Establish Powerful Self-Enhancing Beliefs

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  • 8/14/2019 Establish Powerful Self-Enhancing Beliefs


    Establish Powerful

    Self-Enhancing Beliefs

    ByHani Al-Qasem

  • 8/14/2019 Establish Powerful Self-Enhancing Beliefs


    Establish Powerful Self-Enhancing Beliefs



    The author has used his best efforts in preparing this book. The author accepts noresponsibility or liability of any kind that may arise directly or indirectly from the useof the information contained in this book.

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    No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever withoutprior written permission from the author.

    The author reserves the right to vary, amend and update this book at any time withoutnotice.

    2008 2009 Establish Powerful Self-Enhancing Beliefs. All Rights ReservedWorldwide.

    You may distribute this book as you please provided that it remains in the form you received it.


  • 8/14/2019 Establish Powerful Self-Enhancing Beliefs


    Establish Powerful Self-Enhancing Beliefs


    Why dont you have what you want?

    What is it that you want?

    Do you want to lose 20 pounds, 10 pounds? Do you want to have an extra $5,000 thisyear? Do you want to make powerful sales presentations? Or how about a new house

    with 7 bedrooms, or a new Mercedes sports car? Perhaps a fantastic and passionate


    Now with what you want in mind, let me ask you this question:

    Why dont you have what you want?

    Why dont you have that slimmer body, the extra money, the self-confidence to hold

    powerful presentations, the dream home or car, the loving relationships?

    Why dont you have whatever it is that you want yet?

    Why not?

    Let me tell you something that you may not already know.

    The reason you do not have what you want is not because of the current economy, not

    because of your parents, teachers, spouse, boss, friends, neighbours, or anyone or

    anything that is outside of you.

    It is notyour surroundings or environment.

    There is only one answer to the big question, Why dont you have what you want?

    And just before I tell you, let me ask you this: Have you ever wondered why there are

    so many people in this world who have so much trouble getting what they want? Or

    for that matter, haveyou sat down and wondered, truly wondered, whyyou dont have

    whatyou want?

    Also, have you ever questioned if there was an easierway to go through the day-to-

    day life; whether there was an easier way to live an enjoyable life, rather than

    struggling through it?

    Most of us, at one point or another, felt that life was not all that it was cracked up to

    be; that it was in fact a great big royal pain. Perhaps thats how you feel it is right

    now. I know. Ive been there. I felt that life was not on my side, and I was being

    dealt a terrible hand.

    But I know different now.

    Because the truth is, life does not have to be this way!

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    Establish Powerful Self-Enhancing Beliefs


    So what is the secret to living a happy and fulfilling life?

    What is the secret to having more money?

    What is the mystery around losing weight?

    What is the answer to, Why dont you have what you want?

    The answer is in your own mind

    Yes. Read that heading again: The answer is in your own mind.

    By your own mind, I am not referring to your conscious mind. I am not talking about

    your dailypassing, momentary thoughts of, I want to lose weight or I want more

    money or I am going to have a great day today whilst you are brushing your teeth.

    The answer lies much deeper than that. It is in a place where we rarely look.

    It is in your unconscious mind.

    The secret lies deep within your unconscious mind.

    The answer to, Why dont you have what you want lies buried within your

    unconscious mind.

    If you are trying to achieve a goal, for example, of creating an extra income of $5,000this year, and you arent achieving it, more than likely your unconscious mind is

    blocking you from achieving that goal because of a contradictory belief that it is


    In other words, you want something and it doesnt happen because your unconscious

    mind has different ideas about that.

    So, if for instance, you want to lose weight, and you say to yourself, My goal is to

    lose weight before my best friends wedding and you walk past a bakery and say, I

    want that donut and you eat it, what has happened here?

    First you say you wantsomething and then you do the complete opposite.

    You want to lose weight but you end up eating the food that conflicts with your

    intention. You are saying one thing and you do the other; meaning that your

    unconscious habit took the better of you.

    Your unconscious mind won. You ate the donut.

