foer :the sltJreleti bleylOll1d whiich lI1es ;jJhJe plott mea;sUI'led Ito SU!llJdiolrem CQlrgaQlcar iI!11::he file no. 109 olf 1962 land '00 the 'Sicm:th by the lea;sed plot of Atm8JJ:1afma LJaJ('lJaJ,. ioo'V'ering lalll taJl:1ea .of 901 m' 'ood 0111 the annuailllelase Tel!lJt olf &.9-5 n. p .. FiiJlie no. 108 '.of 1962.

V. !ll0i. 143/1963 (Repeated)

12 TJ:tcem hawing helm :di'Viergoency ibetween ithe boundaries (lontain8ld IiIn ithe inilti!aJI ple:tit:ilo!ll and: tIlOIse fou~d Olll Ithe splot art; 'tihe ltliIme of melaJS'llremel!lJt, IaJgaiI!1 it is, 'IOOlllJounced illl 'aJCiCOQ'­danoe with tIle 1Jerfms 'a!llId if'or rtibJe 'P'urlpo\S!e 'esilabLished 'in the amttcle 3-30 of the Ooide olf OomunildtaJaes ,thiatt1lln U!llJcuLtiV'ated, 110cky 'md UIl1.used P'~ot IlJamed «BamchQl~Sloil'VO\», bellolll,ging 1:10 the Oomuniiidialde lof OOlr!l1m, wbiere lilt is s!it11la!terl has been me!aSured to be leaJSed 'Out 1\10 SUllIdia;rem OoII'giaJ(jlcar, J:1esiJding art; Co~lio:n. Lt its bounded 'Olll :tbJe re8Js:t ~d IlJo['tih by the 1allld of the OomunidlaJdle; Ion ltibe weist by ,the~a!llId loolsled to MJadeV'a Colo and on the sQuth by the land of the width of four metres­reserved for a street beyond which lies the plot measured to Guiliaibem Mand~enoar ~ rtibJe fIhle n.O 1008 olf 11962, {lo'V'eI1mg 'an 8JI1ela olf 9000 m', 'a!llId on a!llIlJllall 11eJa;se1 rent of nine 'rupees. FHe no. 109 :of 1962.

V. nlo. 142/1963 (Repeated)

13 :un I8JCCOI!1dia!llJCle with ,the itellms and fo[' ,the purpose '6S­

taJbl~S1hed in tIhre l8Jrti{l~e 330 of the Oode of OomUIliioodles, iJt lis 8JzmouIlJced r.;ha;t Bunid!Q1lica Sinai Clailldearp:aroor, dOlct;oT-srurl­geon, residing at Bicholim has applied for the lease, for the (lOllJ!struic:tiolll !01f hOlUJSies, oIf lahilmy, 'Wncuilti'VlaJteldl !aIl1d1 UllJUiserd pilot, 10rt: 'l1eserved no. 123,siiltuattedi rut «Ia:!:todie Bovv-o['iim» alllld beLolllJg;iIl1g 1.0 tlbie OomunildlaJdle lof Se~a. lit IiIs Iblounded on the east, west and south by the land of the same lot of tlhe OomrunliJdJIlldJe 'a!llJdi 10!ll ,the 'Illorth :by a srt:lrip of the oome land of the wi,dItJh :of ·fou,r metlies rreser'"V1oo by 'tihe 'side :orE the muni­ciplal sitJree:t tbJ8Jt fvom n:aJtIiIolllJaJ! lhigthiW18JY Betitm-MlaJpuga, 100dis to ISlaLVladior do Miundlo, ICOIV'eoog '00 aI1ea ,olf 10'OOm'. Fi'Le IllQ. 1112 of 19:63.

MiapuQa, 29th April, 1963. - The wCltillllg S,ecrleibail'y, Visvo­nath Va8suaeva Sinmi Amonoar.

V. nlO. 134/19'63 (Repeated)

14 :un 'iwcolrdlance with thetel:1l:IJJS and fior !the rpul1po~le leslta­N!islbJeid ~ rtlhe lal!1tliCilJe 330 lof 'ltbie OQldie olf OO!l11JUmdiadies, dt is OO1lo'UIIlCed tbiart; Viam/o!ll/a; XBltl~ COI!IOrp!OI, from MjarpuQa, has applied on lease for the construction of houses, a plot of a fle'!tl na.'Y1ed «Maditeciho: AcIO e, VaJIllIg'OIIlJa'ciho AlOO'» , lioitle !ll1O .. 340 _7.0 lango, belonging to the C'omunidade of MapuQa where it is situated. It is bounded on the least by a drain beyo!lld which lies the lot no. 297 reserved for a street; on the west by the rot no. 339 - 6.0 lanQo; IOn the north by the lot no. 398 l'eserved for the drain beyond which lies the municipal road and on the south by the same lot no. 340-7.0 IanQo(re­maining portion), covering an area of 1000 m' -- File no. 119 of 1963.

V. ~o .. 186/19'63

151m rru0cOll'dia:nce wtiIth the ltJerIITliS land foil' thie rpurpiQ,Sle elSlta!bI~islh!ed lilll. rtJh:e wvtilclle 3310 olf 1lbie IOOldie oIf Gommddlades, WI; !Ls aJllJI]ounced fuaJt Jiag'~aJtJa XJete OOiliOlpI()I, flriom M]rupuQIa, has larprpilliled Q!ll ille/aiSie [l0il' ;the IOonSitruOOilotn olf hiorulSies 18J pllot I()f a field named «Madiecho Aco e Vaingonicho Aco» lot no. 340 ---17.0 lOOQOI, beilJongiing itlo Ithe .comulI:dldilllde lof l\I!;rupuQa where ~t 'Ls siUtU'ateidi. lit dis borundeld 10111 rt:JJie lealst by Ia dJroJiIll. b\eyond WlhLCIh Uiies Ithe iliolt '1101. 29,7 'v€ISIerved iflorr a sltree:t; 0Il1 Ithe west py the lot no. 339- 6.0 lanQo, asked ,on lease by the applicant; on Itlhe noll:'itlh by ItlbJe Iliolt n:0I. 2,9'8 ll1eslerved !/jOil' 'a IdiI1ain he)"ollld wb.icih JIiIes Ithe mulllilicdipiaJ! I'Iood !aIl1d '0111 ;jJhJe ISourth by Ithe oome lot no. 340 _7.° lanQo (remaining portion) covering an area of 1000 m" - File no. 120 of 1963.

V. IIlIO. 187/196-3

16, In accordance with the terms and for the purpose esta­blished in the article 330 of the Code of Comunidades, it is

11 ·POI!" teil' hia;vido dlivergencifu; eilltre ,als co!rlfI'lO~taQ6'es COIllS­tanteJs dJa rp€ibiQi1Jo illllC:ilail Ie as 8Jchru'lJas no. sitilO ao templO da. meidiQao, lIlIo~am'entJe se aIllUlIlci-a, nos ,t8'I1JnOIS e p'aJ:'Ia os fllns do dJiislpOSltiO no lrurt~go 330.0 do COOig1o ,(]aJS Oomunidades que a GuJ~a:bem MiaIlll:lirelllca:t" de Oorril:im, f'Oi medido em aforla;mento p:al'a IconstruQ8,o de icasa, 10 terreno :iJnculito, J:'IQlMOSQle desa­pro'V:ci,tado dienomimlJdio «Baiticll6-SlolY'V6», pertterlClentte it CO'mu­nidade die Corflm, o'lJoe e ,Slituado, ,confrontando die nascente, com 10 Iterreno da .comll!r1idade; de poente, com !ocamiru..lJo I1eseI'VIaJd\o; die nOlrite, com 10 terI181l1o di3. largura die quatro me­tros para caminho depois do qual fica 0 terreno me dido a SundioI1em GOl1ga,ocar !!lIO proicesso n.O '109, de 19'62 e de SlUI, com '0 aflO'ramelllito die AtIlli$I1MXla Lada, na arela die 901 m~ 'e com 0 foro anuo de tRps. 9-5 n. p. Processo n.O :108, de 1-962.

