Explore the Possibilities - NASA · ticated techniques to directly address these questions. We...

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Transcript of Explore the Possibilities - NASA · ticated techniques to directly address these questions. We...

space physics and heliophysics

Research in space physics and heliophysics at JPL spans a wide

range of topics, including the study of the tenuous plasmas that fill

interplanetary space, the violent upheavals on the Sun that drive

solar flares and coronal mass ejections, and the plasma environ-

ments of Earth and the planets and their interactions with the solar

wind. Heliophysics encompasses all the processes involved in the

interactions between the Sun and the other solar system bodies

and with the surrounding interstellar medium. JPL scientists are

involved in space missions including the joint ESA–NASA Cassini and

Cluster missions, and the NASA missions Advanced Composition

Explorer (ACE), Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO), and

Juno. JPL research focus includes theoretical plasma physics, the

development of instrumentation, and the analysis and interpretation

of data.

jet propulsion


Astrophysics and Space


atomic and molecular physics

JPL scientists in atomic and molecular physics engage in

laboratory experiments that explore new phenomena and

provide basic atomic collision data for understanding solar

and stellar plasmas as well as interstellar and interplanetary

regions. We perform experiments using highly charged ions

to understand processes such as electron excitation, charge

exchange, and level lifetimes. We study fast hydrogen and

oxygen atom collisions with grain-adsorbed molecules to

form polyatomic molecules — the building blocks of life. We

have developed a compact quadrupole ion-trap/gas

chromatograph mass spectrometer system for monitoring

astronaut air quality for human spaceflight. The Vehicle Cabin

Atmosphere Monitor was installed aboard the international

Space Station to monitor trace species and major atmo-

spheric constituents.

research areas

• Measuring the excitation cross sections of

highly charged ions (HCIs)

• Measuring excitation cross sections and metastable

lifetimes of HCIs for coronal equilibrium

• Measuring charge-exchange cross sections

for HCI-comet and planet exosphere studies

• Measuring polyatomic molecule formation on

interstellar dust-grain analogs

• Developing compact mass spectrometer systems

for human and robotic planetary flight

relativistic astrophysics

Research on relativistic astrophysics at JPL is principally concerned

with the emerging field of gravitational-wave astronomy. Gravita-

tional waves, which are ripples in the fabric of spacetime, are emit-

ted by accelerating masses, such as two stars in a binary system.

Future space missions will be able to detect gravitational waves

from short-period white-dwarf binaries in our own

galaxy, as well as from mergers of million-solar-mass black holes

throughout the Universe. We are also involved in current and

planned solar system tests of General Relativity (Einstein’s theory of

gravitation), such as laser ranging to the Moon and Mars.

research areas

• Investigating the astrophysics of gravitational-wave sources

• Developing techniques for gravitational-wave data analysis

• Study of future gravitational-wave missions

• Testing General Relativity via lunar laser ranging

• Developing new satellite tests of General Relativity

research areas

• Investigating the physics of the solar photosphere,

chromosphere, and corona

• Modeling solar wind acceleration and heating

• Measuring and analyzing the structure and dynamics of the

heliospheric magnetic field

• Exploring planetary magnetic fields and magnetospheres

• Studying physical processes in auroras and the ionosphere

• Studying the effects of solar variability on climate

A prominence eruption

on the Sun captured in

ultraviolet light by one

of the twin spacecraft



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Two supermassive black holes

emitting radio jets in 3C 75, at a

distance of 300 million light-years.

When pairs of supermassive black

holes eventually merge, they emit

a phenomenally powerful burst of

gravitational waves that would be

detectable by a space mission.

Explore the UniverseVisit our website at science.jpl.nasa.gov

JPL Science Division, M/S 183-335Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 4800 Oak Grove DrivePasadena, CA 91109-8099

Tel: 818-354-2884

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Jet Propulsion LaboratoryCalifornia Institute of Technology

“Where did we come from? What powered the Big Bang? What is the

nature of dark matter and dark energy?” These are among the deepest

questions faced by astronomers and cosmologists today. Cosmologists at

JPL are leading efforts to develop the advanced technologies and sophis-

ticated techniques to directly address these questions. We develop new

detector technology, instruments, and concepts, providing new capabilities

for sensitive photometric, polarimetric, and spectroscopic observations.