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    Establish Powerful Self-Enhancing Beliefs


    If you continued with this line of thinking for a while, the I want to lose weight

    conscious thinking, and end up eating a large piece of pie because of your habitual,

    unconscious thinking what will eventually happen is alarming.

    Your unconscious mind will eventually ignore your conscious requests to lose

    weight. It will eventually pay no attention to what you consciously want. It will takeno notice of your goal.

    And when your unconscious mind ignores your conscious goal you end up not

    having what you want.

    Lets look at another important want or goal. If your goal is, I want to consistently

    earn $5,000 or more per month and immediately after you declare that goal you

    think, I dont deserve it or I am not worthy of $5,000 a year let alone a month or

    Ill have to work really hard to get that kind of money or any such limiting belief,

    what do you suppose will be the end result?

    You will not get what you want.

    You will not consistently earn $5,000 or more per month. If you do, it will be short-

    lived. It might happen one month here or there, but it wont be consistent.


    Because your unconscious mind has blocked you from having that kind of money,

    because your self-limiting beliefs about consistently earning $5,000 or more per

    month contradict your want or goal.

    By the way, other self-limiting beliefs around money are:

    Money doesnt grow on trees

    Do you think Im made of money?

    Oh, its too expensive

    You have to have money to make money

    Money is the root of all evil

    I cant afford that

    Rich people are greedy / arrogant / selfish

    Money is hard to come by

    Money isnt everything

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    Establish Powerful Self-Enhancing Beliefs


    Time is money

    Money doesnt buy you happiness

    Its all in a days work

    and many more

    And people wonder why they dont have much money!

    Your beliefs are the foundation of your reality

    Your beliefs are the building blocks of your reality. They literally form and structure

    the boundaries of your world.

    Beliefs have the capacity and power to restrict or broaden your world.

    These dominating beliefs reside within your unconscious mind.

    In the example above, where you want to consistently earn $5,000 or more per month,

    the reason you probably wont get that amount of money is because the beliefs that

    are held in your unconscious mind cancel out that goal.

    That contradictory belief or conviction is by far more powerful than your want.

    Its been running your life far longer that your fleeting want. Its been engraved into

    your unconscious mind, and it will take a lot more than a mere want to override it.

    Having said all that, I do have great news for you.

    When your beliefs are on your side you can re-create yourself and your world. You

    can have a complete belief make-over.

    Now isnt that exciting?

    And the even more exciting news is that you canchoose the beliefs that you want to

    operate and manage your life.

    When you identify the self-limiting beliefs that function as a blueprint of your reality,you can change them. And when you are free of the chains that are holding you back,

    you will live the life you want and you can unlock the door to the world of abundance

    that is awaiting you.

    Now thats what I call thrilling!

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    Establish Powerful Self-Enhancing Beliefs


    Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings

    Keep in mind, your current beliefs, thoughts and feelings shape and dictate your life.

    Perhaps they have limited you to the point that you are stuck where you are now. So itmakes sense to eliminate those beliefs and instil self-enhancing beliefs, doesnt it?

    Your self-limiting beliefs are now coming to an end.

    You are about to start to work on making your goals a reality.

    You are about to learn how to eliminate those self-limiting beliefs and establish

    powerful self-enhancing beliefs; how to be rid of those beliefs that have blocked you,

    that have obstructed you, that have stood in your way from achieving your aspirations,

    goals and even your dreams.

    You will re-programme your unconscious mind, which is where the beliefs resideremember, to allow you to achieve all that it is that you want. And you wont do it by

    any hocus-pocus or magic means, or by simply having transient, temporary happy,

    positive thoughts.

    It is by lifting the mask that has been concealing what you have been consciously

    wanting all along.

    So, sit back for a moment and think what is it that you want right now?

    Would you love to finish off any projects that you started?

    Would you love to have inner peace?

    Would you love to live a joyful and happy life?

    I am pretty sure you answeredyes to most of the above.

    When you considered or reflected upon the above questions, did you notice any

    thoughts such as, Yes, but? Did you have any physical reactions or feelings, such

    as an uncomfortable sensation, or being aware of a headache coming up?