G. '11.0 143/1-9'63 (Repetido)

12 POI" teT 'bJavido <lI1veIigenc1:aootre iaiScolllfrontaQoes coos­tab:t.es,&;t pe'tiQ§.o i-nicita[ 18 l8JsaCibialdas 'ao tempo da mediQao, nO'Vla,me~tle sean unclila IJiOS fjjerlmols Ie rp'lllr:a OIS fins 'ao diiSrp:o'sto no artigo 330.0 do C6digo das Comunidades que a Sundorem Coil'gaolcar, resid8ll1lte lemCorihlirn, f'Oi med~do 'em laf:Oil'amell1to paJil'!aCOllliSltruQi3Jode casa, 10' rtierr,8Il1o ,incuLto, r<oobiOffl) !e dersapro~ Vleitado dienominadlO «Ba;ti'ch6-S0il'v6», pe,rtelllC8Il1ite it comuni­dadJe Ide Gorlim, ondie e silltwado, 'colllfvont3.1llJd~) de nascente e norte, com 0 terreno da comunidade; de poente, com 0 ter­reno concedido a Madeva Col6 e de suI, com 10 terreno da lar­gurla de quaJtI'lOI me:tros I'IeserVladio plara O!aIl11Jinho aerpoli's do qual fica 0 te'rreno me,dfJdJo a Gulabzm MaI!11direnoa;r, niO pro­C€JSISiO n." 108 die 1962, na al'€1a de 9000 m' 'e '00m a foro' MUO die RipS<. 9/-. Prolcesslo n.O 109, die 1962.

G. n.O 142~1963


13 NOlstermOis '8 p~ra lOS fins do dlisrposto no an:11:llgP 330.° do C6digoo daIS Comunidiad!eJs, se ,anuIlJcia qUie Pundo,Lica Sinai OOOdiaJp'aJrdar, me'dico-cii',rurgiao, re:sti'dJente 'em Bfuoooldlm, reque-1100 'em IMOI'laJmen1Jo rp:aJil'!a COlllJstruQwo Ide 'casas 111m 1lemieno 00-tie,iTlaJI, Ii!ncU:b60 ie Ki:eslarp'I1oV'e'iitaijJo, 1L0l1Je !!'esle!!"VIooo 111.0 123, sLto no lawtio Idle Bo['lV1orum e rp:elI1toocente a com'llniidlaJd:e die is!erula, confro!llJrtlaooo die niaSlcenrtie, poelllJte 'e suI, 'clom 01 l1e,m'eno do mesmlO lote dia oomu!lliidlaJdie Ie de 1lI01'oe,com a fiaiixa dio mesITllO' teI1I1eIJ!o dia lalrgur"a die q waJtrlO metros 'a seil' resleJr'V"aldla '00' liado dlaestJ:1adJa munliicipaJ! que' da !!lIac~on3Jl B~tim-Mlarpuga se dd-111,gie la 811l1l'VIaJdiolrdio MUllldo, nJa 3Jma de 1'000 m". PrOicesso n.O 112, die 19'63.

MarpuQa, 29 die A1)T~l de 19:6'3. --< Selt"vindo die Siewetario, Visvonata Va8sudeva Sina,<ii Amonoar.

G. n.O 134/1963


14 Nos termoSl ,e !pait'aoo fIms diOi QiiSlplos,to no, amtligio, 330. 0

do C6dJigio IdialS Oomuuidlaidies, ISie :aIJ!Uucia que V!a!l11Jo!lla Xert: e Ooilopo, de MlarpuQa, rleq'l1lereu 'em laflOil1aJme!llrtio para Icom:it;ruQao de ICasal$<, 10 Itea:1!1e!llJo Ida IVw,wea. delllOlIXUinraJda «MJ8JdliJecIh6 keG Ie V aJingo:nla'<lh6 A,CQI» , Eoite n.O 340-7.0 liamgo, 1p!8Il1te!llJ(:~elllte a ,comumdiaJdlel Idle [MJapuga, 10!l1d)e e SliltJWaidlo, Icoll1lfI'lo!l1Jta!l1Jdol die nJas­c8ll1fte, 'com a !sia!llJgtr[la. 'p~ra l8Jleo:n dia q'll~ Iflilca 10 'Loltle n.O 297 l'elSeriV1aIdio para IcaJIl1li,nhJo; de P!018lIlitJe, com 10 ilIoIte, '11.0 339-6.0

Jiango; die no['lte, ,cOlm 0 ilortie !l1J .. 0 298 Q'lesle,rvadro iplaJl'a slall1lgrJa para alffin da qual fica a estrada municipal, e de suI, com 10 meS!l11JO i1JortIe 111.0 340-7.0 lIIa;ngo (ll1e~ltaJnlte paJrlte) , iIlla 8;re!al de 110,00 1m2

• Pmo!Clesso n. ° 11,9., die 19'63. G. '11." 186/1963

115 Nos tler<mots Ie rp'ara os 1iin:s. do tdli:sip101SItioI 'll'0 lM1ti!g"O 3,30.0

diot COOtg10 diasl OolmlUIlliidlaJdles, se iaJIlJU!llJciia que JI81g18JIlJaJta Xete OOll/opo', de Mjlllp'llQa, 'I1equer<eu 'em Ia;fiWaJlIJ!6!l1Jto rpia.ra 'ClO!lliSltruQilJO de IcaslaJs 10 'teweIl1o dia V'aa'zlea dienomiilnJald/ol «MJaJdliielch6 Aco, 'e Vaingonich6 Aco», lote n.O 340-7.0 lanQo, pertencente it comu­niildla;dJe Idle M~uQa, I()!lldle e ,.sd!butaJdo, IClO!lllf,:t1O!!lIt:aJnidJo die IllI8JsC8!llt:~, com a ISiangriia. iptaJl4a, ia[em dia qrulaJl fruca 01 ]oltle 1ll.0 297 ;rjesiervado para caminho; de poente, com 0 lote n.O 33'9-6.° lango, pedido elm aif'm18Jmento ilKilore:::! u€ll1enite; {die nloir11le, 'com 10 lliolte n.O 298 !1e1SeQ'V1ado pa,!'a ISlangJ.'Jla p'llJI'a laJ:emdio quJaJ! fiica a €ISIb1wdla mu­ni,ciLpla.i1, IP' de 'sru'l, Icom 0 mesmo I~oille n.O 340-7.° liamgOl (Il'I6S1lante plaTte), iIlla arela die 1000m'. PI1olceslSIO !ll.0 120, die 19613.

