ESA Report Jean-François Kaufeler 12 th April 2005 Athens.

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Transcript of ESA Report Jean-François Kaufeler 12 th April 2005 Athens.

ESA Report

Jean-François Kaufeler12th April 2005


12.04.2005 p. 2CMC - Athens - ESA Report


ECSS – CCSDS cooperationESA level of contributionMeeting locationsOMG organisationCooperation with OMG

12.04.2005 p. 3CMC - Athens - ESA Report

ECSS: European Cooperation of Space Standardisation

Objective: streamline European efforts in standardisationMembers

All Space Agencies in Europe (in particular ASI, BNSC, CNES, DLR, ESA) European Industry coordinated through EuroSpace

Produce standards in following domains Management (for Space Projects) Quality Engineering

If they don’t exist at International level If they are not suitable ►Take International Standards (avoid, minimise changes)

Establish Engineering Standards at ISO (e.g. SC14) Through the National Standardisation Bodies

Why not using this mechanism also for CCSDS ?►Better contribution to CCSDS for everybody’s benefit

12.04.2005 p. 4CMC - Athens - ESA Report

Proposal for an ECSS / CCSDS cooperation

ECSS wants to realise this in a first step by: Establishing focal points for regular contact between both organisations CCSDS: A member of CESG (non-European? CESG Chairman ?) ECSS: A member of the ECSS Executive (to be nominated)

Defining clear interfaces for exchange of information on the different levels of both standardisation life cycles

Plan Resources NWI Review

Working Group selection Identification of projects of common or specific interest, Defining the leading organisation of the standardisation project (in general

CCSDS-WG with ECSS-participants) Participating in the WG, which drafts the standard

Referring directly to CCSDS / ISO standards, if a common developed standard is published by CCSDS or ISO

12.04.2005 p. 5CMC - Athens - ESA Report

CCSDS – ECSS Synergy


Update ApprovalECSS EPCESGUpdate Approval

Draft UpdateWGWGDraft Update

ECSS-membersAgencies (CCSDS-Members)

Communicate decisions via focal points

Leading SDO *


ISO-Standard recognised by ECSS





Identification of common interest and set up of a common WG *

Information of NWI via Focal Points and Feedback and agreement of the leading organisation


ISO-Entry (National Standardisation Bodies)

ISO-Entry (Cover Sheet Method)

SB-Approval and PublicationECSS SBBlue Book (Appr. Doc.)

Panel/Public ReviewAgencies Review

WG-DraftECSS WGWG-Draft (Red Book)

Call for ParticipantsCall for Participants



* in general CCSDS-WG with ECSS participants, incl. Industry

12.04.2005 p. 6CMC - Athens - ESA Report

ESA level of contribution

According plan in 2004 2 my ESA staff 4 my support contractors

Temporary budget difficulties in 2005 Less contractual support (only 3 my) Less missions ►more teleconf / email

Should be nominal again in 2006 possibly strengthened through ECSS participation

12.04.2005 p. 7CMC - Athens - ESA Report

Meeting Location

Initial intent of CCSDS reorganisation Less co-location, more manageable meetings Responsibility and flexibility given to CESG and Areas

However still almost full co-location at Fall and Spring CMC meetingsRequirements / Constraints

CMC needs to meet at other places than OMG (e.g. inviting Agencies) CMC does not need to meet with OMG Meeting with OMG mainly required for CESG and some Areas only

Co-location with OMG is interesting Because they take care of the full organisation Is advantageous if we use it fully If it goes in parallel with a meaningful / fruitful cooperation

Possible continuation with OMG Full CCSDS / CMC co-location as now CMC may meet at other places if needed and would require attendance of

CESG Chair + Co-Chair + (exceptionally) some ADs

12.04.2005 p. 8CMC - Athens - ESA Report

OMG Organisation

For a first time the organisation has been smooth and satisfactoryCCSDS has to pass requirements

Meeting rooms: number, size, dates Supporting facilities: printers, beamers, connections

Should this not be done by CESG and Secretary ?How to handle participation fees ?

Maybe too expensive for most of the participating Agencies (~ 15 – 20 K€) Fees per participant seems more appropriate

How to deal with invitation for some Delegations requiring a visa ?

12.04.2005 p. 9CMC - Athens - ESA Report

Cooperation with OMG

OMG is initiating without consulting CCSDS a number of important RFPs that fall in CCSDS (SE / MOIMS) areaInitiative driven by Industry pushSame Industry is not motivated to participate to CCSDS

CCSDS too Agency dominated ? More freedom for Industry in OMG ?

Watch out cooperation / discussions with OMG in AthensRe-activate CCSDS / OMG WG to address issues and on continuation

Information’s Technology matters by nature in OMGOMG standards are eventually also becoming ISO standards

In which TC ?