    These reactions are signs of inner conflict; where you want something consciously

    and your beliefs want something else. These beliefs are the, Yes, buts It is themthat you have to eliminate.

    So, back to the question of, What is it that you want right now? When you think about

    it, how do you feel and what thoughts come up? Notice and pay attention to those

    thoughts and feelings.

    As a matter of fact, write them all down; every single one of them.

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    Establish Powerful Self-Enhancing Beliefs


    Thats the only way you will find out what is blocking you. You will un-earth the

    beliefs that have limited you from finishing off a task you started, you will uncover

    why you cannot have inner peace, a joyful and happy life, the amount of money that

    you desire, the partner that you yearn for, the speedboat, the Jet Ski. Whatever.

    Being aware of the limiting beliefs is a huge step forward to living your life by design.Yes, by design. Identify and be aware of the self-limiting beliefs that exist within your

    unconscious mind and eliminate them.

    In other words, consider how you want to live your life. Discover and explore the

    specific limiting beliefs that have restricted you, and go ahead and eliminate them.

    Then instil the self-enhancing beliefs that you want to help you live the life you


    Tackle each and every one of them one by one.

    More than likely you have a mass of myths or self-limiting beliefs in yourunconscious mind that you collected and invented through the years. Thats fine,

    thats life.

    But now you have the knowledge as to how to claim back the years gone by.

    If you tackle 3 beliefs a day, in a month you would have eliminated about 90

    sabotaging beliefs. Thats a fantastic amount, isnt it?

    Just think of the changes you can accomplish in only a short month.

    What if you eliminate 4 self-limiting beliefs a day? Why not 5? And it only takes

    minutes a day.

    What roles do your thoughts and feelings play

    Your behaviour, the way you act, directly dictates the level of your success in

    achieving your goal in any area; whether it is to be successful at losing that stubborn

    10 pounds, or to have that 5% increase in your salary, or how to remain motivated

    when you feel down.

    The level of your success is based upon your behaviours and actions.

    And your actions and behaviours are determined by how you feel.

    Every action that you take is first filtered through your feelings that also exist in your

    unconscious mind. How you feel about something determines whatyou do and how

    well you do it.

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    Establish Powerful Self-Enhancing Beliefs


    These feelings are influenced by your attitudes.

    Your attitude is your perspective from which you view life. What ever attitude you

    have about anything will effect how youfeel, which, in turn, effects how you act.

    What you believe about anything will determine your attitude about it, whichwill create your feelings, and then will direct your behaviour and action.

    The important question now is, Where do your beliefs come from?

    Your beliefs are created and influenced by yourthoughts.

    Your thoughts are real. They are powerful. Everything you feed yourself from within

    is a product of your thoughts, and is reflected into your outer world.

    So it is imperative that you learn to have discipline over and direct your thoughts. And

    when you do, you will automatically control your beliefs, your attitudes, your

    feelings and consequently your actions.

    The thoughts we think minute by minute and day by day are through the conscious

    mind. However, almost of all of our thinking is done by habit, or automatically, at the

    unconscious level.

    It has been said that 95% of our thinking is done at the unconscious level.

    The way you and I are living today is a direct consequence of the decisions and

    choices we have made up to this point in time; the judgments and evaluations that we

    elected by our thoughts.

    And we will create our future in the same way.

    You have in your life today exactly what you have created. And you have created it

    all by your own thoughts by what you kept telling yourself all these years.

    Think about it for a moment.

    One of the keys to success, joy and fulfilment is to accept the fact that you can control

    your thoughts. And when you do so, those empowering thoughts will turn into self-

    enhancing beliefs which, once embedded deep within your unconscious mind, will

    make success, joy and fulfilment a reality.

    You will lose those extra stubborn pounds, you will have the 5% increase in salary,

    you will be great in your acting debut, you will feel full of confidence in that seminar

    you are presenting.

    Your new life starts the moment you decide to assert control over yourself; over your

    thoughts, your feelings and your behaviours.

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    Establish Powerful Self-Enhancing Beliefs


    How can you change your beliefs?