G. n.O 187/1963

16 Nos UetItrl10iS e 'parla 'OIS fd!ns d(), diSpOISito no lartigo 330.° do C6d:iJ~ 100S -oomUrlllildades, s'eooruncia., 'qrule OCIJrtaJcCiQlLo DIi'Og'O


r y


23RD MAY7 1963

amwunced ;tibiat Oa"ra;ca.oilJO. DtiJolgiOi iSleq'llie6ra [n IOltiher nru:n;e Oa-:ney Slequelilra, dJrIom Alldlollla, has laipipllliJeidI Ifloll' I\:.hie !Ilelasle lof (an UiIlJ­

ouJltii;va<Deld, hQ!\Ily, u'llJUised! plot wdlt'hOluit 'a 'sipleci:iJa1L IdJelll!omd.ntaltiolll, lot no. 157, belonging to the Comunidade of Serula, where it is situated of an area of approximately of 200 m 2

, for the OOlniStru0tliJOQl of la tplalSslaJgle ,to his ihlouiSle. lit Ii:s bOlUndieid '0'11 the elaJ5lt land nolt'lbh by ltibJe ,land of :!:Ib;e same aomunitdlaldJe; 10'llJ the welSlt Iby thel tealSled pLolt olf the a[Jp1idalnit land 10'11 the' ISiOlulth by the land reserved for the street. - File no. 121 of 1963.

¥. 'llJ0'. 189/1963:

17 In alCoord)am:ce wIiItIh.tilleueIl'mS and flOlr tille pUtI1pos:e lestab­Id.slrecl! tiIn ltihe !aJrt:lilC'~e 330 of the aoldie lof ComU'll:iJdatdJes, dlt :iJs aQlQ10lUQlCIed ,that Oal~ifaInJa RiolglU'VliiI1a SiirIlai SlaJli0ail', rrJesQ,dling [n the >City oil' GOla" ihIaJS iaJptp[tlJed 101ll lielalSlel, full' tihe ICIOQllSitructiolll !Of holU'Sles, la ibJi[ly, IUQlcu;1ui~aJbetd land lUilJ:USiOO pIlot lof ,the llOt nes1er­ved no. 123, situated at the «Alto, de Porvorim», and 'belonging to I1Jhe OomU'lJJ:iJdJaldie 1m SIe!r<u~a. ]t ilS lboUilJ:decl! 101ll .thie east, by the rlood 'olf ,uh!e Slame OolIIl!Ulll!ildlatdJe; 101ll iIlhe west, by the railld aJpp'Hed Olll l~elalS~ [llllthe £ilLe nOI. 1112 IOIf 19'6,3 lolf Ithle slalIl1le Oom!,l.­nIiIdaide; bn Ithe 1!1/0rrtJ::t, !by a stJrIiip of ltJh!e slalllle 1!aQld of Ithe Wliidth of i10lUir metres Ito be rteSlelI'V'ed' by Ithe ISliide Qf il::hel mUillli'Clipal I1daid tth!a;t frlom nlalt:iol!llail ,hQtglhWlay BEit:lilrn-Miaipuga, il:ealds ~O'IS'al­Vlado[' dlo MundJo OOldi 101ll tibJe SOIUt1Jh, bYlthe lJa;n:d lolf the 'slaid OOIIDUQlI:iC~aldJe, lC1o~elrm.,g Ian ,wela; 10if' 1 VOiO m 2• F1iI~e [lO1. 123 of W~ c

Mapuga, 8th May, 1963. - Serving as S,ecretary, Visvonata Va8sude·va Sinwi Am,onoar.

V. !!lIO. 183/1963 •


18 NO'tice is' hereby given,again, that ithe paddy fields listed in the notice pwbl'1shed in ,the Government Gazette no. 2, series IN, dat'ed 10th January last wiI:I be leased for the year of 1963, only, with ,the eXiception of the fields adjudged, for any rent which the interested person offers. The applica­tions should ibe submitted to the administrative BO'ard, with an indication of the fields whtchappUcant wishes to lease 'and the rent which they want to offer, within 10 days of the publication hereof in the Government Gazette.

Notice is hereby 'also given, that the paddy 'field no. 169 will :be leased for the <remaining part of the current six-year period fO'r the rent of Rs. 149,00. TheaJpplications should Ibe submitted >to theadmnistrative iBoard,within ten days of the pUiblication hereO/f in the Government Gazette.

Jua, 13th May, 1963. - The Olerk, Naguexa Sinai EM.

V. no. ,li9'2/1963 CClrHm

19 Applications are invited for the lease of the below mentioned fields for the remaining six year period for the indicated rents. The interested shall have to hand over the competent declaration within 10 days giving in the same all the necessary particulars. Strip no. 253 Rs. 154/-; no. 254 Rs. 154/-; no. 232 Rs. 92-40 n. p.; no. 230 Rs. '94-82 n. p.; no. 231 Rs. 8'5-40 n. p.; no. 228 Rs.95-09 n. p.; no. 229 Rs. 79--80 n. p. and the Sapal field Rs. 255-57 n. p. In case there are no applicants, for the aboves3!id rents, the declarations shall be accepted ten days after the given time limit, the same strips at the follOwing rents: Rps. 111-79 n. p.; 111-79 n. p.; 60-09 n. p.; 62-71 n. p.; 15'5-57 n. p; 61-84 n. p. and 52-07 n. p., respectively.

Corlim, 15th May, 1963. - The Clerk in charge, BaZagi CamotiJm.

V. no. 194/19163 Marcaim

20 'I1h~ abovementioned comunidade is hereby convened for a meeting at its usual place, after the publication of this notice in the Government Gazette, at 11 a. m., to give its opinion about the file no. 30/1963, concerning the rebate of rent applied by Rarichondra Pandu Gaudo and others of Marcaim.

Marcaim, 5th May, 1963. - The Olerk in charge, Prabhaoar Giva N Clique Gauncar.

V. no. 191/1963 Bambolim

21 Thie ra;blo~ aomunJ:id!ade~s tClOQlVeQlOO fOll'l 131 mJeetinJg, taIt jits usuail pilJalce, on 'the 3['d Suilldlay 13lfIt€Jll' tJ:JJe pulbltlJdaltion helI1eof tiIn tlhe GOIV€JI1IIlIDe!llIt Gialzi€ltibe, IaJtl{) Ill. m., Itol dieiliibelr'ate upon the following lease files, for the construction of houses of the ptlloJtJs of ibhLis OomU'lJJlild!a;dJe: 1) FtlJIe '11.0 21 lof tille i1JeaSied! lappliiled for by Jlotrtge dla; Grega Ail:lali:die Lolbo; 2) N.o 2,2, aJpiplltlJeld f'Or


s>equeiira pOll" lOUrt)IfQl QlOll11le CaTley SequielLra, die Mdiona, requereu em ladloifla:menillo, pan:<aSl€'~entiia diaJlsiwa 'CIaJs1a" nla arlera ip'l'IO'Vave'l de 200 m', 0 terreno inculto, outeral e desaproveitado, sem de­nloll1Jl:injagiiJo '€ISiplelciilaJ, 'lioitle Ill,O 157, peIl'!UeQlcle.n:te a. ,crOlllluQlidiade de ISerula, onde e situado, confrontando de nascente e norte, com 0 terreno da mesma comunidade; de poente, com 0 afo­rJalmJento 100 l"equeremll1e ,€I de suil, ttJeI1ri€Ql(Y ll1eSl€ll'Maldlo! para 0amtilnhl0'. ProlcerS'~IO Ill," 121, de 19'63.