In addition, we develop the analysis tools necessary to study a rich and

diverse set of astrophysical data. These data are acquired with telescopes

located in Antarctica, the Atacama Desert of Chile and Mauna Kea volcano

on the big island of Hawaii, and NASA spaceborne observatories, includ-

ing Hubble and Spitzer. JPL developed instrumentation for the European

Space Agency (ESA)–NASA Planck and Herschel missions. We are

now analyzing data from these missions, which launched in 2009.

research areas

• Developing cryogenic superconducting detectors and

instrumentation for studies of the polarization anisotropy of the

Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)

• Analyzing CMB data to reveal the early history of the Universe

• Developing techniques for studying the distribution of dark

matter using gravitational lensing

strophysics and Space Sciences

research at JPL covers a broad spectrum

of topics including the Sun, the formation

of stars and planetary systems, the

evolution of galaxies, and the structure

and evolution of the Universe. Our

scientists engage in theoretical studies,

data analysis, and advanced instrument

development, all generally focused

on existing or future NASA missions.

A world of possibilities awaits you at

JPL. As a scientist here, you’ll have

opportunities for research not possible

anywhere else.


A false-color image of the whole sky as

seen by Planck. The dust throughout

the Galaxy is shown in blue, hot gas

appears as red regions across the

center of the image. The mottled yellow

features in the background are relic

radiation, called the Cosmic Microwave

Background, containing information

about the very early Universe. Image

credit: ESA / LFI and HFI Consortia.

cosmology origins of stars and planets

JPL scientists are studying the origins of stars and planets using

telescopes and advanced models to study the formation and death

of stars and the physical and chemical processes in the spinning

clouds of gas and dust where these stars are born. We also develop

technologies, instruments, and mission concepts for the direct de-

tection, imaging, and characterization of exoplanets — planets or-

biting the nearby stars in our galaxy. We use these same techniques

to image and study the planet-forming disks around stars. We are

also using eclipse techniques to probe exoplanet atmospheres, and

pursuing a space-based mission, Fast Infrared Exoplanet Survey

Explorer (FINESSE), for this purpose.

structure and evolution of galaxies

Galactic structure and evolution researchers study whole galaxies

as coherent, self-contained systems of dark matter, stars,

and gas, changing billion year time scales. A galaxy’s history

is shaped by its internal processes (star formation and

death, gravitational interactions among its components, and

sometimes by an active black hole engine at its core) as well as

by interactions with its environment (other galaxies and the Uni-

verse itself). Current research at JPL in this area employs radio,

infrared, optical, and X-ray observations using space missions

such as NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope, Wide-Field Infrared

Survey Explorer (WISE), Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array

(NuSTAR), and the ESA–NASA Herschel and Planck missions.

research areas

• Mapping star-forming molecular clouds using submillimeter


• Modeling the gas and dust in debris disks around protostars

• Studying the formation and evolution of galaxies in the early

Universe using infrared observations

• Modeling relativistic jet outflows ejected by black holes in

active galaxies and quasars

• Developing instrumentation for NASA missions such as the

Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) on the James Webb Space

Telescope (JWST), the High Angular Resolution Widefield

camera (HAWC) polarimeter on the Stratospheric Observa-

tory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA), and for the Deep Space

Network and the Square Kilometer Array (SKA).

• Data reduction and scientific analysis of data from missions

such as NuSTAR, WISE, Spitzer, Herschel, and Planck.

research areas

• Developing high-contrast imaging technologies for future

space telescope mission concepts

• Studying planet formation in young stars’ circumstellar

disks using ground-based, suborbital and space observa-

tories as well as numerical modeling

• Characterizing the atmospheres of Jupiter-class planets

around other stars using spectroscopic observations from

ground-based and space telescopes

• Observing and analyzing outflows from young stars and

dying stars

Simulated image of a nearby

planetary system, as would

be taken using an advanced

coronagraph demonstrated

at JPL. The white asterisk

denotes the position of the

central star, whose light has

been blocked using the


Explore the Possibilities