    What do you have to do to change the quality of your life?

    Your unconscious habits

    It all starts with making a decision.

    All decisions shape your actions. And it is action that creates the results you want in

    your life. Action pushes you in the direction of change.

    For you to change, you must take action and look at your thoughts.

    Some people never succeed because it never occurs to them that they can do it. They

    dontbelieve that they can do it, so they dont bother.

    Re-programme your unconscious mind with powerful, self-enhancing thoughts

    and success-producing beliefs and success will inevitably follow.

    Your thoughts about money, your looks, your self-esteem, your weight, are all

    acquired thoughts. In time, they become your beliefs. As time went by, these beliefs

    became buried deep in the depths of your unconscious mind and became a part of you.

    The more a belief which started as a thought is reinforced over and over again,

    particularly with emotional intensity, the more it tends to convert from a belief into a

    habit. Then the unconscious mind takes over this habit and does everything that is inline with that belief.

    The belief becomes an unconscious habit.

    It becomes automatic.

    To make lasting change on the outside, you must change from the inside.

    When you thinkdifferently your whole life changes simply because, with repetition,

    your thoughts will have eliminated your old, self-limiting beliefs and will have

    replaced them with powerful, self-enhancing beliefs.

    You see, its the conflict between what you consciously want and what self-

    sabotaging, limiting beliefs you have in your unconscious mind that prevents you

    from achieving what it is that you want.

    Your unconscious habits win hands down.

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    Establish Powerful Self-Enhancing Beliefs


    No more hit and miss

    Your self-limiting beliefs make you act pretty much like a robot, operating almost

    completely in the unconscious mode, with the conscious mind switched off, ormalfunctioning.

    To get the outcome that you want, you have to put your conscious thoughts in charge,

    and then you create effective communication to your unconscious mind, telling it,

    through repetition, what goal you want to achieve.

    When you repeatedly disclose to your unconscious mind what you really want, it

    tends to respond eagerly. It goes into first gear, and heads in the direction that you

    have instructed it.

    So long as you are very clear and specific as to what you want.

    This way, the unconscious mind will have no more guesswork. No more hit or miss. It

    knows what you want and does its best to get it for you.

    You are on automatic

    As I said a little bit earlier, your unconscious beliefs and habits preside over what you

    normally do in any given situation; acting like a robot on automatic.

    Lets say you want to mow the lawn next Saturday, or you want to decorate your flat

    or home, perhaps even take your children to the park, and when that day comes you

    change your mind. You start off by having your usual lie-in, and then you have your

    late breakfast, possibly watch some television, chat to a friend on the phone.

    Once in a while you remember what you want to do and you casually say to yourself

    that youll do it later, its still early, theres plenty of time. Or maybe you got side-

    tracked and forgot what you wanted to do.

    Soon enough, time has flown by, and you have to get ready to meet your friends at the

    sports bar, or your friends are coming over for dinner, maybe you got tickets for the


    What happened here?

    You were on automatic mode.

    Your unconscious mind ruled!

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    Establish Powerful Self-Enhancing Beliefs


    For months or maybe years your Saturdays were lazy, I do nothing days.

    So why should this Saturday be any different?

    You are unconsciously living the life that you have programmed yourself to live by

    the beliefs you have created or where created for you.

    Perhaps you always believed that Saturdays were lazy and fun days no work days.

    Your father has always had Saturdays off, and he made sure that day is always a

    family day. Youd cuddle up and watch an afternoon movie, go to the park, play

    sports, support your favourite football team.

    Saturdays were lazy and fun days. Thats what its always been. Youve grown up

    living that way and believing that to be so.

    You are not supposed to mow the lawn, decorate the flat or home. Theyre not lazy

    and fun activities. Theyre hard work, and hard work is not done on Saturdays.

    So there is a conflict between what you want to do and what is a habit, a belief:

    Saturdays are lazy and fun days.

    The work you wanted to do will not likely get done because you are on automatic.

    Your self-limiting beliefs are by far more influential and potent than your want

    or will power.