G. n." 1;89/1963

17 , ~QlS ~ermos, Ie iplaTIa 0109 fliQlIS l(jJo d:lsplolsrt:!o n!o taJr'tIiigO' 330.0

dJ<;> COdWglO dasOom'llillllJdacl:els, sle an'lli'llc!ia que Oailli!aniaJ ROlglllv<lra Sllliliali SWl10aJr, resliidieJlIltUe n~ Iclildiwe ldie Goa, cr;equ!€Il'leu 'Eilll a:fo­~all11lenlto, rplllIia (lOnSitrugaO' dleoalS/as, IUiITl IUerr,€JQlO1 ouibeliral, mcruilltrO' Ie Idi€lSlaip'rlo~eiilualdJo IdJO illolte ll'IeSl€Jl'lVlaJOOI n." 12,3, sioo no ruLt:o die J>ioil'~ol!'llm, €I ip;e!rlteQlcenite' a !domul!lJiidlaidie de Sle,'l'utla, COIil­firlO!!lItal!Jldio de n laS,C1€Jll1Ue, ,cIOm 10' 1:ieI1r'eQlQl da me'sma ,OolIDunllcl!ade· de rplOle'lJJOe, Id0lm: 10 l1lerlI1E1!lO' l1equerliJdo lem laif10il"ameIllOO'QlOI pro:

"ce~lS!o Ql,"1l2"iQi€-11963 da d1~ta IClolml1!1liJcl!adJe; de norte, com a llailxa IdO' tmlesmo iIlelI1I1€J1!l1OI dla ]aJl'lglUirla de 4 mE/brO'sl plaJ:'a ser relS!errlV1c.!d~ lalo Illa<1ol Idle eSljmatda mUlllli!cillpail qUle tdJa lnIalc[1Q1I1aIl Bletim­~Ma[Jug'a, sle dir~lgle la ,SlaJ1vlalcl!oll" ldio MiumJdOI, €I idle ISUJ ,com >0 tel'" 1100n dla 'd!iJua iCiolmumdade, na :i11e~ de 10100m". PI101c'esISQ' n,O 123 die 19<63. '

J.\1}apuga, 8 de M~io de 1>91613. - SiervliIrJ.ido de SlelcrietaJrio Vis-Vtonata Va8s?uWva Si·n;ai A monoa?'. '

G. n.O 183/1963

---_ ..• ----



18 ,A;nuncia-se, de novo, 0 arrendamento dos Totes varzios para ~mlco ,a?o de 196,3,cuja relagao se acha publicada no Bolettm ,a/tabal, n.O 2, 3." serie, de 10 de Janeriro i(i.1timo a a~XlcepgaO dO's Ilores 'ja adjudicados, para IquaLquer irenda que o mteres~ado me,re1cer, dievendo os intel'essados entregar os seus pedidosem ip3!pelcomum a 'junta administraHva indi­candO' as varzeB:s Ique pretendem e a renda que ofer,ecem, no iprazo de dez dlas a cO'ntwr Ida pUblicagao deste no BoZetim O/icktZ.

Anuncia-se, mais, 0 arrendamentO' dO' lotte varzio n.O 169, para 0 restante periodio do sexEmlio corrente, pela renda anua de 49 rupias, de'V·endo os interessados entregar os seus p'edidos em paipel 'comum, a junta admini>strativa, no prazo de dez dia~ acontar da tpu'bli!cagao deste no BoZetim to/ioiJal com to'das as fO'l'mal~dades J:egais. '

Jua, 13 de MaiO' de 1963. - 0 ;EscrivaO', Nagulexa Sinai Ed6.

G. n." ,19~j,1'9'63 Corlim

19 Anuncia-se 0 arrendamento das varzeas infra indicadas para 0 restante periodO' do sexenio pelas rendas iindicadas devendo os interessados prestar a competente declaragao n~ prazo de 10 dias indicando na mesma tQdos os pormenores necessarios: Lote n." 253 Rps. 1'54/-; n.o 254 Rps. 154/-; n.o 232 Rps. 92-40 n. p.; n." 230 Rps. 94-82 n. p.; n.o 231 Rps. '85-40 n. p.; n.o 228 tRps. 9'5-09 n. p.; n." 229; Rps. 79-80 n. p. e Varzea Sapal Rps. 255-67 n. p. Nao havendo preten­dentes pelas rendas acima constwtadas serao aceites declara­goes nos 10 dias posteriores aquele prazo 6s mesmos lotes pelas rendas seguintes: Rps. 111-79 n. p.; 111-79' n. p.; '60-09 n,. p.; 62-71 n. p.; 55-57 n. p.; 161-184 n. p. e ,52-07 n. p., respec­tlvamente.

Oorlim, 15 de MaiO' de 1963. - 0 Esc'l'ivao encarregado, Balagi Camotim.

G. n." 1'94/1963 Marcaim

20 E convocada a supradita comunidade, em sessaO' extra­ordinaria no local das sess6es nO' terceirO' domingo' apos a publicagao deste nO' BoZeiim iO/iciaZ, as 11 horas, a fim de pronunciar sabre O'processo de quita n.o 30/1963, requerido por Harichondra Pandu Gaudo e outros, de Marcaim.

Marcaim, 5 de Maio de 1963. - 0 Escrivao ,encarregado, Prabhacar Giva Naique IGauncar.

G. n.O 191/1963 Bambolim

21 E ICiQnlVlOICaidia IaJ sutp!l'laidlilba ',ClomurrriJdade plalra !Sler r!eunir nO' SlelU liuga.:c :de ICiQ,situme, nO' 3. 0 IdJOlll1:iJniglOl lapoS la ipulbiliitclagao dlelsitJe QlO 'Bole'tim O/iciam,ip1eJ~alS 10 holI1a1Sl, IaJ fo ;diel diell:bte,!'ar SlOlbrre lOIS 81eg:utiinl\:ielS iplriolCleslslQls de afo~1alITllentols de Iclonstru gi'iJo die casas do loelrrreno' dJelsitJa Clollllunwdaldie: 1) PIrIOICleLSlS!OI n,O 21, lI1e1qwell"JldJo POII' JOIl':ge dIa GlI'aga AltIaidie Loibo; 2) N." 22, Ileque~


by Ru:i. Gomes ,Pe,r.eiiJJ:1a; 3) NOI. 16, ~pplJJilOO if'oir Iby BailiagiL Oa" mOltJiJrn; 4) No. 17, laprp[liJeid for by J1alllJaJIiclialna U. }{jan'e; ,5) !NOI. 33, lalprpJliieid' TOtr: by Nrn1dOlnta Srj]p~dJa ISlim:aJ1 .AJdiV!ollJpa,~0a,r;

6) No. 35', a,ppll~eid' ,fOIl' by RJaJllJgIL SlilliplaJClla SliJIl!aJil AJdlvlollJplaJlclar; 7) No. 34, applied for -by Ramacanta Sripada Sinai Advol­palcar; 8) No. 36, applied for by Sripada Rauge Sinai Adval­paJcar and 91) no. 104 app1ied for by Prabacar Govinda Sinai Ou,,"e}Q'IIl'.

V. no. 1,8:8/1963

22 The abovementioned Comunidade is hereby convened fora special meeting, at its Meeting Hall, at 10 a. m. on the 3,l1d Sunday a£1le,r the p,ubl!1catiion lof It::hiIs 'l1!olti:ce in the Government Gazette, in order to give its opinion on the file no. 21 ,of 19'61 in whtch [Maria Vitoria Q\fellita de [Menezes of Panjim has applied for the lease of an 'lUlculUvated, hilly-and unused plot of land and belonging to the same Comunidade named ",Paragall» bounded on the east, ,south and west by the land of the same Plot, and on the north by the nationa,l'road; covering an area of 1000 mO.

Bambolim, 15th May, 1963. - The Clerk, Calislto Mar­tinko Jroo Dias.

