Eton Institute Middle East - Corporate Prospectus

Post on 13-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Eton Institute Middle East - Corporate Prospectus


The Smarter Thing to Do!


Welcome to Eton InstituteEton Institute’s Training SolutionsWhy Choose Eton Institute?Mobile LearningLanguage TrainingProfessional DevelopmentComputer TrainingPhrasebooks & AppsPartnership Privileges


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At Eton Institute, we believe that the strength of any society, organization or community lies in its people and their collective skill set. Inspirational communication can change the future, empowering people to achieve success.

Effective communication unites nations and breaks down borders, allowing people to bridge cultural differences, share ideas and create opportunities. Increasingly, people must communicate to be competitive in an interconnected world.

By helping each other to communicate effectively, we can share the wealth of human interaction and use it to shape our future.

Welcome to Eton Institute -We simply do more than training 3

Our accreditations complement our mission of offering professional training of the highest standard.

Eton Institute’sTraining Solutions –Transforming Organizations Through their People



at company premises

























Why Choose Eton Institute?

“We embrace change for ourselves, our customers and our partners and we inspire them to do the same.” 5




Pre-Course Testing Delivery Design Progress Tracking Retention & Review

Forgetting curve changed through regular Eton Institute Learning Pulses





Mobile Learning

Wake up to innovative learning anywhere, 24/7. Love learning witha world of opportunities at your fingertips. Choose from Virtual Learning, Self-Study Programs, Mobile Applications and Microlearning, and rediscover employee engagement.

Unlimited access for your teams to over 70 languages

Bringing the classroom through live sessions

Boosting professional skills with over 700 courses

■ Learning customized to the needs of your employees■ Interactive and engaging to accelerate the learning process■ 24/7 access to qualified multi-national Mobile Learning instructors

■ Learn multiple languages or specialize in one■ Voice comparison technology & color-coded texts for easy reference■ Valuable cultural tips, business phrases and etiquette

■ Instant access to key skills & essential knowledge ■ A diverse selection of topics from sales, marketing to leadership and many more■ Customized bundles to focus on specific training needs

Virtual Learning

Self-Study Language Courses

Self-Study Professional Development

Time to go places


Engaging cultural sessions

■ Discover a new culture or boost professional skills through insightful videos■ Full cultural immersion through free courses and themed evenings■ Flexible access to engaging 2-minute to 1-hour taster sessions

Videos & Webinars 7

Eton Institute Language Micros are designed to deliver “can-dos” as you learn. Practical learning that gets your teams speaking a new language in no time. Easily accessible via devices such as mobile phones, tablets and laptop computers, in formats as varied as videos, blogs, games, quizzes, simulations, podcasts or slideshows, Microlearning is about getting maximum benefits through minimal input.

■ Short bursts of flexible, bite-sized learning, 1-4 minute

learning treats

■ Uniquely mapped to internationally recognized CEFR levels

■ Accessible and shareable on a variety of devices 24/7, anywhere

■ Focus on the 20% needed for 80% of communication

■ Language learning available through wearables


Language Training –Ensuring EffectiveGlobal Communication We believe that developing language skills supports effective communication, enhances credibility in business situations and strengthens professional relationships. Specializing in over 100 languages, we recognize the importance of tailoring our programs to meet the diverse and dynamic needs of each client while maintaining our global quality standards.

■ Over 100 internationally accredited language courses▫ Innovative learning options: classroom, self-study, virtual, phrasebooks, software

■ Language training specific to your industry, such as: Finance / Retail / Legal / Hospitality / Tourism / Medical / Health & Safety

■ Multi-Language Courses: Essential skills in up to six different languages to ensure effective communication with international customers.

■ Business-specific language courses, including Business English, Business Arabic, Business Spanish, Business German, etc.

■ Exam Preparation and Testing for key languages, such as:▫ IELTS, Cambridge English, TOEFL, TOEIC, BULATS, YLE (English)▫ ALCT (Arabic)▫ ÖSD (German)▫ DELE (Spanish)▫ DELF, DALF (French)▫ CILS (Italian)

■ Post Course Implementation Strategy: Learner individual plans, post course evaluations, with an online retention tool

8 9


Practical, relevant and interactive, our professional development courses and workshops deliver the quality communication skills necessary to interact effectively with clients and colleagues in a professional, international business environment.

We share our expertise in multi-cultural intelligence and communication through our corporate training, available in different languages and customized to your requirements.

“Communication – the human connection – is the key to personal and career success.” Paul J. Meyer

Professional Development –Enhancing Skills for EffectiveBusiness Communication

How To Communicate Effectively

■ Business Leadership - Becoming Management Material (3 Days)■ Team Building: Developing High Performance Teams (3 Days)■ Critical Thinking (2 Days)■ Strategic Planning (2 Days)■ Change Management - Change and How to Deal with It (1 Day)

■ Delegation - The Art of Delegating Effectively (1 Day)■ Developing your Executive Presence (1 Day)■ Managing the Virtual Workplace (1 Day)■ Self Leadership (1 Day)■ Coaching & Mentoring (1 Day)■ The Leadership Challenge® (3 Days)■ Leadership Retreat with MBTI™