    Get out of that stuck state

    It is imperative to recognise the importance and value of getting your conscious and

    unconscious minds working together, as part of the same team, each with its

    individual role to play.

    Your conscious and unconscious minds should be on the same page so to speak to

    get what you want.

    To get the outcome that you want, you have to put your conscious thoughts in charge,

    and then you create effective communication to your unconscious mind, telling your

    unconscious mind through repetition what goal you want to achieve.

    How can you get the almighty, unconscious mind, to work with you to bring about all

    the changes that you want?

    How can you manifest your goals and live the life you want without having your self-

    limiting beliefs standing in your way, obstructing each step that you take?

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    Establish Powerful Self-Enhancing Beliefs


    How can you re-programme your unconscious mind so you dont remain stuck where

    you are now?

    Wouldnt it be just great if you could DO the things you WANTED to do on

    automatic, rather than the things you do NOT want to do?

    Instead of automatically sabotaging your goals, why not automatically achieve your


    Rather than reaching for that fat-filled cake, why not automatically reject it, if your

    goal is to lose weight? And reject it without feeling that you are missing on something

    really scrumptious.

    And what about automatically getting up in the morning feeling optimistic,

    rejuvenated and happy to start a brand new day?

    Or even automatically confidently making that sales cold call?

    Get the idea?

    So what do you do to do things automatically?

    We have already established the importance of aligning your conscious and

    unconscious minds. Now you have to eliminate, let go of the sabotaging, self-limiting

    beliefs. Thats the only way you can achieve all your aspirations and goals.

    Let me give you an analogy. Did you feel you lacked self-confidence and were full of

    fear at the thought of learning to drive a car? Where you scared that you will never

    grasp this concept of changing gears, controlling the steering wheel and being awareof everything around you? Did you feel anxious when your driving lesson was on a

    rainy day? Was the whole idea of driving a car daunting?

    You might have strolled to the car thinking, Yeah, I can do this, then when you sat

    down in the drivers seat you started to sweat and your heart was beating faster.

    Halfway through the lesson you had a headache from all that concentration. You took

    in numerous deep breaths and held each one every time someone cut you up.

    What was happening here was that your self-limiting beliefs were controlling your

    emotions and feelings. Your lack of self-confidence and fear were so strong that you

    sent a direct message to your unconscious mind that you do not feel safe driving. Thatdriving scared you.

    That's why you had the sweaty palms, the headaches, the sudden intakes of breath.

    They were all signs of discomfort. Your unconscious mind was warning you that

    driving is unsafe for you, because you associated fear and lack of self-confidence with


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    Establish Powerful Self-Enhancing Beliefs


    But, all the same, you wanted to drive. It was very important to you, and you made it

    a goal that you must achieve and you persistently and repeatedly went out to drive

    despite of your fear and lack of self-confidence.

    In due time, you learned to change gears, look in the rear-view mirror, turn the

    steering wheel, signal, brake all on automatic.

    You emerged out of that stuck state of fear and no self-confidence as a winner.

    This repeated persistence created a new belief that has become a new unconscious

    habit; the habit that you can operate all devices in the car automatically, without

    conscious thinking.

    And your automation goes even further.

    If a dog suddenly jumps in front of your car, will you go, Hmm, that blasted dog

    came out of nowhere, and it is right in my path. If I slam on the brakes now, I might

    just stop in time

    Or would you, without any conscious thinking, slam hard on the brake pedal?

    More than likely, I would suppose you slammed the brake pedal without a moments


    Now thats driving on full automatic.

    Another example is you driving home from work. More than likely you take the same

    route day in and day out. You dont think about turning left at the next junction or

    right at the coming traffic light, do you? You just do it. Unconsciously. Making yourjourney home easier with one less thing to think about.

    The procedure of driving a car is embedded within your unconscious mind, much the

    same as having learned to ride a bike or swimming or the order in which you get


    The belief or habit pattern is forever within your unconscious mind. Never to be


    Unless you decide you want it removed!

    Of course, learning to drive a car is much simpler than consistently earning $5,000

    per month. But the process is the same. Eliminate the self-limiting beliefs and instil

    self-enhancing beliefs.