V. no. 190/1963. Anjuna

23 The 8Jbo~emEmt~OIned! COIIrllUlll!ioodJe, diS he~eby oollw'ened for a special meeting, at its Meeting Hall, at 10 a: m., on the 3rld SIJl[lJdiay, IaifIter l1:Jhe plUJb1klaltli!01n ~ I1:ihdJSI IlIooc.e lin the Gov-' ,ermmelnit GlalZlet1tJe, to g1ilVle IiJtJS o/piLn/ilon lOin the la/pp:lloatdon of RJarrnlaJriaIU NarJanfli Sdil1oldlclau', :fi!101lU AnjUlllia, ~ WleilJ1 lal8, ,on 1j:JIe opinion given by the chief of the 2nd agricultural Divdsion, in ibhe iJeru:rrg 'of lartli;ole 322, lof Itfrle COldle lof OOllUruni~iclJadel8'.

Anjuna, 5th May, 1963. The Clerk, Roguvir R. Sinai Narvencar.

V. no. 185/1963 Marne.:

24 The abovementioned Oomunidade is hereby convened tQ meet in an extraordinary session at its meetling place at Marna on 3rd Sunday, after the pUbl1catton hereof in the Government Gazette, at 11 a. m., in order to pronounce on the file no. 118/i1963, relating to the works of the construc­tion of the border of the drain 'existing in the fi.elds situated at Marna estimated to Rs. 7000/- and how to meet the expenses of the same.

Siolim, 8th May, 19>63. - The Clerk, V. So .Priolker. V. no. 179/1963


25 The abovementioned Comunidade, is hereby convened, for an extraordinary session at the place of its sessions, at Siolim, on third Sunday, after the publication hereof in the Government Gazette, at 3 p. m., in order to pronounce on the file no. 78/1961, relating to the urgent works of the 'IieConsitructilon ,of ~ettainin.g iW:a;1l in «Joucrlete !lin Ithe ibund lOIf T'anClhermcasana, tl::i:at due Ita !tJJ:J,e abslence of ibrndtdEll'tS was done by the administrative commiJttee.

On the same day at 4.30 p. m., the twenty biggest share­hQllders of the Comunidade 'are also convened for a meeting, to give their opinion on the resolution of the Gomunidade CXlncerning the file no. 7.8/1961.

Siolim, 5th May, 1963. - ThE' Clerk, Vitola Sinai Priolker. V. no. 180/1963


26 The abovementioned Comunidade is hereby convened for a special meeting at its Meeting Hall at 10 a. m., on the 3rd Sunday after the publication of this notice in the Govern­ment Gazette, in ,order to give its opinion on the fUe n.O 35/ 19'63, in which Raghu Roghuvlir Dangui, from Mapuga, has applied for the lease, for the construction of a house, of an uncultivated, rocky and unused plot of land named «Teme­richo-SQrvo» situated at Mapuga and belonging to this 00-munidade. It is bounded on the east by the land of the Comu­nidade reserved for a street; on the west by the land of the Comunidade reserved for a street; ,on the north by the land of the Comunidade and on the south by the leased plot of Roguvira Sitarama Dangui, from Mapuga, coV'ering an area of 1000m'.

Mapuga, 18th April, 19&3. ~ The Olerk, Antonio Francisco Xavier da P. da Cruz.

V. no. 1182/1963 Moira

27 'Tihe abovementioned lComunidade is hereby ,convened for extraordinary meeting, at its Meeting Hall, at 10 a.m.,


Dildo plolrRua. Giomes PeT,ei1r'a; 3) N.o 16, r~lqUiwiJdio pOIr Ba;lagi. Gamotim; 4) N.o 17, requerido pot Janardona U. Kane; 5) N.o 313,r.eq'Uea:'Ii!d'o plOT NillliCiontiaJ S>rtirplada ISli!nl3.i AJdJvlolliprufua;r; 6) N.O 35, requerido por Raugi Sripada Sinai Advalpalcar; 7) N. ° 34, requ erido por Ramacanta Srtpada Sanai Advalpalcar; 8) N. ° 36, [1equertido rpm STliJp1aJdia RJruugi Smalil AJdivlallJpaJlica;r; 9 ) N.o 104, Il1eqU'elrdidOI plOT' P[1aiblalC\a;r GoiVIiln:dJa S,i'l1!a:i CuvefooT.

G. n. ° 188/1963

22 1!iconvocada a ,sobredita ,com'unidadeparase reunir na casa das suas sessoes, no terceiro domingo, apos a publi­cagao deste no Boletim Ojicial, pelas 10 horas, a fim de deliberar sobre 0 processo n.O 21 de 1961, em que Maria Vlit6ria Melita de fM,eneses, de Pangim, pretende em afora­mento para construgao de casa, um terreno oiteiral, inculto e desaprovcltado, pertencente a 'co,munidade de Bambolimi onde ~ situado, compreendido no lote denominado «Paragalb, conff6ntando ao nascente, suI, e poente, pelo terreno do dito outeiro e norte, pela estrada nacional, naarea pTovavel de 1000 m\

Bambolim, 15 de Maio de 1963. - 0 Escrivao, Calista Mar­tinho J otio Dias.

G. n." 190/1963 Anjuna

23 OonviolOO.,sie a 'S'oihriediiiba iclolIDunli:diaidie, pama Ise reumr, no tereed;ro dO!mii!l1go, ap6s a publdClagwo desite nlol BoZetim O/icial, pelas 10 horas, no local das suas sessoes, a fim de dar 0 seu plal~e:Cler Isoibne >0 pieldJilcuo die RiamaJr3!U NiaJI'aID.a Su:m~C'ar, Ole AnjiUW" ibelm IC,OmOi slOibfl'le 101 ipla~eceT ,dJol cthieif'e >dia '2.ft Ulrcuns­miigao Atgiricollia nos rterlrnl{)ls 'dJOi ;aJI'ItliJgol 322 dio Codiig1o !V1gen1:Je.

Anjuna., 5 die lVDalibl >die 1963. - 0 ESICl!'liJvao:, Roguvir R. Sinai Narvencar.

G. n.O 185/1963 Mama

24 1!i 00nvocada a sobredita comunidade, para se reunir em sessao extraordinaria, no local das suas sessoes em Marna, no terceiro domingo, ap6s a puNicagao deste no Boletim o /iciJal, pe1as 11 horas, a fim de pronunc.iar. sobre 0 processo n.O 118/1963, relativo as obras deconstrugao da borda da sangr,ia existente nas varzeas, sitas em Marna, or gada em Rps'. 7000/- Ie 0 modo de faz.er face as despesas da mesma.

Siolim, 8 de Maio de 1963. - 0 Escl'ivao, Vitobd, Sinai Priolcar.

G. n.O 179/1'963 Siolim

25 li; convocada a sobredita comunidade, para se reunir em sessao extraordinaria, no ,local das suas sessoes em Siolim, no terceiro dOmingo, apos a publicagao deste no Boletim O/iciJal, pelas 115 horas, a fim de pronunciar sobre b processo n.O 78/1961, relative? ao servigo urgente de recons­trugao do muro de suporte em betao no valado de «Tarchem­casana», que pOI' falta de licitantes foi executada pela junta administrativa.

No mesmo dia pelas 16lh horas sao cQnvocados os vinte maiores interessados da dita comunidade, a fim de ;emitir 0 seu parecer no que for deliberado pe,la comunidade sobre 0

processo n.O 78/19i61.

SiQlim, 5 de Maio de 1963. -0 Escrivao, VitaM Sinai Pri­olear.

