Euro RSCG Prosumer Report Health and Wellness digital infographic

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Euro RSCG Prosumer Report Health and Wellness digital infographic

Everything about how we regard, prevent, and treat illness is changing, thanks to new tools and technologies; more informed, proactive, and empowered consumers; longer life spans; and the globalization of health thinking.

Source: Prosumer Report—My Body, Myself, Our Problem: Health and Wellness in Modern Times, drawing on survey responses from 7,213 adults in 19 countries. All data shown is global. Download the white paper at

Just as Prosumers are shisting the balance of power at retail, so, too, are they siphoning power away from the medical community and toward themselves.

Prosumers % agreeing strongly/somewhatMainstream


I have some or a lot of control over illness in general.

I pay a lot of attention to health issues and consider myself well informed in this area.

Prosumer Nation: A Subculture of Proactive Health Consumers

Armed with unprecedented access to healthcare information, products, and services, modern consumers feel a heightened sense of control—and responsibility.

% feeling some/a lot of control % feeling little/no control

Sense of Control Changes Everything


Heart disease Body cancer33



DiabetesIllness in general


are much more aware of thenutritional/health value of the food they eat than they used to be.65%

believe food is as effective as medicine in maintaining one’s overall health.68%

believe eating a healthful diet has a positive impact on the brain.79%

Fortifying Body and Mind with Food

70%70%As consumers have come to feel more responsible for their health, food has become an even more important weapon in the health-maintenance arsenal.

The brain—once regarded as mysterious and outside our control—is increasingly perceived as an important tool in the battle for long-term health. Modern consumers are embracing the ancient notion of a mind-body link and are paying more attention to lifestyle and other factors that could potentially impact brain health.

The Brain: A Key Weapon in the Fight for Good Health

Factors respondents deemed best and worst for the brain:



Recreational/Illegal Drugs

Air and WaterPollutionExercise LoveSleep Tobacco

Good for the brain Bad for the brain