    Eliminate your stubborn self-limiting beliefs, your unconscious habit patterns that

    automatically block you, that put up fierce resistance to you achieving your goal.

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    Establish Powerful Self-Enhancing Beliefs


    It is time to eliminate those nagging beliefs

    It is vital to eliminate any limiting beliefs that you have around any aspiration, goal or

    dream that you have. Otherwise, they will forever continue to work against you, andcreate counter results in your reality.

    Your beliefs supersede most of the conscious workings of your mind. When yourbeliefs are in harmony with your goals, you will effortlessly achieve what you desire.

    It is now time to get out of that rut and have self-enhancing beliefs to work with yourather than against you. The time has come to eliminate those sabotaging, self-limitingbeliefs and plant and nurture self-enhancing beliefs that fuel you where you want togo.

    You can direct your life, live a life full of authentic happiness, success and fulfilment

    where you release the past and move on. A vital concept that should be noted is thatthe past has no power over you . As you are living in the present, the thoughts that youhad previously, and up until now, can be rendered powerless and ineffective.

    They were only thoughts, and all thoughts can be changed.

    There is nothing you cannot be, do or have.

    The time for change is now. And all it takes is 5 minutes to eliminate a self-limitingbelief.

    Here goes:

    Step one: Always and forever remember your feelings are the language of yourunconscious mind. Feelings can be your allies for identifying self-limiting beliefs,and for instilling and strengthening new self-enhancing beliefs.

    Step two: Also, do you remember how to laugh hysterically? Good!

    Step three: Sit back in your chair and close your eyes. Take in a deep breath throughyour nose, hold it for the count of 5, and breathe out through your mouth. Again, takein a deep breath, hold it for 5 seconds and breathe out. Loosen your shoulders andtotally and completely relax. Uncross your arms and legs, and relax more.

    Step four: Think ofone self-limiting beliefthat you have and want to eliminate now.Hold an image of that belief in your mind. Hold it there and feelthe emotion.Feelitstrongly and deeply.Feelwhat this limiting belief has cost you; how it stopped youfrom achieving your goal. Feel the pain. Keep that image in your mind and reallyfeelthe pain as intensely as you possibly can.

    Step five: Keep your eyes closed and laugh as wholeheartedly as you can. Hold theimage of that limiting belief in your mind and laugh, laugh and laugh. Spend the

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    Establish Powerful Self-Enhancing Beliefs


    next 5 minutes laughing while keeping that image in your mind; that self-limitingbelief that is not supporting your goal.

    When you feel 5 minutes have passed open your eyes, and test how you feel aboutthat belief. More than likely it has no effect on you anymore. Of it does, repeat the

    process until it is eliminated completely.

    Laugh off all the self-limiting beliefs

    that stand in your way.

    Whats next?

    Does laughing off your self-limiting beliefs work?

    Sure it does.

    We all know that laughter is the best medicine in the world, and that it cures manyillnesses and uplifts the worst of moods.

    It can have the same effect on beliefs.

    Now it is up to you!

    Do not allow your self-limiting beliefs to stand in the way of all that you are and allthat you desire.

    Life is fantastic, brilliant and breathtaking.

    There is beauty all around you.

    Think it, believe it, live it and you will thoroughly enjoy every moment of the rest ofyour life.

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    Establish Powerful Self-Enhancing Beliefs


    Establish Powerful

    Self-Enhancing BeliefsPay it forward!

    My intention in life is to inspire, motivate and support 7 million, or more, adults andchildren to be the very best that they can be.

    You probably expected me to up sell you one of my products here However, Iwould like to do something out of the ordinary. You will NOT see an up sell. Instead,I ask you to help me to help others.

    I am sure you heard that whatever you send out into the world tends to come back toyou tenfold.

    So send out some good stuff!

    That is the reason why Ive given you this book (a $27 value) for free.

    Send or forward this book to as many people as you can, and enjoy what God (or theUniverse) brings back to you.

    Hani Al-Qasem

    This book has been brought to you by

    All meaningful change in life begins from within