G. n.O 180/1963 Mapu!<c:

26 1!i convocada a sobredita comunidade, para se reunir, nas casas das suas sessoes, em sessao extraordinaria, no ter­ceiro domingo ap6s a publicag8io deste !llO BoletiJ';n Oficial, peIas 10 horas, a fim de deliberar 0 que tiver pot conveniente sobre 0 processo n.O 35/19163, em que Raghu Roghuvir Dangui, de Mapuga, requereu em aioramento para construgao de casa, um terreno inculto, rochoso e desaproveitado denominado. «Te­mericho..,Sorvo»,sito -em Mapuga e pertencente a .esta comu­nidade, confrontando de nascente, com Q terreno da. comuni­dade reservado para caminho; de poente, com 0 terreno da comunidade reservado para caminho; de norte, com 0 ter­reno da ,comunidade e de suI, com 0 aioramento de Roguvira Sitarama Dangui, de Mapuga, na area de 1000 m'.

Mapuga, l!8 de Abril de 1963. - 0 Escrivao, Antonio Fran­cisco Xavier da 'P. da Cruz.

G. n.O 182/1963 Moir'D:

27 Econvocada a so:bredi!ta 'comunidade, em sessao extraor­d'naria, no ,terceiro domingo, 3ipos a pUJbli:cagao deste no fBole-



23RD MAY) 1963

on the 3rd Sunday after the pUiblication of this notice in the Government Gazette, in order to dedde whatever .be conve­nient aJbout -the ·execution of the ,work of cleaninJg and for improvement of the ,exisbing wen on the 1st plot of Dovor­IlJecaUi lMudidi of tills OomunidadJe, estirrnateid aJt Rs. 1230/-.

V. no. 210/1963

28 Notice is hereby given to all interested par.ties, who wish to take on lease the plot «lh of 2nd plot of 2nd Ganturli», of this Comunidade, for the annual rent of Rs. 63/- for the remaining part 'of the Six-year period, from 19,62 to 1967, that they should submit their applications, on plain paper, to the administrative Committee of 'this Oomunidade, within 10 days of the publication hereof in the Government Gazette, indicating therein their rpreferenti'al right, under the terms of the no. 4 of the order no. GlAD/74/6'2/2134'7, published in the Government Gazette no. '4J4.

MQira, 11th March, 19,63. - The Clerk, Romao Tiburcio Caetano de Souza Freitas.

V. no. 12-11/1963 Velguem

29 The' ktbiolvemeoo:QIned Gomunli!Ci!aldie is hml€lby dOilrvened fOIr 'a .spelcli!aJ1 ,meeitimlg, lat 'it's rmeeltlJIlJg rpllclce, Olll Ijjh;e 11th day afib€1l' Ithe pUiblicaitJiolll iof <!Jhis nOitioe Eill the G()lVlerinment Gazelbte, ail; 10 'a. 'm., fun oll"!dier rtJo Ig~V'el dJtJs iOrpli:nlilOtn 101ll itlhe Me 1lli01. 19r,119'62 m whllioh Dai:ianalllldiaJ Ballol1i\Sil]!a Ba'llldiolrlCIaT lolf laJ~tJill1ll:Jio lof thi,g <iiity, ros l3.ippillied for thelei8JSle 'olf ianUlIlcwtilvlaJted !pIllot 'of Land wli!thofUlt lany 'S[lleoiaJl 'llIame, ISiitUart:leid ti!n 'the vlilik,ug1e lolf Vielguem illl ol]Xle:11 'tio brilng :ilt u!ndJer loutltJiV'alttolll l3.ind borunided 101ll iIlhe ,east by the lease of Rogunata Naraina Boto and the national road Usgao-Onda; on the west by the land be.longi.ng to the Co­mu'llljdJ3JClJe of Viecr!g1Uem; 0I!l ffil!e IllQamh jby Ithe ,'[iOaJd wmch ~eadJs Ito the !lTI!iJne Dailldo ~ ~an<d ,b~orng1iJnlg rt;o the Colmrunii:d!ade od' Vle~gUiem larad 'Olll Ithe 'Slo~lIth by ithe hililly lt3.indi olf Ith!e SlaUd COIffiUlIlildJrude QIf' Vi.elgruem,COIvlerLilig ian iaJrlea olf3 Hed:a:rs.

PiaJl!e, 31l1d May, 11963 . ........, The C~erk, I8ido1'o Hermogenes Gracias.

V. no. 178/1963 Margao

30 The abovementioned Oomunidade is convened f.or an extraordinary meeting on the 3rd Sunday after the publica­tiQn hereof in the Government Gazette, at 10 a. m. at the Meeting House, with the representa1Jion of two thirds of the shareholders, to oonsider the request of the Firm P. G. Vir­gincar and Oompany, with head-off'ice in Margao, for obtain­ing from this Gomunidade the ti1led plain plots, numbers 360 and 61. Should there be no meeting on this day the same is convened, in the same way, for the second time, ,on the following Wednesday, at 10 a. m., and should there be no meeting on this day it is convened for the 3rd time, on the following Sunday, in the usual way, at 10 a. m.

Margao,loth May, 196·3. -The Clerk, Gurudas Gomnda Egdo.

V. no. 177/11963 Taleigao

31 Under orders from the higher authorities the above­mentioned Comunidade is convened for an extraordinary ses­sion, on the 3rd Sunday' at 10 a. m., after the publication of this in the Government Gazette so that it might pronounce on the letter of the 'Sarpanch .of the Village Panchayat of this parish in which he commends that the necessary steps must be taken to bring the building of the PeopLe's House under his jurisdiction.

Taleigao, 18th May, 1963. - The Clerk, Da.tarama Podiar. V. no. 2012/1963


32 The above Comunidade is hereby convened to meet at its usual meeting place in an extraordinary meeting on the 3rd Sunday after this notice has been published in the Go­vernment Gazette, at 11 a. m., to give lits opiniq,n on the expense sheet forwarded by the man in charge of the culti­vation of the lease of this Comunidade,known as «Airichem Cantorla», and which amounts to Rs. 395/-.

lGolrttm, 20th Mias, 19·63. - ThJe iOlJe:nk, SWbraiaGmnaxwma Sinai Usg&okar.

V. no. 198/1963 •


Xri Ramanath of Bandora

33 It is hereby announced that on the third Sunday after the publication of this notice in the Government Gazette, at 10 a. m., in the session hall of the Temple, the rentals of the


tim 10 tidal, as 10 horas, a fim de, reunindo nacasa de sess6es, deliberar o que tiver por :conveniente, sobre aexecugao da obra de de,sdbstrugao €I .benefj~iagao do pogo ,existente no 1.0 lango de 'Dovornecaili Muddi desta ·com'llnidade, cuja esti­mativa e de Rips. ,1:230/-.

G. n.O 210/1963

28 Nos termos da iPortaria n.O iGAD/74/,62/21347, ipubli­cada no Boletim Oticial n.O 44, saoconvidadosos interes'sados que pretendem arrendar ,<% do 12.° lango de 12.° Oanturli», desta comunidade, pela renda anua de Rps. 63/- para 0 restante pe'riodo do corrente seXien~o de 196,2 a 'U)67 , a requererem, em papel 'comum, a junta administrativa desta Comunidade, no prazo de dezdias, a ·contar da pUiblicagao deste no 'Boletim Otioiial, indi·cando no selli 're1querimento 0 direito de preferencia nos termos do n.O 4 da mesma portaria.

Moira, 11 de Margo de 1963. - 0 Escrivao, Romao Tiburoio Caetano de Sousa Freitas.

