Exercise or work in hot or humid environment

Post on 16-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Exercise or work in hot or humid environment

Exercise or Work in Hot

or Humid Environment

All what you should know when engaging

The heat generated by body during exercise or work is easily dissipated at moderate temperatures.

As temperature increases, the perspiration rate also increases to keep the body temperature from climbing above tolerable limits.

When humidity is high, it does not evaporate, and no heat is lost. At that point, excessive sweating only contributes to the problem.

During work in the heat, it is common to lose more than a quart of sweat an hour.

Work in the heat…

During vigorous exercise in a hot, humid environment, sweat rates can approach 3 quarts an hour for short periods.

Replacement of water, salt, and potassium is vital to maintain exercise or work capacity and to avoid heat cramps, heat exhaustion, or heat stroke.

Work in the heat…


Replace Essential Nutriments Lost

use the salt shaker at mealtime to replace salt lost.

Potassium must be replaced with citrus fruits or juices.

Replace Essential Nutriments Lost

Another approach is to lightly salt lemonade or to drink tomato juice and water in volumes comparable to the fluid loss.

The body adjusts or acclimates to

work in the heat.

Gradual exposure to exercise in a hot environment leads to changes in blood flow, reduced salt loss, and increased perspiration.

After 5 to 7 days your heart rate for the same amount of exercise may decline from 180 to 150 beats per minute.

More: www.onthefitness.com

Irene Tema.tema@onthefitness.com

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