EXPANSION AND LIBERTY Expansionism v. Imperialism.

Post on 18-Jan-2018

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Historians and the West –Frederick Jackson Turner—The Frontier Thesis –The New Western Historians

Transcript of EXPANSION AND LIBERTY Expansionism v. Imperialism.

EXPANSION AND LIBERTY Expansionism v. Imperialism EXPANSION AND LIBERTY Historians and the West Frederick Jackson TurnerThe Frontier Thesis The New Western Historians EXPANSION AND LIBERTY Western Settlement The ideal: the Homestead ActThe ideal: the Homestead Act Other claims on the land: The Morrill Act and the Pacific Railway Act The transcontinental railroad EXPANSION AND LIBERTY Removal of the Great Plains Indians Johnson v. MIntosh (1823) Ft. Laramie Treaty (1851)Ft. Laramie Treaty (1851) Reservation system EXPANSION AND LIBERTY Ft. Laramie Treaty (1868)Ft. Laramie Treaty (1868) General George Custer EXPANSION AND LIBERTY Crazy Horse Battle of the Little Bighorn Sitting Bull EXPANSION AND LIBERTY American Foreign Policy Before 1890s Why Overseas Involvement in the 1890s Closing of the internal frontier Desire to acquire overseas markets Racial nationalism (civilizing mission) A progressive urge? Prestige factor Alfred Thayer Mahan EXPANSION AND LIBERTY Spanish-American War: an important break with previous patterns of U.S. expansion Cuba and the Spanish-American War of 1898 Cuban revolution (Butcher Weyler) EXPANSION AND LIBERTY Sinking of the U.S.S. Maine February 1898 Why did the U.S. get involved in Cuba in 1898? EXPANSION AND LIBERTY Teller Amendment A splendid little war EXPANSION AND LIBERTY Acquisition of colonies: Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines Anti-Imperialist League AMERICA ENTERS THE WOLRD Platt Amendment and Cuban independence Filipino-American War Emilio Aguinaldo Insular Cases (1901) Gen. Jacob Smith