G. n.O 211/1963


29 1i.: 'COnMJIClada la 's'Ulpl1aidiiJt1a ICOi!rlunJidJaJde ip'ar1a. sle 're'llnir, mn sel8lsruo 'eXitJroolndiiinJarula, no lugar de \SIU1alS1 lSieslsoels no 11.° dia aipos a piubltiJcagfuo :dJeme no Boleltim Oficial, l8JS :10' hloir1as, a :f!fun de deliberar sobre 00 processo n.o 19/1962 em que Daiananda !BaJJcrisna iBandoI'car, do iaJlitirn:hQI daJCiLdaJd1e de IGoa, [pretende clbtJer 'em:t !aiforlamenlOO -palla .t:rJa;ze'I' 18; 'ClU1tucr"a UIm itJerreno liU'c'll-lto .serm delliominagao lelspelc:ial siiltJO I[]JaI 'aJEdieliia die V'eIlJguerrn, dOiIl­

frontando de nascente, com aforamento de Rogunata Naraina Boto Gobro e estrada nacionacr de Usgao-Onda; de poente, com ,tie1rI1eDlO idacomumd!aJde de 1Vi~g:u~; de norte, ,caminlhio qUle IVai a rmIDa Dando ;e terJ'€IIlo daoomunidaJdie de iVie1guem Ie de su:!, ,tJe'ITlenJO ourtJeiT!a[ da dfuta ·CIOmunli!dlaJdle de VleEgu.em, na area de 3 ha.

BaWe, 3 de MJaJiJo de 19'63. -:--' 0 E<slClr:~vao, Isidoro Hermogenes Gracias.

G. n.O 178/1963


30 1i.: convocada a supradita comunidade, em sessao ex­traordinaria, no 3.° domingo apos a publicagao deste no Bole­tim, Ofical, pelas 10 horas, a fim de reunindo, na casa de sess5es, pelo s1steina de dois tergos do capital social, deliberar o que tiver pOI' conveniente sobre a pretensao da «Firma P. G. Virgin car e Companhia», com sede em Margao em que pede que Ihe sejam vendido!S os lotes. varzios n. os 360 e 61. Nao se reuillindo nesse dia e ,convocada pela 2." vez na quarta­-feira .que se seguir, as 10 horas, pelo mesmo sistema e nao se reunindo desta vez e convocada pela 3." vez, na forma or­dinaria, no domingo que se seguir, as 10 horas.

Margao, 10 de Maio de 1'9&3. - 0 E<scrivao, Ourudas Go­'dnda Egdo.

G. n.O 177/1963


31 POI' determinagao superior, e convocada a sobredita comunidade, para se reunir em sessaoextraordinaria, no ter­ceiro domingo apos a publicagao deste no Boletim 0ticial as 10 horas, a fim de pronunciar sobre a carta do Sr. Sarpanch do Village Panchayat desta freguesia em que pretende que se efectuem as necessarias diligencias para passar ao se'll dorninl1o !o 'edilfToio 'da Oas;a deY 'Piovo desrta fre(g1U'esdJa.

TaJeigao, 18 de Maio de 1963. - 0 Escrivao, Dataram'a Podia,r.

G. n.O 202/1963 Goltim

32 1i.: convocada a sobredita comunidade para se reunir em sessao extraordinaria no lugar de costume no terceiro domingo apos' a publicagao deste no Boletim 0ticial, pelas 11 hOl1atS, ;pa;ra 'dlliz,er 0' iqlUe se lhe o!fe't'iecelr s:oib:.!:'e a Ifom d:a desrpesa apresentada pelo encarregado da cultura da varzea «Airi­chem Gantorla» desta comunidade que importa em Rps. 395/-.

,Goltttm, '20 de [Mjailo de 1963. - 0 IElSICr:iIV3JO, Subraia Gam;a­aillima !Sinai Usga(J)ocar.

G. n.O 198/1963 -------


Xri Ramanata de Bandora

33 Anuncia-se, que as 10 horas, no terceiro domingo ap6s a publicagao deste no Boletim Olicial, na sala de sessOes desta Devalaia, serao arrendados em hasta publica os predios

r I

If •. , •. "." ':, ,



propertie::;of this Temple ~n Ponda Taluka and those of Sanguem Taluka will be taken for pubLic auction;

The respective incomes and thecgndimohs, as approved by the authorities concerned, will be open to the public. in the office of ' the Gom~ttee of the Temple'at Bandbra;

Bandora, 30th April 1963. - The Secretary, Ramachondra Vassudeva Poi.

Vlisa. The President, Srinivassa N'aique Burio.

V. no. 200/1963

Xri Xcmt~durga Verlicarina of Reis Magos

34 On the 2nd of June next, at 10 a. m., auction will be held of the field of thtsDevalaia, «HoIiecho Tol», situated at Morgim for the period of 196'3 to 1965, in the Meet,ing Hall of this Devalaia, as per bid and conditions contained ~n the estimate authorized by higher authorities.

Reis-M<\,gOs, 118th May, 1963. - The Clerk, Balcrisna Damo­daTa Na,ique Batcar.

V. no. 19'9/1963 Xri Manguexa of Priol

35 'l\he 'malhiaja;n;s. oli' ItIh!e a:hiolv'c!i1lallTIleJd DeVirula'Yia a,r1eher'eb~ oOIl1'V'elnred rOir \3iIlJ eXltI'lruolrldliJ:l!rury ImeeltJiJIJ"g art: flO la. 1m., 10!!l the 3'I'Id Sundlay after Ithe prulb]ilGaltJiom 'hiEII1eloif iIIl tihe GiofV1emme!!lJt Gazlebte, lalt Itlhe Meeitimg HaJ]1, to! 'giiiVIe Itlhel:r' lorprill1woiil om ,the fbhlolWlilnlg:

1 Arpip'~tGa<tdJon lof M'l"~ BalbO. ISlima~ Bha;n~ laillilals, Etalbu Rla-151c1b1a 'SCln3Ji Bhall1!gu[, !r'esiidiEIIlit of Brunc:lrv'aJdii 'Of Itlms Ta~uk:a, cin W1mdh [':equ~,lSits t1he Iccimrp'eltElIlJt ,ruUftJ::l:O'rlizlaltrom 'of tiheiClorrnmi<t­tee ,of il:lhJe DelVlaiIla,Yla 1io1r ithe gI'afnrt lolf a '~olaJ"a lolf R's. 115000/­II8lflerTed to din Ithe If'ilLe no. :1i9, lof Itlhe IOUfI1Ienri: YI€lalt'.

Manguexa of Priol, 19th March, 19163. - The Clerk, Babi Hari :Sinai Lada.

V):lsla, - The Pr'es::,jJelllt, Quewava Sinai Mulgaooar.

V. no. 184/1963 ---------

Private advertisements

36 S,adJanall1:dJa Hiami camoillin, of OulJJdiaJiJm, ,IliOlW ,rleslJd1ng 8it Mal'gi'iJo, heI1elby 'alIllIl'OlUlJJOeS il:lhJ'alt he wishes ;t01 'GOrrg,81ct fI'Olll the iWela:SlUry ,of <the Oolm'UtlliJdirudie 10if ,thie' Islamre: vli:~alg1e, . laS, the adopttive son and only heir of his late mother, Priaga Camo­tim, widow of Bicu Ori Camot-im of the same place, an 8JmClunit lof RJs. 124/ -re~amrrlg 1:10 ;the dilvl1d1endis of 31 shares of ltilJe ,s1a1id OOlITllJ1nidlaJdle fQir the' y,elrur 1960 <CJOlnlsilJ51IIed in ,the nJaJme of ruJldi b€Jlon'gilnlg to ;the 'Elali:di Plii8igla. Tholse QeI'es!beid itrJ. 'tihe maltlter may O:o!dJl51e rbheLr Ic1alilIn wilbhtin tihe Uleg>ai1 'time Iitrrnt, lait Ithe comrpete!i1lt ,SIt'aJiliolITS ..