As a Leader 11

■ Train the Trainer - City & Guilds Certification (4 Days)■ Hiring for Success: Behavioral Interviewing Techniques (2 Days)■ Psychometric Testing & Analysis (MBTiTM, 360)■ Safety in the Workplace (1 Day)■ Language Assessments (TOEIC, BULATS)

■ Time Management: Get Organized for Peak Performance (1 Day)■ Body Language: Reading Body Language as a Sales Tool (1 Day)■ Stress Management (1 Day)■ Motivation Training - Motivating your Workplace (1 Day)

■ Emotional Intelligence (1 Day)■ Communication Strategies (2 Days)■ Creative Thinking and Innovation (2 Days)

■ Engaging Millennials■ Classroom Organization■ Critical Thinking Skills■ Behavior Management

■ Exam Testing & Preparation (IELTS, TOEIC, etc)■ Interactive Learning■ Curriculum Development

■ Effective Assessment■ Effective Team Work■ Transformational Learning■ Leadership & Management

■ Critical Elements of Customer Service (2 Days)■ Selling Smarter (1 Day)■ Conflict Resolution - Dealing with Difficult People (2 Days)■ Negotiating for Results (2 Days)■ Problem Solving & Decision Making (2 Days)■ Call Center Training: Sales and Customer Service Training for Call Center Agents (3 Days)

■ Workplace Ergonomics - Injury Prevention through Ergonomics (2 Days)■ Onboarding: The Essential Rules for a Successful Onboarding Program (2 Days)■ Generation Gap: Closing the Generation Gap in the Workplace (1 Day)

■ NLP Tools for Real Life (1 Day)■ Tough Topics - Talking to Employees about Personal Hygiene (1 Day)■ Building Your Self Esteem and Assertiveness Skills (1 Day)■ Entrepreneurship 101 (3 Days)

■ Meeting Management - The Art of Making Meetings Work (1 Day)■ Building Better Teams (1 Day)

■ Telemarketing – Using the Telephone as a Sales Tool (1 Day)■ Public Speaking – Presentation Survival School (2 Days)■ Public Speaking: Speaking Under Pressure (2 Days)■ Project Management Fundamentals (1 Day)

■ UAEN English Development Programs■ Accent Reduction■ Cultural Induction■ Cultural Intelligence

■ Business Writing That Works (2 Days)■ Writing Reports & Proposals (1 Day)■ Business Etiquette - Gaining that Extra Edge (1 Day)■ Business Ethics for the Office (2 Days)

■ Managing Across Cultures (1 Day)■ Diversity Training - Celebrating Diversity in the Workplace (1 Day)■ Industry-Specific Language Programs

■ Advanced Writing Skills (1 Day)■ Accounting Skills for New Supervisors (2 Days)■ Business Skills 1 & 2■ Computer Skills


At Work

For People Development

For Personal Development

In Teams

For Education (4-hour workshops)

To Customers

Computer Training –Improving Digital Knowledgeand Skills

In today’s highly connected world, online communication and the extensive use of technology is an integral part of our daily lives. We assist organizations by equipping employees with the latest technological skills to ensure proficiency in software usage and maximize online presence, to stand out in the marketplace. Delivered by experienced Microsoft certified trainers, our computer training includes a wide variety of courses.


Microsoft Office 2010/2013■ Basic and Intermediate Levels

▫ MS Word▫ MS Excel▫ MS PowerPoint

Website Design, Management and SEO■ Building your Blog

■ Your Business Online

Animation, Design & Enhancement■ Photoshop Editing Images Essentials

■ 10 Tricks for Adobe Illustrator

■ Animation using Adobe Flash

Online Sales & Marketing■ Effective Email Marketing

■ E-Commerce

Computer Essentials■ Mac Basics

■ Computer Basics

■ Home Network Setup 13


Language Phrasebooks –Pocket Size, Brain Wise

Multilingual communication is a practical, useful skill to have when traveling and interacting with people from different cultures.

Eton Institute’s Language Phrasebooks and Apps include over 1000 essential words and phrases, to encourage basic language learning on the go.

The Phrasebook series is available in:

Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Albanian, Armenian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dari, Dutch, Emirati Arabic Dialect, Egyptian Dialect, Finnish, Greek, Gujarati, Hindi, Hungarian, Japanese, Kurdish, Korean, Latin American Spanish, Lebanese Dialect, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Pashto, Persian, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Tamil, Turkish, English for Arabic Speakers, English for Russian Speakers, English for German Speakers, Business Arabic, Business French, Business German, Business Italian, Business Russian and Business Spanish

Co-branded Company Language Phrasebooks & Apps – Creating a memorable brand footprint

Looking for the perfect gift to leave a truly lasting impression on your customers and clients? Our co-branded Language Phrasebooks and Apps are suitable for every industry and can include company information and design. 15

Partnership Privileges –Learn More for Less

As part of our mission to offer accessible learning for companies and individuals,we can help you give your employees ‘that little extra’, enhancing your benefit offering. Our Partnership Privileges Program offers an exclusive employee discount on group courses and workshops held at Eton Institute, accelerating personal and professional growth.

This offer is valid on languages, professional development, teacher training andself-study professional development courses, providing a unique opportunity for your employees to enhance their skills and knowledge.

Become one of our valued partners to benefit from exclusive discounts and start your learning journey today.

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