
Post on 20-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Evolution


Where do you think the diverse species of today come from?

Species alive today were identical to those of the past. Evolution doesn´t happen.

Creationism: each individual is created by God.


How can we explain these findings?

Humans discover fossilized remains.

He proposed the idea of catastrophism.

They belived that the Earth had 6000 years old: species could not have changed that much.

Extintions were produced by natural disasters and were followed by repopulations because of divine creation.


He proposed the Uniformitarian idea.

Earth´s features have been by same geological process that could be observed in the present acting gradually over an inmense period of time.


Earth was more ancient than what they thought...

the time had elapsed for change of living things as suggested by the fossils.

The fossil record reveals changes in populations over time.

Homologus structures: traits that are similar in different species because the species share a common ancestror.

What other evidence do we have?

Vestigial structures.




Common ancestor