V. n.o 168/1963

3'1 kUgnl'slto RJQiSla de IJilma HenlI[q.U!es PlinitOi V'az, iba!cheIor, ph~sician, from Batim, announces for due purposes that he limltends 11:'0 IUI1aiS£€'r ttlo Ms rrrume tihe Isha!r'es detJaiiJ:edl IbeJ,ow, belonging to his father, the late Mr. Sebastiiio Martinho Vaz, also from Batim. From the Comunidade of Goa Velha, shares !!lOIS, 1705, 1706, 3053 and 3054, ,colIT'iesrpIO!lldlim.'g to titJie,s nos. 185A, ~86A, 460A and 461A. From the Oomurndade of Glalnlclm, IsiharelS no. 647 ltJa6516, IClOl!1r1esiplol!lJdidJrr',g l,tJO !tiltl'el mo. 77 A. From the Comunidade of Talaulim de Santana, share no. 898 ,co!l:wesrp'olIlJdidJrrg to' tliJtl,e no. 'l'78A aInU fI10m 'thle Oolmiu!llidJade 10if OOirlilm !sihare no. 83, ,aoit1rI8lsrp!ondElllig Ibol Itlit~e nOl., 38A, niH valued at less than Rs. '500/-, in the quality of his son, and ~~ ,

V. no. 197/19:63


situ ados heste cbncelho de Pondae os situadbs no cotrcelho de Sa'uguetn:, para 0 trieJ:Jiode 196'3-1964 a 1965-1%6.

O:siespecmvos calculos comsuas condig6es dearrenda-' mentb; superlormente aprovados, estao patentes na seeretaria da·mesma ·Devalaia. ' , ,

Bandbra, 30 de Abril de 1963. - o Escriviio, Rumachondra Vassudeva Poi.

Visto. - 0 Presidente, Sr'iniv'a8sa Naiqwe Buri6.

G. n." 200/1963

Xri Xantadurga Verlicarina dos Reis Magos

34 No dda 2 de Junhopr6ximo, as 10 horas, sera arre­matada avarzea desta -Devalaia «Holiech6 Tol»,sita em Morgim, para 0 trienio de 1963 a 19,65, nas casas de sess6es da mesma Devalaia, pelo prego e cQndig6es superiormente apro­vados.

Reis-Magos, 18 de Ma:io de 1963. - 0 EscNvao, Balcrisna DumodaraNwiClue Batcar.

- .. "'>' . -.,.- ..,~

G. n.O 199/19,63 Xri Manguexa de Priol

35 11::: I(l0ll1V0'0aJdia a Imazalllliia d:a ISlQibirleidiiita Derva1;aiia, lem SI€ISlSruO eXltrrlaiolrldiilnarr'jla, rIOt tel"!0Eiiro IdioIITlDl1!,glo' a[l6s1 a plllbl:icaGao delslbe rro Bo,Ze'tim OficLal, [l1~S to l::rornalS e rna Oruslal dialS' 'SUM SElSs,oes, para 'elITlittir 10 parlelCler sobre 10 Iselgulrrte:

1 -4 Bedii!diOl de iBaJbli SlinJaJiJ BaIIIlg;uii, piorr IOUltYK)I rrOlITIe Habu RJagolba S'irraliJ Brungulj" pirIOlpTI~eltaTliJo, rl8lS~dlenlbe 'em L8onoh:o,vladi dEJstle 10crrGelhO', lelm qlUle ip'edie la 100mrpelt€ll1lte ,ruul1J01rllz:agruo i3. me:,sia aJdimlilnlilsitrlaJttVla deislba Derv'3J~ali!a rpjalrla !a 100rrGelslsruo' ldiurrn 'empres­,two :di1lJ q ua!i1Jtia Ide RrpIS. 1:5 (yOIO/ -, 'clol!lJsltanilJe do Iip'l'IOIC,eISIS!OI n." 19 dlo lruno ldie i916'3.

Manguexla. ,die Pr~oll, :W de lVlJa:rgo Idle 1963. - 0 Eisor<iviio, BaJbi H'arri. Sinat Lad,a;

Viis1:lo. ~'O· IP,I1elSwdierrte,' QU6wova 'Sinwi MulgaO'car.

G. n.O 1'84/1963 --------


36 Sa:dIa!i1JaJndia Hruni C8imoltilm, de OundlaJim, 'e ora IreslidJenrte em MaJrlgao, laJJ.]urrcita que prleterrdie :JleVla[Lta:r, do CIOifil"!e da ,GmnU­ntdla:d!e dia lITlielsrrra laJldietia, rra qul3J1icdladie ldie fiilib!o l3JdOlpltivoe Ull1ilCOI 'e rumlilV'erlsM h:elrldiei.1iol loa sua llirradia mille PlrtiJaJga Oalffi'o:' ,tim, VI:ruV!a ,die BLcu Or~ ClaIlTIlOlt~lm, -qu:e fio\i diflJ mta, a iirrnpoQI­tfuruoila de RJp:s. 124/-, ip'I'orv;erri!€!ll!te ldie: Idilv"iJdElllldios' die, 31 !a:cg5es da Tlef,e:riidia 'ClottniUll1lildiade, do rurto die 1960, (lolIJJS1llgnaldias ,ru favolr dia meslITla P,rdlal/51a la qllliem ISi'iiO !p'erltenaemtes. Os que tenham irrter'eslse no MiSlUll1tO delvem rlclGlrumar 'COlll!tra -eslba prte1:JeIIsa:o rr,a pliazOi 11egiaa Ie n'als !esjja~6'es' 'CIOIffiip'erlienlt€ls.

37 '&Ug'U"ltlO RJolsla de LiIITlla Hell1Iiiques Poo ¥fus, 'Sol:ibeirlo, de maior idade, medico, residente em Batim, anuncia para os devidos efeitos que pretende averbar em seu nome as acg6es infra indicadas pertencentes ao seu fin ado pai Sebastiiio Mar­Imrrhio V&S, que fcti ala ,dlLtla: ldia loolmUn1Jdlalde: die Gala Vleiliha, IaIC­<;6'Eis idlcI3 1ll. 0

' 1705, 1,7:0'6, 3{~53 .e 3:054<, If<esipl81C!tlivlalIIlielIJJtet ti,tuloiS m.OS 185,,&, 1816IA, 4:60A 'e 461A; dlaJ !oomuniiJdiaJdJe :die Gailllcim, alcgo'els dos n.OS 647:a 656 loolITllpr,eerrdi'd:als nlo ttiituil'o n.O 77A; ala c;omuniidadJe die 'I1ailJalUlimm die Sam1Jana a diol n. ° 898 alo n. ° 178A do ititudb Ie lella 'd.omurnridla:dJei ldie Oorriliilm :diOI n.O 83 IGomp,reen-dLda no titulo n.O 38A, tudo do valor inferior a Rps. 500/-, na qU18.llUdiaJdle de fliwhol Ie iII~elressl'aJdio !!1Jru herang'a, OOUIIlciIO' que faz para todos os efeitos da lei.


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PRICE - 80 n. p,